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Show tllfilll If,u-.oltl.ob.. buy Book'. Brilliant It i ,h. met Porfl D.k-r. It ia tho most v",M. I. bom. lh.l.t Wood. Ital.ny. livM Satisfaotion. MrofBaok'i StovM h.ve bc.n lolJ and o in u.o tbo ans Mo" "r mniie. Even Stove is warranted. B U C K'S Guarantee, For CoI and Wood, fcaa only boon in nst two jmjs. It is now tho loading Coal Cook Siovo. Why. itiiaPorfoot Dakar. It is a Fuel Savon it is mado with our PATENT CHILLED IKOS- Firt Linings which will last looser than Fivo Sotl of common Lin-' Lin-' ; idks. It will draw in any good fluo, and ii tho only Coal Cooking Stovo that gives entire Satisfaction. BUCK & WRIGHT, 1I4D and 7 Street, Saint Louli, Manufacturers of all variotioj of COOK INU and UEATINO STOVES. Sample Sam-ple Cards and Price LUli fu mis hod On application. -n18 MISCELLANEOUS. BOILER MAKING rpIIE 1'N'DKBSIUNED ii prepared to !do X any kind or . UoiIer or Tank Making OK REPAIRING ; And will BUY OLD BOILERS OR FLUES, r tako ihein in pay for work. Do will also do any kind of MILLWRIGHT WORK ; , , .On abort notice. Orders loft at flio Herald OfHc will rscoive prompt aUonlien. o3l JOIIX SLOAV THIS M'ELL K0W2f BKiND OF JAPAN TEAS ' -FOR SALE AT ' ' 'Grocery Department. 'LB. CLAffSON.Snpt, BURLINGTON RODTE. Tl) THE UST,. NORTH AND 5UUTHEAST, Mo. 3. STATIONS. ,xpatIaCi MAIL. Leave SALT LAKE . 6:00a,in. 145 pan. - OALAHA ..i ,t 6:30p.m. 5:30 a.m. Ajtito BURLINGTON 5:00a.m. fclOp.m. " OalosboritfaB.AQ.) 7.-00a.m. 10:50 p.m. " Mendoca " lli!5 aan. 3:23 a.m. " Chicago " 3:15p.m. 7:00a.m. " Pooria - - 9:00 a.m. 12:50 a.m. M Ind'pliI.B.AW. 6fl5p.m. 9-.25a.rn, " Cinoinnati - - U:0p.m. 4:15p.m. " Loganwport 5i5opm. 9:20a.m. T. P.4W.) Colnmbus 2:45a.m.' .Va)p.m. J"Tnronjrh Cars from Mi-onrf River to ' Ccicaeo. Indianapolis, Cinoinnati. Logs' port and Columbus, Connections at thoto points - ' . Iead.nsto tha East, North This tho Bt, Short' Jl(v 1ln th?Uuirf " ... m ' A-B. TOT" - -d obtain Tickets yia f - Missouri River Railroad. ' .iALIN. C. S. PERKINS: ..eel Pass: AgvnL . enl Snr't. ran RAILROADS. G. P. R. R. OV A.XD AFTER SLPTEMBER IGth, 1TA, TBAI.VS WILL LEAVE OCDO DAIXY AH FO LUW!) I Overland Parent;- Train for Tcano, f'arlin, innymucca, Wadiwurth. ISKeno, Mansvillo. Roddm (for .Urvk-v.n', no raw en to, Stoeklon, l.alhror. Mene-l (fur Yotatnito', HTii.tun ifor Los Arjyelei), San JuSO and 2aa traaciicu, - - 5-20 r.H- 0er1aml Freii-lit and Accommodation Accommoda-tion Train lor can i rancuco, - - 5-15 F-K. A. N. TOW N E, T. ii. OOOOMAN. ,GcnU aup't i kn. 1'-. and Ticket Agent GEO. 11. HK'E. Auk.m, alt Lako City, Otfce ith .Nfar.-hall St Carter, Over V h. Cv"s Haak. gJU CHICIGO & ALTON It, It. Tlie Only First-Class Ilord In tbo U'cit, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI. A"w Short Itoute from; Kansas City to Chicago, Wlhout Cliniie 1 Via f. L'Mii'. Khph city and Northern '.I!e N'jrth l i-;oun and 'hicaco and A lton Ha.lroa.K croit.K tho M i-.isjir.pi at Loq-..t.tnii. Loq-..t.tnii. M :iu 1 i..iim: hrouKft Jacknon-Tillo, Jacknon-Tillo, Bli-uuiiDtton and Juliet. The Mior(f( and Uerst Uoute to the Eal, ia (liicau! ELE U A X T LAY CA If 8 P0LLMA5 FALACE CAHS Hua thrut;h rrom Kana3 01(7 anl BL L'juu lo L liii;, witboutchant(0 I mm fines nil m AND SMOKING CARS On all daily trains : tho only llnorrunning thcao cars Iroia I&auaae City and lit. Louie toChUatf No Lino makes as Good Time, Or cl' er cunne-tion. has bettor acconimo u.i.iuu;, ijiunr track, moro oicvanL liny c.irs, n'Tc iumruni and coujf'jriiKjie pleeping a Lr-UUi nal,4i-ifio and all We tern UlJ ;,l'oJy With truios of thi, "ecu t nun Depot, han.