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Show ".Aflrprti'lnit Is the 011 which wife men pa In their Lamp. Uodehx 1'hotkhb. L P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG Rooms 20 e6 21 MarJuinLi jEcc"t CALIFORNIA STHEKT, SAN FRANCISO, S"lk-iU AilverUimenla and Subjcriptioni for the Salt Lake Pally and Semi-Weekly Semi-Weekly Herald Ani IW parem publiihptj In Ctllfrrnia. Ore ai-n and NarmU: Wafhiocton, I'laJi. Idaho. Montana, Colorado. Anton and artjacont Ti-rri lories; Sari-lch If land, tho JJrubh IVfSf.'.'lon. Majjcan Torta, 'ioarau. 1 una inn, Vali'sraiiitf. JaraD and 1'hiaa: New Zealand Zea-land and (he Auittaii cvtoniea, ha Auaouc btatee and uiur ADVBRTIS1NQ U created many new pojtnew: Uxt aaUrred man J as eld boben; Mai retWcd many dull tu?lnM; Ilu rwcued masj a leit huiceu; Hiu' paved maoy a filliai ba.uoa.is: 11 uj rreerrd tnaaT n lanre bumeM; Aod isiurea (uocaw in aay biuiaess. tMHAKP'5 S rTCR ET. St epTl f tl Olrard u.xsi to my i" hi' old ajroi "I have always considered advprti'ixift liberally and long to bo tho irat medium ofeucceM in bu.'inw?. and tho prohiiie to woitltb. And I hare made it an invariable rule to advertise in the dullest time as well as tho busiest, long experience hvin taujtht me thai inenoy thus spent ia well laid out. u by continually keeping my bunnesj befcre the public il has aecurcd many mice Lhatlotherr who would ham loL" Advertise yanr Bnalneaa. Keep yont umi iMfora) the Public. Jndlclone AdvtrtUIng vlll lnanre a. Fortune If Uuattteaa la Dull, Advertlae. 1 nuRliieae ts Urlak, Advertise. w The man who didn't belfeve in adver-lisinc adver-lisinc hu r.'ot into partnership with the thtrifl, aad tAat official doath dTaniiia. NOTARIES PDBLIC. " I. OILLWrtK. w. -W. TTO0M GILLESPIE akd WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Ackhowledoikikts taken (or the (ereral States asd liaiilioiica. Office houra, 9 a, h., to 9 p. h . Roo-n Ne. 5 ever Fint National Bank, Bait Lake City, tub. Territory. a5 J&s. T. Stain Dam. Chas. A. Qoald. STAINBURN & GOULD, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Searchers of Records, ooxwvux'-a.iw'oan . m , AMD COMiOSSIONKRS OP DEEDS FOR New York, Husachaaatu, Peon'ylrania, Ohio, Illinou, Iowa, Nebraika, Wyoming, Wyom-ing, Montana, Nevada. California, Oregon. Texai, Colorado. DiatrioL of Columbia and other State and Territories. Applicatlona for Patent. Mining Deeds, Agreements and Bonds ler Deeds, Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, Leases. Contracts and other instrument of writlm drawn with accuracy and dispatch. Clnlnf and other Companies Incorporated In-corporated KMcier the La. wa of Utah, Abstracu of Titles to Mining and other property made in the moat complete form. Mining property examined and re-ported re-ported on. Ocpicb at REID'8 BUILD rNO. EAST TBMPLB ST., SALT LAKK CITY, U. T. A Notary Public always in the Office from 9 s-m. to 9 p.m. Transcripts famished from the first Mining Records in the County of Salt Lake, to wit; those of the Mountain Lake Mining Dlttriot (now Big-and Little Cottonwood Distriots). and from thoie of the Big Cottonwood Mining Min-ing District. my 21 CM AH. W. HTAYNEIi, NOTARY PUBLIC, Dnly qualified and commissioned by the Governor. OfJico 1st door south of Savage's Photograph Gallery, tsalt Lake City. m NEW YORK TRADE, L. M. BATE8 & CO., 81 ! Broadway, IIW TORE, IMrOEIBM