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Show I CHIPPED HAE1 k FACE, Sort Lips, Di j lies or Slilu, etc., etc , i Cired at once ! 1 1 K' ; K M UV.- CAMPHOR i I'l; Willi liLYr l-KLNi;. It ko-.-i-3 tlio 1 1 '"ft in all -vender, fvo thnt y-ii ft j II .oI..MA'.. Sul.l hv an lir:--.:;t3. Unlr , -"iccnri. .M.iDci-.u-tuK-'i ..nlv by JI-...mia- I-., l-iiuroin-' .mil Dnusi.-ti. No w lVrk. dS, ' i-iiPfioiTTie stock, i THE IPPORTED TFIOIlUUGnBRED DEVON BULL Young "Washington, s li ot- of rho finest brl Dev..-n E-iUz iu tie Pedigree full and Complete. ' Half breed I'qt on Cr -T-il mt'aer.-." i Half breed lb: von U.t-rn for work aad speed are naurpa;sed. , , H. ii iUw-ia '"."lA-sTt-: '".-cr:" ia---' Liz I-'rm. si i a '.raaco. Eaiairo uf Mr. S SPECIAL ADYERTISEMEiMS WANTED. AIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply to Mrs. Alice Chuvson, fourth house north ot i'hoatro. foh7 A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply to Airs. John X. Caino, IWth Ward. tobli WOMAN WANTED FOR A SMALL family; must be a j;ood cook, wa.-ibor and ironcr. Ana from 25 to years. Iioodages ! paid. A suitable person may cull ut W. , Horimnn's Book Store, two doors eonih of Post Otlicc. ioba FOil KENT. FIRST CLASS OFFICES TO RENT OVIiK 1-irst National Bank. ja30 LODGINGS. plIOICE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR A lew lodgers and boarders. Ennuiro at thrsOrfieo. j-j.j , OK. GROVES, . ffgyyfegl Den-lot. Offioc, Second South Ltroot, Threo doors west of Groat W cstorn Hotel, half a block oast of Elephant iitoro. Salt ; Lako City. Oflico hours from 0 a,m. to 5 p.m. nil I Ai-geiitn Lodge, Ko. 3, A. P. & A. 31. CTATED Commanications of this Lodco '. O held on tho First and Third Tuesdays of each month, at Masonic Hall, East Tempi . street. Members of SL-ter Lodcoa and so- K'tirnins brethren .in good standing aro cor-1 cor-1 dually invited. A- w NUCK0LS. W. M. W.H. BIRD. Sec'y. dJ Everybody Wants ONE OF TnOSE NICE 'champion c' ' i i -Tt-'t Vj .J , Washing Machines m. . 22 000 SGLD IN ONE YEAR. Price -$10,00. i L-d!ea Call ani ce them. i ! ! Clias. W. Stayner,1 General Aent, So 3 fflln Street, Bait Lak fliy PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. FOR THE SPKING, 1873. Having completed our extensive Alteration!, in the RETAIL DBY GOODS DEPARTMENT OK as. o. m. i. Acd uift'Jc arruupomonts for siAu.i.v .an.vi n i.M ii v-ti v, V.'u Wn (o a.-urc nur ouuicrous l'utrons w-: shall KxhiSit for thir Inspect iou iu)ici: sKLKirrioiv of skasokaiu.k DHrSS 0H00?, SILKS, SATINS, TRIMMINGS. Also Staple Dry Goods, etc. Wo have udded Io our varied Stock Ladies' Underwear, etc. And j la i d tldf Dopiirlment under the onro of an accoinr lished Lady Clerk. 11. Ii. CLAWSON, Suph DUNFORD & SOm Oiler to the Public a choice Stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, CATS, CiliOVBCS, & l,AJ)liv' FUBCN, At a small advance o ryr cost, To make room for SI' I UNO PUECHASEB. Big Inducements Olfercd. G-reat Reduction IN THE TRICES OF Winter Clothing1. Z. Cm- IWE. H. CLOTHING DEPARTtYiENT, Will dispose of tlio balance of thoir Block of Winter Clothing, consisting of HEAVY SUITS, PAETTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, AND HATS and CAPS, At greatly reduced prices, to make room for their spring purchases. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF SLEIGH and CARRIAGE RUGS, At low figures to close them out, A FINE LOT OF HORSE BLANKETS'5, To meet tho demand created by tho prevalence of tho Epizootic. I ri'ncli, Knglish ;und American Suitings, mtings unci Cashmeres in great vuriely and latest styles. Men's anil Hir suits of the latest fashion, from f lie flt . sea in Kew York, Boston, Chicago anil San Francisco. A FULL gTOCK OP 110MB MADH CASSIMKRKS AND" JJSANS, Is WBtOH WE INVITE INSPECTION, MllN'S IJNDKHOLOTII1NU. HOSIERY" . GLOVES, UMBRELLAS. COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING- GOODS, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Gapes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOEis, EASTERN AND HOME MADE. AM. THE NEWEST styles K HATS AND CAPS. WA LI PAPER & DECORATIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. The great success which has attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has induced m to make i.a-go Purchases for our Fall and Winter Trade !...., K.,lmc ,,,,, rrm . ., V.rUd aa Kil.n.lv. lanors Notions and Trimmings of the test quality always on hand. H. B. CLAWSOH, -ieiiii.ii,ip,1(."; JUSFI'ir iiOKLI.VMtl. O 1 V I l. .; n i I n K K H . I', s. i, DKi'rir ;-ui;- Li' OR F'jK Ll All, i SALT LfiKE CITY BOILER WORKS, ' H-t -:le . f C-.7 Market. Allkii-ljo:- i:a::-.a.-- rrisht. irL-z-.w,-i. y BOILEffS. and TANKS, Mh rl:.:i....-l. REAl'VR- A VI) iHVF,;s AVI) " T.i,,:b :;,",, m J "'BSs.Ji.N-i"ccl.l.roiri.lott 1 ARTISTUTTEMIOA! ' Jlil. L CAMI-JIEI.1.. - - fccrcWrT. FOR SALE. " TJieUlaliCrackcrFactory l-' ""'-i m b oa,:j , ,' ri.-. r -'';JJC' IU huatll of ,ro. In A -f'nr M r,'r'r- tb iWw, ,11!JI,('I "ck-ci-.l -ick of ilroccnui r.n k.,ath,rrilJ.3"JKI0-Vi A HINT TO. THE W1SK IS SUFFICIENT. SUF-FICIENT. Will yon 'pny f ITiiJIbr rui Organ when' yon can got one. as good in every particular for $125, and tlnvo months' lessons free, Ly Jos. J.Daynks, Tabernacle Organist, which is alone worth $20.01.1. Buy a PkincKj axd save $70. ' Wo also sell a 7-SUi Organ, Or-gan, with Sub-Bass for Churches, Chur-ches, Schools, Halls, etc., lor $150. Call and see and hear them and you will be convinced that what we wry is true. We sell on monthly instalments instal-ments if desired Remember that Prince & Co. are the oldest and largest Organ Builders in America. J. DAYNES & SON, d2 ! il.iitrM KNtol ilmll.o'i. l)rilI sirn. EAGLE HOUSE Teasuel & Co. Tho plmw for llio puljlio to buy. Teasdel, & Co. A'inler SlmwlH and Prcs (Jocdp, Teasdel & Co. FlannoU, Nuuiaa, an Olovci. Teasdel & Co. HoiDo-tuado JooU and BhoCE , Beat in Llio Toaritory. TEASDEL & (. Suai-H, Toaa and Coffeea, Cbooso, Kuooii and Lard. TEASDEL & CO. Men's Ulolhing, Hata, Sliirts bdI FumUhiDg Goods. TEASDEL & CO. Carpets, Hun, Mats and Car-tainp, Car-tainp, TEASDEL & CO. Blcos 8ewing Machines. Wear loDRor and aro leas liablo to jret out of order. The best in the , World. No troublo to show Goods. Careful attention to orders and goods delivered de-livered to all the trains aod any part of the oity free of charge. TEASDEL & CO,, Est Temple Street. Opposite Salt Lake House. 1" IX EI "Gardner Fire Extinguisher.' The Lnif, Bent, t'heapcit, nd KTecM ve, Iirrfr.-nl from,n.l El I'KKIOB TOiLLOTHES; OVKK A T1IOI 'HA Kit IMBS Pt"T OLT Willi IT. MORE THAN $10,000,000 UVrtli of l'rcirty .Saved it- Fire rjf.:irtfnin(- in ili" Pnncil-1 C'lit: ('( tbo L'ni'jn have aJ-j'i. ii rlitiu. rUHEFSnF KJfK DKI'AKTMKNK V- tl-.nc (licui - i ii k jit. Ii li.'i- bco r i riArd l.v tlic Swiary " thu 'J i i-a.urr- u-ci.n Steniij Vtff!-. and iid-tcd 'u,,iX croinJl lyr tho Arujy and uvr- It f al.-luio .r-tccti..n lx-ui fire. b?iM.Iw p .idy -.r ic-iant u-. r.-rfrcdy Mtiplt m Moa and viuml and cdJCiCDi in itcuon. The "Gardner Fire Extinguisher" J.- afire Dcjartiucnl in ieclf. Prlce (with Uvu t-hEirg.....cliwi'tl' ' 300 Ear. Cb,B all. aj-s m tori'- r" SB.ND rOB THEIR BKCOKI)- Pacific eoa.t AKeucy.-Hc.J l-'' Salt Xake City, Vtah, Kl.nb.ll . Illock, Car. Fid 'h "l J AS,. SMITH ii CO (.bu o.n.rai Al""' |