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Show a. w. white;, co. BU V AND SELL STOCKS COf COMMISSION Wlt.L PR S'LP. ON WH'NK-iUAY . i( nel, at 11 a.m.. ihe I I UN TCHK in Uijiiao So. n Liltle .- Kev, koh4 S, 'h , "n Purler Srt in Cre-n He,.. Pmler ,. Pel in 11 recti K o ime K-.v r).et. y.!-; t-. ',-i mv,. Mnmis ami l"ie: Ue,. Curtail)-., nidi lWtnei; ne K-ii'iiMit K-ii'iiMit I'm I..1.1,- ; ru,,.t iti 1' ih.ik H. h.i:.mx limnn.air; Ci -,-k.r are..-, 'm l-l.-le t-r h.-u-fk.-e!.,!-; U..n rt, Plaiod wine; lMvh,-.m .Vi,. S.-lu-, 1 kinE (Hum,.-, 1 li-tii: tn0 CeukiiK- Sine, c.Miu'L-ie-kit.-hon Kmmhirr; dl I'.iiniuu-, Cln-i'm,.-' I. at.H-. I'd Ii..r. I'hiKl', Mnhoujuy K.,. s.. al .uul iMhiuom; t oh e Kallall-'ni-M.M-d rio-OMe-, i-ul ui lor liuuilj Ue; leu lu-Mi 1 Vtaiucb, A vi,, iC, j SPECIAL ADVERTISE!! EXTS WASTED. A SMALL UOl'SK WITH TWo, THRKE ir Kiur U'xiuia, at n roai-jnablo rn'm' AJ Jrc-j tiui VH Cilr Pu-lwffictj. di "I E., TbfA.MS TO II AI L CHARCOAL'. JL Ajiplj imuftdiatoly ut 1'j.J KiuKall block. H'i)j lost! BETWKEV THE WAI.KKR HOUSE AND Camp ilriuglaj, on Tutwdiiy, a lady'o Fur CulUr. 1 ha Under n ill boliuorally rowftidt-d by leaving muio at t'irit National Look. ao-Jj TTTHTLE RETUKNINU FflUM WARM ' r-jirinjt Lake, a Lady's J-kato, No. t, Shirloj'n iialenL Tho finder will coaler x favor and bo ruwarded by ioiivLng it t liodhs A C's Wholesolo LiUur Siore. nu.T FOB SALE. OEVENTV-KIVE WELL BROKE Ml'I.KS. Also Harness cwmi-luto fur rai-h Team At tho Salt Lake Siablo, by Cm-tain Ed. Patrick. del OR RENT, A NEWLY-BUILT BRICK Houjo, containinjc ten Rood, ircll-fur-ni-ihed Kootui, two cellar, and conroni'-sit Oulbouias. Ai-plj skt lou uOicc; or J. A., li-t 171, 1'. O. niil FOR KEJiT. THREB TfEW ROOMS AND A Bt'T-tcry, Bt'T-tcry, hair a block Irotu. Main street. Ai'i'ly at 11 ik alii otik-a. c; A HOUSE IS LITTLE'S BLOCK. Ai-ily to J. T. Litllo- no AN ELIGIBLY SITUATED HOUSE.TWO block.- frum Main trceu Enquire ol Lr U . t Anderson, mh H'nrd. n-yj-i DR. GROVES, Offio, Saooad Sooth ttreet, Thr doors nut of Great W esters Hotel half a blook east of Elephant Store, Salt Lake Oily OH fram t i.a. u 1 p,K. aji Delinquent Sale Notice. EMERALD JULL MIXING COMPANY. Loco t inn of Works: Salt Lake cuimtj. Utah Territory. Notice. Thero are delinijaont upon tho following dun-ribed Stock, mi account of aMossmunt lovled on the 17th day ot October, 1K7J, the seveial amounts set opposite the nam 03 of Lho icdjiocUva haiuhuldora us follows: Tlio. of I So". Names. Cer- Shares. Amount. I tifieato I I U-B.llawkin, Ifl lt-7 j j?jo And in acordaneo with law, and an order of tho Board of Irustoos, made oo tbe lth dav of Octobor. 1.2, so many .-hare.- of cch i reel of ?aid Sto:k as may bo necessary, will be fold at imblic auction, by John Middlei-m k Son, at No. 310. Montgomery -street, .an Francisco. Fran-cisco. California, oo the 17th day of Decomber. 