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Show (irMMN Kxo:in (Jin at Morton's; oM "City Li'ju'tr Mnro. fl Sl'KK VvX T'R 111 EPIZOOTIC Cull on M KinKvIy, ht .1. D. Lamb & Co n Dtu& ."-Ure, irm 10 a.m. to 4 n m. ja'-ii M ess a o k id ibo Western Union telegraph ciEce for General B. J. Sweet Empty Urkki.ls for aln at Mor- ton'c; c id "L ny Liquor "More." fl Ai'L'ii s Salic fit the "ew Auction H"um, nojt .-aturdsy, at 11 a.m., Ji'Mjbit' arid ."-ingle Lounge.-; Spring, lJu!u and Sl-aw il a ureses ; Stoves; Oltii-p an.l Kitchen chair?; Dining i.id Kitclu-n Till!'-.-; Two Mineral Cae.'; Utd;t-(d; Groceries, BooU, Shoe, fie, etc. j-'l E- FIELD, Auctioneer. Til ek e At.E ujssaffes at iho Dcseret teltprat h office for J. IL KiDg and John Nebrkcr. Kkllkr's Viis and Brandies, at Morion'; old "City Liquor Store." fl Bonn Imperial Oil 150 fire test, the purest and Acfest oil in the market no9 Ir tub ' epi.oot" has attacked your bnrew, lo? no time in call. die on Wm. Siioweil, l'ji neer stsbl-8, 'lod South j strict, and save money. jaolil Yi n e m em Attention. The entire mcmUrs of the fire department are rcqucf-ieJ to meet, on Saturday evening, even-ing, in Fireman IJull, at 7.30 o'clock, sharp. "A TiiiN-o op Beactt is a Jot J-'ORKvtB," Those new styles of the ictor auwinR Muchioo, at C W. Stay-ner Stay-ner s, are unquestionably the most ele f;ut in tho nmrkvL They possess the itteat and moit approved attachments. The embroidery u superb. j31 For Sale, Eight U. S. K. K. Co. bonds, $'J7o. each. jil J. T. LITTLE. Personal A M. Mosscr, Ksq., euperirjterjdcDtol'the Deseret telegraph company, has returned from his trip to southern Utah and southeastern Nevada, Ne-vada, in excellent health. Children Cry for McLain's Candied Cast t Oil and Candied Vermifuge Bonbons. Bon-bons. They are delicious medicines, and warranted harmless. Price '26 as For snlu by Z. C. M. L and all otner TJrugii,Ls. dl LIGHT for iho World. 10,000 gallons gal-lons uf FLUID arrived at .Kkbsk & Cos. dl5 Ten Wkll pnekrd rooms of furniture for sale, by U. Linwoodey. nlO H. Drjsw oDur ia dofng & lively bu rineis in furniture, arid guarantees satisfaction in prices and quality to all tbat buy of bim. B1Q LIGHT, LiaitT, Light Liva no longer in tho dark. 10,000 gallons of BEST OIL just received at KKfiSR dt C. dlo II at em Ay & Bukl are receiving Coal from tho olebrated SFKIGGd JdIN J, which they otter in lots to suit. Office over ilrs. Oolebrooa'a, Alain street. Lock Boxl-loi W. F. Beldicg, City Agent. jS Eight dundrkd Bedsteads, and 5,000 Chairs, at Joelson's, Groesbeck s building- n28 Gko. Suowkl, Kcavangor lor the I City. o2 For Bkdroom setts of all styles, call at Joelsou e; he dellea competition in prices. - n28 For Tin 8ta ff ok Li f s, also enkos, buns, crackers, and puro homo mado candy, whotesnln nd retail, go to the GLUBEBAKEKV. jail Oil i selling at retail at tho l'ionoer Lump Store, as follows: Common brands tOc. per gallon-Crown gallon-Crown standard 7V. per gallon. Imperial 160 lire tost Toe. por gallon. noD O Kkilly A Co. keep tho cetebnited STAKSlllliT. dll Coal, Coat, Coal, by tho Ton or fil mic hundred weight, delivered, or at tho yard. ;'T Commercial Street, and at Iho Kailroad Depot. HOOT Eli, HAWKINS & Co. j7 A Wokd w Caltion. Too much care cannot be exercised by thosj who have been exposed to the contagion of Miiall pox, cr wlio have varioloid in the ittiple.