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Show MEDICAL. Sew medical work! "The Philosophy of Marriage." For the Debilitated a'trvoiu System. DK. JOHDAV.of tbe Anal .tmlcal Mnw;im, 116 F.'.AVCI-CO, CtUitriiia, t iHiWi.twd.-urur lin nil irnjrtNl mi-1 untrue tin. l.iur-, m nr.it T .liiiri-. (or tinM wlio caonit B(-ad tro Lswl'ir l Dir MuKiini. Ever j no ujiu-rird iiJ in r no. J ni iu iliijuM rud mil aludy Iboan Uupurtaut Lee lur.- lut lb" gcjuJ o( liiinwlf and oflnus. 11 y il lr Mine lb urcretary of the Atmttm'cal M'i-uiu, an VruciKO, and ooclo-ing Twenty- 1 Vim CulU in pofUe taiiii-i to pay jjuiUic, itie B-vk will t forwarded lo any part 01 the lnU o- TcrrlOjri-a, 0r. Jordan can be connlud by letter. J5 W. F. ANDERSON. M.D. H. J. RICHARDS. M.D, Stirgeous and Physicians, OffiM, for the preient. at their respective residences in the lla and 11th Warda; (o6 0. C. ORMSBT, M.D. FHYSIUIAN. KUitUKO-N AND DBUOOIMT, IfltlOIIASS CITY. UTAH. HOTELS ETC. :" TQWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OP OTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. ThU House ii centrally and pleaaantly lo-oatod. lo-oatod. well fttrnlflhed. and haa aocomraoda-tlonafor aocomraoda-tlonafor 10 saeets. TUB PROPRIKTOft U now preparlnf o build large additions to hi Hotel, whUh when finished, will ren'er it the Most Complete Ettablithment in the BOCK? MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil WALKER HOUSE, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Open for (hcjteccpliou of Guesis Monday, Sept. 2d, 1872. II. S. GREELEY & CO., I' ItO 1 It I ET4I ItS. ill") TATLOE'S HOTEL, Weit Hide Main fetreet, IMPROVEMENTS Conitnntly bolntr mado for the- accommodation accommo-dation of Quests. HOT AND COJ.D BATHS. TAYLOR &. CUTLER, myll - Proprietors. AMERICA?! nOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONH BLOCK EAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKE OITY. Termil3.00 par day. Board with, ant room! I '4.00 per week. Ditthi rrea to gutiti, J. O.LITTLE, InnU Propria l or. Washington House Clilrcl HoutU Htroot, HALT LAKE C1XY Hoard and Lodging, per Weak 97 00 Day Hoard " 6 00 French Spring Beda " J 00 Iledi, per Hlght - BO Id ca la - - - - US IM New Commercial Logins Rooms, 46, Commercial St., Suit Lake City. 0. W. TAPPAN. Proprietor. O 1' K N ALL NIGHT. Spring UeU, 30, 37 and HO cte. per nigULi ll.SU to Cl.OO per Week. HltiK'e Itoomi, SO and Tlio. per Night d. 00 toil. 50 per Week, tilde Ilooma, tl.00 to tl.OQ. per Mgl.U 015 GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, ON TUB EUHOPEAK PLAN. Pitti -xtod in buMnesa part of the city, with aooomuiodation for 200 guest. 1 MUST-CLASH acoommod niton for Fatal Hm ami Travelors. Kooiui. AUo.15o. St. 00 and Cl.SO Dinintr Hall and Kealaurant under the nnnitKOiueni of &I.11. Ucardiloy, Utuoftho nl'Trison lIuuKQ. Uintha, and Tiohnor iiou"o, Lincoln, Nob. Board per weak, t7 Steals, 00c. Slase leave datly for the mine. Lduudrj aouueototi with the hotel. SMITH A. BIUA7.K, my 17 ProorirtorT. Right About Fac8l YK Co-operative Store Keepersi! AND 0IUKR8. Wbu.iTUh t auatatD thos. br wbosolobor I, liTol BUY UP THE WOOL! and hTj it mannfactured nt homo, and thorobr invo fuut-lil'ths of the money you trill have to pn? for jtrouod-ap hats, rags, oto., iu the share of Cloth, txom tho aast. j AV-K WILL PAY YOU TUB HttiUBST 1 W MAlUvKC PRICE FOK WOOL, and fell you Ooodi for the Lowott