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Show Salt Liki HnwET st Gooiyfl Man-wan Man-wan Ut South street, wet Kimball ic Lwrencc myloif Bab fixtures tun! hotel ware, at Barratt. mi "o Western dipitches last night, the line being down west, in codsc-qtieDce codsc-qtieDce of ft beayy storm. Mattr asses and Pillows, all kinds, t Barratt's. m'J6 EiiMi.vi C. K- Barratt'B itock before rurchairi(T. Tn Victor Sewing Machine plea a everybody who ses it, being elezant, ! ey of operation, and alt the latest impruvemenU. C. W. Statser, mlS Agent. AKroca grocer for Ghirardelli' UHUCULATK and COCOA. d6 I will bell, for one month, Tent and Wagon Covers cheaper than they ran be txmght anywhere in tcis city. T. Curtis, 'Zd South-sL, opposite Commercial. Com-mercial. HiS 1). K. Alles's Brand of Flour at I Geo. Manwanng'a. Warranted and do- 1 livered. if See Eldredqb Bao's Boar Lake mail and e press notice, in another column. Utau Silver. tiome fifteen bare of silver from Walkers' Pioneer mill, Oj'hir, were received at Wells, Fargo & Co's offico yesterday; destined for tho caat. They were worth about $22,000. Seven bara from tho Ger-maoia Ger-maoia works, worth over $11,000, preceded them a cooplo of days. Choice Butter, at my 10 Geo. M&nwaring s A Car Load of California wine and ale juat received cheap at Sangio'a. m'J 1 For a nice breakfast or an elegant Fri-ncn Dinuur go to the Delinonico. alti Scroll Sawinu. All kinds of fancy Brackets on hand, and mado to order, at Lutiuior, Taylor & Co's. mylU Fhkuti Arrival of M. Kollor's celebrated cele-brated Wines and Brandy, at Morton's Old City Liquor Store, cornor south of Walker Kro a. niy7 China, crockory and glassware at Barratt's. m28 Arrival of latest spring style of llatf, Tiea ana Suitd, at IMl Seigel Bttos. AIallorv's Select Uystors in ovory stylo, or by tho can, at tho JJoliuonico. lt Tua Salt Lako Iron Company aro 11 '.ving i'!." iVr g.'-d old east iron, at tlu'ir works ono block foiUh of tho dopoU Bring your irou in andexchango il tor money. U1i'' Walk cr Linker at H. Hin- A Contract to let for 3.000 tie, six inches wide, four inches thick, and six feet iong, 10 bo delivered in the city. Apply to Wm. W. Kiter, SupL S.L.C.B.K. Office, 107 Kimball block. a24 Hotkl kor Kent. Apply at tho a24 Colorado House. OniRARDELLis EAGLE CHOCOLATE CHOCO-LATE has been awarded the first premium pre-mium wh trover exhibited. 2 Ladies call on Geo. Manwaring for your Grocories and Provisions, you will bo well aorvod. mylU KxoelsiokCoal, from Kock Springs Biltor Crook. Little wtwte; strong heat, very small traco of sulphur. Leave ; ordurs with J. W. SMELL, Idaho Store. JH17 IFcrsiturk; an immense stock, at Barratt's- - ml Tna New asiortmont ot rarior ana Bedroom Furniture-, at LI. Diaw.vKiy', is very cheap, and thoo wishing to imrv-hao wiii t:nd it to meir iniere.