-C form, as to the manner in wl-ich they expose others to tho Jan f;cr of iulleii 'n. F.'pteially is this tho cai j wiih shools, through which the dieisa might be speedily carried to a hundred homes. Children tl ;it are in the most remote d 'grec liable to cany the inllctiou, ihould not on ony account bo permitted to go to tohool, until ail danger U remove d. V GhirardelhV EAGLE CHOO LATE. It is the best. O'Rbilly JS Co. bgU HEAVY FLA.Nb.L SHIKUa and underclothing dll - I Epizootic. Din wood ey's mules have j got it, but bis oxen have not ; therefore 1 be still delivers furniture free of charge. nlO Pl-rlic K s a li no Koom nl Free Circulating Library of ihe Ladies' Library Li-brary Association is open evry day from i to 10 p. m., and on Sundays frm 1 to ,) p.m., at room Xo, d, over First National liwik. d-X "Wanted, a good girl to do general housework. Apply at this office. ja24 10f Corps of Wo' d, and plenty of GOOD COAL, at Newman & Co.'s yard, near depot. Delivered by ox teams. nlO Excklsior Coal, from Kock Springs Bitter Creok. Little waste; strong heat, very small trace of sulphur. Leave orders with J. W. S'ELL, Idaho Store. jalT GniRARDBL-Li's EGLE CHOCO LATE has been awarded the first pre mi urn wherever exhibited, 2 Caution to tUe Traveling Public: Upon your arrival at Ogden City" Utah Territory, tho junction of the Union Un-ion Pacific and Central Pacific railroads, you should know where a first-class hotel can be found, and where the bustle and poise of the engines may be avoided; avoid-ed; also a comfortable house where the danger of fire, which is apt at any time to occur at tba depots, is averted. The town of Ogden is naif a mile frem the depots, and in the business part of the town and its principal street, travelers will find one of the most comfortable hotels in Utah, the Oudin House. It is well known throughout America and Europe, to be one of the coziest and cleanest hotels in Utah. The Ogden House keeps carriages which are in attendance at-tendance upon tho arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, to convey passengers to and from the depots, free of charge. It is a two-story briok building, and built expressly for the accommodation of guests. Tho Ogden House employs no runners, but employs a porter to assist as-sist its patrons and tako charge of their baggaKG. All visiting Salt Lake City : wiil tind it to their advantage on returning re-turning to tke the evening train and come to Ogden, thus saving the annoyance annoy-ance of rising at 4 o'clock in the morn-iDg. morn-iDg. ja24. Tourists and tub iravklino Public Pub-lic going east aro respectfully notified that the Utah HoLol, at Ogden City, is a first-class house, and by coming to Ogdn on tho previous evening, either by ilil or Freight Train, th-y avoid tbo annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to Lake the morning train at Sail Lake City. To pleasure seekers Ogden promises much to interest in its excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout