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Show Cruki Cantos Coal deliverM at $1U 'A' per tn f II Sl'tUMl STV.LE. (ii-TlLS Silk Drcrs H.it.-, ju;t reo-ivd at Dtinlrd A; Sons. fS Skm.ino nrr L'heav, Ladie' and Chil.trt-n'5 Sumc, at ci-.-t. J. Fsvne, Jr.-J rk-uth MrceL fuiVJ I'll C.p.i.-i oy Wo- r, and plentv of (ini)l) CiAl. t winttn A; L'o.'b ynril, near dc"L Delivered by ox tenuis, feo K t i.o hn tho but V A LK"- TI KS in town; t" prr vc it his s how window, north if lii? Uoot. f.l ii Kkillv .t Co. keep the celebrated STAK, still: 1'. dll Va vhykr Coal lam selling V A N-1) N-1) V K IDA L Mt at the depot, and $1 1 deliver' d. Lt-avo or dors at Kaha lirci., r at new box in po.-t ollicc, or il.-puL lie suro yuu gel Vandyke. Wm. V. Kungo- f Kxuej.siorCoal, from Kock Sprinjrs Bitter Croek. Little waste; strong heat, very fcuioll trco of oulphur. Leave orders with J. W. S ELL, Idaho Kluro. jalT Kmity Uarkells for sulo at Alor, ton's; old '"City Liquor Store." fl For Sale- Top Union Seed, in laree or nil tin Linus aiy to Anson Cull, iiounliUil janl!) Amc Yoi'K jjrocur for Ghirardelli's CHOCOLATE and COCOA. d5 (ixsoiSK English Gin at Morton's; old "City Liquor Store. fl Oil is sollii'K ut retail at tho Tioneer Lamp Store, as Villows: Cotintion brands UJc. por gallon-Crown gallon-Crown stni! Imd 7"c. pur gullon. Imperiftl 100 lire test 76c. per gallon, noil Ki'ii Vat.kstisks of every variety an.l at tinv p: ice. from ono cent to ton dollars; go to W. F. li A Y liOU LP'S, iiorih of tho liig Uoot. 1'l'J 1 v 'i t! k ''rpi.ool" has ntttuked your b.irses, lo m no timo in call iic on Win. Sliowi'll, l'i- lie or stabbs, l!tid South flnet, and tsve money. jan'Jl MtillT, Light, I.'cht. Live no loiMMTin tho dark. Iu,u0 gtillotiR of HKST OIL just received at iiEKSK Jc Cot- dlo Grass Canyon Coal delivered at $10.00 per ton. fll ' LIGHT for tho World. 10,000 gallons gal-lons of i-'LCil.) arrived at .Keese & Co's. dlo For Parlor Sets io endless variety. Call at Joklsos's, Groesbcck'a build-ing. build-ing. fe7 Geo. Showbll, Scavenger for the City. o2 For the Staff of Life, also cakes buns, crackers, and pure home made enndv. wholesale and retail, go to the GLOBE BAKERY. ja2fJ Batkmax t& Bukl am receiving Con I from the Celebrated SB1UGGS MINK, which they oiler in lots to suit. Office over Mrs. Colebrooks, -Main street. Lock Box W. h Belding, City Agent. jS Wastku, a good girl to do general housework. Apply at this office, ja-1 Daniel GrknioIius again resumed charge of his Restaurant; Breakfast, Dinner and Supper at regular hours as 1 before. Luncheon at all hours. Perfect I satisfaction guaranteed. f o IK'TTiiK Imperial Oil 130 Are test, the paro.-t and selesl oil in the market, no1.' U i u a r mcLLi7.-! K " t i b K C 1 1 ' C O I LATH has l.een awarded the first pro uiiutn wherever exhibited. 