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Show VESICAL djwTpTvan denbergh, From I'rusa.n, TUS GrHBAT -W O 3FL IVX EXTERMINATOR, Late of San Franci-co, Ciil. Ii.cu.arko.ljle Cnrei I iThis Is to certify thnt my wife, Hulda Pnrk, hu boon a!!.iclt-d fur the lift gislit yuan with chrunic Dysentery, vitli pain in her stumach, back, iiJc:, and .'evcro headache; in fact rho was never fruo iruiii pain and im'erios. fho doot'ircU a tcic.it dual with tbo best doctors ito could hear d:, arid I am sorry to ay without any relief. Vo heard of many curci which Dr. J. F- 1'. VanDcnbur.-h had performed in and about .'Salt La-.o City, which induced us to consult him; and tho Doctor at onco told us that all tier complaints and Kmcricd wore eaLuod by worms, to ho commonccd taking his uiedicino on tho 17lb of August, and linco lhat time all pinna and excocaivo L'hn-nic Dyenlery aro cured, and in fact &ho conaidors bursolf a woll woman unco moro. I'llU-MAS II. PARK. 11 is i mark. SEVILLE WaJD, UTAH, StJi'tu tuber id, 1672. Over 1,000 Worms Expelled froie Sir; liUby. My griit i tndo compels me to mako tho follow fol-low my a la loin tint: i hud boon aillicled for jimny years with a complaint in niy stomach. Ihiniiin I was troubled with cirmi, I consulted con-sulted Dr. J. 1'. 1. Van Donberta. llo confirm con-firm oil my bolior", and, strange to say, ho uvo inu only tivool his Worm l'owdr.mad in live hour I w.u rel;.-,ved of over l.ixw peculiar looking worms, and indoed 1 fool liko aiiolhor worn an uact uioro. MATILDA M.BISBV. Halt Liko City, Sept. od, lis.;!. Wo, tho underisnod, will tcitify that wo woro ii rem out during tbo time the ubovu worms VWV " jM AHY BOOTH, Mrs. K. h. IlKAltDMAN, 11. A. FEKUUaU.N. Five Hundred Worms Kindled from a Child only two yenra old by Dr. J, I', t. Vn.u lleitltcrgli'a Worm Syrup. I Hi in I; it my duty tostiito the- following facts : My child, only twenty months old, had boun sick lor aoitiu time and wasted away to a moro skeleton, lr inn many remedies without any roliol. Thinking the child Iwii, wornis lod iuo to buy a bullio o! Dr. J. 1'. !' an Donborgh's Worm Syrup, and aftur (riving tho Syrup, over U) ivormi pa.-ed away from tho child, Sinco then the Chronic Diarrbn-a aiiu tbo other coiu-plninU coiu-plninU aro cured. Ibiink iloavunl my dear ""'""fclTo'F.lHI.EI.L, Second South Btroel, hall-a-bloek Iroin Itho Court iluuso, Salt Lake City, U. T, Letter lrum XV. K. Horner, lie tier City, Witaalcli, lit nil, S eiiieinber 0, J 81 a. Dn. J. P. V. Va.i DKSiiKncu: I think it to bo a" public bonofit and bthU-tudo bthU-tudo towards you compels mo to mako tho lol-lowina lol-lowina statement: 1 have boen suIlenriK lor many years with a constant growing pain and a .iuivurin sensation in my chost and heart; my lood would not digest, and a constant nasty, tough and ropy phlegm in my mouth and throat. 1 was no nervous lhat with diili-culty diili-culty 1 could Rot around : in luct, irotii tho constant con-stant pain and misery i had wasted away to a mero skeleton. 1 had boon doctoring a groat deal without nny honelit, and buliorod that death only could reloaso mo from all my aullor-ibk. aullor-ibk. tiueiug sumo frionds who had rocoived great bonuut irom Dr. J. 1. P. Van Uonhorub's medical treatment, induced me to consulthim. llo stated that 1 was troubled with worms, and said i was curable-. 