fishing, while the grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpassed by anything of the kind known in the Uniiod Matw. The Hotel is provided with Barber Shop and Bath Kooras, and runs its coach free of expense to guests. The proprietors, thankful for past iVv.iri will enara no Dains to nleise guoU, and will provide guns and ammunition, am-munition, with guide and carriages to the shooting or fishing grounds, by petting pet-ting timely notice thereof. Kudxm & Williams, Propr " ... For Sale. Top Onion Seed, in targe or seiihII quantities; apply to Anson Call, Bountiful. janli) sniiuA smiLiurs (tramcr HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC'S. HAVE PROVED, FROM TT1E MOST ami'lo oiperienco, an entire success: Simple Sim-ple Prouiiit Eiliciont and Reliable They aroibo only medicines .urfoctly . adapted to popular use -so simple tiiai mistakes can not bo made in using them; so huruiloss as to be free from danger, and so efficient as to be always reliable. They hare raised the hich-eat hich-eat commendation trom all, and will always render aau&factk a. Nos. Cents. I," Feveri, 0008051100, Inflamniations-25 i, " Worm, Worm fever. Worm Colie...5 i, " Cry(ug-Cltc or teething of lnf.uiU...:S I, " ! a rr tiiB b, of Cbildron or Adults j, " lyae iKe r y, Griping, Uilious Golio...2j d, " Cliolera-.niruu, Vomiting 25 7," t'ouuin Ouid. Bronchitis -25 3, ' Xruculgln, L'ootii.n-- he. t'acoache...25 9, " Ilea irn uct, aicK Headache, Vertigo - 25 10, " ljpi"'' tiilliuu- -Mouiiicn 2a II, " JiPli' c.ottl or I'ainful I'cnods '.2, " filtr, Uhi Profuse 1'eriods 25 IS, " Croup, Cou.'h. LHiticult breathing...25 14, " Suit KHeuni, Lrysipela-. truptioDJ-25 lo, " ItUeimirtiUm. Kheuuiauc 1'ains 25 16 " Fever unit Ague, Chill Fever, Atiues - - 50 17, " Pllc, blind or bleeding - lb, " Opln Ulmny and sore or weak Lyos -50 19, ('nlnrrii, ncuieor chruuic lctlueOLa..cij jUt " V lioopUig-Cougii, violent co ug us - 50 21 " At li m , Oi linked Ureuthiug -oO t iar DtHclinrcs, iniiaired hearing - -.00 23 " ScroitiU, enlared glands, Swellings Swell-ings - W 4, " Qeiiri-'d UeO lily. iUVMca.l weiS 25, " DrO.y and scant- aecrelions 'At " Siea-.NU-kiitUs. sickness frum riding..50 n " liiliit-y-l'"ost, Gravel 60 2S, ..Sfvoi" lel.liily, Minln.il Km mlmlom, involuntary iJir-cu-irces ..100 five U with one S2 vial of jiwder. von.- necessary in sor- iou eas'os 500 23, ' Sore .Houtii, Canker 5U ju' " 'rltiry Vi cnkncu, wollilis bod..5LI il', " Pal"'"' Period, wiih spaams -tU J2 " Suiter Uiit at cQange of life -.lAl 33 " pli()yi spasms, ai. Vitus' 34, " Diptlerift ulcerated soro thru at 5o FAMILY CAStS Of 39 to 60 Large rials, morocco or rosnvouri cmt, cuikialul nt; a gprvlllc lur family la ubjttt lo, oml buokt of dlrutttoiia,...(roiu 310 lo $35 Smaller Family and Travel-lug Travel-lug cases, wild A) w 2a vials, from $3 to $6 Specific for all Private UIh-tn.en, UIh-tn.en, both fur Curing and fur Preventive treatiueul, in vials and i' octet oasos. $4 to S3 Pond's Exlruct, Ctre Burns, Bruises, Lnmcncii, Sortncn, Sore Tliroat, -Sprat lit, Toot liaclie, Earaclie, Senmlgla, Klieuiuatltm, LuuibH'o, lnlc.Boll, ftttuK". Eyes, 1(1 ceiling ot I lie Lunga, None, -lomach, or of PUe) CoriiM, L lcers, Old sores. Price, 0 ot., 50 centsj Pints, 81.00 Quart, 1.73; B" Those remedies, except POND'S EXTRACT, EX-TRACT, by the case or single box, aro soot to any part of tho country, by mail or express, free of charge, on receipt of tho price. Ad-dross. Ad-dross. Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. - Office and Depot, No. 502 Broadway, New OKJ. FOR SALE BY ALL DRU(ll3.ST3, And at Z. a M. I- aad Godbo's Drui Std ' a. WHITE LEAD 170 & 172 RANDOLPII STREET. Offer Special inducement. to Inriro bujcri and the Jobbing Trade of Utah Territory, irki BOOKBINDING. lR are prepared t-t Hind, in a sub'tantial ' nd workmanlike manner, in tne Bindery :connectod with otir ostablishment, BOOKS, PERIODICALS, MACAZINES, Ac.. Ac . At S'-;.'sc:i- n. rti a to 'n-c rd.Qu.utj ol ctk. ,.-i;a.-Ar.;ccd. First National Bank OF UTAH, -A. T-j r JL.AU.tS: C I X V DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AG B NT OP TKK U-Nl'l'KD STATE 8. Wibliu IlrssiT, President, Akthoxy Oodii, Cashier. Authorized C.pltnl, - - 1500,080 PAID HP CAPITAL, . S130,000. ISGS, - 1130,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent Okltat Bonk'ny JnstitutLm tn Utah V (Jrcn.ero.1 Banking T3xiBines Transacted. AGENCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. CfUECTlONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTEREST ALLOWFD ON TTMB: DRPOSITS flfi CHICAGO BOCK ISLAND, AND Pacific Railroad. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE SOW OPEX DIRECT TO Chicago and the East. VIA MOINES, DAVENPORT, AND ROCK ISLAND, Connecting at Dos Moinos with Des Moines Valley R,R, FOB KEOKUK AND ST. LOUIS. At Davenport with Boat. Tor all points on tho Upper Mississippi, At La Eallo with tne ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. XOKTU AND SOUTH- And at Chicago with all the fast lines East and Suuth TWO FAST EXPRESS TRAINS Leave Council Bluffs Daily. THUS El 01 CHICAG3 ME. This road being thoroughly equipped with ELEGANT NEW C0ACI1E3 AND SLEEPING CARS, Anil bavin the adrontace of a mth. well-ballasted well-ballasted irai-h. fiiier to the traveling public an ha. tern lin untviualled for SPEED, COMFORT, AND SAFETY. Thrmich Ticket' via this Line to all Eastern East-ern Cife cm bo had at rmiam Ticket Otiu-e'. Inti'rna'iotiaL Hotol, Omha. .nd Pacific HcuiO block. Council B1u2j, and at DcioL BAiIGAC.E CHECKED TIIKOnin TO ALL PKLNCIl'AL KAsItK.N POINTS. A A. HALL, 5. & STEVENS. Afct. lien'! Snpt.. General A cent, Crjicarr.. Cutir.ril Ulnffa, M. SMIT11, lien. Pus. Agent, Chicago. MTH1X DAVIS & SONS' IRON ano brass FOUNDRY i NOW IN OPERATION, ' All kinds of C a s t i n 5 : Done to or(3ftr on tho phortcst notice Time cnaranterd. I Al.O A;i:VTS F'R THE GRIFFITH & WEDGE ; VERTICAL STEAM ENGINES - SAW MILLS, a m 9 u Shinglr and Heading Machines Hislit rri:e Tii,l '..r ""d Bra., Col der, Iisii C't Irn. FIRST WE-T tTKKRT Vr.KK SORT CHICAGO TRADE. PACE, BRO. & Co., ja porter mi Dealer in LEATHER AND FINDINGS "OLD CITY HOTEL CORNER," Corner of Stateajid Lie street. W. W. Pare. Boston. CHICAGO, 8rs."r- itul9 'The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. VA1TSCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, Wholesale DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Harerem"Td io their New Store. ano 94 IiAKK 8THK tCT, corner Deirbort Su-eeu on tne old i:e) l HU AGO, where, with bailaice erected expressly for tht baiiBM, Su-awn Elevators, etc. ihmy hart opened oh an immense Stool, aiuarputtd in ifie nerLhwet SreciaJ Attention riven to Territorial boiinetu. iyi FIELD, LEITER & CO,, ntroxTKBS asd jobbers or DRY GOOBS Al "CARPETS MAOISON ANB MtK:T SI R-ETS. C XI I C Cr o . LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED. Special Attention Giv- n to Orders. Wis) N. E. PETERSON, GAS FIXTURES. Immense stock; and low prices. 147 Stte Street. Chicago. dlS J. & E. JAEGER, T3 Avenue, ucar Randolph, CHICAQO, ILL., D1BKCT IMPORTERS OK Crockery, China, G I AMirare, Lamrs, Looking Gla-"soa, CulJory, Britannia and Silver rimed Goods. The Ifcrcest Uoneo in the West dl M. D. WELLS &, CO., Manufatttreri of aad WholeeaJe Deajen 3 la Boots and Slioes, Oil Wbh A-rm, Chicago. M. D. Wei la. H. J. Macfarlaoi, R. Banediot. M 8. P. Molntrre. H. CL AT SCOTT, 8. OVfSOTOS. W. H. OVISOTO.X, K. J. 0V1SGI0S. Scott & Ovington Bro's, Iniportors, Who'lesato and Retail Deftlora in CROCKERY. CSIIi GLASS. PARIAN, BRONZE, VLATED WARE, LAMPS, CUTLERY, MIRRORS, &c, No. 21S u est Aladison unicaso, ill. Wedding and Ilolldny filfta. Glasa and China Matte to Order. - OVINGTON BROTHERS, 21S, 2-V) & 252 Fulton Street. Krooklyn, X. Y. Rue Do 1'a.radis 51, l'aris. . South Side Office with SnmplM (br Wholesale Whole-sale Only 1SS Madison Struct, Corner Eirth Avenue Booma II. II. SAVAGE, Manager. BOli N. MA.TS0N & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry and Silverware, Con MADISOS A. MONROE STS., CHICAGO, ILLS., Opposi'.o Palmar'. Grand Hotel. iM HEBRINQ'S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE and BDRGLAR PROOF 3 J. JlT" JH S ! Tie Best Safes in tbe World I HERRING & CO., 46 State street, and comer 14th street and Indiana Avenue, CHICAGO. JOHN V. FARWELL & Co wholesale; NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, AND SST OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. .1 H. ANDREWS & CO., 166, 16S & 1T0 Stale Street, Opposite Pal mer'i (irand Hotol, a h i a .a. a- o , iMannfactnrani of v SCHOOL, CHURCH OFFICE FURNITURE, ULOBhS. CH ., I US o all iijie S-buol Oatline Map, CharU, eio. Everything in tho way of S-hr 1. C' lloge ( CS'irrh r ixl'iro a; 1, ,wet Ch 1'rice. cni Kr Uluiirated Latl--i ar.d !V, 3 Li't to A. 11. A-SUKIiWa A. CU- CHICAGO TRADE. J. W. BUTLER &. CO., Mazuftrtnrer! sxd Wholesale PAPER DEALERS, OFFICE AND WEST SIDE STOKE: 4. S4 Sonih Jefferson airerl, SOUTH SIDE STOKE: 35 & 3'JJ Mate Si ret I, CHICAGO. Trirt. Bc-k. F'at Car. Folios, Eevii--;as, lt ffiy's K-lei axd Col.ceo. Vn.v.ics Purer. Frclcre tererr de-r;n-tio. Card Hoard. Siraw aid lax board. Wrari'iis Papers, Pa-pers, 1"-icp!5 and Taper Ta-per Iafi. jaal HAMLIN. HALE & CO., . WHOLESALE DEALERS a DRY GOODS, MTIOXS, WOOLENS, AND HOSIERY, CO.1EK OF .MADISON i FRANKLIN STBKETS, CHICAGO. It 10n tjDOTATIOIS AtWATS fOLtOWtD. el $500,000 DISTRIBUTION Grandest Scheme of the Age. 10.000 CASH jSs UE ! Capital Gift $100,000! $100,000 