-as city. JAS. HAHLTOX, Jjoneral PM.nWr. Ticket Ageat. J. Mc.MULUN, ' n.fuot.. O. k A.B. IL. UhkMO. HIA.NK 1j1r.11, TRAVEL UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. fas g'w mr-'w Uli ad after Mcpttmber 1673 MIXED TRAINS WILL E. XT3ST DAILY. Going South. Leavo tho Utah Central K.B. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 20 ! .m: Sandy, (nearest point to Little ottonwood Canon,) at 8.10 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., arrive at Lehi at 9.10 a,m. and 4.30 p.m. GolngSortU. Leave LcM at 9.30 &.m. and 4.50 p.m.; Sandy at 10.50 a. mi and 6.10 p.m; arrivo at Salt Lake City at 11.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. Salt Lnktt to Cottonwood Station, fOot Sandy ' 1.00 " " Draper " 1.25 " " Point " " J. 75 ' Lehi " . " i26 Passengers will ploaJ purchasfl tiokets at the uifice. M. n. DAVIS, era. Freight and Ticket Agtnt. B UPXKtNTXND HXT. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah, Sooth -east INct ada & Aloa-tana, Aloa-tana, LtkTlnR Salt Lake City Dally, iti. Ming South to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sevier, St George, Utah ; and Pioahe, Aovad ; Paaalng through Provo, Springville, Spanish Fork.Pay-son, Fork.Pay-son, Salt Creek, Chiokcn Creek, Round Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, Beaver, Miners ville, and AU the. principal tovm and mining camp intouthem Utah and umth-aut Nevada. Ala laa-r Corlnna, tuh, dallr. maalag ntrth to Virginia City, Helena". Fort "BcnWu, Dccr Lode, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the principal towns and min- ing aamps in Mod- tana. I PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building' Jon Salt Lake City Lea Wines. fl. P. Kimball- SALT LAKE-OPH Ind Tintic' Stage and Express RUN IfinO DAILY FRO HI SAJLV Lake city, via lake town, TOG-XL CITY, STOCKTON AND OPHIR TO TINTIO. The ronte has been re-stooked with irlen-l irlen-l did Concord Coaohoa. Ane Stock, cat efnl and ttttentive Drivers- and oTery attention is paid to the comfort anl oonTonience of passea-gcn. passea-gcn. Good accommodation on the road, .THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OOUa at Wells, Fargo Co.'i, alt Lake City, WINES & KIMBALL, apH Proprietor. UTAH CENTRAL ICA1LICOAI). PIONEER LINE OF UTAH, Oa aad artor Btonday, July 1 J, I 1 1 lally Trulijn Leave Halt Lake City at 5 a.m. and 2:15 p.m Arrive at Oifden 7 a. m. and :4! p. m. Loare Ugdan at 3 a. in. and S:J0 p. m. Arrivaai Halt Lake City 1U a.m. and 7:30 p.n la addition to the aboe ivxxzatJEixi TiiAiiMsa WLU ran DALLY, SUNDAYS EXCKPTJED Leavlni Bait Lake City at 6.30 p.m., and Ogdeo at 5a.m. a(iagrs will pleae Par base their Tickets at the Omeee. JlfVy Cents additional will be oharrod whoD i the (are is oellected on tae Ua.n. For all information concerning freight or paasaae, apply to n. II. DAVIS, General freight and Ticket Ac't JOHN SHAEP, BUM COOKS, ST1TI0XEBY, SEUUC JUCffiES. ISIC IK Calder Careless, . (LATE CALDER & SEARS.) 