AJTB J0MJXI Uf Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIBKY, WHITS GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEK N01I0NS, tc J. II. BULGKL Jul Cochran, SlcLean & Co. Importer, and Jobbtrt of DRY GOODS, White Ooodi, Iloalery, Notions, Woolens, Linens, Embrofderies and Lac OS, 462, 161 and 100 BROADWAY, e. n. c. wrioht. NEW lORH, i juy'JU JEHIAL READ & Co.. ManuXacturen and Wholesale Dealers In FUR AJVD WOOL HATS, Strata Goods, Umbrella, &, Mot 408, Broadway, NEW YORK. Jo- Jim Hun. jr. J BENEDICT, HALL & Co. , Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., Hew York, Corner Crosby, one blook east of Broadwa dU TKOS. M. ARGALL fitCo., Men's, Youths' Boy i' and Chlldrea'i CLOTHINQ, AT WHOLESALE, 313 4311 Broadway, Haw York, j. i. oo w lib. fCT RICE, QOODWIN, WALKER & CO., Importon ind Jobbers of SILK AND FAM0Y DKY GOODS, 474, 179 and 476 Broulwv NEW YORK: W. G. BARNEY. J20 HOWLAND & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW TORE. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Will ,lra.nc llberallyon con.lfra. ntnli of Or. and Bnlltoti. Dnlltott pvrolik.cd t hlrh..t mnrket r.l.i MORE ARRIVALS. Diffoi'ent Sizes and X7 Sty lea of DOO RS. 27 Different Siaea oi WINDOWS. The most complete Stockcrcr bronglit to I'tahJ A T L1T1MER.TAYL0R & CO'S LUMBERYARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, One blook west of the Tabernacle. T. LATIMKE, W. n. MIJWM a.iiiu. ioiu.ii. H0TEL8, ETC. SADDLE ROCK RESTAURANT. Fresh, Shell and Keg Oysters received daily, fresh Fiah, Game, Fruits and Vegetables from all parts of the 1 World. LADIES SUPPER ROOMS ' Fitted up expressly for ladies and gentlemen in a style unexcelled by any establishment estab-lishment on he racific CuaiL. OPEN AIGHT AND DAY. PRIVATE XXTRAXCE FOR LADIES, OH It DOOR SOUTH OF WKLLS, FABUO V CO'S. BEN BY WAGNER, Proprietor. nor 12 TAYLOR'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLiSS HOUSE KOOMS NEATLY FUKNISHED. myll New Commercial Lett Rooms, 46, Commercial St., Salt Lake City. 0. W. TAPPAN, Proprleter. O P K N A lTTT N i a H T. Spring Beds, 35, 3TU and 50 eta. pes Might) 11.5 0 to 3.00 par Week. 8lns(l Reomi, 50 and T5e. par Ntgbtf IJ.OOto 11.50 per Week. Doobla Rooms, 91.00 to tl.50 per ' Hi gut. 15 GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ON THE BUROPSAH PL AM. Situated In bnsinesi part of tho olty, with ace ommoda lion for 'MM guests. FIRST-CLASS accommodation for Families and Travelers, ttooma, 50c, 75c, tl.00 and 91.50 . Dining; Hall and Restaurant nnder the management of M- H- Boar di ley, late of the Morrison House. Omha. and Tiahnor ; Uoaee, Linoolo, Neb. Board per week, 7 ffleala,5 0c. ( FREE OMNIBUd TO HOTEL. I Stares leave daily forth mines. , Laundry oonaected with the hotel. i SMITH . BIGAZE, ' myl7 Preorietors. ( AMERICAN HOTEL, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, ' ; PRICES REDUCED. Trmi-li.50' per dart 1 Weekly j Board and Hoom, $13,00 to (13. OU) 1 Table Board, 00. j A Tow li'irdt Class families can find jiloasant i quarters. ( Salt Lake City, Novetubor 2-1, 1S72. l J. U. LlTl'LE. - i bo21 rropriotor. WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, XT T .A. XI . THIS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND best appointed HoUo in Utah Territory, and hits aecoiuuiailatiun lor threo hundred ;ind Olty RUDSls. Street cars and car rinses connected connect-ed with the White Sulphur Katb. Heading Roouid, ciintnininft papers fmin all puints, linths, Bar, Toleerapft, Nows and Cigar btand attached to the Houso- 11. b. GREELEY, k CO., novil Proprietora. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. TUB LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWN3EHD PROPRIETOR. This House Li centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well famished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 10 eneste. TIIH PROPRIETOR Is now preparing o balld large additions to his Hotel, whith I when ttnished, will render it the Most Complete Establishment ' In the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION will UIOS & COAL. BEB ROCKS OF NATIONAL WEALTH, Iron and Cnnl. Capitalists coll on me, I own 1L 1 will divide Addreas, H . 1ft. BI.AIH, 19 P. O. Bo 1 80, "t XKe City. WANTED, f-l.nm CASH, FOR ONE Year. Will divide the (Inert minine interest in Utah for tho use ol tho money. Addrow, S. M. 1)L-IR. Salt Lake Citj-, IP. 0. Box WIY1. LAN AH AN & SON, DISTILLERS AND J0B11KRS OF RYE WHISKEYS, Wanbini Ko. 90 Lilght Street, BALTtnOHK. TO MIXEItS. -E WILL rURCUASK, OR FURNISH V Capital tu develop really r"d prosiecU or mines, subi eel U tho prroaltl ur Usral $vnt. AiMri's., in wnhdeoce, giving coin- n0vH ITS Hr,.aa.;av. RICKEB'S Little Was her, THE BE T AND CHEAPEST IB TUB MAR KET, Only 11.00. J. C. COLTRIN, Agent, Speeimenj. 13th Ward Co-opritire Store. The highest price ij rad frr Hides and Pelts. t'OI.TBlN . CO., aJ9 At P. Parsley's Tajmery. I'-'lh Ward, ASSAY APPARATUS FOR SALE, SEW AD COMPLETE, COT W 1 4 15. IN rilH.AUEI.IMlU. FOK I ! C J.N'O. W. SNELL. oc IBAilO SIuRi. MEDICAL. Dr. J. P. P. YAN EENBERGH, From Prussia, ' THE tHB.T "W" o IVI EXTERMINATOR, LateofS&n Franei3co, Cat ' Remarkable Corel This is to certify that my wife, HoJda Park, has been afflicted for tho lost eight years with chrome Uysentexy, with pain in her stomach, bock, tided, and severe headache; in lact EOe was never free iroin jam and miseries- tbe doc lured a great deal with the beat doctors we could hear oi, and 1 am sorry to say without any relief. We heard of many cores which Lr. J. l. P. VanDecbergh had periormed in and about Salt Lake City, which induced us to consult him; and the loctor at unee told us that all her com plain lj and miseries were caused by worms. So she commenced taking his medicine on the 17th of August, and iince that umo all jains and exct&aive Chronic ltysentery are cured, and in I act &he concidur hersell a well woman once more. 'iUuilAS H. PARK. His i mark. C err be vlll e Ward, UriH, September .id. 1ST 2. Over 1,000 Wormi Expelled from Slrm, BUby. My gratitude compels me to mako the following fol-lowing statement: i had been ahlicted tor many years with a complaint in my stomach. Thinking 1 wad troubled with worms, 1 consulted con-sulted Li. J.P. P. Van Deoberta. Ho confirmed con-firmed my belief, and, strange to say, he gave me oaly five ol his Worm .Powders and in live hours 1 was relieved of over 1axj peculiar looking worms, and indeed X feel Uko another ; woman once more. I MATILDA M. BISBY. Salt Lake City, Sept- 3d, loTi We, tho undersigned, will testify that we were prosonl durinx tho time tho above worms passud. MARY BOOTH, Mrs. K. L. BKAKDiLAN, - H- A. PERUUSUN. Fire If nndrcd Wormi Expelled from av Child only two year