OCR Text |
Show "AilvortiMriK is the Oil which wiie toon pu in ihoir Lnmr. Muuktui 1'kovkbd. L P. FISHER, ADVERT IS I NG A M 1 T, Ix'coiiu 2 i 21 Merchant k'"" e CAUVOR.NIA STBKET. SAN FRANCISO, S.'li'ita Advorli.eracnia and Subecripttona rLr iho Salt Lake Daily and Sonii-Weokly Sonii-Weokly Herald liii f.jr papers published in California. Oro-k.'ti Oro-k.'ti anil Noviidu: Wwhinctuo. V'taii, Kl.kho. M.-ntiuia, Colorado. Arifn aiii aacont lorni'Tii"- SiinUwKh IclinJ. tlio bn- h Moxicao Vort. icartsua. l'ana-iii.i l'ana-iii.i Viili'uraiJO. .1 srn a"1 Chima; Now Zi-ii-lend nml tbo uttraliu ovlooiee, he Atlantic fctitlce and Eurovot ADVERTISED Q Has v"rcatd many a new eofiews; Um ualarirrd many an eld bus; new; J rovivod many ft dull bu.'icw; jl i roioutvi mny a lrt businew: Kavod many a fkilinx bujinw; Una (Mntl oiasy a larfti biuinoJ?; And imuxot mtxeea is any buaiacsi- Z'HH ARn'5 SECRET. Stephen tltrard i.-d ir in his old Ajro: "I hare alwayj i". ntdi-risl di'oriiinii libmrully and lona t" be thu aro.tt iii.'dniin ut'fucvi-As in bu-inw,.iid thu i roludo in wciilth. And 1 oaro made it an inv.irUMo ml' to advertiio it) iho dullwt timos us will a." llio bu.-nwt, lottK oiporionce havine taueht :uo lluit monoy thu pcot is woll Uid iml.aj or (-..ntiiiiiiillv kcerma tuy baiinwss before ttio public it b-w :urd many tales thailylhor-ninv thailylhor-ninv ivoulJ iiavo UfL" Advertise your Dnslne.s. lit' ji yunmaint before t lie Public. Jtidlrlons Advertising ulli Insure Kortnnr. If Uualncas la Dull, Advevtl.f. , . ."(ixlncsa la UrlaU, Ailvertlso. i Ain-.' ! ni10 didn't boltuvo in advor- ! Uoi ot, or to fate liarl,nersliip with tha NOTARIES PUBLIC. WJt. . OILLKPIfc w. W. W00B8 GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, ASD SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Accsowledgtmistb taken for tii lereral Statbu ai Ixaaiioiut. (jflice hours. 9 i, ii., to 9 P. it. ttoon N. 5 ever rust Natiooai Bank, fall Like City, L'uh Teiritory. 5 J a. W. Suiiioam. ChaA, A. Gould. STAINBUEN & GOULD, NOTARIESPUBL1C, Searchers of Records, oorr'vsi-K-A.iM-osinam, AID COMMISSIONERS OF DEXDS FOB New Tork, Maasachuietti, Penn'jlTania, Ohio, iHinQic Iowa. Nebruxa. Wyon-iae, Wyon-iae, Montnna, Nevada. California, Oregon. Texas, Colorado, District oi Columbia and otner Sutet And Territories. " Applications for P stints, Ulninx Deeds. A(reemenu and Bonds tor teeda, ilor-iKaBOS, Powers of Attorney, Lease. Contruiu and other Instruments of writLni drwn with aoenreflT and dispatch. ff. I it I it a; and other Companies In. orporavtad aaasr the Lwi of Utah. Abstract! of Titles to Mining and other property made in the moat oomplete form. Mining property cxsmlntd and reported re-ported on. Orrioi at BEID8 BUILDINO. EAST TEMPLE ST., bALT LAKE CIIY. U. T. A Notary Public always in the Office from 9 a-m. to 9 p,m. Transcripts furnished from the first Mlninr Records in the County of Salt Lake, to wit; those of the Mountain Lake Hinlns; District (now Big and Little Cottonwood Districts), and from thor of the Big Cottonwood Mining Min-ing Distrlot. my21 CHA8, W. HTAYNKIi, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified aud commissioned by the Qnvernor. Office Jst door south of Sayage'a Photorraph Ontlury, Suit