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Show Used Everywhere. Ic ail countries from the torrid tc the Iririd a ?do, by people of all shades. Irom jot Hack Africans to the pure white Caucasian, the Florida Wata of Murray t 1 an man is used anc hishty eMeemod; truly it is justly calleo "The Great Perfumr." Yqt Sale at Z. C M. I. acd Godbe'f Drug Store. 664 A Tierce Stru??le. LV.-ei?o is -vr prejicg upon man, frum the criiie to -the irraTe. more tl.an or.o fca.i' of tho human family hare to ccr.tc;' inch uy inch the prc-,tjs.- ii'foc.f:- a-race'. U hat a boon ib'n rti.-l Bntto''s H-trsapar'lla and i'tl s tV ; th' y purer; out ail poisonous ai.r, ;l,ty j arify the blood ar:d h'rc"s. i'r..-y g:vc toe a-d pow?r :o : ih:- wh'e f.-t-'j3, an-l enable iheboy i co throw o j7 d;.'--i-s that woaid oihei i w:'e cave harried it to the grave. 1 Rt Sale by ail Dmcgista." 623 SPECIAL ADVEUTISEJEMS WANTED. k ;iki.t L"m;kkkalH"I KW"RK. Aifh t'J -Hi;. J,lh i. Li. J-th jir L. WiiM.N WANThD F'K A SM A Ll. laiuily ; iu-..-t -a uud i'vL, wi-Lr and Ileum iij'i Lo-.il St.-io, d-vr it-h vl m: sale. 'I'UE LKA-K 1 IL 'IWii Yi:.ilS UK A i trv d..--iiBD:e .t .-c. :i -Man trfc?l. be-l(en be-l(en Gi-ivv - !'!-:. I. 1 la!:.or 'Tv ' St '.re. 'luc. L ui m i .Mji'.iw, I'-1 Kunl.all blutk. K'tiU rOJ ItKNT. pIK-TCLASSnn-IOKiT" KENT OVER 1 first 'dUunal Uao!.. EST11AY. CAMK TO MY Pl-ACK. AT WARM SlTinya, on The 2th of January, a hi'inT Call, rod and hue, crujj and hulo in rmht ear, and hulo in 1H oar. Tho owner fan havo it by raying tor advoriiiinu ami trouble, febll Uto. IL JiKi. CHOTOE ACCOMMODATIONS VOIl A low lodsors aud hwardors. Kuimro al thiOoio. J'-l fSZix DR. GROVES, 1 ' OSoo. Swond oulh ttreet. Thro doors wft if Great Wi-sioro UotM, half a block oaat of Klai.haat C-torc. bait Lakeuy. Ollieo huurs from 'Ja.in. to 5 p.m. mil Argent Lodfc-t', No. 3, A. F. A. M. STATED Communications this Lodi;o bold on tho Kirst and Third Tuesdays ol eaoh munih, at -Masonic Hull, 1'asL Toniilo itreet. Members of Si.-ler I.oduos and o-iimrninir o-iimrninir brothron in good standing aro cordially cor-dially invitod, , ... A. W.NUCKOLS. W.M. W.U. TilltD. Poe'y. d NEW "ADVERTISEMENTS S-A-XjT lake THEATBE. Saturday, Feb. I5ili, 1373. Will bo prosonlod for tho socond and lust liuio Iho thrilling drama in J acta, entitled HEREvlir OF THE CAVE. by Call. John Martin, orthis city. MISS JEAN CLARA WALTlillS An ALICIA! FULL DRAMATIC COMPANY! TUE5UAY EVENING, FEBRUARY IS, BKNEFIT OF Ma. A. T11011NE. O. F. STRICKLAND, LATH JUUtJB SKC'OSD JL'nlCl.M, DISTHICT, ATIOUNEY-AT-LVW, SALT LAKE CITY, - I'TAII. fl Filey's Famous ARE MACE SOLELY BY THE fflSIMIHlK CD, ST. LOUIS, MO. Aro doing moro nn d Charter BETTER COCKING, . Uuirn it Uall liUICKEK AND CHEA PER Than any Storo of scimo cost. ARE ALWAYS Charter Low.Pri(;ed Reliable, Oak And Oporuloa Perfoctly. WILL DO YOUR OharterCOOKING CHEAP Oak aoJ oa'' (titick