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Show LEGAL. J. M. CAIT'.. C. C WILiOS CARTER & WILSON, ' ATTOltNEYS-A T-LAW, Office over !'t Na.t Bar.k, &cia iUsI liilPLi. aTKEET. C. E. WHITNEY, ATTORNEY: - AT-LAW. 0ce over D. lirenij"! Store, MAIN STRKKT, SALT LAKE CJTT. BATES & ORMSBEE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT UW, Arcu for rurchnc anil hale of fllnci A. Ltndl, fl to- C BaTiA, ) V Halt Lake City, Warner Earll. F. Jd. Ban On EAKLL Ai. SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALT LA 1 1 OITT, First bnnih Street. Raomi U and 12, No lu6. Kim bil Block.. J. B. Kos bo rough, 3. A. Merritt Rosborough & Merritt, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Halt Lke City, Utah Office, in South Street, Ant building out DofleiotBank ourner. vet JOSEPH UOEU-XSKI, (i I V I L ENGINKERt U. 3. MINERAL AND DEPUTY SUB-VtYuKiutt SUB-VtYuKiutt LIAil, Offii-e: yiret South Street, nearly opposite UU Mvk'i Church- a WW. HATIXjII. C. K. OILCHBIflT HAY DON & GILCHRIST, TTORNBYS - AT-LAW 8ALT LAKE CITY. Office over lit National Bank of Ut&h, aM C. H HemT,atead, M.Kirkpatriok, HEMPSTEAD & K1RKPATRICK, Attorney ml-Lvr, Main Street, opposite TYolli, Fario A- Co. SALT Li t CITY. alO BANKERS. SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK tta.lt J-.uk o City, Utah Ter. Authorized Capital - $500,000 BenJ Dull II, Preaident Joaepk W. Burkett, CuhUr, H BMFBTIAD A KlSIPATHICI. Attorneys. 1CORRESPONDENT8I vxw yoEK-i gj?".!;;?" o.. UO&TON... National Bank of North Amo- 01IICAHO... Third National Bank. Sr. LUl IS...'llnrd National liank. U.M UA...Uinaha National Bnk. SAN fRANUlSCO-JSaUtioal Gold Bank "ho SJJUN "'.Jay Cook, MoCuiloch A Cu. A7 WTWHITE & CO BANKERS CAST TKHPLE STBKKT, Salt Lake City. Dealers In GOLD DUST,CQIN AND BULLION, Exchange on all M Prxnexval Oiti of the United States and Europe; Particular attention iWen to Collection1! and proceeds remitted at Current rate .of Kxoh&ni-o on day of payment, GEO. K. WH1THKY, Attorneys ITORKKSFOUDKHTSi Dunk of Onllfomla San franclsoo U- k Waller - - New York Couk Count j National Bank Chicago llukrll Had k 8L Louli BlateBatUofNetirMlu' Omaha WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers and Dealers in Exchange DralUOD Europe. European Collodion! promptly attended to. M tat Tempi trt, Salt Lak City mia Thio. V. Tract. Agent; First National Bank of Utah tJALT LAKB CITY. 9pcUi AdrrrtiAftnent cm Third DESERET National Bank tor SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Paid up Capital, $200,000. Authorised Capital $1,000,000. V. U.nOOl'KU. President, ( H. S. KLlHiKUilK. Vioo Proa'!, URUaiA.M YOUNO, . , n .1 KN N 1 Ni Iti, Directors. JUllN iH ART, J. T. Ul I' U.K. I L- 3. 