Lake City. mil HEW YORK TRADE. L. M. BATES & CO., 41 4KB Broadway, NEW TORK, IMFQETXB IBTS JOaBXaf IH Fancy Dry Goods, H0SISKY, WHITS 600DS, WOOLEKS, SHAWLS, YANKEE N01I0NS, &c J. H. HDLGKR. Jol Cochran, McLean & Co. Iinportan and Jobbers of DRY GOODS, White Uooda, Hosiery, Notions, Woolens, Linens, Embroideries and 4S2, 401 and m BROADWAY, b. n. c. wuiQUT. KKW YORK. juyJJ - JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in FUR AJVD WOOL HATS, Straw Goods, Umbrella (6c, ' So. 408, D roadway i NEW YORK. Jo. Jim Linn,. jr. J 1 BENEDICT, HULL & Co: Manufacturers and Wholesale Deal era Ln BOOTS AND SHOES 134 aud 138 Grand St.) New York, Corner Creeby, one block east of Broadwa dl4 THOS. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' and Children'! CLOTHINa, AT WHOLESALE, 313 Av 311 llrosdwsy, Mew York. J. 1. OUWLiS. W RICE, GOODWIN, WALKER & CO., IiniwLon ud Jobbers of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, ili'yi, ITS and Broadway NBW YORK: W. G. BAIUn'EY. J2 HOWLAND & ASP1NWALL, 54 Sonth Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Will adv.nce II bar ully on con.lstw-mciita con.lstw-mciita of Or. and Bullion. Dnlllon purchased at b.ta;rieat market rales. aTT MORE ARRIVALS. 1fS Differoiit Sizes and stS Styles of ID OORS. Different Sizes of WINDOW S . Tlic most complete Slock ever brouslit to I'tahJ A T LITniER.TAYLOR & CO'S LUMBER YARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, One block west of the Tabor naolo. T I VT1MK11. at- rVI-0M HOTELS, ETC. SADDLE ROCK RESTAURANT. Freah, Shell and Keg Oysters rece'iyed daily, fresh Fish, Game, Fruits aod Vegetables from ! all parts of the i World. LADIES SUPPER ROOMS ! Fitted up eiprciily fur ladies axd pcntlemen in a 6tyleuneselled hv any estab-liahmenton estab-liahmenton the Pacific Coast. OPEN NIGHT AND DAY. PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES, " ONE DOOR SOUTH OF WELLS, 'ABtiO CO JS. HENRY WAGNER, Proprietor. novl2 TAYLOK'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLiSS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. myU New Cflinercial Lsifii Rooms, 46, Commercial St., Salt Laka City. C. W. TAMPAN, Proprietor. OPEN A l7TT NIGHT- Sprlnaj Beds, 39, 3TU and 50 eta. per NlgUtt 1. SO to 93.00 per JVtsk. SlKKle Rooms, SO and 75c, per Night) f J.00 to ll.SO per Week. Double Rooms, 91.00 to 91.00 per Nig lit. ola GREAT WESTERN 110TEL ON THE KUK.OFKAJI PLAN. Situated in business part of the city, with aooeoimodation for 2X) guests. FIRST-CLASS aooommodaUon for Familie and Travelers. Rooma, 50t3.f7c, 91.00 and 91.50 per day. Dinlnc Hall and Restaurant under the management of M. II. Beardsley. late of the 41 orris on House. Omiha, and liohnor i House. Linooln. Neb. Board per week, 9T Heals, 9 0c. I FRKEOMNLWUSTOHOTJiL. I Stages leave daily for the mines. ' Laundry connected with the hotel. i SMITH BIGAZE, mjl7 Pronrletor. AMERICAN HOTEL, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Term 44.50 per day, iWeehly Bonrdand itoom, 13,U0 to 91j-0( Table Board, s)8 00. A fow First Class famvlios enn find pleasant qUSaltLakoCtt7, Novombor CT'1T2. J. (J. LI1TLK, no'il Proprietor. '" WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, - . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 'plIIS HOUSE IS THE LARUlvST AND A bust appointed llouao in Utah Territory, and hiu aecomiuedalion for throo bundrod and fifty KiiosU. Strcot cars u.ndcarrinROJi connected connect-ed with iheWhito 6ult bur Unths. Koiidmjt Uooms, containintc papers from all points, i Baths, Bar, Toiccraph, Noffi and CigaxtjUind attachod to Lho Uouso. ii. S. GREELEY, A CO., nov2l - l'ropriiitora. i TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OP UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. ThU House Is centrally and pleasantly lo-oated. lo-oated. well furnished, and has aooomimoda-Uoaa aooomimoda-Uoaa for 10 auesU. THS PROPRLSTOR U now preparing 0 build large additions to his Hotel, whith when anished, will renJ-er it the Mott Complete EitablUhmenl In the ROCK? MOrMAIS REGION ir.11 1UOJN & COAL. BEO ROCKS OP NATIONAL IV EA LT IT . Iron and Cool. Capitalists caU on mo, I own 1L 1 will divide Address, M. BLA1K, slO I. "J. ilox 180, Salt Lake City. WANTKD, JZOOO CASH. FOR ONE Year. Will dirido the finost mining Interest in Utah for the uso of the money- Addrc, Se M. BLAIR, Salt Lako CiO-,P. 0. Box ltM. WM. LANAHAN & SON, I DIST1LLIHS AND JOBUEHS OF RYE WHISKEYS, Ware he nee No. 90 Light Street. BALTIMORE. TO JHIiVEKS. l.-E WILL 1TRCH APE. OR FI HNISH W Capital to develop really good prospect- or minw. fnhioct to llio approval ot our lu Agonl. Addri-ss, in confidence, giving c'm- rTol.d.,..u.jfrur;.,jri,jis 0VU lWBrlay. BICKER'S Little Was her, THE BE T N0 CHEAPEST IX Till: MARKET, Only 7.00. J, Q. COLTRIN, Agent, Srewroans. ltra Ward Co-oparatira Store. arJ?''.--"" aa At P. PIJ' Tannery, lrtk Ward. A 1ST- ASSAY APPARATUS j FOR SALE, 1 EYV AM) f051l".ETE COST S I -i : h in riin. vpKi.riii a. , V O 1 1 si -1 C J.VO. W. S-NELL, 1 iiiao sioas. MEDICAL. ; EW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage," for the DebUltatcdNerveiuSrtm. DEL. JORDAN, of the Anatomical Museum, Si; Mont .;..mery street, (near California,) EA5 I FSANOIOO, California, hu peL-lished fcnr of hli mutt laiportant and instructive Lectured, in a neat lulmue, for OioSts wbo cannot attend Uia Lectares at the M cieum. Brery unmarried mill married rein ah odd read end study these important Lecture Lec-ture fur ike ixd of liimielf aaJ cCspnng. By aJdreiainp the secrotary of the An&(om!ca Mm am. ban Praucboe, and enclosing Twenty-Fit Twenty-Fit Cnia in poit&fre a tamps to pay postage, the Bvok will Le Curwardod u any part ol the dtates or Temtcries. Dr. Jordan can be consulted by letter. jo Dr. J. P, P. YAH EEKBERGH, From Prussia. EXTERMINATOR , Late of San Francisco, Cal. Remarkable Curei This ii to certify that my wife. Hulda Pork, had been afflicted lor tho last eight years with chronic Dysentery, with rain in herstcinach, back.siduj, and severe hoadachoj in tact sho wad never froo Lrum pain and miseries. She 1 doctored a great deal with the beit doctors we 1 could hear of, and I am sorry to ay without any relief. VVe heard of many euros which iir. J. 1J- i. VanDoobergh had peri'urnied in and about Salt Lako City, which induced us to consult him; and the Doctor at once tuld us that all hor complaints and tuiaoriuj were caused by ivurms. So sho coaimonced taking his- medicine on the 17th of August, andiinco ' that time all pains and excessive Chronic Dysentery are cured, and in fact aho considers horsolt' a woll woman onco more. , Tii UilAS U. PARK. Uid X mark. , Cestkeyillb Wakd, Utah, September '6a, 1672. Over 1,000 'Worms Expelled front Mrs. Bis by. Sly gratitudo compels me to make the fbl-lowiDg fbl-lowiDg statement: I had boon atHictud lor I many years with a complaint in my atotnach. Thinking 1 wad iroublod with vumi, 1 consulted con-sulted Dr. J. 1'. 