OCR Text |
Show CONSDjIFTICN, "scedfula .t -. . Htccnun'i Ctnniut Cod Iiv-r OH f-'t's i'L.C'.N i'' "iC 7:'Vl- t.",i:". re;".-! i "t e V':.' r ; yni Ii ..Ch ar. ; L1 ;w i -i, lii K'.i ;v au I;Ua-2- Many imitations Of Florida Water nre now offered for sale. It is tho best proof the sterling excellence of the truo perfume, because, were it a worthless arliole, there would bo no Kaiu io imitating it. Buyers should always ask tor tho Florida Water prepared by Liuman & Kemp, New York, who ore Ihe sole proprietors of the truo Murtay & LanmaiJs Florida Wattr. For Sale at Z. C. M. I. and Godbo's Drug Store. 655 One Moment! Are you suffering from aoy ailmcDt? Have you any sores about you ? Is your nervous system shattered ? Hive you pain aDywhore ? If any or all of those troubles affl:ot you, do not delay, procure Bristol's Pills and Sar-baparilla, Sar-baparilla, in them you will Bad sure and speedy relief. For Sale by all Drucpisls. 630 JO-- U Ett. CHEAP BOOTS iiu TO Taylor & Cutler's AS TliEY ARE CLOSING OUT THEIR wixter;stoci; very low. CHARTER OAK COOKING STOVES L IIEAI'ERTIIAS AX Y OTHER HOVSE LS TOWX. A FULL 8TOCK OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS j Willi 'II THEY AREOFPEBIXO SPECIAL I IXUDCEMEXTS UX. jGroeeries I A3 LOW IN l'RICE AS THE LOWEST. I t'i lii Cos lre.-h PEASSacd PLUMS 35 cents. ! TAYLOR & CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. urn ' NOTICE. 1 l 1 .t tVir '.::;-r :.'Io. ad - ...r .11 ..a 're-I i :ot ' iht'rn r, -.1""':! c'.-i'- Ail- nl '-ii: 'dVi hnifi'.-t "l.V ':r; m Lvii!. '..TV. VtQ. i i:.- wa SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS j WANTED. ! i:iRL To L'.K AKIKR CMIMM'.EX. , i KNTLK MI1.K riW. Al'fLV T" B. i -A II..- hu:i,.' :u jjJ- K-ttl f !IH.!'. f i K TUut'.SANT S1IAKKS OF j j V.j. Tl:.ECI :i il.am,- Cvi'Snv's t -k, ( 1 !'! 1 ' ' 'i- a--VJ 1 j 10 ' W iwci TulluI, t-!"c :t .! Ibi ., Li A: M rt:s. ju'W w KiLabiill BlocV. ONK MA-oV Si H On.IN I'R.I AN'. SIX ' li.-lit L"-y. Adiresi, J', l'u t UliiL-e. Lukv City. J j ViHl KENT. IM K-T CLASS nmCEa TO RKNT OVKK 1 Iirit-Niiii.jiidlUa.iilL. jBiJ Ron MS 0 EH II. WALLACE'S, ON'-f.-, ti-mory su-ro, YlcL Jjiitii Street. -U l.akis Ca;. i FOUND. MONEV V'nrNI). 1VHIC1I TflK OWN'-er OWN'-er Ciin have by croving title, and ravins I'or tbi-t nil'. ortiaouiODl. Ai'l' W Ur- AuJor-8WD, AuJor-8WD, IjiL Ward. iajijgTngs- CtHOlt'E ACCOM.M0IiATIO.VS KQK A low lodjjura and jua:ders. Kn niiro at this Uilico. J'-t crjrr l)H. l.KOVF.S, Oficc, ycord "outb :.t'oot, Ttraa doorn west if Great W'tern Uotl, half blookeaat if tleitaat ilure. Salt Lake City. Oliieo hours Trotn 0 a.m. tu n ! m- mil Ai','cuU l-odte. So. 3, A. P. A. A. M. OTATKD Cuinmunications of this Lodno O held on the 1ml und third 'luesdays ul each uioiitli, nt .MiLionic Hull. Hiust Toundo street. Mom here of Minor Lnik'oa and (o-iuurninR (o-iuurninR brutbroa ia guud alaudiUB are cordially cor-dially invitud. ... A. W.NUCKOLS. W. M. W. II. BlltD, Soc'y. di"J NEW ADVERTISE MENTS S-AJCT LAKE THEATRE. Saturday, February