11LLU), Caahior, I pbal it, UOLD IHST, fOIJI, KXCHAIUK) LAM) W A lllll SITS, fC'j-LKtJt fC'j-LKtJt St ltll', tc OollcoUonB tnaJo and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE INTEREST PAID ON. II. II. TKl'Ki Ttl'l, HKSRT M iaitS. TRUE, SON & MARTIN, Real Estate, Mining and Loan Brokers, Ut) UlmlMll'i lllocki r A I.T LAKE CITY, IT A II TERRITORY. Real K(to bonsht and oM: Houses and M-'ri roiiici. ri'iitJ" coll.?Ul. and all huioi (i-tiiitvtol nth rcul fUlo and tuuiM prvmi'tLr an.'tulixl to. mhl TRUE. SON A MARTIN. "mil FIRE-BRICK CO." W. H, C1USHOLM. I C. W. BENNETT. I'ti'-iJom. I Treu. A Soc'r. Wm. T. MAriiEWS, SuoeiintondenL Capital qtotk, JO,000. Wo inAuafactur at Salt Lake Citj aod Leoi. Mako Eiro-Llriok. fire-Cemoat. Front (.hittiJ-precaodi Building Brick, fcWve Brio ki Crucible. Kctoru, Ac, Ac.J R;w material not survaMcJ iri any rart ol thtiorld- We vuo Loin, Bin ham and other cl.v. T. Mfthi'w? Iho Stirmlntondcnt hu had Otcr thinv oiir oxcononoe 1 Uoo i i .ta!" in .--.til L.iVeCtlv. nenr John .'t' Anirli; Worki t.'tii.'o No, W, Main ...rcct. vv- Bonn,-tf!io:l:oe. U o Ti 1 Mrni-h Hr-HnoH andalt fin- ma-tpriAlciioni'r ma-tpriAlciioni'r ihan tiior can le nuiTlrl. and oi hotur .i islitv. Uo invite all fwrn'e uil-ii to o.ilt. tirtt-iiriok m.ido to plja. L'r-ipr loticitoJ febl Our Mr. MATUEWS La atom for S. B, Munson, Jun., & Co.'s I'iMoni I'nrri -nt 1 M rt!fa Sh in ctf. Inn Rootin., r.vmisAti-l Irvti lV-n, h;;: 'er: cto-, cto. Mmiiaclurovi At CiitOJVsv.1, liitaou. CVKinteni can bo at tbo ofRro of the ,Cooiian4i whore contracU can bo made C. W. BFNNBIT, ac SAN FRANCISCO HOTELS' lTck houseJ Coraor. Slon-.o-nflrr and Suuer Street. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. The "Li-k" 'for? ucraira-ied accoE-noda-ti-n for l--'Jriu, bt-icif cf&traiiy locate axd baving hore can fur all arj ui tha city pa--in? !D do -jr. Its rootii and i-j:;s are un-' iua..ed for eciafort. walle iu Dining 11 all u : acAiici-iodu-J Vj the at'.-i elcvast rtjom of iu kind m America, or Cor: -.meet- Iu cuisine ia -ocni Uj no iciutution of iu kicd; every Imury of the acajon, -.rei-ared by the ablest of cKiki beuiffiLiily laced on iu tablea, In fact tho"L;ci'"olcrs to tie Tou.-iat a hoire, where every a-.te-;-.: is iaaraateed fcr the comiort cf iu jrutiu that the mo-t careful judgment of experienced men Ln their aeseral caiimxa, e&n aiiwrd. mho GIlAMi UOTJfc. Oa Market, New MontcomerT and Beccnd Htree-j. AS I'KACIOiCO, CAU JOHNSON & (Jo., PEOPaucTOBa a MORTON HOUSE, i POS r STrEET, ABOVt KEARNtY, 8AS FKAXCISCO. The best accom-nodationa guaranteed. L-catiun CL-ntraL Terms, to t-J.30 per Day. W. G. Graham, SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. MACONDRAY & CO., Importer, of CHINA & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING COIYIMISSION MERCHANTS 20i and 306 SANS0ME STREET SAN F KAN CISCO. Vi'q are constantry in receipt of ireah in-roicoa in-roicoa of CHIN A and JAPAN TEAS, and all do6c'riptiona of hiar Isdla and Stjlaitb Pho- Dcca. do DALTOJY & GRAY, Commission Merchants ! And wholesale doalorsin GREbN AND DHltO FhUl S OF ALL KINDS, Also Produco, NuM. etc., otc, 0 ana 4UG unvh jitrt.l, between WnililnKon Jncltioii, hmi t'rftiiclnco. CO-OPERATIVE MARBLE WORKS. JOHN DANIEL &. CO., (Successors to 0. OorU Manufacturers of and DoaJorj in Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, MANTEL PIECES, TABLE TOP.', COUNTER TOPS, PLUMPERS' SLA11S, IMPOSING STONES, Etc., at lowest inicos. Particular attention paid to packing goflda for shipuiont. Oidura ros pec If ally ooLiotted. 