1'. Van DenbortQ. Ho continued con-tinued my belief, and, strango to say, ho gave my only hvoofhis Worm fowdursand in live huuxs I was relieved of over l.iKJO iieculiar looking worms, and indeed I feel like another woman onco muie. MATILDA M. BISBT. Salt Lako City, Sopt. id. io7i We, tho nndorsignod, will testify that we ' were present during tho ttiuo tho above worms vmavd- . .. . MARY BOOTH, ! Mrs. R. L. BEAltDMAX, 11. A. FERUUSUiS. Five Ilundred Wormi Expelled from a Cbild only two years old by Dr. J. I, r. Ysu Denbergli'a Moris Sjrup. I think it my duty to state tho following facts: My child, only twenty uiontns old, had been sick lor some lime and wasted away to a mere skulelun, trying many remedies without any rehoi'. Thinking the child had worm3 lod mo to buy a boltio of Dr. J . 1 1 Van Donbergb's Wurin iiyrup, and aftor griving the Syrup, over jjo worms passed away from the child. Sinco then the Chronic Diarrhiva and theother coni-p coni-p I mnta are cured. TtianlL liuavunl iny dear child is well onco more. Mrs. M. A. 0 FARRELL, Second South Street, half-a-block irom tho , (Juuri lioufio, Salt Lako City, U. I. Letter lrom W. E. Homer, Ilcber City, Waintcli, Ulab, September ft, Dk. J. P. P. Vas Dkbbkrgh: I think it to bo a public benelit and gratitude grati-tude towards you cumpols mo to make tho lolloping lol-loping staiomont: 1 have been Buffering lor many years with a constant Browing pain and a quivering sensation iu uiy chosL and heart; my food would not digest, and a constant nasty, tough and ropy phlegm in my mouth and throat. I was so nervous that with diin-culty diin-culty i could got around; in fact, iroin the constant con-stant pain and misery 1 had wasted away to a niero skeleton. 1 had been doctoring a great deal wiLtiuut any bono lit, and buiiered thut death only could rolease mo iroin all my sutlur-incs. sutlur-incs. Seeing aomo friends who had received groat bonolilfrouiDr. J.i'. P. Van UonbLTgh's modical treatment, induced me to consult him. Ho slated that! was troubled with worms, and said 1 was curable. 1 took his modtcino lor a month, and 1 must say all my pains and uiuones havo left mo. .My bowels arc regular, regu-lar, and I feel onco moro as il I could live twenty or thirty yoars longer in tho enjoyment of the greatest ot blessings, which is good health. 