1 look his uiodieino for a mouth, and 1 must say ail my pains and misorios havo lott mo. My bowels aro regular, regu-lar, and 1 fool onco more as it 1 could live twenty or thirty yours longer in tho enjoyment of the greatest of blocsinga, which is good hoalth. I would furtbor say my ago is sixty-five sixty-five yoars. Wn. ii- UUKfl LK.a Card from Judge Frier, of l'olli Cunty. Dr. J. P. P- Vas Dk.-ueuuh: Drr 5ir:I tako ploa3uro lo thtinking you publicly for the restoration of my hoaltn aflor ninoloon years of groat sulTonng mentally men-tally and bodily. I doctored a grout deal; was afllieted with almost ovary imaginable pain and dos-palrod of Booing a well day again When i cuius to see you atHnlom, you said you would remove tho causo of mnoteen years' suUering m five hours. 1 could hardly boliovo it, but alter Uking tho fivo toatoless poivders you gavo mo, abuut wa) worms paused from mo, and now, lourtoon days aliorwards, 1 lool liko anolhor man, and am ablo to lollow my business without pain or inconvoniouco. 1 remain, Youro res ii occ fully, A. 11. FHIER. Bothol, Polk county, Octobor ID, 1S7L ocW NEW MEDICAL WORK! ''Tho Philosophy of Marriage," jTortlie Debll'tiiird ft rvoua SyiUm. T1L JOHUAN, ol 'I.p AniitJiuical Miipnm, 319 f MuiUKoinery rWi. lr 1.101 MB toPim"''t"r tliose wtio cnuuot ntl.uul tho Lecture t tUi' Muiwmu. Kvl"rJ uumarru-d and miirnwl mnni.lioiinirt.wl ami Bind y lhi-o Important Leo-tiirffl Leo-tiirffl t.r the gooii of lilmsi'lf ud otlMpriiig. llysddri-Mlon tlm nwri'Ury of tho Anatomical Mui uni S.iu Krniiclco, and onclustug Twonty-FlroOn't Twonty-FlroOn't In ik-Uiso l" 10 I" Bo-'k will W forward! 10 ouj lrl 01 Iho olU rDr.rjordaTu t o teutulle.1 l,y lottor, d" DEERE & Cq., ",.V.-,:- Manufacturers of tho gonuino MOLIN" PLOW. Thee Plows have fr (tie pa riuartor of a cenUiry maintained iho repulatien ol tho hvttt IMtnv In u-r. AH Rfniiine Molino Plows boar tho brand J as shewn in the above cut. "IS FAR WEST FREIGHT'S Head HunrUri, St. Lou!, Mo. Duuant Cutting, FORWARDING 1RD COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS v SALT LAKK CITY, VXAIli ""B aro prepared to conlracl for shlp-V shlp-V monU from all rarW of the hast, our Linhvin ma.io ppocial arrniioaients for the and spocvly traoM'ortatioQ of all Freiitht from Now York, B'lon. Baltimoro, Chicano. 6u Louis and all Knalern Cities, W Bait Lake City. To ere offoririK extra inducements for toe shlraientof Ore and Bullion to all Ktstero poir Orrtci asb WiBunousi: fleet block ouih of Depot, Suit Lake City. DU11AHT CUTTIXO- LUMBERYARD. I All Kiiuls f l.uini.ir -"OHS, WINDOW?, nr,u-.Si MOULDiMoa. 1 SniXGi.i.'s, LATHS, v ""'woki(iitioro1o. 