I, 1873. RiCL MATINEE at o'clock. Ico VVUchl Itc WItchi: Ice WltcliIII LAST Ari'EAHANCE OF BETTY RIGI, A.tl) EMI L Y R I G Ii . MISS JEAN CLAKA WALTERS As SALLY P01 PE h. Tho norformanco will commence wi'h t io thrilling a act diaum, votillud, ih J r VIT m Hl W To conclude wilh tho urniid Sjujctacalur llomuiiuo, entitled, tho ICE VITOE; on The c0ZEN HAND. A TALE OFEXCHAMmKST. MONDAY FVE-, Fob. .1, 187.1. tho groat I Sbuirmiin and Coniodiaa "YANKEE" ROBINSON. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Admlrnl IVclHoii Tunnel and Jfflu-lug Jfflu-lug C'diupnny. Lounliin of worltd, Etnma llitl, Little Cottonwood Minins District, salt Lnko County, L'tuli Territory. I'lincipal place of busincas, in tho city of bun T'rancisoo, Culil'ornia. Notice ia horoby K'i70n, that at a meeting of tho Board of Trustoos ol'said Comumiy, hold on tho -Tth day of January A. D. jfiT.l, un m-sossmont m-sossmont of Ton Cen:.i jior sli.iro was lovied upon the capital slock of tho corporation, puyablo im mediately in 1'nitod States old and silver coio, to tho Sccrotary of tho Company, Com-pany, at his ollico, Uooiu No. 1, in tlio build-inn build-inn knoiva aa MontHomery I)lock,lion tho south-ouat corner ot Montgomery and Washington Wash-ington Btroots, in tho city of San EranciscOi Ualiroroia. Anj Htwck upon which said assessment shall remain unpaid on Saturday, tho Nth day of March, A. D. 1S7.J, wiil be delinquent, and will bo duly advertised for sale at public auction, auc-tion, and unless payment shall ho mado before be-fore will boeold on Monday, tho ;ilst day of March, A. D. STS, to pay tho eaid dolim.uoot assessment, togothor with costs of advertising and oxponsos of sale, iiyordor of the Board Ot Trustees. 1L H. STNTON, Soerotary-Ollico, Soerotary-Ollico, No-1. Montgomery Dlock, tian Francisco, Fran-cisco, febl "UTAH FIRE-BRICK CO," W. H. CJIISHOLM, I C.W.BENNETT, 1'rosidonL Treas, &. Soc'y. Wm. T. MATHEWS, Superintendent Capital Stock, $30,000. Wo manufacture at Salt Lako City and Lohi. Mako Eiro-Brick, Eire-Co m on t, Eront (hand-pressed) Building Brick, Stovo Brick, Crucibles, Ketorts, ic, ic Raw material not surpassed in nny part of thonorld. WomoLehi, JJinghain and other clays. W. T. Mathews tho Supoiintondoat has had over thirty yoars experience Place of works in Salt Luke City, near Johnson's John-son's Sampling Works. Oflico No. U0, Main Street. (C. W- Bonnott's oflico.) Wo wM furnish Firo-Briek and all firo material ma-terial cheaper than they can bo importod, and of better tiuality. Wuinvito all furnaco mon to call. Eiro-Bricks mado to plan. Ordors eolieitod fobl NEW YOHK TRAG. L. m. BATES & CO., ill 4 4S Droidwn;, SKW 1TUR.U, iHPoamu a hp JOBBXBC in Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIKBY, TVHITB GOODS, WOOLEKS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOIIONS, &- J. 11. BULGER. Jol THOS. M. ARSALL & Co., Men's, YontliB' Boys' and ChUdren'a CLOT H INQ, AT WHOLEBALK, 313 JL 31 Bro.dwr Kcw York. J. I. C0WLE8. 