OCR Text |
Show CONSDiFHOX SCROFUIA i-. Hfetnun'i Ctnalae Cod Liver OH F'.-l N I'LaS. D Ui'lT J :he iesi ..f -y,'-r years' eTrer;r:ce- ar. i caa be by 11,;.--. i."".. CL 'c::- a i Ltr'0--:--J, 'ew Y'.rk, tzl suld bj U briars. c I SPECIAL ADYEttTISEUEXIS WANTED. 4 CIKL T Du.iKNKKAL H"l'SKW' 'KK. jTV A(.i.ly to His. Joun X. Came, J-'LU -rd-febo AC1IIXA.MAN WAXTKD FOK A SMALL lamily; uiujt be a if-.od eouk, washer mid irutier liool irw?! i-aid. A uiiah:s i-ersun may eall ut V. lierimiiii'a Uouk (store, two doom eouth of Post Ulhco. FUU SALE. CIIRAP, ONE THOrSAND SHAKES OF Vallc;u Tunnel and Mining Company's st..ek. of Litllo 1 otiotiwiH'd; also IjO loot in Wiauna Tunnel, Pit; C"ti-niwml. Islk, lit nvs A SUrtis. ja-30 M blmiball Block- FOll KENT. FIKT CLASS OFFICES TO RENT OVER i First Xuuoual Bank. J93 LODGINGS- CHOICE ACCOMMODATIONS 1'OR A low lodgers and boardorsi. Enciuiro at this Office. J31 1 l 1R- GROVES, ' 1 Offiee. Socond Booth fetreet. Three doors wut af Great Weetern Hotel, half a block aut of Elephant titoro. Halt Lak Oity. Oiliee hours from 9 a.m. to & p.m. mil Argent a Lodge, No. 3. A. P. A. M. STATED Communications of this Lode held on tho First and Third Tuesdays ot each month, at Masonic Hall, East Tomnlo stroot. Members of .Sinter Lodges and ao-inurninR ao-inurninR brolhron in good standing aro cordially cor-dially invited. ... A. W. NUCKOLS. W. M. W.n. BIRD. Soc'y. daJ 81.TIIUA SI.MILI1ICS ClIUNTUR HUMPHREY'S HOMEOI'ATIHO SPECIFICS. KAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ample oxtiorienco, an entire success: Siin-plo Siin-plo Proiuiitiilliciunt and Keliablo. They aro tho only modicinos parfoclly adai'tod to popular uso-so simple that mistakes can not bo mado in using tbom : so harmless as to bo free from danger, and so etliciont as to be always reliable. They havo raised tbe high-est high-est coin ni ond 11 ti 011 from all, and will always rondor satisfacLic a. Nos. ContB. Curo 1, " Fevers,. Congestion, Inflammations..35 2, " Worms, Worm b'uvor, Wo rtu Colic. ..'25 3, " C'ryluK-CBlicor toothing of Infants. ..25 I, " llarrlicea,of Childron or Adults '25 6, " Iyutcry, Uriping, Bilious Colio..."25 8, " Cliolera-Jlurbun, VomitinB 45 7, " 'oukI18, Colds, Bronchitis 25 8, " Ncurulftlre, Toothache, Facoacho 25 fi, " llcaUnclie, Siok iloadacho, Vortigo 25 10, " Dyspciiila, Billious Stomach -25 II, " Nuntircitiivd, or Painful Foriods 25 12, " WliUe, too Profuso Foriods 25 18, " Oroup, Cough, Difficult Breathing 25 H, " Null Klteuni, Erysipelas, Eruptiona..25 15, " KlieniiintlBui, Khoumatic Pains 25 10, " Fever mid Ague, Chill Eovor Aguos 50 17, " Pllen, blind or blooding 50 18, " Ojilitliluuiy, and soro or woalt Eyos 50 19, ' Cntarrli, acute or chronic Influonia..50 20," Wlioolng-CougH, violont coughs 50 21, " Astlitun, oppressed Broathiag 50 22, " fcar iMsclkurgcs, iinpairod hearing 50 23, " ScrwfiUu, oniarod glands, Swell ings 50 4, " General Bobility, physical weak noss 60 2.5, " Dropny and scanty Socrotions 50 Uti, " Sa-flckiis8, sickness from riding..50 ' 27, " Kldiity-llUeu-te, Uruvol 50 28, f,.Nrvou" lability, Scialnal Uischargos ! 