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Show SSL LOUIS TRADE. If you want the boat, bujr Buck' Brilliant It U tho most Perfect Baker- It if toe noil Dnroble- It burns tho least Wood. It alwajs gWes Satisfaction. More of Buok's Stores bare boon sold and are in use thin any stove ever made.' Every Stove is warranted. BUCK'S Guarantee, For Cal and Wood, hu only been in we two years. It ia now the leading Coal Cook Stove. AVhy.it is a Perfect Baker. It la a Fuel Saen it ia made with our PATENT CHILLED IRON. Fire Linings which will last longer than Fire Seta of oommoi Linings. Lin-ings. It will draw in any good fine, and ia the only Coal Cooking Store that giroa entire Batlsfaotion. BUCK & WRIGHT, tao and 74a If. Main Street, Saint Louis, Manufacturers of all Tarietiea of COOKING and U BATING STOVES, Sample Sam-ple Cards and Price Lists furnished on application. mylS $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. legalized hy State Authority and Drawn in Public in St. Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50.000 NUMBERS. OUlin, t bt DrawnDct.31, 1879, , 5,880 Prizta, Amounting to $300,000. t prize of 150,0001 500 pritM or 100 1 prlz ef 13,30j Opmeaof 1,000 1 price of 10,000 Siiriiwor BOO 1 pnu of 7.S00 Oprit-iof 300 ' 4 phiet of fl,000 9 prizes or aso pi tie 1 of B.3001 30pritof 00 Opnieot 1,000 36prinuof 130 SO prizes or 600 lSOpmesoi 100 40prieaof 50 5,000 priresof 10 Tickets, S10. Half Tickets, 95. Quarters, fa. 50. Oar lotteries are chartered by lb Stale, ere always drawn al the lime uanieiL end all drawing are under (he mpt-muio al sworn cemmisalonen. The PtDiL&l dniwirg wtll be published In the 8t. LonLs papers, and a copy f drawing ai to purchaser! of tickrta. AS"" We will draw s similar scheme the last day ot every month Juriug I lie year 1ST2. . Remit at our riia bj POdT OFFICE MONEY ORDERS. REGI3TKRKD LKTTKR, DRAFT, or EXPRK58 tVuJ for a circnlor. Ad-drms Ad-drms Ml'KKA Y. D11LLKK Co., Post Office Bos 34 a. bT. LOUIS. Mo. nun. RAILROADS. G. P. R. R. 0 AD AFTER SEPTEMBER 16th, 1S7. TKAI.VS WILL LEAVE OGDEX DAILY AS FOLLOWS FOL-LOWS t Overland ra.ienger Train for Toano, Caxlin, W innenmeca, Vadsirorlh, JSKeno, Marysvillo, Redding (fur ;;Orogunl, Sacramento, Stockton, Lathrop, Merced (for Yoseniitot, HTiplon for Los Angeles), San Jose . and Sax KrancLsco, - 5.l0 r.. Orerlacd Freight and Accommodation Accommoda-tion Train tor Saa franeisco, - - 5.25 p.m. T. II. GOODMAN. A" A" TSE'ipt Aoo 1, Salt Lake Citr. . 0ffice witt .Marshall Jfc Carter, Over W. F. A Co s Bank. tr-M CHICIGO & ALTON R, R, W fhe Only FLrat-Class Rord In . the West, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI. Hew Short Route from; Kansas City to Chicago, Without Change I n '? w K" city and Northern Uste North Missouri) and Chicago and Alton KaUroadj. croaaing the MLsisippi at Loo-ls.1aai1Mo.. Loo-ls.1aai1Mo.. an 1 pawing through Jacksonville, Jackson-ville, Bleomtngtoa and Jollet, The Staorttst and Best Koule to the East, iia fhicaKo! ELEGANT LAY CARS P1MACE MIS CABS Run through from Kansas city and Bt. Loo is to Chicagt, without change 1 PILLMAI PALAC8 Bill BOOM AND SMOKING CARS On all daily trains : the only linerrunning these cars from Kansas city and St.Louts toChlcaar No Line makes as Good Timej Or closer connections, has better aeoomtno dation?. better track, more elegant day cars, more luxuriant and comfortable sleeping cars- Trains ot Kansasl'.cifio and ail Western road- connect closely with trains of this line, it t. cion Depot. Kansas cily. JAP. UAULTON, ?'