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Show Salt Lake Daily Herald. Published every morning, except Monday. T K H H S I rioornr 111 00 i x months 6 no ()n monib ....."..1..".' h"J One week 26 Invariably in advance. JIM1N T. CAI.VK, K, SLOAN, W. C. DI.NBAU, Editors and Publiihcn: otm mtor. DEERE & Co., "V.ViS.- .. M luiufaeturert of tho goDulno MOLINE PLOW. T!io-o V1"t havo for tin ra.'t Tiartcrcf a crninrv miini.iinvl tho ict'ulalwn of the All svniiin .Mohne I'lowt bear tho brand a huttu ia tho abuTo cut. ilia WATCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. ELI ASOIM. IyV.i' to irtforrn (he rosi.ioni.x of Salt Lake ft lv nn.i vi.-initv, that ho not only (tusrant m pni'irlv Kfi-iiir. t'lcnri and A .(i a-t Wall-lie .in. I OhMtioiiu'ter, hut ho wi 1 tti.iko ill "in r ;i:iv part of thotu. to ordor. and ir.i'r?it -ho wrli. , , .hi't nvo . .tl a now mvr? of Elem. Wai-hes, and a lino St -ok of lirst-cU-i lewolrv. l'rii'os a.i any la tOHQ. Twg dKtn Lah 4 :UiQi)a.i)t,U,uilt. a BANKERS. A. W. WHITE & CO 33 .A. 1ST TS. E 2rt S JCAST TKHPLK STKKKT, Dulen ta GOLD DUST.COIN AND BULLION, Exchange on all the p-rincipaL Ctu,i of the United Mate and JCurope, Particular atteniion riven to Collection i aad proceeds remitted at Current rata ..of KxohanKe on day of paymeot. GEO. B. WH1TNBY, Attorney: COllltKSPONDKNTSi Bank of California - Ban franc: soa L A Waller - - New York C-k Coil m j National Bank - - Chicset llukell Bonk . .... fit. Locli Slate Bank of Nebraska - - Omaha xiyH WELLS, FARGO & CO.. EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Baukersaad Dealers iu Exchaue Draltaoo Europe. Koropcan Collection promptly attended to. Kant Templa BLreat, Salt L.a.k: Olty. ml3 Tbio. F. Taior, Aaent. First National Bank of Utah 'SALT LA KB CITY, e Special Advertisement on Third S.ALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Salt La lie City, Utah Ter.; Authorized Capital - $500,000 Ben J. M. Dnft.U, PretidcnL Hngtx White, CaihUr, Humtud 3t Kikkpatbiok, Attorney i. :CORRESPONOENT8 I upnr vnu a J National Park Bank. Ji KW iUKF j Donnr'l. Lawson A Co, " SAN F.tANCISCO California Trnat Co. LONDON Jay Cooke, MoCalloch Jt Co. felS DESERET National Bank or SALT LAKE CITY UTAH PaMup Capital, $200,000. Authorized Capital, $1,000,000. BRIGHAM YOUNG, Presiilont,l 11. S. ELDKEDiiE, Vico l'roa t, I II- HUUl'KK, W it. JK-NN1NU6, rDiroctora. JOHN SHAM. ! J. T. LITTLE. t L. S- h H.1.S, Caahior, J SEAL lit UOLD TrST, COIN, KXCIIANUL, LAMI WAKK.TS, COJ-hlKll', COJ-hlKll', etc. OoUootions made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE INTEREST PAID ON Savings Deposits. LEGAL. o. a. , u a n a , ATT O RNE Y-A T-Jj A IT, I'toto, Utab. JAMES M. CARTER, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, Office over 1st Not Bnnk. octS EAST TEAil'LE STREET. G. E. WHITNEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office OTor Don ford A Sons' Store, MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE flTY. THOMAS FITCH, ATTO RNB if-AT-LAW, 010 U Street, Washiuglon, D. C. Especial "lualion given to obtaining Patenta to Minos. ! nov 15 I BATES &ORMSBEE. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, Anonts for Pure li use siid SiUc of Mines & Lands, (jKO. C. liiIK3. ) V Salt Lake City, ChARLKSW. OllMSBKK.J llah. Warner Baril, F- M. Snuih. EARLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALT UII OtTT. FLrtt Bouth Street. Htomi II and 12, No 1U6, Kimball Block. TILFosD. 8. A. MAEli. TILFORD & MANN. ATTORNEYS - AT-I.AW No. 30 Flret South Street. 06 J. B. Koaborough, S. A. Morritt Rosborough & Morritt, ATTOKNSY 8 A T h A W , Salt Lake City, Utah, Offiea, l!-t South Stroet, fint building cast Deaorel Uank corner. oct W. BATDO.t, C GILCHRIST HAY DON & GILCHRIST, ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW SALT LAKE CITY. Office orcr lit National Bank of Utah. alS 0. H. Hempatead. M.Kirkpatrica, HEMPSTEAD & K1RKPATRICK, Altorntyi-at-Law, Main Street, opposite Weill. Fanro Jt Co. hi.ti.khtt. a'.r TRIUNE BAKERY Cracler Mamfantori, So- 117, asla Street, Salt Lake Clt. Wo hare now received our CRACKER MACHINE With .11 th. TMwt imppiv.mcTiH. Tvl' r. Vins H1IY DU'tElit.M K1M0 OF GALLACHER S. SONS. Scad ftr Price List ai Adlrew P. 0. Box 9H. TOIL! COAL !! COAL!!! 1'HK rVlU.IO ARE UKKKRY NOTIFIED that I am tUo Smc A--nt for the lira) Can von C--JI in ait County. liiiyou can obtain thii irl-'iMi.l Ccsl by the ton or ear load by arrlyirm to me. at the office of Jos. A. Youns, Salt L.tko City. C.J- L. Salesman U.C-K.B. Depot. U, O. PARK. P.O. Box. 363. i0-1 H0TAR1ES PUBLIC -'IlAfl. A. Gori-D. A. 8- OOrLD' A. S. GOULD & SON, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Commissioners of Deeds, Conveyancers Conveyan-cers and Searchers ofKecords. n AVE RESUMED BUSISESS AXD FOR the reient will occupy as an office, Room No. , over First National Bank, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Aj'i'Ucationa for ratcnt.i, mining dcod, ajt-ecmenu and bonds for deed., murUace?. I lowers ot' attoraey. IcaiC?. contract1! and otiier in-tnimcnt.-of wruin drawn with accuracy and d i -fatch. Mining and other romp an ies incorporated under tho law; ..f I' tali. Ab.-iracta of titles to mininc and fther property prop-erty made in tho most complete form. All btiFinera en trusted to this firm will be retarded aj strictly prirato. iebld CH A H. W. BTAYNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and commiaaioned by the Gov-mor. Office Lst door south of Savage's. Photograph Gallery . Salt Lake City. tiii IU. K. OILLBIFIB. W. . 1TOOD8 GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEY ANCIRS, j AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Ack50WLKDGKst9 taken lor the several STATK3 AM) TKRSITOR1K3. Office hoar?, 9 a, to 9 p. 11. Roo-n Ne. 5 ever First National Bank, talt Lake City, Utah Territory. s5 S Q So as H Co I o s b j iS i s g c m r 13 i l t 3 h t n a. T Ik at CONFECTIONERY. The undersipned wishes to inform h'xa numerous Friends and tho Publio generally, that ho has everything every-thing in the above Hoe, CONSISTING OF THE FINEST ORNAMENTED CAKES COFFEE CAKES, TEA CAKES, AP1ES, MACARONIES, LADY FINGERS. KTC, ETC-, ETC, FRUITS, NUTS, AND THE BEST HOME MADE CANDIES In tho market, A FULL STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANGY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS AND VARIETIES, Usually kept by him, aro now Sold as Cheap as any House iu Towd. DANIEL CRENIC. EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET. Above Soeond Snnth Street ,H lt 1-i.Kc Cll-- More Light 20,000 GALLON'S Of tho celebrated IMPERIAL OIL, 150 Firo Test. AXD C B O "W" IsT, 110 Standard Ftro Test, FOR SALE. BY TUB BARREL OR CASE. IN LOTS TO SUIT. PETROLEUM ion-b.piosne riuiu, SIXTY CENTS TER GALLON. LIMPS AND LIMP GOODS FOR THE MILLION I AT TBI Pioneer LaniD Store Nearly opposite the Market, i r. EESE & CO, awM HOTELS, ETC. TlERim HOTEL, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Terms SO per rtay? 1 Weekly Board and Room; il4,UU to Tabic Board, OO. A Tow Fint Class families can End pleasant Salt Lake City, November 1?72. J. C. LIIIL.E. no21 i'ropriotor. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL OS THE EURO PICA If PL A If. Situated in bn;icei- part ol the city, with aoeemmodation for iixi cuouls. FIRST-CLA?S accomiDodation for Familie and Travelers. GUMma, 50c, 75c, 91.00 and S1.90 per day. Din ins; Hal and Restaurant nnder the management of M. II. iieardsley, laic of the Morrison Hoaie. Om iha, and Tichnor Boose. Lincoln, Neb, Board par weak, STi Meals, 50c. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Btaf es leave daily for the mines. Laundry connected with the hoteL 831 ITU A BIGAZE, myl7 Proprietors Washington House Third Soutli street, HALT LAKE CITY Board, and Lodging, per Waek C7 00 Board and Lodging, per day, 1 45 Day Board, per week, 5 06 Single French Spring Beds, per neck, - - a 50 Beds, per Might - 50 sisals - 33 j4 TOWNSEKD HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. IDE LKAD1SG HOTEL UP UTAH. JAMES TOWHSEHD PRO PR) E TO It. This House it centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, woll furnished, and has aooomrmoda-tioaifor aooomrmoda-tioaifor 10 (Qoeta. THE PROPRIETOR is now prerarlnr 0 build large additions to his Hotel, wtiwh when finished, will renJ-ar it the Mott Complete EttoblUhment in the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION mU TAYLOR'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. myll WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SlIji aJ.1ii.Ej S-XXX TJT A II . T-UIS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND boat appointed Houo in Utah Territory, and has accommodation for throo hundred and fifty Kuostf. Street cars and car ring as connected connect-ed with the White Sulphur Uaths. Reading Rooms, containing papors fruin all mints, Baths, Bar, Tolucraph, Noitb and Cigar atand attached to tho ilouso. il. S. GREELEY. A CO.. norfl rrcu-not.n-s. W.X REYNOLDS A CO., E- B- ZABRISKIE, San Francieoo. Salt Lake City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAYI FOE SALS A FINE LINK O? WINES AND LIQUORS, To whioh they call the attention of DEALERS, Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. 80LE AUENTS FOR "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST 33 .A. IEL L 1M T 11 K Ul T I CONNECTED WITH THE HOUSB. 