OCR Text |
Show Oyster"! Oyfter"! t Fresh every niK'nt, at Obey'a Wholesale Hume, west uf Kimball & Lawrence's. d: No is tho time for the .NIGHT "W'OKK, George 3 howeli. ; d Now in your time to buy eheap Furniture Fur-niture at H. Dinwoody'a. lie is just recfivinir thirteen car loads expressly iwr Christmas trade-' oolO Hon ktiiimo sew for housekeepers at lUrralL'a. Wanted. One hundred coal miners nan lind ileady employment at the K'jcky Mountain Coaf Mine, Jivanaton. Apply for particulars, &c, to J. Y. Sbedden, Agent, at coal bouse, LI. 0. K. K. UepoL . . dl rYiKXL, at Taylor & Cutlet's, ill CniLDRES Carfor JUcLain'3 Candied Ca9ff Oil and Candied VerniifuK'i Bon-buns. Bon-buns. They are delicious medicines, mid warranted taaxmleaa. Price ' cU. Fur sale by . C. Al. I. and all other DruggiaU. . dl Dress Goods in great Tariety at the California Store. . olM . Tue usroRTDSATE who have broken their inirrora can get new glaaaes put in al ii. Dinwouiiy'i. no 10 Cuttino & Co's, California Canned Frui, Jellies, Jams, etc., are far superior supe-rior to all other- brands. For sale by all first-class grocers. my 14 Just arrived, one car load of parlor sella. Ladies, call aud oxarnioe them, at Joelsoo s. ' D'JH Ladies' 'Fcjrb and Dress Goods L'buap at Taylor dt Culler's. ni5) JirjT THE Imperial Oil 1&0 fire test, Iho purest and (cfeat oil in ibe market. no'J Notice to odr Patrons. As we have been unavoidably compelled to sell the Eureka Oil, which we learn bus not given sntmfaction to our customers, wo will exclmDge for other oil where tho pnrlied purchased of us. no'J E. Kek-ik et Co., Pioneer Lamp Store. Arrived Two cars Furniture and . twenty-seven crates Crookery at Bah- I batt'h. . nte , Great iiarqais to Saddlers and iJariiLiB Mnkersl We are celling a job lot of gplundid Horse Collars at $2-1 pur dozen; and all our largo stock of leather and collars remarkably cheap. - "Big Boot" 'jy Last Templo tit. I n'Jti , . Complete assortment 'of CLOTHING, CLOTH-ING, just opened at L. Cohn'a California Califor-nia Store. o'2l For Bedroom: sett of all style, call ul JoeUon's; bo duties competition in j prices. - . nV& j Oil iHsolliDgat retail at tho Pioneer Lamp Store, as follows: Common brands GOc. per gallon. Crown standard 70c. per gallon. Imperial 160 tiro tost 75c per gallon. no'J Yod should see tho new Furniture at Ban-all' b. .- ni Geo. Siiowel, Scavanger lbr tho City. - , (r i o2 C. It. Babratt invites tho public to cull. , o-JO A Very ;dtrPEaioR Brand of; Flour and Corn Moal, as woll as Oats, Corn, Burloy, etc., by Gordon & Murray, half a block south of railroad depot, Salt Lake City. 023 Ciikai- Meat. Charles B. . Taylor, stall 1, at tho inarkot will soli moat as cheap and good afl any. Go and sec. Kioiir uusdred Bedsteads, and 5,000 Chairs, at Joelson's, Groesbeok's build-lug, build-lug, ' Kndlips variety of Goods at Bar-rail's. Bar-rail's. nil) TnosK Ukluium Camariiw, beautiful singers, Imvo just arrived, and will bo sold reasonable, by - Daniel Grcnijr. Fnst Temple Kl. u27 All ikds of Tables nt Burratt's. d20 Wk keki constantly in stock a full assortment of all grades of Walthum Walchos in gold and silver cases, both key and stein winding, and obeerfully recommend thorn to our customers and the public as thoroughly roliablo timo-pioces. timo-pioces. Carl C. Asmusbn. Z. C. SI. I. East Temple street, opposite oppo-site tho Postoilice. , no'J Ikon Bedsteads foP sale by 11. Dio.- Woodoy- . i . j Tiik Choicest Fruits And 'Best UUUSI1ED SUGAKusod lu tho mau-ufacturo mau-ufacturo of P. D. Codo & Oo B Fromiuin Fruits and Jollies. all Tcys CnEAr, at Taylor Cutler's, dl The Ciuudlatibo Library oponB to-dv, to-dv, T. W. Curtis, Proprietor, oppoHito Theatro, Bluo and WbilO Sign; , dl Newkst Attracteos In Job Printing Print-ing at Iho Heralb Otlico. 