!'!''.'?'".""'' Ticket Aihi, a A- ft. K. Chicago. J. McMULLIN, 11 -n.Supt.. C. A A.R. K-. Cblcato. FRANK lUGtl, BIT VOIR OFFICE DESKS Cfii From Manufacturers direct. A. H. ANDREWS fc Co. 1 10 lai West Washington St., CHICAGO, Manufacturers of fC HOOL, CH C UCB HALL and FLXK OFFICE FIBMTL'BE Wilt ship SCHOOL IH-SK- AND SEATS. fS Hotel.. bTo-! 'iltmgii. from our , r lr tho mill siogunt '.SnjWtlt-in Utah. 'i.wr' frfiiKDis, and 'in iKi'ry. I"gue. Sent free. Vfl k C.. in and umoAUo.: TRAVEL. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Ok .ltd aftrr Mrptcmb.r 4Jd, 1874 MIXED TRAINS WILL DAILY. Going South. Leave tho Utah Central B.R. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.20 p.m; Sandy, (noareat point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 8.10a.m. and 3.30 p.m., arrive at Lehi at 9.10 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. ' Going North. Leave Lehi at 9.30 a.m, and 4.50 p.m.; Sandy at 10.50 a.m: and 6.10 p,m; arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.40 a,m. and 7 p.m. FAHEH : Salt Lake to Cottonwood Station. Wot I Sandy " 1.00 Draper " 1.35 " Point " " 1.75 ' Lehi " " 2.25 Passengers will ploaae purohase tickets at the otlioo. n. H. DAVIS, Sen, Freight and Tioket AieaU rEAAHORX LIT TLB irjpBSINTBNDlMT. GILMER S SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah, South - east Aevada & Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Sail Lake City Dally, ! lug south to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Scvior, St, Georce, Utah ; and Piocho, Nevada ; I Passing through i Provo, Sprimprillc, Spanish Fork, Pay-son, Pay-son, Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, Round Valley, FUImore,Corn Crock, Beaver, .Miners-ville, .Miners-ville, and AU the principal tmant and mining camps vi southern Utah and touth-tau Nevada, Alao leave Corlnni, Utah, dally, running narth to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the principal towns and mining min-ing cam pa in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Buildings hint Salt Lake City ! Lon Wines. fl. P. Kimball, SALT LAKE, opiim And Tintic Stage and Express LUSTE, HUH HI MO DA1LT FROM ALf LaKI CITY, via LAKE TOWN, TOOILK CITY, ITOCKTOW AND OPH1R TO T1JTTIO. The ronte has been re-atoesed with splendid splen-did Conoord Coahea, fine Stock, oatefnl and ttentiTe DriTer- and every attention is paid to ths oo m fort an 1 esnTenienee of pafien-geif. pafien-geif. Good accommodation on the road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Oale at Wells, Fargo A. Ce.'i, fait Lalvst City, WINKS A KIMBALL, rH Proprietors. UTAH CENTRAL IlAILItOAl). PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Monday, July IT, 1 Itl iaily Trains Leare Salt Lake City at 6 a m. and Itt p.m Arrire at Ogden 7 a. m. and 4:16 p. m. Leave Ogden at 8 . m. and p. m. Arrive at Salt Lake Citr 10 a.m. and 7:30 e.m In addition to the above Will ran DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leavlns Bait Lake City at 0.30 P.m., and Oiden at 6 a.m. re will pleaao Parthtsi their Tlaketa) at the Uffltu. PI fly Con'-a additional will be o Barged when the fare ia oelleoted en the uaJn, for all Information oonoernlni freight 07 passage, apply to n. H. DAVIS, 9eoeraJ Freight and Tloket Ag't J0H5 SHABP, nraumnui BL1M BOOKS, STATIONERY, SEWLXG MACHINES. music fls m Calder & Careless, (LATE CALDER & SEAKS,) respcotiully mvitoour Patrons and tho Publio to oall and examtno our stock of tho obovo named instruments. We are also Goncral Agents for tho MASON 4; HAMLIN world-renowned CABINET OKGAIVS, Which wo have proved beyond all doabt to be tho best and most suitable organs tor this climate; and have also tho WOODS, ESTEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stook. Wo have tho Largest Stock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required by Amatcnrs, Teachers and Musicians. MUSI GAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stock consists in part of pianos, A(TORni:n.s, coxcfrtivas nnrRir p. vr.MA.vs' ;;,K,,i'v:,,s4fi' Ezits, isv DAJOS, H.llIAA.S, 1'IIOLUS, V1ULAI, Etc., Etc. MUSICAL MEEOHANDISE. BOOKS uft.3SriD STATIONERY. Our Stock consists in part of Uook.i altaualilios and woishu of Role, Kii.clopch, hUmIzch .ml q unll . Us, Bonrd, nil color., ForclffU 11..U. Paper, 1.11 color., Ir lug l'.p.r, Ur..vli.K Book. SCHOOL FUR. MS II IX US OF IVIBV DESCRIPTION, SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. IIouo of 1. f. .lson Sons, whica offor al their rosular Wholoial. ud Kouil pricii L. PRANG & CO'S PUBLICATIONS. trom our slock 01 ch" solccuonj at in. iubliihen W hulofal. and KelaiT pricoi THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. We respectfully invite the Public to call and examine our Sewing Machines bctort ! purchasing elsewhere, which wo claim to bo tho best, cheapest, and most durable in the market. Wo guarantee every Machine we sell to givo entire satisfaction. All aro warranted to sew, with perfect case, Beaver. Ducking, licking. Denims, Domestic, Cambric, Linen, Muslin, Laoe, &o., and will luck. Hem, FeU, Braid, Bind, Cord, Gather, in faot will do all kinds of work. A ice iearj guarantee given with each machine. Instructions free vj nu civil uu me premises. g3 Cold Weather Strips TO SAVE FUEL HAVE YOUR WINDOWS AND DOORS MADE WEATHER-PROOF BY OUR BLACK WALNUT AND RUBBER STRIPS, A ii.iv Invcutlon, liolli l.rl .,,d Ornitmcntal. Manufactured Especially for us, tho Finest Assortment of WINDOW SHADES Exrei- Broupjlit to tlxls Dlty. THOSE HEMP AND ECONOMICAL COTTAGE CARPETS Have Arrived. We shall always have our order ahead so as not to bo out oftheso dcsirablo good". Connoisseurs in Pictures are invited to see our I5KAUTIFUL UUROMOS ro29 U. B. CLAWSON, Suporintondnnl J" xiXiuis Bauer fc Go., MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED BAUER ORGANS AND IVX HLsODE O INT S . Every Instrnment FULLY f ARBANTED for FIVE YEABS-Upward YEABS-Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATALOGUES sent FREE to any address upon application. ALSO IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN PIANOS and ALL KINDS of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. 'HrLIUH lYUICU & CO., 650 fefe7' 39. 