64 MAIN STREET Two doors south of Welle, Fargo ACo'i Bunk- m5 C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All Itodi of HEAVY HARDWARE. Iron find Sled Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSSITn TOOLS, A.f rtewitural Inpltmiati Ani H.Lmmg Tools, At Lowest Rata. I'iVSITE I HE SALT 1dKE ilOUSE. al INSURANCE. ilUZO.V IXSl'RlXfE CO, J. B. Brm - - President. B.D. MLsr - - Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, JINK 30, 167. Cash on hand, in hank, and in coarse of tms.'aiiMk-n im.WS 57 Fniied Stales Bonds, market value l-.l 0? JIor.,-ajs , Sti.b46 t7 Collateral Loini.. l.i7 0 Aw rued Interest-. . A', at- BiltsKoceirible 15 State Bona asd Miscellaneous 5.p17 ifc i Due twin Agents Se,S7 te S&0.9OO- TO LIABILITIES. Ontstandinj Losses and other Ida biliuea, T7,711 W ER, Manna Co.j Agents, j Office! Banking; House of A. W. j WUlieA Co, . O. Bui, 534. irts ! AGEITOY OF THE Home Mutual IMRIXCE C0MPA.Ni, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL $650,000. JOHX H. REDINOTUX, Prc.ldent., CHARLES R.STOBT, Secretary, Principal Ojfict, 433 California St., SAN FRAXCISGO. H. R. MANN X Co., Agents Office: Banking House, A. W. WoiteJt Oo. a2 Prospectus for 1873. SixthYear. TH12 ALDINE, An Illustrated Houthiy Journal, universally admitted to be the handsomest 1'erlodtcal In the World. A ltepreaentatlre sad Champion of American Ameri-can Taate. Not for Sale in Book or News Stores. THE ALDIXE, while issued with all tho regularity, has none of tho temporary or tlmciy interest charactcristio of ordinary I'onodu-ali. It is an elegant miscellany of liuro, luttit, and graceml literature; and a col-Iwuon col-Iwuon ot 1 1 iet or us, tho raruH specimens of anjatic skill, in blu.-k and wliito, Although each succeeding number iitlordd a fresh pleasure pleas-ure to it. inondi, tho real value and beauty of ' .'ii"hLJji--'VH ho. Wi'St fU'l-recitttod alter it has been bound ui at the cloio 01 tno year. . W hilo ouior publications may claim superior cheapness, as couirurud Willi rivals of a similar cla3, I'lljj ALUi.NL is a uniuuo and original ' conception alono and uiitiiniroachod abso- luteb' without wmiietuiou in price or character. charac-ter. The i.oisifcj-or 01 a eomuloio volume crn- nutduplu-aio tho quimtity of lino paper and engraving in any utker sbapo or number of volumes tor n-u t lints li cuatimid then, there arc the cliruiuot besides I ART DLl'ABTMENT. ' Notwithstanding the incrcaso tn tho prico of subecru-tion ULst rail, ivQon TilEALDlAE assumed iu present noblo iiroiiortion and rer-rosuDtutivo rer-rosuDtutivo ctinracior, Uio edition waa mure titnti aouuitii durin; tno past year; prov-uig prov-uig tliul tno Amorii-un puuiio appreciate, and mil supi-ort, a. sincere ouort, in tho causo ot Art. iuo puoiisUcrs, anxious to ju.