'Iho t'okHooiu of the lloily. The food that has boon cookod in tho kitch'Mi must bo re-cooked in the stomach stom-ach before it can bo applied to tho nourishment of the body. As a moans of laci'itn'ing this Bocond cooking, in cany where llio process is slowly and imperfectly performed, tloslotler'flStom-tu tloslotler'flStom-tu h Bitters is invaluable It promotes the generation of heat in Iho living laboratory iu which the crude materials for building up and recruiting tho liutmin Iraino are turaed into couvorti-blo couvorti-blo iiliiuent. But this is not all. ll acts beni'liciully upon the cellular membrano which secretes tho gastric Juice, upon the liver, which produces that natural tuxalive, tho bile, upon tho veoaols which receive tho digested food, and upon iho absorbent which connect tho digestivo organs with the channels of circulation, li'uny portion ofthi9 complex aiaclunery is out of ordor tho Bitters will ?ot it right, thus promoting vigorous digestion, diges-tion, healthy secrolion, and tho production produc-tion of pure, rich, lifo-sustaining blood. n-S r uayi Koducod my Prices. uo a B. Barratt, No. 40. DoL-oKRS printed cheaply and tnstc-fully tnstc-fully at tho lis&ALiJ Job Ollice. fo--l IUrratt'b Stock U next to Post Ollico. oi 1'rki. ioub r earls abovo price aro tho natural tooth. Preserve thom by using l,vou s Tooth Tablou. "-o Tourwtb and the xratbling Pun-I Pun-I w coing ?ii3t are rwpectrully Rotifled lb at the t;tah Hotel, l Ogden City, i a ilrsl-olasa house, and by coming to On.l.'ii on the previous orening, either by Mail or Freight Train, they avoid the annoyance of rising at 4 o clock to tak ihc moming tram at Salt .Lake C'ro pleaeuxo seekera Ogdon promises mm.h to interest in iU excellent Shoot-tug Shoot-tug and Trout fishing, whilo tho grandeur grand-eur of iU cnyoua is unsurpassed by anvthmg of the kind known in tho United States. . The Hotel is provided with Barber Shop and Bath Booms, and runs its co;u h free of expense to guests. The proprietors, thankful for p:ut favors, will spare no pains to ple.-o Kiictts, and will provide guns and a:r.-munilit'ii, a:r.-munilit'ii, with jrviiJos and carriages lo the jliooliiig or uhing grvunds by getting get-ting timely notice thereof. Kudey & William?, Propr snlS WANTED. Till; WV'niingCeal snd Mining Ccuir.u At Kf.in.-len. Keck S.riog. and Carbon. Ai-lUIoUuW John than, at tho I . C Dorot.or to Aithur Stayncr, Asn at a For Sale. The furniture of house Xo. 8,.Little'g Row, will be sold tomorrow, to-morrow, commencing at 11 a. m. As wiil be seen by the advertisement, the lurniture comprises a number, of superior articles, and bargains may be expected. Washington House A'iiirtl .outh Ntreet, SALT L AUK CITY: Hoard .nil Lodging, par Wk tt 00 Bonvit mi l Irftitfrtnff. per 1 OO Oftjr Hoard, per week, 1 30 Muulr Krf.irn Spring Bdt, pev wuk, - - a 30 Bad, yr FMjthl - - .10 I au - l t FURS WANTED. Highest Cash Price Paid for Furs. M.-to Hnv.tr. n Ci ,-ar? Wholesale cJ THOMAS CABTlvK, J At iic-el under Salt Lako Iktuo. NEW ftDVERTISEME NTS HALT LAKE THEATRE Tuesday, December 3, 1812. Tha public ar mort resrtfnllT informed Lha.1 ia coaswiueiico of th UNBOUNDED SUCCESS. And lb srenerl dwire of the Patrorj. . Rc- eBrteiseat bu been effected with the ACCOMPLISHED t POPULAR ARTISIE Mrs. F. M. Bates, FOR SIX PERl'OKMASCES ONLY, Supported by Mr.' F. M. BATES, A"D TUE FULL STRENGTH OF THE CoMl'A' y. Will be performed, for ihii nu-ht only, the oeaoiiiul play wmued INGOMAR THE BARBARIAN. Wedsksdiy THE STRANfJER. Thuiujday LUVE'S SACKU'ICE. - . (By ro-iuosu) F El dat FKUC FROr! SACiRPiv LUCliETiA bORGIA. TESTIMONIALS IN FAVOR OF THE PRINCE ORGAN. Thk PRicKOaGAir-upon which they took the Premium, met id strong com S;tition the Mason & Hamlin and the etey Organs but vanquished them . easily. Vhea the Prince is placed be-, side 'other instruments its Superior Voicing and Power become so apparent,, that eren those prejudiced in favor of tha othar3 are obliged to con code tha point KanE&s City "Journal," Sept. 27th, 1871. A From J. H. Ridges, Esq. SaltLako City, Nov. 20th, 1872. Messrs. Daynca $ Son : I have examined tho Prince Organ, and cheerfully accord itmy approbation as a Good Organ, approved alike for its Durability and Sweetness of tono. ' . . . J. H. Hidois,: Orgati Builder. Salt Lake City, Dec. 2, 1872. X have examined tho Prince Organ and can recommend it as a fitst-class instrument. C. J. Thomas, Conductor of Theatre Orchestra. ' Dec. 2, 1872. I have inspected tho Prince Organ and X can recommend it as an instrument instru-ment worthy of patrenago, both in tho variety of stops and the easy construction construc-tion in taking out the reeds