392( 394 & 396 Wabash Ave ,NVL"K- CHICAGO, ILLINOIS J. DAYNES & SON Agents for Utah, 1st South St., Jyl" TWO DOOFti EAST 01' UODBK'ti UKUO STOKE z. c. M. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SIOX OF THE glQ 1 OPT GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For fino weather or stormy weather; for walking, walk-ing, dunning, working, tirAKki.Mj, climbing, riding, lisliLug, aiming, etc., otc A largo and choice aortnient of th above, ourunn uiaite and iiu.njrtod, at the moat reasonable rea-sonable iricod. We make to order any style stntl quality desired and insure satisfaction. OLD BOOTS AM) SHOES Made as good as new almost. SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather! Upper Leather! Harness Leather! Imported Calf Skins, American Calf Skins, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, AN1 "KIT" OF ALL KINDS',! HOUSE COLLARS ! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! Ahh A I LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Orders by Mall receive special anal prompt attention. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. H. 0. CLAWSON, 8o'l, TOYS ! TOYS ! The Largest and Best Variety Ever brought to Salt Lako City is to bo found nt WILLIAM SHIRES' EI cist Tem.pi Street, On door north of Campbell & Patterson's Book Store WHOLESALE AAD KETA1L. novfl UTAH NORTHERN On and after Oct. 28th, Trains will run B E T WE E N BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R. R. HAMPTON'S for MONTANA. pjs-l qoIJW SOTJTII I r, . Fara Dia-j QOTNQ XORTII a.m. aro. Leavs Hampton's at t I-oave Brigham at 6:1a J 7 " Deweyrflls" 1:20 50 VA " Box Eldor - 8:30 j 25 11 44 HtDWrllla " 1:35 T5 " Calls Fort " 0:00 GO 13H " Calls Fort " 1:45 90 llj " II ocey villa " 0:10 j i 75 20! " Box Elder ' 2:15 125 18 " Doweyrille" 9:25 j 1 00 25 ArrlTe at Brigham 2:30 lo0 2-5 Arrira at ITarapton's 10:00 ' j 1 SO j Ml? I I I SPECIAL KATES TO EXCURSION PARTIES. Passengers will please purchase their tickets at the Company's Offices, or 60 cents additional will be charged when the Fare is oolircted on the train. Arrangements have been made with tho Central Pacific and Utah Central Railroad Companies whereby passengers can purchase Tickets at the U. C. Office in Salt Jjikc City or O. P. Office at Ogden for Box Elder or Hampton's on the U. N. R R., and from Hampton's or Box Elder to Ogden or Salt Lake Ci'y at greatly reduced rates. ThxoTXgrh Connection as follows : GOING SOUTH P.M. GOING NORTH. A.M. Leave Hamilton's at 12;15 Leave Salt Lake City, UCRR., at 5:00 Arrfva at Brighaa, p, N R. R. 2:3) Arrive at Ogdon, 7:00 Lurt Brigham. 0. P. R- B. at 2:30 Laava Ogdan, C. P. 11. 1L. at - 7:15 Arrive at Ogden, CP.R.H, 3:50 Arrive at Brigham, " " 8:15 Lear OgdSn, U. C. R, R. 5:30 Leave Brigham. U. X. R. B., at 8:15 Arrive at Salt Lake City 7:30 Arrivo at Hampton's " ' 10:00 THE TIME TABLES ARE CALCULATED OX SALT LAKE TLME. FAKES, Hami'ton's to Ogden - , S2 50 I Salt Lake City to Box Elder, $.1 25 to Salt Lake City, . 4 50 I " " " llsjiipton's, 4 50 Box Elder to " " 3 25 I Ogdon to Hararton's, . , 2 50 to Ogden .. 