OCR Text |
Show ( ; ConmmUt. al Lakb Cut. Dec. Gold Buying 111; selling, 11 Wi call the attention of the laiie to the tile of ft Singer'! Sewing Machine, Ma-chine, (new, with all the improvement) at the auction, thii day at II am.. at house Ho. 8, Little' How. d 1 $1,000 loas wanted for eight week; ficurity real etate ; 5 per cnt. per month will be paid. Address Box !;, post office. d4 BuLLfOK. Iit off Gilmer & Salisbury's Salis-bury's etajre, between Fioche and Lehi, about the 20th of October, a Bar of Bullion, No. 2,2Kt,"and November 1'tb, Bar No. '1,'3 bth from the Kaymond k Ely mine. $260 reward ach will be paid for their recovery. Bring them to VI1, Kargo A C'o's office. (13 Gilmcb A Salisbury. Now i the lime for the NIGHT WUKK. See George Showell. d3 Yopbhould see the new furniture at JJarralt'i. n'4) Geo. Showil, Ucavanger for the City. 02 O. R. Barratt invites the public to call. n'JQ A VEiYiSurKRioa Brand of." Flour and Corn Meal, as well as Oats, Corn, Barley, etc., by Gordon A Murray, half a block south of railroad depot, Salt Lake City. o23 Cuxai' Meat. Charles B. Taylor, stall 4, at the market will soil meat as cheap and good as any. Go and see. n28 For Bkdroom setts of all styled, call at Jooloon't; he dolles competition in prices. n28 Oil ib selling at retail at tho Pioneer Lamp Store, as follows : Common brands 60c. per gallon. drown standard 70c. por gallon. Imperial 100 lire test 76c. per gallon. no9 Kigiit udndrkd Bidstcad, and 6,000 Chairs, at Joolson'e, Groesbeck's building. build-ing. n28 Kndlisb variety of Goods at Bar-rail's. Bar-rail's. n20 Those Belqium Canaries, beautiful fingers, have just arrived, and will bo sold reasonable, by Daniel Grenig. Kaat Tomplo St. n27 All kinds of Tables at Barratt1 s. b'2Q Wk k Kir constantly tn stock a full assortment of all grades of Walthaiu Watches in gold and silver cases, both koy and stem winding, and cheerfully recommend thorn to our eustomora and tho public as thoroughly reJiablo timepieces. time-pieces. Carl C. Asmuskn. Z. C. M. I. Kast Temple itroot, opposite oppo-site tho Fostotfice. noU Ikon Bkpsteads for sale by H. Din-wood Din-wood ey. Another Triumph by Steam Power KOUU DU'LOMAS awarded to P. D. Code A Co., of San Francisco for J K L-h L-h K?, PIOKLKD and CANN KL FKUlTSand VKGBTABLES. al2 TV ys Cheat, at Taylor A Cutler's. .11 Press Goodi in great variety at the California Store. c'Jt Great tiaroaiit to Saddlers and Harness Makers! "We are selling a job lot of splendid Horse Collars at $24 per dozen; and all our large stock of leather ar.d collars remarkably cheap. "Big Boot" IfJ East Temple tit. n2C Complete assortment of CLOTHING, CLOTH-ING, just opened at L. Cohn's California Califor-nia Store. o24 Cutting A Cos California Canned Frui'-s, Jollies, Jams, etc., are far superior supe-rior to all other brands. For sale by ill Urst-claiiBgrocers. my 14 Arrived Two cars Furniture and twenty-seven crates Crockery at Barratt' Bar-ratt' a. nfi Just arrivxd, one car load of parlor setts. Lad i os, oall and examine them, atJoelson's. n28 Ladies' Kors and Dress GoodB Cheap at Taylor A Cutler's. n20 Boy the Imperial Oil 160 fire test, tho purest and acfoat oil in ibe market. noO Now is your time to buy fheap Fur-nituro Fur-nituro at II. Dinwoody's. Ho is just receiving thirteen car loads eiprrsly for Christmas trade. nolO Somkthiko new for housekeepers at Barratt's. T have Keduccd my Prices. a.j U. B. Barratt, o. 40. The