-;.; to give him a call. Ul5 Get tour good Horses ihod by "Wra. Dowling, at Sayles & Fralick'a shoo. ma4 Plows cheap at al9 Taylor & Cutler's. Leave oildbrs for Newman & Co.'s Stove Cord and Kindling Wood, with W. V. Fungo, at the offlceof tho Vandyke Van-dyke Coal company, in the Post Oihce, or order box same place. a24 JrjST Arrived at Joelson's, Groes-beck's Groes-beck's block, two car loads of splendid Parlor and Bedroom Sets. myti Bibt Carriaqrs, for sale by EL Diuwoodoy. . mar29 Gso. Showsll, Scavenger for the I City. f o2 Usk Ghirardelli's EAGLE CHOCOLATE. CHOCO-LATE. It is the best. 1 Nrvona 0bJUtr, With it gloomy attendant, lew spirit, Ooprein.vnvo"ii;nLary emmissiens. loss of semen, ipormatorrh.ra, loss of power. d;.--.v head, ioss of memory, ar.d threatened' threat-ened' impotence ar.d imbecility, r.nd sovereign cure ia iluaiphrey s ii r;.e, :. . t. c - lVr.o No. Twor.tv-hicM. , .'V.Vp-ei. i ; i-osl '-d 1 and ivtor.t Curative, they Hr.Keatonce U- t'-o ro. t of matter, tone up the arrot '-he ii;s;hf.r??, ar.l Ira-i Ira-i raWviV-T and energy, li.e a-d vitxiny : -o te er.ure man. Hiey have, cured ! tho.;-a-.i ofcas-. Tr,. ?t Pacb-oi Pacb-oi live boxes ar.d a lr ;i vial, 1 j-.ch is very uaportl in ooif.-ate or I cl es.so.. or ?1 per sir.g. boi. fco.d by j J.1-U -;i't- ar.d serjt bv r.:.n en re-ce'ip'.'oi" re-ce'ip'.'oi" price, Addrew. Humparey , Sp,viic llomvpathic iledicin Co., I ta iircadway, 2ie York. I Graxd Op en in? of the Aaieiope Rturnt, U.d Man Fisher at the Wheel, ice "Bijou Kes'.urant of the city. Ciioice meais, game, t-'a, fowl, I and oys'.rs always on had. The fnest I bill ot tare ever presented in Sail LaEe cky. Oysters in me:rop-.litaa style, j iecond South street, nve doors wet of I Cunnington s E.epnant Store. Come one; come all; and come early. &2Q The Thoroughbred" Stal'ion "Wagoner," "Wag-oner," il'ij hands h;gh: l.Sujlb;.: ma-hogsiny ma-hogsiny bay, . stand at Willed Jackson Jack-son 0 stable, Sait Like City, until July Lot Terms re&sonable- a4 Kigbv & White. Tahlk Cutlery and silverware, at Barratt' a. ml Foa thk Staff of Lifb, also cakas Duns, crackers, ana pure borne made candy, wholesale and retail, go to the GLOBE BAKEKV- ja23 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "BLLD TOM" CONCERTS AT Salt Lake Theatre THREE NIGHTS ONLY! Monday, Tncsdnj-, Wrdntstlnj nnd Tliiirsdnj-, .liny l'illi, 13lh, 14tU ami 13th, lb73. FLKST Al'l'EAKANCE IX SALT LAKE CITY of tho Celebrated "Negro Boy" Pianist, "BLIND TOM" The great Musical Prodigy, fiH'Doa'T Fail to soe and hear this Most Wonderful Living Curiosity of iho