1 would further say my ago is sixiy-tiveyoars. sixiy-tiveyoars. Wm. Ji. HURiNLlt-j Curd from Judge Frier, ot l'olk tj-uuty. Dr. J. P. P. Vaj Dobtuiin: Dkar Sii: I tako pleasure in thanking you publicly for lho restoration ol my hoalih atler nineteen years of groat sullonng mentally men-tally and bodily. I doclorod a great deal; wus afllicted with almo;t every imaninablo miLn and despaired ol seeing a well day again. Whoa i came to see you atSalom, you said you would remove tho causo ol niuoteoo years' sulfering in flvo hours, 1 could hardly beliovo it, but aftor taking tho live tastoiess powders you gave uio, about 'JUU worms passed lrom mo, and now, lourtoen days attunvarda, I leal like anotucr man, and am able to lollow my businosd without pain or inconvenioneo. I ruuiaia, loura respeccrully, A. H. FRIER- Bothol, Pulk oounty, October iu, itnL . oeaU JOSLl'U OOHJJNSUI, OIVIL ENGINEER. U. S. MINERAL AND DEPUTY SUR- i VEVUH FOR UTAH, Office: First South Stroot, nearly opposite; St. Mark's Church. soi HENRY WACENER, Salt Lake City, Ttab. CALIFORNIA BREWERY, LAGER BEER. ALE ASD POKTEJt, WHOLESALE ASD BKTAH-, SEC0SD30UTU STREET, throo doors east Elephant Store ocCJ Auction & Commission Merchant jrxn.atrr south mrrsmrr, West of Kimball - Iwrencc'l, SALT LAKE CITY. Liberal cash adrancos made on consignments. consign-ments. A SPLEXDID C1IAXCE TO BUY FLOUR 'IlEL NBtHIliNrJD UA FUR t ALE 1,500 Sacks OF CHOICE FLOCK. Various Brands which he will sell to FAMILIES and others in lots to suit at WHOLESALE FIGURES. Now is the timo for Families aod others to CLUB TOGETHER and get their year's supply CHEAP. XOTIt K -AH FLO UK, GKA1N & GROCERIES ' E'A'iiHT my re Je.i.ercd I'RCC t" Ar.y-rt"::hLity. WHEAT. Ac For Sle." GEORGE 11. RNOM'LDEX. Grain Dealer, West side Main Sircet, OfPOsi" Wciis, 1'irgo it'o'a ooc Notice of Assessment. TITF.LMM.TOX Hiiilug nndgmclt- V Iuk Couipuuy Luxation ot Works, Little Cotioriirnnd C.iayon. Utah. Xuiico is hereby civea, that at a mootinc or lho Hoard oi'Xnmtjes of paid Company, hold on tho 1-ih day November, an asse.-i- mcn; Ku. 1. often ccts per vhsro was levied upon tho capital stock of said company, payable paya-ble immediately in I'nitod States suld M'in.to the Sccretarv. IL Woccncr, No- 411 CaLiiornia Street. San Francisco. California. Any stock ui-on which mid assessment shall reiiiitin iinj uid on the 17th day of December, 1ST.', shall bo deemed delinquent, and will bo duly adveitised for sale, at public aoction, and unless pa lui'nt shall be made before will bo vd on Tue-diiy, the Tth day of January, JS7X, tx) pay the dolinnuent a;osfiuont. tocether with coeLi of advertising and ejenscs ol sala. By order of the Board of IVn.-toes, K- WKiJKXEH, Secrotary. OiTieo ill Onlifprxla Street, San Francisco, Caluornia. . . ..... nlu DES MOINES Scale Company I 1 F. H. WEST, Pprosident. tp , S. I'. SPOFFORD, VicrP't. i GEO. A.JEWETT.Socr-y. bgiSP&i W' RED1IEAD'Troa5U,,or-S.-.gL 3. S. HITCHCOCK, Sup'U . WM. DICKERSOX, General Agont. 1 Wo are msnufacturinc. and can fill orders on short notice, tho following: Hay, Coal ail Stoct Scales!, RAILROAD, Warehouse & Counter Scales. W II EAT Oil HOPPER SCALES! FLOUR. AND BUTCHKltS' JB KAJll. Bngfragc and Wsrtlionic Trucks. Every article warranted durablorand acourato. SCALES Oli1 ALL KLNDSIKEPAIRBD. Address, for Circular., DKS MOISBS SCALE CO., uo Doe Moinos Iowa. 10 H ft c ' g2 0 LUMBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS. SUINGLKS, LATHS, T. R. JONES Half-hloa -ncj th ( U. C. Denot. IMPERIAL. Having, concluded armngcmenLg with the largest Refinery in the east to man-uiiioturc man-uiiioturc for us a special quality of CARBON OIL for eur trade We hereby irivc notica that we now have fur sale the IMPERIAL CARBOX OIL, Which is far superior in quality and safety to any ever offered in this market. It is water white and stands lix)" fire tesL Wo recommend it to those that want & Good Quality of Illuminating Oil. CALL AD EXAMINE. E. REESE & CO,, 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. j?.