127 BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers asd Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., Nw York, Corner Crosby, ono block eaat of Brncdwa dl4 JEH1AL READ & Co., Manufactarers and Wholesale Dealers in FUR AINU WOOL HATS, Slravi Goods, Umbrellas, ttc, NutlAS, Broadway, NKW YORK. Jo. Jim Uaa.Ji. J a DIVORCES. ABSOLUTE DIVORCES LEGALLY OB-taincd OB-taincd in different States- Lc-al erery-trhere erery-trhere dasenion. generil miicunjuct, ,Kle-' suciect caue: no publicum rtuired. no charge until divorce cranted; adnco tree-Call tree-Call on or addread JOHN FULTON, Counsellor at La. 'o. 159 BROAUWAi, "EW YORK CIVY. dj HOWLAND & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, SEW YOHK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Will advance UbcriUljr on CQWlff"-mcnta CQWlff"-mcnta of Ore nd Bnlllon. Bollloa pucuued at highest market rmte. MM THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME Ub;n furn'ahoil ilh a magnifiocnt A11I0N. iTKl.N WAY OR ClUCKKKINU Or a ilr J.ou.e auj It iUi.iit MJOS & HAMLI.N Cabinet Organ and & tlurr.V.e, caty ruiicitij; act! uiatch'cB Wilson Shuttle Sewing IVIachine. Sole Agents, CALDEF? ci CARELESS, 37 EAST TEMPLE STREET, Where you will find an imnii'u.-e l" Milieu' ln.-tru'ucnt. and Musical Merchandie ot evi-ry de;critiii"; cqJ ias vjiioiy of luuday Si-hool Cards, Books, iStaliuuery, Aj., Aj. jan'i5 Great ZEFtocixxotioxx IN THE PRICKS OF Winter Clothing4. CLOTHING DEPflRTMT, Will dispose of tho balance of thoir stock of Winter (JlotliinK, consisting of HEAVY SUITS, PANTS, VESTS, OiV EECOATS, AND HATS and CAPS, At greatly reduced prices, to male room for their apriug purchases. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF SLEIGH and CARRIAGE RUGS, At low figures to oIofo thorn out. A FINE LOT OF HORSE BLANKETS?, To meet the demand croatcd by the prevalence of tho Epizootic. French, English and Americun Suitinss, mlings and Cassimeres in great variety ami latest styles. Men's and Hoys suits off the latest fashion?, fcoiu The first Houses in New York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. A FULL STOCK OF HOME MADE CASSIMERES AND JEANS, 'h. WHICH WE INVITE INSPBOTtON; MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY. GLOVES, UMBRELLAS. COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODSi Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Gapes anil Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES, EASTERN AND HOME MADE. ALL THE NEWEST STYLES OF HATS AND HAPS WALL PAPER DECORATIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. The great success which has attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has induced us to make .Large Purchases for our Tall and Winter Trade, So that g. nlUmen may ohoone from ( he most Varied and KxUusl v. block we Jiuve ever offered. Tailors Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always on hand. H. B. CLAWSON, Suiei iniendent. "' SETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. HOLIDAYS HAVING