Cah I'rifo, nnd Kuarantoo ererj aiUoio, aj reproso&toa by ui. ! Wo will thoZ EXCHANGE CLOTH rOK movisiorjs, Where wo can mako thorn available for our nandl and receive Umiq and the Wool at our btorcs. We are makinr, and hare o hand, BKADY-MADE CLOTHING, MIXERS' SRIRTS, etc, FULLED CLOTir. of flr.'t-elius Ftylo and quality; also -r enna, Llnncyii, both l!;un and fancy; IT nuucle ol all colors; Col-tounilc, Col-tounilc, tVngnn Govern, Tnlte Clol lut' Tow cling, Duo king, Stocking nrn, all wool nnd part cotton, 'incy Wool Vnm, for raittinir, Uoi-t Uoi-t o n U 1 1 1 n g t and Carpet Yarn, oto., etc., eto. You will plcaso to ol'jorvo that we prUlo oursolvoa on haTinu tho bust colored Koods iu tho Territory and workmen who eannot be oxoolled. JOSEPH BIRCH, 4ent of Z. 0. Rio Virgon Mannfaeiurini Co., tiu Uoone unl WMtunetoa. Oy 2b NOTARIES PUBLIC. W. M. CILLKiPJS. W. W. TT00D3 GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. ArKvowitDniKiNH taken for the lereral rii)..i 4.vii leaBHOBiEa. (Iflio houra. 9 , u., to 9 p. . Roon Ne. 5 "ver First National Bank, rialt Lake City, 1 uhTeritory. 5 J as. Yf. Stain Dum. Chaa. A. Gould- STAINBURN & GOULD, NOTARIESPUBLIC, Searchers of Records, AlfD COMMISSIONERS OV DEEDS FOE Kcw York, Massachusetts, PennBylranla, Uhio. lllmoie, Igwa, Nebraska, Wyom-idb. Wyom-idb. .Montana, Novada. California, Oregon. Teias. Colorado. Distriot ol Colum bia and other Sutea and TerriUries. - Applications for Patents, 'Minins; Dooas, AKreoments and Bonds lar Deeds, Mort,cajfu, Powers of Attorney, Leases, Contracts and other instruments of wxitiax tirwn with ncouraar and dispatch. M Inlng and other Companies Ia-oorpnrniil Ia-oorpnrniil atkuer tbe Lawi or Utah, Abb tract 3 of Titles to Mining; and other property mfido in the mojt complete farm. Allnliifr property examined and reported re-ported on. Ui-ncR at BEID"3 BUILDING, EAST TEJ1PLE BT., SALT LAKE CITY, U. T. A Notary Pubuo always in thj Ot'FioE from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Transcripts famished ffom the first Minins Records in tho County of bait Lake, to wit; thoso of tho Mountain Lake Mining Distriot (nuw iiig and Littie Cottonwood Districts), and from thee of the Big Cottonwood Mining Min-ing District. mjZl CHA8. "W. HTAYNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and commissioned by the Oov-rnor. UilicoLit door south of Sarafe's Photograph GallL-ry. Bait Luko City. mii HEW YORK TRADE. Coclirau, McLean & Co. Importers andjobbors of DEY GOODS, Wlilte Goods, Hosiery, Notions, Woolens, Linons, Embroideries and Laces, l(i2. 4til and JJKOADWAY, e. n. c wbiuiit. SEW l'ORK. j uydi RICE, GOODWIN, WALKER a CD., Imijorlors and Jobbers of BILK AND FANCY 13 RrT GOODS, 171, 176 and J7(ii Broadwar NEW YORK. IV. G. UAH.NUY. JM L. M. BATES &. CO., 4I , 4SS Broadway, NEW YORK. iMroatua asm joiiui ni Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIERY, WHITE 600DS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE KOI IONS, Ac J. II. BULQUIL Jnl BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, one block east of Broadwa dU JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In FUR AND WOOL HATS, Straw Goodn, Umbrellas, tire, Ho 408, Broadway, NEW YORK. Jo. Jim Eon tor. jfl THOS. fifl. ARGALL & Co., Men's. Youths' Boys' and Children's 0 Xj O T H IN o-3 AT WHOLES AX B, 313316 Broadway, New York. J. I, O0WLK8. f27 ROWLAND & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, . NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Will advmice liberally on conelsra-uiinli conelsra-uiinli of Ore and Bullion. II nil Ion purchased at highest market ratea. nJ LEGAL N0TICE. VOTICU IS II EUEBY GIVEN, that we, UenrHO llrivrst, Jaoob llws, Cyrus D. Uftwlo, and Hubert C. C'hambor?, do claim t cntT -t wo htizu red loot In longtQ, by two bunliod loct in width, on the Homceload .M m inn CI a i in too inn a silver bearing vein of ru-k id 'laoo.l ntui the land and promises upiicrtaiuiuK to uU mine, all t itualed in the tio .Mining l'liirici, Cotinty of Piute. Territory ot I'tnh, tho looatioa and extent ttu'K'ot being mure tally described as follows, to wit; CouiuicQciiiR at a point south seventy four d curve1 and thirty minutes east, two thousand thous-and l"ur hundred and .eighty feet froiu L' tf. Mineral Monument No. I. Theoce ttQ twt?ty-iwo hunnred feet. Thonoo c ist two hundred i. Ji.'t teci. Thonco soulh Iwcnij-lMo hundred iAO) feet Thence west two hundrej fool to the place of bch-iiinim;. Containing ten and ten hon-diL'dth hon-diL'dth ai'.HV acres as set I'orth la tbe diagram; dia-gram; and wo do hereby give further notice, that, having occupied and im-lrov. im-lrov. d tno Ja.d lode and rramise, according to tho local customs and rules 01 miners in aid Mining District, aud having cxrcmlcd in actual labor and ica-provcincnU-i thereon, an amount not less than One Thousand Do.lars, and having at tm tiiuo actual peaceable poucssioD of said mining property, wo have applied for a patent for the jaid premteep. unaer the Act ol Congress ontitled "An Aotgranting the Kight vi to litoh and Canal Owners over tho Public Lands, and for other Pur LOTf.'' approved Juij iti, ls?6, and the ainenda.ory Act, approved Jiy3, 1ST0. an Act of iougres. approved May 10, 1ST2, etuitled "An Act to promote the development develop-ment ot the Mineral resources of tho United States." Wnasg our hands and itait this twenty- fourth day ol August; 17- OfosiiF. Hcassr, Jacob lliid, by R. C. Chambers, his att'y in faeU Ctkvs B. Hjw.it, by R- C. Chambers, his att'y in fact. 11. C. CHAjiStK. . , M. Kirkratrick, Aesi: ji. i". Clements. V. S Land Office, ..U r.ikoCity, I'tah. Aug. 1, 1ST2, I crrtily that tho above notice and a diagram of tho .-.I'd Mining Claim was this day riled in thi ri'L". together wi:h a notice r.l inton-ti. inton-ti. n to aprly for a patent therefor from the Govern meat of tho t'nited State?, as provided pro-vided in an Act of Congrcfj. entitled 'An Act grunting the Ritht cl Way to Ditch and Canal ' 'wrier.' over the Public Lands, and fer other 1'urpo.iw," approved July i, lV. and as niucn.lcd by Act of Congress approved July I-1''1, an Act of Congress, appro ved May H entitled "An Act to promote the development of tho Mining rosourooe of tho L' nitcj tit a ten." I direct said notice to bo printed in the alt Lako "Korald," a nownpapor published neaioit tho location of tho claim, GEC ft, MAiWKLL.ilosUtM. LEGAL FRANK TILFORD, 1ITOBNET - A T - L A W. Office at preunt with S. J. Jonason, East Temple street, jost South of salt Lake House. alii J. B. Rosboroufh, S. A. Merritt J. M. Carter. Rosborough, Merritt & Carter, ATTORNEY S AT L A W , Salt Lake City, Utah. Office, 1st South Stroet, first building oast of Deseret Bank comer. aug 21 WK. HATDOS. C. X. G1LCHBIBT. HAYDON & GILCHRIST, ATTORNEYS - AT- LAW. 8 ALT LAKE CITY. Office