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Show CHAPPED HAMS & FACE Sore lilps, Diyuesi of Skin, etc., etc Cured at onco by HEGEMAN'S CAMPHOR ICE WITU GLYCKKLN'E, It keeps tho hands soft in all weathor. fieo that yoa not ELGrJMA-N'd. Sold by all Druftidta- Only 2o conLa. Manufactured only by tirr.rutv A Co., Chomisia andJJrutxuta. No w York. d& RARE CHANCE For a man with small capital to make a liberal income. No chance lor a loss. Tho undursuncd nuiv oilers hLs lodging houso.witb accommodations lor fitly porstms, at a low tisurc. Eeaso at very inodorato rent- IVith ihorocoiiJts at preaunt fi(,-uroa, tho entire in. vestment will be realized in ninety days. C. W. TAPl'AN, Commercial LodginK Rooms. 15 Commercial Street-Sale Street-Sale Lake City, April 7th. mU MASONIC Argents. Lotl(c, No. 3, A. P. 4t, A. M, Sf A TED Cumni'inica ioni of this Lodtie holder) tho Firm and Third Tuesdays of each month, at MiiM.nir- Hall. K.-wt Temple itruuv. iemot,rs of Si.-tor Lodges and so-toumini: so-toumini: brethren in jjd standing are cordially cor-dially invited, . ,, A. W. NUCKOLS. W. M. W.ll. BIRD. Soc'v. (LW t'mii Clinjiierj 1, It. A. M. CTATF.D CONVOCATIONS OF THIS t C!:u tor hdd nt Mniunic Hall. Fait Tom-l-le .Street tbo Kir?t and Tbi'd Saturdays of cji-h mouth, ut ball-pam tnjvcn o'clock p. m , .ihuri'. h'i'D'jroln, companions in good standing stand-ing are cordially iiu i("l. THtiO. F. TRACY. IT. P. ilOGU W. McKEE, Soorotary. 1 22 SPECIAL ADEiimis.um5 AV ANTED. A GIRL TO DO GENERAL TIOUSE-work. TIOUSE-work. Apply to Mrs.Colobrook.mil-linor. Mrs.Colobrook.mil-linor. uilii FIRST CLASS JJRICK MOULDER. Address, "S, caro P. 0. Box, Wi, Salt Lako City," stating terms and it h oro to bo lound. in 13 A SITUATION BY A PRACTICAL Typo Founder, Electro Metallurgist and Storeotypor. Can irivo tironty years' good character, from England and the Unitod Mates. Address Jamoi b. juclaron, at tnia Oflico. ml3 A GOOD WOMAN COOK. WAGES, 8-1-50 por wook. Apply to B. M. DuLtoll, cor. South Temple and 6th East Streets. mylO A GIRL TO DO GENERAL IIOUSE-work IIOUSE-work for a small family. If ospori-enced ospori-enced she can get good wages. Apply at this ellico. ml3 lost: TN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF TOE POST 1. Ollico, a bunch of Small Key a. 'Tbo finder will ploaao leave them at this Office. mil FOR RENT. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE OR RENT noar the Depot. Enrjuiro at mil TAYLOR &. CUTLER'S. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD, at Bishop Hun tor's houso, firo doors north of Post Oflico. my7 INE NEW DWELLING HOUSE ON North Bench. Contains 11 rooms. Has perfect vioir of Lake, Valley and Mountains. Admirably adapted for ono largo or tiro or throo amall families. Ront 875 per month. Apply to Fuller, Smith & Harkor, 5 doors north of Poet Oflico. mayZ FOR SALE. A FULL SET OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; FURNI-TURE; all in good condition. Canto seoa at No. 7 Clift Ron. mil ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL. A FIRST-' class Piano (cost 8O5O.00). Prioo 860-00. Enquire at the residence of Rev. T. W. Has-kins, Has-kins, at St- Mark's School, or of