'on. - I NOTARIES PUBLIC, WK. M. GILLUPIE. T. V. KOODS GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Acknowledgements taken for the several StATBft AMD IKHKITOKIKB. Office hours, 9 i, to 9 p. h. Roon No. 5 ever Fint Nalionai llank, call Lake City, Utah Territory. b6 J as. W. Stain Ouitl Chaa. A. Gould. STAESBURN & GOULD, NOTARIESPUBL1C, Searchers of Records, AXD COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS FOR Now York, Maesachusetts, Penn'TWanla, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Wyom-ing, Moniana, Nevada. California, Oregon. Texas, Colorado. District o.f Columbia and other States and Territories. - Applications for Patents, Mininic Docds, Agreooonts and Bonds isr Deeds, Mortgagee. Powors of Attorney. Leases. Contracts and other instmmontB ol writinc i-iTtn with w-arw-T and dispatch. Illlulac and otlier CompiBlM I-aorpor.V.,1 I-aorpor.V.,1 wnrt.r tU Lw, of Utah. Abstracts of Titles to Minim and othor prom-rty made in the meat complete form. MIiiIqr property examined and re- P0rKCc"T KEID-a BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE ST., SALT LAKE CITY. U.T. A Notaey Public always in the Office from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Transcripts famished f'om tho first Mining Kcords in tbo County of Salt Lake, to wit; those of tho Mnuniain LakoMining District (now Big and Littie Cottonwood Distrieta), and from the? of the Big Cottonwood Mining Min-ing District. my21 CHAS. W. HTAYNKK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly quail lied and commissioned by the 'oilicolst door south of Savage's Photograph Oallury. Sail Lake City. NEW YORK TRADE. DIVORCES. , BSOLi;TE PIV0RCK5 LEGALLY OB-V OB-V tained in dili'eront .Sutes. Legal everywheredesertion, every-wheredesertion, general misconduct, etc., sulliciont cause: no pub I icily re (uirod, no cbargo until divorce granted; advico Iroo, Call un or address JOHN FULTON, Counsellor at Lmv, No. IS) BROADWAY, NEW YORK CIVY. Oj L. ftl. BATES & CO., 41 m. 4tl Broadway, H1CW VOKK, lHFOTini ins joebibs IB Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIERY, "WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE KG1I0NS, efce. J. H. BULGER. nl Cochran, McLean & Co. Importers and Jobbers of DRY GOODS, Wlilte Goods, Hosiery, Notions, Woolons, Linens, Jimbrofderioa and Laces, 462. 4iM and W BROADWAY, jl u. c. waiuux. kkw yonu. Juyao JEHIAL READ & Co., Mannfacturers and Wholosale Doalcrs in FUR AND YOOL HATS, Straw Goods, Uviln-clla) tfcc, Bo. 108, Broadway, NEW YOKK. Jo. Jim Ann. if- 8 BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in B00T5 AND SHOES 134 and 130 Orkud St., New York, Corner Crosby, one block oast of Broadwa dn -rune u APCAI I & C.n I I1UJ. 1. 1 . niiwnhn w v. Moo's. Youths' Boys' and Children's cxot h i3sra3 AT WH0LB8ALK, 313 . 311 Brosilway, Nw Vork. J. B. OOWLKB. HOWLAND & ASPINW&LL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt tnlie City. Will advance liberally on comlga-tnenta comlga-tnenta of Or, ami Bullion. Unlllon iinrcliMtd at hlgliett market rate. "21 MORE ARRIVALS. g jPS Difforent Sizes and Styles of JZZ o ors. Different Sizes o: WINDOWS. The most complete Slock ever broiisht to l'lah.1 A T LlTDlfiR.TlVLOR & CO'S LUMBERYARD, SASH and DOOK FACTOFIY, One block west of the rabernaole. w u mi 111 T l..tTIMR.K- R..MN.V. (1 TAVUV. THE EEST HOLIDAY GIFT. iubecrirtU'B. H0TEL3, ETC. TATLOE'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. mm New Commercial Leicini Rooms, 45, Commercial St., Salt Lake City. 0. W. TAPPAN. Proprietor. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Spring Beds, 95, 37" and 50 cte. per fiilglit l.S0toa.00 prVek. SlnfrU Room, 5 0 and 7 5c. per Blight) a. 00 to 91. iQ per Waal.. Donbli Room a, $1,00 to 91.60 per BU glit. oio GREiT WESTERN HOTEL OX THE EUROPJCAS PL. A 31. Sitnated in busines: part of the city, with rooommodation for 'Ml guosts- FIRST-CLASS accommodation for Katuiliet and Travelers. Rooms, SUc, 75c ,SI. 00 and tl.50 Dining Dal) and Rostauraot under the management of M. II- Boardaloj , late of the Morrison House, Oin.ha. and Tiohnoi ilouse, Lincoln, Nob. Board lie r week, 7 JIcaIi, 50o. FREE OAINLBUS TO HOTEL. Stapes leave daily for the mines. Laundry connected with iba do tel. SMITH 4- BIUAZK, oayl7 Prooristors. mum IotelT WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Tarma ta.OO pr rt j Weekly Board and Uootll) 91SI,00 to 913. OU) Table Hoard, t 00. A fow First Class families can find pleasant quarters. bait Lako City, November 3-1, 1872. J.C. LITTLE, B02t I'rorriotor. WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT JLAKE CITY, XT '.17 -A- XX a THIS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND best mnointod House in Utah Territory, and has accoinmilation lor three hundred and hlty kuosL1". tiroet cars undcarriufjos connected connect-ed with tbeWhito sulphur Batbs. Keudina . Rooms, containing jiaimrs from all points, ! Baths, Bar, Toleitruih, .News and Cigar Stand i attached to tho Houso. S H. S- GREELEY, A CO., nov2l l'roprietors. ! TO WKSENO HOUSE, SAI.T LAKE CITY. THE LKADIXG HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNS EH D PROPRIETOR. This House is oentrally and pleasantly lo-eated. lo-eated. well furnished, and has aoooiaiaoda-tioosfor aoooiaiaoda-tioosfor 10 cnesu. THB PROPRIETOB. la now preparlni o build larg-e addition! to his Hotel, whiah when nnisned, will ren'er it tie Molt Compkte Eiiabliihmaii It the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION mil Washington House .'laird South J-itreot,' SALT L AKK CITY Board and Lodglna;, rr Waak to 00 ltoni d and Lodgliig, per day, 100 Day Hoard, per week, 450 Single Vrcncli Spring Bedi, Bade, par Mlglit - - & "to - - nf IUOJN & COAL. BFD ROCKS OF NATIONAL WEALTH, Iron and Coal. Caiiilaliflls call on iuo, I own it. 1 will divido Addresi, 8. W. BI.A1R, 810 1. O. Doi ISO, Salt Lake CUy. r NTKD, J'J.iW CASH, FOR ONE V Year. Will divido tho finest mining inlorost in Utah for tho uso of tho money. Address, & M. BLAIR, Salt Lako Cit), P-0. P-0. Box JS6. WM. LANAHAN I SON, MSTIU.EUS AND JOBBERS OF RYE WHISKEYS, WnrtheniiHo.40 MrIK Street, HALTIMUUK t Q. A. McCOMNELL & CO. AGENTS FOR THE 1'URCHASE AND SALE OF MINES. MINKS Sl-RVEYKD AND EXAMINED Mar-, ami lUi .'rL prorarcu. and genera uiinina ln:onuali..D rarni.h..J. v,;,.. Ullieo .ix LKwri Lajl ui Uorol ati..nI Dank. Suit l.nke city. llx r. MINES FOR SALE. T R- Pl'I CtUEtiORY owns Tour exccllenl 1 1' Jr'"1 rAiVSi H . V fer.J.n.- hv. a l-ro,ejil r, "Viah. 1 -ill 11 'TV.'i J-alr. feel, and iho (jierery ed? i- J. 11 i v , and ook, fine. Th,. lode i! directly up I hue ut tU"re.l uly Camp to 1-0 " H4 wn cabin hrI,hall bo rieed w how my "liiw ar. net oew clai-i, and bt Unto kr.o.n. aedtho ieaioa.y. I tenet K W. -..tins r,..n.T. th-se e u c.aim. here, to J IJ ettent. .; kept Sto.e ,atn ,u. h i.roecrty from eailtne on mo. 1 a-R .a. t an o !o ccnio aidTeo. 