UN-fortunate who baTe broken their mirrors can got new glasses put in at H. DinwooJy'. nolO LUhkatt's Stock is next to Post Office. Wasted. One hundred coal miners can rind steady employment at the Rocky Mountain Coat Mine, Evanston. Apply for particulars, &c, to J. Y. Shedden, Agent, at coal house, L". C. It. B. Depot. dl Flannels, at Taylor & Cutler's, dl A Striking evidence of the high esteem es-teem in which the Charter Oak tftovea are held, ib the immense number of them that are annually sold 20,130 in 1871. d3 Children Crt for McLaln'a Candied CastorOil and Candied Vermifuge Bonbons, Bon-bons, They are delicious medicines, and warranted harmless. Price 26 cts. For sale by Z. C. M. I. and all other Druggists. dl The Cook-Boom of tli Body. The food that has been cooked in the kitchen must bo re-cooked in the stomach stom-ach before it can be applied to the nourishment of the body. As a means of facilitating this second cooking, in I caaes where tho process is slowly and i imperfectly performed, Hosteller's tilom- I ach Bitters is invaluable. It promotes the generation of heat in tho living j laboratory in which the crude materials i for building up and recruiting the I human frame are turaed into convertible converti-ble aliment. But this is not all. It acts beneficially upon the collular membrane which secretes tho gastric juice, upon tho liver, which produces that natural Uxativo, the bile, upon the vessels which receive the digested food, and upon the absorbents which connect the digestive organs with the channels of circulation. Ifany portion oflhis complex machinery is out of order tho Bitters wilt set it right, thus promoting vigorous digestion, diges-tion, healthy secretion, ana the production produc-tion of pure, rich, life-sustaining blood. n28 -HtTH'K TJ1 O" R 1' A.TRir AS we havo been unsVTflfTfitjIy compelled to sell tho Bureka Oil, which wo learn has not given satisfaction to our customers, we wiil exchange for ther oil where tho parties purchased of us. no'J E. Kmsi A Co., Pioneer Lamp Store. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NAI.T LAKE THEATRE Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1872. The public tro m-iit wwtfulK informed that in cvii;e'iunco of tho UNBOUNDED SUOOKSt. And tho crcrnl dwire of Ike Patri". a R- ojtfa-ciucnl has boon ofivctcd " lh tbo ACCOMPLISHED A I'OITLAR ARTISTE Mrs. F. M. Bates, FOR SIX PERFORMANCES ONLY. Supported by Mr. F. M. BATES, AND THE rl I T. 5TR-XHTU OF THE COM TAX Y- Will bo perform t.l. f-r this ni.-ht only, ths bciauul 'lay eotiiiej THE STRANGER. - Vhvrsi-aT !..VE-S SACRIFICE. ,H- revto-t.' , WANTED. THE W; Mining Coal and -Miiuc.; C aii y win; COAL MIS KRS 1 A: E ran -tun. R.vk Spring!-. r,d Carn-r Carn-r AitU to Uih-n JvIti rbarp t llie l- C. Diot,r te Ax Ui ai Suj-ner, Agoat. t First National Bank of tjt-h:, salt lake c i x v. designated depository and FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Wuuix Hc-siit, C L. Da.ki.ie. AXTHOIT GODBE. Cuhior. Authorize Capital, - - 150 0,00) PAII PP CAPITAL.. - 1150,000. CABSIROSi - 1134,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent Oldest Banking Inttitutun tn Utah A. General Banking Bmineu Transacted. AGBKCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIMB DEPOSITS fl6 TESTIMONIALS IX FAVOR OF THE PRINCE ORGAN. Greit Exposition, Kansas City. Tbk Princ Ubuak which took the Premium, met in strong compe tition tbo Mason & Hamlin and the Eetey Organs but vanquished them easily. W hen the Prince ia placed beside be-side other instruments its Superior Voicing and Power become bo apparent, that even those prejudiced in favor of the others are obliged to concede the point. Kansas City "Journal," Sept. 27th, 1871. From J. H. Ridges, Esq. Salt Lake City, Nov. 20th, 1872. Messrs. Day net S'on .