JS'inoteonih Centuiy. Doors open at 7, Commcnco at S o'clock p.m. Reservod Poats may bo ;ocured in advance, for cither nieQt of tho Series, by api'lication vj Mr. Gootko Keynoids, at ihe Box Uuice, between be-tween too hours of 11 a-m. and i p.m. N.B. Tho Grand Piannforto u?ed at tho "Blind Tom" Concerts is from the Celobrnted I Manufactory of Ei tain way Jc Sons, of Now York. my 10 NOTJGE. rplE ANNUAL MEETIXrt OF STOCK-A. STOCK-A. holders of tho L'tah Central Railroad, Tor tho purpoio of electing directors, will tako olaco on Mondav. Jima 2nd nroiimo. at 11 o'clock. OEORliE SWAN, Soc'y. Salt Lako City, May Uth, 167o. iul3 MONEY TO LOAN, On Long or Short Timo, in Large or Small Fuller, Smith. & ECarker. Five Doors North of I'ost OfEco. PES lYlOiftES TRADE, DES MOINES Scale Company jj . F. R WEdT, Pro--ident. JpT S.F.SP0FFORD, Vico-P't- a GEO. A. J EWETT, Soct'y. AJJTatfc W.REDUEAD, Treasurer S. S. UITCECOCK, Sur't. WM. DICKERS0N, General Agent, We aro manufacturing, and can fill orders on shortnolioo, tho folio wins : Hay., Coal- and. Stock Scales RAILROAD, Warehouse. & Counter Scales WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES ! FLOUR. AND BUTCHERS BEAMS! Baggftgs and Ware home Trucks. Every article warranted durable and accurate, SCALES OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Addres. for Circular?, DES MO INKS SCALE CO., no26 Dos Moines, Iowa. DES MOINES, IOWA. Blackwall't Li-iuid Slatinit and Black Board Orders joli-ited. Send for Illustrate Cat&i Jsiie and Price List d HENRY WACENER, SU LheCltr, t"lh, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, LAiJKB BKKR, AI.E AND POKTER, WHOLE81LI A5 IITAIL, SECONt SOUTH STRKKT. thro d?on east Slei'bW) tStore. ei Wi n otTce r, II SWEKTMAN WILL Pl.KA.-E talicr. ti-e that Ulvrt-. the lairl oj tweniy-iv .l-llars -nd .itj-Mi and i'-tair. ,-entA ha.- b'''--n d r.e on the Ue:?i LoJ. Liti- C,::. r.T, D:-"jiot. Salt l.ko County. L tAb Icrrn -;,-, ar. l jo.i re hereby n, iiUo-l to , y w.d lua w nain a-.ncy dAV:"ri- j lire ot thi.- ctic. t L. i- KLift., HKMiV IWIKA. mi f" K E. KI.LIOir. Alfr. FKVSKVt LL'.:s. .UMr M. SM1IU, IV. lililL HiJUkiB. I 1.- iiT if. J H.-1 t -u:e -a .Lc- n LLKR. SH1TH A 11ARKKR- NOTICE. l-H' uvkvoin' owvvr.s if :vive 1 SAMiAlClTT.D0-lt7- Qt First National Bank i OF UTAH, ' ALI LAKK C1T V 1 DES1GUATKD DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGBNT OF '; THK UNITED STATES. Viiku linxKiT. Prwident. Akthoxt Qodbm. Cashlar. utliorli.d C.lv.l, - - tM 0,06 9 PA1L VV l Al'i l'AI., - 1100,000. KAKNl JS, - 131, OUO, Dividend in 1871, 50 per cont. 0nWr littnk-mg Jiutitutut m Utah A. Clrnural Uunklna Bttlnert Transacted. ACKNi'fV JN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COlUCr:.: S PnOY,PTlY ATTENDtD TO. INTKrfKrT AM-OWK1) ON T1MB t'RPlHITS BOOKBINDING. r E sr i rei 1'inJ, n nbnantia W :-.l w. riijrl'.'ke nmir.T. in the Eindorv coonc.ti ilh our -iijliitiian 13 o o iv a . 