-tily tlio roadj coniideuco 'Bus Ucmonstrated, have oserted taem ulvea to thouimoSt to uovoloji coin in j year, oa unioidod by tno monthly is-i is-i sues, will tutouisn and uolit'bt even tho most sanguine iriemis 01 iliti Al,lU. E. llio Dubiisiiurs are authorised to announce designs irom many ot tho most oimncnt arusu: In addition, TH E ALDINE will prodneo examples ex-amples of Uio bust loieitfn mojtors, selected wiia a viorf to tho nig tie i artistic success, and greatest (joueral interoit; avoiding aueh as iiuvu ti ecu 1110 lumilior, through photographs or copios oi any kind. llio nuartcrt) tintod plates, for 1S73 will ro-lirvuucu ro-lirvuucu iu ur oi Joiina. jjuvios' inimitablo cHiid-3KeIcnos,apprui riale to tlio lour seasons, i itioso flatus, appearing in tho issues lor January, Jan-uary, April, J uly, and UcloOer. would ho alone morui Uio price oi jyoar's sulscrulion. ine i-ipuiar icaluroa ot a copiousb' illustrated illustrat-ed .nntmas" uumoor will beeoutinuod. To 1.UUHM ucb u t luuubio einuiiuo oi tho art woru, ai u evsi o triiiiug, ill command Uio suuscnptiuiu oi Qiousnuds in overy aoction 01 Uio cuuuirj ; but, iu tue useiulnoss and atlrac-iiuns atlrac-iiuns oi inn aluI.M, can ba cntiancod, in pru,urUou Lo Uio numerical increase 01 its up-poriurs, up-poriurs, Uio puoiisuers proioso to make "as-surance "as-surance double auro' by the loliotvuLS un-ptuaiioloa un-ptuaiioloa uUtir oi 1'KEIIIIM ClIItOMOS FOR1S73. Every' subscriber to THE ALDINE, who nays iu adi auco lor the year ISM, will receive, Lin ut uauiuonal cuargu. a pair ui bcautuul on chrumoa, auer J. J. mil, tuo eminent Lng-ash Lng-ash paimor. iho picturos, entitled "llio imigo ieit," and "trussing tho Alour," aro H i -o uicnes aro priuiea iromj difforcnt platee, rwuirini; -1 uuirosiuns and tints U pvr.t-cl eui-n picture, ilw fiiiuo c tiro mod aro Soul lor eo per pair, in me art atorea. As it is tuu determiuatiou ot its conductors to keep lllc .iLi.Ul-1 . out oi tboroucb ol cviupulition inosory dupartiuuni, itio ciimmos will bo loiuid corrc-poudnuLy ahead ci any that can bei'UeriM by utuer puriouicnlx. tJvcry subscriber sub-scriber ill roccn o a curtiai-ate, over tho sig-uaturo sig-uaturo oi tn iJUblislmra. nUBraiitcping tnattbe etiromos delivered .-ball Uoo-iual to tiio samples lumiauod tno aftout, or tno money will do ro-lunded. ro-lunded. ibo OjsUiLiiiUon ol pictujos of this gr-do, irco lo Uiu subscribers to a uve dollar periodical, will ujurn an eiuch in the history oi.Art; and, considering tno unprocedeutod ciieui nesa ul the priie :ur ilit A1.U1.N t itoeli, Uio marvel lulls lutlo .-bort ot a miracle, oven to tboo bo.-t aoiuuiiJted with tho acbiove-ments acbiove-ments 1 1 inveutn o suuius and improved me-cii;uiical me-cii;uiical appliances. 1'ur illustrauuns of Uiiue chroiuos, too JS'ovcinhor isauo ul 1'ilL ALlf.LN.L-J 111 K LITERARY DKl'ARTMENTS will continue under the care of Mr. RICHARD ilt..Mil aUiuHAnl', oasisied by ibo best writers and ifocta of the day, who will drive to bavo Uio literature ol THE ALDINE always al-ways inauobinii ivith its artistic attraction;. TERMS. so per annum, In aavance, it ith Oil thiaiuai free. , THEALDINEwill.berenfter.be obtained j only by suo.'trn lin- 'lliero will l0 no reduced re-duced or ciub rate ; cash fur subscriptions mult bo ;vul to tho pub Issuers direct, or handed tv tho h-iral ai r;;, wlihout rer.Min.lblllt y lo the jMitillnlitrs, citoi t in rA'w whero iheconiiicaie isiti ven, hear intr the fac-elmlle &iQAluie ol J ahu aLiros X Co. AliENTS WASTED. Any piT.'on. wi-hinc