- I have examined the Prince Oran, and cheerfully accord itmy approbation as a Good Organ, approved alike for its Durability and tiweotnees of tone. J. H. KlDUES, Organ Builder. Salt Lake City, Dec. 2, 1872. I have examined the Prince Organ and can recommend it as a first-class instrument. C. J. Thomas, Conductor of Theatre Orchestra. Dec. 2, 1872. 1 I have inspected the Prince Organ and 1 can recommend it as an instrument instru-ment worthy of patronage, botb in the variety of stops and the easy construction construc-tion in taking out the reeds and in keeping keep-ing dust from the reeds, which is a desirable requisite. Jmo. Tdllidgx, Prof, of Singing and Harmony. The Prince Organ is the best I have ever played on for variety of effects and sweetness of tone. Job. J. Dayhxs, Tabernacle Organist. S"OrffanB with Six Flops, in handsome Black Walnut Caw, for Sl5. B OrRtBS suitable for Churcho, Schools, Ealli, eic, with baron htops, for 3130. J. DAY X KH SOX, Agents, dl Salt Lako City, SHOWROOM UP-STAIItS. TOYS! TOYS!! THE FINEST STOCK Ever Brought to this City, t't be found at D. GRENIG'S BAKERY Grocery Store, At WHOLESALE AND RETAIL' Also the Finest Stock of Groceries, Spices, Nuts, Candies, Canned Goods, Etc, Etc., At u LOW FIGURES AS In any House In ,;thc City. CALL FIRST OS, AND YOU'LL BE TO BUY or, Daniel. Gremg, KAST SIDE KASTi TEMPLE STREET Jl Abor. Saconil Sooth StTMt. .0(141 CRACKER BAKERY, Main Street, Near Third South Stmt, MALT LAKE CITY. CONSTANTLY on hand and maiuftetar-en maiuftetar-en ot; Battrr Crttkrn,' Bod CrackmJ Ptcnlr rmrkfri, Bmios Crtfk'fi, Lf Gnd Blacalta, Milk RlKlll, Atntnuht Blue alt, Clnfr ft as p., Lmon Snap,; X-vi riU.i Brta Whirh w A"eT ,fl tht ird iil r.biic fBn;i)-. W"hoUlt or KfiaU, AT LOWER RATES thin the tuna eta te imported- " We rTTrnt oor Or It on to b liui ud the But in the rr.irteL MORTON & CO- SPECIAL ADVERTISEflESTS WASTED. 4 SMALLE"T"?E WTTH TWO.THREB. V w I -cr :.i. : & r5oabl .-., AlJ.-asi Boi o Liu Pi-sic-S?. d.i LOST, BETWEEN THE WALKER HOI'S E AND D-'ss, qs. T-je-dsy. a laiy-j Fur CV.Iar. lie dor "ill bt 1; r.! rewarded WHILE :.FTrKNIN'.t FROM WARM Hrinz Lake, Lair's Skata, No. 2, hirley's i The isder w:ll confer a faver and be roard-si by leaving j; at uodbe i C's huiesale Lnucr Sire. ikJ7 FOR SILL CEVEY-KIVE TTELL BROKE MULES. Al liirncif ecj.-iet8 fur eai-h Taam. A: lb? tall Ljio SuiL'.e, by Cai taja Ed-1'atnet. Ed-1'atnet. J.i OR RENT, A NEWLT-BL ILT BRICK Hlluo, ccnuiiiirr; tea pod, we.l-fur-rsijhed Kooa., tiro cellars, and ccavecieat Ouiiou.iea. Apply al tku oce; or J. A.. Box i'i, P. U. nil FOR REST. THREE NEW RiMS AND A BUT-U-ry. half a blu;k trom. Main itrect. Ai'ply ai HtK.iLD oLtt-a. (io jS2s DR. GROVES, Offioe, Saeoad Soath btrMt, Throe doon st of Great W aster Hot, half a block oast of lephaat Siora. SaJt Lake Citj - OB fmn .m. Is 5 Mil CHICAGO TRADE. F. & E. JAEGER, 73 Wabash Arcnnr, near Rnndolph, CHICAGO, ILL., DIBF.CT IMrORTESS OF Crockery. China, !a5waro, Lamps. Lookinr (SlaiiCj, Cink'n,-, liri uiiima and Silver plated GiHjds. Tho ittrccst iloiiio in the Wast, dl W. B. CLAPP & CO., Manufacturing Jewelers, 1.1D IMPORTERS or Watclies and Fancy Gootta, 80 WEST WASHINGTON STREET, cure AGO. Pricos a 1 it ays tho Lowest- octlS COGSWELL 4 CO. JOBBERS OF WATCHES, JEWELRY! And overy thing in the wayjof JEWELERS' SUPPLIES, 306 West Madison St., CHICAGO. B.10 HAMLIN, HALE & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS DM GOODS, KOTIOXS, WOOLENS, AND HOSIERY, CO UN KR OF MADISOS Jt FHASKUN STREETS, CHICAGO. EW YORK QUOTATIONS ALWAYS FOUOWES. el JOHN V. FARWELL & Co., wholesale; NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, AND "W OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe 6c Franklin Sts', CHICAGO. Established Williams mier & Olmstead, (Formerly Fitch, Williams A Co.,) "rt'holosalo Deal on in Hats, Caps, Furs aii Ml Goods, ;i25 and 127 MARKET STREET, autiU CHICAGO. PAGE. BRO. & Co.. porters and Dealers in 1BATUEB AND FINDINGS, 35 A 37 Nouth Ctinnl trrct, W. W. Piiko. Boston, CHICAGO, OrTilie Phko, iPh. ILL. C. E. Page, ;Chl0K-jujl9 ;Chl0K-jujl9 M. D. WELLS & CO , Manofwturert of and WholeaaJe Dealer i In Boots and Shoes. 01 B Whtih Ave, Chicago. M. D. Wells. B. J. Maofarland. R, BenedioL mil 8. V. Melntrre, "The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID Wholesale DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, nave rcmr) lo thfir "ow 8tor, 99 and 04 LAKK untKicT, cornor Dearborn Htrset, (nil tfce old sito) CHICAGO, where, wlih buiMir.n e'fted expressly for the bniaesf, Siam li.evat"r, eto.. they he opened Dp n i in in ease Slock, ansarpaaied in the nnrthwwc 6peial atteulioD given U Territorial Notice to "Wool Growers or Sheep Herders. J HAVE a larce lot uf COTISWOLO Itl CKS A n EWI',1 That 1 will "-II n! rea(-naL tu'"; any pcr-lo pcr-lo n i'hir:c Uj purclia-'e wiil d'j well !'j call at my rofi'iancc. Wm Jordan Ward. r. W. VAX ETTSS. nov ! "WIDE &W&KE "i;",'. roiTft 1 -i I .-. '-..'J.I.:Kr..-;F.,-pj it. i r. il-- '-t o:,.r,: ' ill I'aiiiUarii tji LS A Ai' lo ertry luhscnbei io Henry Ward Beecher"8 ! i.i i f i: y. Bf:Li'.j'n-. wrrKi.T I.. h-.r.c rrat sj - in ' a'-'-'r.rri;.' ,1 '"-r, - t ir na(.;-'J .ir.y ' 1 ' 7' e , '-y " - i a1 m ia;J ;- : V vr7 aav. Tat Pa;.' ' r "r. s: -' r'J' a.-c;,":"' " A ur. UHAL A.i:rs wasted: I ffc'.' min r.i 'r.:r. "art"-! ererr fit,; i'.Ar 'ar-.j' i'JfV .i.'u.'i : UL Ac''..', Nf V 7--; I. ' 3 it tea.-i.ey IEON & STEEL. SCOTT, BUMAM & CO,, DEiLXSS IS WRICHT'5 PICKS, IRON BARROWS, ASD ALL KI'DS OF MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE A ALL KINDS OF FITTHaS rOEriKSACESA HILLS. HAKDW -A. K. E , BURDE-N'S EOKSK i MULE SHOES, BELLOWS, A.WHS, A"D eiUKR BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AOB.VTS FOR Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, Q. S. Lubricating Oil, ALL LOW FOB CASH. del MINES FOR SALE. PR. PAUL GREGORY owns four excellent silver mines within one mile of earh other. Wood and and water lUenuful on all of them. Iho mines are riih- Ores runninc fromSHjOupto STA per ton, ran bo obtained, from each of them, in paying quantity. 'Ihe crevice of the (in-con- lodo if twenty-seven feet wide;a streak of tour ftet will run SooV per ton. Being deiirous of sending homo a nico present from Utah, I will sell an interest in one or all, or sell all at fair Spares. Each lode tonuins 100 feot. and the Gregory lode is down liW feet and looks fine. This lode is directly up the gulch from the Ontario ono-hulf mile, and the same distance below the liowland lode, in Blue Lodge Mining district, Wasatch County. 