1... Ir." HERALD OFFICE. I OLD V iVALLEYa L 6 tarar-teed itr:ccl i u:e 11 c t-' 'I hLih ULilSFIELB. iWM k STEILL H5iSLE StTi. SALT LAKE CI Y. W have now i- jt.-k t-rj- Sr..- OLD BourbonVVhiskles Cv-nriias of OLD. CROW, HEKM1TAGK, G. W. r.vYLOB, E. C. BERSr, AM' A FULL LINE OF EVERYTHING j PERTAINING TO THE LIQUOR TRADE. For sals low wd on liberal icrmi &r It cests nothins to invesiisaie. "V Pleae examine our Oooda nd Price before pnrctialuB elsewhere. lei NEW YORK TRADE. BENEDICT. HALL & Co. Bwoufactnrere aa-i Wholwalt Duuors La SOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., York, Jornar Crotby, one block t of Broadway dl4 i THOS. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Tonthe' Boys' and Children'! a L O T H INQ, AT WHOLISAH HI A 31. Bra.tlw.r tw Vorh. VIOTL, JEHIAL, READ & Co., fdanafactiteri and W holesale liealen In fVR A IN L) WOOL HATS, Straw Good, Umbre!h-.tt dc, oi 408, Broadway, N KV YOKK. I . Jim Bud.w. J6 L. M. BATES & CO., ftl . Broadrra jr , IKW VORH., ntroama in joimmaa m Fancy Dry Goods. HOSIKKl', WHITE SOOD3, iTOLEKS, SHAWLS, tArfKEE NOTION'S. tc. la. bulokr. 1' 2 ins poweh g ITTMPriTlETS BOMEOrATUIC SPECTFTCS HAVE PROVED. FBOM THK MOST aini-looirericnco.an on tiro 5ucc-o3i Mtn-plo Mtn-plo Proiupt ttlicioni and tteliablo. llicy aro tho only modicinos crroclb adapt od lo popular u.o so simple ibat luUiakos caD not bo mada in usiag ihom; so hurmloss as to b free from danger, and so ofliciont as to ho always roliablo. Thoy haro raicd tho biRh-st biRh-st commondation from all, and will always render latisfactit n. Nor. Cnw. 1, " Fveri, ConROStion, Inflammations..!1! J, " Wotmi, Worm Fovor, Worm Colic ...25 3, " Cr-luu-Clicor toe tiling of In TanU ...i' I, " Dlrri.oea,of ChiUiron or Adults 5," ! te-i i' Urii'inK, ItilioiM Colio ...i" 5, " "lolera-JInrbm, Vnmiling -ii 1 7! " Cons'"'' Colds, Uronchilis 8, " NenrnlRla, Toothm-ho, Faecaeho...26 9( ' lleatlnoliei, Sink UoadaoUo. Vertifio 25 10, " nypciila. litlliou Stomach II, " SuiiiireBned, or 1'ainful I'oriods 'ir' 12, " Wliltet, too 1'rofuso I'oriods 13, " Croup, Couch. Ditlieult llroatbinn li " Salt Klieum, Erysipelas, .Eruptiuoa. 15, " Rltcnmnllam, Khauiuntic i'ains..'26 18, " Fever and Ague, Chill t'ovor, Aruos f 17, " Plle, blind or blecdinc 16 " OplOlilamy. and soro or woaK Kjm 50 19, Catarrh, acutoor chronic I n fluonia..