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Show a. w. white; a. co. BUY AND SELL STOCKS ONCOMMISSIO IMPORTANT CAUT1QN! There are at preseut various prepa-rasions prepa-rasions offered for sale in the market under the name of "Florida Waiter," but as they are disagreeable and no-healthful no-healthful in their nature, we call eepscitl attention of buyers to the necessity for always asirin; for Murray (t Lanmant Florida Water, prepared pre-pared only by Lanman k Kemp, New York, sole proprietors. For sale at Z. 0. M, I. and Godbe's Drug Sto-ea. 676 V A IN 11EG11ETS. How many there are in this city suffering with disease who look baok with tho deepest regret upon the time and money they hare thrown away in Hying no? fcicdies only to find themselves them-selves deceived. Tahc our advice, all is not lost; use Bristol's Sarstparili a IXth, they oontain a great and reliable curative power. For sale by all Drugeista. 650 MORE HAVE BEEN SOLD, XiltV HAVE lilVKM GREATER SATISFACTION TUEY 11AVE DONE MORE & BETTER WORK ARK MORB KAS1LV SOLP, PAYING BETTER PROFIT TO THt D'AIER, AND CHEAPER TO USE TU.AK ,NY COOKING STOVE NOW IN THE MARKET. Sold by EXCELSIOR MAIIFM'MIiGl, SAINT LOUIS, Wholosalo Doulor In all kind- .f TINNERS' STOCK, And '7 all LIVE STOVE DEALERS. novll WATCHES & JEWELRY 1 O. L. ELIASON,! Bt'iS to inform Ihe rcajdonts of Salt Lke City ud Mciaity, that ho Dt voir ijuaraa'ee.' to rrotmrly Jtopoir, Clean end A'Jmst Watches and Chronnuiotcrs, but ho wi 1 mako them or any port of them, to order, ind nurriint liio work. .lu.'L received a now surrlj of ElRin.Swiii Wat'.-hei, and a fino bt ek of Iirsl-clfif Jpirolrv. l'rkn l"v m nnv in town. Two Uoor.i Eon of tho. Doierol Umik. dl $150 REWARD, Oil FIFTY DOLLA ItS EACH. IS ntfVrrd f.r tho K-cui-ei-v of th" foil.. win d-'cribed AniimiN, lnt on tbtt nk-ht of the '."'th of Noivt'inbi-r. fr'ui my jmMjro in the "Mith pri o! (ho C(y : Udo ch-umt ourd Muro, t'n-o yxajs u'd, Qnx colored inula ml l;ul, whi-o firiP in fV", h-uvy huihl. nod about liftonn humls huh. lino ktt Mm", ''(iu( (lit.' "iinio aa ilio abovo d-3irihvl, H--C! a Utile uii'lur llm .-rvcldlg, Jj.li b'-'-n ki-kutl on bm'k !:rt uf lirnt !T Io, ia a ii'tla mtii yi-l. AIo one In i mo link hmi Muro Mulo, ubr.ut 1U1 1 bun ill Liju, tut I .-li4vud klA dv"I 1kh1. 'Iheuburo imvnrrf will bo iu i ii m my unc "li'i will return ihu umumli tu we in till? " del THOMAS JJi.NKl.N'6. 1 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. i. CBUUOTICK. W11TD HOOl. L E. IDII1. SJ. CHIHIjOVIOH ffe OO., Importer! and wholea&le deaJen Id FIRE W INKS L14UOR1, soli Aoixre roB IESSE, MOORE & CO'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES. DltlOT rmOK LOUIMTILLK, IT. 601 Front St.. KAN FRANCISCO. p4 published in 1&51. C. VENARD, Manufacturer of the Original Chartres Coffee, And all kinds of Spiee and California Afustard, 625 nd 62? Front Streot. between J&cklon and P&oihc SAN FKA CISCO. 6 BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOR WIIOLiCSAL.lt TRADE, Weaver & Taylor, 118 Front Streot, San Franoisoo, California. &12 A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer la kladl JPXCJLUX1X3 SMOKBD SALMON AND HERRINGS, 1SI WuhlagtoH StrU All klnda of Dried. Brooked and Pickled TUh ooatntlj on hand. PAMER, WATTSON & CO (Saocusors to Weil & Co..) Importers and manufacturer of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 233 ftnd 235 Front at., aor. Sacramento, i5 SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. HECHT, BRO'8 & Co. BOOTS, SHOKS&. LEATHER lOt 106 SansomeSt., San Francisco And G A 12 l'oarl St Boston. j B UC Kit, Gil AX Jt HECIIT, Man a facta ran of ihe "tmu anAtin" califukmia ibotsahi shiii. Harness Saddlery, Leather, J. C. JOHNSON de CO., 10 A 106 Front Street, T HAN FR AX CISCO, Rffrr by permission to Mr. 11. B CI axe -won, Superintendent of Lh Z, CM. I. olS fid'IABLlSUED lboO. Importers of Teas, East India, goods and general groceries, 213aiiW15 Front Street, San Francisco. o28 8. h. Staple?, fi. P- Phapinan. John Spruanor. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Snoooison to H. Webster k Co. aui J. k J, flpruance, Importers and Deaden in WINES AND LIQUORS, 10 10 FBOST KTBEET, . E. A. FAR CO & CO., Importers and Jobber of BranOies. Wines aid Lipors, 310 Front 8ti cr Cooam.rcl.l, D. I. r. 25 8AN TBANOISOO " ""- " 'v:: v. J. CAL'M & CO., Tmporten and Manoiactarera of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. H3a Sanaome ltM San Pranclaco. No 18 Warren SL. New York. f9 GRAND HOTEL Oa Market, New Montcomarr and Beeona aireeLs. FHaJTOMCOp OA I. b JOffNSON 4 Co., Pbopwitoiu. E. MARTIN dc CO. Wholesale Lipr Dealers, Q9 rroat Straat, laa Traaelita, Prepriaton of HILLKR'I KXTHA OLD BOURBON And sola aienti for f, CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a full aaaortment of all the rd Brands of WhlikUi, Vina Braadle ForalfM aad Domtttlt WlDaa, m5 Blttara, OordUli, L. A. Bander-eon, r. L. Hera. SANDERSON & HORN, llmportflra and Jobbers of CIGARS AM TOBACCO. (Proprietor! tf La Knpanola Cigar Factor J SoU manufacturers oj tht ccUbrctt 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 front hJtroe, wm Waiblngtoa avnd Olay, SAM FRAHC1ICO. ap4 MURPHY,GRANT&CO, Iroportors of Amorican and Buropoan staple mid Fancy DRY GOODS, KvVIV FUANCINCO, OAX.llTOnSllAt Call the attention of the Trade to their larci and complete stook of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Whioh they are now receiving- direot from Xoropo&n Manufacturers. aomprUlnt In part Vranolt Slerlnoa Wool Batlnaa, Wool Plalila, French and Oerman, Irlab and Krancta Popllna, Kmpnu Clothe, Vamlaa, black and colored, Valvataana, Alpaoaa, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. ALIO GLOVES, Kid. Book, Berlin (Ladies'. M lises. (lent) Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. '"rieowirl" In alliU branches WhK, Good, Uandkarolilefs, SlilrLliiff LlatQi, iiatlli, wblt mJ Potord Damaka, bruwn loom and blMohed, Tow.l., UurJi, Diaiwr, Turklia. JfaiiklHa a.Uil hoyllaa, Itia., Ct Eta. FURS WANTED Hiflhest Cash Price Paid for Fur. Havana Ciword Vbula.alo ana KoUiL THOMAS C.UlTtJl, At fciOK.l Uro's, midor bait Lajto lluuao. SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! FALL & WINTER SEASON, 1872. Goods Suitable at Teasdel & Co's. Rubbers & Cioth Overshoes at I Teasdel & Co's. Flannels.Linseysi Blankets at Teasdel & Co's. Ladies & Children's Furs at Teasdel Go's. BREAKFAST SHAWLS, NUBIAS AND HOODS AT Teasdel & Co's. SHAWLS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE, SIN-GLE, AND SCARFS AT Teasdel & Co's, GENTS' OVERCOATS, OVER-SACKS OVER-SACKS AND TRAVELING SHAWLS, AT TEASDEL & CO'S. A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL CLASSES OF GENERAL GENE-RAL MERCHANDISE AT TEASDEL & CO'S. AT PRICES TO ENSURE SATISFACTION. SAT-ISFACTION. THE BLEES Sewing Machine -AT- TEASDEL CO'S, EAGLE HOUSE, OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE. 31 Lindenberger & Burke. COMMISSION mo IMPORTING MERCHANTS, SOLE AGEiVTS OF TB8 Willamette Woolen Mills of Salem, Oregon, Nob. at MO BANSOME STREET, SAX KKANt 1S0, CAL BMets, Flannels, Cassimeres, REDUCED PRICK LINT. We are now prepared to furnish