41 Pine St-, between Moiiipnmcry nutl Kearney, fiaii 1'rautisco. apt 16 J OHNSON & BEST Manulacturcra of 0FFICR DESKS, HOOK CASES, WRITING TABLES, SHOW CASES, and all kinds of CABINET WORK. Qrdcra aolicitod anl aat is faction guaranteed. guaran-teed. W nrerofiin-i 311 Pine St; Jl.m'ifnctO-ry Jl.m'ifnctO-ry 7 17 Jlurket Si. haa I ruucl.co. aprl7 PAPER & STATIONERY WAREHOUSE. JOHN C HODGE & CO-, I m port era, Manufacturers, and Wholesale Stationers. Hoop a full lino of STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BUUKS, PRINTERS" STOCK, Bu'K BINDERS MATERIAL, WRAPPING, BOOK, and NEWS 1'APEKS, Ac, Ac. Acont fur tho Ciirow Coiuiiany'd suporioi Letter and flat Putters. The Trade auiiiliod at Ioj4 than Chicap pricoa. 347, 3au, ind 331 Nncramouto . Ht. an Frnucinco. aprl6 Einstein Bro's &, Co., Manufacturors and Importers of BOOTS & SHOES, And dealers in LEATHER, FINDINGS, Etc., 40 And 31 B ATT Kit Y KTKKtrr, dU SAN i' RAN CISCO. ESTABLISHED lboO. Importers of Teas, East Iridic goods and general groceries, '216 and 216 tYont Street, San Francisco- o26 A. J. UHIFFITJI, lHalar In M Wndj 01 PICKIjBD a sadtC7'.sX SALMON AND HERRINGS, 11 Waihl(ttOa Blrftt. All kind of Dried, Smoked and Tickled IMah eoosUiiUyoD band. H MURPH Y,GANT &C0. Imporlora of AmoricAu and Suropoao SInpIe mut Fancy DRY GOODS, HV1N FUANC1WCO, CAXIFORJIt A, Call the a1 . tcnUenof t is Tr- lo to thuii lart and oomplete a lock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS! Which they are now receirine direct frota European Manulacturcra, oompriiina in rart macl MrlM, Wool Stl-aa, Wool Pltl, trench rtrJ Orrman, Irian m.A I'nach Popllma, Kmprtii Clotba, VibIh, black and cole-red, VlTta, Alp-', black aod cclr4 SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS ALJO O L O "V E S , Kid. Pnok. DitHo l!.t'', MiMM'.aanu') Gents' Underwear Aid all kind- o( 6ents' FurnishinQ Goods nrtlery(l-.-iTi7lfl-' hi all its br.;bM Willi li.MI.ll, hltn1krchlt, Btitrtttm Llaini, Liiaiki, !T'r, i-vraand tl.aed 1oirli, tic.-k. C Ir, TXrkisb. Rirklu jad loyllea, SAN FRANCISCO TRADE- A. VV. WHITE CO., Commission Merchants, And deal srs La all kinds of GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, BUTTER, CHEKSE, E'iGS, HAMS, ic Shirpinj ordort solicited. I E. UiT-w, "I 209 Wahlneton Bt, J.O.Mei.is, y 8to Friudtco. A. W. WkitlJ arrIT S. P. HOLDEN i CO., C01I3IISSI0N MZECHiXTS, 23 SANSOME STUEET, BAN FRANCISCO. J. BAUM 4 CO., Import aad Manufactore--, of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 218 A 220 laniomt It., tan FrucUco. Ho 18 WarrmiBu Now York. S L. A. Sanderson. T. L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, (Proprietors of La Espanola Cisar Factory,) Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 FRONT STREET, Between Wasbinston and Clay. San F ar a zx o 1 s o o . a. a. mabjuvu,. loBur haioht. MAS8HALL A HA1GHT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Wholesale Dealers in EtJfcg, BUTTER, CHKESE, Etc., 208 and 210 Clay Street, ap2t SaN FRANCISCO. E. A. FARGO & CO. i Importers and Jobbers of Braiiies, Wines mi Lipors, o. a.