over 1st National Bank of Utah. al2 7 BOB. MABflHiLI- J. a BOYLE. MARSHALL & ROYLE, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W. once OTcr Wells, r.rgo dr. Co's Ban!,, HaJt Lake City, Fta.li. al A. MINER, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR. Office at Residence, Second South street SALT LAKE G1TY.UTA1I. All kinds of legal business promptly at-ended at-ended to. OKOHGS C. BATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. O. MYRON HA.WLBV, Attorney-at-Law, Clerk of the Sapreme Court and Territorial Librarian-. J. W. HASKLNs. Offio la Kimball's block, near U.S. Mar-)1I Mar-)1I shal's office. CHARLES G. LDEBER, ATTORNEY-A T-L AW. Oiflae Room No. 6, over First National Bank, Salt Lake City. rnyl2 O, H. Hempstead, M.Kirkpatrick, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATR1CK, Attorney t-at-Lnw, Main Street, opposite Wolle, Fargo & Co., SALT LAKH CITT. alO P. L. WILLIAMB. LK OBAKB TODTd WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW, Offioe, half-a-blook south of Theatre, Salt Lake City. jl2 z. snow. x. n. hogx. SNOW & HOtiE, aVttomeya mnd Comiaelora at Lw Salt Lake Oity, Utah. OffloaatSnow'a corner, lat Saat 8 1 root. Job THOS, FITCH. QIO. I. WHITNBT. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATIOBNKYS.AI-LAW, 36 First Bouth Struct, GO SALT LAKE CITT. S. A. MANN, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, Ho. 36 First South Street, ft Salt Lake Citr. Utah: JOHN B. MILNEB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FroTO Guy, Utatli. Clleotions made is the 1st and 2nd Jadi-olal Jadi-olal Disuiots. Speoial attention given to Mining oases. Omoe at residsnoe. Centre &L Proyo City. i6 Warnu Barll. F. M. Staitn. EARLL t SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT IiAKB OITT, First Snnth Street. Rooms U and 12, Ho 105, Kimball Block. DANIEL. S. DANA, ATTORN E Y-A T-L A W, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office west side of East Temple StreoL d27 D. O O O P ER; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR, Beat Temple Street, Coleljroofc's Now itulldlng, up-atalra. )n28 SALT LAKB OITT. Sarsaparilla f ft 8 widely known jfiSi """il W as onflof taemost Java fm mxh ffootual romedieB i1. A V'Tl e v 6 r discovered 5t yc? system and puri- StiiZiIt has stood the TSsijj& test of years, with wTjCV a constantly grow iDg reputation, basod on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its remarkable cures. So mild as to bo safe and beneficial bene-ficial to children, and yet so so&rohing as to offoctualy purgo out tha groat corruptions cor-ruptions of the blood, such as tho scrofulous scro-fulous and syphiltio contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the systom for years, soon yield to this powerful an ti do to and disappear. Honce its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions and eruptive disorders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Moils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores. St. Anthony' s Fire, Rose or Erysioelas, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm and Internal Ulceration Ulcera-tion of the Uterus Stomach and Liver, It also cures other complaints, to which it would not seem especially adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspepsia, bits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, hemnle Weakness, Debility De-bility and Leueorrhaza, when they are manifestations of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer ol hoaltL and strength in the Spring. By renewing renew-ing the appetite and vigor of the digestive diges-tive organs, it dissipates tho depression and list loss languor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, peoplo fooi bettor and live longer for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a now leaso of life. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & Co, Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. For Gale at Z, C. M. L DRUG STORE. o26 hi ' I- .PATENT T1 13!! WITH PORCELAIN-LINED CAP. Tbi most IRellabl FRUIT PRESERVER Known. For Sale at the Grocery and Hardware DEPARTMENT, Zi. O. JXZ. I. H, B. CLAWSON, Sap't , INSURANCE. OF THE Home Mutual IMR1CE COMPANY, OP CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL ... - $650,000. JOIIV II. BEDINGTOX, President., CDABLESB.NTOET, Secretary. Principal Office, 433 California St., SAN FRANCISCO. H. R. MANN, Agent, Office: Banking House, A. W. White Co. a2 TRIUMPH FIRE LSURiCB CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. We ask Fair Ratea and Promise to Pay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah II. Ii. MAIN N, Agent, SALT LAKB CITY: OfHcet Banking Haute of A. W. White A, Co. P. O. Box SW. 1 FIRE INSURANCE. HUME INSURANCE CO., Columbus, Ohio. M. A. DAUGHERTY, JACOB PEETRY, President. Sec rotary. Cash Assets - - $871,152.81. By reason of a heavy cash capital and a large business, well distributed, we offer to tha public indemnity that is second to none. Our Chicago reoord is a guarantee ol prompt and equitable adjustment and payment pay-ment of losios. - II. R. MANN, Agent. Office: Banking Honii of A. W, Whlta , Co. Poet Offloa Box, No. SM. my in AMAZON INSURANCE CO. J. B. nEWETT - - President. B. II, WEST - - Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, JUNE 30, 1873. Cash on hand. In bunk, and in courso of transmission- 8111,308 57 United States Bonds, inarkot valno 121,109 09 Mortgages 3,W6 67 Collateral Loans 138,-lCT 00 Accrued Interest - 1K),M2 68 Bills Koceivablo 3a,SM7 15 Stato Bonds nnd Miscollanoous 6S,fil7 9H Duo from Agents 8i,L)fe7 8880,006 70 II ABILITIES. Outetanding Losses and other Lis biliuos $77,711 M H. R. MANN Agent, Omcet Banking Ilonse or A. W. White A Co, 1, O. Box, 554. 1?28 C3 v t r o s 1 i ! 1-1 I .... npj i u g : x M g , i C. H. BASSETT, Jsr:Eix"7 HARDWARE STORE ! All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, J Bron aud N(eel, Stoves and Tin Ware ' BLICKSniTU TOO LI, AgrlCKltu-al Impl.m.ati 1 And Aiming TooU, At Lowtit Hat... ' OPPOSITE SALT LAKI HOCII i all ' RAILROAD EXCHANGE, NOW OPEN", Southeast oorner of South Temple and t Third West streets, opposite the Railroad Depot. ( Early Breakut for mornim traini. Worm Lunch frem 11-30 to 2 o'clock. Luck Baakets for travel en furnished on a few minutes' notice. ICE CREAM AM) 1 SUMMER URIK8. i J H Proprietor. ' 1 BOOK-BLXDDiG. i TN C0NXECTT0N WTTU THE HERALD ( A Odiceis a Bind err. where all work in t Lhftt lino will bo attended to ipiui?ai j ui4 la cochi. tmlMUatuLitjlaUc ' c MILLINERY. NOTICE. Great Reduction In MILLLINERY GOODS ! SELLIXG OFF! MRS. C0LEBR0OK. Palace of Fashion, Wishes to inform tin; Ladle that ahe la now offering her ohotee assortment of Hats & Bonnets, Including the faverffe DOLLY VARDEN, At cost price to make room for JUST ARRIVED LADIE3 