Taggart, 3t., nano luner. p. yn. uakkikl. apr-JU rpHE FOLLOWING DESIRABLE CITY L Property: Ono corner Lot, ono block oast of Dopot, ton rods squuro, with two dwellings, ono containing contain-ing olovon woll-linishod rooms, tho other nvo; a good barn, carriage shod and other out-nousos, out-nousos, choice fruit, otc. Ono Lot, livo by ton rods, with sood brick houso conta ning livo rooms. aplU C. H. BASSETT, Hardvraro Morchant A FINE Southeast cornor lot, ton rods siiuaro, situated four blocks East and ono blouk North of Doserot Nows Otlico. High ground, with a perfect riow of Lako and East and West Mountains. Abundant supply of puro water. On tho whole the best and most dosirablo site for a res id on 00 now in market. Apply to JAMES M. SMITH, Real Estato Agont, jn23 5 doors North of Post Oflico. gwS DR. GROVES, Qrfwf) Xoaa.KliBt, Offloe, Second Soath btroet, 1 :Throe doors irest at Groat Weatorn Hotel, half a block east of Elephant Store, Salt Lake City. Offioo hours from 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. mil TO TltUB TRADE, Joli Russell Manufacturing Co., (TRAHIS MARS,) J. RUSSELL & CO.. QBBBN RIVER WORKS, Works and Warehouses, Turner's Falls, Mass., Manufacture tho linost and largest variety TABLE CUTLERY In tho World. Their Goods can now bo found upon the I Lists of all A 1 Jobbing Uousos. Ofllce and Sample Koomi 80 Chambers Cham-bers Street, NIC W YOItK. Jiio.Kussell mtk Co. ianlO Utah Silver Mining Co., (LIMITED.) NOTICE ALL PERSONS HAVING outstanding claims ngatDSt tho above Company aro requested to prosont them for paymont at tho Company's Ollico, on or before be-fore tho irth instant: othorwiso tboy will bo disallowed. P. A. EAGLK, Agent. Omen ITR6T EAST STREET. Mayotb,le7S. - mu DUBANT & CUTTING, CONTRACTORS, forwarding and Conunlssou Merchants, SALT LAKE CITY, SANDY STATIC GRANITE, AND LE11I, UTAH TERRITORY. DEALERS IN COil'ELL MILLB I'OKE Agenla for the HOWES' U. 8. STANDARD 80ALE8, Agents for the LACLEDE FIRE BRICK MANUFACTURING MANU-FACTURING CO. St. Louis. Wo aro prepared to Contract for any of the above-named articles, including the WYOMING HEMATITE IRON ORE, , At the lowest market rates FOR CASH. Wo aro also SOLE Agcntu for tho Celebrated COQULLARD FARM AND FREIGHT WAGON, manufactured expressly for the Utah Trade. AgenU for the Far West Freight Co. Cadh Advances made on Consignments 0 Ore and bullion. Through Dillt of Lading given to all pointi in the UnitodStatos and Europe. SAMPLERS OF ORE AND BULLION. Contracts mado for the Transportation of ORE, LTLLIu. and MILL MACHINERY to any point in Utah ur Novadu- Wo a I jo carry tho largest Slock of Grain in Utah which wo Sell Ltiv lor Cash. Goods Forwardo l to all points in Utah and Nevada with promptness and dispatch. Ad dross all Communications to DURANT & CUTTING, Nalt Uk City, lltali. max u ma CHICAGO TRADL. Cogswell, Weber &, Co., J0I31JEKS OF Watches, Jewelry Jewelers' Supplies. Wo give prompt ottention to Orders by Mail. Prico Lists sont on application. 106 and 107 STATE STREET, C 11 I C A G 0. HEKRING'S PATENT CHAMPION I'lltli and lUIKUI.M PROOF The Best Safes in the World I HERRING & CO., 46 State street, and corner 14lh Btrco and Indiana Avotiuc, CHICAGO., M. D. WELLS &, CO., Mumlaoturers of and Wholesale Deelerf Id Boots and Shoes, DIN w .ll.n A u.lo.g.i M. D. Wella. II. J. Macfnrland B. Benedict. mii B. p. Molntrre. 