1S7J, at the hoar of one o'clock j-.ui-, of said day. to ray said Delinquent Assessment thereon, there-on, lotclher with costs of Advertising and ei-ponsei ei-ponsei of sale.-. . F.MADUE, Secretary. Office, Xo Mrrchaota'Kxchance, C-alifor-nia-rtrect, San Francisco, California. n3U W. B. CLAPP & CO., Manufacturing Jewelers, m d iMrosTEKS or Watches ami Fancy Goodi, 69 WEST WASHINGTON STREET, n rc AGO. Prices always the Lowest octlJ SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Lindenberger & Burke. COMMISSION "T ' ' ' A!fD itotibg merchants;: SOLE AGEjVTS or TE Willamette Woolen Mills of SaUm, Oregon, SToa. 34 A. 30 SA.SOME STBKLT, SAX FB AX CISCO, 1'AL. Blankets. Flannels, Cassimeres, REDVi- PKlCfc LIST. Wearenow prepared to fmnish to tho trade at greatly roducod prices all tho gwds mads by the M'iHanccio Mills, ofSnleui, Oregon. Blankcu, all grades and colors; Flannels, all colors, red, whito, grey; Cassimeros, all grades and styles; Heavy Waterproof; Heavy red. white and prey U. S. 4 Irawor$, Teamsters' heavy plaid Flannel Overshirla", Teamsters' heavy grey Flannel Overahiru; Casaimerc QverinirtS. etc, etc-, etc. us. Orders for all kinds of tjoods solicited, For oale at Low Kaici by LINDFNBFKtlFR A BURKE, Nos, 3S and A) San some Street, oil - S F'rascisco, Cau : : A. J. GRIFFITH, DnIh to Sfc2JS U kind of PIOKIiXD k BMOKSD SALMON AND HERRINGS, IB! Waiklaf toa Strttt All kinds of Dried, Smoked and PtckM PH OonclAnUy on hand. J PARSER, WATTSON & CO.' (Saocesson U Weil k Co.J Importer aimd K&n affective re of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 md 225 Front eU, oor. Sacramento. a5 SAS FB.AJI CISCO, CA1 HECHT, BRO'S 4 Co. BOOTS, SUOKsli LEATHER 104104 taMMM.l&iNjandMa) And (i Jt 12 Pearl St,, Boston. BUCKUfQHAJf A HECHT, Maanbctarvra of the "UTKA IflAUTT' UUTtMlA WHAM SHMI. 11 Ila mess Saddlery, Leather. j. a jo hns ox oo., 10A S- 100 Front Street, SAS FRANCISCO. JfeVr by prmitrion to Jfr, 21. B Ctate-, Ctate-, $MjiruUcHiiU oflbc Z. C. -M. i. oLi JESIA PUSHED 1SX. Importers of lean, Eaat India goods and gencrttl groceries, . IHS ami 2td Front Street, San Francisco. 0'26 S. L. Staalej, c. a Chapman, John S nuance. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Saooessora to H. Webster A Co. aud J. Jt J. 3 protect. Importer? and Dealer ia WINES AND LIQUORS, tlO 410 FROM KTKKLT.- E. A. FARGO & CO., Importer! tad Jobber of Brandies, Wines and. Lips, 310 Frotat 9t.t oor. Comm.rtl.li D.l.KK. ' l PAN FRANCISCO J. BAUM A CO., , lupcrtvrt mod HuiuutctDrer of MEN'S! BOYS' CLOTHING. Sa Ituiome (., Bah Franclaco. No 18 Warren 8L. New York. Furimeemcn, Attention. A i Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. in tauTi nE thi OOl.Ukl CITT KlltlC HKU'Hi WM.'Ure'wHtl If net |