1 have just moTed my camp to tho ild bill cabin, where 1 dhaU be ploasod to show my mines, Thoy are each new claims and nut littlo known, and tho jealousy, 1 repret lo say, ex-istlBg ex-istlBg amongst those owning claims hero, to a great eitent, have kept thoso seeking such proporty from calling on mo. 1 ask capitalists to come and see. 1 will iho- you all 1 promise W " PAUL GREGORY, M. D. Four miles from Snydenville THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY If tho PIONEER KOUTE between OMAHA and CHICAGO, completed four years ago, since which Lime the Uompanir have spared neither pains nor expense in perfecting its read bad and track, aod equipping it with rolling toct,of the most modern improyotnonu; this, together with the fact of its being the Shortest Line offers to the Travel ing Public a route unsurpassed in itm country for Bpeed, comfort, safety and Bure connections. PARTICULAR CAUTION should he taken by passengers in selecting their route, and not bo deceived by false advertisements and representations by interested parties of competing lines in regard to time, distances, rates, etc Thii popular route requires no lee statements, relying on its true merits, it needs only to he known by the trarel-ng trarel-ng public to be appreciated. TIME: San Francisco to Omaha, four days and seven hours. Via Chicago and North Western Railway, Omaha to Chicago, twenty-three twenty-three hours, Omaha tc New York, sixty hours. Omaha to Boston, sixty-lour hours. Pnllman'a Palace, Hotel, and Sleep-Ins Sleep-Ins Cars Are run on all through trains from Omaha to Chicago. How to Secure Sleeping Berths Bo-fore Bo-fore Reaching Omaha: Passenger desirous of securing Sleeping Sleep-ing Uertfcs, Sections or State Rooms in the bleeping Car from Omaha Kast, can do so by telegraphing from any of the stations on the Union Pacific Railroad, to W. A. Carpemtcr. General Agent, C. JtN. W. Railway, Omaha, stating what they want This is all thoy need to do until they roach the O. & N. W. Railway Rail-way Dopot on the east side of the .Missouri .Mis-souri River, then go to the Sleeping Car Conductor, give nim their names, as per telegram, and they will find that he kas their berths reserved for them. Passengers going East will consult their own intorest by securing Through Tickets ma CH1AOO & NORTH WJ5STKRN RAILWAY, which can be procured at all principal Uckot offices in California and the West, and at railroad offices to San Francisco, Malt Lake City, Ogdon, Omaha and Council Bluffs. JNO. C. GAULT, General Sup't Chicago. H. P. BT AN WOOD, General Ticket Agent, Chicago. 8 Trees I Flowers I Bulbs I Seeds I IIEDUE PLANTS! NURSERY STOCK I FRUIT AND FLOWER PLATES Address F- K. PHOKMX, BLQQMINGTON NURSERY, xxiXiZirorst OW Acres; 21 tt vear; 12 Ciroen houses. Apple, LOW 1 jr.. fS)2j. ti;.!l y. W; ly. $. i Catalogues, JU cents. LEGAL JNOTICE. VTOTICE Ifl HEREBY G1VEV THAT j Jame W. Cuintuina, Wm. M. Jnbm, John Cummins, Ribcrt Arul-r.in mid 'J hut. 1'. Akrr", do clniru twenty-1 our hundred Cil'HM fct in length, by two hundred iaJj feet In width, on tho Oewla iind Lucky Ltoy Mining Claim, ihcing r tilvor-lieiinng vein uf rock in place,) and the land and prrmife' iiii-inrtainini iiii-inrtainini t" !aid mine, all pituatod in the Ve( Mitunla n miniiif di'trict. county of Salt Lake, 'lerrit'irv of t'lnli.ttiu ..