-rra. j25 8AN FRANCISCO NOTARIES PUBLIC, NOTARY PUBLIC. HENRY M. TRUE, ha--!n? been legally appointed Notary l'utho by his Excellency Ex-cellency Governor Goo. L. Woods, is bow pro-" pared to attond to all buainesa connected with tho ofl'ico- Alining eouipanioa incorporated undor the laws of Utah. Esoarchine of Hceorda, CoDvcyaoiciDe and general Notarial business attended to with accuracy and dispatch. Uflice hours from 8 am. until 6 p.m. Office of True, Son Jt Martin, at No. 1W Kiruhall Bloct. aprJa CHAB. A. OOtTLP. A. 9- OOCT-D. A. S. GOULD & BON, j N O 1TA ries public, Co mm la al oners of Deeds, Conveyancer Conveyan-cer nd Searchera of Kcoordi, HAVE RESUMED BUSINESS AND FOR tho prudent will occupy aa an officOi Boom Dio. 4, overFlrat National Bank, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Applications for patonts. mininn deeds, agroomoots and bonds for doeda, mortgaces, powers of attorney, leaaes, contracts and other ingtrumonLs of writing drawn with accuracy and dispatch. Mining and other companies incorporated undor the laws of Utah. Abstracts of titles to mining and other prop--erty made in tho most complete form. All business entrusted to this firm will bo rogardod as strictly private. fobl3 Cli Art. W. BTAYNKR, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and commissioned by the Governor. . Office 1st door sonth of Savaso's PhotogTapn GaUory. Salt Lake Citr. mZ- II. R. MAS... 11V0U AJ(DEB50.f H, R. MANN & GO., , General InsuraiicB Agents FIRE and LIFE. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, 1,750,000. I Officoin Banking Itouao of A. W. White Co. - MAIN STREET, Salt Lake City.) fol3 NOTICE. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY CHAIN, PROVISIONS. Also (iRAiSS, VECiKTAlILK mill BIRD SEEDS. AND A FULL LINK OF GROCERIES. CALL AND EXAMINE AI G80.H. Knowlden's Orrosile Weils. Farco A C, WKST SIDK MAIN STREET, Pig's! Pig! Pigs! THE ELEPHANT CORRAL, Nlta WARP, FOR SAI.K CHEAP, HOTELS, ETC. iMRICIN EOTElT First Class Quiet House, ONE BLOCK EAST OF THEATRE. SALT LAKE CITY. Tcrnu, - $3.00 jxr Day. WeekJj and Table Board at Reasonable Reason-able Bates. J. C. LITTLE. so21 Proi rietor. WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, TJTA 131 . ''pIUS HOUSE 13 THE LARGEST AND X befit appointed Home in I'tah Territory, and hu aocuiumifdatiun lor three hundred and fiity raesi.. r::reet cars andcamaias connected connect-ed w;lq the White 6uli-hjr Balha. Keadins Kixjlus, conuiiaing papars fiux all ioleI5. Bathi, Bar, Telegraph, News and Ciar Stand attached to the iiouie. H. S. GREELEY, A CO., -Dov21 