a old by Ir. J. P. P. Van Dcubergh'i Worm Kjrup. I think it my duty to state tho following facts : My child, only twenty months old, had boon sick lor soma time and wasted away to a mere Bkoleton, trying many remedies without any relief Thinning the child had worms led ma to buy a bottio of Ur. J. r 1'. Van Uenbergh's Worm Syrup, and alter giving tho Syrup, over 500 worms passud a it ay from Lhe child. Since then tho Chronic i-iiarrhcea ana iho oilier coin-plain coin-plain ts ore cured- Thank Heaven! my dear child is well onco more. Airs. M. A. O'FARRELL, Second South Stroet, half-a-block lrom Itho Court House, Salt Lake City, U. T. Letter lrom W. E. Horner, Hclicr City, Wasatch, UtaH, Kcpicmbcr U, 1 ST. De. J. P. P. Voa Dhmberou: I think it to bo a public benefit and grati-tudo grati-tudo towards you compels mo to mako the lolloping lol-loping statement: 1 have boon suduring lur mam' years with a constant growing pain and a quivering sensation in my chost and heart; my lood would nut digest, and a constant nasty, tough and ropy phlegm in my mouth and throat. 1 was so nervous that with diUi-eulty diUi-eulty 1 could got around; in lact, irom the constant con-stant pain and misery i had wasted away to a more skeleton. 1 had been doctoring a groat doal without any benefit, and boliured that doiilh only could roloaso mo lrom all my suher-ings. suher-ings. SeoinK some friends who had received groot bonunt lroiuiir. J. P. P. Van Uenbergh's mudical treatmont, induced mo to consult him. Ho suted that i was troubled with worms, and said I was curable. 1 look his medicino lor a month, and 1 must say all my pains and miseries have leu mo. My bowels ore regular, regu-lar, and 1 loel onco more as il I could Itvo twenty or thirty yoars longer in tho enjoyment at tho groatest of blessings, Which is good health, i would further say my ago is sixty-tivo sixty-tivo years. JlUlUNhiiU M Card from Judge Frier, of I'ollt Dr. J. P. P. VAaDEssKKoa: - Dear Sir: I take ploosure in thanking you publicly for tho restoration of my health after ninotoon years of great sulforing mentally men-tally and bodily- 1 doctored a groat dual; was ouliclod with almost every imaginable pain, and despaired of soeing a well day OKiiin. Whoa i came to soo you at Salem, you said you would remove tho cause ol ninoteon yoars' sintering in five hours. 1 could hardly boliove it, but alter taking the five tasteless powders you gave me, about WW worms passed from me, and now, lourteen days afterwards, 1 loel liko another man, and am able to tollow my business without pain or inconvenience. 1 remain, Yours xospoocfully, A. H. FRIER. Bothol, Polk county, October 10, isti. . oeUtf . XEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage," For the Debilitated Nervous System. DR. JORDAN, of the Anatomical HnMum, 818 Montgomery atreot, (ner CnHforDls,) SAN FRANOlaOO, California, oa pnbltuhwl (onrof his moat important mid InstrucbTB Lectures, tn a nat Tolume. for those who cannot atteid tba Lctn at the Museum. BTery unnuirried and marrlpd man boa Id read and study these important Lec-turoe Lec-turoe for the good of himself and oHirin5. By atldrmMnjr iho ipcretry of tho Antitomlcal ' Musctiu), &n Jfrnnciaco, and enclosing Twentj-fire Twentj-fire Cents In pootAfre eUnips to pity pofttnga, the Book will be forwarded to any part ol tho Utate or Territories. Dr. Jordan