&U 'Ji. " Vt10011Om-Cou1rU, violont courIib 5. ;j( " Ast It in , opprejod liroalhing 5 " tar RKcliargei, impairou hoarinR 50 0, " Scrofula, enlarod jlands, Swell- in rS 50 1, 11 General Debility, physical wo ne 25, " Droimy and scanty Secretions ji, " Sra-Nlelt. sickness frum riding-" j7 " Kidiiey-niBcaHt, Uravol uO B, " Ktrvoui ItcbUllv, Nemliial Wcaknoas or involuntary lia eharRoa 1"0 29, 1 Nore Moutlt. Cnnkor " I'rlnary Weakiteai, weltlnc boiL.-Titi 31 " painful Periods, wilh Si aaulS r-' t " bufTerluKa at chanRO of lito. ........ llW 33, " Kpllepay, 6paams, 3U Vilua' Dance -100 34, " Itlpt'ierla, ulceratnd sore thrat....-60 5, 11 tliroulo Coiiictloiva and Kruptions Viala oOc except & aud ii low FAMilY CASbS Case, Morocco, with abovo 35 larRoriuls and fn anunl of ilirivnuns 1 W Ca, Mor'co. of.'t larh-o vials ami book 6 Oil binRio boso; and VibI a"iibuo. "Those romodios aro sent by the case or sincU box, lo any part of th country, froo of charge, on rocoipt of lh price. Address Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co. Offieeand Depot, No. 56V Boaiwt. K aw York. FOK SALE ALL DKL'iKJieTS, And atZ. C M. 1. and Uodbo's Urut Store. UIVKKN PACIFIC RAILROAD TIME TABLE, DNT1L furthor notice. Train- will ( laave and arrive at Uj;don Oaily, a . follows; i.mn. 1 Arbitb. Daily Bpret na.ru. Daily Kip's. p m Mije-i, h-iI(.m. Mu-'l. - 2f. i-.m Freight. 10-3J a.m. I Kreuht, - 6-K'a.m Daily connocli"na mane at cl"n with Utah Central Taciiie Kuad trorn ait Lake city and ail points in South-urn South-urn Utah. At Bryan with stages fur SwoetwaU'r mine. At Cheyenno with Dcnvni Vacific Raiirr'ad (.r Denver, Central lily, rja.rrtown and all points in Ojot4v and N"w Mmiro. At Omaha with C'hicaco a-'i ""rth Wurn. Chicago, K--.K 1- kt 1 ar.d PaciLc, Buriin K-n and Mimn I'.ivcr. KanFaeciiy. fti. Jai.d C-..ti'-i Hl.:1' Raiiri and Mi..n K.t.t Line oi bamir fr all nnu KafL arid Nutli, Ticknt for sal to al 1-11 Til K't a; office of WoIIs yarjrn 4 O'.. Ka'l T-m-pie street, and at Ui9 cfiice of L tab On-iral On-iral Hailroa-i, in Sa.l Lu city; aio at Union riCC Kai. road ti-ket oiL'io Uffien, at which otfif trLt on .n irte cars can l wurwl. Arra'KTn'tTiU dstq t-n mfc'l wLra-by wLra-by patr.K--rs i'r.r, U. viit I tfT.ru on tt.eir wny Eat ran avail tnrr,'-.Tw ofn ei( -r,! ! ra' from Cf,-yfi.r.J U DTier, wid return al graat.y reKiced raV- it p4n.ir-j.ars ar,d al irJrriat:D ir, rogird Uj paia, at.fi.j at 1n,nA Ot-fir.'-". l'MT.?r Ffcr.u'.i Sflfavf .1 U- S'irr thu pafiar-tuK-ta u. a.i K-MV-rt and rxvjlLfrT-n j.-.-rl rm OMAHA. a:,d tr. js ava.. Inut."'. v "f tr, ad vr, Jwi-.'t nf a th un ."