1'roiTiewrs. TOWKSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL O W UTAH JAMES TOWN SEN D PROPRIETOR. This House is oentrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has aooomraoda-tionsfor aooomraoda-tionsfor 10 (nests. THE PROPRIETOR la now preparini ts boild large additions to his Hotel, whiah when finished, will render it the Moit Complete E$tablUhment' In the ROCKY M0FXT.UN REGION mil O. 8, EXB. CB. MELLIfl UNION DEPOT HOTEL A5D RAILROAD DINING HALL Situated on Railroad Platform. Junction , U. P. and C. P. Kailroads, Ocden, ral. marll ERB iNELLIS,. Proprietors Pulaski Hotel, Knorn as tho Chicago Restnurtttil, Opposite the TJ. P. and C. P. R. It. Depot, OGDEN, Utah. PASSENGERS wishins to remain over afow days can obtain pleasant rooms and um class accommodution. Terms $-i.00 and 94.50 per da-. A SAMPLE ROOM attached to the House. Lunches put upjfor passengers. J. B. CZACHERT, pl9 Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, EAST TER1PLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. my 11 Washington House NEW ADDITION, ANOTHER 100 NEW SPRING BEDS, NEW TAKIF. Xlilrd JSoutli Street, SALT LAKE CITY Boaxd and Lodging, par Wk 16 00 to 1 00 Board and Lodging, per dny, 1 00 to 1 35 Day Board, per week. 5 08 Beds, per -n eck, - 150 to 8 50 da, par Might - a 5 to. 50 ale - . - - 5 Thirty copies Eastern, Western and Local Daily Papers. GRE1T WESTERN HOTEL Second South Street, Salt Lake CUy, With aearaeity for 3X) ipiost. First-class accommodalion for familios and travelers. Rooms per dny from fiOo to It. 00. Rooms per week from 13.00 lo 110.00. Board pr weak) 17.00, ideals, 50c. ' . FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Barber shop and Laundry connotod with tho Hotel. Ice for sale. For particulars apply to the Uthco. Bail Til . BIOAZE, mjlT Prorrietors. WHO WANTS Fire Brick? Messrs. MORRIS & EVANS Bog to inform their nnmerouJ patrons tnat thoy aro prepared :o fill all orders for their Celebrated Fire Brie At their iaril in rear of Theatre. Office near Savaee's I'botograph gallery. P. O. Box 10f5. MORRIS & F.V.WS Aro also prepared to OJiimate for the ERECTION OK SMELTERS ROASTERS, CALCINERS. Ac., and find all material, on the shi-rteel notice. Fire Cemeiil For Tampine always on hand, arrla NOTICE Onm Pi05EKa M:"-c atp Tr-oLt-iG C;n-rvsrr. C;n-rvsrr. Tlirre will bo an annual tneennf of the it-fkhf: Ier cf Iho a'1 -ve c. nil any bell ut their offi.-i ;n KhaKiM' I'U-K. en KUy ronine-M.ip l.Th, lv at 7 .-1--:, fcr iho p'.irr-! electing oi.-ff! for tho tc'-mt ar.a:-.! Tcr the tra--.icti'-r. of .-u-a b-.L-iae as may wae be:te thi emuee. By order oi the B-iri f r-TU'-'S. H. ska:;?. arris Se.-re-a.