t" set permarifiitly a." a local a-c-ut. wili n- eivetull aad prompt in-foruiaiivu in-foruiaiivu by apply in 8 to JAMES SITIOX 4 Co, Pnblttbera. OS MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. W. ii. aIajirisoton, Acent, Herald OfBoe. nl5 . LUMBERYARD. All Kinils or Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS. BUXDS, MOULDINGS, giU.NGLKS, LATHS, T. II. JONES DES MOINES TRADE. DES MOINES Scale Company ! F. R. TV EST, PrwidenL S. F. SrOFFORP, Vice-F't. j 3 GEO. A. JEYETT. Secr'y- lL VT. REDHEAD. Treasurer. Sat.73, S. S. HITCHCOCK, Supt WM. DICKERSON, General ApeaU We are mannfacturinfc. and ran fill orders On short nouce, the following: Hay, Coil and Stoti Scales! RAILROAD, Warehouse & Counter Scales WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES I FLOTR AND BUTCHERS' UK AM 9 Baggage and Warehouse Trucks. - Every article warranted durable and accurate. SCALES OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Address, for Circulars, DES NOISES SCAT.K CO., no36 Des Moinas, Iowa. A. E. ROBERTS & CO., Manufacturer of SCHOOL FURNITURE, OFFICE DESKS. CnUKCH, 11 ALL, AND COURT HOUSE SEATS. DES MOKES, IOWA. Blackwell's Liquid Slating and Black Board. Order, soli;iccd. Send Tor Illustrated Cata: g..o and l.Ul. .1- IVIISCELLANEOUS! OOSTI ru o n CHRISTMAS SEW YEAR PRESENTS THE MOST DESIRABLE 0P-PORTDNITri 0P-PORTDNITri CARL C.lSMUSSEN WILL 8RI.L .Vcd viahtt to fall Fr-wial attention to his beautiful assortment of fino Ladies' Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelets, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS RINGS, CHAINS, LOCKETS and CHARMS. Also a great variety of tho best selected GOLD KECLAI1ES. BROOCHES, BROOCH-ES, EAR RIXGS AND FULL SETS A compla'.o assortment of tho best grades of AMERICAN WATCH KS the most suitable for Railrt.ad Travelers, Farmers and Minora. Fnr sironKth and sood doing they are unsurpawed, and will keep longer than any other watch. ALL GOODS ARE SOLD UPON IIONOR AND WARRANTED. The public axe cordially invited lo inspect CARL C. ASilUSSEN, JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER, OPPOSITE- POST OFFICE, S. L. CITY. td!3 CRACKERS! CRACKERS! Crackers ! SaltLale Steam Cracter Factory NEAR R. R. DEPOT. T AM M A N U F A CTr 1! TX (1 tholpt Ol'AL-1 Ol'AL-1 ITY and ()IIKATKT VAHIKTV of ( RM KKK4, ever produced in the Territory, Terri-tory, which I oflor tn tho Tnido and Public generally, at tbo lowest pu.ihlo price.'. Merchants and friend? are re.iuetd to call and examine my guods and prices, boloro purchasing. R. Y. ANDERSON, Salt Lake City. Jan. 4, lTi Utah Territory. CiilCAGO & iLTOX R. I The Only Ftrat-Claae Ros-4 In -. the Wcatt LOUISIANA, MISSOURI flew Short Route frou Kansas City to Chicago, Without Change 1 Via Pt. LenW, KanM city and rJnrthrrn (Isle North Mi-nnurii and i'hicnand Alton Railroad". orofinB the M i'Mfmppi at Lou-liaaa. Lou-liaaa. Mo., an 1 pasties through Jacheon-Tille, Jacheon-Tille, BleoniinBton and Joliet. Ihe Shortest and Best KoMe lo the East, Tia Thicaso! ELEGANT LAY CARS AHD PULLMAI PALACE SLE5PIIG CAES Rub throuBh from Ki)-m cirr and .Bt. j Lonu U Chicae, wubont changs 1 