ana clean. , Always Warranted , Charter ' A S D Oak Solil by LIVE STOVE DEALERS. novH We Claim That the PRLNCE ORGAN'S arc the best ever offered to tbo Citizens of this Territory. WE CLAIM The PRINCE ORGANS aro aanerior io all others in Power and Quality of Tone, Variety of Effdcis, Beauty of Design, Excellence of Workmanship, And Curability. PRINCE ORGANS have been in use in Utah ibr Twenty Ycare, and their tone tc-iay ia of better quality than when 6rst purchased. They stand the climate pcrflc1 'y and improve im-prove with apo. To convince the Public iV&t ihav Organs are all we claim for them, WE CHALLENGE AH other make of Oreans dow offered for sale in ih'n Territory to a trial, eatisned that the judges selected to determine their meriu will return a V crdict in favor of the Prince Organ. This i3 no brsggadoeia. 'We mean what we eay, an4 from and after this ; 1 day we hold ourselves in readiness to ; test our $15, loU, $170, i'XV, and ; t-oO Prince Oraang against any and ' all Organs offered for sale in Utah, at corresponding prices. J. DAYNES & SON, d3 2 doors oastoFGodbo'! Dru JStere. Trees! Kassrs I lt3$l Seefis HEDGE PLAXTS! NUaSERY STOCK ! FSUIT AND FLCWER PUTES Address F. li. TIIOFXIX. BLOOMiNGTON NURSERY, ILLINOIS. Acres; 21 j: -rer; 12 rccobr.cse? I Apple, lyjuu l jr.. 3Ji: Jr. S-lt 3 j. JfcJ; 3 1 4 CaiAlQfutfi 3J Cefiii "ITIH riRE-llRICK CO." W. li. CHISHOLM. I C. W. I'EN'N IHT. I'lt-iJvct. I i'reaj. A Sw'j. Wsi. T. MA THEWS. tfu.-erinU-adcDL. Capttul Slotk, 330,000. We maiidU-. tare at fllt Lake City and Ltlii Make rirvUru-k. tire-Co xt-nt, Krunt Itiind-i.roMiHl . Building lirick, Stove linck. CruL-ibls. K.ium. icAc-I Hiit malarial not sur:'j'fd in any rart t-f ihetaolid. Oll;cLtlil, iiuibiuu cd ulllW clave. W. T. Ma:hi-irs ihn Fii ialundent iias bad I'lavo vt w..rk i.Uli LaeCitv. BL.ar .l.'bi!-f'H't .l.'bi!-f'H't dmtrhot WiTk. tH'i.'o .No. LV, .l.iui e "i I !urni-h 1 iru- I'.nvk ajd all fire tua-teruli.-hua,.i'r tQiui thoj- can be tiui-oitd. ai:J ol bvitax M'ulity. o iir. its all fumai-o tuva Xt call. i'uu-Lrifki made lo flail, UrLera solkited. K'll Our Mr. MATilKWS is atent fir S. B, Munson, Jun., & Co.'s Patent ("orrupHietl Mt'( alic fLiut:!cM, 1 run KontiuK. Curruiiulod lrun I'ours.SiiiHU'i., etc., i'U il jjjui.-L'jrixl at Cliica'O, llliuuis-Sl'W-iiiit'DS can be at tbo cilice of tliu C'juii'Uii'i ivliero cunuacO tail lit- niuJo. C. W. liliNMEl'L". fruc. S500.000 WST1UJJUT10N Grandest Schem8 of the Age. 10.1 CASB JIFTS $111' Capita! Gift $100,000! $100 000 foroniy $10 !y niithoritp ofn Spwial Act of tho Legislature Legis-lature ol" Alurclt Hitti, 171, iho Til bSASD Gift CMCEET ! For tfa banufit ofthe IH'BLIC LIBRA KY OF K KNT1CKV, is borcby iinnuuocod to coin a off in tho (trout hull of tho Public Librury building at Louisville, Kuutuaky, on TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1873. At this Concort the host