-r. NEW GROCERY STORE. ROSS COMPANY I azd Fascy Igboceuies J V b:ch thy 5?r w f;Ii w AS CHEAP A3 TUB CIIHArET. deliveri im f char?. W all r.r, af j MISCELLANEOUS. GEORGE MANWAR1NG j HAS i IT'LL LINE 01' GROCEEIES FIRST SOITU STREET, Half Blorkwon of Eimball i: La-rreBca. i- GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE- mjTO , BAZAR LA PAR ISIEN N E. j Jl'ST RECEIVED j Choice Spring Goods! finest Styles of LACE SACKS, JICUUS & BIBS, j Larro variety of Moat Charm In Suit ana HalkLug luilumci. OPERA GLOVE OF EVERY SU.ADE, ELEOAXT UXDER WEAR SUPERIOR ilOSTERY, Superb Collars and Cuff's, t FIXE LIS EX, Ucilc&te Embroideries, Le Eon Ton HIGH BACK COMBS And overj" fashionable etcetera of tho Wardrobe at MISS CANFIELD'S 10? Klmb.ll Block. Ladies Bazar la Parisienne FOR A GOOD RELIABLE WATCH, A C0RREC7 7IME KEEPER, CO TO CARL C. ASMUSSEN, Oiiioatte Poat-Oflice. IIo will rofund tho money if any should lirova to tho contrary. Call andsoe his fino selection of Ithe most BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY, A COMPLETE SEW STOCK, ConUtliicr or Urooctxea, Bnr-rlnga Finger-rings, Studs, Sleeve-biittom, Sleeve-biittom, i'halna, Eocketel' Full Seta, etc, etc A rplondid assortment of LADIES' AND G NTS' GOLD AND SILVER WiTCHiS, American Mirtclies a Specialty. A largo and complete stock always on band. CARL C. A8MUSSEX, Opposite Post Utile Salt Lake City, Notice. AH Good." loft ovor one year will be sold to dofray osinsos. dlJ Fflrhr.H Wants; j ONE OF THOSE NICE , CHAMPION' .Washing Machines 22 COO SOLD IN ONE YEAR Price $10.00. Lvic C I and fee them, ' Chcs. W. Stayner, U cuer.il Aent, SnS In Sir. -I. Mat. I.k. OI 7 W:-r LftNAHAS&SON, I LlrTlLLZIia AND jr-P.liKRa OT ryl: whiskeys, I WinhnoM le. SO Llfht Htrt, viLtiMoar. arfl ' MISCELLANEOUS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 'confection e r, rirat South Street, Slt lj.ke.CHy. I FRESU1 PIES, j CAKES, CRACKERS, j And CKEAAIKAKES, I EVERY DAY.B W E DID INC CAKES Made to Order. THE HEAVIEST AXD BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF PURE C A N D I E S IN THE TERRITORY, Country dealers should call and examine. 0 RANGES AND LEMONS. Special Attention Paid to Orders Br PurchaitiiE the IPJEfflQEfl SEWIEG MACHINE. It will do all kiD3s of work, runs easier, ia more durable and costs from EIGHTEEN TO THIRTY-EIVE DOLLARS LESS than an; other FIRST-CLASS. MACHINE. Calder & Careless, General Agents, 31 EAST TEMPLE ST. Where yon will also find the LARGEST, BEST AND.CHK 4PEST Stock of Musical Instruments iu trie Territory. a4 WATCHES a JEWELRY 1 O. L. ELIASON. BEA8 to inform tho roiidents of Salt Lako City and vkinity, tbat he not only (uarantoes to properly Ropwir. Clean and Adjust Watehesand Chronomeiers, but he will make them or any pan of them to order, and warrant the work. Ju't received a new supply of K 'pin, Swiss Wfttchoa, and a fine M ck oT tirit-cla-s lewolry. Prices u lev &s sny in town. Two doors Lart of the nesorot Ban k. dl C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All tlDdl of HEAVY HARDWARE Iron nnd Nt-el, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOH, AarrUTaltmral I-Mpl Ad Mlalifoll, At Lowest Eati OPPOSITE THE SALT'LAKE UOl'S WED1HAL. I j The Human Eye. DC. WILSON. M. l..0uli-t and Auri.t. Oflice near Uodbe'e comer over 1'un-ford'i 1'un-ford'i Shoe rftore. airJ7 lias. 1 1. mmi 1 1 Gradu(e "f th Pnn. Mcdi-al Vni ver-;:v. (,f PhU.