2 K KLi.KR'a Wines and Brandies, at Morlonf, old "City Liquor Store.'' fl Grass Canyon Coal delivered at $1U.OO per ton. fll CReillt & Co. sell HEAVY FLAM fclLSUlRTS and underclvihiojr rill Ten Well packed rooms of furniture for sale, by 1L Dinwoodey. nlO Caution lo the Travel I n 5 Public: Upon your arrival at Ogden City Utah Territory, the junction of the Union Un-ion l'acilic and Centra! Pacific railroad., you should know where a tirst-class hotel can bo found, and where the buitle and po'iso of the engines may be avoided; avoid-ed; also a conjjorlaolo house where ttie danger of lire, which 15 apt at any time to occur at the depols. is averted. The town of Ogden iaha f a mile I'rm the depots, and in the business purt cf the town and iu principal street, travelers will rind one of the mott comfortable hotels in Utah, tho Codes House. It is well known throughout Amo-ica and Europe, to bn one of the coziest and cleanest hotels in Utah. Tho Ogden House keeps carriages which are in attendance at-tendance upon tho arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, 10 convey pnsengers to ami from the depots, free of charge-It charge-It is a two-story brick building, and built expressly for tho accommodation ofguesu. The Ogden House employs r.o runners, but employs a porter to assist as-sist its patrons and lake charge of their batrgaRo. All visiting Salt Lako City will bud it to their advantage on returning re-turning to tnke the evening train and come to Ogden, thus saving tho annoyance annoy-ance of rising at -J o'clock in tho morning. morn-ing. ja21. A Lafok stock of FUKNITUBE to bo sold cheap to make room for new stock, at J OKLtos's, Groesbeck's buildings. build-ings. fe7 Tourists and the i kavki.ikq Furt-LIC Furt-LIC going east nre respectfully notified that tho Utah Hotel, at Ogden City, is a tirst-class house, and by coming to Ogden on tho previous evening, either by Mail or Freight Train, they avoid lIio annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to tako the morning tram at Salt Lake City. To pleasure sookers Ogden promises much to interest in its excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout ashing, while the grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpassed by anything of the kind known in the United S'-Ates. The Hotol is provided with Barber Shop and Bath Rooms, and runs its coach free of expenso to guests. Tho proprietors, thankful for past favors, will 6pare no pains to plo-tse guests, and will provide puns and a-r-munition, with guides and carriages :o th ili uo ting or fishing grounds, by pet-ling pet-ling timely notico tboioof. Bui'sv & Williams, Propr H. Dinwoodey is doing a lively business in furniture, and guarantees satisfaction in prices and quality to all that buy of him. r10 NtrTous IDcblllty, With its gloomy attendants, low spirits, depression, involuntary emmissionn, loss of semen, spermatorrhoea, loss of power, dizzy head, loss of memory, and threatened threat-ened impotence and imbecility, lind a sovereign cure in Humphrey's Homeopathic Homeo-pathic Spec i lie Jo. Twenty-Eight-Composed of tho most valuable, mild and potent Curatives, they strikoat once at tho root of the