for oniy!! 10 Ay authority of a Special Act of the Legislature Legis-lature oi March kth, IN 1, the Ml bHAtD GiFT COM ! For the oenofit of tho PUBLIC LIHR BY OF K liN 1 L'CK V. is he eby annoUDcod to corns oil in the great hall of tho 1'ub.ic Library building, aLLouiiville, Kantacti , on TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1873. At this Concert the boct musical talent tbat can bit i!Ocuroil .om all part or tho ountry will tK ouiluj od, and tno enormous earn oi $500,000 IN CURRENCY! IViH be distributed by lot arons tho ti-ket- holiors in 1u,ia.M t..u".i. every one of uhi h will bo ctuh. 4) IjIST of gifts. One Grand Ca-h liifl SUVMi Ono nmnd Ca--htult- iVuW One rtrnnd i ah li l i'.i.iin Uno tirani Cj-h til t :M. One Orand L'a.h lii't IimHI Ono tirand Ca--h t.ut - . im iM Cah Uiiu of il.uM eat-h "l.i' O c Ca-h 'Mil of ." i) each .iM Si Cash Cunsr W ev.-h .vj.it HJ Ca-h Gift.-' of JV each ;a,vn ir) Ua-'b Uitts of 'J"' eacb oiMiV b:J fa.-h tiins of liJ ei'h o'.-.m' 9,tXX) Cash tiiltd of 10 each 1j,ivo Total, lU.tXH) Gifts, all Cash, S.tM.tMi Tho objoct ofthis Third tiift Conct-rt if the enlargement and endoivmout oi ttio I'nl'Uc Librarv o' Kentucky, "-bioh by tlio sjhiiuI act authoriintr tho neort lor iu bvnotit. i to he lor. r itoL- o 11 ciiitm of every etnto. . To i-rovide u.ean.- for hi mnHitioint and ' praiso worthy undertaking. Ono liundreil linn-sand linn-sand lick bus. and no more, mil bu mid at tho follow ins i"k'o?: l'HJCK OF TICKETS. WhnUTiA.!. Sltl. llnltt .S. and Una. Inn S'2.,"0. Elevi-n Wtio o 'iickets tor is i.r SJ.V.;.Vi for S.VW; I IS for Sl.u; JS-'i for f:."".i: fi7,ifor $.".! M; l.lKi for SK'.Uii: -j.ti foriJ'.uM; and ti.tlW for S-VMUM No di.count, on jess lhao KO ivirih of ticket at n tiuo. 'Ihis Thir t Uitt Concert will bo co"diiiMol 1 lito ilo tirst and Eocund hcretufote Biv.'ii, and full particulars of tho mode f .iraivi a the Rills and pay iob thorn mid ov r itutia no-eoary no-eoary to a tlioroiiBh underr-tamim of tho so heme, f otu bcj(innii.g to end. aro niv iub-li.-bcd in ihu for of circular, ivl'ich will p furnUbod, froo or cost, io any one who nun Li iL Tho entire m 'naKeuient of this undertaking hoiboencoiinuitted by the Truie-s to lt-.. TUUS E. JJKA.ULrJI'lE, lute liovemor oi i Kentucky, to ivhoiu all communiciititiu prr-taii.me prr-taii.me tu tho Gift Concert a .ould bo nd-droMod. nd-droMod. R. T. DUKHETT, l'ro'ident V. h. K. JOUN S. C.HlN, Secretary 1. h. K. For further in format ion eniuire at Zabris-kie's Zabris-kie's tialoon. Salt Lake City, or to K. 11. IHO.Ul'sUN, j22 Virginia. Nevada. GET. Feed your Houses Ar.AllM Bran Mash, TWICE A DAY. 40,000 LBS. OF MU Just received and for sale AT KNOWLDEN'S. Oft a .upn'y when you can and all Kill be U. K GEO. II. KN0WLDEN, Grain Dealer, WEST SIDE MAIN STItKKT. A. rsf Tt-DYhPKPTlO COMPOUND BONE-SKT PILL! Home-made and purely recetable, I They relief JanoHiee, Drppia, Indlcei I tion. Lit or CosihjIudl Ileaabche, L"M i Appetite and Fat Sloroah. fill break n Clda. FeTern. Oioghi. nd Pnnfj the Uloi.i They will Cleanit the Motnaeh, Kn'ifm the 5rtm. aod i'fel Di'eae- Ar f.,d i all cum whi-r VbTtir ii n-e-lad. Try a b-. Yon will Ik lb i n-i citi nt rir otm ion. They axa lonio, Catbaruo and tip torajit. Tweaty-flTeeeiiU per box T wen ty-flve Pill W arranved u gire aaiuftvotion. I I J, K . JO II H HUH, BU Dora;e, tt i. And "lrl at Zl'-n'p Oo-oper.