OCR Text |
Show A Thousand Flowers. Is it possible to oondense the fi prance of flowers, so that the pcrfur of a thousand could bo confined in single bottle? Yes, and in Murray Lanman'8 Florida Water the ft is accamplished. A Bingle bottle of th great perfume contains moro fragran than a thousand flowers. For sale at Z. C. ii. L, and Godbi Drug Stores. G70 The Great Bloort Purifiers Bristol's Sarsapahilla a: Sugar Coated Fills aro a sure rcn dy for every form of Scrofula. Hu drcds of cases that seemed beyo hopo havo been permanently and 001 pletoly cured by them. For sale by all Druggists. 644 TRUSTEE'S SALE. TOTrCH IS HEREBY GIVEN' THAT Tl i underisnod will aull, at iiubbc aucti in front uf tho LSjnkint; House of A. W. Wh JcCu., on Eiiat Teiui'lo aucet, in tho city of d Like, Tenitury u! L'uh, on Friday, tho -i "day of Soi'iouil. or, 1,-72, at olovun o'clock tho toreiiuua, tho fullowinc described tn orty, to-'it: An undivided interest ofU Thousand feet in the mining iroperty local in Pureupino Gulch, limnham Canon, W Mountain mining district, salt Lxko coun Utah Territory, known as tho Silver Hill lo or mino, cup mining tweny-fuur hundred f in alL ibo interost offered for snlo and to bo ?i at .-aid !imo and I'luco is iho numo inter Cfiivtjj'fd to tho undi'r-iimod by DtioU Tru.-t, I'xceutL'd by L hurl us II. Muruun party of tho iir;t r.irt. duli'd tho fourtcor d.ty ( 1i.-:uiiiUt. 1-71, tuaecuro tho juvtm curtain i-rwui-'sary rules therein sot u fr.m f.u-1 Clinrlui 11. M.,rirnn to J?il.u I..'lo. tho j. arty t" llio tlnrj i .nrt in find dc uf tru-i, wlin'li snid n-nui aro now uverduo n m.i'.'l'i: sui-l l ua,i iklwiUwl tho satuo d rccurd. d in MurUMu 1 Wd Uk U.. .nl, auJ .. .. in tho futility H.-i-ur.l.. gtl:0O uf fjid tilt l.nko county. U hi n-'L-urd rcfiruncu U hciuhy mudo for furil arti'.-ul.inty !. S.id .fJi-orty will bo si!d to iho hich bi'ldv-T f'T L-J.-U. U10 lu'im-y tu bo pui,i (1 deed delivered ini 111 cdiutiMy after Uiu eulo. A. W. 1UTK, Truitce Salih y,Autut)Uj loTi j a- SPECIAL ADVERTISEMEAT D6 .. . . & LOST, :at -.XTIIE NORTH SIDE OF FIRST SOI'T at J Street, in tho 1-lth Ward, a Gold Bret CO Pin with oigbt k-arnets. Tho Under will be II orally row aided by leaving at this office. WASTED. A COMPETENT PERSON AS NUHi and Seamstress. Ayply at tho 1'owi end House, Room 7o. eel I flD , A WOMAN TO COOK. En-juire of M: '6- J. Jas. M. Taylor, East Sth street, (c ,q- ond house north cf Theatre atroet, east aid Dd rFFICE ROOM ON MAIN STREET. B XJ twoon 1st and 2nd South 'stroots. a larf woll Heated routn on tho lirst flour suitable 1 an office. Address Lock Hox P. 0. e TEN GOOD HANDS TO WORK IN Til Canyon. Aipiy at tho Utah Lumb Yard, Third Soutb Street. J. J. Tuavse. IE sell jn, . I FOR REST. T7URNISHED ROOMS. OPPOSITE SE" J'" L r.fiito Uall, hall block south of TboaU D sow ed iy, A HOL'SE. CENTRALLY LOCATE do wi'b furnbhedrooms. auit-iblo for hot1 jot urj reit-'i.'nnblo torins. Apfly at this "trice, s frff DK. GROVES, Cfirtii3 uoiiti ith Offioe, Seoood South Street, ut Three doors weal of Great Western Hoti ui, half a block east of Elephant Store. Si K. Lake City. tvl Offle" Banri frani t-m. U S p.M. Dl: lid , uy 11, a. iti:i-'. r. s. Kin 'fa REED Sc KING, lur AUCTION AND COMMISSION MEHCHANT --t K'tKST MOUTH B1 JUJ ud Ment of liimbnll Lnivrtucc'i, N.ll.T LAKE CITY. j Liberal cash advances made un coniit J menu. Phil NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HALT LAKE THEATRE Saturday Eve,, Sept. 14th, '72. ENGAGEMENT of tle popular young actor Mr, Geo. D. Chaplin. Miss Jean Clara WALTERS AKD TUB FULL DRAMATIC COMPANY. Will bo presented tho colebrated Indian sonaalional drama, entitled NICK OFJ1EW00DS. To conclude- with tho grand tragic opera ef IV o r m t. GRAND MATINEE THIS AFTERNOON. Tuesday Evening, Sept. 17th, 1872, BENEFIT of Miss JEAN CLARA WALTERS. El RKHKARS.VL OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. MANUFACTURERS 0? PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ENGINES & BOILERS. Patent Improved Sawmills ALL SIZES, ON HAND. HENDRIE BROS. , Soli Agksts for Utah, Mo. 33 Slain atreet, Salt Lake CUy ae 14 TAKEN UP. rpWO HEIFERS CAME INTO MY GAF L den on Wodnosday niirht- One dark brii die with white face, branded with circlo o right hip, brand on horn not distinct Tho other a bnndle and whito hoifer, brant ed with a circle on right hip, brand on hor not distinct. The owners aro requested to call, pay oi ponsea, and Uko them away, r WM. JENNINGS. Sixteenth Ward, Salt Lake City, SopU ml 167i sen AUCTION ! AUCTION ! ! AT THE NEW AUCTION HOUSE OF REED 4 KING, on first South Street, west of Kimball and Lawrence's, Fine Oak Bedstead, JIarblo-top Bureaus, Washstands, Tables, fino looking Stove and furniture complete, com-plete, singlo and double Lounges, Spring Matrasses, Mat-rasses, patoni Spring Bods, Parlor Stove, ne nearly now Sewing Machino, tine- laco and damask Curtains with cornico, an invoice or Crockory. an invoico of Soap in order, one long counter, four long Seats for hall use, Lampa and household goods of every description. descrip-tion. Consignments solicited; money ad vanced on merchandise, seH Third Grand Sale, Saturday, at 11 o'clock a, m. AUCTION1 AUCTION!! n AT REED A KING'S NEW AUCTION u J BOL' EE, lat South Street, west of Kimball Kim-ball A'Lawronoe. One elegant aido-board in oak, Fnrniture of every deaeription, Bed and Bedding, CarpeUt Oil CloLhi, Shadoa, Lu Curtains, io. Consignments Solicited, i u NOTICE. I'HE GROCERY DEPAKTMENT Z. C. M. I. will be closed on Monday 16th, Tuesday t 17th and Wednesday 18th beptembfr, to take ' account of atocK. WQ reepootfull? invite q our easterners and friend to mako their rurohases before, or defer until after too i above datea. H. B. CLAWSON, 01 a5 Superintendent. NOTICE. 7 rrEE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY CAUTION-X CAUTION-X ed against buying inferior gradoa of Coal represented by unprincipled dealers as being Grass Canyon CoaL Parties wanting Grass Canyon Coal, will please leave their orders only at Baa ley 4 Son's, East Temple street, and Woods k Keaton, First South street. alO C. J. LEE. Agent, . ( Grass Canyon Coal Company. g ICJE ! ICE I ICE ! FIFTY TONS OF ICE, of fimt rata nualitj, t $10 per ton.. V R, B. MARQETTS, Utah Browery. S.I3 aall Lak. City. LOGAN DAILY STAGE LINE CONNECTING WITH UTAH NORTHERN R. R. -AT- Hampton's Station. ROUTE TO SODA SPRINGS. Daily Stage leaves Ilampton'a Station for Logon on arrival of tho 10a.ni. train; Connecting on