matter, tone up tho system, arrest the discharges, and Impart Im-part vigor and energy, life and vitality to tho entire man. They havo cured thousands of cases. Price, ?5 per pack-ago pack-ago of live boxos and a largo $2 vial, which is very important in obstinato or old cases, or"$l per single bo. Sold by all Druggists, and sent oy mail on receipt re-ceipt of price. Address, Humphrey's Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co., btj'2 Broadway, .New York. For Salo at Z. C. M. L and Godbo's Druir Storo. a'-) Umk- Ghirardelli s KAGLK CHOCOLATE. CHOCO-LATE. It is the best. jl Vi-rU-li" Rk.a DtNQ Room and Free Circulating Library of tho Ladies' Library Li-brary Asotiation is open cvry day fi out to 10 p. m., and on Sundays from 1 to p in . rtt room No. '., over firrt National Manfc. d'M Com., Coal, Coal, bv the Ton or single hundred weight, delivered, or at the vard. Commercial Stree:, ar.d at the "Railroad Depot. UOOl'KU. HAWKINS A Co. jT KrU''OT;i Dir. woodsy' niu'.e? have Cot it. b.i! Irs rx-vi have :"i ; theri-f.-re he '.;il delivers -.urmiure free of ci-.argo. First National Bank a l r u x i-t h; c i r v DESIGNATED OKPOSITOKY AND FINANCIAL AG K JIT OF TUK UNITED STATIC. Ware5 HresiT. P.-widMjt. A.ITIIOKT l)PBl, Gx.'hlc AntliortKd UiUiU, - - :0 0,OB PAID UP CAPITAL, - 150,OOl). KWM1,U8, - H JO, OOO, Dividend in 1871, 50 por cent. Oldest BiiiiJtrig Jnstitutijn in Utah. -A. (Jtmrrnl Hanliliifi Business JL" rivnsnctcd. A'HKNOIES IN CO!)IIADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PdQrVPTLY ATTENDED TO, INTRRK3T ALLOWRD ON TIME DRPOSITS f16 Fresh Mince Pies KVEIIR DAY at WALLACE'S. FRESH CREAM CAKES Even- Day at WALLACE'S, FRESH MARRANCS Every day at Wallace. FRESH l'OUXD CAKES Every Jar WALLACE'S. FRESH BUNS Every day, at Wallace'. LICORICE LOIENCES, Tlie Best Thin 5 for Cough and t old', f.T Sale only at WALLACE'S URST SUUlh SUtH. JALT LAK; CITY HEAD Thi Advertisement AND WRITE For our Manual of Evergreens i AND SAVE 13 buyint iJantici; roar treat, 50 PER GENT. Price 10 cenU worth S i to a.Tj troe-i'I.mier I'IS.NKY . CO., 1? Stargtoa Hi if. : .OLD '" J- j GUARANTEED PERFECTLY PURE I AND OF THE HICHEST CRA DE, VIANSFIELD& ATCHISON WHOLESALE AGENTS, SALT LAKE CITY. Ascals 111 llah for Tiiict, t'astillon & Coys COGN"AC. Cliuiles HomImcK's CHAMPAGNE. U?,SANa WISE COMPANY AX L) I'EALi-KS IX CALIFORNIA WINES. ENGLISH & SCOTCH ALES & PORTER. BAR GLASSWARE, etc. fel G II Al I) LLAPODRIDA CONCERT EXTRAORDINARY, IN AID OF THE FOND FOR THE Ladies Library Association, At tbo Liberal Institute TueMisy Kvculog, F.b. 11th, 1S73. By tho Oil .pod Troup, .M of lames The Miller's Maid; Tho Pretty Swiss; liuy'f ite of AKlivnllooh; Bonny Mary of Arsylo: Tho Kosa oi'Lucerno; llriglit Alfa-rnlx; Alfa-rnlx; .luajiita; Maraiiuita; Norab.tho jiriilo of K iliiare; Hnialie. tlie Prairie Flower; liii'Soy (uintc.