'The Old Salamander.' REMOVAL. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID Wholeaa DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Have removed io their Now Stores, and 94 STIIKUCT, oornor Dearborn Street, (on the old site) tUlCAGO, where, with buildiDKB oroetod expressly for the business, Steam Elevators, oto., tboy have opened up an immense Stock, unsurpassed in tho northwest. Spooial attention .riven to Territorial business. iji PAGE, ERO. & Co., Importers and Doalorsin LEATHEB AND FINDINGS!, "OLD CITV HOTEL CONNER," Corner of Slate and Lako stroots.! W. W. Pago, Boston,!: CHICAUO, OrTilloPat!o,ln1;rtnft ILL. O.K. Pago. 'JOIuomo. JOHN V. FARWELL &C0 WHOLESALE feisr OTIONS, DRY GOODS, AND I W OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. myl N. MATSON &C0., Importers and Wholosalo Dealers In WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry and Silverware, Cor. BIADISOH fc MOKOJS STS., CHICAGO, ILLS., Opposite Palmer's Grand Hotol. F. & E. JAEGER, 73 W aim nil Avenue, near Randolph, CHIOA-GO, IXjIj., DIRECT IUPOBTKKS OF Crockery. China, G I ass w aro, Lamps, Looking Glasses, Cutlery, Britannia nnd Silver plutod Goods. Tho largest Houao in tho West, dl A. II, ANDREWS & CO., 166, 168 &m State Street, Opposito Palmer's Grand Hotol, a n i a a. o o , Manufacturers of t SCHOOL, CHURCH AMD OFFICE FURNITURE, GLOBES, CHAIRS of all style. School Outline Maps, Charts, otc Everything in tho way of School, Collone or Church futures at Lowt-.t Cash Price. , bead for Illustrated Caralo.-iio and Price List to A. U. AA'DRKWd A CO jtf The World U f u 1 2:T- ut L'hilurt!H trying for if fajS"3 McLAIS'j , f f -Af TAXIED 1 V, Castor .Oil, I 'LB Ff .Tbo repulsive taste - Sj1 nnd smell ol'tbeCav lllu""'' lor Uil is entirely overcome. Its cathartic powers oro nut impaired. im-paired. Prico -"' eU. Mclniif s Vermifuge Bonbons Aro oWnnt nnd effective. T!iy resemble Cmuu H.mhoDh. kepi in Omfei-tiurtera' hoi-s. Children leve them and cry lur them, I'rico . l ur sale by C. M. I. and all other bru- i ttist&j in ye M u sk: S CHO O L. Mculnun. Md AUrtlKIt V UltOW.X HAYING opotml a Mu-ic School, will ivo lua.-nj 'm i'liliin i i Ki.n Jlarp itnd (iuitar. l'.i ti'-.uliir intention will be paid t0 (he cultivation oi tbu vtico, and singing in ItuliiiD and Erjidi'h. Iletldcnco at the liouio uf John Vf. Young, Emi., opposite. Cut iiall, ai: ESTABLISHED im. ESTABLISHED 1S60. WALKER BROS, JOlillKHS IN GROUER1KX. CANNED (iOOUH, HAMS, BACON, 111EIK, TOHACCOEH, CANDIES, etc, He. We keep tbo Largest Stock of tho abovo Goods io tho Territory. TO THE TRADE. Wo aro jircpnrcd to fill Orders for nil kinds of S T' -A. E X 1E1 S , At KaBtcrn Vricos, Freight added. Give us a Call andExaininc our Goods and Prices. T O M I N E Ji S . Wc kcop a full assortment of Miners' Tools, Blasting Powders, Fuse, Candles, Etc, etc. JUST OPENED, BLANK BOOKS & STATIONERY A LAHGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK COMPRISING EVERY TU1NO IN THE LINE. JtlauR Jtooks, L;lw ;i