2P I . KT OS, rospcctlully invite oar Patrons and tho Publio to call aod cxaniino our stock of the above named instruments. Wo aro also Goncral Agents for tho MASON & HAMLIN world-renowned CABEVET DHGAMS, , Which wo have proved beyond all doubt to be tho best and most suitable organs tor this estimate; and havo also tho WOODS, E8TEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stook. We havo the Largest Stook west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required by Amateurs, Teachers and Musioians. MUSI GAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stock consists in part of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. PiTrnUM,1,,J.V'".1,'?,t',r'"S,',',,rr.?,r'"-'' T"U" Fnrnl.hlng., Cll.r .. . . ' 1 C' l'l".r, llliiC I.lr Book. .n,l C?dl. Rl.e.t BOOKS JJSTID STA.TIO0SrEK.-5r. Our Stock conslau in part of 1 , V """"'" r,l' ascription,, luk.l.nd., Writing T . .- c'19' 1,1 'ct varlriy, I'm nn,er., IVi.rll., Fi.kIIhIi TocKct li,,iv. .n,ls,., Mn,,'. l-tct r.rclim.ut Coi.jlAg llooltsj all aualilloSMii weights of "Vt'cI',:!l,,LR"'F,"S'"f r"" French N.tc, I, St!"'1 B' ' qu.lltfr,, Va Board, .11 color., lor"l TI..UC fi.ci-,.ncolor., Dr.wlug pjp.r, Dr.i l,,g Book. 8 SCHOOU FltKMSlllsua OF BVERY OFSCRIPTIOX. SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. L. PRANC & CO'S PUBLICATIONS. mtt.ocs from our stock , choic. ..loctiorJ'.Vlil'TuLi hot U.uii'rric'ci;""- THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING IW'tHINE b,S;epThCaS;,PwS;rc! M'f-5 most durable in the market.' We guarante ". mXTVVTo' ,"J enuro satisfaction. All are warranted to sew, with perfect eale Beaver D-lrnR,' T'Stmg. Denims, Domcatio, Cambric, Line j K TC?f!' will Tuck, Hem FcU, Braid, Bind, Cord, Gather, .n faft will rfn fed. nr wort. A Five Tears guarantee given w ith each mllTd, ol' of by an eipert on tie premises machine. Instructions free 83 Cold "Weather Strips . TO SAVE FUEL HAVE YOUR WIADOWS 1D DOORS MM MATHER-PROOF BY OUR BLACK WALNUT AND RUBBER STRIPS, A new iuvtutlon, both L'serU aiitt OriiamciilaT, Manuracturcil Edpccblly for us, tho Finest Aseortmcnt of WINDOW SHADES -lixrox- 13roxislit to tlxiiai City. THOSE HEMP AND ECONOMICAL COTTAGE CARPETS Ilac Arrived. W e shall always have our order ahead so as not to bo out of these dcsirablo good?. Connoisseurs in Pictures arc invited to sec our BKAUTIPUL ClIPyOMOS m29 II, B. CLAWSON, Superintendent Julius lOetixer Go., MANUFACTUR1CRS OF THE IMPROVED BAUER ORGANS AND JSuT EUODE O TV JS . Every Instrument FULLY WARRANTED for FITE YEARS, Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATALOGUES sent FREE t0 a"y address upon applicalion. AL.SO I.MI'OIITKIIS AND DEALKItS IN PIANOS ami ALL KINDS of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. JULIUS BAUElt & CO., 650 Broadway, 390, 392, 394 Sl 396 Wabash Ave NEW YORK. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS J. DAYNES & SON Agents for Utah, 1st South St., JylU TU O DOOM EAST 01' OODBE S DRUO STORE. INSURANCE. AMAZON imRmM Cinoinnati, Ohio. 1 ASSETS, JI XE 30, 167. Cash on hand, in bank, and in courso or tran.