-i-li liu. Pa-. i'irt lo ici'-rm her tricr.i- an i ruic it at sie i. tr-mrrj :,. reiie'. " cd eT-'iJ-r-d of h-r fx. children. From over TWENTY YE U'c ni- -re. Lt L' L l'KACTICE. 6h is qualified to irmt csr'JEie ce' el Obstoterie caee promptly attendeL Dyr-T ria. timr. otwtinate uloerf. tetter. oi 'nt.itn. tbiiatiiiBi Kc-i etc 0e oppoeite new isbe-xacl. 6onth Temple Street, llt Ike City. arrl6 'XEW MEDICAL WORK! The Philosophy of ParriagB," For the DttallltaUd ItrraaiKftltu. DR. JORriA.nf tb At-iUBk'l MiTim. tl' r-.kn':-' i, c r; i m---. ,n.:-.-j-l r,1 .I..'.."-: " , l t,-i Tr,:-JW U.z u.-e mr.-- -i.n'-: ! Hrf Lf-f.i- I UI. MOI-. 1'MJ CL.U-.--.-d '-1 IIU..T.-.! m-.n at, r.-i rawl '' "t-t - W- It i!,- rjtma.lf KSiS ;,a-.r.r,. Bj 6rm-..t th- a rat-j of tt- AivttI' . Vim -.a. pa tw-.no, n-, - . T-'.:j f.T. CV Id p--"n tr.7 : J I' '" R-'k w .l kr-fvM U- M frl til rt- I Dr. iorlMoaaaeeowti! hr lf.tj. al ! IYIISCELLANEOUS. j WYO.HIXG , COAL AND MINING CO Y. j ,M;r.K at Er-:,". ar.d Kcvrk Sprir.s. ;The Best Coal for Smelters, Smiths and Household Purposes, WEST OP THE iILS0l'Kl. KEDlfEl) R A T K S. 05 ce and Yard, Noat tlio Gas Works j A. L. MORSE, li-rera! A-eu ail6 L.'i 60. C.-.r, Ci:v at B. Lyons', two doon svuih ol Il 1 J 111 I j I I . K -I . U s w r 03 W22 1 12 Bj 3 His Mflh n Q life fiH Hi gp -i u o:i l II S g g i S w S"i "2 j i -S i IRON, STEEL, KARDWARF, STOVES & TINWARE. scon, nuximi & co - DKALK1U IN WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE A Al.l. KIM.S Of ' IT1.NCS FOH M BSA.'KS A Mll.KN. H .A. R, 3D W A. R E , UUliDEN'S HOUSE & MULli SIIOE8, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTIIKK BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS, liUBHK.K 1'ACKINU. AQKNTB FOK Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales. Fireproof Safes, Q. S. Lubricating Oil, Hercules Powder, ALL LOW FOH CASK II. ve wrll .piiilil-'l Nt.rtp," .nil re pr.iMrcil lu do .11 ktiid. of Sheet Iron & Tin Work, Promptly and at rea.'onflble rm. w east tlmplk ; or main fai itLir. doc 1 ill ";:"f I THE FAVORITE 0 II G A V Ths CuIlnwiriK 'in the opin:on of 1'bok. C. .1. Tliouias wlio h thirty- 1 dc cxpcneijoB an a Mn omi, as leader "i Orciicft ras. arid (Jboiri id Europe End America : Palt Lv.k CtTT, V. T., April iJltTX Mr. C. W. h'TAVMR, Havinif an rjr.i:rieijoe of tliirtj--onf; y arn a M j-.n'.iao, a f-rcai tharr if wl.irjb time I hnvc I'tcn l:a-Jer "I f )rc)ic-tra- and I'itoiis in Kun-i-y arjd America, atj-1 Lvini oiicit'-'i by ym to pa-s Diy juJrni'Tit ou tlio " E-i-'y lOrpaoB," ('r which yru are aftnl, atd I having lri(xl and tzamiood tliom tlitir-loorrj''. tlitir-loorrj''. I oorjfi'J"ntiy rncoiuiticnd tin w to ilif: uHutii oi lIji-. T'. rnl 'iryjor tli' ir ,H- it-ki'-kTmnh the '"'X Ji kii.antt , icir.p a iiri" iii,.';.ti -i oi the ('if--' em li.nr r "": -Wioth A1'!1''1 : ir.;, Air. ' ii, . j w (ik;:man-HiI'.j ih,;rO''-i'l"r,''pi Uud ib ir i-f.n.kal l;r.MAiii.i:r.iuak- i i Tiff til 'J O A LL 7 Fl AT f-I) UK 'J'-iMd ID OrKiUfl ntl.iT i T l'"ir"h or i'ar.or. , i Yours rt(''""';"i7. C. J. 