can be consulted by letter. J6 JOSEPH GOBL1SSKI, : CIVIL ENGINKEK. ' U. S. MINERAL AND DEPUTY SURVEYOR SUR-VEYOR FOR UTAH, OBlco: First South Stroet, nearly opposite St Mork'B Uhurch. so HENRY WAQENER, Salt Lake City, Ftah, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, LAER SEER, ALE ASD PORTER, TBOLESaLK A5D HKTAft, SECONDSOUTH STREET, three doors east Elephant Store oC 1r. A. BEED, Auction & Commission Mcrcliant F1H.ST SOUTH BXH.BET, Weat of Ktmball . Lawrence's, SALT LAKE CITY. Liberal cash advances made on con i turn tu-rn eo is. a-1! A SPLENDID tUAXCE TO BUY FLOUR i J-MIE UNDERSIGNED UAi FUtt SALE 1,500 Sacks OF CHOICE FLOUIi. Various Brandy which he will sell to FAMILIES and others in lota , to ?uit at WHOLESALE FIGURES. Now is the time for Families and ' others to CLUB TOGETHER and get their yew's mpply , CHEAP. OTKK.-AU FLOl'Ii, GRAIN k 1 GROCERIES liuLGMT at ay n.-re d-livered FREE to any part ?: t-"? Ci: . WHEAT, A-c. for Salf. GEORGE II. HMLDEN. Grain Dealer, Vct side Mia Siroci, Opposile Wells, 1'irgo & Co's oS. Jas. J. Walworth, neer to Walircrth. Furo k Go-) Alanufacturer and Dealer in Wrought Iron Pipe and Fillings, Leather and Rubber Belt in;, if., 243 Budtj Lake Su, Chicago, 111. Notice of Assessment. TI'ELT.lXCTOX Mining and gmclt-V gmclt-V lug tompnnj-.LocaUon Of Works, Littlo Cotiunwood Caaj-on. I loh. Nvtire ti hereby piven. that ai a meeting of the Board of Tra:ees of said Company, held on tho lilh day oi November. 172, aa assess I aicci Xo. l, o: ion ceata iier share was levies! ui vn ihe capital ftuck of ;aid comranr.r-ava- bio immediately in L'cited Sioies pold coin, to ! ihe SecrtUiry, R. Wegoner. Xo. 411 Calirurnia iireot, tan Francisco, California Any eiock m-on which said assessment shall . reiti:un uDi aiJ on tho ITiii day ei December, ! 1STJ, shall bo doomed delinquent, and will be duly advenif ed forsale, at public auction, and . unless layment shall be made before will be suld on Tuesday, ihe Tth day of January, li7:, to ray the delinquent asiessmeDt. together with CoiLs ol advertiain- and expenses 01' sale. By order of the Board of Traees, K. WWEXZR, iSocreLorr. Office 1U California Street, San Francisco, California. nit) Washington House - liircl Houtli JStreet, SALT UJLlfK CITY; Board and Lodging, per Week $0 OO Bonrtl and Lodging, per day, 1 00 Day Board, per tveck, 4 30 Single French Spring Bads, per wt(k, - 4 SO Bade, per Might - 00 Aeale - - - - 3 Hi I DZS MOINES Scale Company ! .1 . F. K TVEST, Ppresident. Xpi S. F. SFOFFORD, Vice-P't. 9 GEO. A. JEWETT, Becr'y. aefep3 w' REDUEAD'Trotsnrer-ay-ffi'-S S. S. HITCHCOCK, Sap'L WM. DICKERSON, General Agent. Wo arc manufacturing, and can fill orders on short notice, the following: Hay, Coal Stock Scales ! RAILROAD, Warehousp & Counter Scales. WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES ! FLOia AXD BVTCHKBS' BE AMI. Dnggagc and Warehouse Tracks. Every article warranted durable! and accurate. SCALES OF ALL KINDS! RE PAIR ED. Addross, for Circulars, DKS MOISES SCALE CO., no2li Dod Moines, Iowa. I tq ft s p 0 S 5 m 8- 8 S J LUMBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber DOOKS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS. . SHINGLES, LATHS, T. K. JONES Malf-hloak ootb oflT. 0. Depot. IMPERIAL. Ilavinp onncladcd armngemcnts irith the largest Refinery in the oast to man-ofacrojo man-ofacrojo for ns a special qnalitr of CARBON OIL for oar trade We hereby cive notice that we now have for sale the IMPERIAL CARBON OIL, Which is far superior in quality and safety to any ever offered in this rrKirket. It is wifer white and stand 15u fire test. We recommend it to '.ho?e that want a Good Quality of Illuminating Oil. C A L I. A M) EX AM I A E. E. REESE & CO., 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OBEY & Co. j T?:;.