-uiisaii.n .. $111,308 57 United StatoaBuDiu, market value, l'Ji.lsi t MurttraRos . S:18 67 Collntoral Loani w 12S.1K7 On Aecruod IntoroaL. Sl.tVI2 Bills KtwcivLblo , if, Statu Bonds and Midoolloiiouus 6,617 'M Duo from Asonla , Vw1l"7 63 0utjsnndin( Losos and othor Lia bilitios $77.7U 04 H. R. IYIaTni Agent,' Offlcei llaulflox Home of A, W. n liite A Co, 1', O. Box, 054. jy-S j AGEITCY OF THE 1 ; Home Mutual INSIRIXCE COMPAXIT, OF C A L I F O R N I A. CAPITAL .... $650,000. JOHN n. REniSllTOX, President.. illAKLM It. NTOICY, Heeret.rr. Principal Office, 433 California St., SA.N FRAKCISCO. H. R. MANN, Agent, Office: Banking Houso, A. W. Whitd-l Co. a2 TRIUMPH" FIRE INSURANCE CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 KallsbU UudcnrrlUiiK. Parfect Lndmulty. We ask F?ir Pates and Promise to Pay Just Lossea. Risks taken throughout Utah II. K. IVlAlVW, Agent,' SALT LAKE CITY: Office t Dan king Home or A. W. WIlU- A. Co. P. O. Box NH. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Fire Brick. TlilltE car loaii of tho celebrated A.rglllo Works - tlUnotx Mnnnfac-turc, Mnnnfac-turc, of Wolgr ind Squn.1- Has just liecn roooivM and s ofTcrod to SmelKrs. Furnaoo Buililfr?, Ac. as borne fi-pcrigr fi-pcrigr tu any thcr i-tTi-rc-i in thi' lunrkct and at loivcr ratea. i orsalcia luu to mil, by GORDOH A MURRAY, Syio Agnate, Half bl.vk smith of U. Ii- Depot, Salt Lake City, and sandy tatiun. not zTc. M. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, Stli.N 01' THE pq I (3- -j OPT GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDUEN'S SHOES, GENTS' SIXPI'EKS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For fine weather or stormy weather; for walk- inc. dancintf, irorkins, spakkiso, climbing, ridinif. hshing, uimius, etc.. etc- A lanto and choico aysortment of the above, our own mnko and lmpgned at tne uiwst roa-tocabte roa-tocabte pricea. We make (o order tuy ityU and quality ileal red and lniur at I faction. OLD BOOTS AM) SHOES Made u good aa ner almoit SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather! Upper Leather! Harness Leather 1 Imported Calf'Skinf, ' American Calf Skins, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, "KIT" OF ALL KINDSII HOUSE COLLAllS! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL' AT ' LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Older, by fllnll lecel ve .pet 1.1 ...d lrv.t .lleution. HIDES ANU WOOL BOUGHT. H. B, CLAWSON, Sup', TOYS! TOYS! The Largest and Best Variety ,Evor brvucht to Sn.lt Luke City is to bo f ootid at 1 WILLIAM IHIRE rar o mw. jeq , ast Temple Street, Od door north of Campbell & Patterson's Book S tore WHOLESALE AIM) RETAIL. ntiv On and after Oct, 28th, Trains will run BETWEEN BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C P. R..R. HAMPTON'S 7or. MONTANA., Dis. GOrNQ SOUTH r.M.'Fare. Din. GOINQ KORTII ' I Far. Leave Uamptoa'l at 12;-lo I-oava JJrigbam at :15 7 " Deweyrilla" 1:20 50 Hi . ; Box Eldor " 8:S0 23 11 Eeneyrille " 1:35 7o 1134 " Calb Fort " 0:00 M WA " Calls Fort " 1:43 90 11 Honey villa " 0:19 "5 20Vi " Box Elder 2:13 1 25 is " Dowoyville" 0:3 J 1 00 IV Arrive at Brirbam 2:30 1,50 av Arrive, at Uampton'e 10:00 j 150 SPECIAL HATES TO EXCURSION PARTIES. . L Passenpers will please purohaf,e their tickets at the Company's Offices, or 50 cents additional wiR be charged when tho Fare is collected on the train. . ArraDtjments have been made with tho Central Pacific aad Utah Cental Railroad Companies whereby passengers can puroha.se Tickets at the U. G Office in Salt lke City or O. P. Office at Ogden for Box Elder or IIampton'9 on the U. N. R. R., and from Hampton's r Bos Elder to Ogden or Salt Lako City at greatly reduced rr. Tlirongh Connection as follows- OOIXG SOUTH 'p. M. GOING NORTH; !a. M. Leavo Hainplon'B at 13:15 Loave Salt Lake City, UCKIL, at 5p Arrive at Brigham, V. N. R. B 2:30 Arrive at Ogden, - 7:00 Leave BrUham. C. P. R. R. at 2:30 Loave Ogjen, C. V. Ii. II., at. 7;la Arrive at Ogden, C. P. R. R. 3:50 Arrive at Brigham, S:lo Leave OgJn, U. C. R. R, 5: LrOaveBrigham, U. N. Ii. 11. , at 8:15 Arrive at Salt Lake City 7;30 -ixrive tt Hampton's " . 