musical tnloot that can bo piocurod from nil jmrH of tho coiiDtrj' will be ouiiloyod,aiid the oaoriuoiia sum of $500000 IN CURRENCY! Will bo distributed by lot among tho lid.ot-boldurs lid.ot-boldurs in 1U,lkjJ Gilts, ovury one of which will bo cash. list or oirTp. OnoOrnml Cash liifl 81iK,(Hi Ono Orund Cuah GitU 6u,tK)U Uno Orivnd Cicsh tjift iVi.iNjU Uao (irund Cash (.lift ' LD.LhW Ono (Irand Ciwh Gift lU.UOO Ono Unind Caah (Jill - o.uiHL 21 Cash Gitta of 81.1KK) each 21,000 &0 Ciish G ifU of iW oucb 20.000 S) Cash Gifts of llWouch K2, 100 Cash Gil'U of oOO ouch ;(U,oUJ 150 Cash Gitla or aw each mi.txw bW dish Gifts of 100 ouch fi!i,UUO 0,000 Cash GifU of IU oaoh Ko.ouu Total, 10,000 Gifts, all Cash, 000.000 Tho object of this Third Gift Concert is tho oolargouiont nnd endowment of tho Public Library of Kontucky, which by tho Bocial nut authorizing tho concort lor its bonolit, is to bo forovor froo to all oitiiona of ovury atato. To inovido mouns for this uingaiticont and iraisowirthy undortaking, Ono 11 undrod Thousand Thou-sand TickeU. and no moro, will bo sold at tho following iricos: PRICE OF TICKETS. AVholoTiekots $10, Ilalvos i- and Quattors S2..0. Klovun Whole Tickets for SHU); is for SJ.V.; :ii for SODO; H:! for S1.000 ; for f 2,)0: iiVt for S-"..000; l.HiO for S 10,000; 2,:i. fbrS20,000; and O.tKx) lor $00,000. No discount, on Jons tli:in Sim) worth oflickoti ata tiuio. This Third Gift Concort will bo conducted like tho lirst and second heretofore given, and full particulars of tho niodo of ilrawius tho gilts nnd paying tbom and ovory thing necessary ne-cessary to a thorough understanding of tho schutno, from beginning to end, aro now pub-lisbod pub-lisbod in tho form of a circular, winch will bo furnished, froo of cost, lo any ono who wants it, Tbo onliro minaccinont of this undertaking hsu boon committed by tho Trustees to HON. TUOS. K. it It A, VI LETT Jj, lato Govornor of Kontucky, to whom all communicatiuns pertaining per-taining to tbo Gift Concort suould bo ad-Urosbou. ad-Urosbou. R. T. DURH ETT, Prosidont P. L. K. JOHN tJ. CAIN, Kocrotury 1. L. K. For further information cntiuiro at Zubris-kio's Zubris-kio's Saloon, Salt Luko City, or to U. il. THOMPSON, j22 Virginia, Novndo. Why do the People Buy th8 ORGAN! AND Why are all our ORGANS SOLD for three shipments ahead ? Because we SELL the best Organ in America, on easy instalments, and Purchasers know where they make the best Bargains. Those who wish to see the "Estey" had better . call today to-day as we shall ship them all out this afternoon. CIIAS. W. STAYNEll, (iKNEIlAL AGENT, No. 5 Main Stroet, Noit toSnvago's Li al lory, ill) Suit Lake City. -EL"" CHEAP BOOTS 00 TO Taylor & Cutler's AST1IKY ARE CLOSING Ol;T TUKIR WINTER STOCK VERY LOW. CHARTER OAK COOKING STOVES CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER U01SE IN TOWN. A FULL STOCK OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS WHICH THEY ARE OFFERING SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ON. Groceries AS LOW IN PRICE AS THE LOWEST. 