PIES FAUCI Dili EH tHO SMOKING CARS On all daily trains : the only '.line running in est can uun Kansas Cltynd St-Louls toChlcagy No Line makes as Good Time, Or rl--er c---nf":iT.s. o nlr amtno datinr." br;:r tra-, more e'essnt Out ca. more luxuriant and com fori aula Heepir.i cars-lrainf 'A K a'a Pr. c ar, allWefte-n rr.a-is c r :.ft ri-ieiy wuh train 01 tau line, tl CnioD Depot, Ksuai City. JAS. HARLTOX, Qeneral Pacsenrer and Ticket Aieat, C. A. a. K. Lmcaso- J. M:MULUS, P "-o. Papt.. C. A A- R- R-. Chieao. FRANK IlIGU, Western TraTa'-int Ageot,0; k A. R-R-.aaau city. Uo. Ji IVIISCELLANEOUS. SELLING AT COST- Great Sacrlflcrl Kohinso&'j Coalville iCoal.SV per ton at the U. C. R. R- Depot. I Coal delivereJ in all part. of tho City ai SUVA' per ton. Order received at Te.H.el A t' Dun ford A S.n'.tai:h' Ix-ot and ?hoe Storo. amibvx in the Pv-?t -.'See. Ub FOR SALE. i IS HORv--p,VFR 1.ITT1.K lUANT" Ertrire and il.-:ler coiap.ettf, in lull o:k-ixi o:k-ixi c.-ndiun, i.le by GORDON & MURRAY, Half block waih R. K Depot, fait LsVe City. jjj M. T. BURGESS, Civil Engineer And U. S. Mimral Surveor, Will prepare the neoosiry Papers and Diagram: Dia-gram: or Patent and i'lviels. Officein BuiMing occupied by SurveTor TOTHETR ADE. Join Risssll &ficliiri!i2 Co, (trior J. RUSSELL & CO., ORilEN K1VER WOKHS, Works and Warrnmses, TiRNKft'S F1.IS. TASS., Manufacture the tinit and larirst variety TABLE CUTLERY In the World. Their Oood can now bi found upon the Lists of all A 1 Jobbing Houses. Office antl Sample Knomi SO Chamber. Cham-ber. Street, NKW 1 ( It K. Jno. husscll .U f'gCo. jam 9 H CD rj rr3 w t 0 . - -a B K s &a I fi S : g i i ; ! i s Z a CD 3 S H g J g - i i t ! 5 W S3 as, j S g r h CORN, 0AT3, BRIEV, FLO-R,CORX-M UAL. BUCK WHEAT-FLOUR WHEAT-FLOUR AND PRIME BrTTElL tho city, by tiDRDUl A- nv It It. 1Y, Ilalf Mock south r R. R. Depot , Salt Lake City, fall and see! 1H()INT &COAL BED ROCKS OF NATIONAL WKALTH. Iron and C.ml. CuintnliMs call on uio, I own iu 1 will divide Aditreas, N. M. B1.A1K, il9 1. U. Box ISO, Salt Lake t liy. I ITANTKD. SS.fxm CASH. FOR ONE T V Your. Will divide the fini-st mining intorevst in ltah fur tho uo oi tho monov. Address, S. Al. BLA1U. salt Lako City, P. 0. Box ISd. NOTICE. rllR UNKNOWN OWNERS O" F1VK Hundred and l-'iltv l-VM leet in the Uon A Gardner lode, nnd uur Hull roil i HM I iei-t in thenn l,:in liny lode, will l;i-e n lie 'bat we havo done labor on the nl'ove nanieii cliiiins to tbo amount ot Uno lluiulred l t HIM loilrs each. Tlio .-iimo beiiu 't vi.-n jiml one-'c eni b (7 1-7) per fi.l on tho Uiven , tiariiner. and ciitht and onthird !t i-ent-. ( er loot i-n till un ban no', -aid rlaiini beinu m taut ta-ut od in Litile Cuitonn-ood l'i tnct. nlt -ko Coiinlv, I'mli Territory. And - o.i nod es.-d ol you lire hetehy noli lied to pay your i-ornon nl'oto sliitcd, in bin nuioti U' l da s irom iliito of ihi" no ice, to A. W. White -v Co., . t tall Lake City. HKNhV lHVLN. S. S. EVANS. SaLtLakk Citt. Dec 7. 1S72. dS READ This Adrcrtisoincnt AND WRITE For our Manual of Evergreens AND SAVE buying and planting your troei. 