-.; Cm 'livu ireek Girl; Child of the Hi-Biiueni; Tho Milk Alnid; The Iriih IVub-oroniun: IVub-oroniun: The Fairy Queen; Bl.ick Eyed Sii!:m; Tho Knso ol' Allumlulo; The Al-tn Siicjihoriii'-y; Mv Mother liear: M'idow Mo-Chreo Mo-Chreo ; Kittv Civile; The Nun: Tho Jewish M:ii.lcn; Tlie Mtiv Queen ; The .locky Hnt nd Ki-athor: Maj2io by tny ido; Tho Koso thst nil uro I'mirine: Kathleen Mavonrneon; The Maid .1" Alliens: Eranpeiino; Molly Ilnwo; Tho Huso of tho V:le; The tlajijiy Switr.or: The Merriest i;irl llimi Uui; Toji-oy; Tho Uld V'ulks at Homo, and The Uirl 1 Loft Behind Me. Meio;irs The I'ine Old Ericli?h Hontlenifln: Tho Cm. live Kiiichi: A11KI liobioiirey; Voiinc Liuhinv:ir: id simon tho Collnrer; Kobinwn Cni-w; iln.K-h Ardi-n; Old Urimes: Kobin Hn'T: (i;itlcr Urco : Vinkeo Doodle; Cousin Jededi:ili; Thu Uid Sextun; Tho Hunters of Kentucky; liory O'.More; Josonhm Urance ltlo;.-:.i:n; Tho llimkidori Contraband; Tho Hover ot" tho Sea Chain pacno Charlie: Tho Indiiin Hunter; S.irii of '7t; Tho Postilion; 0 iptnin .link?: K inn of the Cannibal Islands; The Jolly Friar: car Eicollont-o; The I'irate: F-ther, Dear Father; Tho Dig sunflower, and The Herald. PROGRAMME. PART 71I13T. 1 Initrumontal.-.Charlojtown Quadrilles, X ational Band. Grand Entree Herald and Oil n pods. C Cluru?..."l love the murry rinsinit." a Souk. Tho Sword 01 Banner Hill. suDff by Sjiirit of '"ii. i Duet..."-''ianitn,'' lara.)uita and J 11 anil a. Ballad..." hen you and 1 wore young, Majruie." PiinphvOId (irimos and Maepic by my side, h Song...,,Xaialie. tho Maid of the Mill," By the Miller's Mnid. 7 Sailors liloe..."ro all you Indies notr on land." (.! nfTer Oroen, JosaiihiM Oranno BloMotn, Cousin Jedediah, ltnbin KulTaud Robinson Robin-son Crusoe. S Song .'"My 'rundlo bed." Mv Mother Dear. '.1 Euet..."Tf 1 had uuu.iL,.uni.rT,i. ltobin Kuffard llafTer Oreen 10 Solo and Chorus. .."Cousin .lodediuh," Solo. by Cousin J edodiuh. PART SECOND. 1 Instrumental. ..Gathering from tho Orchard allre.'-Xational Band. Pnet..."l.ovo3 Approach,'' Mai I ot" Athens and liapny Siritior. 3 SoEst..."SLiuoii t lie Cellnror,'' Ul.l Simon. i Ballud..."The Milkmnid's Marriago Song," Tho Milk Maid, o Solo and Chorus. .."Sontcs that wo noror forget, Solo by tho Captive Knicht. ii Tyrolean Sons. .."The Happy initior," Sunc by Herself. 7 Chorus, .."The Sleighing l'arty." S Trio... "Potpouri.'' Tho Milk Maid, fbofaptivo Knipht and Happy SiTiiier. fl Aria. .."The Return, " Maid of Athene 10 Finale.. .A serio-ciniio iraL-ico-ludrieo rendition ren-dition of "John Brown." Concert to commence at half past 7 promptly IMPORTAA'T QUESTIONS!! WHY .' W1IY ? WHY ? Wliv are the "a'es of the Ihsoei & flamlin OR'iAcVS LARGKH Til AN THE COMBINED Sti!e o' all the other Ten Makers ofTt'rcd io the Ton i lory ? BtrM SK ihe'.r ilriilia-it aud Be-witcfnnir Be-witcfnnir 'Tom s entrance tho mind of the listener. BEfAUSK ft'l t!io principal MUSICIANS MUSI-CIANS autl J UDUES pronoucce them THE BEST. Because 'he? havo stooi the Test of this trj-ini; (Jiiuiate fur more than Twlvo i'eara. Because the? are ALWAYS re-comm:ndcd re-comm:ndcd by Purchasers. Becal'se ihcy hive never been SURPASSED OR EQUALLED By any R.'cd Organs in THE WORLD. TcMitnonlaU from Local Mtnlclitna nnd Jndgei. Of all tho varielie of 0rcn with which we arc ac iuninie-1. va nnheiit.itinely recfto-inn:.i recfto-inn:.i the M.ON A II A.M LIS Urans a) tbe Lhl' and lure to give purchaser rorfrct JUS. H RIDGES. Dwi.