2J Cans fresh PEARS and PLUMS 35 ceots. TAYLOR & CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE 8TREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. WI FLUX FOIL SMELTERS. The underired, having been appointed S-ile Aifeoti f-jr Utah, of iho celebrated Llem-tiie Llem-tiie Iron U.-e of Wjomins Territjry, wli.it tbe pfttrurate of tho vsrioa; foroaces, beher-LzjLhb beher-LzjLhb tu be the Beet liua i'lax ever offer.! the iinblic- Orden filled atihon noiiee. .j-i-y to CORDON & MURRAY, Half Clock South II, B Depot, SaIi IJte City. j2i PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. FOR THE SPitINGL1873. llaiii'K comi'VlcJ our extensive Allcraliun- in th.- RETAIL DSY GOODS DEPARTMENT A:iti mmlc arranpi'tiif nta l'r Wc Li-,: In ii'Mtio "ir numerous I'iilrnns wi sir-ill Kxhiliit Cor ihrir i I ipt rtion DRESS GGQIK, M SATINS, TRIMMINGS, Also Staple Dry Goods, etc. We havo sdilotl to our varied Stnrk Ladies' Underwear, etc. Auil I'laii iu'in Pciiuilmctit under the caro of an accomr lisbed Lwy Clerk. II. B. CLAWSOiN, Supt. DUWFORD & SONS Oiler to the Public a choice Stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, CAPS GLOVES, & LADJSiS S IJSJS, At a small advance O M" O O S MP , To make room for Big Inducements Offered. Gr3ox neduction IN TUB PRICES OF Winter Clothing. CLOTHING DEPAP1W1HHT, Will dispose of tlx balance of their stock of Winter Clothing, ooaaisUDg of HEAVY SUITS, PABJTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, -AND- HATS and CAPS, At greatly reduced prices, lo make room for llicir spring purchases. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF SLEIGH and CARRIAGE RUGS, At low Cgurca to close them out. A FINK LOT OF HORSE BLANKETS"1, To meet Ihc demand created by the prevalence of the Epizootic. French, Kntfixh m! Amertcati Nuilinss, onlinirs mxl CnsMiuertfS i:i grat variety and latest styles. Mens am! ir, . nits of the latest fashions, fvoiu tlie first es in fS'ew Vork, Hostoii, Chicago anil Kan Francisco. A FULL STOCK OK MOM IS MAPK CASSIMERES AND JEANS 1 , WFirOll WE INVITK INbl'EOTrON, MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, IloaiURY. GLOVES, UMBRELLAS COLLARS AND ' GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Gapes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND- SH01&, EASTERN AND HOME MADE, ALL THE NEWEST styles of HATS AND CAPS WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS I.N GREAT VARIETY. . Tho treat success which has attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department T T3 , Has induced us to make Large Purchases for our Fall and Winter Trade laiiors Notions and Trimmings ofthe best quality always on hand. H. B, CLAWSQH, auperliitrnrteiif."' JOSKi'H tiOKU.VSKI, CIVIL K N (i I N E IJ It , U. S. MINFI'.AI, AND D KITTY SLK-VLtuK SLK-VLtuK Jr'uli t'l'AU, Offi-e: Firt South Street, nearly owwiw ol .Majii-g Church. eey, SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, ffl'eu.ilc of C:- .M.LrkcM All Iticis (if cuui'jDarv. l'i.rt-at, or Locomotive Locomo-tive BOILERS, and TANKS, .MaJe or Hcrairt-J. REAPFR AND VOWKTIS WD TilKLiHING MACilLM.