-r r-i l-l -p:F'T. T of Eim-1 1 ; 1 .n". r. r ie .Vi-I-. 'i h I-:- !' . r .r V- -' ' 't,--m4 ' r ,r. h--r s.r . v ii.V7K-:-.J R r.. -n-a t--u a.-, j d'. i .crcl U. u; ! n c! it; N 3. Pa-t'iu'ar a""-,'".n in f --.jitrj orl'. Ai-sii '.'toy & u.. Loci box 717. Jul j MISCELLANEOUS. W.T.RETSOI.TS Jt CO., K- B. tABRISKIB, boa Fxamoaoo- bolt Laae Civ- WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISK1E & CO. BAVI FOB SAL1 A TINS UKX Or! WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call the attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. E0U5 AUXNTS FORI "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST 13 .A. IRs IS THE OITY OONNSOTID WITH THJS H0IJ8E. 64 MATH STREET! . Twsitan mth af WtUi, Farsj ACa'i Buk. m5 City Gas Works. The underaignod is now opening np he largest and most complete Btock and assortment of G&i filings aver brought to the western country. Store 42 Main street, third door north of Deserel F-anlc. Oilt, Bronze, and all the l&tost styles of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop lights of every pattern to suit the purchaser. Have now on hand and will oentinue to keep the largest stock of Gas and Steam pipes to be found in Utah or on the Pacific Pa-cific Coast, and am now prepared to contract for the piping of houses, offices, buildings and dwellings generally at rates that will defy competition. Over 60,000 feet of gas piping now on hand , and am receiving it daily. I My Qas Fittings and Fixtures will he supplied to the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City at tke lowest possible rates. I alse keep on band a full and complete com-plete assortment of the latest improved pumps for mining and domestic tue. The Celebrated Knowloa Steam Fump with boiler connections complete always on hand. All work connected with Fu-mps and Plumbing of every description, and with Gas, "Water and Steam Fittings will be done with dispatch. B. LY0N8, I 42 Main Street, Three Doors North ol j Deseret Bank, Office of Bait Lake City Gal Company. jnfi 1 To whom it may concern. WE, the and ant mad. claim and ewn twelTe kanrired (121) feet. In oln dim Rot- two (3) and three (3), In the Titus lode, In Little Cottonwood oanyen, and hold iht same bj deeds from the oritinal 1 00a tent; and hare compiled wllh Ik laws of la district dis-trict lo every re peel And we hereby oattlon all persons not to trade, buy er barter for said olaimi, without oar oonsenb C-H. BASSSrT.t .ulnlitretor ol (he I.I V INS, I oeof ADtaonj It ins deceased. ISRAEL IVIN8. fUIt L laLiri OS KENDRIEBRO'S 9 m&.lU TH.KKT, ALT LAKE CITY, Manofaelore; California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contract takn for the erection of STAMP MILLS AND SM KLT-LNQ KLT-LNQ FIJRNACK3 COM i PLETB in any of the Mining District. wo manttfaetur the Vmt7 St, Whealar Fim, Patrnt Prutnl Ihitfi and Dlea, Patialllrm Oaldti, and lite Machinery aamplele far STAMP MILLS -a a d- REDUCTION