10:00 f: , THE TIME TABLES ARE CALCULATED ON SALT LAKE TIME. FAKES, Hampton's t.Og0on . -.. ..$2 50 I Salt Lake Citj to Eldr.' 3 "5 loSAltLako City, - .. 4 50 I " " " Hainpton's, ... ' 4 50 Box Eldor to " " 3 25 I Qjden to Haapton, . 0 50 w 0saen,... 1 25 " iiux Eider. 1 25 H; G. Miller k Co's Express leaves Hampton's every morning for Logan 'on arrival of the 10 a.m. train, and tri-wcekly, Monday. Wednesday and Friday, for principal settlements' in Cache oounty, returning daily from Lofran to connect with the 12:45 p.m. train, and Howe's Express overy Tuesday Tues-day morning from Franklin to Soda Springs, returning therefrom every Friday Fri-day morning. ns JOHN W. YOUNG. Gen'ISupt. AHEAD OF TEE BLOCKADE 1 HOLIDAY NOTICE. H. WALLACE, F.nt South Street, Has tho cost (and nunt complete stock of TOY CADDIES. ALSO, IMnlu nud Fancy Candlra, Corn Ball. lilae Ctndy and Cbcwlng Onm, ever offered to tho people of this city. 11. WALLACE, J CONFECTIONER. Salt Lake Clly. Mince Pies Fresh every Day.. ni! U. Ct.AY SCOTT, T. T. OVIS'iTO!r W. H. OVISUTO.1, t J. 0V'0T0J,; Scott & Ovington roTs( IniHrtere, Wholesale a-jj Retail Uoalors in CROCKERY. CEIE GLASS. PARIAN, BRONZE, VLVTEP WARE, LAUS, CUTLER 1". MLRROltS, &e., No. 210 West Madiwn St., Chicnjr. In. Werldlitfr and Holiday Uirtt. Ulai and ChlnaJfaddtoUrdrr. OVINGTON BHOTHKRS, 2t. 248, SW St 2.VJ Fultn Strort. Krookljn. N. Y. Ruo Do l'liradis jl, l'aria. Sooth SitloOflieo with Samples for Wholesale Whole-sale Only IN Madison Struct, Corner Filth Avonuo Rooms II. 11, SAVAUE, Mimnccr. no -i g IMMENSE SACRIFICE ! CARL C. AS1HUSSEN VII.L BKLI. HIS MTlHKSrOl SOK VALUABLE JEWELRY Ladies' Diamond OTtIEK WATCHES, French & American Clocks, Etc., Etc., FOR TWO MONTHS ONLY. STBEET, niiiiav oi'i'osrrK tub rosi okfk-e. '17 EXITED STATES OF AMERICA, DISTRICT OF NEVADA, In tUe Office at tile Clerk oftbe. jjt g Dl.trlct Coort. .-. ' "VHcs. Bo itro- ji ' , -: ' . cmbe red. jT' A ibiu cn tb. " A N Boventcocth IE:.' V i dsTofOcu- I t 'Ml WVl ' f t h o u . . n d VIM;! . J tfsaa. Wi. A'T. 3' -. S. Hammer VvVv-zX-? j' of li "id 47 District.hatll .ry jtft dcposit.d in 1 rorne..r. a conformity with an Act of Con- "in Aot """end tho sot.ral Aorjresrcv. copyrights." . . I W. P. RODOKRS. o t? Hark of said District, (co Zjffl) pfag CALL DlNTjlSf il"il'J 'iLlili; l.-i-'i'-' i'"un. 1 Tn-Tnn ol ' , Z lA. OINTIVIENT For Collar Galls. Vmvjn all i-.I ftir tho jiif-,-,:,i1t ,.,lrr, f ,r Collar Uiill.-. on. 1WK-. Kn.si Bl. mibc -. Cnu-kl H.-.-1-. (5n -.-. on.l M ttvnM, -.w j,. fVro. fli-Tlui OliitnirtU not w al. orcr.tmt di i. up. nn.l b.il- rt P,-r.- fr ,.n tht-lHttom. l'rvn.l llo-h etiot fomi -tKTi. It in hm',1. J-irjwr.d ujny KING & CO., Fropriators, Corson City, Nevada, ntimlbflrMiiofcvlctT-.ti.xi Kii-rlihVctiTiii-ii--t Redington ft Co., Wholesale Airor.tJ, . MijVsiinM-it. Oil. J- D. LAMB & CO., GENERAL AG NTS. SALT LAKE CjlTY. , a23 I JOHN S. BARNES, FLO UK, WHOLKSALK AND HKtAlL, So. IK htoosi. Mll lll Sllttlx CASH J'AID 1'OH FLOUK, AVUKAT, OATS, BAllLEY. AM II I Cractcr Manufactory, Ioor tulnw Wilkrr Tlmi-r m , Slittt, Null I.akc CKj.'" Wo havo now rov'iolvoil our t CRACKER MACHINE Will, ull M.c l,., i,,,r,,,, , . , j GALLACHER & SOUS. tiond fyr l'rko Lut Addj:8i'.O.Boil'Il. Pall and Winter Mice! Ji. "FL JFL I "V A. Ij Pall & Winter Goods. CLOTHING DEPARTWEHT, HAVE liOUGHTALARGE AND WELL SELECTET STOCK OF CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISH 1NG GOODS, SUITABLE FOR Til E SEASON AND' WHICH IS NOW OPEN FOR INSPEOTI O-N . French, Eugliili niul Aiaericuii Miitliu, Co4llu;s anil CnssiiiK res in great variefy iiml lutest .