and in keeping keep-ing dust from the reeds, which is a desirable requisite. Jmo. Toixidg, Prof, of Singing and Harmony. The Prince Organ is the bast X hare ever played on for variety of effects and sweetness of tone. , Jos. J- Datnts, 1 " Tabernacle Organist. " Organs with Six Rods, to handsome Black Walnut 0410J, for 913. , 3" Organs fultablo for Churchos,' Schools, HaUi, etc., with Soron fa Lops, for $130., J. DAYSKt) , SON, Agony, dl Salt Lako City, : COMMISSION HOUSE D, B. BEEMER & CO., O moli a. Neb. j THE OYSTER. TRADE 1ms bnon rovolu- . tbionized this ecuun. OinoUa has now becomo tho diatributinit poin: for Lh Uroiit WosU Ualtimore backers now shii directly horo, instead of pa&ting them throURh handa ufChioRgo nj;enti. Jn this iTa4- tbu com mission mis-sion of tho Chicago dealer Is fiwed, and ito sell at Chicago price oxprosi charges added. The AuViSTAiiES to buyers aro tlio.ie, they can buy aj chmly as at ChicMo hsn o-thBir oysters repacked, Kiidtmyj aaj ho . sure of frwh stock and snfo carnage, and bo nearer Lhoir ba of Hupjtlie;. Wo got our Ftock through by express, in about sixty hours from Baltimore, and ico still remains in tho pases. Dealer should bo careful to get this express stock, mthor thun oystorn that aro 'Rtii:HTKD through from Chicago, which takes tlx days to accomplish. A;r. kii.l.i tho flavor of an oyster, and turns the liquor from white -to rt'k, in color. Such oyuters ara as unpalat-ablo unpalat-ablo aa unhealthy. Wo aro solo agents for LCUI.-UITOH iC Co'B b'AMOfti Ska-8!IK uystkrs, for 111 tho country tvot of U in aha, and aro now filling orders for points aa lar treat as Ogdon, Salt Lake City, Corinno, Elko, l'alis-ade, l'alis-ade, and ovon down into the White Pink region. Shaw Bills furnish od andordors filled at short notico, J. h. $ Co. Selects, per Can,10 eta. J. L. $Co. StciJKLarits, ' 00 ets. J. CMs. ets. And vhonorer Baltimoro reduces price, a Curr os ponding reduction will bo made hero. Customers had bottar givo orders lor regular ahii'iuonu so that there will bo no delays. loims, SliUtU'LY Cash. nlii Fencing academy ; AND GYMNASIUM, rticlwds' Buildings, 2d South St. Open for the Winter Season. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY EVEN1NUS, from 7 to 10. Ladies Class for Calisthenics from i to 8 p.m. l'rivato Lessons if dosired. For toruis apply toS.1. Richards, at Xaylor A Culler's tiior, or at the Academy. Hall to Rent. ol) WHY IS IT? THRMAN WnO0;SAKOl'ND HUNT-ing HUNT-ing bargains found out y osier day that LEVI OAItUETT, At his Stand, City Moat Market, noils Meat cheaper Lhan tho Utah UntUo AssoeiatUm. Wh)' liltl nc27 wood: wood:: WE koop consUutly on hand seasoned, cord and store wood, RED PINE, MAPLE, QUAKENAS1, AND COTTONWOOD, For sate cheaper than the cheapest Office and wood yard near V. C. B R- di'ivL jirt wet ol" Mtuplintt works. Special ratus to pnr-chnaorsof pnr-chnaorsof car lots- Wood dolirorwl in any part of the city on short notico- Wo will rent a part of our office on liberal term. ocil NEWMAN CO.. Box 7 74 - notice. ; To the Builders, Painters and Glaziers of Salt Lake, U.L WE HAVE OPENED THE FINEST AND bftst a-wrted si.-ck A Window Ia.-l of all 'iie. thai has ever come to ihis Temt.-ry. and invite all to examine quality and unce? before punrb Mine elsewhere, as wo have bciier facilities for alhnc orders, both larce ajid smsil. th-in any other hou?o in tho 1 crriti'ry. l'latc iiia and riatotilass Mirr, of any diie. framevl and refrained, furnubeil on the ebortoat acUce and at the lowest prices. iilaw cut to any sue, and iahwot :uu shnpe filtrni with Klaj.. which iruarsntee to give ausfactjci. No chireo for cuttmc. Urders front thocountry will receive prompt attention. C. F. CULMER & CO, tFonnerly of DAY A CL"LMER UHOKSUKCK BLOCK, Du7 Scend South Street. r. !.rA.N3. I - slfcWiKI- EVANS Sl STEWART, PRACTICAL Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, EAST SIDE OF EAST IKMPtE MRKKT. Below wnd touih. .VLX LAKE CiTV. (T ISuiKiiar- and StoroJ fittf I u:' CiAS First National Bank SJ -.OF - UTAH, DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AXD FINANCIAL AGBKT'OP THE UNITED STATEii. .'. . T , A . , , . "' ' ' WaXKIH HCSBII i , ' -0. L. DiHLlH, - - President.