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Show SAN FRANCISCO THADE IMPORTANT WORKS ON MINES AND MINING L.I.lTlll.i lo Mlnlnj a""u V .ler Itltrhle. BrOree-orjYal. 1,50. Sold a.l silver. By J. Arthur Pbrt-..llv.rli.Uoo, Pbrt-..llv.rli.Uoo, and Cupellatlou AB'MJ.hS.,;r..V'- p,......i a... : vi.icii..rK, ',"'"," ' rV, ; Silver .d t-ead. Vol.11. V"'!" d m. Vol.111. S.ecl and Fuel. The Mciallu.v and Ml iilug ' P- AW..V.! ..., B7 D Dena. M.A. , Slow. Adt of toe above works sent by mail on re-e.l,l re-e.l,l of pric. in ooin. or 1U equivalent in '"iT',!;, have In addition to the above larao e.iorlment olScionulic standard and Miscellaneous Books, Bl.nli Book, and Stationer. Catalogues furolabod on appli- A. BoJla CO., FabUabert, Boolr.elleee, Importer! uid Stationer.- No 11 Montgomery St., Liok House Block, ban Frenci.oo, California. an MURPHY.GRANT&GO. Importers of American and European Staple and Faucy DRY GOODS, &AJS FHA1SCI8CO, OALIFORNIA. Call tin attention of the Trade to their Urge and oomplete stock 0 FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, WhUh they arc now reoeivini direct from Soxopean Manufacturers, oomisrisinx U part Preae!. Mei-l-aos, Wool Satlnes, Wool Plaids, Trench and German, Irlak aad Frtaeh Poplins, Vimpriu Cloths, Vanlit, black ud oolored, Velveteens, Alpaca black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. ALSO QLOVES, Kid, Book, Berlin (Ladies', Misses', dents') 6ents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery-, complete In all itj branches Whit tiooilm, Han (there tilefi, Shirting Lilnene, ullia, til( tuid colored,' Damasks, bruwu loom nnd bleached, Towtii, Unci, Diar, Turkish. Kapklma and Uoj-lla, ttt... kt.. Eta. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOR WHOLESALE TRADE, H eaver k Taylor, 118 Front Street, San Francisoo, California. a!2 a. oHUxovicii. WiLTxa soai a. d. hunt. XI. OHIEIjOVIOII db CO., lm porters and wholesale 1 eiders In FINE W1.1E8 . LIQUORS, soli agists roa 1ESSE, MOORE & CO'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES. DltlOI riOH LODIUTILLI, XT. 601 Front SL. HAN FRANCISCO. M L. A. Sanderson, T. L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN, (Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS iD TOBACCO, (Proprietor t-f La Espanola Cigar factory,) Sole manufacturers of the celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front Street, Between Washington and Clay, SAH FaANCIlCO. ap4 THi IJ&PAOVED FRENCH RANGE. Th i AtoitcompleteCookini Apparatus in me The Eureka llange, Stand onrlraLlei by any other Portable Range. ' Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. satisfac-tion. Locke & Montague, 113 ALU Battery BL, 10 8aic Fa anc BOO. ROSENBAUM & FRIEDMAN A 34 Battery St., San Fran, Importers and Wholes JeDealers in French English, German and American DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Hosiery, Corsets, Ribbons, And fnl line of mall wares. m.6 CRAY, JONES &CO. defut or Tan SANTA CIvUZ TANNERY, MANUFACTURERS OF OAK SOLE LEATHER, flo. 418 Battery Street, SAN FEAACISCO. JoaaI,oa,o:,J8ntCrui. Ban Francisco. apo GRAND IIOTJL On Market, New Monteomerj nd beoond Streets. AJT FHAITOISOO, CAX JOHNSON & Co., Pboprikors, A. P. HOTAXING&CO. J flOLB aOUNTB FOR TUB J- H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY, AND IMPORTERS OF WINKS AND LKtUOUS, 431 Jackson s.t.t San Francisco. alt J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON W'HJSKV, C. P. MOORMAN &, CO., Louisville Kentucky, Distillers. The Trade and Consumers are notified thst the aboTe is the only genuine brand of Latter whiiky. and that the ondersinnod art the sole Agents for the same. All other hrandi claiming to be "Cutter" whisky are oolTpoor lmltatloue. ln order to present pre-sent irarid. the names of the Agents are bnrned !D aCb. barrel, lad blown n ah botUe, withafae-slmllo algna- TO XilE TRADE. For Sal, In ftore and Warehou.eai barrel, J. H. Cotter bi,kj. barrel, Daniel Boone whi.k. barrel. Eldorado .buky, Ceicken Cock whUkj. 