WORKS. ef whleh vamaha a rroisJty and roar ant wualaotiea ia oil eeaea, H aaoiactar Bolthoff's Ball PulTcrlicr, rofL dht cauauiifo. Will de tkeverk efU Stamp. Pri, USrtt KannfaotnrerT Acenti for the Sal of I Rtw.rtvaBt Si Roof Blowera, I Karl A. CainfrttB a team Pa mni, lUoiiiIwsj, Portable aad Acatfwnary I K.t.a-in. 1 Wirt Anlula Rpa, (Plat and RewndJ 1 T.bi1 &all lr, iQ, li oodialt. te the yaM. I rnm PIm tttr Daa aatd Water, Dm1c BlakLa On Crnihart, lalnCtrind Iron Backets, Arflll Fir Brick, and 11 i alag aiftpllea. I8TIMA7E9 aed DTUWIN1R fruh4 rOs AU. OL& WOAX. aU MISCELLANEOUS. MONEY! The best and cheapest assortment of CONCERTINAS, ACCOKDEOXS AND OTHER Musical instruments JUST K K C K I V K D. Whidi nill be laid CHEAPER THAN EVER. A few ane V IOLI ITS I'OR BAU,-Kl0M PLAYKIU. UARMONIOANS, JEWS HARl'S, KVERVTHIN3 FOR THK BOYS, CHEAP AND GOOD, Wholesale and Retail. Chas.W.Stayner, NO. 5, MAI STREET, Opposite Z.C.M.L Offioe, 1st South St SALT LAKE CITY. UiMOJI PACIFIC RAILROAD ME TABLE. DNTIL further notice. Trains will leave and arrive al Ogden Daily, as follows : LUTl j AnittTK. Dally Kpres I.8-3U a.m. J Daily Kxp's. Mt) p.m. Mixed, - S-.Wp.m. Mixed, - 2 :V p ro. freight, a.111. Preuht, - 6-10 a,m. Daily connections made at Ogdon with Utah Central Facitic Koad lrom alt Lake city and all points in Southern South-ern Utah. At Bryan with stages for Sweetwater mines. At Choyenno with Dcnvoi Varific Railroad lor Denver, Central city, Georgetown and all points in Colorado and iNew Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North Western. Chicago, ltock Island and I'acilic, Burlington and Missouri Kivur, Kansas city. tit. Jins and Council Blulle Kail road 6 and Missouri Kiyor Lino of ijtoaintirs for all points Kast and Houih Tir-ltotj f.ir Kuln tn U wiin!i .t offico of Wells, Karfro & Co., Kast Tom-pie Tom-pie street, and at tho otflco of Utah Central Cen-tral Kail road, in Salt Lako city; also at Union i'acina Kail road ticket otiice in Ogdon, at which office berths on el Doping Dop-ing cars can bo socurod. Arrangements hayo been made whore-by whore-by paseeiiffors desiring to visit Denver on their way Kast can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly reduced rates. .For particulars and all information in regard to passage, apply at Ticket Of-licus. Of-licus. Tassongors Bhould bo careful to soo thoir passagu tickets to all Kastern and Southern poiuts vw UMAUV, and thiib avail Lhom solves of the advantages of a through sleeping carf comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and ouick time. THUS. L. KIMBALL, Uoneral Ticket Agent T. E. Sil'ksxs, Chf. Knginoor and tiuporintondonL C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All ktadi of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron nnd Hteel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLAOKiniTU TOOLS, Asjrlemltaral Inaplanaenta And BlMlMSJ Voolo, i Al Kwat Rates. OPPOSITE SALT LARI I1DDBI 1ft More Liglit! 20,000 GALLON'S f thr cpl-tirt"d IMPERIAL OIL, I'M Kiro Tout. C IR, O W 3ST , 110 Standard KireTiM, For kalk, ny tiir tmtiiuil ok cask. IN I'TS TO .uriT. PETROLEUM Kon-Explitslve Fluid, SIXTY CKNTS 1'KK GALLON. LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS FOR TUE MILLION! 