-uli .!i and eitcnt lhcrif boinc more fully dueenbed as Tollnws, to wit: The nbo niininf claim i rituatiyl on un-(turvejed un-(turvejed lands of the V'niied Matet, 'Ikin dicovory monument of nid cIbuu h ilintant about one-lialf mile from tho junction of Black JackHulch and Uatterficld canyon. From the discovery ioat eikitii feet n-ath of tho Lucky liuy dif cover? I incline) than, said mining rlaim runn S. J' , M'. I-1 f-ot to of pur. bear S. L. : tbence " W. . I .'IT 1 feet totbewMfrn b"unJary of cluim; th"n-e -N. Z'tt . W. I 'J feet U- iJo No. 1, marked I". 3- No. 1 L-. No. SO; tbence N. M1 ( V- l2 feet tn I'otNo. 2: tbence N. l!'a . K hi't leet W l'"-t N"o. a; ihrnce S. 7f 1 , , t- 'l f:i to Port No. f, thence 11'.. w. Z' f'-t to I'ot No. 6; th-Tice N. Ti-, , W. i1 u v l'ot No. 6; thenr-e S. 2', , W. TVt i; u, po-t. No. 7; IhenreS. 61-. , W. Ut U- Port No. 6: tlicnre N. , W. V ie-t lo i'urt No. 1 , Ibe pi u''A if b"innine, forln inir,? eleven acrei aod lid teen onc-h undredtht ol n acrr. Kr.rn Pfirt No. 2, f. S. Mineral M-.tmuieat ! No. fl boarc N. ITS'. W.2.11' f t di-im Krotn the dicovTy iiMmlhi :u "lon-nel "lon-nel fK-ar ti. . tibn"J ft -: di-u:.t- The ,'tiia.l'v n" ia tue aL'.iu..DK cluim 'n tht Dunb-ewicily end. as ict f.rii. m Uiv tlia-cram: tlia-cram: ncd o do hoitby rive further rcf that, nav Idc o--cui'id srid iini-ro i ! in inl ioJe ar.d .rKi', a-"rJin( tt. tb" lo-al mi-toru? mi-toru? and rulei of rnmr in d ruirnne di-tnt. di-tnt. and hvir.K e ipende-1 ir. le-Lun h't'- r a:,d ' Os'k Th'"TVaNL L..t"'v. 1 l:r-ii th i tie -tual pea-eaMfl j.....i ,n '. M'i mir.ir.r fr-p'ry. s wl fliib' l -r a 'ui-.vy and i-lat oi ;.d iT'Uii-f. ar.'l a i'r:;' f'.r :: skie uodr ta-Act oj C- i-ci-m "Ar. A--1 rmntmr the rient of ay to Ji'-ti a:,j canal nnrr- m cr tti- P'i!-.i'. Ib- hd '; r.ther fori-arrr-vf-l ,i '. mm the amendatory A:", an-rfd J l. 1 HL , li-... and an A: of Cnrs aiirov-d :uBv 1 1 j . LT. I. e;Ut:d ' An v, rr- - ...e tf (1- i-tr.-u.''.: jf 'Jit tterai muuvV ui itie Lulled i v itrw "uz haodi and teal, IMI iu day of J afic i wit, MAM M. J'-'HN'i:', ja- w. ci M .Y N 'ji, - I 1 R"iLKT ATKi,.i07T. t-al4 (By 11 jt. V- Ai-r-. hit BV.-r.-y it AU SHI Lut .A. 'E.M.BRrW. jjca. fe:t.,nt..-5, ( VniTd .tate Lad ff-.. A---t 3. IWTi I tr !fy tfcal tke 4 atcl a dtacrarn d-v fii-J ir, LJi '-ft.-?. lof-w.'T w,-ti a n .t a:. A-r n.-r--. - t:.- j ' A; A ' r:.:.L ir.e the r.r!-' .: d --l ar,d :," rj..r. a;:.r'7-i . ar.d a:i'.-u u r" A ! of l .j.i-fe-i a;:ri-.'jJ X,y l-i. .Tj.t,-, :.-led "A- Ac: v- i,: . a- L'.i 'f !: 'f l ii;r...-l i" v 1 -'-te.- I dirivt ii,d a .mo to bt i r.;.f'-j it, tn' - : Mhi.lv 11.,..;., a r,.--:-r'Ui i-u-vn-tud nearest the lotatfr of n,t i.,n.. OLO. K XAAWLI.L, oX l-H-.V. Fbosfictcs for 1ST3. Sixth Yxak. THS ALDIXE, An llluatrailrd Henttaiy Journal, j unlvcreaUly admitted to 1 the hauiiomtit Perlodlcai In the World. A BrprfifUtatlT and Champion of American Ameri-can Tail. Not for SaJe in Book or News Stores, THL" ALPINE, while issued with a!l the riariy. ha cse cf u.e tfar.'ra-T or ttmtly LOtereit ctiaracteriMic c: orair.r perui:,'al- 1: u ar. civt mi.s.-c..acy (Lire. luLi. artd crace:'l ;:;o.-a:ure. aa a v!-lectK-n ol' i.-iurci, the rariwi fj-ec:siFn; t:" artiiic still, m b;aj-k asd nbite. A.Uiuufb arh succetMint; numb: arords a fresh rlca.--tireto it- irn-r.jj, the real va.ue ad Lcauo ol" THh ALl'lNt "ill b us cm i'i-res-iui:ier it ba. beer, tvund ur at Lie cK.--.i- o! tie t.;tr. V tul etior publications may claim upi:or ch ;aj r. p, a.