-ner and Builder of the .-alt Lake Gre.it Uian. liK". CAKELt-SS.O.'nductorof the Taber-naclo Taber-naclo Ch"ir. "K.-UN 1'RATT, Jis., Teacher of Muaic, and urcaniit of Caihvlic Church. MAKK CK0XALL. Cartain ot Salt Lako Er.i Land. C. J. I'll Oil AS. Conductor of Thcatro Orchestra. Ji'UN CHAMBERLAIN, Teathor or Music an.l uram-t. E. BLLLEV.CaiUinofMArtialBand. CY. IAGC.ART, Piano Tuner. ' T.-i!ia5-ni.i! ffai r;nr',lh.in Fiva Hen Irod C.'.iit:..-. cm bo had on ai piicaiijD to CftLDER & CARELESS, 37 EAST TEMPLE STREET. SALT LAKH f 'IT Y. DIVORCES. D.-'"UTK 1'lVnp.rr-: LEGALLY OB-- OB-- V L. r, 1 ir. dierer.; r-iiie. L"i-1 eTery-:,re-jitp:;i c"'''! in-w.-.a-r:. etc. fleet (-a..--?: r... j. r Ii -: . juired. au or..ir.-o ur;::l .nvorco srted; adwco Ire. CaIi ua or aJarosj JOHN FULTON, Co3D.el'T at Law, Xo.180 BK0AIWAY, NEW Y0KK CITY Why do the People Buy the Estey ORGAN ! A."D Whv are all our OKGAXS SOLD for three shipments ahead ? Because we SELL the best Organ in America, on easy instalments, and Purchasers know where they make the best Bargains. Those who wish to see the "Estey" had better call today to-day as we shall ship them all out this afternoon. CHAS. W. STAYXtR, GKXKKAI, AG EXT, No, 5 Main Street, Next trSavajre's Gallery, jl) SnJL Lake Illy. GEORGE CHANDLER Begs to inform his friend; nnd patrons that he hid opened a Meat Ma.tct infos Mi Warfl, One block south of Ced.r Toft jan2d CHEAP BOOTS uo 10 Taylor & Cutler's AS THEY ARK CLOSINlt Ol T TUlill! 1VIXTKR .-TCICK VKRY LOW. CHARTER OAK COOKING STOVKS; CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER UOl'SE LN TOWN. A FULL STOCK OF LADIES' DRES GOODS WHICH THEY ARE OFFERING SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS OX. Groceries AS LOW IX PRICE AS THE LOWEST. 2j tb Cans fresh PEARS and PLUMS 35 cents. TAYLOR & CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. EPIZOOTIC GET. Feed youk Horses WARM Bran Mash., TWICE A DAY. 40,000 LBS, OF BRAN Just received and for sale ENOWLDEN'S. Dd 1I will bp O. K. GEO. U. KN0WLDEi. Grain Dealer, WEST SIDE MAIN STRKFT. BOOKBINDING. WE are iTei'ttred t Hind, in a substantial and workmanlike luatinnr. in tlie Bid dory connoted with our ostablifhuiont, BO OKS, PERIODICALS, IMACAZINES. Ac-. Ac, Ae. Sati.rartioo. hth ai to Pri-w and Qualit of ozk. rjajaiteL HSK&XiD PUBLI&UIK 6 00 CHICAGO TRADE M. D. WELLS &. CO . Mannitarr of ud Wolaial Drf U Boots and Shoes. 