5" barrel. Old Bonrbon wbukj. JJbarre . Marshall biik7. i'JS O'ber ponniar brandj Kj. " A.f oa.ee J. H. Colter bukj. Ala lae tor. mjld Bond, 5ou"J,' "J""1 brd '"St" brand, liipf? Uo.Ilandain. P"' ? """! brand. TRAVEL. GILMER a SALISBURY'S ! ASLV STAGE LINES TllltOl'UU UtaSt, Sositli - cast eva5si & Moa Leaving Salt Lake City Dally, tunning tun-ning boutb to TiDtio, Aniencan Fork, Mount Ncbn, Bcvier, St. George, Utah ; and Pioolio, Nevada ; Passing tbrongu Provo, Sprbevillc, Spanish Pork, Pay-son, Pay-son, Salt Creek, Chicken Cruek, Round Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, Beaver, Miaers-viilo, Miaers-viilo, and All the principal tenons and mining enmps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Also leave Corlnnc, L'tnh, dally, running north to Virtrinia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodge, Cedir Creek mines, and paesinp through all tho principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Won-taca. Won-taca. PRINCIPAL OFFfCE, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building nn4 6alt Lake City Len Winea. H. P. KimbalJ. SALT LAKE, Jfintic Stage and Express RUNNING DAILY FHOM SALT lake citv, -via lake town, TOOELE CITV, STOCKTON AND OPHIR TO TINTIC. The route ha3 boon re-atoeked with fiplcn-did fiplcn-did Concord Cotcbea. 6ne oiock, oaiefal aol attcnttvo Drivora- and every attention is ini-j to the oomfort ;;ni oonvonience of paaaen-sers. paaaen-sers. Qood acconinwdation on the road, THROTjGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Office at Wells, Fargo fc Go.'i, Bait Ltk4 City. WINES & KIMBALL, apH Proprieiors. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On and after Augu.t 9tli, .;18T5 MIXED TRAINS TILL RUN D AILV, Leaviog the Utah Central ll.R. Depot Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 3.0 p.m. Sandy, (nearest point to Littl Cottonwood Canon,) at j.lUa.m. an 4.10 p.m., arrive at Poiut at S.50 a.m and 4.50 p.m. Leaving Point at 9 10 a.m. and 5.1 p.m.; Sandy at 10.10 a.m. and 6.1 p.m; arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.0 a.m. and 7 p.m. Salt Lake to Cottonwood Station, Wol Ewndy " 1.'j0 Draper " l-'-S Pjiut " " 1.75 I Passengers will idoaso purcbuso Itickots i the oiiice- M. n. DAVIS, Sen. Freight and Ticket Agent. FE1UIHORZ LIT TLB 1 SUPKKIKTKNDKNT. UTAH CENTRAL ItASLElOAD. PI0SEE8 LINE OF UTAH. On aed after Dlonda, July 17, 1 RT1 lially Traiiiu Leave Bait Lsko City at 5 a-m.and 2:r f.rr Arrire at Ogden 7 a. in. and 4:15 p. m. Leivo UcJoa at S a. m. and !:'M p. m. Arxire at bait Lake City 10 a.m. and 7.- r.ro La addition to the ab?t9 Will ran DALLV, UNDAY3 KXOKTKD Learini 5alt LVe City at 9.30 p.m., and Ok den at 5n.ia. aeesaxer will pleaie Pare bass tatirTlektti ttheOHlcea fifty O'j a-t'li-in) will b-i ehareed when the fare ib colleotei on Lho -.rain. for 11 iafonnaUTi concmlnst freight or 1'U.At.e. a;'tLj to M . II. 1MVIS, Sonera Freiwht and Xickei Ai't JOHN SHAEP, fUTIrtlMS.NDSNT J DUNFORDSONS. MAMMOTH B03T, SH1E AND HAT STORE, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. )i-(!crs Solioiteil fi'oiu Town auil (Jjuutr, anil promptly and cm-efally 11 lied at tlie very smallest possible margin over cost. Hi! M WHITE Si WE GUARANTEE THE ABOVE BRAND TO BE PERFECTLY PuKK. AND IN FINENESS, WHITENESS AND COVERING PROPERTIES IC IS UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE STANDARD. FAHNESTOCK, HASLETT & SCHWARTZ, 137 First Ave.. PITTSBURGH, PA. lOR SALE BY ry p ytpr T - JU. U. 11. X. AND OTHER DEALERS. MISCELLANEOUS. ' z. cTmx Clothing Department Having secured the exclusive sale for Utah Territory, of the CELEBRATED BUKLOCK DIAMOND SHIRTS, Now offer to the trade WHOLESALE & RETAIL, A full stock, all sizes and qualities, for m&n & boys, Of the latest styles and best make. The Superiority and Unrivalled Excellence or these SUIBTS are Established by the following reasons: .Oaf Tho materials are tho best standard Irish linens, and first class, highest cost muslina only New Yrork Mills, Wamsutta, Williaicsville, Bates, ! Ao. ! ; -OaS The count of linen and qual-l qual-l ity of muslin in each respective shirt are always uniform, and the standard is never deteriorated or varied. i S& The workmanship is tho finest and best, and such as a class of labor better than usually employed, and the most careful inspection, can only produce. pro-duce. say The Laundry work is uu- equalled in beauty; bodies soft finish, e not deceptive, heavy and stiff with starch. fiiair In tho important particular of perfection of patterns and fit, un-0 un-0 equalled excellence is claimed for these u shirts. Cut on scientific principles atr U taiocd by experience, their correct proportions pro-portions are warrantod to be evident on examination, and guaranteed to give satisfaction on trial. ;, Burlock Man'g Co., Bridgeport Conii. Sole Agents for Utah. H. B, CLAWSON, Sup't. ij31-3m i co Id" ' O LtJ o d I CL O d - a v p y m s o 5 o c I : lit J i 3 S H ? 1 ' j, a CJ J S 3 2 r3 UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO MASUrACICREBS OF PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ENGINES & BOILERS. Patent Improved Sawmills ALL SI.l:.-!. UN HAND. HENBRIE BROS,, S-tt-r. Acrrs 101: Urn. No. 33 n.la atrcet, Malt Lake I lly fell GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. JAKES OALLACHKB. JOHH GiLLACHU WILLIAM OaLLACHKB. TRIUftfE. BAKERY MAIN STREET, On. door below th. Walker House. Ice Cream, Refreshments, GALLACHER & SONS. a24 Fire Bread! Pure Canity! TUB ESTATE CHARD QOLIGHTLT l. beg to inform , i e Publio, that they BtUl oarry on the business of Bakers and Confectioners, At tho old stand of Tlao "GLOBE," K AST TKMPLE STREET, Adjoininjr the Co-operative Qrocerr Department, Depart-ment, whore can be fnucd everything in tteir linen! ban in ess. mid they hope, by striot attention to tbB wantu gf their ouatomera, to oominue their pat roa ago and support. Pure Home-made Candlei a Mpcclalty. ORDERS FILLED WITH DISPATCJfl. a!6 DUTY OFF T El A S JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK. OF BEST BRAND OF GUNPOWDER AND Japan Teas AT REDUCED DUTY. Our TEA.8 for quality tjre'proverbi al. We make it our Bpeoial study, 8 that the public can always depend 01 quality and prices. C. W. DAVIS. 17 RIGKEE'S Little Was her, THt BE T AND CHEAPEST is the J MARKET, Only $7.00. J, G. COLTRIN, Agent, Spocitnoo., 13th Ward Co-oporative Store. Tbo iii.li05t prico In C'sti paid for Uidos and l'olu. J. . CulVi'ltl CO., a2 At P.P jgsloy'B Tannery, lDth Ward. ICE CPi,EA.aVt. ICE CREAM. SODA WATER. SODA WATER. SODA WATER. The Beet in Town at II. WALLACE'S. ' BALTIMORE TRADE. WM. LAN AH AN & SON, DISTILLEKS AND JOBHKR8 OP RYE WHISKEYS, Wi.rUoui Ro.U LlftUt Street, BALTKHUBK. nirai i P(y NJ i i nff CjO Z. C. M. I. The largest, the cheapest and tho best i Watches, Clocks JEWELRY to be fbond Id the West, by . QARL C. ASMUSSEN, East Temple Street, Half-a-blook north of the Sail Emperioni W A large Sinn - 2 solid Mahogany Door! and a Une Silver Show Cose, plato glass, fo sale. augl7 IMPEEIAL. Having