- - ' Vice Preat. j Axtboit 90DBB. Cashier. Aatharlicd Oapttal, . . V fsUO ,060. -j ' . -. 1 . PAID UP CAPITAL., - 1SO.OOO. EAJIHINGS, fl!3fl,000. . Dividend in 187! r 50 por ennt. Oldest Banking lnstitutim tn Utah. A. Qenertvl Bantxintt Basinesi :! TraiiacCedt j r- .. I AGENCIES "iN . COLORADO AND :": . ' MONTANA COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY . ATTENDED TO, INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME ; DEPOSITS fl6 TOYS! TOYS! I ,- . THE FINEST STOCK Ever Brought to this City,? , Can be found at D. GRENIG'S BAKERY Grocery : Store, At WHOLESALE AND RETAIL' . I : Also th Finwt Stook of A Groceries, -': . ; O , ; Spices, Nuts,' :" Candies, Canned Goods, Etc., Etc., : ; LOW FIGURES AS III uy House In ,;tlic City. CALL FIHST ON, AND YOU'LL HE TO BUY OF, DaxMel ; Gkexig, KASTSIDE EAST! TEMPLE STKEETJ Abo,. Second South StrooC .okHI. . . I . ' : " g 6 I O 5 , .... . M C P4. J ' M g H A -a -I - Ha il e E3 . FAR WEST fEKISHT COi (lead dntrtin, St. Lottie, H DuitA.T &.CUTTIXG, FORWARDING AXD COMMISSION MERCHANTS i AGENTS I ALT LAKE CITT, ITAR. WE re rrerrwl t ccntrct fr ihir cer.U i.--ra U rrv ci the KC oar L-.se a.Ttsd seKiil xra.sceitesU frr the ::d itetiy trar.irrtAii.-a of 11 Freiat roai St- York. B:--.n. BsU.mnre. Ca;c4.-. Lcaii ai- fcil iUJ-.era CiUM. U Sit iie Ciur. We ire oferim extra isctiaeTjU fir tie OfTTC iir WiiHoni. Tint block south of Depot, Ball. Lak. City. DVBJLMT A CCTT1IQ- SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! FILL OTTER SEASON, 187.2. Goods Suitable at Teasdel fc Co's. Rubbers & Cintfi Overshoes at ... VTeasdel &'Co's. Flannels, Linseys& Blankets at "7 Teasdel & Co's. Ladies & Children's Furs at Teasdel & Co's. BREAKFAST SHAW1S, NUBIAS AND HOODS AT .. Teasdel & Co's. SHAWLS, DOUBLE AND SIN-, SIN-, " OLE, AND SCARFS AT I .Teasdel & Co's. GENTS' OVERCOATS, ' OVER-SACKS OVER-SACKS AND TRAVELING v 1 SHAWLS, AT '-J TEASDEL & GO'S. A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK . OF ALL CLASSES OF GENE-.. -R AL MESCH ANDISE AT ,: . TEASDEL & CO S. i AT" PRICES TO ENS DUE SAT-' ISFACTION. .-.t-.:- - -': - tf fi -I.' THE BLEES Sewing . Machine .. . r , . -AT- TEASDEL & CO S, EAGLE IIOXTSH;, OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE. , rx COGSWELL I CO. ' ) . ' " ' JOBBERS OF' - WATCHES, jewelry; 1 And flvorr thing in the Wayjof JEWELERS' . ..SUPPLIES, 306 West Madison St., CHICAGO. solO - (ESTABLISHED IS30.J Win. McCulIy Si Co., ManuTacturon of tha Standard Brands of WINDOW CLASS t 4KD DRUGGISTS GLASSWARE. Make a gpoclnlty of Inreo sttos of Window Glaai, and aii odii siioa out to order. OfDoflB rindaOWooil afreet, Pittsburgh, Fenn. P. S. HavinB the most extensive fr.etorioa in thi country, and makinR a .Rigor lino of good, dealers will find it to their interest to not our quotations before poichasLnc, i2 SUHLIA SIMILIDIS CURAXTIR. HUMPHREY'S HOMEOI'ATmC Sl'LCI i its. HAVE PROVED. FROM THE MOST auulo niarienco, an oniiro succoaa: Mtn-plo Mtn-plo ?rotuiit Klliciont and Kclinblo. 1 uey are tho only medicines iiorfoctly niliirtod to popular use-so simplo that mbtakos cm not be made in using them; bo haimk-se as bo freo from Hanti.T. ah.I ciViout. w bo alwiLja mUuLlo. j. hoy have raised tho high-ost high-ost commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. Nos. t'onta. Cures 1, " FTri, Conftcslion, Inflnumia(inn!-25 2, " Worm, Wurm fever, Worm Oilic.ii 3, " 'r-.-Clicor li.'ulhing of infants -i 4, lirrin;n, of Ohildrtn or AuulH 6, " llyitcntcr y, Crii ins, Hilmus Culic...-i (i " holtm-.ttnrBui., ViniiLiiig -j 7, M I'miRliN. Colds. Bronchitis S, " uril((l, i'ooihac ho, Faecacho...-y, Faecacho...-y, " licailnciica, 6ick 11 oadacho, VertiRo - 2" 10, " Iyiei)"'T Billiouj Slomnch 11, " Nni'l""ci.cil, or I'ninful Periods 14. " W btiti, too I'rcifu.'o lcriods IA, " ("roup. Co'iffh. iitiii.-lt Breath in it llt Nnlt Klieiini. Kr".aii'i;laa,Knii'ii'ins..J.) 15 " itlieuiunl i m, Khoiiimilic l';iins...J 16! " cver .iil Ague.ChiU i'ovor, AjTUea. ST. 17. " PllcB, himd or blcodinR IS " Opix'xny, and aoro or woaJt Eyes 19, ' Cntnrrli, acutoor chronic ltlluonia-.J 3J, " Wltooping-Congh, violent couRhs VI 21, " Aflnnn, opireFFcd Breathing 50 21, 11 tr IHchirgci, iuiiaired bearinB tJ Zi, " SerofuU, enUrod glands, bwcll- 4, " General Dobtii'li". jilijiicai weak I diw H 2i, " tro.B" and ecacty trcliiins jt " Sc-Mt k.n. "ickco's fr .m riding. 