1 25 " ' Box Elder l 25 H. G. Aliller & Co's Express leaves Hampton's every morning for Logan ! on arrival of the 10 a.m. train, and tri-weekly, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for principal settlements in Cache county, returning daily from Logan to connect with the 12; 45 p.m. train, and Howe's Express every Tuesday Tues-day mormon from lranklin to Soda Springs, returning therefrom every Friday Fri-day morning. ns JOHN W. YOUNG, Gen'lSiipt. AMI OF T3E BIOCKADi! HOLIDAY NOTICE. U. WALLACE, First Bonth Street, Has tho bt land most complete Etock ot TOY CASDIES, ALSO, Pla.ln and Fancy Caudles, Corn BeJla, Prlxe Candy and Clieivlng Oam, ever offered to the roople of this city. 11. WALLACE, CONFECTIONER, gait Lake City. Mince Pies Fresh every Day. U. CI. AT 31'OTT, T. T. VtSfiTO!. w. u. ovi.fUTo.N, ovirsoros. Scott &. Ovington Bro's, Imiorters, Wholejale and Retail Dealers in CIMY. CSIIi GLASS. PARIAN, BRONZE, PLATED WARE, LAMPS, CUTLERY, 1 MLR ROUS, No. "210 West Madison Pt., Chicago, 111. WrdUlug and llnlltlay Utfls, Ulass sad China flude to Order. OVIXOTON BllOTUKRS,24t'., OtR, S'O & Fulton Stroct. llroyklyn, N. Y. Rue Do Tojadis 64. 1'aiis. Kouth Sido Office with Samples for Whi'lc-Killo Whi'lc-Killo Only ISS Mndi?on Strecl, Corner Filth Avenuo Rooms Jl. U. BAVAilE, Miinagcr. IMMENSE SACRIFICE! CARL C. ASMUSSEN WILL BKLL IIS E5TIHK 3TOCX OF VALUABLE JEWELRY Ladies' Diamond AD OT11LB WATCH 1 B , French & Anierican Clocks, Etc.. Etc., -m.rjsL- C3 FOR TWO MONTHS ONLY. STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. avt!7 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DISTRICT OF NEVADA, In the Office of tlic Clerk or the 17. 8, District Court, To wltt yP Be it re- . ;V T membere d, ..C-.v- ' -Vv That on the r$r'j$' - Seventeenth kc- -?J- ? day of Octo- 4 - i ' a Der -Anno MEL'.l: " 'O-J "1 I Domiiii, One E1 Ky T"? v (thousand 1Pt9' '". A eight hun- -a dxd andsix- yg,, t7-nve,Chaa. JfJ b. Hammer V ' . Jr of the eaid N::, j" 'V' District.hath O'JtsasBaSa' deposited in this office a label entitled "HAMMER'S COLLAR GALL OINTMENT," tho right whereof he claims as Prrrrietor, in conformity with an Act of Con-grew, Con-grew, entitled "An Aet to amend the several Acts respecting copyrights." I I W, P. RODGERS, seal Clerk of said District, V. 8. District Conrt, byGso. R.)Ajo.od. District of Nevada. Depntj I WJRICE St.Oj-d FTilfTH n.-rrtrlim: 1.1 Vpi nf f, in ihrHrrliN OlIMTMEIMT Tor Collar Galls. rmsnmllcd for tho suc-ful cure vt Collar Oiills. Sore lUcka, Km-c Bl.-nn-liwi, Pon-o. a J-Tlii Oliilmctit (lov not s.-nt' ever, Imt dri up. nn.l liral n s,.rp from thelMttnm. Vivw lli-itli cnniiot frin wlu-ro It is UmsI. Jj- i'rrMrni only l-y KINO ct CO., Proprietors, Corson City, Nevada, rrrmtVrwlri'frcil KnvlljtiVvloItinriiwi Bedington & Co., WholoiaJe Agents, J. D. LAMB & CO., GENERAL ACENTS. SALT LAKE CITY. aii JOHN S. BARNES, FJLOUK, UltAlS ASI) FEED, WHOLESALE ANOKBTAIL, Ko. IK NIXOXn KOI-T1I NTHEirr. CASH I'Ain I'OR FLOl'K, WHEAT, OATd, BAKLET- Du21 TRIUNE BAKERY Ann Cracker Manufactory, Door lirlnw U nllirr llouar, .Haln Sliirl, SlL l.nkc 1 llj'. We hero rum recctvwl our CRACKER MACHINE Wild nil tl, 1; I iim.n.v,.iuont., n,l .ro GALLACHER &. SONS. iioud lor Prk-o Lidt. AddrossP.O. Boil'll. MISCELLANEOUS, BOILER MAKING THE I'NPERSIUNED is iTopared to !do any kind of lioiler or Tank Making ;0R REPAIRING ; And will BUY OLD BOILERS OR FLUES', or tako them in iay for work. He will bIjo do any kind of MILLWRIGHT WORK On short notice. Orders left at tho Ukiujjj Oflic e will receive "Sir'"""1"- JOHNSLOAM. TUIS WELL KNOWN BKAAD -OF- JAPAN TEAS - FOR SALE AT Ka JM.m : mm Grocery Department. alt 'L B. CLAWSON. 