Monday, Wodnosday and Friday with Stages to Ironklin, Wollsviilg and all intermediate towns in Cacho; and Connecting with stage for SODA SPRINGS Whioh leaves Pranklln every Tueaday. H. G. MILLER & CO., au!6 Proprietors. rg SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS n i DRY GOODS. rt. c- E ur Wiehiog to olose out our entire DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, V- We will offor our large stock of o. Staple ad Facy dI. e7 DRY GOODS & NOTIONS e, ,,. AT "prime cost o. FOR TIIK ; Next Sixty Days. . EffilBALL & LAWRENCE, ST. LOUIS TRADE. SEIYIPLE, B1RGE & Co.. SAINT LOUIS, Manufacturers and Agents AGRICILTLRAL GOODS, Hardware Specialties, WHITEWATER WAGONS, j Offlo. and Samples: 13S00T11 MAIN STREET. Warehouse: mjl8 114. 116, 118 ELM STREET. HAYBEN, WILSOHS & ALLEN Monufaoturerfl and Dealers in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BENT STOCK, LEATHER, Etc., Ho. am North m.ltt street, mjl9 ST. LOUIS, MO. If you want the best, bay Book's Brilliant It is the most PerTeot Baker. It is the most Durable. It burns the least Wood. It alwayf fives Satisfaction. More of Buok's Stoves have been sold and axe in use than an; stove ever made. Ewj Stove is warrants! BUG K'S Guarantee. For Ceal and Wood, hu only been in use tw year. It ia now the leading Coal Coo! Stove. Why, it U a Perfect Baker. It is ' Fuel Saver: it is made iritn our PATEN' - CHILLED IRON. Tire Linings whioh wil last longer than Five Sots of oommo Lii ings. It will draw in ny good flue, and i L. the only Coal Cooking Stove that give i- entire Satisfaction. BUCK & WRIGHT 790 and 733 Iff. JMftln Street, Sain c Louie. Manufacturers of all varieties COOKING and HEATING STOVES. Sam 1, pie Cards and Price Lints furnished o application. mjl8 $300,000! MISSOURI STATE L0TTER1 Legalized by State Authority an Drawn in Public in St. Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. Class I, to be Drawn Sept. 30, 1871 5,880 Prixu, Amounting to $300,00 1 prise of $50,0001 SOOprizesofS 1C 1 pruo of 13,450 Sprizeaof 1,01 1 prite of 10, 0(JO prizes of BC 1 prire of 7.S00 Oprizfaof 3L 4 prizes of S.OOOi 9 prizes of 23 prism of S.5O0I 36 pruwwof at aOpnzMot 1,0001 36 prizes of 15 SO prize of 500 ISO prizoioi 11 40 priiM of 50 3,000 pnzesof J Tickets, 910. Hair Tickets, S. Quarters, $a.50. Our lotteriM are chartered by the Btate, b altrays drawn at the time named, and all dran-in are under the euperruion af sworn commliaione - xhe ofEciai drawing will be published in t fit. Louis papers, and a copjr suit to purchasers ticket. Ska- We will draw a similar scheme the li da; of overy month during the year 1672. Remit at oar risk, by POdI OFFK 1SOH KY OltDEUS, REUISTURKD LiiTTK DRA-FT, or EXPKK38 Pcnd for a circular. A droas Ul'RKAVi U1LLER . Co., Post Office Box 4446. 