27, " Ktl'"-I,l','"'-' iiravel ju J, fIHrToe l-hllitj, (Seminal lnimlnloni, involuntary Discharcw -...100 rive B .ie.. with or.o - vi.l of powder, ven- neceiwiixy in er- ! loas cases.. 5"' " Sore Mointi, banker ,m " I rlnnry Wkinm, wettir.c beiL-V' J'ulnful Period. , nilh ti-aams " f;t ' mnflVrlnK at cbar.o of '.ifc .1M $5, " Kpllrp)"! Spasm, Vitus' Dur.ce l'Ti H, Dipiherli, ulcerated sore Lnroat J FAWlLt CASfcS Of 33 to SO I.arce -rial. in o r ex c o or rax ood ctc, couUlnlni a specific for every ordinary dlnriir it family ! inh)'tt to, anil book. ot dlroctlo, ..frum (10 to -J5 Smller Family and Travel-lug Travel-lug caee, wiUj X t Js viaii. Crymf 3 to S8 Sr-xnfie fr all I'rWnic it-caits, it-caits, t-tb fortorlnt; ad f,r Preventive ireaiBaeti, ii riaj ud Pociietcaaee to 3 Pond's Extract, Cre Bnrna. Brnln, Lamrata, Sort m, bore T liroal, Siri nr. Tool liac lir, ara lr, n i 1 ct . Rhrnmal l.m, l.ilru l irn. PI 1 Il.n I,. Sllnt. Sore l.yen. Hired Ins of the I. mm. i.(, mniiLvh, r or Pllesj i.om, l lcera. Old aoro. Price, A ox. . 50 cent if Pint tl.OO )uart. 91.15. BeTaee r-3iMi5, ejrert PI'ND'S V.X-TR-CT, by is. c lo ,.r fi;.o b .i. are fer.l U. r.y rfa-" ' ie c:z.:ry, r- aa;. or eiirc". f: of ciarpe, ob rtjci; : i.f t-e rr.:o- '.i-drea, '.i-drea, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. f.-eaLd Dei-c,;, No. :y,2 iiOi;-T, nr PuR SALE EY ALL DBL'ii'ilaTs, Aitd at L U sL I. aod uibel U:ut Store, u SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, MDR?HY,GRANT&CO,' lapcrt of Amaric xz& Biiropem gUipie and Fancr DRY &00DS, CAUFOE514, i Call tae aneti . sc-f tie Trade to lhoir IaTi and coapletesHMjk of FALL m WINTER I - DRESS GOODS Wtt?i :h;r are new rweirirs direct from iiropein Minn:a?:urers, eomtrisinx ia part rrtoch aierlnoa Wool Salines, Wool Plaldm, Tiwoco anil German, Irish tad FretscD Popllxat Knprtn CloUia, Tamlaa, black and colored, Velvetoons, . Alpaea, black aad oolerwl, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. , AIM C3- L OVES, Ejd, Bsc.. BctUn (Ladias. Mimm', dast.) Gsnts' Underwear And all kinds of Gsnts' Furnishing Goods. Uoalcry, complete in atHts braachM -Whln tiootls, . , HanrlUerclilcr, S:itrlinS Llmni, (iullta, Thiio Mid oolored Dmnaiks, brown lxm aud bitched, Towels, Htx-k, Duwr, Tarkisa. Manilla nl boyllea, :., Etaq Ets. ,SvlARTN &, CO. Molesale Lipr Bealers,. OS from Kireat, aii- TtsbcUco, ' ' Proprietors of ' ail.I.Efl.'S EX THA OLD BOURBOl .i-. CUTTER'S fXTrA OLD SOUftBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a full. -assortment of, ' ' - all tho . ', ,. ... . ' V v ardtsadufWWtkU,!..' ,,. aTlM Braadl' 1 Foratgn and Doraastlo Wines, m5 - Btttara, Oerdlali, a(LS G RAND HOTEL. On Market, New Maolsoa.au. and Booond Btreeta, ; ,. - . An FnaJaTOisco !ca.Ei. JOHNSON & Co., raopaiEToas. IB ; a-CHLiniTicu.' - viLin Hoor.- a. a. nctrr. m. CHrHiiovicEr oo., importers anrj wholesale dealurs in r 1 K K W 1NB8 A LIQUORS, sou iiisia soa I lESStv, MOOE & CO'S FlNf 0D B0UR30N : i v AND ME WHISKIES.' DIBiar MIOS- 10DUT1L1I, XT. 601 Front St.. BAN FRANCISCO. ar-4 Established in 1851. - C. VENARD, ( .Manufacturer of the I Original Chartres Coffee, And nil kinds of Spices and California Mustard, 625 an 637 Frout Street, between Jackson M.i Paoinc, SAH PRAiCIiiCO. 5 - BOOT5 AND SHOES, ! California Marjufacture, FOR WHOLESALE TKADB, Heaver & lylor, 118 Pront Street. San Francisa. California. al2 1 A. Sanderson, 1-1. Horn, SANDERSON & HORN, ,.J , Ilzfrortera and Jobbers of CIGARS 1D TODiCCO. (Proprietors of La Gnpanola Of gar Factory,) Sole manufacturers of the telcbrc.te 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front JStree. Bat-wean Washington and Clay, SAM FRANCISCO. an4 CHICAGO TRADE. Jas. J. Walworth, (Succo.S'or to Walworth, Furso ,t Go.) iuuul'actut-or and Dcalor in Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings, liCAlhoi- and Rubbor Bolting, Ac, aud 44.1 Lsko Nt,, Chicago, 111. nu28 . . HAMLIN, HALE & CO., WIIOLKSALE DEALERS it DRY GOODS,- NOTIONS, WOOLENS, AND HOS I ER Y, COUNKR Of" MADISON A FRANKLIN HTRtETS, CHICAGO. 