100 Five llzs, with ono 92 vial of powdor, 7 err necessary in serious ser-ious casos 500 29, ' Sore Meuili, Canker 50 30, "'Urinary Weakness, wotting bod...60 31, " Inlfnl 1'crloiU, with Siiasms 50 32, " NulTtrlngs at change of Ufa ...10Q 33, " ilijlleiiay, Spasms, SU Vitus' Dance lt0 31, " SlptUerlu, aloorated soro throat 50 FAMILY CASES Of 35 to CO JLarge vlnls, morocco or rou uDd cast, conlivinliic n spot I lie for every ordhiniy dlsouse a fnmlly Itt subject to, and boolu of dlroull oils,.. .from SlO to $3S Smaller Family and Truvel- tuf oases, with 20 to 28 rials, fronil3 to S8 Specific for all Prlva. MUu-euses, MUu-euses, both forCurlu. and for l'revciitlv treatment, in vials and Pocket eases $3 to 85 Pond's Extract, Cures Burns, Bruises, Xitimciicsa, . Norcness, More Ilirout, Sprains, ; Tootliavlie, Farnclie, A'curalgla, 1 ItlicumutUm, Lumbago, IMlts.JUolls, StlngM, More Fyes, Bleeding of the Lung, Nose, btomncli, or of 111 esi Horns, Ulcer a, Old bores. Prlct, O oi., 50 ccntsi lMnts, fl.00 Quarts, B3" Those remodios, oicopt POND'S EX-TKiVCT, EX-TKiVCT, by tho case or sinslo box, are sent to any part of thocountry; by mail or express, too of chargo, on receipt of lho price. Ad-dross, Ad-dross, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. OIBco and Dopot, No. 582 Bhoadway, Mew Yosk. FOR SALE BY ALL DEUGG iBTS, And at Z. 0. M. I. and Godbo's Drug Stor e. "Advertising is tho Oil which wise men pat in their Lames. Modem Puovekb. L P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG -A. g- zi rv 'r. Rooms 20 & 21 Merchants Exchange CALIFORNIA STREET. SAN FRANCIS O, Sclicita Adi-ertijemenU and Subscriptions for tho Salt Lake Daily and Semi 1 Weekly Herald Ant f..r papers poMi'hed in California. Ore ton and Nevada; aihinpton, I'uih. Idaho. M'jDUaa, Cvl-jrado. Arizona and adjacent i.errit-iries; S,m4Tich I!jxd, tbe iinu h loee-i"23. Mexican Por-. Nicaragua. Panama. Pana-ma. ali'ajaiso. J apaa acd China; New Zealand Zea-land acd tho Aoitraiiaa colonies, ho Atlantic States and Europe. ADVERTISING Eas created many a new business; His eclarsed mny an old buiiceas; Haa revived many a dull bunceas; Has rescued many a kr. b'liineis; Bas saved nzacy a f. ' i -. 7 buiizes; Kai preserved many a lar?e buiineaa; And injures success is any business. GIRARD"? SECRET. Stephen Girard used to say ir. hi" old aae: "Ihave always ccciiered adve. a-u:e hi--rally ad lose :r. be ihe re sccc-.' in b'Li3.?.and the relu ie la weil-.h. Ar.d I have :ade 1: an invariable rj!e;o j d rep e in the dalle.: times a; well as tha: as--ey tci- 5; nr.; is well b.;J cm. as by ct :inaa:iy keerir.a my buiicass before the F'--i: aai j.--r---d cizj tiLea lha.il otiex-wue otiex-wue wouiil have kit" Advertise y oar Dullness. Keep j our name before tbe Public. Jadlclani Ad ve rti I rur I will In.arc m. Fonuue. IfUalDci null, Advcrlltc. I Bnilneu U Brisk, Advertise. e" The man who didn't bi:eve in adrer-haa adrer-haa ne ir.:o tartnersip wiih tie ttrm, ud iM oucixl does u 1 mttt'1!- 1 DUftSFORD B SONS Oiler to the Public a choice Stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, vi'S ;lovi, & s-U)is' runs, xVt a small advance O 3XT C5 o s T , To make room for SPRING lJIJl?CIIVSIi:y. Big Inducements 0 Herod. GrX-oxt Reduction IN THE TIVICES OF Winter Clothing1. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, Will dispose of tho balaaoo of their etouk of Winter Clothing, oODBiatiag of HEAVY SUITS, PANTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, AND HATS and CAPS, At groallj reduced prices, to mako room for their spring purobosoa. AIM ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF SLEIGH and CARRIAGE RUGS, At low figures to oloso them out. A FINE LOT Ol? HORSE BLANKETS, To meet tho domaod created by tbo provalcooo of tbo Epizootic French, English ami American (Siiitinss, Coatings anil Cassimeres i:i great variety and latest sty les. Men's and II j snlts of the latest fashions, from fhe tlrst .1 i-f es in New York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. A FULL STOCK OF HOME MADE CASSIMERES AND JEANS. Iu WHIOH WE INVITE INSPECTION. MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY. GLOVES, UMBRELLAS COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Gapes and, Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOEk, EASTERN AND HOME MADE. ALL THE NEWEST STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. The great success wbich has attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has induced us to make I-arge Purchases for our Tall and Winter Trade, So that g.nUemen may oliooae from the most Taried and EiUmIt block we have ever offered. Tailors' Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always on hand. H. B. CLAWSOM, Superintendent. ' EETAIL DET GOODS DEPARTMENT. HOLIDAYS HAVING NEARLY CLOSED, We wish to dispose of the rom Hants of our XjA-iJFLCrlE; STOCK OF HOLIDA Y GOODS WE OFFER EAROAIXS IN LADIES' SACQUES, Dresa Goods, eSbc. A VERY SENSIBLE SEDUCTION IS OFFERED. IN VELVETS , VELOURS, POPLINS AND STAPLE DRESS SILKS WE ARE UNEXCELLED IN PRICE AKD QUALITY. JOSEPH GOBI.INSKI, CIVIL KNGINKER, U. S. MINERAL AND DEPUTY SURVEYOR SUR-VEYOR FOR UTAH, OB! FiM Sooti Strest, nrlj opr-)nt ot. M&rk'f Lnorch. ee SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, (Wen Ale of Ci--7 -Market.) . All kinds of iLatiocarr. Urri.-ht, or Locmo-1 Locmo-1 tive BOILERS, and TANKS, Made or Repaired. REAPFR A XT) MOWOtS AND THKE-ULNG MACHIXK5. K-rtired axd pat in P.acoi-x Or.ler. Work -I.-.ne.-r th- h-:r;ot N-:. Ecilera acd i'iaes bought ur uiten in t-ichaneo Orders by Tel-grar b f.r Mail prismpUy m-tcdd m-tcdd to. , 4H J0H5 SLoiS A CO., ?roprieion. "The Philosophy of Marriage." For the DeblllUtted XerTritm. D2 JQ.Vk:;. of -h A3-t.micjl Mcm-io, m FP.ATTOr-rrj, c:.r..r-,i. h j.ni i:-hi tur of i T'-it:-.V.r :i. V n-'A tM L'tnrtl tt '.Lr y.-.v-i t.r-rj :r.m-l t.- nam) . tnr f..r y. .f h.T.f uuii oCifntj. y.T k.: 'r--.ir.- ! .. -r-j. iry of (lie AmtomlceJ , fii-C'J in j itAiui to pj ia,i j B' k wjII b fcrwitJfi 1 Ui uj perl of the euta ' Ir. JufUsu n b roomltad I "" d IDTICE II WM SHE TOTICFTS 11KRKBY OIVEN THAT THE l UEdi-rin.l will soil at public en.lui. U thpliilicl bulilor lor cash, t lho south fr.nt door llio Court lliu5, it Salt l.kel"it. S..U Laks County. Termor; ol I'tuli, nn itif eiclitopinb day of February, 4ST1, m clovon tt'oloi-U in tbo fproncH'ii. tho lollowinn desTibi-d iiri'i'trty mid real otti', MiuaieJ in saui Salt Luke City and County t. wit: Known ncJ .1o-n-nbed rods south front by H nU north: Ci'tumeiii'ine on tbo outh lino ol lol to. rodsL-a-t ot tin 10 uth-west corner of .-aid lot. riinnio: tbom-w north 10 ro.i. thonco c.-t "J'-j nJ. tliom-o joiilh 10 ro's. ibetico "ivt 'J(- r.nl W the v1"1'0 ooginning, boiiifiu I'Hil ol lol . in bWk euhty-!ivo iVO, c.mainme rods 01 eround ms rlottod n dot A of ;ilt Luke City tfun , minuted in tho ITth lli.-h-oj.'s Ward of eaidSall L;ike I'ny. Tbe property to 1)6 otl'iToJ for .'fi'o h! laid tiuio anU i-lm-0 is thu sumo mrnevod to tlio uii.Urs.is tied 011 the iit hth day ot Marvli. A.V. lj.71. bvadecvlofiriist ox et-11 ted by .lolin W. Jl-nkinJ and Kliia J enkiD. lii wife, BJ rallies ol the first part to tho undersigned as fortius of the Mvond 1'iirt, lo wu-e lho i.aymeiu ol a certain i-romissory nolo dalod tin ru-hlli diiy of March. A. U- 1ST I, wherein and whereby said John W. Jenkins, one your utter duto, tor value received, rrouiiod to cay to 1'hillin 1'iieley or order, lho. -uni uf six Imndnyl und lillv-one dollar, and forty-six cent, with interest inter-est 1 hereon ut lho mto of two per oonl per month troui the date thereof until oiiid, inler-e.