'J NOMAS, On dud or oi TVri'ai Orcb"tra. c .11 '' ''h Orcaii j-v wui t.-i -jre CHAS. W. STAYLi:, ..e:. ;ral'.km f ki i.Mi. No. jilam stres.. N't U,-.Tm'l ail trj. I i'lISCELLA,OUS. I- 1 j Pacific Assay Office. l ait.- M'j..:, j. C I" : SM j-.... st, I a-.l' A.- Ar. j Wl,'i'.'.l,.i':-':;'V,,!;'.,--,-!iAVrE :;!s Itis, coffil1 sheet iron I W -A. HE; tisvliiliui: and Pluinijius, A , ur N: r. J h- 1 ...1 ,-tt r ! p . ' 1 .;:.- ..,..';' ' i , "r;j i'k'i';.'-'.':v'i"1 '-"' ' xMlTCHELL ir .lA.MKs;, N.rJi Si.ip or' I'ir-t S r.S-r: bwo 25. O. I. GRANlToPENING OF Paiis, London and New York FASHIONS, IN Ladies liaU and JJoimels USD CTHKR." Koclierclio Goods, AT MRS- CQLEBiCWS TEMPLE FASHION, OPPOSITE BISHOP UfSlTrftf. LUMBER YARD. All K Imls or LumlM-r DOORS, WINDOW BLINDS. MOULDINGS, SH1N0LES, LATHS, JOKES & FORftUN. Salt Inko City. Contract for tlio oroctioii of ST A SI P MILLS, ISMLLll.-sU IT K.N.U'Ls OU.MI'LLIK In any ol itliu iirniin dinin.tj ;,.f I'teh, Aei'Dts for tlio lollowmu Miinulii'luriM.'i lioot'n Kninry Hln-t lilowor, lil:ik(- ,V Knowlts' Sli-nm I'nmpn, ISuw Yuik W uv llupu MTc Co. Tuniu'l Hail In,':, I no Jirn-k, anil mining Mi p jo ccnorullv at mauu-lacloiy mauu-lacloiy jinoirt, ticilil uddt'd, .t'lo A-i.-iii...ior the COUNCIL tl L II l- l-S 1 It ON OUKrt, mnriutiu-iiin itd'ull kn.dH ol Mitcluuui v and Cu.-nnnoio uidisr. ATLAS 1 HON UUKKb, inamiW lun.r--.il Hot An Ii um 1'uinacon. uud KoliiuK Mill Muohineiy. UT1CA STKAM i: N J I N K CO., ool-chrait'd ool-chrait'd I'mtaMi' l.indt,.- - ium! Itml-crn Itml-crn and ijuw .inlf. 7,t'g now iu u. tilock uu baud lur iiuuiudiate dc-livtry. dc-livtry. T. H. I'll. I. IS HUO , St J.uuiH, umiiuui'iurrif ul lmii Fran,, Ca n, i 1 r hiiiMiTi'-, nnd t )i ituiiii'tital liun V urk ol nil kinilH. tulu .Unulnctu r I'm n,J rrjiicUr ultlit Uoltlioir Kail Pulverizer b- tuuei. ii- i" " T,,,... ie.ly l-r ium.h.m. fl.'-i. l.l;.l,'.i II UI PI' . FHnll Ii n It. !, 11 I , t . i.lrnl t, 1 1 ) , 4 iiIoimiI.., 1 ..11111 11 III 11 II , lnu, aiTlb AMERICAN riMMULiuiiruimiu I'mir Ui ' 1 t.: )'' I raul l.n A fh uo, sr. 1.01 in, jh. CAPITAL, 500.000. L 1 M 1 'I 1 1 ."'".' '"). iH I It I KK I III v:v r v, n.i.r. . , J, .1 l'"l.Lil ' . i-M, W'n. k. W.i..-.-L. ,m- 'J t ui-uiei. Tho .-mi. r.vi: i :i i ' w i i ms in J:..,,,i. .., I, ,, I . ,.i I.. 1 ... h nty I-.i Or-1. f ( r 1 ho !,,. Fin - "t hi ' da-. J11- vui t':o;ri t ai'I ale! 'i I !! b't'.u. Can-Iul .!'-Mi'H ;'' t" - '."'ireMo C-.uLtrr l.:ini.- hvI J . ' allowed "i. Lai'k -.p. y-jr t.-.'ii.'-' .1 '' ' ' .V.-vJ. T I'.iiIm-" ' f . ' n- ; n'.i a- i uilLkJ ty t .r.rIJ 1 dihi'tiiw ''1 ,.''.. 1 a ; i .' I .1 . ' ' v 'ai.d J 'J. V,T ''I - t " ' 1 ' h urirm I, .r i' : mi '.1 J- i-r v f- Ln i,y w .T ' r i i- , , ,n '-T;r.I Iv. . I . v, 1 --- r. f -. v. , , . j, ., - -r - r V... ... 1... r - (l;- J,kit. wri ti uirD or i t.i iJ tuit. |