ml Commercial Stalioiiery OUR SPECIALITIE ALSO CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL THE LATEST NiiWB PAPERS AND PERIODICALS. PHILIPS & LORD, apr 27 Now Brick Building, l'irat South St., Corner Commercial. SnrUTHSON&WARD fal VrU IMPORTERS J ENGLISH, IRISH AND SCOTCH ALiESPORTERS AND FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS1 For Sale in Bond or Duty Paid, at SM1THSON & WARD'S, 500 Sncramcnto Street, San Frnnclsco, I (3 g 6 I o s , 1 1 g s g 4 m S II bDl S .b - c HI oQ ! H 2 Bs a PV r.3 CHICAGO & ALTON R, R. 'flie Only Flrt-Cls HoM In ttat Weit, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI, ' Nw Short Route from Kansas City to Chicago Without Change I Via St. Louin, Kansas city nnd Northern (ltto North AlifHOuri) and ChicuKoaod Alton Rtilroods, crossinR tho ftlissiBainpi at Lou-Isinnft, Lou-Isinnft, Mo,, an i iaiDir throutth Juckson-Tiilo, Juckson-Tiilo, 131 oo mi uk ton and Joliot. Thft Shortest aud Best lioule to the East, via Chicago! ELEGANT BAY CARS FITLLKAIPALACE SLESFIBtr CARS Ban thronnh from Kann&s city and Ct. Lonis to Chicaga. with out ehanso 1 mm mm mm iu IND SMOKING CARS On all daily tralna : the only lino running these cars from KjLMi&a CltylandHt.LoulstoChlcaff No Line makes as Good Time, Orolonorconncciicns, una octtor accaniPio dation. br-uer trucli. moro c'ckiuu day .-rvrp. moro luxuriant an.i romfurtaUlo rlccfins caw. Trmns orKaiKa.-J'.ciflorind allWertern roada connect closely with train of thii line, in rjnion Uopot, Kansu oily. JAS. HAKLTON, General Paj-onaer nnd Tickot Atom, t. A A. It- K. Uhicauo. J. MoMULLIN, in. Supt, 0. Jc A. R. R., Chicafo. FRANK I1IGU, W eitern TraTelini Aent,0: A A. R. K, &UUM oiU. Vo. J19 Something Handsome. 7TJO wnnts Bomothinn handsome ic thoir VV houses? Call and soo those lovoly Mar-blo, Mar-blo, Iron and Slate Knarnollod Chi ney Mantles, with Orates, 1" on dors and II aitii Slabs coiuploto; at MORUIS A EVANS' mny2 Near tho Globo, Main Bt. THOROUGHBRED GRAY STALLION Faugh-a-Ballagh! (Clkab tiik Wat), Poalod I860. This splendid Stallion was Sired by Lightning and Lightnirjg by LEXINGTON, Hence he is the Grandson of that FAMOUS RACE HORSE So widely known on tho Tarf. FAUGH-A-BALLAGH'S DAMwm tho celebrated imported Thoroughbred Mare, CICELY JOBSON: Sired by wLHKRliil'-by LIVERPOOL by Ji AMiLTONlAN and bo on down to tho wonderJul BUKTON BAltB Mare, nineteen general ionc Xbnso who wish to improve thoir horses can sco tliissi'lundid Stulliun at tbo mabio of ii. H. Clawsun. northwest corner of ltb ward. Tonus roaonablo. Enquire of Mr. i'RED. SMITH. I""!? AtihoSUble. Taylor & Cutler! Aio now roccivinK thoir Suring Stock, of all kinds of LADIES' FANCY DilHSS (JOOUJf, LAWNS, GRENADINES , PIQUES, Slo., &o Also havorccoivod a fine Stock of SPRING SHAWLS, which .will m: sold ciikai'. fkom. 82.UO UPWARDS. '1'hoy keop a full stock of STAPLE DRYCOODS. ALSO Groceries FINK GUNPOWDER AND JAPAN TEAS, COOKING STOVES ALL OF WHICH WIU-BEROLD AS LOW AS CAN UK SOLD. COUNTRY OUDEKS t'll,I,i:n WITH C.WIK. AND Pl'LlVKltKU AITH1-: 1K1'(T. OK AXYWHKRKlLN THK CITV, l-'llliK OF CUAHUL. TAYLOR & CUTLER EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor-'s Hotel. A |