-'-;';r.i c-, t (' i tali e hw CiiH.H.1"''''-' fcr-d r - t'.vio. Iti'to. Is. KiMiUM.. Geriral 1 ickot Asr:T '-T, '-T, 2. SK'stlL. , , Cii. ivr-fxaw xd S'-pviutmaeol. tl ST. LOUIS TRADE. ! Sii2t Lcnls Stanp:i tey. c;uu or CASS AVESV AND SECXO SISEL'I. ST. IOI IS- PLAIN AND TINNED IRON. Pressed, S'ar, V'"i-Vlr,'i, Japia-Di Japia-Di ard t:TSt;:: J T I X -V -V R K . Tinners' StampsrJ Materials Oosju'.ly tsi. A rulf Line of nr Mnnfcl urcd Godi cn always be fumd at the Ware room or Z. O. -ML. I., SALT L lllK CITV. I'TAH. !; vim. r.' SPECIALJLAV0R1NGS, VVXILU, LEMON", ETC., Far FUroring I frtam, tales aud Ttrj. Wiih ctc:iT can by a m'W piwoss. w? oxirael from thernir1, iivt ....". and Arouinlii-s each churacicxiilo flavor, fla-vor, and prvxiiuv J-"iiv :.c.t 0 r,;- purity. -Vc jvis1.':'!'! c:'.. Ft-y f:rT as Trprt$fnti. yodr-r-i!'ei,-f (Wr.V f:.u pttrjvrting to fit txime quan:jrv. I n Otem once, wiR t.v no o.Vr. j'V dVm.V, (ifiU'inus flavors errr tmuff. So sujwrior to tho cheap cMnu'ts. Ak for Dr. Price's Siecial Plavofings. Jlauu factured only by STEELE! &c PRICE, Depots, CHICAGO and ST. LOUS. Mjnitfacturfrs of Ir. JVia-'j CVrl Baking lewder. sussocbi smi loiikbi. LtSalized by State Authority and Drawn in Public iu St. Louis. Grand Single Number Schema. 50.000 NUMBERS. Olaaa E, to b Drawn May 31, 187 3, 5,880 Prize, Amounting to (300,000. Iprlu of t.1O.0OO aOOpritMof 100 pntt of 13.4.MI' Wrir,o( l.OOU 1 nrif-e of 10,0 00 Bjirm-iof a)v 1 piiie ot l.Bl0 Bprii-of 300 iimtNol 5,000 9itumo( 4 pniM at B.50U Sft riiM of MOD 90 inr ot l.OOU A naoaof lftO Cpnror SOO1 1 )0 nriiiv ot 100 IU prir of tat) A.OOU pnrNof 10 Tlcaiti, 110. Uilf Tlckili, It. Uuarlcra. Id.BU. Onr loiter ip ar tlinrieml bj Ihe tutn, nn ar uuJt-r Ibr auervinon f morti riiiuiiH!ii.(-r f Tbe official drawing will t pnMltliod m Uir 8t Joi p1tb, rxipj o orawing e U poStiUMTi of tickfta.; j- We witt iiri.it a eiffilbir sclirm the I n't dj of evfry month during tbe ypr 1 T .i. a Bmlt t our n-k l POCT OFflCI HON KV 0R1KR!, RHtl ISl'ViRKl 1.KT1 Kll. DKAT, or FI'HE?8 p..t..) t.-r f IrouUr. AJ. drM ri'RHAV. MlL,l.fc:i o.. 1'ostOflicolJox :. VT. LOiJIS, MO. my 17 'AdvertiMns i the Oil which men pn ntheir Lanina. Huukili I'hoyciui, L P. FISHER. ADVERTISI NG Room "JO cf lil Merchants Ex. CAUFOKN1A BTREKT, SAN FRANCIS O, Policita AdvortidcrnonU nnd Subfirirtioni for tho Salt Lake Daily and Semi Weekly Herald An( for pnpeni niMihi in Cnlirnrnin. Ore p.n and Kuvn.La; Wn..t)iiiirloo. I 'tub. l.lftlio, Mnlriii, Coloruilo Arn-nn and nd.nicn1 AVrrHoric": tiindwieh lslumi. tlio lin. ti l'ifi'??iin'. Mexican I'oru, N ictira.