1 alii ,liow you ill I kioiau toe nl-lllREiOSV.JI.H' Eourratla. tr.m r .iariT-..j a. a. iium. . u r.. true, burns k mm, Rtal Estate and Mining At'.KXl-S- 1.0 I Nr. Mi 1 01 i AT 1 1 I'N K t A L l 1 A r E Vart.clar .l.cr.li .r 1.1 " " ' REAL ESTATE AND MINES. 01 I UK. - K.Mii.VLL l.U,a. Salt ClIJi Itali. did NOTICE. To the Builders, Painters and Glaziers of Salt Lake, U. T- WE IT AVE OPENED THE FINEST AND best afioned efjck of Window Glass ol all sites, th.u ever cunie to this Territory, and invite ill to esainino quality and iriccs befi-tre rurchasin elseivhere, as we have better facilities fur filling orders, both larce and small, than any other houie in the Territory. Plate Glass and Plato i ilass Mirrors, of any site, framed and retrained, furnished on the shortest notice and at the lowest rices. (j lass cut to any si:e. and laches of aay shape fitted with glass, which we guarantee to give satif factioo. No charge for cuttinn. Orders from thocountry will receive prompt attention. C. F. CULMER & CO, (Formerly of DAT i CULMER.) GUOKSBECK. BLOCK, no7 Second South Street I O 5 ,,-4 g W J 3 g H a H H; a. S w H TJ g a: M S :a i d i-. 6 GA ? my! o FURS WANTED. Highest Cash Price Paid for Furs. ALSO Havana Cigars WcuIosaIo and Retail. THOMAS CARTER,' At Siogol Bro's, under Salt Lako House. n27 COST! CHRISTMAS KEW YEAR PRESENTS, THE MOST DESlltABLE OPPORTUNITY OP-PORTUNITY I CARL G. ASMUSSEN WILL SELL u-'B- rt " SXTf 9 And wlihos to call special attention 10 hi beautiful assortment of fine Ladies' Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelets, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS RINGS, CHAINS, LOCKETS aiad CHARMS. Also a rroat variety of tho host selected GOLD NECLACES. BROOCE-MS, BROOCE-MS, EAR RINGS AND FULL SETS A complo'.o oKortuiont of tbo best grades of AMERICAN WATCHES p-ine; tm-j uiu " '""'' - longur than any other tvalen. ALL GOODS ARE SOLD UPON HONOR, AND WARRANTED. ETho iiublic are cordially inritcd to inspect. CAUL C. ASilUSSEN, JEWELER ANO WATCHMAKER, OprosiTE rosi office, s. l. city. Wlal p.j- WclllnKlon MlnluR aixl 8iuelt- 1 ; lnu.nnv-l. .eation ol or kr, l.ill lo U"f "S,v, ' .1 Canon. L tab-Noticc-Thero are Twelltb day of November, A. D., Us. J, tho ,'ovoral ami.nntsfsot oi'imsitt. Iho nauios of tho rosi.cctivo iharoholdors.,tu M'o f Certificate. Sliaros. Am'U Chonory R s'?!! livrn K E.Trtisleo 1" kcii..i:k c w Martin .V Lane, 1 riutees...!--. - -Murtin l.ane.Tni-:eoa...-.'U ' Hirha d-uii b A. Iru.'U-e... . " J ij;S;:;;l;;;;::;;!:oe:::ai Kohard-onE.l.lru-loe... ... !!;::h-i::;;:l;i;e::::S . Hiohard- n EA.Tro-teo. . t H oSifd,., EA,Tr-tee... !! I'" Ut. hard. n E A. I :a-tec - ''J ! ' 1 Hn-ha:d- n E .. hu toc... -1 - " K ohar.l-n E A.Tru.leo ... w m I Ii ar 1 - 01 L A. 1 ro -too... i 'I l !'. oh .it'l" 'II E A. Trn-tee ....' l K ohaid- .n E A. Ir .-too Kt 1 Ho harl- n R A.'lro.-loo J. 1 y. K ohalden K A. irimee.. 1-'. .l !" fe.iM,.!..KA.r,,ct.....j ;; : ; li i.'liar.i-oO E A. l:u. loo . l. 1'. P iioh.i:J..on E A. 1 m.-tcc I.- ;" ; K'ohar l-.'ii E A. Ira-toe .. ' l-.a-har.i. n E A.W ''I ' ' lii;..Kr!.W;SS:.!a !:::: it'c'i it i-'-n E A. Trustee I I 1 1" Kvh.r.i- nE A. Ir-o-e 1A It", MIW Kioh.i.l-oaEA.lra-Ka, , l!i.