- UYSIERS! OYSTERS! OBEY fc Co. Io.-i'r. -"'taf jiey Cv-, Lvii tit 77. MISCELLANEOUS. W.T.RETN'OLTiS k CO., E-RZAFXIJlvlK. San Fjancisco. Sal; Liie c.y. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE.' i i ZABRISKIE i CO. ! HATX IOB SAKI A FIXE L1SK OVj ' WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they oall the attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLS AtitiNTS F0K3 "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES.. THE FINEST IB .A. IR, IN THE CITY OONNEOTED VTTU THE HOUSE. 64 MAIS" STREET" Two doors south of Wells, Fargo a Co'i Bsai. msb City Gas Works. The undersigned is now opening up ho largest and meat complete stock and assortment of Ga fixings ever brought to the western country. Store 42 Main stroot, third door north of Deeeret F.ank. Qilt, Bronze, and all tho latest styles of Uh&ndelieri, Brackets and drop lights of every pattern to suit tho purchaser. Have now on hand and will continue to keep the largest stock of Gas and Steam pipes to be found in Utah or on the Pa-cine Pa-cine Coast, and am now prepared to contract for the pipingof houses, otlicos, buildings and dwellings generally at rates that will defy competition. Over 60,000 feet of gas piping now on hand and am receiving it daily. My Gas Fittings and Fixtures will be supplied to the inhabitants of Salt Lake City at tke lowest possible rates. 1 alee keep on hand a full and cum-plete cum-plete assortment of tho latost improved pumps for mining and domosLic use. The Celebrated Knowles Steam Tump with boiler connections complete always on hand. All work connected with I'timjis and Plumbing of every doscnjitiuii, and with done with dispatch. B. LYUJiSS, 42 Main Street, Three Doors North of Deserot Bank, Offico of Salt Lako City Gas Company. jn5 To whom it may concern, WE, the undsrrtie'l. claim and oim twalvo hundred i2) Iset, includins Sob. two U) and three (:'.), in the Tnu ludo. Id Little Lottonwood ennyon, nd hold the lame by deeds from the original lorston; and have complied with the laws of tho district dis-trict In every rcMiaot- And wo horeby caution all psriODS not to trade, bay or barter for said olaiiui, witfiooi oar oonsont- C. H. BA8SETT, nniclrstors ol the I.IVINS, I its of Anthony lviai deceased. ISKAKL IVINS. Rail La 1ft. 18 HENDRIEBRO'S 33 MAIS STRaCKT, SALT LAKK CITY, M an nfio torsi California and Eastern STAMP MILLS, Contract" taken for the crtj'-n o: STAMP MILLS AND S.MK1J-LNO S.MK1J-LNO FUKNACKd COM PLKTE in any of the Mining .Districts. wc m ail n factors the Tsrnpy Whtl-r Tans. Patrtit Prrnr'l Hhon anil Vtr. Ptuntgum .nl(li, and ttoa Mac binary c.rmplclc foi STAMP MILL9 -aB- REDUCTION WORKS ef wb'sh we make a 't-eciiltT ad saaraL Ve-satisfaction Ve-satisfaction in ui casaf, Hazafactnrs BoIlholT's Rail Pulverizer FOR DRVCRCSI1ISO, WU1 do the work of 1 Stamr-i. Prise. Manufsctttre.n' AnivU Ijr thebilroi Kmrtrriinl SS, Knot Blown, Krlf aCm'ron lnm I'-nnjiS. UolttlnK I'ortabla aad MatJonarj Kniclnft. Wl t tl il.l I nar nnjt, 'f;- r. -i fc'.viA Tnnnsl Kail I rnn, ; ,,, i. it, J t.r. U, lb r s : . Iron Plp Tut anrt 'alr, timtr at Illakt Ore ( tusli-n, Hlnlnc; Tarsancl Imn llmkcli, ArRtlle Virt Brlik.and j Bluing o (.piles. IKBTIHATF an') DP.'