concluded arrangements with tho largest Rofinery in tho east to manufacture man-ufacture for us a special quality of CARBON OIL for our trado We hereby give ootico that wo now have for sale the IMPERIAL CARBON OIL, Whioh is far uuporior in quality and Bafety to any over offered in this market It ia water white and stands ISO fire tost. We rooommond it to lb ooo that want a Good Quality nf illuminating Oil. CALL AND EXAMINE. E. REESE & CO,, 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. WAGENERS BOTTLED BEER, ALE AND PORTER, 4-t the Cheapest Ratei and on the ihorteat Dutiee. I Lav your erdf.i at LL Depot of the California Brewory, No. M Comnerolal itreeU 110 RAILROADS. G. P. R. R. OX AXD AFTER SEI'TEJI BEB 16th, 18ia. TBAINS WILL LEAVE OODEN DAILY AS FOLLOWS FOL-LOWS 1 Jverland Paxsenger Train for Toano, Carlin, Vv' innomucca, Undswurth, Reno, Marysvillo, Redding (lor Orocon), Sacramento, Stockton, Latnrop, Merced H'or Yo-ouiitol, Tipton for Los Angolos), San Joso and Son Francisco, - - 0.1W r.)i. Jverland Freight and Aeeomiuoda- tion Irain lor San i'rancUco, - - 5.2-j p.m. A.N. TOWN K. r. H. GOODMAN', Uen'l Sup't Gen. l'nss. and Tickot Agent. 3E0. 11. RICE, Agkm, Salt Lake City, Udico with .Marshall J: Carter, Over W. F. & Co's Bank. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD TIME TABLE. DNTIL furthor notice, Trains will leave and arrive at Ogdon Daily, as follows: ;liatb. i Arkivi. Daily EpreeB.S-oUa.in. I Daily Exp'a,o-iy P-m. Mixed, - ti-.HJ p.m. I Mixed. - 2 36 pm. Freight. - 10-3J a.m. I Freight. - ti 1U a.ut. Daily conneclions made at Ogdcn with Utah Central Pacitic lload irum .-alt Lake city and all points in ijouih-ern ijouih-ern Utah. At liryan with stages for Sweetwater mines. At Choyonno with Denvot Pacific Railroad lor Denver, Central city, Georgetown and all points in Colonido and ISew Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North Western. Chicago, Kock Island and Pacilic, Burlington and Missouri Kivor, Kansas city, dt. Joe and Council li I utl-s Kailroads and Missouri Kivor Line ol' Steamers fur all points East and bouth Tickets for sale to all puints East at office of Wells, JTargo & Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at the oltice of Ulah Central Cen-tral Kailroad, in Salt Lake city; also at Union Pacific Kailroad tickut otlico in Ogden, at which otHce berths on bleeping bleep-ing cars can be secured. Arrangements have been made whereby where-by passengers desiring lo visit Denver ; on their way East can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne lo Denver, and return at greatly reduced rates. 4'or particulars and all information in regard to passage, apply at Ticket Oi-fices. Oi-fices. Passengers should be careful to secure their passage tickets to all Eastern and Southern puints via OMAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantage of a through sleeping car, comlort&bLe accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. THOS. L. KI-uBaLL, General Ticket Agent. T. E. Sickxls, Chf. Engineer and Superintendent. j8 Aliens Celebrated XX & XXX FAMILY FLOUR. Wholesale and Retail, AT GEO. II. ESOWLDEX'S Agent, A Large Supply always on hand; also FRESH CHURNED 13 xx t t r , AND NEW LAID EGGS OX HAND FROM THIS DATE. Highest prices paid in Cash for Butter, Eggs and Grain. ' GEORGE II. KiWLDEN, r West flido Main Street, SALT LAKE CITY, aie W. H. WILKINSON, I ' W. II. WILKINSON, FIRST SOUTH STREET, Between Kim ball A Lawrence's asnd thcIUcat Market, Famtlles will do well to buy all their OROCEKIES hero, and have them taken home FREE OF CHARGE. BOOTS.SIIOBS, PARTICULARLY Ladies' and Children's SHOES, SELLING AT COST. HATS & CAPS AT COST. WALL