to the trade at (tronlly reduced pnc all the KUudi mad br the Willanctte Mills, of Salem, Oregon, filjjaketa, all jradoa aud culon; a Flannels, all eoUrs, rej, while, a rej ; CaAsimcros. all cradoi and Uti'lflsi Ileary Waterproof; Heavy red, white and rrey IT. S. A Drawers, Teamsters" hearj plaid Flannel Ortn-hirtf Teams L en' hcary frej Flannel OranhirU,' Carfaimere OrerjhirJt etc., elc, ete. A- Uruera fcr all kinds of Goods soliei ted, for sale at Low Rates br L.rNtKNBEKl.ER A BURKB, Has, 2S and 30 Sii0IB Street, Oil Si.1 h RAlfCISCO, CiU ilCTION ! AUCTION ! WihU SOLp, ON WEDNKSPAY noit, at 11 a-m.. tho Fl'RN 'TfBE in Home o. 8 Little's Row, SoccnJ Feutn Blret: One Parlor Set in (Irern Rep, pb Parlor Sot in tireon Vtlrcl one niarblo up Taelr; two lied l,oun(M in Green Hep; one ;t-ply Carpet. 'M yds; two l'arlnr Stores, standi and pipe; Laco CurUuDs. with Cornice; one Extension Ex-tension Din-ns: Table ; Carpet in Umiis K"-tu: six Dining Chairs; Croekeryware.coiu-plota Croekeryware.coiu-plota for housekeeping; (..lasswre. Plated wure; Bedroom Sets, isofaj, LtAikist Olasiea, njl CUtk: Qna CokinR Stove, complete; kitchen furniture; Oil Painlins, Chroino?, Lamps, Chandeliers, Child's MnaoKony Uod-suad Uod-suad and Mattresa; twolve half-gallons .As-juried .As-juried Preserves, put up for l'auiily use; ten bushels Potatoes, io. da r, kvass, r- arswiRr. EVANS & STEWART, PRACTICAL Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, EAST SIPS OF EAST TK.MPLE STREET, Below Second South, SALT LAKE CITY, rrr Buildinw und Stores fitted up with CJas and irrii I'ipks on reasonable tcrins. All Work (Juarashiku. n26 FAR VEST FREIGHT CO. Head Quarters, St. Loula, Bo. DUUANT &CUTTING, FORWARDING aB COMMISSION MERGHim AGENTS ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.. WI are prepared to contract for ihlp-monLs ihlp-monLs I ruin all parts of the East, our Line having made ipaoial armnnemenU for the lata iaJ iroo-l tranxportatioa of all frolnht froui Now ork, JJ.imon. Balliiuore, ChtoAen, tit, Louis and all Eastern Cities, to Bait Laka CitJ, Wa are olTerinf aitra induaaueBU for tha shipment of Ora and Bullion to ail Kaateia points, OrriCB lira Wakihoobx: Ftrat block aonth ot UiMtt lalt L.Ia Ctly. DVKANT OUTTIKO SJIPlESOS-aX-l Pall and Winter Notice! ARRIVAL. Pall & Winter Goods. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, HAVE BOUGHT A LARGE AND WELL SELECTET STOCK OF CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHING FURNISH-ING GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON AND WHICH IS NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. French, English mid American Suiting's, Coatings and Cassimeres in great variety uuil latest Myles. Men's and Hoys suits olT the latest fiuhions. from Mi first Houses in New York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. A FULL STOCK OP HOME MADE CASSIMERES AND JEANS, V. WHICH WE INVITE INSPECTION. MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks, Valises, Rugs. Blankets, Capes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SBOEk, . EASTERN AND HOME MADE, GRANT, GREELEY, AND ALL THE NEWEST styles OF HATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. The great success which has atteDded Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has induced us to make Large Purchases for our Fall and Winter Trade, Bo that gantlemen may choose from the most Taxied and Extetulra Slock, we have ever offered. Tajlor' Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always op hand. H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. Sewing1 Machine. yy