818 Wbub Cbltar, M.D.WoHt. H.J V,-.fH-;4 B. BonodKn. dH 6. P. Mclnura. PAGE, 8RO. & Co.. I sport. r mui Dul'r ia LKAT11EU AMI FlMMNtiS " OLD CITY HOTEL CuUNER." Cornw oftt att and Lake Jtree. W. W. PVe. Ikua, I HK Aliu, C. E. Pa, ctll?,-jujly ctll?,-jujly rr.iTDMrr(T! Ititi, His 4 1T0 State Strwt, Opposite Palmar'a Gracd Hotel, C II I C A. O O . Manufacturer I'fj SCHOOL, CHURCH OFFICE FURNITURE, w GL0RES. CHA1HS of all au'les. School Outline Maru, Charts, ete. Ererrthins in the wnv of Schol, CMeso or Ltiurch tuturos at Lowest Cash Price. iend .for illustrated Catalo u an j Price List to A. U. ANDREWS i CO. LJ JOHN V. FARWELL & Co wholesale: NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, AND "W OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WTioleaala DRUiiU In IV and Paint Dealers. Rave remrivrl l0 their "ew St -re. 8 hi u fl4 LAtiK STHhihT, crrer Uirbi t -Jiro ion tneold site) 1 M 11; Alio, vruvi, wii builiiinfis erected eii-rwslj for (in bi;taoi-, Stnn K-v-tr. e'-.. -h-v h ,v. JltnJi Qh an unmo:.ao a;ock. ur.suri'ii. f ph in me nonhncM. M-ikha" int,ti.ir, mren t- Tfrntitrm boBin-.jt. jyt FIELD, LE1TER & 10., lUI'URTKKS 31J JOBI1KKS UK DRY GOODS AND CARPETS MUISJ f.J illMH ;fS C3 XI I O i. 3r O . LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST ,1'IUCKS GUARANTEED. Special Attention Givi n to Qrdem. WIS N. E. PETERSON, GAS FIXTURES. Immense stock; and low (irii.oa. 117 Stnte Hfreet, CIiIcko- dlN F7&E.7AECERr" 73 Wnbnih Avtniu, near It Aiidolph, CHIOAOO. II,T,., 1'IRKOT IWI'ORTKRS QV Crockery. China, ila.Tvnre. l.Bii..f. Luokim- tloode. The larsogt House in tho Vo.l dl It. TI.AT srnjT, n. iiVIMl'ut. W. H. OVI.TUTOI, .t, (lYIJiUJOS. Scott & Ovington Bro's, IiniHrtoi7, Wh"leal and Itctail Dcalor in mmi mi mi. PARIAN, liltONZK, I'LATKD WAHIO, LAMPS, CTTLKKV. MUIKOUS, Ac, No. 21U West MadlJon Su, Chicairo, J II. U' editing anil llolltlny t;ifl., iiiin nd Clilna Hndc to Otilrr, OVINtlTOV HH'iTH EKS. ri't. 'Jl. Z) t Zj2 Eiilt-n MrrK.liriMkljn. N. V. Ruo Do i'aradis 1, 1'aris. .Smith 'i-iire H-nh Snuiples fir IVh-lo-aale I'nly-1 .MmL-m Mf-t. 1'iTncr 1 tub A vcnuo--Hwuii Ji. U . SA V Aii L, 1 anuKci. N.lfl ATTrjN 4C0 Jtuimrten and U'tolc?alo Dcalcn in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry and Sllvernare, (on yt A DISO M . noRflOK STB., CHICAGO, ILLS., Orpoci'o I 'aimer 'a Urand Hotel. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION K IItEand CI KGHU ri!0i;F t3j&.JJa'El!Ei ! The Bost Safas io tbe World I HERRING k CO., 4G Slate s'rec', nnd corocr 1 4th Ptrcot anil Indiana Avenoe, CHICAGO. j Blips! BzrailEs ! Bargains j L1DDELL i UROO He't.t receireJ. a'.tNCfcaii.'ct of CENT ' CLOTHING, DRV GOOI'S. BLANivETS aad NOTION'S, M hit-h ibt hjiv,- ir.-:r . lo c': .e out REGARDLESS IF COST- Tho have Jro ro.- .ud a ei'.iciid line i-f STAPLE &. FANCY GROCERIES a PROVISIONS, V, Lih they are felling CHEAPER lhan the CHEAPEST. IVir.'t :'r; !: i t;t. a rt:v nouKxi'iuii tho ivi orncK iirtiUfitl' if.Aiit. J.VV. BUTLEf? Sl CO., PAPKH DE.'iLSHS, orncK mi ir fi,. -,tokb: SCIT1I S M'i: S 1 ii; j:: 33 k :: 7 lnlt N ... t, CHICAGO. rrhn. ii-rt, r;.n o,,,,.. r,.:i .... sii,fc l";:" ' K?- r-.., V,mmt I tti'ris. I.:u n: t, , : ,!,.. rt.