PAPEB, Cheaper thau can be Bold auy where clae In til Territory. Carpet Warp, Woolen Yarn, Etc. DEPOT FOR THE Salt Laie City Woolen Factory. AMVAtS ON HAND Heavy and Light Jeans, White Grey and Plaid Linsiea. Flannel Kerseys, Dooskina, Casimorcs, Stocking Yarn, Etc., Etc. W. II. WILKIiXSOiV, iopW AGENT SAN FRAfiClSGO TRADE. Micrjil Kisi. t. N. Wavd WAND, KANE A CO.. (Successors to Uunter, Wand Co.) Importers and Wholesale Dealers In WINES AND LIQUORS. Proprietors of Hunter's California XTtaO.t WlilsUoy. . Also A sen ia for Joseph S. V inch's ce'obrated Poaasyl vani RYE WHISKEY OU7 and 009 Vre.nl St., u.tr J.ck.si, SA.H KltAKCISCO- mvSl i KSTABLISnBD I86 0. Importers of Teas, East India goods arid general groceries, 213 and 215 Front Street, Si i ,'t ra ncisco. PARSES, WATTSON & CO. (Successors to Weil A Co,,) Importers and Manufacturer of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 225 Front St., cor. Sacramento, a5 S VN FUANCISCO, CAL, E. A. FARGO &COM Importers and Jobbers of Brakes, fines and Liprs, 'JIG Front St., cor. Commercial, o. H. NTH. i'25 SAN FRANCISCO JACOB UNDEHII1LL it CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, Bolo Agouti for 8anilorson Bro'iAOo'i OA8T STJBIi Files. Mouse Hole Anvils, Colllui, ICo'l C. S. Sledges, Picks, Axes, A.. 118 C IXOIlattery Street, San Francise. all UHES A.FOLCER. 0. SCHOEMAHII. J. A. FOLCER&CO'S PIONfcifc,R bTKAM COFFEE AND SPICE M 1 lJ S . No. aaO Front Street, Botween Cali.ornia and Saoramento, al3 SAN FRANCISCO.. J. BACK, ) vr.-i.-a . SHRUB. h. suaiBK. f N"' 1 naciK0- now York. J. BAUM & CO., J in port era and M&nnthctnreri of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. a ..aioaie ft., 4an Franclaco. No 18 Warren St.. New York. ft Harness Saddlery, Leather. j. a johx7on & co., 104 106 Front Street, SAN FRAXCISCO. 2tefrrlf pirni l...vfo lo Mr. H. B Claw-wo,(, Claw-wo,(, HuiirriitfeiKletU of tie Z. CM. I. .IS A. B. ELFELT & CO., 1MPOSTESS 1KD JOBBERS OT Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 108 AcllOSansome Street, SA FRANCISCO. ELFELT, LEVI 4 CO. 132 Church Bt, N. T. LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St.. S.VX FKAMISIO, f AL. ' Careful nod prompt n I tan tion paid t 1 orders I en t ma led to our cure. 3 J Established in 1851. C. VENARD, , Manufacturer of the . Original (Jliartres Coffee, , And all tcijuts of Spices and California Mustard, a 625 and 627 Front Street, between Jack loo and Pacific SAN FRA.SCIbCO. a5 EECHT, BRO'S & Co. BOOTS, SHOES & LEATHER 1 04 106 SaiwomeSt., San fVancisoo, And 6 k 13 Pearl 6 treat, Bostc?, JBUCKIXGHAlt , JIECUT, Menu lac rarer of the "EXTRA QBAUTT- CALIFORNIA I00TS ANB SHOIS. all MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 Battery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. HARXESS, SADDLES -AND- L E A. T H E B. . The.bcst stock and lowest prices on the Pacific Coast; Special attention riven to orders from Utah. al3 A. C. DIETZ & CO. IKPOETIBB Or PAINTS, OILS, Vamishesand Lamps, No. 22J FRONT STREET, Bet. Saorameato a Oalirorala, San Praacl... A. J. OK1FF1TU, Dealer ln tS til Unds of PXOKZiBI SMOKT1D SALMON AND HERRINGS, 11 WashlnfTtosi Street. All klud of Dried. 8 mo ted and PtciledWib eoas Uutly on Land. J LAIARD FRERES, Importors and Jobbers of Foreign and Do meat io Fanoj and Staple D. RY GOODS. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Misston aiul Facyic Milts, Consolidated. 45 . 547 Market St., Ban Fra oris Paris : 28 Rue De L'Eohiqa E. &lART!f.&CO. Wholesale lipr Dealers, 08 front Street, Bam Frajtclseo. Proprietors of CI 11. LEU'S lXTHA OLD BOtlllBOl And sole azents for .r.CUrrtHSJXr'AOLO BJUftB3N whiskies ConFlanttr on bfltnl, a full assortment of all the ard Brands of Whiskies, Fine Brand I Foreign and Domeatlo Wines, mi Ulnars, Cordials, RICHARDS & HARRISON, Importers of ill ALT LIQUORS AND OILMAN STORES, 31 4. 