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Show SPR1NG0PENING SASH, BUNDS MOULDINGS PICKETS, SHINGLES, LATXI, REDWOOD, 8UQAK PINE, TRUCKEE, And all kinds of BUILDINCMATERAL IS FULL STOCK AT LATIMER, TAYLOR &C0.'S tUMIiER YARD AND SASil AND DOOR FACTOR. One Hli.ik Emit of Depot. THE IMPORTED THOROUGHBRED DEVON BULL Young "Washington, Is one of thOnout bmd Devon Bulla in the cu lld try, PlilHUHEEi Calvod August II, 1W0; birod by Yininjt Washington, 3STi American lion! Book; lid by Uonoml Grant, 22(1, Amorioan Hotd lioitk; M by Cayuga, 002, English Herd Book; ilk " Too u ma oh, &1'J, " " " DAM EFF1E; '2d by Don Pedro. 200, Amoriaan Herd Boot; lid" Ellio, liiiKli-ih Herd Hook: by Tooum- aoh, WW, English liord Hook; J(d " Imported Eveline. English Herd Book, by Earl of Eiotor, &, English Herd Book; 4th" Ruby, 1015, EnRl'uh Herd Book, by Favorite, 43, English liord Book.. Half breed Devon Cowb are splendid jail k or h. tldlf brood Devon Oxen for work and apood aro uoaurpaeeod. Those who- wih to Improve tholr stock can Bee this upload Id animal at the stables of Mr. (I. B. ClawBon, north-west corner of the Ulti Ward. Terms, 81 In advance. Enquire of Mr. rlmltn at tbe Stables. apll) GOOD NEWS AN EASY WAY TO OET A PRINCE PATENT O ftlG AX. Wo will Rent our Organs by the Month and when the prioo ia paid in Kent, tho Organ will bcooino the property of tbe Ranter. This iB not only tho easiest way to obtain an Organ, but you will have the 1 Best Instrument made whioh " J. H. RIDGES, Organ Builder, C. J. THOMAS, Conductor of Theatre Thea-tre Orohoatra, And many others will testify. i Mr. J. J. DAY N E3 will give three month's losaona FREE to any porBon renting our Organs, as well as those who pay tho full price down. No distinction. dis-tinction. Send fur illustrated circular and price list. flaT Snow Rooms up stairs. j J. DAYNES & SON. The Only Exclusive Musio Store lu tho City. 13 2 doors oast oF Godhe's dm stora. foeTsale. FIFTY YOKE OF OXEN, ONE HUNDRED YOKE Of Four and Fivo Yew Old STEERS, OSE HUNDRED SET OF SECOND HAND HARNESS, At tho Pioneor Stable,, Second South Street SM30 Tl. SHOWELL. CHICAGO ROCK ISLAND, and; Pacific Railroad. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE NOW OPEN DIRECT. TC Chicago and the East. VIA EES MO WES, DAVENPORT, AND ROCK ISLAND, Connecting at Dos Moinos with Des Moines Valley R,R, FOR KEOKUK AND ST. LOUIS. At Dt.eDport with Bo&ts for all points on the Upper Mississippi, At La Salle with the ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. NORTH AND SOUTH. And at Chicago with all the fast lines East and to u Ui TWO FAST EXPRESS TRAINS Leave Council Bluffs Daily. nuns in fjra tie. This road being thoroughly equipped, with ELEGANT NEW COACHES AND SLEEPING CARS KATH1N DAVIS & SONS' IRON AND BRASS Founders- All kinds of Casting To order. AUEXTS FOH GRIFFITH & WEDGE PATENT VERTICAL PORTABLE ENGINES AND 8AW MILLS, EE A. L E. ' S Shingle and Heading Machines AMD OOfB A MAXWELL MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S PUMI'INU MACHINERY. LUST BTRFET. NRAH KORin IKlLPLii dlREr. M SALT LAKE IRON CO. CHARLES ROOMS, President, . NEW YORK, H. J. DAVISON, Vloe-Preident and Treuurer, NEW YORK, 1". F. J0NE6,B.erary, NEW YORK. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF IRON & BRASS CASTINGS We can offer the best indncemen ts to al partita in tflio country who are interested in MINING. SMELTING And BUILD INO. , We can furnish, at the shortest notice. ORE CARS Oft e latest improvements, in cither Wood or iron ;, OKE BUCKETS; CAR WHEELS, of any size; HOISTING WINDLASSES: ' OAST IRON TUYER8, For Farnaoes ; BLAG CARTS nd POTS; BOTTOM AND FRONT PLATES; CORNER BINDERS; BULLION MOULDS; LADLES and 8KIMMERS; WATER JACKETS; SMOKE STACKS and CHARCOAL WAGONS ; PULLEYS of all Biaos ; COUPLING3 ; BOXES; HANGERS ; SHAFTING ; PINIONS ; GUDGEONS, and COG WHEELS ; IRON RAILINGS ; COLUMNS : SASH WEIGHTS ; And . ORNAMENTAL WORK For BUILDERS. "Works i OKE BLOCK SOUTH OTr DEPOT. L. 8. SUTHERLAND, MANAGER. Po. Boj, No. 689. m2 SPRING, 1873. FIRST IN, THE MARKET. FOR THE LADIES New and Fashionable C3r O O ID fit HOW BEING RECEIVED BY TEASDEL & CO. Lace Pellerines Laoe Trimmed Barbas, Hamburg Edgings and Insertion ' Lace Capes and undersleeves. Love and Black Laoe Veils. Silk Ties, Silk FiohuB, Imitation Applique Collars. FANCY GOODS In large varitiee. Ottoman Sashes and Scarfs' Ottoman Shawls, Mozambique Shawls, Lucca Wrap". Ladies will do well; by calling on TEASDEL & CO- EAGLE HOUSE, Before Purchaping"else where. Blees SewingMachines . Stilt commaiiding.airapid l?lej naxK iss. C TVS.. 1. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, i NEW ARRIVALS OF SUPZFLUNTO GOODS ' -IN- Men's, Youths', and Boys' Clothing, , i In all the Newest Fabrics and Styles. i i Also all tho popular Styles of SILK. BEAVER, and FELT HATS, From the most oelebratcd makore. MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS In great variety. . Wo oall speoial attention to our Stook of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS IN Underclothing, Hosiery, gloves, CoMars, Neckties, Neck-ties, Scarfs, Shirt Studs, Umbrellas, Valises, &c, &c. AGENTS FOR THE FAMED BTJRLOCK DIAMOND SHIRTS We are oponing tho moBt extensive and best assortedStook of PIECE GOODS Wo bavo ever offered, consisting of the finest qua.ities of French, English, German, Scotch and American Suitings, Vestings, Cassimeres, &c, Whioh oannot fail in suiting the tastes of all. We have purchased with a view to supply all the requirements of our RAPIDtY INCREASING BUSINESS IN MERCHAKT TAILOBIKTG So that our Patrons oan select from the Choioest Stook in Utah. NEW REGULATION MILITARY SUITS Made to order on the shortest notice. Our very heavy Sales of WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS Have induced us to make extensive alterations so that this olass of Goods oan now be seen to much better advantaee than formerly. A beautiful assortment of GILTS, BRONZE, SATINS, WHITE and BROWN BLANKS, &o,, now on hand, large assortment of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S TRUNKS, of our own Manufacture, beautifully got up. MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES , HOME-MADE AND IMPORTED. Floor Oilcloths and Carpets. H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. DUNFORD a SONS. New Goods, Spring Styles. Immense assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, Tho largest Stook ever offered to tho trade. WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL DEPARTMENTS. . -. 1 . mar!7 isig Inducements Offered. S T 0 V E S, Z. C. M. I. Grocery and Hardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a groat variety of other COOKING and HEATING STOVES, comprising com-prising the largest assortment to bo found in any stock in Utah; prices very low, oall and see. oc20 " H. B, CLAWSON, Supt, GROCERY DEP'I z. o. im:. . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, htoves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices. -AJLXi OUR GOODS AHE OjriE-A-I3 DKALERd IN THE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNB WILL FIND IT TO THEIR, INTEREST TO CALL I AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORB PURCHASING. Bl H OIilWIOi : Imperii tMJl z. c. M. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SISN OF THE -j I Gh - OPT GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, ! CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' 8LIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For fino woathor or stormy woathor; for walk-inK, walk-inK, .dancing, working, sparking, climbing) riding, fishing, mining, otc, otc. A largo and choice assortment of the abova, our own make and imported, at tho moat reasonable rea-sonable priooa. W make to order any xtyle n,nd quality desired and Ini'iM atlsfoctton. OLD AND SHOES Made ae good as now almost SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather 1 Upper Leather I Harness Leather! Imported Coif' Skioa, Amorioan Calf SkinH, Morocco aad Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, "KIT" OF ALL KINDS I HORSE COLLARS! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Order, by Alan receive ajteclNl .od prompt attcntlou. HIDES AND W0UL BOUGHT U. B.IOLAWSON. Supt pi AtTA rt'- bittIrs IS PURELY A VEGETABLE PREPARATION, compoaedoimply of well-known ROOTS, HERBS and F R U ITS , combiuctl with othtr proportioB, whioh In tht-ir nnturo urn Catlinrtic. iperiout, nutritious, Diurclv, AHcrutlvo and Anti-BiliouB. Tbo whole in pn-aerved in a sufficient suffi-cient quantity of ppirit irora tbo SUGAR CANE to keep thcia in any cliuintu, whl makes tho PLAITAT1I BITTERS one of tho rooBt dcsimhle Tonicn and Cu-thartici Cu-thartici in tho world. They aro intondod atrlctly as a TfiTrmflrnjififl Sitters I2l icw - - only to ho used cb ri medicine, mid alaya according ac-cording to direction. Thoy aro thn shect-nuchor of tho fccblo and debilitated. Tlicy act upon a diseased livor. and Btlmulato to such a degroo thc.tftlionlthy action 1b at once brought .-.bout. Aa a remedy to which Women arc especial cutaject it Is mipor-BOding mipor-BOding CTorv other rtiniulaut. As a Spring and Summer Tonic they lmvc no oquul. 1 They aro a mild and eciUIo Purcatlvo an well aa Tonic. They purify tho b'ood. They a:o n Bplondid Appetizer. They rcako tbo weak strung. They purify and invigorate. TJ:ry euro DyQ-popBla. DyQ-popBla. Constipation and Headache. They act ae a specific in all epociea of diBordors wbich nndormine tho bodily Btrcagtli and brea down the animal spirite. 3 I Depot, 63 Park Place, Naw York, Only 50 Cents per Bottle. It proiiiotos tho GltOWTn,PItE9EItVES the COLOlt, mid incrciLSCs the Vigor m and BEAUTY of tho UAIit. Ovi-.n TtrntTV Years ago Lton'h Kathaihos roit the Haiti w.is iirHtt placed in ttio market by Pnifessor K- Tnomna Lyon, a (rraduatoof Princotoa CulloRO. Tbo nnmo is derived from tho Groelc. "KATHItO,"sigmfyinfr to eUan.ie, punft) rejuvenate, or rtrtnrc. Tbo favor it has rocoiffod, and tbo popularity popu-larity it has obtained, is unprecedented and inci od-ihb od-ihb Itiucreasea tho Growth and Beauty of tho Haiti It is a deliftntfnl dressing. It eradicates UandrufT. It