1LW TJRl QUOTATIONS ALWAYS fOUOWtB. ol F. & E. JAEGER, T3 Wn tonsil Avenue, nriir Rnndnlpli, CHIGA O-O . ILL., imir.cT mroHTKJLS o" Cr kprj. China, flla-awarc-. Lamp?, L'-okinir Cla'i-j?, Ciiflerv, lirii.mnta and riil . er plated lo'.l-. Th-t hivpt-L Ji-ju.-o in iho W'c-t. dl E'tnl'Iihod William s Miller iOImstead, ( c'ormailj- l-'iich, WilKarai & Co.,) holcalo Dealers in : Hats, Gaps, Fnrs and BnclGDQls, lli'i and 117 MAKKKT STKEET, ! auEH (Ill(iO. 1 PACE, B30. & Co., -.mporters and Dealers in j LEATHER AND FIXDIXCS.I 3 i it- 37 Sonth Canal lrrft, I w. W. Tare. litis ton. " AliO, jujl9 M. D. WELLS & CO., Kanu4tiv.-" of and Wnoleeala Daal ers j In Boot 3 and Siioes, Om Wibuh At.. Chlc.K K.D.H::r. 11. J. MrfHan4. a. Benfrdi:- n13 6. P, Mclntxra. "The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. YJLY. SOHAACK, STEVENSON & RE1D(: Vboleaal DRUGGISTS' and Paint Dealers, rt-,-f rr -'-i rv -;r cw S:irt, 9 tnd 'Jt LAKKKrSKKT, - -r.-.r Desrh-ra S -,r; r. ( 3 f ,ve UI1U-A(K, arr'- w".v.','. j t--- ,4 e-.i.r-.i.x f'.r ir.e -t -.Vl- j. ftc-. lh',T br t,; -: "e. Vt s:- tich muttri-asiad lI6i'viU 'kuod fciTW W TarritrisU IEON & STEEL. SCOTT, DrXHIM & CO., DALZK IX WRICHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, - JLXD ALL KIXB5 OF - MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE A ALL K1M.S OF FIXTIXtiii IDSrVKXAlA MILLS. HABDWAKE, BUKDEX S HOK5E & ilULE SHOES, BELLO"VS, ANVILS. - AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, EUBBERPACK1.NG. aqbsts Foa - Tubbs Rops, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, C, S. Lubricating Oil, A1J- LOW FOB CASH. del MINES FOR SALE. DR. P.U'L GKEvJOKY owns f,nr esUent silver minas within I'rio :nilo ii eii.-h other. (kk1 and and water poj.lit'ul en :xi I of them. The unocs aro rieii. uru rui:r.i::; from 6100 up o t7vW .-or tvn, cn be oL-mined from each of them, iu paving j ie crevice oftho'.iretf.irj- lode is twcr.ty-scroD Icct wide;a strc;iJi of fur u ct w ill run i v i-ern-n. Being desirous of sendinc homo n nice i-n'scut fnLU Utah. 1 will soli an inu-rt in one or all, orsellallat fair ORur. tach h'de crniains LSOJ feet, and the iirer- lode is J-n feet and looks fine, luis lodo i dsnv.ly ui the gulch from tho Ontario o:io li;i!t milo. and the saino ditanco boioit tholloii Land L'do. id Bluo Lodso Mininp district. Waaath County. 1 have just moved mj- cainp to the Wild bill cabin, whore 1 shall bo pleased to show my 'i'hev are eacb now claims end tut liltlo known, and the jcivlousy. 1 nvret lo say, existing ex-isting amt'DRil thysc owninit claims hole, to a great extent, have kept those feekins such propcrtj from eallinp on uie. 1 ask capitlt-tj to come and see. 1 ill show you all X promise PAUL (iliEUOKY, M. D.O Four ia lies from fenydertvill JOHN V. FARWELL i Co., WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, , AND "W OOLENS." Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts", CHICAGO. DUDUI II. BTISLt. BiM'L S. JOHXBOM STEELE il JOHXSOX, TTholesale dealers In Staple ail Fancy GROCERIES LIQUORS, FLOUR AND BACON, .iSaiS. CoLincUlBIuffs.Lla. 1 . 1 Sole Agouti for the Oriental and Duron t Diy2S Powder Comnania.-. $300,000 f MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. tgalized by State Authority and Drawn iu Public iu St. Louis Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. OlsiilH, te t) Drawn Dm. 31, l8?a, 5,880 Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. t prir oftSO.OOOt BOO prif.es of S mo tprita of lS,4ftli Opriaestrf 1,000 1 prre of 10.UOO' Uprlusor BUO T nu of 1,5001 Oprii-B0f UOO ipriresof H.5001 3ft.nosof MOO rfoprirsot l.OOO :0 pn.-s of 1 r.o aOprieflsor BOO lHOpriosol J OO OpriiMof !50 5.00Upn7.-of 10 Tickets, IO. "ar Tlrkeia, t5. Quarters, 64. 50. - Onr lotteries aro rhartcrl hj Itir- Plato, aro always drawn al the lime umiiwl, and nil ilrawmps aro nnder tho superrni n nf "rn coiniii'nii.U'rs. JW The efflcial dntwiD); will In' piil.lilil in tlio 81. bonis pspora, nd copy f draw. us svai lo purchasers of tickets. jt- v. will Or.w a similar scheme the lajrt day of every month dnriiiK lh year lb7 i. 1. Keii.ll at onr n-k t y IMsT OVHCK MONKV OllDKIW, RKG19TKKKD LKTl'KIl, DRAyT or KXrilKffl t-uil fr m-irrnlnr. Address Ad-dress BlUHllAV, H1LLUII . to., PoitOmoeBoxUMO. 