.WIV'H faiuiih I J'jA ALL UL& WOiiK.. aiO j MISCELLANEOUS. MONEY! The best ad chespsst asiortmcnt of CONCERTINAS, ACCOEDEOXS AND 0TF1E Musical instruments JUST K K C E 1 V E D. Wluchwill bo Kid CHEAPER THAN EVER. A fowtino VIOLINS HAUMONICANS, JEWS HARPS, "' EVERVTUINO '.. FOft THE BOYS, ' CHEAP AND GOOD, Wholesale ana Retail. Chas.W.Stayn8r, AO. 5, MAI, STREET, Opposite Z. C.M.L Offico, 1st South St SALT LAKE CITY. uia , .. . LWIOA' PACIFIC RAILROAD J1JIB TABLE. DNTI L furthor notice, Trnins will Ifuve and arrive at Ugdon Daily, as follows: mvi. i Arkive. Dailj ipreii.S M a.ui. Dailj Hxp's, f lu p. to. Mixed. - i: iMu, Mixed. - 21)111. Freight, - l"-3.' a. m. I Froi(ht, 6 10 a.m. Daily connect ions made at Ogden with L Lab (Juntxal l'acitii: ltoiid Imiu .(ilt Luke city and all poiuU in riouth- At Bryan with singes for Sweetwater At Clieyonno with Denvoi Vaciflc Kaijroatl lor Donvor, tjootral cilv, I (jeorotovvu and all points iu Colorado jkiuI Sow Mexico. At Omaha with Cliicago and North WcFtorn. ChiiHKO, lioclt Island and j l'acitii, fiurliiiKlon and Missouri Kiror, I Kansas city. tit. Joo and Council Blull's Kailroads and Mitsiouri Kjvor Lit..- til'atutrs lor all points Eaot and tiouth Tiekotfi lor sale to all points Ka.it at office ol" Wolls, iargo & Co., Eat Temple Tem-ple street, and at tha office of Utah Central Cen-tral Railroad, in Salt Lake city; also at Union Pacific Kailroad ticket office in Ogdon, at which office bertha on Bleeping Bleep-ing cars can bo socured. Arrangements liayuboen made whereby where-by pasiungerB desiring to visit Denvur on their way Eat can avail themselves of an exourtion rule from Choyonne Lo Denver, and return at greatly reduced rates. For particulars and all information In rcg.irj Lo parage, apply al Tickui Ot- lluea. Paj-ongyrs should ho careful to secure ttioir pusMie tiukuU to all Kalurn and tiouthwrQ pi.inLs via OMAliA, and thus avail tllUnisulvOB of this advantage of a through if I coping car, eomloruble ao-comuiudatiuns ao-comuiudatiuns aud ouiek linic TllUd. L. klMliALL, General Ticket Agent T. E. Sick ki., Clif. Engineer and buporintondent. jti C. D. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All slid, of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron mid Nteel, , Stoves and Tin Ware BLaCKiaiTIl TOULI, A(rlewllwral Impltmtali Ad mal Voola, Al Lowaat Halsi, OPI'DHITIC SALT LAKI HOVBM More Light! 20,000 (; A LLOiNS , Ul the celbiiitod IMPERIAL OIL, IW Viro Test. ;'c O W IT, I P) Standard Kiro Tenl, i"'-Jt hAJJ:. T;V tii fi i;akiu:i, uit cam:. IV L'TS TO TT. PETROLEUM j Nnii-.ilulic I'luld, 'SIXTY CENTS l'KI'. GALLOM. ; LA.1IPS A.D LAMP HOODS tOli THE MILLION I .1 1UE );PioneerLampStore Nearly o;poi;tc tho Market. E. REESE & CO. " W. J. HOOPER i CO. I at OOMMKatCJA.aj IIRUT; BANKERS A. W. WHITE i CO, BANKERS KANT TK'il'LK sTlth-alT, Salt Lake Clly. Dealers is GOLD DUST.COIN ANQ BULLION. KxrA.i'iCf fit l' V.