8uet SI.MILIA SIMILIBVS CCRANTFR. HUMPHREY'S UOMEOlMTUIC SPECIFICS. HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ample ext'orienco, an on tiro success: Simple Sim-ple Prompt E Hi ci on t and Keliablo. They are tho only medicinos perfectly adapted to popular uao so siinplo that mistakes can not bo mado in using them; so harmless as to bo free from danger, and so efficient as to be always reliable They have raided the highest high-est co unload u Lion frvtu ail. and will always render satisfaction. Hos. Cents. Cures 1, ' Fevera, CflngostluH, Inflammationa. 2, Worrai, Worm Fever, Worm Celic...2S 3, " I'ryti.g-Colic or teething of Lnfjnts...2o 4, Diarrhoea, of Childron or Adults. 25 5, " Dysentery, Griping, Bilious CoUo...a3 6, " Cliolera-Morbas, Vomiting 25 7, " Cough. Colds, Bronchitis 8, " Nfuralgia, Xoothac ho, Facoashe 25 U, " UeaitacUoa, biok Uoad&cho, Vertigo 25 10, ' Dyspepsia, Billiom Stomach .35 11, " ruilressed, or Painful Periods i 12, " Whites, too Profuse Periods i Id, " Croup, Cough, DiUicuit Breathing... JJ5 H, " Halt Klicuui, Erysipelas, Eruptions25 15. " Kheuiuntlsiii, KheuuiaUc Pains.2o Hi, " Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues 50 17, " Flic, blind or bleeding jO lb', ' OpUthlaniy, and soro or weak Eyes 50 19, ' Cutarru, nculeor chronic In fluentsujU aj, " V hooplug-CoagU, violeni couytii , 5Q 21, " AiUiin., oppresiod Breathing .du 22, tar BUcUargcs, impaired hearing gy 33, " Scrofula, enlarod glands, fiweli-7 mgs so i, " General Debility, pflysical weak noss 50 25, " Dropsy and scanty Secretions Ji Si, " Sca-Mckins., sickness trom riding-oU J7, " Jiiduey-Distwe, Uravel .,50 26, peryoua Debility, ftcuilnai tlmiuUslona, involuntary I) be barges 100 Five D .xt, with one fc: vial of powder, verv necessary in serious ser-ious cases. 5uo 23, " Sore Mouth, Canker 50 JU, L rlnarv- VVeaknc.s, wetting he(L-50 31, " Fnliiful Ferioda, Spaiuis.-IT") 32, " Sailer I mca at change of life luO 3, " tplltl'i Spaiius, Vitus' Dance 100 34, " Dlpihcrla, ulcorated sore throat 5U FAMILY CAStS Of 35 to 60 targe vials, morocco or rosewood case, containing a specific for every ordinary disease a family 1 subject to, and boosts ordlroctlons,...frum sjio to $3S Smaller Family and Traveling Travel-ing cases, with 20 to vials, from 93 to $6 Specific for all Private IM-rnscs, IM-rnscs, both fur Curl us acj iur Prevent! ve treaunent, in vials and Pocket cases.- to S3 jPond's Extract, Cnrci Bums, Rrnlaes, lameness, Sorcutsi, bore Throat, Sprains, Toothache, Karache, S'euralgla. Kheninatlm, Lumbago, Piles, Bolls, Stings, Sore Eyes, Bleeding of the tungs, Nose, stomach, or oT PUesi Corns, Ulcers, Old sores. Price, 6 ox.. 30 ccntsj Pints, 91.00 Quarts, S1.7&. oir Those remedies, except POND'S EXTRACT, EX-TRACT, by tho case or single box, are sent to any part of the country, by mail or express, free of charge, on receipt of the price. Ad dress, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office and Depot, No. 5ti2 Bboadwat, Nkw York. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, And at Z. C M. I- and Godbe's Drug Store, ae' ' INSURANCE. amizon mum CO. J. B. BEXSETT - - President. B. D. HtSI - - Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, JOE 30, 1674. Cash on hand, in bank, and in course of transmisaion- $111,308 57 United StatosBonds, market value 1-HSU 09 Mortgagisi 3t:.6 67 Collateral Loans , 12S.4S7 09 Accrued Interest. a,12 5S BillsRooiivable 36,m 15 State Bonds and ilisceUaneous... &S.617 99 Due from Agents &.07 95 $fe006 70 tlAJBltlTIES. Outstanding Losses and other Lia bililies $77,711 0 H. R. MANN ' Agent, Ofllcet Banking Ilonse of A W. Hhluftio, P.O. Box, a 5 . iT2S OF THE Home Mutual IflSl'RAME COMPANY, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL - - -'- $650,000. JOHX II. Rf:iljTOX, I'r.ald.nt., t'HARLKS K. STOltY, Nccr.tnrr B-iiKi)xit Ollict 433 California St., SAN FK AX CISCO. H. R. MANN, Agent, Office: Banking llouao. A. W. Whlto Co. a-3 TRIUMPH FIRE INSURANCE CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. Wo ask Fair Rates and Promise to Py Jurt Lo.w. Risks taken throughout Utah II. R. MAiNJV, A sent, ! SALT LAKE CITTt omrei Btinklnsr House of A. W. White A Co. P. 0. Box NW. j Fire Brick. TllltEKcar K.ad- ..f thoreletraied Ai glllo Wm ki - IlllnoL Ulnmiftc. Hire, ol VVr.luc nutl Square Mlnpe, juit I'wn nvocl i,d is ,.(l,.red to mlu-t, I'liinna. HniKl,-, A ... . , L.-inTM.-li't i..r In nny ,.t,.rml j, thin msrkt't mid at U'H i. i u l iv . Kr sli- iu lot.- u suit, l.y J(MCIM A H I' II HAY, ."Si'le Agent.', IUII bl..ok Miiith H. U. DeiMt. Salt Lake (.it't akd baudy CilaUou. aon JOB PRINTING. The varied wants of the MINER, ARTIZAN and TRAVELER TOR JOB PRINTING CAN BE' FILLED AT TUB HERALD JOB OFFICE. The unanimous ratisfactioQ given by the work done it our office in the paat has justified us io eootinaallj importing im-porting til the Newest Attractions with which to pleue our pttron in Elegance AJiD Style, and perform Job Printing to compare favorably with any importation importa-tion in thia Hoe from the East or Weat . Anything m the nature 01 PAMPHLETS, POSTER8, SHOW CARDS, MINING BLAH KB, BUSINESS BLANKS, CERTIFICATES, ' HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, COUNTLN'GHOU8E WOBKI RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, ETC., ETC., don. to order in black, colore or gold. We do not profess to work kelow oost, nor work for the fake of working, nor give bait of any nature, but by a system of calculating prioea, make a rule to compete with outside Quality & Figures! CLT M. sTBBLE. tUlfL E JOtTBOl STEELE & JOUNSO.N, Waolesale 4aln Staple ail Fancy GROCERIES IIOUONS, FLOUR N0 BACON, CouncillBluffs.ila. Bote A genu for the Oriental ud Dapeat mjj . Powdsa Ootapaois j PITTSBURGH TRADE. BSTABLI5HRD 1CT).J Wiu. jrcciTlly Ai Co., Alaaufaclaren of the Standard Brands of WINDOW CLASS aito DR l OVISTS' ULASSWAKE. Make a iwUltr ef lanre sites of Window (Jlaai, and aH odd sites out te order. Office IN and MP Wood llrtrl, Plliaowrsjai, nan, P K llsvlng lbs nuft extsndre ftrforti In this eonntrj. and nstviag a Isigtir line e( goid. dealers will 6nd tt to taeir inter est H geteiu-ijueulKM baiore imroaasiag, tl |