-;. " :iirl aid i-u- ic li'jnnin; Order. V rk '!" -ii tli Sfc'.rTf't .V ' . t i -.-Boilcrj r ij& .-. j;:,: -t Ur.cn ia exChange Ord.jra by Telc-rah.,r Mail iTyiuj-tly at. 4M J01I3 bLuA.N C0.. ProwiwOT, AATin. DJVIS & SOXS' IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY NOW IN OI'KKATION, All kinda of Oaatin g- I-ae o o:-r oo the shortest nctice. Jiujc guaranteed. .1LSO AcJKXIo luu 'xuu GRIFFITH & WEDGE VEriTiSAL STEAM ENGINES SAW MILLS, Shingle and Heading Machines Hijhm pri .,;,, fr d Drajli c and Cut Jruii. FXKiT Wt-T t-TH t.K'r, N V. k KuHTH NOTICE. 7E MOST HlvSl'KCTFll.LV CALL tho mien Una 1 tlio l'ulliu to a iniriiun of the (.'iU' OrJtuanot' in rolntiou to uuaniioe piL-vjcJ'Aufiust 4(li. lt-Tl. .Iftvr Oujitos, ) 'JtiRrnrttino W. J'..".MiKH30.'i. j I'bjrsiciaui. Salt LaKelCiiy, Fok. 6, lh7.i. Sue. S. That if any iierrwn or I'orsuna ihnlltts louml in mi iih.-:ilOiv c.r.,liti..n friu Bny couiipjiiHis iliionso, "ithlu ltioalorc-5ii.il iuit- HM111U IlLllll.-. tll-.V hlltlll, il III till) juiIkoiuphi 0f llio t-ni-l U.'ard i-f tuaiaiiHm tho nih'tv f ihi I tritii i telm'leili or thu i.uoIid, hIihII ruoJor mii li ai-tiitn nrviv-iiry, bo rtviroil to reiuovo luTthn iih, to such I'lnoo, wuum mni iuu, M Mini Hiuitvl may ilitoii; anil if any mk-1i I'vtsun shall ni'sloct ur roluto to cmuii1' therownh U :iall ho tho ilniy uf sm i llimnl ti havo it il. -limit iho oirono uf suiil i.irsi.n; niul if in tho jmlKiiu'iitnf mill laril it elmll bo doouinl n.lvi.abl,. L..r the i-orsun inf.vio.l to ri,lnsm in lilt usual iiliu-i ol ulnKin tor caro iitiil trt-uieiit, trt-uieiit, llio Mini Ui'aril ?liatl roiniol mai4tnf fUuraniiuinK of Mild ilooo ol abiulo, .y rauain If W ki-i'l diai'liiytnl i-i'ii.siiicinni.-ly iluriiiK ilia ,.di..,l ..I danr. a yolioir llaB UI,un I'Miui-m, in wml iu by iislublistiinB a Unt j nt or tieur thu aino, Liy (tn uiK iiotto in xlt in,. -I i hi bin- nirimii'i- iTiiDiH-alilii thai naid i,ffl. liiiMi-,1 iiro intwtod ; and further by rr,;ulntin( and iTvihibiuiiK inRros. nnd csrow u aUl 1vlll Find rrouiiw, initU nil ilaiuor Irom inlerti,,n tlu ii'iii fhall ham l omed, ami Urn iuhh n,or. ...Uli niOHsun'S lor .li-.ci-ctM.ii Hai.L .ri-uu.M it 11 Imvo botn ttiKen, And ll ttio otlivliof uny I'lTsim bo found in a i-ondition liable to ciiKi'nder roiittiniuuii tUioaHo, tlii'eiuiin ihall at lLo iliBcrction of iho iiiuiriiuiino jibyiicinn bi- roiiioi od or do-troyod at iho M.em ul iha ii iv tier thereof: iuiiI in the oi uiit of tliu reitigi ol uny I'urM'ii no in lectcd. (hu iromis,i3 