-tj lcs. Men's and Boys suits off t lie latest fashion?, from flu-flrst flu-flrst Houses in New York, Boston, Chicago and Sau Francisco. A FULL STOCK. OF HOME MADE CASSIMEUES AND JEANS, ts WHICH WE INVITE INSraCTION, MI'JJ'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY, SL,OVE3, UMBRELLAS, " COLLARS AND ' ' . GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Gapes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SH01&, EASTERN AND HOME MADF. GRANT, GREELEV, AND ALL THE NEWEST styles OF HATS AND CAPS. V ALL. PAPER DECOR ATIOJATS IN GREAT VAKLETr. The great enccess which has attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has induced us to make , JLar; peXnmliases for our Pall and Winter Trade, So tb Ctutlermcu miy choose from (he mont Tnricd and Kxtenalve btocla w have ever offered. Tailoi'iV Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always on hand. - j H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. Sewing1 Machine. yyK rw .pootfully iriTito tho Publio to call and scs oar excellent varletr o. Sewing machines. Plaui,Beauliful aud Elahorale Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IAIPROVKB Hllfl IU& A !ISr T O 1ST CASTOBS. The Total Sales of the SINGER MACHINE arc now TIKllEE QU ARTE ItS OF A MILLION. Til E SALES OF LAST YJJAB, 1S1-2 G O Aa oridoac thtM it is ft winning wprano Uvor in tho hottwhold, Tho SutOKR Coi)jpo.iy sold over tho other Companies, 5'.',T34. lo" Tho Chimgo Rclici'- Commiueo furnished sufferers by die Firo to ilardi is, 1S72, 3,'Hi; 3. I'll Siuscr Jlachiuos, all other makes, 7 i3. A -pphcanta made tlieir scleotio.i, with same discount on all. I OUR SALES IN UTAH KXOKKD AN V GTUF.U HOUSE IN Tlli SEWING MACHINE LINK THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. W.court.oa-'ly invito thLsdisto sc. cur 33ir. ibroidory Attaolimont, It .ttrncu ccnornl .ttonlion nnd ftdnjir.lion. Wo alno desiro you to see our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QUILTERS. HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, -PLEATERS. SELF-3ASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, 1SJ1TABLK fOR AIJ Kt.SDa OF SHUi-ILK MACU1NKS. UrKG VABASTKK KVKRY MACHIXK WE SKl.L TO CllVr: KSTJRK SATISKAC VV i o! . u coll on. i. th,-roiu:lily ...i.i ut.-.l. IrioJ ami t,'!t,.J by .s,.jr,o.,-Mi Mnouim nj .! .r. wwranlcsi to aow -rita c.i.' .U ktwvU of jr..od.. fnuu th. p,.arwt lo the tinivt. bace, llutltu, Caiubric, Domestic, Dcuiius, 1 ichins DiickiuK) Heaver. Unckskiu and Leather. Kif-lns tiuotron given Troo of chargo by ooni)tent attondanls, anJ terra' )l' ile to 8 lit all ciivulualaneefl. 3THER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE REA-SONABLE TERMS. We extend a o,udi:il invitation to all to 30ME AND SEE OUI1 MACHINES Wliothor tlior wish to puroliaso or not, it tub s nm mm )mmmmnw IVI. I. General Agents? , Two doore loutU of Kalo Emjwiuui, Salt LaciCi1 |