NEARLY CLOSED, We wish to dispose of the rcmoanis of our OF XXOX-.XIZJ.ST GOODS WE 01TEK JJAKUAINS IN LADIES' SACQUES, Dresa Goods, tibc. A VERY SENSIBLE HEDUCflO.V IS OKI EKED. IN "VELVETS, VELOURS, POPLINS AND STAPLE DRESS SILKS WE AKE UNEXCELLED IN I'KICE AND UUAUir, JOSEPH GOHI.I.YSKI, OIVH ENGINEKH, C. S. MINERAL ANT) T)f:PUTT SL'B-YEYOKFOlt SL'B-YEYOKFOlt LIAH, a0?,'", ,r? s?!t1' Et"M- MKlJ 0l'l-i at. slug's Cfluien. ee. SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, (Wen side of Cii7 MarVet-i Ail kinds of suttoniry. Upright, or Locomc-tire Locomc-tire BOILERS, and TANKS, Male or Rci-nirel. ' EEAPFR AND VOWF.KS AND J Tiii:E.-niNa MAcniNt.-:. j E"t'ired cd ja in KaacLny Orl'r. i Boiler; i"iu. iK,i;ch: or uiec in &x change Orders by Tclerrai h r Miil ironj; i.y "tLdd to. di JOES SL'jAJ; & CO., Pntation. XEW .MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage." Vor the Debilitated Jertom Syai-m. t.,:..T..- 'or "i.r. -r :, t.-,' L; S" r f,Vi.V "-'::'t'"!'Ut't Loc-'., Loc-'., ',,f"tl; . t" c','r ,iD, fr- l- w rv.,.i Dr. JcrUa cu b Mninlted H". rTipT"TH'i CHAMPION Washing IVIachine. A LAliGK SI11VMENT JUST AlllilVKD. 20 000 SOLD LAST YEAR- In use in nil tbe principal Laundries in tbe United States. Price $10.00. 1idieB plcaso Call and eeo them and you are sure to Bu Chas. W. Stayner, (jJeneral Agent, No 5 Hnln Strcet.lSnlt Uk Hy. Uanll HQTICE GF IpffSm NOTTCK IS HF.KKHY HIV KN THAT THE undorsitnoil will soil at public vemluo, to lliubintiiwt bid.lor f r ciili. at tho wouih I'mnt tlui.r ui' tlio I'uurt Iluuso, in Suit l.nko L'nv, Salt Lnka Cunnty, Torritory of I Inh, on lliu oinlitoonlh day of 1'ohruury, 1K7.1. lit oluvun o'ulock in tlio Ibronoon, tho follow iiitfdosi'riru'd iirunurty and ruul oslulc, wituutod in suid Suit Lnko I'ily und County tu wit: Known und - o-ncribod o-ncribod us llVi rods south front hy 1" rod north: cuiiiiiioncinK on tho ninth lino of lot t wo. rojsoftt of Iho iouil)-wi'st oornur of tnid runninK thniK'o north It) roils, thonco oiiat '1' rods, thonco south It) ros, thunco wusl rods to tho idnco of bog nnlng, buinii a ini t of lot i, in block eiuhty-tivo conuuniiiR Z Huiinro rods of ground osidotiud in jilol "A" of Suit Lako Cny Hurvoy, mtuiitod in tho IT th Bishop's Bish-op's Ward of saidSiilt Lnko City. Tho properly to io oiioro i lor sn o m emu timo ana itluco is tho uumo convoyed to tho undorsifjnnd on tho o uhlh duy o) March, A. I. Ifwl. by a dood of truKt oxecutod by John Jonkins and Kliza J i-nkins, his wifo, as imtio) of tho tir.il iart to tho iindoroiunod iui purlioa of tho second iiurt, to focu a tho payment of certain promissory nolo dated tho imkIiiIi (lay of Mnrch, A. I). 171, ivhoroin and wliorohy siiid John V. Jonkiiia.ono your after tlato, for vnluo roooivod, irouiioil to pay to i'tiillip l'uloy or order, tho sum of cis liu' dred and liRy-ono dollars and fony-si-t conts, with intor-o.t intor-o.t ihoroon at tha rate of two per cent per month from tho date th.