-.a-;j"if 0(w oftM L'niui .stu.c-s at-i Kurope. Pariicnlar atlpnti.'r. Riven C--nrcllr.nl aad vnveedf remit iivl t Current rate ol liichamre on day ot r-Otuect, GEO. K. "WlllTNE'l', Attorney! CO K H K 1U U kC N T S i Bank sf Ca'ifcrnla - - 8an franrlnv. L. k WalLur - Kr CVx.L iViinn NC.'nal !.. - - fiJ.-o Uafli-ll Bua 81 U uli State Bank ot Nbra-ka - - Omaha aurU V7ELLS, FARGO & C0m EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers and Ufalersin Kxcliaue DralUOn Karefft. Kurorem Collectiou rrotni'tlj aitendpd to. Kiel Tempi lrt, Hall L.akOllr. mlj Tmo. P. Trot. Aeent. First National Bank of Utah SALT LAKH CITY. SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK tsu.lt XjaIlo City. LuW '17 or. Authorized Capital - $500,000 BnJ. H. UuKellt 1'reeidanU Hngh Willie, Ostahter. BitirsTiiD A KiRtrTRioii, Attorney. CORRESPONDENTS I SAN I AANCISCO-Ca.ilVr;". Tcu.I u LOSDON-Jar Cooa McCulloott A Co. DESERET National Bank OK SALT LURE CITY, UTAH. raid up Capllal, $200,000. Authorized Capital, $1,000,000. nniciiAM VOVNtl, rr-idj..t.l U'u. 11. HUul'Hli. . , . , vi .IHWINiiS, lUiroetiirs. .pons siiaki', FKKAMOU. Isl I 1 I.K. 1 U S. 111LLS, t'a-shioi, I (jui.n ni'sT, i'oin, kxcii axi.Ci L1M) MAIlllWi'N, tc-lkui: tc-lkui: s Kir, t ic. OollootioDa made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EX:HANGE FOR SALE. lSTKULVr PA 11) ON SaviUS" XJoiJOasHsl. 3 LEGAL. Z. BNOW. . D. UOOT SNOW S. HOtiK, sVttarnsra a-nd Oaaaision t lw Ball Lairs Oily, Utah. Ofllosal Buow's oortiot, lit Kaat Btrvel. Jal r, b. ffll.LUSR, LI ORiNB TOUHQ WILLIAMS & YOUNQ, A T T (J K N E Y S - A T - I. A VV , Obloa. half-a-alook sontb of TheaLra, Hivlt I. nil. (Jlly. Jia C. E. WHITNEY, ATTORNEY -A T-lsAW, Uftico over Diiiilord A Sous' Store, wain iui.i;r, SALT LAHi; H V. THOMAS FITCH, A T T O R N K V - A T - L A W , OIU U Ntrtrt, Wmhl ngt , D. '. En'Otisl nttniliuii irivin l'i ohtniniiiR I'ntoiiU l Mi no.-. BATES &ORMSBEE. ATTORNtYS AND C0UNSE10HS AT LAW, A wiit-" rr I'lircliMxc a nil Nnlt- nl ,nitir At l.aiifls, 0l".'snH.TAt..nrv. 1 Nalt Lake TII ChaKJ.u V. Uhmhiim.. J lali. Warner Earll, V. M. Biaitbi KAKI.L S. hH 1 11, ATTORN K y 8 AT LAW, salt laki cnr. First Srutb Street. Roomi 11 aud 12. No H.. Kimball Ulork. JAMLS M. CAIMhll, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, (JfTice-cr -l V..t. IImuV. urt Y 1 I.MI'I.fc. fri(KI'X T. TII-H'HI.. H. KirU". TILFORD & MANN, A T T O K If r. Y N - A I - I. A , A. DO I lrt Kuulli trH. i J. Ii. K'.-lj-.r-uuli, fi. A. Mcirill Roaborouyh &. Morritt, No It Lake CHy, I' t ali. (iiTi"b.H K-iiitli Stroot. first huildinir "ssl of Lojiei llmiit vititat. "' ' WM. HTl.ol. '- I- Vll-' HHIHI. IIAVD0N k G1LU1KLST, ATTOHNEYB-AT- LAW, SALT LA Kit CITY. OIT ,,vit I-l NaO-nal JS"nk 'f I'tuh. IH . 0. l. lemt"tad. M . I, I tk puttii , HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Atlriiya-at-lar, Main Street, orpocite Vrollr, fsrso A Co., I T T.l ' " "T. Si" STEAM IP". FACTORY. IK.SLKKT b'TLAM CUACKLU A'n'OH V . M.'.'L-HL'-).-.-: IiLOHi- are u)anjlaluiirt a rfsl varittr if CRACKERS 8U PER IOR QUALITY, AVhi'.li e j!Kr at l aini(l 1'rim, H lmltale anil ltdall. MiT"linl' si" r ChII Bud Ciaiaine Kirtley & Pitt. V. I). LM 671. iaJtLaaotur. 'vT. lltb, I'.Ti |