K respectfully invite the Publio to call and see our excellent variety oi Sewing lYLachines, Plaln.Beautiful aud Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH IHB F -A. 1ST T O 1ST C3.A.S T O RS. The Total Sala of the MACHINE are now THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, a. o s., 3 o An oridenco that it is Tut winning supreme favor la tho household, The Singer Company sold over tho other Companies, 52,731. Way The Chicago Relief Committee furnished sufferers by the Fire to March 18, 1872, 3,944; 3.151 Siller iNachillCS. all other makes, 73. Applicants mado theii selection, with same discount on all. OUR BALKS IN UTAH KXCKKD ANY OTHER HOUSE IN TUi SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. We. coorUotulr invite the Ladioi to ee our Bmbroldory jttaoliixiojit, It attracts funeral attention and adinlration. We also desire you to ceo our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-8ASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE. SETTERS, ol'iTABLE FOR ALL KI.ND3 OF SMUIILE SEWING MACHINES WI UlTARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WS SELL TO IHVK ENTIKK 8ATISFAC Mdallarwarrajili toio.y .lh oao all k.ad, of r'l'di. from lh c'anral to th. Oooit. bpce, Aluslin, Cambric, Duiuvslic, JJt nims, Ticlainait. Uuckiug, Beaver, Buckxkiu and Leather. .'Q.' H- Instiuclion siren i'reo of charco hy oonipolcnt altODdants, aad tornn 01 sale to suil all oircumsUuccs. OTHER 8EWINC MACHINES REPAIRED ON REA SONABLE TERMS. Wo extend a oorJi.il invitation to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whclhor ihcv wish to imrvliaio or not. JTTIIBSTORSEra Mll'IIIXB DEP1RTMB.T 5C. C. M. I. General Agents. Two doors toutli of.Ealfl Kuiporium, Salt LiitiJCiTt. ' Delinquent Sale Notice, F EMERALD HILL NINIMi C.MPAXV. j Locatii'n of uiks- ball Lake cjuntx, L'tah Territory. KoiirE. There are doliniaont rjion th following dotcriliod Stock, on account o nncssuient leviwi on the I7th day oi Uctober, 1F.7J, Lhe eoveral aiuounU ct oiipo-ite the Dames of tho rosfectire bhaxe hold era n follows: fiS'o. of lf,"v j Names. Cr- ) Sb&rea. j Amennt I tificate t H.B.ilawkins, J . I 1M7 J.J And in accoriluice with law, and an ordir of the Board of Trustee, mado va the 17th day nf October, lifli, so manr ahar ofech p reel of raid Stork m may bo noceJjnry. will be .old at public auction, by John Middloton A: Son. at No. 310, .Montroiiiery-sircot. .un Francisco, Fran-cisco, California, on the 17th 1a- uf Uocombor, lb't, at tho hour of one o'clock p.m., of aid da.v, to pay said Dclin'tuent AueasLQenl tbore-od. tbore-od. tocether with costs of Advertising and oi-pensei oi-pensei of aalo. F. MADl.E, Secretary. Office, No 6. Mprchnnta'Rtclninirtj, Culifor-nia-iueet, San 1'raociaco, (.'alifornia. DM TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. ru THE EAST, NORTH AND SOUTHEAST, no. a. BTATION3. ilpawa0! MAIL. Leare SALT LAK S 600a.m. 2:45 p.m. OMAHA p.m.j 6:30 a.m. ArriTt BURLIKQTON 6:00a.iD. 8:40 p.m. " OaJeeburrfCB-iQ.) 7.-00a.m. 10e60m. Mtndota 11:15 a.m. 3:23 a.m. " Chloaco " 3; 15 p.m. T:00a.m. " Peoria - 9:00 a.m. l50a.m. " Ind'plIad.B.AW. 6d5p.na. J-.KaJn. Cincinnati - UOpjn, fcl5pjn. Leganiport 555 pm.! 9:20 ajn. T. P.4W. I " Olnmbgg 1:4ft a. m.' 5tp m. C"Thronrh Can from MiacoaH Rlr te Cbicwo, Indianapolia. Ciaoinaati, Locaot-portand Locaot-portand Cc lumbal. Connection! ai thoie polntj with Unea leadiiKto the Kait, North and South. Thia i the Beat. 8horl.it, (ulckeit ad Cheapest Route. D not be deoeired, but obuln Tielteta via the Bar liaison k iiujoari Kivar Hailroad. A. K. TOU1ALIN, 