17 TTTT. j Pioneer LampSion Nearly opposite the Market, E. REESE & CO. m r3 W.J. HOOPER & CO. T OO M B .Ql AJU IT&BIT' I - j BANKERS. A. W. WHITE 4 CO, B -A. 3ST 331 E R S KAST TKMP1.K STIUlHI, SH City. Dealer, ia GOLD DUST,C0IN AND BULLION,' 0 tA Vnittd States aS tZuropc.f Partimlor attention civ en to C.MIe.-tlori and rroceeii1 rtmsuoJ at i um-nt late of Kicnanse .n .i-oi rjjnianU GKO. K. WliU-NhV, Aturmv Bnfc af Cliftrnta - - S rn.- aes i Wallt-r - N V.rk UaakcII Bal ' L" Jl Suie Bnk u Xpbraika - Oi.itie WELLS, FARGO St CCL, EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers auil Dealers iu Excbanr; Drafts on Kurep. I'urorean Collections promptly altende.1 to. Ktet Temple Street, Salt L,ao Oily. mU Thio. F. TaOT, Asent. First National Bank of Utah' SALT LAKE CITY. Am Spal Advertisement on Tftlf-rf SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK tta.lt Lo.lt o City, Utak Tcr. Authorized Capita! - $500,000 BeiiJ. M- Dullall, Preaident. Hugh W'hlla, Oaataler. HaMFaTiis A KiaarAriict, Attorneys. CORRESPONDENTS I ubw vnst J National Park Hank. NEW yORK - nouut'l. Lawaon A OoK SAN f .tANClSCO-Ca.iform rrmtU LONDON Jay Oooke. MoCulloon A Oo. j DESERET j National Bank SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. raid up Capita, 00,000. Authoriiud Capital, $1,000,000. 11K1U11 AM Y'TNil. IWi-lont.l 11. ti. liLUHKlwilv, Vito I'li-a i. Wa. H. HOiM'HK, m. J KN X 1 N iiS, LMrooturii JOHN MIArll', t'UKA.MOK. L1TTI.K, L. 6. HILLS, 1'iL-liiL't, I i i, in UOI.D DV Vr, t ll, KX4'II AJB, MM) WAItKtTIS, e'C i.i;ui: at uir, nm. Coilootioue uiado and promptly rt-mittod, rt-mittod, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. lNTEHrWT PAID ON SaTriiies Uoposiitis, nil LEGAL. Zt SNOW. M. d. Doart SNOW . UOUK, eVttarneya and Coanaaiora at Liw Ball Lake Olty, Utnli. OlBcrat Snnw'a tompr, lat KaatH1rt. Jnl P. L. VH.L11US, LI ORAKD TOUHg willia:;: a. you.no, A T T 0 K N E Y S - A T L A W , Offlo b.lf .-block luntb of Tbe.u b.tlt L.h. CJitr. J11 C. E. WHITNEY, A T X O K N K Y - A T - L A W , Office over Dun ford A rjuns' bluro, MAIN SriUJl.T, HALT LA 111; 4' IT V. THOMAS FITCH, ATTOHiNKy-AT-LAW, D1VU Ntrirct, Wnahlittin, II. 4'. Efcecial altontion itkon tn obtaining ralonu lu Minus. BATE8 & ORMSBEE, ATTORNtYS N0 CUUNStlOBS Al IAW, A rents fr lnrchao auU haleof .tltnra . Lamia, Oro.C lini-H, I ll.S.Oi-l. Alt'Ttifv, Halt I.nkrtlly, Charlls VV. UnnMi(hK. l.'tal. Warner Earll. 7. M.Htultbi KA It LL Av SMITH, ATT0KNEY8 AT LAW, SALT LA R C1TI, Fir it Scntb Ktreet. Kaoin 11 auu 12. Ho luS, Kimball Uluck. JAMES M. CAIM'KK, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, OITn'oi'ver l-l Nnt. V.htI, wt l,.M 1 I Mfl,!! . I'HLKT. V. TII.KOHI-. n. A NAM. TILFORD & MANN, ATTOHNKYH - AT - I. AH', Jin, 30 I'lrH fon 111 SJIiert. J. ft. Ko'lx-n.uah. P. A. Merritl Rosborough & Morritt, ATTOKiN E Y 8 A T L. A W , Halt Like Cllfi I lull. Dexeret Hank oiiner, I wm. HATH-ifl. i . t. oil' Hmm. jiavdo.n & glia;hiiiwt( A T T 0 R N E V S A T LAW. HALT LAHK (.111 . Odire over l-t NtUi-nal JJunk wf 1 tali. al O H Hemi'i-load. M . K ill. i.atrlck, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, A I ior)'a-at-Iaw, Main "treft, ur'PO'ite Fartu A Cm., P.I.T I... I ' (IT. M in steam imm mmi 1)KSKIU;T KTXAM CitAUKIill ACTOl'.V, .H'JL-LL' K'b JiL'J' ti. Y"L art u.ai.'jfa-'.ur,;i aral nnr 'if CRACKERS SUPERIOR QUALITY, WLicb e C'.r at IttlMll. M'Tctiaiitf an re '!: call an 'j c&a'oiAe Kirtley & Pitt. , . T 0, U'ji U74. 6altIko City, hvj. llth, 1:7 i DVTli |