8T. LOUIS, Mo. mrV. BCY YOUR OFFICE DESKS 75 Irsl ' ' From Manufaoturors direct, A. H. ANDREWS & Co. 110 A iai West Washington Ml., h'anufactureni of PCHOOL. CUUUC'll HALL and FIXE OFFICE FlRMTtUtE Will ship M1IOOT, PFSHH AJSO SEAT. PFTTFK'I for Chnr'-hw. Hsll" or Mctr'l. t.ffi- lkf and Counter. Fittinefr-n ur SaniarVDIHK'TPK Colorado, or other weFtern M;it? ai.-l i rrn-tr.ries rrn-tr.ries fecuri-s th vrry 1""" frPinlita, and SAVING KKTAri-FhS J'K"r'l1. Bend for illutrat-i CBti-.pe. rienl rree. A HI r esf . A . H . A NT m K Vi S A 1 ! and 121 West WashiUBton street. CliILA0.. ln1f WE GUARANTEE THAT EVERY HOUSEKEEPER Who has ever had one nf (he 7 . .' vv. WILL C iitr.i I LJ.Y UE'.'.'Kl T. HI. I A iilE M'J-I. LiUUABLE, I'liA'.n'.'AL, ):' 'J' COOKING APPARATUS THEY HAVE E VLi.l Adapted to aU Localities TKOsnorrs me Sixth Yeas. I I THE ALDIXE, An lllastralcd Monthly Journal, universally admit led lo b the t tisBiUBiueil Periodical In the World. A Rrprcitniatirs and Champion of Amtrl. can Taate. ! Not for Sale in Book or News Stores. I11K AL1HNS, while issued with all tie "C--.:l:i.-iiy, h( ni'Eo of tie teiaivrary it rrr-.A--.is. it Li a eli-saa: 'aiscclfaiV of I uri-. -wr, ari cras'i;! urature: asd col-Kv::r. col-Kv::r. i ;.-;r. -.he r.iv-: siA-iets w a-:;.-uc jki.l. ;a bla.-k a.i.i ti:te. Alih.'usb ea-2 s,!CceiMrr:;n-'-:ut'cr aa.rd a fe?h :eai JU t. A l.L"l.N ti be u-,w: a, proc:at a:ier j Las Vi-ea V.-urd up a: tie close ol lSo i car. tile otar ijU.iii:jaj icay claim t jpsnor chem iu'-;. i- o, :::i rcd wiin rival.- o: a ni:yi:r e!w. JitL Al.i'i.Ni. l? a usitjoaad oristastl (vn:irrioi; alre ar:d man r i.-hivl aL'-v-iaieo ".'u: oUtietituii:in pnee M chsrac-if." chsrac-if." f-i. -4l?t',''r 111 aI?"";wi;1': Tiiumec OErfravino in any other shape or ci;::: i-n'ui vo.ULa. for It u l uira lis cost :aiid liivit, there arc tile chruiuoa bfUdi,; ART DErABTMEXT. XoiiTiihsuiniinf the isoreve in the rrif'o: SubsciipLijn last rail, when lit K ALl'lNil a.vu:i;,-j ;u urtveni DuMd nrviotUsn- i::4i rep-rvj-i e --I. tracer, lie t-diLioJi a more Usiin Uonbiw dun tic the vast year; ir--r-inf thai tno Auiorican yu blio appracialo, and iv Hi sup.vri, a Muctre ellort in iho cu.-o oi Art. lite rubluber, anioti3 to ju.-li:'y the ready CA'nti denco hui domonftxatod. have exeneu iLem?el os to the utmoM to aevelop and iiui rove uic w-ich; and the plans lor Uie couin.jryc.ir. a. univKied by the monthly ir sin?;, w ill a:onih and uehht cv on the moat sa::h-aina in on ovt of I'll X A 1. 1 1 1 X K. . 1l i-u'ohshers are auttori.ed to announce trom many ol the moat eiuiuoat axtiata . In aadmon. THK ALH1XK will i.roduce examples ex-amples el" Uie berl lo;ei,;n uiaiiers, M'lected una a view to the highest artirtic nfow, and grcitt'st general iDiorfet, atuidtriK snob a have liwme lamiliax, Uirgiuh, pautojphs or copies ol any kind. . J-iio miartuily tinued nlaiee.for 1S73 will re-rrwLice re-rrwLice loLir ofJotinS. 1'a.v ies' inimitable ciniu-sjietoiiae, a4urupnat U the four la-uth. Tlie;e i lauu, appear ilia in Uie issues for January, Jan-uary, April. July, aud fctober, would be alune llio popular loaturco ot a copioujly ilmtra-ed ilmtra-ed "Ltinrtmaa"' number will becvutinued.' I'oi-oMe SJCli a valuable opitoiuu of i ho art Tiirla, at a evst m triiiinKT ill eonttn'aiid the ant -crii'tions oi tbousanas in everv section oi the tviiutxy; but, aa tno useiuluass ami attrac tion-ot nib, ALU1X can bo enhaiioi. in proporuon to the numerical increase oi its Mtp-poru-rs, tiie publtsciajj-i pniiao to mnke "aj-turauco "aj-turauco double ue, by tho lolloainjun-Varalleled lolloainjun-Varalleled oyer of ruEMii.ait.iiKo.nos foris7 3. 1 hVery subaeribor to THK ALPIXK, who pu.vf m adi.uice lor the year 15To, will reoeit e. without additional charge, a patrol beautimi' oil chromoi, alter J.J. ijill, tUo eminent hiig-liti hiig-liti imintcri. 'llio picture, outitJed "Irio Village Ht-ll. and "Crowing iho Aloor." are H x jj inches aro printed trom.j ditferein plates, requiring -Vi imprc-iona and tints to pei.cit each pietura. ilio rama obroiuos are R'ld ItT .Br pair, in the ait Stores, As it ir Uio deterniuiiuion ot its conductor? to kooji '1 UJ1 ALL1 Lis t. oui of Lberoacii oicoiuretitiou in every department, tliu thremos will to toutid crro-pondiiiKly ahead ol auy that ean be ottered by utiier periodical, livery subscriber sub-scriber ill roccn e a cuitiacato, ov er the ttg-nauiro ttg-nauiro oi the pit blihors, iiiuran toeing tliat t lie Cliroiiiosdeln cied.