316 Battery St., San Franclseo Agents for Crosse j- BlaekwelVs English Groceries, 0. J. CGLMAISI'P MUSTARD, Huntley & Palmer's Beading Biscuttf J, S. FRY & SON'S CHOCLT ATE & COCOA, ARDBEG I5LAY SCOTCU WHISKEY, JOl't.K'S Til A OB irf Bt A UK,) M A LT LIQUORS. JOULE'S STONE ALE. Tennenf Soot oh Ale. ninod's Ind'a Psls Ale. Bs Ji Co's Piirt..Q Ale, ltrass' ChaoiftRD" Ale. lll.md'i XXX Pub lin --t"U . Uiiiia- Iiuhlin tcf jjya..' 1 ..n-ln I'orti-r. Tennenf" Ten-nenf" X X X St out. Bridge's London 1'orter, Voretvm Liquors In Cues. ai GROCERY DEP'l Z. G. 3vf. I. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a fow Leading Articles at Low Prices. ALL OXJB GOODS -A-H.E OHEAf DKALER8 IN THK SK rn.K.MKNTS ST MiiVISO TOWv; WILL b'IND IT Tj THEIR INmiESr TO CALL iND KNQIIIK.1': CRICKS BEFORE PURCHASING. m$l l. H. 4'I.AtA- OM. U.llaStB(taa Sewing Machine. "'Y'E respectrully invite tho Public to call andsce our excellent variety o. Sewing Machines, IS Plain.Beautiful and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH THE FANTON CA3TOH3. The Total Sales 0 the SINGER MACHINE are now THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES F LASV YE Alt, a. s s. , s o o An evidence that it is faat winning supremo favor in the household,'. The Sinoeb Company said ovor the other Compauics, 52.7JJ, tx& Tho Chicago Relief Committee furnished sufferers by the Fire to March 18, 1872, 3,9-14; 3.151 Milder lUelliiies, all other makes, 73. Applicants made their selection, with same discount on all. OUB SALES IN UTAH EXCEED AN? OTHER HOUSE IN THE SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO- Ve courteously invite thoLadiosto see our Embroidery Attaclimont, It attracts reneral attention and admiration. We also desire you to seo our TUCKERS, CORDER 3, RUFFLERS, SINDlRS, QUILTERS, HM,V1RS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTER5, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SHUTTLE SEWIXO MACHINES. E GUARANTEE EVERY SIACUINE"E"SELL TOTjlfEENTIRE SATISFAC tion, as oachone ia tharoastib' ajju-ced. trioJ and toiled by eitorioacod Mecoaatf andaliar. warrantod to ... with eaia ail Kind, of good,, from tao coarsajt to the anesi, j L.ace, Alusliu, Caiuo.-ic. Domestic, Oeuiiu., Tickiusa, Ducklas, Beaver, Buckskin aud Eeatlier. S&" Iostruction g'lYen free of charge by csmpctcDt atteodaots, and temi ef sale to suit all circumstances. OTHER SEWINC MACHINES REPAIRED ON RE A' SQNABLE TERMS. We extend a cordial invitation to all to COME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or Dot. , AT TUB SINGER SEWING IIICIIIXE DEPART.Ufi.Y7 Z. C. IYI. I. General Agents, Two doors south of Eizlc Emporium, Salt Lake Citt. " win EVER UROUGIIT TO UTAH. HAVING JUST UNTURNED FROM THE EASTERN. STATE-'; whero I acloctcd with great care and a knowledge of the requirmen this region, an immenso Stook of Furniture, I am now prepared to oner unu-induocincauj unu-induocincauj to purohars in the following articles : BEDROOM SETS IN ORKAT VARIETY, PARLOR SETS Wr2 PATENT BED-LOUNGES. TURKISH Sl'KING BAth. CHAIRS. SIDKBOARDS. BUREAUS. HAIR, PULU and SPRING MAT 1'R ESSES PATENT BHD-SPRINGS. The be,t Stock .rer introduced ia thl, marieU I am alio prepared to oak. SHADES, VALANCES, DBAPERIES, snl to , LAY CARPETS AT TEN CENTS PER i'ARlX I hare a eomi'lete line of OIHPS AS$t'LS,RErS, TEKliVCLOTllS f- BK0CATF.Ltts Whioh I will sell in qusntities to suit iuratiaiL-tf, 3: Call aud examine my stock before jmrehaslns S else where. J. 31. JOELSOX. Groosbook'. Buildina Mi 8'" )11 |