prevents tliB Hair from turning pray. It keeps tho head cool, and Rives tbobair a rich, soft, clossy nnponranco. It is tho same in QOaStity: nud Quality us it was over a Quabtek oU Ccn-TOBY Ccn-TOBY Aoo, and is sold hy all DruKgisla ftnd Ccmn-try Ccmn-try gt9rcs ol only Fifty Ceula per Bottle, tjf Woman's Glory isHerHalr. J LYON'S Hathairon SALT LAKE CITY SAFE DEPOSIT. Fire and Burglar-Proof Vault, In Dasoinont of tho BANKING HOUSE OF A. W. WHITE & Co. " ALUABLE rAPEKS. JEWELRY AND V isilvor WarurecoivodouS)ecialDoiiuait- Lock CuyPAKTMtsTS for rent OBko hours from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. II. l'III3!IOLM Ol. Co.. sux'k and Money Brokers, DEALERS IN GOLD DUST, Kailroail Tickets, otc. Stocks Bought on ailU Margins. v T II JK GRAND DISCOVERY ! A Nv Article of Munufctnrct P, MARCETTS HAS FOR SALE Ms Patent Riiit for Utali For tho Manufacture of all kinds of MARBLE, GRANITE. Paving and Building Stouc. tiV Call and soo Saiuplos at his AIo Vaulta, 89 Kimball Bloclt. m?2 ; lilllMIEI! G. R. Jones' Superior Lime. CERTIFIED TO BY TIIE BUILDERS and Plasterers of Salt Lako City and vicinity, to bo equal to any other Limn in tho Territory. Lonvo orders at LIME DEPOT, OITY MARKET SQUARE. Special advantages to purcliasor who dothoirown hauling. SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, (We-st sido of City Market.) All kinds of Stationary. Upright, or Locomotive Locomo-tive BOILERS, and TANKS, Mado or Repaired. REAPERS AND MOWERS AND THRESHING MACHINES, Ropairod and put in Running Order. Work donoon tho Shortest Notice. Boilers and Eluos bought or taken in exchange for work. Orders by Telegraph or Mail promptly attended at-tended to. A24 JOHN SLOAN fe CO.. Proprietors. CRACKERS! CRACKERS! Crackers ! SaltLaJce Steam Crate Factory NEAR R. R. DEPOT. T AM MANUFACTURING tho host QUAL-X QUAL-X ITY and GREATEST VARIETY of K AdiEltS, over produced in tho Territory, Terri-tory, which I offer to tho Trado and Publio gonorally, at tho lowest possible prices. Merchants and frionds are requested to call and examine my goods and priooa, before purchasing. Office at Thatcher & Elkins'. R. Y.ANDERSON, Salt Lako City, 3m. i, 1673. Utah Territory. Sewing Machine, E reBpeotMy;iaTito thi Publio to oall and soo our oxoollent variety 01 Sewing Machines, Plam,Beautiful and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH TH R FANTON GA-STOHS. The lotat Sala of the SINGER MACHINE are now THREE QUARTEES OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YE All, 181,260 An ovidoDOO that it u fast winning supromo favor in tho household, Tho Singer Comoany sold over tho other Companies, 52,734. t& The Chicago Relief Corumitteo furnished suflorors by the Fire to March 18, 1872, 8,944; 3.151 Silver Machines, all other makes, 793. Applicants mado thoir selection, with samo disoount on all. OUB SALES liN UTAH EXCEKd'aNX OTHER HOUSE IN THE SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OB CHICAGO. Wo couxtoously invito tho Ladies to suo our THi-re broidery .ttaolament. It attracts general attention and admiration. We alao desire you to Boe our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QUILTERS. HEMWERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTE RS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE- SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OP SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES. WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO OIVE ENTIRE SATJSFAO tion, aa each ono is thoroughly adjusted, tried and te3ted by oxparioaced Moshaniw and all are warranted to eew with eaao all kinds of goods, from tho coarsest to tho finest, fc,ace, Muslin, Cambric, Domestic, Deniine, Tickings. Bucking, Beaver, Buckskin and Leather. I Instruction given free of charge by competent edndanffl, aad tonne of sale to suit all tircuinataacca. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REA SON ABLE TERMS. Wo extend a cordial invitation to all to COME AND SEE OUR XEACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or not. IT TUB SINGER SEWING JUCMaE DEPARTMENT 2. G. JS1. I. General Agents, Two doors south of EigloEmporium, bALT.LAKi CiTIa 1 RAILROADS. C. P. R. R. On and after Sunday May 4, 1873, Trnlus iv 111 leave Ogilen as fullort at 3:0 x.iiit (daily, 1 Passonsor Train for Rouo (fur Carson and Virginia! Sacra-uiontn, Sacra-uiontn, MurjHvillo, Reddinj, ifor 1'ortland, U-,) ytocktun, Murccd, ffur Yo.ismito, Tipton (fur Los Angolos,) ijan Joso and iSnn Trauoisuo. SiUO p. in,, daily.! Through Emigrant Train fur tiacruiuonlo uud tan I'ran-eiaco. I'ran-eiaco. T. II. GOODMAN, Gen. Pass, and Tiokel AkohU A.N.T0WNE, (len'l Sun't GKO. H. RICK, Aoknt, Salt Laku City, UHioo with Marshall & Koyto, 9vor W. F. A Co's Bank. i) StaOortS RAILEOAD. Trains run between Briehain Junction with CP. R.R., LOGAN. On and aflor Fobrnary 1st, 1S73, Daily Trains, Loavo Brigham.J unction at. 7:00 i.m. Loavo Logan 830 a.m. to connect with trains for Ogdon and Salt Lako. Trains Run on Salt Lake Time, bcb Stagoa connect with Trains to and from Northern Sottlomonta in Caoho County Titi- WEEK.LY. FAUESi Botwoon Logan and 'alt Lako ....M 00 Ogdon 8 00 Mendon and Salt Lako 4 75 Ogdon 2 75 tleduco-1 Rates to Excursion "Parties, Passengers w'h please purchase their Ciokcta at the Offices. For all information concerning Freight or Passage, appl tc CHAS. NIBLEY.l GoDbral Freight and Tioket Agont. ;jKO, W. YOUNG, dll Gen'l Sup't UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. PIONEER LINE GF UTAH. On and after Blny 1Z, 1873.; Dally Trains Lo&ve Salt Lake City atfi;50a.jn, and 3 46 Arrive at Orden 7:50 a. m. and 5:45 p. m. Leave Ogdtn at E:I0 a. m. and l;30 p. m. Arrivt Salt Lake City 10 a.m. ani 7:30 p,m In addition to tho bof W1U ran DALLY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 6.30 p.m., and Ogdcn at 5 a.m. and 6.50 p.m. PMitgn will pleas Parebasa' thtlr Ttkta at the omn. Fifty Centa additional will be charged when the fare is oolleoted on the trafn, toi dll information oonoemini freixht or pMiage, apply ta JAS. SHARP, General Treisht and Tioket As't JOHK SHASP, UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD On and .(t.r December 90th, 18T9 DAILY TRAINS Leave the Utah Central R.R. Dopot, Bait Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.30 p.m; Arrivo at Lehi at 9 a.m. aad 4.30 p.m. Leavo Lehi at 9.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Arrivo at Salt Lake City at 11.