-liall boogual lotiio fauiplw lun:itied tau uorit, or i he tui'ney ill bo re-lunued- Iho UistriOuIion oi ieturos of this grade, freo lo tho subscribers to a ove dollar pci lodical. will mar a u epoch in tho hiMory of Art; and, oouaidorinu the unirocedoniod clio.i.iiess ot iheprieoiur 1 11 h AL.D1 . L itsoll, tliu niarv ul lalb little short ot a miracle, oven to thojo be.-t aciU;tiiilod with tho actnoTO-Luontsil actnoTO-Luontsil lb veil Li to kuoi us and iuiprovixl tiiu-chuiiical tiiu-chuiiical uppliancus. (For illii.-Lraiions of ihoM cbromos, aeo ovuiabar laau Ol TliL ALlilXliJ am: uilraki dliakimi;m will conlimio under the oaro of Mr. KH'IIAKD 1-IKXKV etOliUAhLl, luviMed by iho best writers ami P-oelftul tho diu , who will strive to iiavo llio liteialuro ol HIE ALl'lXl. al-waj-s in kcotlng w ith its artistic aitractioua. TERMS. s3 int- annum, iu advance, wllli Oil I'lirouiu IWe. Til E ALDIXK will, horeartcr, bo obtained only by sulwripiiun- '1 liero will bo no lo-ducod lo-ducod or club rate; cash for mlWrlplions must be tent to tho publisher direct, or handed te t lie lok-al aL,-ent , vt i I lion i re spun I till 11 y lotlic puullxherH. oxcopt m cases where tho cert iticuto if given , bear uig iho lac-si mile sigimturu oi Jamu Shi o A; Co. AUL.VN WiJIlCD, Any person, wijihinp to set rcnnnnonilv as a local agent, wiil receive lull aad prompt in-l'uiiuation in-l'uiiuation by applying lo JAJ1KS BlIIOS 4 Co., lUlllltll(-l t, BS MAIIsKX LANK, X KIT TOItU. , .. , , ; nor 14 ANTI-DYHPEPT1C, oi .COMPOUND BONE-SET PILL.8 Llome-mado and paroly vegetable, Thc rctieva Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Indiges-tion. Llvor Complaint, Deadaohe. Loss ol Appetite and Koul Stomach, will break up Colds, Foyers, Coughs, and Parifj tho alood. They will Cleanse the Stomach. Hen or ate the System, and dispel Dlsrasa. Are good in all oaa where Physio Is needed. Trj- a bos. You will like them, and never want any other sort, They arc Tonic, Cathartic and Kxpee-torant Tweaty-fivecsnLs per box Twenty-Ste PlUsV Warranted to gii laUafeoUon. J. K. JUlinsuN, St. Oaora-a, Uta And sold at ilea's Co-operative Ftr r u4 by othrr agonta throughout the Ternioiy. also sold at wholopale or fnmlsheu on commission com-mission to responsible agents. If these tned-loln tned-loln are not kept at your store, ask yoor varobagt ts odar them at oaoa. LIDDELL & BROW AUCTIOS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS For tt fale of all kinds of Merchandise, Honsehold tiood s .3 Stock, etc., A Uo fir i.lrain. Frails. Butter, Pcltt. Ac-Bonds Ac-Bonds tepoalted with the City Tranrer'to iccurt Conslgnore. COXSWNMtXTS SOLICTTKD And Liberal CASH ADVAXm MADE. SIVRAtiK AMl'LE. i Country Auction Sale promptly attended a.' at reASonat-le rates. East Temple Strer(, few door BOtlh of Toft Oflice. ti. W. GEE, Auctioneer, I hot :t Salt Lake City. Tavlor & Cutler, iInve;;ijV-; i n UiClJi. r big M of Charter Oak STOVES; Alio keep a Full 6to.-k ot DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, ETC. Under Taylor's Hotel, EAST TEMPLE 8TREET. aoM GRAVES & CO., Wholesale and Retail GROCERY And Trovisiou Dealers, CROESBECK BLOCK, Sonond South Street, Salt Laki Citv. WHITE LEAD) 170 . 172 RANDOLPH KTItKKT, Oder Ri'eclsl induemnentji In large liursr and Lhe Jobbing Tradu of Utah Territory. iylo Diimon, Templo & Co. Importer, Manufsoturers and Jubberi of NEOK-TIEB fAnd all Goods for GENT'S NKUK WEAR, LINEN AND PAPKR; COLLARS AND CUFFS. , LU and US Wabash Ave. JyS CIUUAOO, Hie, DUfyFOJRDSONS. LADIES' AxM) CIIILUKKaVS AT COST! DURING THE HOLIDAYS. Hictx-s:0 Assortment. (iv is your time! mil GROCERY DEP"1 Z. C. JVL. 1. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL (iroceiies, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. 7e do net throw out &lj EalU by A:'.irtiiiDg a few Leaiics Articles at Low Prices. ALL OTjn GOODS 0E DKALKK8 15 THK HraTLKMKNTa A.N0 MINLNO I0WN8 WI1J. YIND IT TO THEIR 1NTKKE8T TO CAM, ! AND KNQUIHK I'P.ICKS BKFOEB I PUKCHASINO. . 1 an n. . clawiui Iopuibmm.. |