0. J.PERKINS; GaD1 Pau; At ant- QenT Baj'' COMMISSION HOUSE OF D, B. BEEMER & CO,, Omalia, Neb. TUB QY5TBR TRADE hv boen revolu-thioniicil revolu-thioniicil this sca'on. Omaha h dmit bocome tuo distributing ioint for the Great West, lialtimoro l'ackera now aliiu directly here, instead of paiiiiiK them through handj of Chicago arenti. In this way tho communion commu-nion of the Chicago dealer is eaved, and wo icll at Chicago price csprosj charges added. The ADVA3rCES to burcra are tbese.tliey can buy as chonpiy as at Chicago-hare their eyten repacked, u. id way, and be ime of fraoh etock and safe carriago, and be nearer their base of supplies. S o pet c;ir u.cfc through, by express, in about siity hours from Baltimore, and ice etitl remains Intheciiet Doaleri should bo careful to get ihiieiuea through from Chicago, which takes alx dayi io accomplish. Aiik kills the flavor of aa oyster, and tarn the liijuor from while io pimc, in color. Such oysters are as unpalu-able unpalu-able as unhealthy. We aro eole agenis for Lt DiNUTo.i X Co'ri Famous ea-sipe uiaTEa., fur all the country we-t of Omaha, and are now filling orders for points as tar wej: as Ogden. a?alt Laie City, Corinne, tlko. i'aiis-Bae-j and even down icto the iViirv J'ist. feBioa." Shew Bilb furnisheq and orders filled at shcrt notjc. J. L. d- Co. SeUcU, per Ca'Oeis. J. L. Jf Co. Standards, '' 00 cts. J. C. he a. 60 cts. And whenever Baltimore redness price, a corresponding reduction will bo made hero. Customers bud bettor give ordrs lor rcKular shipments so that there Mill be no delays. lerms, STRICTLY Cash. oM FENCING ACADEMY rtichards' Buildings, 2d South St. Open for the Winter Season. MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, A- FRIDAY EVEA'ISUS, from 7 to 10. Ladiw Clais for CaUsthenics from 4 to 6 p.m. tVivate Losdoas if desired. For terms appty to S. Richards, at Taylor k Cutler s Surei or at the Academy. Hall to Rent. cclf I WHY IS IT? THE MAN WHO GOES AROVND lU'NT-ing lU'NT-ing bargains found out yesterday that LEVI GARRETT, At his stand, City Meat Market. telU Meat cheaper than tho Utah Cattle Association. -"Why la It 1 ne27 wood: WOOD!! WE keep constantly on hand seasoned, cord and store wood, RED PINE, MAPLE, QVAKKNASP, AND COTTONWOOD, For fale cheaper than the cheapest Office and wood yard near U. C R. K. depot, jmi west of sampling works. Special rate? to purchasers pur-chasers of car lots. Wood delivered in any port of the city on short notice- We will rent a pan of our office on liberal terms. ocH NEWMAN A CO., Bo 7 71, ae H So S 5 h" I M I W 3 1 3 f Fh g H -a f - I -ft 1 s Er I 3 an PH oa J a Baa a 2 r- i NOTICE. To the Builders. Painters and Glaziers of Salt Lake, II. T- WB HAVE OPENED THE FINEST AND "best assorted suva Window HU.-i of all jiies, tbt has overcome to thu Territory, and invite all to examine quality and priow before purvhaaine elehM. as we havobctter facilities for fillins orders, both ty al fmH.tiin any other boure in the Territory. Plate Glasa and Plate til Mirrrr;. cf any (tit. framed and reframed. furnished oa the shortest notice and at the lowest pricos. Ulass cut to any i:e, and sa'hes of any shape fitted with gla. whioh w Buarantee to gia laliiiaotieo. No charge for onttinir. Ordfrs fim thecounLry will receive prompt attention. C. F, CULMER & CO, iFormerly of DAY A Cl'LMER.l UltOKKliklCR HLOOK, no7 Sotead Sontat StTet Furuncomcn, Attention. A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM i CO. ill AtJBHT rot Til QULUaul CITY riltB UUIUH. WbioA are tqtal If act aparler to m tigllsh. SialaJ rM iItm bj ta tar Im4. jy |