-har.l!. nE A. Tru-tee... i 1 1 h" V" " ',a-:..u i- r. E A. It-f. II! . J' Ki iarl.-nE A. Tr.i.too. H. .. f ; lli-har E A. 1 .a rc-. Ill 1;;; lii'harti n E . I r.otoe '. 1--I ; " " Kiraari. .t.l.tt MS "" ' l:-r.ar.:- n E A- Ir i.--.oc i i- l"- K- h.rio n E A. r-..;e : i'";'.' iii-'hud ..ti K A. 1'r i.-tce -i "" e:,:('"' , , r. Tri.:'-r iirr-v ir. tra-tee : I W i.er Hero.an- Tr-.ioc 1" 1 J ' ;.. A I'. Trfoe ;-l Weh'trr .t ale. 1 r-'tecs . '.a Vi 1 wi-t- : er i'r -too --" '. ' I w .r.ti.1 K. Tr 1" " V(,I.,K.Tr.---; 1.1 J"- Wo., r-ci K- I". i-ieo - '. i " 1 " V-o-?-ir-:a u. -ai. ;'-'). -:roi ..I',.' r' rn...laj; t-o Nvntti i ay 1 j NOTICc. alienor., to UU. - il.CONNLLl- MISCELLANEOUS. THIS WELL KXOWS B1LLND , -OF- JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT VBa mm Grocery Department. aH IL B. CLAWSON. Supt WOOD J WOOD!! WE koop constantly on bandsOaUionod, cor4 and Etovo wood, RED PINE, MAPLE, QUAE. EN ASP, AND COTTON WOOD, For ?alo cheaper than tbo choapa-t. Office and wuod yard near U. C. It- k. do, -ot, just west of satoplins works. Special rates to purchasers pur-chasers of car lots. Wood delivered in any part of tho city on short notiea Wo will rent a part of our oflico on liberal terms. OC21 NEWMAN A- CO.. Box 774. AHEAD DF THE BLOCKADE! HOLIDAY NOTICE. II. WALLACE, First Suull. Street, lias tho best and most complete stock of TOY C A M.IKS. 1 11 and Fancy Cnmllrii, Corn Holla, ItUe Cnuily ami Chewing Gum, over offered lo tho people of this city- H. WALLACE, CONFECTIONER, Sail Lake City. Minca Pies Frssh evary Day. nil "Advertising is Iho Oil which wise moil pu n thoir Laiuus. Ale v mis 1'kuvkhh, L P. FISHER, ADVERT. SI NG A. Gr IE IV 'JP, I Rooms 20 (& 21 Mrrch-ints' Exchuiie ' CALIFORNIA STREET, ' SAN FRANCISO, Solicits Advortiiomonts and Subscriptions for tho Salt Lako Doily and Semi-Weekly Semi-Weekly Herald Ant for papers published in California, Ore- S-jd and Nevada; Wasliinctun, Ltah, Idaho, iontuna, Colurndo, Arimia and adjacent -Territories; Sandwich Mands, tho lin.,.h Possess in. Mexivin Ports. IN icaraKiin. I'ano-m. I'ano-m. Vali'araiio. Jupnii and China; Xcvr Zealand Zea-land and the Australiiui culomos, ho Allan tie Statoa and Europe. ADVERTISING Has created many a now bu.MnoM; Has enlarged many an old bosinoss; llajrovived msnyadull business; Has rescued many a lost business; Has saved many a failing business; Has preserved many a largo business; And insurei success in any business. ZGIRARD'S SHCRET.-StophoD Girnrd used to say in his old ago: "I ha,veahrays considered advertising liberally and long to bo the (treat medium of success in business, and tho prelude to wealth. And I havo tuado it an invariable rule to advortiso in tho dullest times ns woll as tho busiest, long oxporionco having taught mo that money thus siiotit is well laid out, as by continually keeping my businoss before the public it has secured many sales that loth or-wiao or-wiao would havo lout" Advertlac your Dualneif, Keep your nnina lie for tlie Public, .Intllclmia Advcrllnliifr Will hiKiire n. Knilunt. If UiisliitBi, la Dull, Advert Ue. I Biiilncs I Brink, Adv crtlse. BW Tho man who didn't believe in advertising adver-tising has cone into partnership with tho then 6". and that ollirial dotis tho advortisinn. IEON & STEEL. SCOTT, DILUMI & CO,, - DEALERS IS - WRICHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, - AND AlaD KIXDS OF - MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE A-Al, I. IilNIIN OF FITTIXti lHriTi.A('ift nn.i.s. HARDWARE, BURDEN'S HOUSE & MULE BIIUK-t, BELLOWS, AXVILS, - AND OTIIEK BLACKSMITH TOOLS: BRASS GOODS, RUBBER I'AL'KIN'G. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil AM. UW TOR CASH. WATCHES a JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON, Tr-. 1' I"' nr O-r-i!-. r.f 1 , i t a- i - . .; . n. r r OYSTLUS! OYSTERS! OBEY Sc Co. " ' - r. ' .-T7 07 .-' A'CaW 'jtic; X .v, tA-ik iiul iii. IaU fdlsCELLAKECUS. A.P.HOTALING &. CO., 4-''l Jticiison Sirei'l, afsa F.az;c.ico. tKotKblUUtd lSb-i.) IMPORTERS of fine Wirw ard U .vr. X o2er to the trade, in belli or dt 1 "-J- J. II. MARTELLE, BONOIT FRERE3, SAZERAC, and OTARD.DlTUi&Co's, BRANDIES, HOLLAND GIN", JAMAICA RUM, SHERRY and PORT WINES, SCOTCH, IRISH, and KENTUCKY WHISKIES. Sole audits for Iho Pacific Coast for tho oelei.rated J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURDON WHISKY ! Walker Bro?s & Co., Sole Agents fur Utah. A. P. Hotaling & Co. di W.T.REYNOl.PS A CO., E. H. ZAftKISKIK, San Francisco. alt Lako City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVa FOR SALE A FINK LINK OF; WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call the attention of DEALERS. i Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE AGENTS F0H3 "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. TUB FINEST IB A. IR, IN THE CITY CONNKOTED WITH TUB noUSE. 64 MAIN STREET" Two donra louth of Welle. KurRo A Oo'i Bniik. mr ST. LOUIS TRADE. MO IR, IE I H AV EB E E N SOLP, THEV HAVE HIVES GREATER SATISFACTION THEY HAVEIDONi: MORE & BETTER WORK AKE MOKE KASII.Y FOLD, PYINO BcTItR PR IFIT T) THE D KIR. CHEAPER TO USE THAN ANY COOKING STOVK NOW IN THE MARKET. Bold br excelsior mimimm n SAINT LOUIS, Wbolci&la UcBlem in nil kind- of TINNERS' STOCK, And by all LIVE STOVE DEALERS. BOTH 1 $300,000! mUPJ STATE LOTTESY. L'fralizfd by Stair Author.. y and Draw D in Tuhlir in SI. Louis Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMDERS. CtM M, U M Drawn lr. 81, 17. 5,80 Prut Amvvlvnq to I ';''!h''i. ;.--- f,f-n.fM.o ffi--..yf no i i t.t - : i ,, i v . - , . r ,, , ;- . -.r .' ... 4 .- . '! 'S ;.- ',f ,f ii.-.'m 'I'. .- ;, a-- t- -i I ' i '" so .- :, i . - , ,ni 4n .- , -,f j.r,i - -' in i Tick. I., IHi, II if I I-Uoartrr, I-Uoartrr, t.UU. -r -'' - a - ., ' I I Mr ' w :-. -- i . mi 1 -, ,' - - i I - . it1'l K , . .y . i. la I . . t n t.,A.T, - f " - - rj-a. Ill H H A . t 1 1. 1. K IL o.. ,Pt '-4iWl itJ. iyLii. 