61. LOUIS. Mo. myl7 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. New Law. Murchao, 1866, FOR THE MINING AND SCltNTlFIC PRESS. Vlotorla and Imperial Tunnel and Mining: Company, Location of Works Little Cottonwood Mining District, IHahTcrritorry, NOTICE is horoby given that at a meeting of tho Board of Trustees of said Company, hold on the 14th day ot August, 1672, an assessment assess-ment of ton (10) conta por snaro was lovied upon up-on the capital stock of said Company, payable imuiediatoly in United States gold coin, to the Secrotary at tie otfico of the Company, Koom 5, No. -Aft Montgomery street, iSan 1'rancisco, California. Any slock upon which snid assoaament shall remain unpaid on Wednesday, tho l&th day of Soptomber, shall be doomed dolimjuont, and will bo duly advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment shall bo mado beforo, be-foro, will bo sold on Saturday, tho nth day of October, lb72, to pay the delinquent assessment, assess-ment, together with costs of advertising and exponsos of sale. By order of tho Board of Trustees, Wit, li. WATSUN, Secretary, a lti Office, Room 5, 3U2 Montgomery street JUST RECEIVED Perambulators, Express Wagons, Hobby Horses, &c, &c, &c. A FINE STOCK OF CIGARS ITO BE CLOSED OUT AT "WH O L E S -A. L : OR BY THE BOX' AT COST TEA.SU GAR, COFFEE, SHOES & GliOCliKS SUNDRIES KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. BREAD, CAKES, PIES and CRACKERS BAKED ON THE PREMISES BVHH.Y DAY AND SOLD REASONABLY BY ; Daniel Gkenig, EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE ISTltLET, Above Socund Suuth SLrucL WAGENERS BOTTLED BEER, ALE AND POKTEK, At the Cheapest Rates and on the shortest notioo. , , Lre your orders t the Depot of the. OahforniS) Browexr, No- M Cumtnerotal iUhu U WALKER BRO'S. ; .- - CUNXISOTON A CO Walker Bro's & Co., ! WHOLESALE AD RETAXL DEALERS I' WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. Havo a splendid Btock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS &c, liEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES, And qq imuionso quantity of CAS S3 JLIQUORS AND BITTERS, - AND . HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Having opened nn EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR HOUSE and keeping THE LARGEST STOCK EVER HELD IN UTAH we offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. Sole Agents in Utah for J. H. CUTTER and S. T. Stilt & Co's celebrated Kentucky whiskies. WALKER BRO S & CO. au21 One door East of Elephant Store. BUM BOORS, STITIONERV, SEWING MlfHIVES. CALDErX SEARS. IF 3E.. A. isr O S, r t Wa aro Agents for tho AR10N, STEINWAY & SONS, C1IICKERINQ j & SONS, DEUKEK & BARNS and other loading makers, and respectfully invite our Patrons and the Pnblio to call and examine our stock of the abovo named instruments. 1 lf Wo are also General Agents for the MASON & HAMLIN world-renowned : CABINET ORGANS, Which we have proved- beyond all doubt to be the best and most suitable organs for this climate; and have also the WOODS, ESTEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. r. . " We have the Largest Stock west of Chicago of d Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required by Amateurs, Teachers and Musicians. M U S I G A L v INSTRUMENTS. Our Stock consists in part of PTAXOS, ACrORDEOXS, CONCERTINAS, DOUBLE BASSES OIU..WS, MKl,llIAN, YlUL(El,LOt S A It t DRIMS, VKiLIVS, (illTAUS, I.GEOLtTT, BASS DHIMS, I1AAJOS, I LIXISAS, 1-1COLOS, VIOLAS, Etc., Etc. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. PlnnoStooIs, Violin Slrlus, Guitar Strings, Violin FnrnlshAngs, Qultmr furuUhiuss, Acconlvon Furnishings, Drum Kuril i 111 ngc, Tuning Forks aud flpes, Mimic l'npcr, Blank Music Books and Cnrd, SliecL Music, Instruction Books for all Instruments, fcic.t Etc., Ktc. Wo aave secured tho sorricos of Professor Careless, so long and favorably known in this community, com-munity, that our patrons may havo tho benefit of his jroies;ional services in making their selection of instruments a ad musical merchandise. BOOKS -A-JSTID STATIONERY. Our Stock consists in part of The PuulLcntlons or the American Tract Society, Miscellaneous and Subscription Sub-scription Books, Blnuk Books of all descriptions, Inkstands, Writing Juks, Steel l'eiu, In treat variety, I'ca Holders, l'cnclis, English Potket U.niven and ."Scissors, M ami's Pateut 1 archaic lit Copying Books all qualiiies and weights of ESI-1! C3 JE-m JE-E 9 m Note, Letter, Cap, Bill, Legal, Flat Cap, Folio Post, French Note, Initial Aote, Knvelopes, nil sizes and q unit tics, Card Board, all colors, Foreign Tissue Jfapcr, ivll colors, Drawing paper, 1 rawing Bookj, SCHOOL FUBMSH1SG8 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. Wo have a sngo and splendid assorted stock of Cards and Books from tho larso Publishing Houso of T, Kelson V Sons, which we offor at their regular Wholesale and Kotail prices. L. PRANC & CO'S PUBLICATIONS. Havingbeen aprointfd Solo Agents Tor Utah, for tho sale of their magnificent Cards and Books fur .Sohools and lur tho Parlor, ire aro jiroparod to furnish tho Trado and School Coni-mitlcos Coni-mitlcos from our stock of choice selections at iho Publishers Wholesale and Ketail prices. THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. We respectfully invite the Publio to call and examine our Sewing Machines before purchasing elsewhere, whioh we claim to be the best, cheapest, and most durable in the market. We guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. All are warranted to sew, with perfect ease, Beaver, Ducking, Tickiug, Denims, Domestic, Cambrio, Linen, Muslin, Laoe, &C,, and will Tuok, Hem, Fell, Braid, Bind, Cord, (rather, in faot will do all kinds of work. A Five Ycjrs guarantee given with each machine. Instructions free by an expert on the premises. &3 DUNFORD&SONS. MAMMOTH BOOT, SHOE AND HAT STORE. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. E Orders Solicited from Town aud Country, and promptly mid ciirefnlly Oiled at tlie very smallest possible margin over cost. m:7 PURE tA M WHITE S) UrK UIJAUANTKK TFIK AliOVK niiANO TO UK PKHKKOTI.Y 1'tiliH. AM) IN KINKNKSS. WHITKNKSS AM) COVKlilNG I'llOI'KHTIKS li' 13 U.MVKUSALL ACKNOWUiUliKD TO BE HIE STANDARD. FAHNESTOCK, HASLETT & SCHWARTZ, 137 First Ave.. riTTSBUKUH, TA. IOK SALE 13 Y p -nrr x L JU, U. ill. 1. AND QTUK& DEALKKS. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. M ifiH a l K isi. T. N. W7T WAND, KANE & CO.. (Huocaaora to Hunt r, W a.u t a. Importer! ind Wholoakl Uuiri ib VLES AND LIQUORS, pToprietcn of Unnter'i CallloroU Wlioat V tulil.oy-. Also Akdu for Joseph 6. Kinou'i olbraid PoDQU'lvKaift RYE WHISKEY SOT ud 600 front St., uu JivckOM 8AM FUANClSCOj my 31 ltfiTABLK BID llltO; Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries 218 and lil6 Front Street, San Francisco, M PARKER, WATTSON & CO. (SaoooMon to Weil k Co,,) Importer and BwafKOtureri of TOBACCO AND CICAR8, 321, 223 ud 225 Front iL, oor. S&ortmanto, t) SAN FKAHC1SCO, CAL. E. A. FARGO & CO., Importers and Jobberi of Brandies. Wines and. Liprs, 310 Front St., eor. Commercial, D. B. bti. 35 BAN FHANCISCO JACOB UNDEHUIJiL . CO IMPORTERS OF HARDWARK, Sole AjoqU for BnnierBon Bro'iAOu'i OAST WTEBIj F-iloiv, Blouse Hole A nvlla, Collli.h dL Co't C. S. Sledg-ca, ricks, Axea, IIS IHO Battery Street, San J-VancUe. U HUH A. fOlCtl. 