-t to be 1'iiid monthlv ; which 'aid note is now uverdue. andunoaid. Said deed ofUu.-t in recorded re-corded in uiortna-o record book C. t'(t'? 11. H'1 and in ihe County Kec-rder'a Otlico of bald Sail Lko County. I To which record rokr-oncei? rokr-oncei? Iiorebv mado for sreator pan inn luri iy, ) Tlrus ov .-sn k: Snid 1'iMpnriy will bo sold to tho liiKlieU bidder for caah. tbe money to be paid and deed delivered iuiuiodiaiely a(tor LEWIS S. HILLS. Salt Ldko City. U. T.. Jan. iid. Ifil j'2-t EAGLE HOUSE Teasdel & Co. Tho pluoe for tbo public to buy. Teasdel & Co. Winter Shawla and Drcaa Gooda, Teasdel, & Co. Klannola, Nubias, and GIovch. Teasdel & Co. Uoruo-niado Boota and Shoes Beat in the Tearitory. TEASDEL & CO. . Sugars. Teas and Coffees, Cboeso, Bacon and Lard. TEASDEL & CO. Men's Clothing, Hats, Shirts and Furnishing Goods. TEASDEL & CO. Carpets, ItuRP, Mats and Curtain?. Cur-tain?. TEASDEL & CO. Bleos Sewing Machines. Wear loDgor and are less liable to got out of order. The best in tho World. No trouble to show Goods. Careful attention to orders and gooda delivered de-livered to all tho trains and any part of the city free of oharge. ( TEASDEL & CO., East Temple Street Opposite Salt Lake House. FLUX FOR SMELTERS. The undersigned, having been appointed Solo Agents for Utah, of the celebrated llom-atito llom-atito Iron Ore of Wyoming Territory, eolicit the patronage of the virions furnaces, believing believ-ing this to bo thoBest Iron Flux over tillered the imblic. . Orders filled at short notice. Apply to CORDON & MURRAY, HaW Block South K. H. Depot, Suit Lake City. 321 To whom it may concern. WJS, tho undersigned, claim and oini twelve hundred (1200) feet, including Not. two (2) and three (3), in the Titus lode, in Little Cottonwood canjon, and hold the same by deeds from the original locators and have complied with the laws of ike district dis-trict in every reipeot- And we hereby caution all persons not to trade, buy or barter for laid claims, without our consent- C. H. BASSffTT.) A.lm'nlstrators ol tbe J.IVIN6. hat it of Anthony Ivint deceased. ISRAEL IVINB. HEAD This Advertisement AND WRITE t or oar Manual of Evergreen ; AND SAVE 11 buying and (Jantingrour tree, 50 PER GENT. Price 1') Mnti-wortilfr, to any." troe-plantre rnttEY co., 17 Sturgeon Bay, Hi a. NEW YORK TRADF. ' JEHIAL READ'TcoTT" M 11-jlaetuiers and Wholesale Dealers in Klt WOOL 1 1 ATN, Straw G'ootMt Umbnlhi, (tc, o. 16K, Urotdwty, NKW YOHK. Je. Jim Honor. t L. (W. SATES & COT, 41S Droailwar, HKW VOHK, mreaTaae lac joaaau u . Fancy Dry Goods, H081RKY, WHITK GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOHONS, c J. II. BULOUH. THOS. M. ARGALL & Co7 Men's, You tht' Uoyi'and Chlldran'i CLOT H 1 wa, AT WnOLBSAL, 313 A 311 Broadway, New York, 1. OOWI.K. fjf BENEDICT, HALL i Zv Manufaoturers aad rVhotaiala Dealers ia BOOTS AND SHOES1 134 aud 130 Grand St., Mew York, Oorner Crosby, one blook oast of Broad wa dU DIVORCES. AUSllLUTII DIVOKOKS LUllALI.Y OB-Uined OB-Uined in dilierent SlatoH. Legal every whoro dtv'urlioii, nouernl uiiacuMuct, ole., sulhoiont enuso: no publicity ro.