-roof until paid, inior-omI inior-omI to be paid monthly; which -aid notu in now ovorduo und unpaid. Can id dood of trutt is ro-corded ro-corded in mortgage rocord Ijook t pages 111, 112, and 1W, in thoOouiity Kec rder's Ollico of sii id Pult L ko County. (To which rocord roler-onco roler-onco is horoby mado for urcator iarticulari y.J Tkuiis or bi.K: Said irojierty will boeold to tho hiKbest biddor for cash, tho inonoy to bo paid and deed delivered immediately after Ul- LEWIS S. HILLS. Salt Lako City, U. T., Jan. aid, 1K73. j21 FLUX FOR SMELTERS. Tlio undotsignod, having boon appointed Solo Aeonia for Utah, of tlio celebrated Hematite Hem-atite Iron Uto oCW joining Territory, Bolitit tho patronage of tho various furoacos, boliov-inic boliov-inic this to bo tho Boat Iron Flux ovor olforod tlio public. Ordora filled nt shott notico. A pply to CORDON & MURRAY, Half Block fiouMi II, It. niot, Hull LakeClly. j 21 IRON 8c STEEL. SCOTT, DUiMIAM & CO., - DEALERS IM - WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AND ALL KINDS OF ftf?!Sy!P4G TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, 1'IPE AI.I. KINDS OF FITTINUfi H A Ti ID "W A. H. E , BURDEN'S HORSE & MULB 8IIOE3, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND OTHER - BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS I0R Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Hercules Powder, ALL LOW FOR CASH Ammonical Preparation For tho Prevention and Removal of lioilor Eculo. dot "Advertising ia the Oil which wise mon pot in their Lamns. Modku.i FaovKHB. Ij P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG MINES FOR SALE. DR. PAl'L tlUKUOKY Drn four BicolUnt ilvor mine within one- mil. of Wllh other. oi'd and nid nutor pUiuuful wn ,ii of them. Tho miniv. aro rich. Urw runnin, tVoui Sum up to 87iW porton.cmn bo obtaiti"S fr'iu each nf thorn, in paying iunntity. Th oroi-icooflht'ilr.-Kiiry lode is twenty -seven font n,do;a kf .or f-t will run l'A lor from I tab. 1 will ll an imoru.it in one or l or .-oil all ut tair litfunvL Kach l,.do conuini l.-KMvit. and tho Uioirorv Il.Jo is down litt frrt hd look liu. 1'hislod.. i. direnlr uh Iho kuh h m.iu tho Ontario ono-half uiilo U,o ,,., di-Miu-ob v thollowUnd ,T Itl.io 1,-vlj.,. Mmini: di-trii-l. Wiwuu-h O-mnty I hum iusi innvmt my eninp to ihe Wild Ui cabin, whoro Whall bo plouod to show my Thoy aro each now claiios and but ut known, and tlio jouloim-, i rorol tn ay 0,, isttni: aiii.nih'-t those oii uinit cluiiu huroi to t sroat oil.-iit. have koil tlioso upoking IU(.K , l-roiiort- from fulling lii ma 1 4,1, P1.ilAj,u t,. -,.iiio and .-oo. 1 will ,how you all 1 moinue to do. I'AUl.tlUKtlOUY, M.'De t-'our mill fVtii Snv.UnvlM FOR SALE. The UtahCrnckerFactory Tho above oitahliluntnt, situated on Miin stroot. up. osito tho Walker House, haa nil Hie machiiiory and tinsils tor enrrvintr in (in, Cramer and llread buainesa, nud is urird f,.r balo on amount of the ill hoiilth of Die ,iru. i.riotor. hi r-tin.vtion with the abuvo have n itoII solortod iock of UiMcorioa, Con-foclioimry, Con-foclioimry, Ao , which will liu 10 Ul choai. t hive hotter leililios ft.r luaiiufiu'iurini; tlinm und bakiiw. than any olhor in the 'IVrriiiiry nod bidim tlio ldo.