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. In addition to tho above MIXED TKALNS Will run daily, Sunday excepted, Leaving the Utah Central R.R. depot, Bait Lake City, at 1 p.m. and Lehi at 6 a.m. Passengers will please purchase their Tickets at the Offices. Filly cents additional ad-ditional will bo charged when the fare ia collected on tho train. For all in formation concerning freight or passage, apply to JAS. SUA 111". Gen. Freight and Tioket Agent. JOHN SUA IIP, BUl'aHlNTKNDINT. THIS WELL KNOWN BRAND OF JAPAN TEAS FOR GALE AI -5K C3. Yl. Ba Grocery Department. l II. B. CLAWSON Burt, TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE. QUION LINE BETWEEN New York, Queeustowu, aud .Liverpool. Carrying the Unitod States Mails. IIA1!0, fT- NEVADA, MINNESOTA. .xFVC-NKBRASlU Al AMI ATI.) tfSLJi E-lT WVOMLNU? WISCONSIN, stS&xxiBn SAILJNU FROM NEW YOlUv EVERY WEDNESDAY. CAItlN Passago from Now York 880 an,. $M guld. Staterooms on the saiuo dock aj Salnon. STMKR AflE: : from Now York; fcmrron; Livoniuolor yuoonstown.'iayahlo in ourronoj Passage from or to Uoriuany, Franoo, Nur way, fciwodon, etc., at Lowout Hatoa. Romittancos to Groat Britain, Ireland and tho Uuntitiont. Api.lyto WILLIAMS A OUrON,2t Broadway; Broad-way; or U S. ELDREDU K. , dJi Salt Lako City. GILfViER i SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES !tah, .SoHtli-east Nevada & Montana. LaavlMg Salt Lake City Dall, mm-ulng mm-ulng ttouth ta Tintio, Amerioan Fork, Mount Nebo, Sevier, St. Qoorgo, Utah ; and riooho, Nevada j PaaelMg thro(h trovo, Springville, Spanish Fork,Paj. son. Salt Creek, Chioken Creek Round Valley, Follmoro.Oorn Crook, Boaver, Minera-villo, Minera-villo, and AU the principal towns and tinning campi intcntthern Utah and touth-xut Nevada. Alao leave Corlnne, Utah, dally, ramalxg aortTh to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Bontcn, m Deer Lodgo, Codar Creek minea, and passing through all tho principal towns and mining min-ing oampa in Montana. Mon-tana. PIUNU1FAL OrFfCK, Wells, FvgD X Co. Building jon4 Salt Lake City SAlT lake, OPHIR And Tintic Stage and Express RUN Nino JDAIL V FROM. BALV LAKE CITY, via LAKK TOWN, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON AND OPH1R TO TINTIC. Tho ronte has been re-stooked witti splen did Concord Coaohcs, fine Stook, oaiefnl and tttcntivo Drivers, and evory attention is paid to the oomfort .mi oonvonienoe of passen K srs. Qood accomtnodaiiont on the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Om at Walla, rargo Oo.'i, Salt Lak CUji LEN WINES, Proprietor! TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO THE EAST, NORTH AND SOUTHEAST. No. 3. STATIONS. xp1esbC MAIL. Loavo SALT LAKE 5:00 a.m. 2:45 p.n. " OMAHA 6:30p.m. 60am. Arrive BURLINGTON 5-00 a. m. 8:;p.rQ. " QalesburgCO.B.AQ.) 7-OOa.m. 10:50 p.m. " Menaoia " 11:15 a.m. 323 a.m. " Chioaso " 3:15 p.m. 7-00 a.m. " Pooria - 9:00 a.m. 12Ca.m. " Ind'pliaU.B.JtW. 6:15 p.m. 9;25a.m. " Cinoinnati - - 11-oop.m, 4;15pjn. " Logansnort 555 p. m- 9:20 a.m. T. P. A W.) " Coin rnbu a 2:foa.m. 5:Slp.iB. ' ItyThroaRh Cars from Mi nrl River to Chicago, Indianapolis. Cinoin rati. Lneant ortand Colnrobos, Now York, L'ostoo, 1'hlU-doli'liia, 1'hlU-doli'liia, and WajhinRlon. Conneotions at tnose poi tt with llnei leadingto the East, North and South. This ii the Uat, 81iortet, dulckest and Cheapest HouU. Do not be deceived, but obtain Tickets via the Darlington k Missouri Kir or Railroad. SAM. POWELL, ROUT. HARRIS, o-nlTkt. Arnst. Hun't. Gon. Weston I'aj. At. D. W. HITCUCOCK READ This Advertisement AND WRITE For oar Manual of Evorgroons AMD SAVE ia buying and planting Toat tre, 50 PER GENT. 10 con ts worth. to any troo-plauter. PIPiSKY . CO., Ntnrgeon May, WH |