(uirod, no clianto until divoroo uniiiLiul; mlviou froo. Cull on or addriMS JOHN FULTON, Coiiiinollor nl Law, No. m DKOAOWAY, NliW YOltK CIVY. 1 d; HOWLAND & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES,' Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lako City. Will ilvno liberally oil cou.lfa. mtiili or lln nml Uiilllon, llulllon iiiirclinacd at highlit mwrb.t rut.. tf. MINES FOR SALE. TAIL PAUL HKEflOUY owns Tour excellent i sihor 111 1 n os within ono tnilo of onch olhor. Wood and and iviilor pluntiful on all ofthoui. Tho iniiiofl nro rich. Oros runnine from (UW up to 871)0 por ton, can bo ohluinud from each of thorn, In paying ijuiinllty. Tlio oroTico ofibuiiruKory Imlo is twonty-soven foot widoja streak of four fcot will run 8:0u or ton. lioing desirous of aondiiiK homo a nico proaont from lltuh, I will soil an interest in ono or all. or rtoll nil nt lair fiKuroa. Lnuh -todo conuim l,oO0 fool, nnd tlio UioEory lodo is down 100 fool and looks fino. This lodo in dlrontly up tboKiiicb from lho Ontario one-half inilo. ana tho uauio dii?liinco bolmv tho Ilinvlund lodo, In BI110 Lod(o Mining dintrict, Wasiilch Comity. I liavojiist moved my camp to tho Wild liill cabin, whoro I shall bo ploasod lo show tuy Thoy nro each now claims nnd but little known, and tho jonlousy, I regret to say, ox-iotlriH ox-iotlriH amongst tliuiio owninu claims huro, to t groat oitutit, huvo kept tiiuso Hooking such property fruui callini; on uio. I iwk cut-iLaLiaU to couio and boo. X will show you all 1 proiniiq PAUL flltK'JORY, M-'D.o Vour miles from Hnv.lfir.vlll 1 OU SALE. Tlie UtahCraclcerFactory Tbo above- establishment, situalod on Main street, oin.osilo tho Wnlkur llouso, has all tho mrichinory and ulonsilt for currying on tho Cracker and JJroad business, nnd is ottered for ealoonaecou.nl of the ill huullh or tho proprietor, pro-prietor, hi connection with tho nbovo wo havo a well solucted wtock of lirocorios, Con-fcclionory, Con-fcclionory, Ac , which will bo hi. Id , -b..,., have belLor I'..i-ililio.i lor maniifiicturing llitm and linking, than any other in tho Territory, and baing lho oldest bouse, havo a well oa tab-lib tab-lib hod business. MORTON & CO. In'iuiro on tho prouilsos. ju IRON & STEEL. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., DEALERS IN WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL KINDS OH - MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, P1PEAALL K17V1.N OF F1TTINUB I'ORl'UUKAl'EHft 8ULU4. HABDWABE, BURDEN'S HORSE & MULE SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AQENIB 70S Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Hercules Powder, ALL LOW FOB CASH. AOKHTK FOB Ammonical Preparation For tho Prevention and Removal of Boilor Ecalu. del FURS WANTED. Highest Cash Price Paid for Fun. ALSO Havana CiK.rt Wbolwala RWU' THOMAS CARTEK, At Siesla Ifro'a, under Salt Lak. Hem... FAE VEST FREILtHT CO. Head Quarters, Ht. Lonll, Bl o. DURANT &CUTTLNG, FORWARDING aVD COMMISSION JIERCIUMS AGENTS ALT LAKE CITY, I'TAR. WE are prepared to contract for liip-Lqcqu liip-Lqcqu from all paru ol the t'Mt. Oir Line having made pecial trrarigeB-cnM for the i?.: and speedy iran-porui i,i of all Freight from Sew York, ii iMoD. UlLimore. ChiciMto, bt. Louis and all fajiern Ciliei. Salt Lake City. We are offering extra inducement! for tbe ihiptnentof Ore and Bullion to all iiwtera POLLH4. Oyrici j.r WAixiinraa: Klrei blo louU or Depot, Bait Lak City DUAABV OUTTISO: |