- c. i iiroa n :Lh rival- of a tiLjj.ar e Hi ti ALi'lN E i; a uc:i;e ard cr;.r.a! cv-nctvLun alone and ucai'T'.-iird atw-lutety atw-lutety wilhi'at mpeutivli in price oj- character- The possess.' r o: a wxi lete i olcuia cxn-nit cxn-nit dui'licate the quantity of ur.e paj-cr and aEgravicir in any other shape or ran.her e: TolumM forlrntliura Ha c out ; mid llieil, there arc Lh tkronoi bcatdra I ART DKrABTMKXT. N ot with standi nc the increase in the price c: sutwenpuon last al. w&on lllk A1.P1M. ai-umpj its pris-em n.blei roivrtioa ai'.U ri'p-nteiiniative ri'p-nteiiniative L.-hara-ter, the ivlnion w morr thau donbira ajrins the past year; prv-ick prv-ick that the American I'ubUc apprrciaic and will suptvrt-. asitcore ciort in the cause o: Art. iQo pubiifhers, anxious to justity the ready connuenco 'tins demontstcd, have eiturted ttemclve; to tho utmost to oevel.'p and imiTot e the wort; and lUl' plans tor tit tsjminj; year, a.- unioldod by the monthly is-su.', is-su.', will atonih and aiMishi i'i ea Uie moi sanguine fnenos of iUK ALt'lN K. ihe publishors are authorued to annicnc deiifn- irou uiaay of the moit omiuent artiste 01 America. In addition, TH E ALIUS E will produce examples ex-amples ef tho boI lorcign masters, aclectod . ith a view to the htgbost artistic suocos. ana groaio.t Koneral intorest; aioidins such its have become lamiliar, throush photocraptis or COpie5 ol any kind. Ibe quarterly tinted plates, for 1S7S will re-pr'dco re-pr'dco tone ci Judai. L'avies' imaiitable cbiLd-sketchej, appropriate to thi four utajuns. Thujo plaios, appoarinc in the iuos for J an-uary, an-uary, April, J uly , and October, wu id be alone , north Iho price ol a year 'a su bicripiion. 'Ihe p-ipular toaturos ot a ov.khisIi illuitrat-1 illuitrat-1 ed "Christmaj" number will bi i-oi;tinuisl. To poaioij ucb a valuable ciiitom.1 i tho art world, at a cost 3 triniHE, will command ttio subscriptions of thousands in ovury n oi tho country; but, as Uie useluliuwa a,d ,.u. lions oi I'll K ALU I. Mi can bo enhanced, in proiHTtion to tho numerical increase i : its .-p-IKirtera, tho puoliauers pn.poso to mako "ua-auriiDco "ua-auriiDco double euxo' by the lollewuic au-paralleled au-paralleled uder of rKEflUM (1IKO.VOS rORJ873, Every subKribor to T11H ALD1SE, who puj t in nd unco lor the year IS'.'., will reccit o. without additional charge, a imroi boiuitnul oil chrouioa, alter J.J. mil, the eminent t.ug-lish t.ug-lish painters, iho pictures, entitled "ino ilhwe bull," and "LTossiiii; ibo Moor."' are H x jj im.ho.-i aro printed ituui J.i ditlercnt plutos, riKmriD .'.I LuprotsioDs and tints u perioct each picture, iho samo clironioa are doidlorfJU tier puir, in Uie art iteres. As it is the determination ot its conductors to keep lilt ALD1N& out ol the roach oi coiupiMilion in every dopartuiem? tbo cliremoa iviil be . tound corroepundingly ahoad oi any that eno bo odt-rod by ctliur periodicals. J-Jvory buO-1 buO-1 flonber will receive a cortincato, over tlie tig nuuiro o! the pa blishers, guarameeing tliat tno chrotuos dolivered shall bo eual to Uiu imuplcs furnished tho moot, or tho money will 0o renin re-nin aod. Tun distribution oi pictures of ihift grade, froo to tno subscribers to a live dollar puriodical, will mar an epoch in ibe history uIArt; and, considering Uie uniTecedeiited choai.noss oi tho price tor llib Ai,ui. b itseli. tno marvel lulls little short oi a miracle, ot en to thoso bust aciuitintod with iho uchievo-aient: uchievo-aient: 1 1 inventive p cuius und tniproted me-ctiauical me-ctiauical upiiliiiaeos. (for illustruiiuus of Uioso cbromoM, sou Noveiabw uuuo oi X'liL ALilM.) .T1IK LITEBAKY HHrAlIT.1l EN T willcontinuounderthe care of .Mr. KU'liAKI HtNlvV OiUUJJAtvJJ, aasuu-d by .iio nest writers and pocu ot tlioday. "ho Hill stmo to have ttio literature ol illE ALUlNU always' al-ways' in Xcukiux w itu its artistic uttrauUous. TEltftlS. 