DRK3S CAPS, BLACK ENGLISH CRAPE, BABY" HOODS & NOTIONS. myl7 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, Special Notice. CARD TO THE TRADE. THE Mission & Pacific Woolen ills, Depot. Xon. 611 A 510 Market St., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL,: OtTar to the trado a Largo and Well-sol ected Assortment of Woolen Goods, Manufactured at their celebrated Milli, Consisting of BLANKETS ef evory description; HORSE BLANKKTS and BUGGY ROBES; HORSE and SLUICE Blanketings, various widths and qualities; CLOT US, CASSIMERBS and TWEBDS cf every description; GENTS, LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHAWLS in groat variety ; OPERA and FANCY FLANNELS ; SHIRTING FLANNELS ; TWEED. CASSLMERE and FLANNEL SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR, WATER PROOFS and RE-PELL RE-PELL ANTS, various ail ados and stylos. Knit All-Wool and Jlorino Udkrweah and Hosikry for hiod, women and children, especially es-pecially adapted for tho Pacitio Coast. Woolen Yarn in all simdos by tho package. All Uoudd in our lino manufactured "to otiiiKu" at short notico, and at tho lowest market i-rico. Price Lim senton application. MISSION and PACIFIC WOOLEN MILLS. Icpot, ub. 517 .t 519 SInrkot St., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 3. L. Stanley, 0. C, Chapman, John Spruanoe. SpruancQ, Stanley & Co., Suocessore to H. Webster A Oo, aud J. St J. Spruanco, Importers and Settlers in WINES AND LIQUORS, alO 410 ritOXT STUEET. HENDRIEBRO'S t 233 MAJLN STKKKT, SALT LAKB CITY, Manufacture! California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts Luken for tho erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMELT- : LNG 1-URN ACES COM-BJiETE COM-BJiETE in any of tho Mining Districts. wa manufacture too Vamey fc V hrelrr Puns, PuteiiL i'rtjscil SUoti and DUef PMcntSlem t.nlttcit, and. the At c iilucry co aiplete for STJlvZF MILLS REDUCTION WORKS. of which wo ninko a specialty and suarantee salisfstotion in all cuaca. Manufacture BollholT's Ball Pulverizer, FOR. DRY CRUSHING, Will do tho work of ldStampi, Price, 11500' Manufacturers' Agent for the Sale of Stiirtfvn.ni A. Rnot Bloiren, KnrJe Ai, o nine ron HI earn Funipi, Uol.il Iue 1'orlabl and Sln.lloum.ry K..KleB. Wire H0I1.1IUK Hope, (Fie and Round.) Tunnel itall Iron, mj. fc andlelbl. to the yur 1. Iron Pi pa for (lai and Water, Dxle & llinkc Ore C r u h e Mining Cnrannd Iron lluckeu, Art I lie hire Urlck, and mining upplles. BSTIMATES R11d DRAWINGS famished FUH ALL UUR WORK. alO iiiSiii TATXTl NOTIOH! ALL rern rutins timber on Tnitod I atatp lands fr cu.d. will bo prosecuted riuiina ly. and tho severest pc.ia.Uiod oa forced, ihe judicial ttid military force will be cin-ol'Tcd cin-ol'Tcd tu arret all Lrirpa&aers on public Lands, who cut Umbor fjr c o.i i ur iKiic. L nilcd Mates DiaLrict AtUraoy, Luh. Angust ltj. la.. aug 17 JAS. L STR0.1LCERC, 3Icrchant Tailor, I B-wrnnaneni!y loca'ed at No. 3 ef.rrier O'Iikiktc:.-. ai.d l-ir?t ..iim tu-eeta, and au n-1 .ociveu a large stock of CLOTH?, casmmi:ri;s, BF.A VERS, vi;stix.s, &.c., nillWinirr ,ri.(,,o which (icntlo-uiij (icntlo-uiij itvii-.-a tu iij.