-ua, I'mia-iwa. I'mia-iwa. Vlprfti?o. Jupiin nnd China; Non . livnri and tbo Auxtraliu Ou Ion 10a, 00 Atlftclic btatoe and Jiurupo, AUVEKTISIKO llaa creoted many a now biiFinntu; ll:u enlnrcfd ninny nu fill biiMiics; 11m rcvivod in an j- a dull buinm ; llaa roacuod uiunj a butiiitwt; Jlaa aaved rnftiir a fiuling hnsinn"; liaf prvorved rnanr a larni" buirnB; And insuroa auocw in any buiioaiia. OIHAKD'S SVXHKT. Stn-hen Olrnrd iund tocay in bia old nto: "I tmve iilwiiy roiiidircd advprtiitina liHernlly and long ' I10 tln a ifnt medium of nueetw in buinc", and I ho irilnde to wealth. Atd 1 hava 111:1 dc it all invanal-lr rulo to advert ic in ihe dnl lt I niirx m .'II r iho buciat, li'int oiperioncii Iimvihv tJiiiulil tne timt iii.ner ibu? fpont i wrll Inid ci.bf ht cuntinuallr kivping my bunrit-c lpfore tbe public i( ha ieurod many aalai tbatiother-Wne tbatiother-Wne would have kL" Advcrllae your llualneaa. Keep mr name beTor Ilie I'nlillc Jndlrtnita Ad vrt 1 will 1 mure a nri 11 nr. If llualneaa ! Rnll, Advert lar. I Bnalneaa la Orlak, Adverllae. r The rnun who didn't hHinva In dvr il'int ha ir"ne inla 1 h rt titt-Ij 1 1- with tbt benfl. anrl thai nfTlrial d..M th !'- ii n rhe varied wants of the MIM'.K, AKT1.AK mill traveler JOB PRINTING CAN 11 K FILL. I. 1) Al Till. HERALD JOB OFFICE p,0 nnrt:rrjoU K.ll.!a-' r V.t'D ,? thfl wiTk f'ric at nur f 'ie in i-'f has jfjitifi-jj u in on iour. iy nn--,rline i the Newest Attractions BiTkains! Emails! Barcats liddellT"brov. Ure:;t receive a.LxiKect GEXTi' CLOTHING, DRV GOOi S BLANM'.TS 3d -NOTIONS, REGARDLESSC F COST. Tfcey have) receivrtl A f:'.w:.-:J V-' ? STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES CHEAPER than ihs ChEAPf-Sr. A J'sw w va !os . t.. tu vn-.ci IM. T. EURCCSS, Civil Enam-.-r sit! U. S. Klntra! Survejor, Will ri,' itp rp.i-y 1". cr. Pi.-tler-c.-a!. BEAP! LAKE IHILiV EM'liKSS LINK tldredgs o. o s Expres pl NMNM m:.MI-W V.KKl.V rKHVKKN ui.ho. arrTif I. M. . 1-S".v.tr.. Lisht Kreul.1. Wc; ! and ir.-ai hian-ion W-.,"".''- :-d M!j-;,i...,v.iLN-:i:'.i Wlih and Sniija-; Km riuda ai;d t'n.laa. Orru-Fi-Booth & MolKnuU' Hotol. Evana-toa. Evana-toa. . I. t,. 3. F. CliLMER & CO. OUOKSBKCK BLOCK, (i 110CE1UES WholcsHle nml Retail, VIl)OW CSIi.VSS Of all Si!. No hircr for iftriso to any EX O LIS 11 AND AMKR1CAM VARNISHES Of all Kind. Best Linsjid Oil Putty. Familial fupplind wiih tlWOCKKlEi at n-,dacvl n-,dacvl l'ru05. Rod. Whito, Ulno. Yellow. Oram,-, l'iirpl, ViK'i. Uroon and Unroot Malned Clan out W all Kan.-y Dafi.im, for Cburchaa, alo. kstiimat;ks u i.vkn. ftiM IS73. Z. C. ffi. i. Our Stuck of lli' Si;i'nnl'lo I'roiw UiHiiln in tin- Niw SliB'l- Iihh iirrivi'il. Arid i ollorcil for I m-l'octinr. ttiitl t'lifo. In riiitli urd Cwliuioro. SUITS, In 1-iikmi Mid A'l'BOa. SHAWLS, hi ;tll m ) pro v'l Stylra. SILKS, UoiUrpa"fC(J ID Kr'"l"3"r, Quaily an-1 I'l'-. G L 0 V E S IN KIP. 'Ill I'l. l J'.'JUONI it. c i 1.1 ' I- 1 . h -m, 1 , i;e tort 1. HOSIERY 1.AU1K-. mi- r. aw:. cniMiiE' We c -'i;ii e.roi ) oyoD'l (vjlUJ-ctlllOI1. RETAIL DIIY G3CDS DEPARTMENT. .7 U. B. CIAWiO.S, 8m.U |