- SJar lw-ATd. n'rVi'Va-'"1 l-.n. aid IV HAMLIN. liALi; C07. WHOLESALE DEALERS DRV (,'OODS, . f,0T10.S, "WOOLENS, AND HOSIERY, COfc-NKK or MADISON A FRANKLIN' STREETS. CHlOALiU. EW YORX QUOTA! IONS ALWAYS fOlOWlD. el NEW YORK TRADE. JEHIAL & Co., Manufactu-iM aud Lulefale UtAlan io FL'R AM) WOOL HAT, Straw Ootnit L'inbrci!4t d'Ct R.k 4fl(t, Urnily, , , NKW VOHK. I. Jim Eluiitjr. j L. M. BATES & CO., ai A. 41 lrodwr, HKW VOH.K, if.itmfj in 7 ji'tnt ia Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIKUY. WHITE 8l)l)Ua VVOO.KA., MI.WVl.it, FAJiKEt. XOTIOXS, c II. BtUKtL cj t ttos. a. argaTl &. Co., Mhu'i, Voatbf' Durit'aQd Childran'a OX.OT H IN" a, AT WHOI.KKA t.K, 313 31 Iln-t1i', .r Vork. BENEDICT. HALL i Co. Mnuffo-.arrt WholfMivIo i'enler in BOOT'S ANO HOES 134 ait il tJfi l.riBd Ni .. . w nrk, Oomer Crb. -.ne Muoti ei "I lironlwiy ut FURS WAiUTD. Highest Cash Price Paid for Furs. ALSO Havana Cunri bolwilo and Retail. TIluMAS CARTRH, tl Sirgi-I Uro'i, uodnr Salt Lae Uouno mm o? mm she. V,JTl'i"; lU'iM-nv i;ivi:v tiiatthk A uiidi-f-u-iifd n ill n-ll .H j in.- winlno, ti. llii'tiu-li,-t ljulkU'l I u.-h. lUlhu... it, Iti.nt U.IIT Ol tilu K.-..H II,,..,., , , ,.m. t ,,,, -'li"1 J i :iii unllto ..fim-k in th,. lur.-iu. ...i.'tl," nV..--''uid , i"..nj mid .l;u i.-lnio. mi .ut.u i., .-nil -."ni.i-it ', i.iul",'i,uiii';iw,'i li?rVi'!tii'; uiiniiifiieiLi: oli tin; until I I t i-u.l-' T dMi.l-1 1 iLculh-Hv-, ( T ll mid Int. til 111 - l-lni; i ni tiu llllildt, Ih-iik; II (III I u! I t .', Ii.llf Ol Xl-tu-i 11- -l'.t 111 I'ml"' A"' W'Alll iakutii .-un,.j . iluiil,.,l in liio Jit, j,iell-oi j,iell-oi ani ni nuu .Tint 1.;im' I it . . Ilu- im.H'ii) m Ut, iitti-ri'i ir b e at . aiil tllllO ill.. I I,e. It 1,11. ! 1,1(10 ul.arlMIl-.l i II II vtlill! ,U. .M ,ii ill, A.IK l-.i .1 I Hum , .v. . , I,, .1, I,,, .V. Jul. ii,- :m u i.h n .1 , .(,,. ,,,.. , ,., fjt ni,..- I-, .'i.i d. .i i- I I., (., C, ,11,,, ill I J -IH, I' llcl.hlr ,11, U i I . . IX , ..1,1 .mU, ItiKH- i!-t tti.r.i:,, ut ti,n )(., ,,( ,, ,., ,.,., , r m'n.tl, i n in l j milo in- ii-, i uniil , ,i-i. inn i- rl i lio r.M.I iii,.,i:,I. , I,,. Ii hi.i i:,.i i- ,,.-it oirliliii. I ni,. ,nl. .-- 1.1 d.M.I uiliu t I- u. -"id-l i" iii-.'H u iU ,.. -hi., ...... II.'. -Ml 1 I -. IN i!Ul..,JI,t. . - . Hi- 1 I'll,. ,. tlK'-V iHT'L'tlJ IIJIUW .'. ,'B'l,i HH.II. 1. u in I , , n, "ill t.r idtU- inln -t i j t-i- r ii-1 i .-I,, ti.- ii, .i,. .. I,,, (Bid and dfirJ dvlni'itd iui luuviiut... am-r I.I WJ- S. HILLS. :;nlt ,i.s City, I . T.,,iau. .' W,. j: To whom it may coucerL' V - V. fl oml-r. '.itT.-'l rlnli.i i,wa ''''' hund"! , I.-. ,i..-hl,rl, - 2' Rt,. Mr . i. Ir, th.- T.fn. l,lo, in Littl.- I '.t-mw,,., ! ,v. ,,.,. tanir t'i -i d- lr-ii Tg i s, nJ Inr . t ,..- tti.l havt t r.,.l'-d wish t he la wo of it dia-trirl dia-trirl ti v: rr i r t- A'l-1 w.lj.t.i.T i-M-.tj-n -11 l-T.r.n TIM f tr.tr. I.,.t r barter f' r r .id rn.in1(1, without c.h. iM-srrr.i at., t...tr.,t.. t I . ' 1-t -.( n-'nj Irini i "t vi, iviwa rfTrVX WS. ITE LEAD) 170 k 172 K VMJfiLPU STREET. 0!fr Si-eyHl i- l .-r.-rirr L. io .rc btiy aa-1 :h JobDius uf Ltah lorr.Wrj. IjI4 |