-i.t:cL iiid m iuiro jrrice?. mar W.J. HOOPER & CO. aiG03iaiKtiClALliTB.KKV mi ARRIVED THIS DAY A BIG SIOCK OF DRY GOODS, Conlstlns of Ever tlilnsr in the Staple line; also LATEST STYLE LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Which we are offering at VERY LOW PRICES. OUR GROCERY STOCK IS NOW FULL; AND EITHER Wholesale or Retail WE WILL SELL AS LOW AS AXTOXE IN TUB TKADK Taylor & Cutler, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. NE W OATS, BARLEY AND WHEAT, CRACKED CORN, STATES OATS AND CORN' Extra Family & Common Flour, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED, BY TIIE Car Load, Wagon Load, OUEAPER THAN EVER AT KNOWLDEN'S, Where all wanting cheap grain go, ae ha makes It a point not to he undersold In the market) and attends personally to shipping ship-ping to all points of tha Itallroad, mining campa and city FREE OF CHARGE. Dealers should rtlwayi learn his prices before purchasing. Heaps of grain fcc, always on hand. Nee hi in. GEO. II. KNOWLDEIY, OPPOSITE WELLS, FARtiO CO'i Express OOlce, Main Street, SALT LAKE OITT. al6 UULLIOrj. Hittfcfst Price paid, for Bullion, Of K vary Grade, by W. T. IRICHMOSD k CO. joy 17 Offloe, 1C Kimball's Blook Summe.r Resort. THE PARK HOUSE. TWENTY-FIVE MIXES EAST OF SALT Lake City, ia now o tn lor Gnosis: Mr. Wm. U. Kimball h.-vs porfsstod his nsw sUko lino to tho PARLEY'S PARK IVNES, Bine Ledge. MoHonry. Uintah and uVTTlftnd DistriotB; alao to Maj. Gordon's Miulftr Camp. , A eoach will 'leave Wells, Fargo 4 Co offloe dally, at 10 a.m., aoinmoncing on Wednesday. Wed-nesday. July 2Uh. A Hack will connoot at Kimball's Park House, tho following morning, with the daily ouaoh to the minos. Baddlo animals furnixhod to ordor, Fuhing and Huntins abound. Wm. IL Kikball, JU Pro pne tor. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALEHS I.N - IRON & STEEL, WRICHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE A AI.X. KIXnt OF FITTINGS FOB FlRACES A MH.LN. HARDWARE, I BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IBON PIPE, 1 PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, C. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASIL , as To whom it may concern ' "7"K. tbe nndert.irned. claim anJl own V twsi re hundred (l-Stf) feet, including " Non. two u and three (..j, in the Titun Jorie, in Little Cottonwood canyon, and hold the lame by doedi from tbe orirmal lorafirF: ar.d have complied with the iawi of the dir trict in every reioou And we hereby caution all r-eriOBH not to trade, buy or barter lor said claim, without our 00 ns on L C-H. BASSETT.1 Adminintraton of tbe I-IVLNS, j ectale of Anthony I v. a deceacd. IfiKAKL) IVINa 6Jt Ui.ciu, jut 2Ul lara. m 1 Z. C. M. I. I Shoe Factory 99 East Temple Street, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. We respectfully invite the att ntion of tho Public lo the DISPLAY OF BOOTS and SHOES, Alt our own uiako in our HANDSOME SEW SHOW WINDOW Having established a reputation for iu Stjlc, Quality and Fit, Wo intend to maintain it by continuing to manufacture guods that we can G IT JH jJST T E E. BOOT and NUOE HAKXKS, You will find horo EVERYTHING ltoijuirod by tho irado, in tho shape of LEATHER, FINDINGS AND KiT, At tho lowest ratod, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. SADDl.EnS II.VUXCSN ;J1.VKKKS Konioiubor wo inako a spocialtj' of Horse Collars. Of which wo always koop a largo asiortmont of tho bostlandchenpoiit; UAHXE.SS LtArin:it, and all other kinds, at Lowest Prices, wholesale whole-sale and retail. yyE aro soiling the above cla-od of guods . Remai'kably Clieap, at present, preparatory to rtnuvhig our stock for Autumn and Inter Trade. Orders by mail rooeivo caroful and jiruinpt attention from Mr. (UUVPION. whose lengthy oxporienco in tho trudo enables hiin to Moleot goods that will satisfy our patrons. ItttPAIKIXG DOXi:. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. II. B. CLAWSON, Sup't. JUST RECEIVED - 13 Y - TEASDEL &. CO., :EAGLE HOUSE. 65, &7 &c 69 East Temple Street, A LME AND WtLL SEIECUO SIl'CK UF ST0Y!C, ST9VES, STOVES, WHICH WE AHK IV ow ni:i,i.i.u AT TIIE Vi;ilY LOWEST .If A It HEX IMtI(i;S. We br to call (lie altcull of the Public to our itaaortiueiit. THE LOYAL COOK STOVE. THE GARDEN CITY COOK STOVE. THE FAVORITE COOK STOVE. THE ARTIZAN COOK STOVE. The Peri Parlor Stove. The Opal ParlorStove. The Gam Parlor Stove. The Orion ParlorStove. Lktmplctc with all descrij-tiong cJ' Stove FarnishiDga at Teasdel & Co's. BANKERS. First National Bank of Utah "SALT LAKS CITY. M Su-i.il .l,lr.rf.., ..-..,.! on M A. W. WHITE & CO, B A 1ST K E B S , IlANT TK.T1LIs.U Sl'HKluT, Salt Lake City. Dealer in GOLD DUST,C0!N AND BULLION. Exchange ft all Me P-i-w'vnl ttie oj the United Xtuus anl ttroje. Pa-tk'ular attcniii'n civen Cllcti.ins. and proecrx:.- rciuuu i at l.'urrea; rate o! r.KCaaiiKO ii u.'J' p.o'iui'iit. GKO. AVliir.NiiV, Atioraey. Bk (.fOilifijrnia - 8.?r,r1,t. Uw4.r - - ' N,orV Civk C.'iuiiv Nmional HaiiK - -llsvkt'li K.ulk . - - St. L.-iii Slate Bank o! NftTtt-U. - . - UntiUia nyU BANKS DESERET Salt LakeWjf, Utah5 Tbi dank hns erganited a SAVINGS DEPARTMLNT, and will receive deposits ol ono duller : nd upwards, on whu Intereit U1 bo allowod at tho rate of oin'at rer out- per annuiu oompouudciscini-unnuiL. . fx Ls. tj. 11H.I.S 1'mliUr. "salt lake city . JSnlt JL.ulto Jiiy, Ulh Tor. Authorized Capitai - S500,C00; Beuj. H. UulLell, li-eileit. Utilt WUlIe, C.hlcr, UiPrtTtO & KiRKi'ATHlCK. AtMnioyn. CORRESPONDENTS t SAN FKANClMJO-0.il. tonu-i l'.-j.-i . LOSDOM-Jay OjoV.o, :Vicl.i.lUc'i A 0. WELLS, FARGO a CO., K.XPKKSS FOR H'ARDFHS, BankCTsaitd Healers in Kxdi.iuse Draltaon rJur-iio. I urwe in Ccttlootiona piuuiplly aiLui.duil to. I t Temple street, !alt l.ali Oily, mia Tuao. F. Ihaut. A.ent. Bank of Deseret flnccftwor to HOOPER, ELOKEUliL & Co., Ojrner Ea.it Toniile aiiA Vnl 8-uth Rlrcotn, SALT LAKB 01TV, li'PA H . PAID UP CAPITAL, - 1J5.000; HKIGHAM TOITNO. President, H. S l.l.HKl'iiflR, Vice Pre. WM. M. Htxipr.u. WM. .MNiN-'i, L liireotori. JOHN riHAliP, FKKAMOKZ L1TT1.K. H ILLS, C-whier, ) OUI.1) IH'Si, (H)IS, KXCIIANUU I LAND WAKUANTH, UOL- I LK(ilC SC 111 I', OoMiictimis ibsut? anil j.romptly re mined, FOREIGN EXCHAKliE FQit SALE. mors mmm. Bilforeut Sizes aud Alucr Styles of 3D O O $ Biiiereut Sizes of WINDOWS. Tlie imct coniiilciu Mock cu.. liroiiKhl Iu Mali, A T UTI.llER.T.IVLOft&l'O'N LUMBER YARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, rube0,.. west of :tho t. i.atimkh. . , , ;,,., n.rAium. hum s k v! FAR VEST FREIGHT CO. Head Uturttri, 8t, l.ouli, Mu. DuKANT&CCjTTINO, KORWARDIA; COMMISSION MKRCII.1XTS AGKNTS SALT LAKK CITY, ITAIL. (rE are preparfl to f-n'r f-r fbin-'""- Ir.i all i-aru. of the .at. our l.ine baviriK ifin-ic 'Illd.iI arnu.Ti, tots ,,r i,i,J ;;, ly trai,-.,.'.ru:i.,n of all hrcmlit fr'-m Isew 1 f-rl;. 1;..-,!,, ;,t ; j , ro U.,;.,a... fit Louia and all Kanern Citieg, to ball Lako City. Wo arc offennti extra inducement- fnr the Fl.ipmoQtolUre and Aiulliun to all Zajtora HinU, OrFini Ajri WAiKnouai: Flrat block outh or Depot, fcalt Lake City. DUUAST CUTTISG |