9. SCHOEMAM, J. A. FOLCER&CO'S PLUNKKK tiTKAM ; COFFEE AND SPICE M 1 l & . I Mo. X'AQ Front Street, Betwenn Oa.ll,ornia aod Bioramen to, k!3 SAN FltAAUlsCO. J. BAUM & CO., Importer! ud Manntecinrcrt of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 34a t.n.om. at., 8am Frajiclsco. NolSWarroaSu. New York. ft Harness Saddlery, Leather. J. C. JOHNSON 4c CO., 104 106 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO, Refer by permission f. Mr. II. B Ctaic-on, Ctaic-on, SuiteriiUeHtteiU of the JS. C. M. I. al3 A. B. ELFELT & CO., IMPOSTS ES AKD JOBBIU 07 Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 105 Ac UO Sail some Htreet, SAM FHANCISCO. KLPBLT, LBVI CO. 183 Church 8t S. T. all LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St.. SAN FRMXISCO, CAL. Csretnl and prompt attontion pld t I onipri DtrtuUd to our care. Established la 1851. C. VENARD, Manaf&ctaier of the Original Cliartres Coffee, And all kinds of Syicea and California Mustard, 625 and 637 Front Street, between Jackion and faoifio. SAJi ffiAMJLbCU. a5 HECHT, BKO'S k Co. BOOTS, SHOES & LEATHff ',104Jbl0e Bansom8t.tannJeivm4M, and t.U Pearl Street, Bo-lc BTJCK1XQHAM. A SBC ST, Manufacturer! of tb "tITIA DUAltTT" CAUFOINLA BUfS Ail tKHL tvU MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 Battery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. IIA11XESS, SADDLES -AKD- L E A. T H E B . The,bet etoclc and lowest prlcci on the Pacific Coast.. Special attention siren to order fromUn-ali fromUn-ali A. C. DIETZ & GO. IXrOBTlal OF PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. 221 FRONT STRliaT. B.L SaoraaMBl. a tialUoraJa, .km rraIM. A. J. UUIFF1IU, Dealer la fc all kinds of j PICK TiBlD Sh MC;Kml SALMON ANO HERRINGS, 1SS Wsihliftoa Streeu AU Uodi of Dried, lUnolud end Ploklsd ft ooqjUuUj on band. j LAZARD FRERE8, Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Ito-meetio Ito-meetio fancj and titapl DRY GOODS. Depot of Qoodi Manufactured at M Mittum and jPaafle Aliiit, CbiwoiWaMi. AS ftUT Market St., Bast Fra QjlS Parii : Rne De L'KrUn E. MARTIN & CO. Wholesale Lignor 08 rront Street, San Fraal Proprietors of ILLER'I KXT1LA OLD BOVliW1 And sole acents for , c. CUHER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHItt Ooutantlj on hand, a fall urlnu all the ard Brands o WhlskJee, Pine BraadU rorelgn and Domtitl Wism, b3 Blttere. CordlaW, I RICHARDS & HARRISON, Importers of MALT L1QIOK!! AMD OILMAN STORES, 314 at 310 Ball.ry 6U, San rramois" Aioau for J. J. COLMAN'S MUSTARD, Huntloy & Plmor's Boading Bis" I, S. FRY & SON'S CHOCOLAU COCO. ARBBEQ ISLAY B0OT0H WUISKS'' JUl'K'S thadh ba1"''1 MALT LIQUOKS-JOULE'S LIQUOKS-JOULE'S STONE ALE. Tsnn.nl's Kooloh Al. Blood'; , 'M.'!.!?" Alo. Uau A Co. Burton Alo.. Mf" linSloui. olo.i Bubllo iow Bjass' LonJoo l'orlfr, T.J- London Bortu. Forl( I.Un Us |