-t house, hvo a well ointh Ushud businati. MtUlTON Jt CO. Imiuiro on tho promises. jj limOT'imir 'I UK HiiAKI) 1 F DlltKCTiHtS QV Til K 1 lu.--iot Asrii-ullural nil .Manufncturinj; Soi-ipty iillora prouiiuiii of fifty dollars to ilia Ailits of I tali Territory for iho brat dojiun for a Diploma. Tho Hoard of Directors tn h iho anardiiiK cominittoo, re-orviin; ilmriulit to withhold iho aivard if in their Jiiditinent nn dosivn Hiillii-iontly meritorious is pros eu led fur competition. Domkhs w ill bo roceii til uni April 1st- Award to ho annuuneod April l.'illi. I!y oidor ol tho Hoard, juii Jii KUiiT. L. CAMlMllil,!,, iieerularv. in I 2 H J ' I - 3 oi rs h ok - w H K P5l -3 A F a S " - i t i '4 LJ r j u i" w S B 5 L r 5 H n .a - CD h I 2 S S 3 S I - K CO 03 g u I 1 i o h 1 EAGLE HOUSE Teasdel & Co. j The plaoa for tho public lo buy. Teasdel & Co. Winter Shawls and Dress Goods, Teasdel & Co. Fianneld, Nubias, aod Gloves. Teasdel & Co. Home-made Hoots and Shoes Best in tho Tcaritory. TEASDEL & CO. Sugars, Teas and Coffees, Cbee, Bacon and Lard. TEASDEL & CO. Men's Clothing, Hats, Shirts and FumiahiDg Goods. TEASDEL & CO. Carpets, Uagj, Mate and Car-taios. Car-taios. TEASDEL & CO. Blcos Sewing .Machines. Weir loneer and are less liable to pe' out of order. Tho best io tb World. AOKM M', Room 20 & 21 Merchant' Ecc 'wv,c CALIFORNIA STKKKT. ' No trouble to show Goods. CareW CAN PRANian attention to orders and goods de- saih r K A o 1 a o , mni (o a, the rliM lnd any part of the city free f 'J'13 Ad'trtuemontJ and Kut,scriHifjD. 0f charge. Salt Lake Daily and Semi-Weekly Semi-Weekly Herald mm& TEASDEL & CO., IVije-Mooi. .Mtii;an Ports. M-jaraua, Panama Pana-ma alr.arai'o. Japan aLd China; Net? Zealand Zea-land and tbo AuitraJiaa colonio. ho Atlajitio """"TmiiaB, tuT.-pl.S-. Ha? crat-J many 1 nw hn'iri'-'- Opposite Salt Lake House. Jia rticued many a lost busine,!-Jiaa busine,!-Jiaa saved many a failing bu.-ine.j-Jl iTMtrved mar,y a lare bu.-ini; And inaure succcw in any buinesa. piIRAKD'5 PKCKKTStophen OlraH u-ed a',V-a,Vr " "i'i h?v,c alvray.conjidcrrd ",Pr '-r? liberally ar.d (,kk t-, h-- the front 't-nT-h r'i'i fa0 hlJ'ir','"'.anJ 'he prHu.le ruU Vj advert. in thu duUfc-t tunc ai wl'l'l bj m T .. --nom tha- tto.c;.: l'rcm navi "5 u"ht u, To whom it may concern ;ir.ually kP.n.'ro bu'-in C-ftrt ill 7"K. the noIr'.rD4. claim ? i-;..uc it ha,,, Baay al thatiotht V twelro hundred (laWU it- " Yod" wue would hava lot" Not. .-o tt and tfarrc O). in tb JV ld lL in Littlo Cottonwood cnjin. and no' Advartlae your Itu.inr... ,n,j hsv8 wmplied with the U u air Keep your name be for the Public. Uiet 'D eery re-ueot- .-! aotW ! -?.r".'i:;;.i,d."Vi;Vi".. asilfiaflCK j If lln.lin,, la Hull, Ad.crll.'e. 0ttT CODIcnU I "in.lnt.i 1. Brink, Advert. ie. C. R- BA8SETT, 1 Tulnltrton ol i-mT Thal ffia" SrUriVr UVlIi6' ' lliSSP |