rolll ivhii-h no t retuovod, nnd ttio hoiisbiid ibui oMHiii'd, ahull bu Mtnotly iiuaraiiliiiwl until all ilHiiBcr of infocliou shall time iaased: and ,.u,-b uif:sun for tho i.MrilWtion (,f .Bid promise." shall bo tiikoiii iu in tlmjiidfiiiem of tho ijuaruiiHuu jdoaKiitua eliall bo uuuoi-ry. uuuoi-ry. Sk 4. Tho nnniM of all iinarnntlne )ihy-bIc )ihy-bIc mi ms nhnll ho pnblitiliod iu nt-mo nownpii,0r lrinlod in 8nlt Lake City, UiiriiiK tho continu-nnco continu-nnco uf tho contagion. All phyaii-moi or uttior roriiis haiini: any knowleditu of (lis oiitcnio of any inaliuanl cinmious dli-vitfu, dli-vitfu, or huiiiiK ri'iu-on to huliovo any u,-o iliMMiflooxit.i. nrn lioroby ro.piiiod tn rctirt thu aunio forth ivil h to a iiuiiruutiiie jilivinoii a ml pbyitiiina, nursivi or any other ihts.hu, who hni o buon, or hll bi i'spnoj to eu,-h coiituiiiouR disi'iiss, mo horehy lorbiddim tu iniiiiilo with, or bo in iho jirrnoncu ol otiiurt, - MibjLvl lo tlio .iniiiiKioii, iii niii'h cliithiiii ai inay havo boon iisnd h-iro thoro win mu-li ilisoaiio, or othonviso c.po:o uny mtsuq lj uui'h cunlamon. iSi:t it. Any jiorntin noslwlini: or refiininr to comply with tliu above romiiruiiu-uij, dmll bo liuble to ii lino not o.vi'oi-diiijt uno hundred dollar, or bo itnpriionud not lo cM-uud l munlliH, or both lint) ami iiuiniouniuoDU feO EAGLE HOUSE Teasdel & Co. Tho plaoc for tbo public to buy, Teasdel, & Co. Winter 8baw!a aud Dresa Gooch, Teasdel & Co. Flanuols, Nubias, and Gloves. Teasdel & Co. Homo-tnado BooU aud Shoes Boat in the Tcaritory. TEASDEL & CO. Sugars, Toaa and Coffees, Vhooie, UaooD BLd Lard. TEASDEL & CO. Men's C!othinKl flalp, Shirts and Furnishing Goods, TEASDEL & CO. Carpets, Rurp, Mats and Car-tains. Car-tains. TEASDEL & CO. Blccs Sewing Maebinos. War longer and are lena liable to pet out of order. Tbo best in the World. No trouble to bhow Goods. Careful attention to orders and goods delivered de-livered to all tho trains and any part ofthe oily free of charge. TEASDEL & CO., East Temple Street. Opposite Salt Lake House. IRTISTUTraOX! TMIK BOA HI) OF DIRECTORS OK THE I. Uwrft Amk-ulturai and MannraetunM Solely offer u iTomium of lifty d-.llan to i" Arti-t, of I tab Territory f-Mbo b-t .le-ig for a Diidomu. The Hoard of Director, to M Iheauardmir Mtoinittee, rw'.Tv.ng be nat to withhold Ibe award if in their judging w dcinn fnilficieMly weritoriouj is 1'rentM1'' compctitioB. J'.-iiKiis will be rcen e ur.. Aiill(L Award to bo announced A I-nL l"-iiy l"-iiy order Of tbe Ilo.nr.l, ,,,, UD V A' JUL. -L. I".'-"- becretarT IIPMITI'OlFSTOI'I, THE IMPORTED THOROUGHBRED DEVON BTJII- Young Washington, la ont of Iho Snt bred Dtrtn country. Pedigree full and Complete. Half breed Devon Cows arc splcnd"1 milkers. Half breed Devon Oicn for ""k and speed aro unsurpassed. 11. 1( (.lawoun, nvrlh-treat corner r uao " !l In ..Uuick nql" " J'-Sfliiui J'-Sfliiui al Uiobubloa. |