3 per annum, lu advance, will OH Chroiuoa ficc. T1IK ALDIXE will, hereallor. be obtnined only by Kubscnptimi. lliero will bo no reduced re-duced or club i ate; cash for subscript ions must bo sent to the publisher direct, or liutuird lo the local acu.nt, iiiiout rctitoinltilill)' to llir p it itil uliora, except in eases where tho cert ilicute in (i en,boarniK the lac-alnillc aiauatureol Jauu aurio.t i Jo. AK.XS WANTKIt. Any person, wishing to net permanently u. a local neiit, n ill rccoive lull aad piuiupl information in-formation by applying to JAMES SITTOX & Co., rnlUlahci'rt, 98 MA1IIKS LAKE, KKW VOltli. .n.H a in r r i - r y h r ii: l3 x1 1 c , o COMPOUND BONE-SKT PILLS Home-made and purely vegetable. They ralieTe Jntindioe, Pynpaptsla, Indifea Hon, Liver Complaint, DoHduche. Leai ol Appetite and Koul 6 torn ach. will breakup Coldi, Fever. Oonghi. and I'orifi- the Wlood. They will Cleanse the Stomach. Renovate all oae where Fhyeto li neadod. Try a boa. You will like them, ami never want any other tort. They are Ionic, Oath art io and Bj pee-to pee-to ran. TweBtj-flTeeanUperboi Twenty-ivaPUla, Warranted to live lalbfaotion. J, E. JOHNSON, U 0orCt ltl And inld at ZIon'l Co-operative Sterevrd by other agenw throughout the Territmy. alio leld al wholesale or furniehod on com-mi com-mi Ml on to TMponslbloaxenU. If tfanae med-te.nearenot med-te.nearenot kept al your itnrea. aak oar arahant te ardw tbm at nan. LIDDELL & BROWN, AVCTION AM COMMISSION MERCHANTS IVr ths ula ef U Wid c: Brrchaadlr. Honaehold Oooda.S Stock, etc., AL.-' for Oraia. rraiii. Batter, Telt. Ac. Bond. lpo.tted with u City TRaiartrloiccnrt Conalgnore. (X'SSUiNMEXTS SOLICITED And Liberal i i tsH AiVAcrs made. STOKAUK AMTLE. Country Auction SaKv rrvnij tly attccied tv a ra.iaM rate. Kaat Temple Mrrl, few Jxr Berth l.t 0:!i.-e, (i. W. GEE, Auctioneer, ov 14 S It l.akf City. Tavlor & Cutler, HaveuiM e-l in another bi( tot of Charter Oak STOVES; Aln.k. full tv.-k .'I DRY COODS, CROCERIES, BOOT'j & SHOES, ETC. Under Taylor's Hotel, EAST TEMPLE STREET. ua Graves & co., Wholesale und Retail GROCERY And Provision Dealers, CROESBECK BLOCK. Scwnd South S(rop(, Salt Lke Cn v. nl WHITE LEAD 170 & 172 lUNDOM'II STIIKKT, Odor Si.icliil InducmonL, ( lre. Imyer Mid iho Jobbing 'initio wf blh i oiriu.rr. Diimoii, Tciujilo & Co., luilorler, Manufaaturem ivnd Jobben of NECK-TIE3 iAnd allUoodafor GKNT'8 NKCK WEAK, LLNKN AND TADiK 10ULLAK8 AW1 0UKK8. Lll and ll'l Wabaah Ave. jy3 vmvAun, in. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S AT COST! DURING THE HOLIDAYS. Ta,yr&G Aasortmont. Now is your lime! li,I7 GROCERY DEP'l Z. C. ZLVL. 1. WHOLESALE AND KLTAIL Groceries, Hardware, IMows, Niovcs, Crockrrj' (Glassware, Tinware, 31iners' Supplies. We do not throw out aiy Baita by AdvertizinK a few Leading Articles at Low Prices. OUR QOODS OriEAPi OKALKHd 1 TUK HmLE.MK.MT8 AK1 MINLNO iow:;8 WILL W1 IT TO THKIll LNTKKE3T TO CALL AND UNQUUIK l'UIUKS BKF01IK; PURCUABINO. an k. a. OLAWiua. i.oui,. ' |