-.Hre StT! ,r hj older M'lU throQEknut th Terru-i alo pold at wholesale or fnrni'bod no p'n 'p Bunion ?o raf-nsiblKarcnu. If tb moi tema ar not m at T"ur terei, ut yoi maroaaknt u ftrdat Lkam a4 ooi . ... . J MISCELLANEOUS. 'Eia! E-uiias! E-rpins! liddell"X"brovx GESTS' CLOTHING, FRY GO'.V'S. BLANKETS tai NOTIONS, WhL-h lliej hav. ir :r-.:,-uoaj to cl.so oat REGARDLESS CF COST- They have alo nveircd a frifcdiJ line ol STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, W hi-h they are .'('.iin; CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. IK-ri't inTcei rh- idace. A FEW nOoKSNoli.Hoftho 10? T 01 F1CK CHlflliO Si M R. R. Trie Only Kir.f- Kor4 In - the Wtit, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI. Mew Short Kome fVoir. ; Kansas City to Chicago, mihont rhnK-f 1 Via St. Lou,-, k.rvi' c;:v and Northern U.'eNn-tb Mi-s-urO ni hi,-.Ko.nJ Mion ' Rilroao';. cr.v-ing the Miiw-ppiat Lou- ii'sna. Mo., ai. . i.iioi: thr.uith Jackson- file. 8liiouiiritt",i n'n. Joi'.i. 1'h' Sboritsl and ltt lUmiv lo lh Eat, via Chirao! ELEG AST L A Y C A K S PILLalSFiLOSLJ-nS CARS Ran through from Kn. citv and Hu Louis lo Ch oge, "ittiout chanito 1 PJLLHil Mil DIIISS El tHU SMOKING CARS On all daily trin : tbe only line runnina tuere Car fr,iu Kaaint Oily ami 't Loult to ChtcaK No Line makes as Good Time, Or c'oser connect) nf, n ne'ter aicin io Jatious, rtrtter tr fk. tnn-r e miu n ca . in-. re 'uvuruiu and c 'ai tor' :ille floecine ear. Trains -t K F-c ti,. n i tl.WoMern rinds c-nmvi -e j w ih riin of this line, li t'. ion L'tfp K iii?ai ciiy. JAP. H AUIjTON, General Pas.eTU'T nnd Ticket A tent, C. i A. K. K. Chicto. ! -'Mi. Supt., C. Jt A.R. R., Chioago. ! FRANK HIGH, Veiern TrnvMing Ah-nt.U. A A. K H. Kan-., ciiv. M. !: A.P.HOTALI,xlG& CO., U Jackson Slrcut, Sjtn Franoisco. (K.liibU.tlrtl IMI'OU'l'KRS of tn.o WinoJ aiul Lienor, ollor to tho trado, in Ooi;J or duty aid, J. U. MAKVKLLK, isoNotr rnicuMs, SAZKKAC, mil UTAHD, mil'l'Y JtOoX liHANlUKS, IHll. LAND CIS, JAMAICA HUM, SHKKHY ami I'OKT WINKS, SCOTi'll, III . ill, andKH rUCKY WillSKIKS. Si!r accnti for tlm I'.icifio Coast for the colelrall J. H. CUTTER OLD HOl'RBOX WHISKY! Walker lire's & Co., Solo A mis for Utab. A. P. Hotaling & Co. FURS WANTED. Highest Cash Price Paid fir Furs. ALO Havana CiKnni Wholesale aad Retail. THOMAS CAKTKR, At Sffgl" Hro. uniler Salt Lake lloue W.T.KKYNOI.HS A CO., K U- 7. A lilt I SK I K, Ban Franoix ball Lake City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVE TOR BALK A FINK LINK M mm AND LIQUORS, To which thoy call iho aiti'Dtion o( DEALERS. . Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. BOLE AUKNTS FOBI "IIOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIKS. i T II K F INKS T B A HI, IN T II K CITY J OONNBTTEl) W1TU THK HOUKK. 64 MAIN STREET" Two rlr.r lomh uf AVella, Far aCo'i tiatik. m5 I LUMBERYARD, i. All Kliitls f LimilMir D0OHH, WINDOWS BLINDS, MOULMNG8. BJIINGLI.S, LATH3, ' T. R. JONES u HaOI bioaa iooUi o( U. 0 Dapni. |