50 PER GENT. Prico 10 coota worth Silo any treo-plantor rixifr.Y co.. 17 ajMirfreon Bar Wla. TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO THE UST. NURTH AND SOUTHLAST. Mo. 3. STATIONa. uVrVtl. MAL. i Leave SALT LAKE V0a.m. 2:ir,p.m. M OMAI1A 6:..n). 5:Wb.ib. AjTiTaBUP.LlKQTON 510 a.m.' :0p.ni. - Galesburr(C.B.Aa-) 7.-.0 a.m. . laVJ p.m. " Chicago " 3:15 p.mJ 7:T a.m. " Peoria - 9:10 a.m.1 12:r a-n. " Ui'plif'.I.B.AW.. r-p.m.' '';2-.dt. " Oit.c'mnati - ! 1:"0 p.m.1 4: lE-p.m. " Loganspirt MV: p n. V:3fia.m. T P. k W. C"'nrr,Hn i a. ' V' f m ry-Tbronrb Cars frf.m Vi'-url Rivbt to CM -w.. Ir. iir(P"iiA, Cinrinnali. Lofan-O'.rt Lofan-O'.rt and Cf.lninbun.1 , , ,, Connwtion a; tliote run'i wl'h line aad Chti Honta. If on! nfH""'H T -htif T--V t. vis tba Borlinrton A Miwonrl River Railroad. ewlPauiAgBt. es.lBjt- ST. LOUIS TRADE. EteliMiIiTifl inSSODRI STATS LOTTERY. lalizetl by Stale Authority sod Drawn iu PuMir in St, I.euis. Grand Single Numbt-r Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS Glass , IO b Drawn Irb. US. 1S73. 5,S0 Irizts, Am-'u..i::,if to JStXJ.Ooo. t prirf p! I.MI (mn HO ,.rt. or $ 100 p.-..r ol 1. i.e. M U'----'-l l.UOO I 1 - ip i.l 1 1. t-ti V ; r. .1 St'O I pi. if ot 1 .M. V . r ...( 3t'0 4 , t.,-, . t J..M.I. tl .,. i yQ ' ..-. ai-p".oi vo l . r.: X 1 I'-... , r 1 0 Jll pr-.(.. . i Ano 1 v.i t. ., (.(I i (..... i a.M. ..,.,.(.,.!.,.. ,.r io Tickets. Mt. iiaii- i kis, iluartci-k I-J..MI. a. Our l.'itft-w m.rr 'l,-ipr.l l. ihF ars .- Ul h- Tl tl ,iJ - fc,.,, V II Jri.i h- '..i.b in ib loni- -s a co,.j ol drani.g i lo H. -ill :r a !ti a n-ni ths lat , i unt - .k l-.-r OKK1CS Ml'N k'V iKI'K:tS KklSTKKKH I.K1IIH, i-myr, or Kriia- -. i i.t n .-.r.-ii!r. Ad. lrn MHtAV. Mlt.l.KH i O., Ptt OH. 'J Ifl. T. Ll IS.Wo. VANILLA, LEMON, ETC., For Flaioriug Itt Cream, Caies and Y&siiy. With jrrvnt c:uv, by a now prorcs, we cm met frnin tin trvr, priori J-'i'tii!3 nnd Annu:ttiis emli chunu-Hripiic lla-vor, lla-vor, and prciluoe : .ar.. of ?'.ird ej--tu Of f. ,,it ftr, .(.', ;vft,t pun'-'i. V oi 'n. j'i--y ftmT as iip-r.t ar.'j. Ji)fj. .viz c.i.-A A.'fcVf full Ui.:re, l.Lt'tiir.Q ov.t-hn fiiu--f tfm ol--:i furni-tti,ff to ?ic.f Mint' quinlu. t'v t 'a' n) ones, triU 7i ot'ur. 1 tnoM tUlite, dr'u-f'M jt.iror (,,r vuuit: So superior tn the ein-;ip eMmrts. Ak fur l'r. Price's tSpeeial FUnoriu. MsuiU" fticturcd only by STEELE & PEICB, Icptits, CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS. JlunufdCturrrs of Tr. Vnv's Crrani Everybody Wants OXF, OF THOSK XI CK" CHAMPION f- - T ilka !- Washing Machines 22 000 SOLO IN ONE YEAR. Price $10. OO. L idies Call an 1 M-e iln m. Chas. W. Stayner, KoB ftlalii Ntrt-el, -alt l,ka flly Epizootic ! EPIZOOTIC!! EPIZOOTIC I ! Great Discovery in Veterinary Medicine FOIINn AT LAST! A Ppwifir- for the H'iKM; I'.l'l IiKM 1C. Cure efls.-ted in from ihr t" ("ur d"''s- Price 11 per bottlo. lo.lnlo tV) ,.rr dw.n. HIPPOCRASTUS ! Wliolcalo and P-t.il by : C. F. CULMER & CO, OIIUKMIKIK Ml.oriK, Snll l.nkr i:il. Iirdrr Iri.tn n -Ii-' inn. . ti ,.r i nl. :-.ni-h ..'ntiir-l-l l.y uti n7 THIS WKLI, KMIW.N IJUAMI : . r VI' 'I, ' ',' - or JAPAN TEAS, pnR AT zrm J. Grocery Uepartmeiiti all & CLAWi'JS, Sort |