1 JUiT. MISCELLANEOUS. j THE J D ESERET RESTAURANT IS DECIDEDLY THE PLACE TO' CALL FOR YOVK BREAKFAST, DINNER, SITI'KK, or LUNCH. Boo'h's Fresh Oysters By tbo Can or anv w;it you wish to have llll?LU. EVliKY DAINTV tur MAKKET Al KulUS DUlnvl up by -kil.'ull Oo,.k.,.n Sbort tU-o in tins liasouiciit. DANIEL GRENiG Proprietor. THE "1IAXD L HAND" BAKERY jSD Grocery Store, Is also woll filled with a full J-ine ol Goods usually kept ou hand Kvcry-thins Kvcry-thins from a Loaf of lircifi to a Canary Bird. Tho Place as everybody knows jn on Above Sooond S"itb StrooL Daniel GituMt.. anitul TIUvIIB TABLE. BURLINGTON UOUTE. rL) 1HE t AST. NWH AND SUU1KLAST. No. a. STATIONS. ill-Kil-r.' I MAIL. Louvc MA LT LAK H 5:,Kla.m. 2:t: i.in. " OMAHA 0:30ii.ni. 5:a.ia. .Vrrive BUltLINOTOW 6;)a.m.j 8jOp.ni. " OalosburitfCU.AU-) 7:0U tuin. j 10:50 i.m. Motmoia " 11-15 a. m.j 3:i'ta.m " Chiciuio " :t;irip.m.; TMa.ui " I'ooria - - 9:00 a.m. j 12:50 n-m. " Ind'i.liatl.D.AW. 6:15 p.m. 9.la.m. " Cinoirnttll - - ll:r0p.ui. t: 15p.m. " Loennsinirt SiKniJ 9:20a.m. T. i. A W. I " Cnlmnbim 2:n.tn.' in. t JThr..nRh Cam from Mixourl Rivnr to Chimin. IiidinniH'"li8, Cincinnati, Lounna-port Lounna-port and Co lam bus. I Conooctions at tnofe pnlnis with linci loaiinitlo thn Knst, N'urlh nnd Smith. rbis i the 111. ilinrlil, (4.iilckcl nd Cliesiicai llouit. U" nol be .1 -.,(. ivivl. t-,lt ..(.mir, Tirkoi- Tia th Uurliui lor. A Misdoiui tiiver Kailroad. OliZALlN. C. B. PKKK1NH; tieo'i I'mm: A-nL iio 'I tiup'f, C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kiD'ti of HRAVV H ARDVV4IH Brosi nir.it Nrely Stoves and Tin Ware HIJACK SMITH TOOL1, A(rltalttaril I uil ni m 1 Ad Hlala Tooll, At Lowiit H-B UPPOHITK HALT LA H K IIIIUMB Bit Dissolution of Co-partncrsbip. y.rX.TII'MIAM wlT. Y M-.H-r. il-inv .ni. : ti. ir n .1 .-iM.-..nt AW l . .'i j ji '.'.f "t i!.. tiMI. (.T.-.-M t.. T 1 . Mull-,, Cr. , h,, rullr -l nil i.nl-lHndiii)ilil. .1 i.. li,.. ..-H.IM-J, Al.l 1. 1. Ml M, T K. .Ml 1,1,'tV. Suit LiiUo City, V. T.. 1'oc, J7tti, -.i. t. r. .Mtiii'.v. .i. ii. li,, n. n. lioirL-r i . T. V. MI'LUjy ('((. Ihn inir , .,n ',-. -, ,), ii-.L- n .1 tr.-l , 1 1 ,,',,' 'Z".'u.j 't, u... j'.iv'i M I 1M.I ,,TI -rr,.,,, -..,,.), -. ),,. ,. ill, ,,,,,. 'lrl..-.i.Ui.- i- M..J.W1 ...hut-j L' " H v. '1. r. Ml Ll,iiy A cm. Jit- iTib.l-Tal. dl't More Liglit! 20,000 ; A LI.OAS IMPERIAL OIL. 100 Kiro T-if.L) c:.z o ,w nsr, 1 J i'i SiaDdard I'ire 'J '!, i''jR bAUi, Li Tin. i;akkj-;l OK CA.l'K. IN L'Jb 10 M'JT. PETROLEUM OII-l.Illl.lC l lllill, oLXTV CK.MS I'KIl ; AUXIN. LAMPS AU L 1V.P COOilS roil THE MILLION! Pioneer LaiiiDStore j .V.,y,..i.M-,.M.,l.. . JIKESE 4c CO. GANKEhS. WELLS, FARGO &, CO., BaiiKtTauti l-Mlt rsiu Kxchan.ee DrTU0D Kurp- I urrn OolldcuOM l-romi'tLr aueaaed td. bt-at Tutl S.rft, Suit LnliaOltr, mLl Thi.v F. TarT. Arwt. First National Bank of Utah SALT LAKE CUY. StUti . ii r-r-r -- fU am ThUi SALT LAK.E CITY NATIONAL BANK tSivli Lubo ftty. Via 1"vi; Authorized Capital - $500,000 UtuJ. SI. UiiUill, friiKUnt. llufb White, CatatiUr. Hi.rBTiiD A K.i Ki r atkick. Attoniart, CORRESPONDENTS 1 vL-ir v.niL ' Naiinnil lark Bank. SAX t atANCl.V C.i:. ru. r.-ut lo. LONDON Jut MoCullooh A 0. IMS A. W. WHITE & CO. BANKERS fc.AVl TKMI'LIC STHIlKT, fetiUt Lakka Ctiy. Dnalert in GOLD DUST, COIN ANO BULLION. rOjv.u'K'f n't a'l t'.f Pri-irxpal Of Kj tie L 'tiifii UtiU- n mi Europe, I'ariK'ular Bittiiiiitn civrn to Cilleotioni ui t.iouiuio . u aj ol tu lumiu OKO. K. Wllir.NliV, Attorney (OIUII.MMMIkl.V VHi ,k .'..ni.li Xitl..Tl Hi.uk - -kv) .iu.1.1 lUi.k .N..l.l-ki. Ull..h Di-SwiiiT National Bank OK SALT .LAKE .CITY UTAH. . L'aUl m Caiitlal, - $200,000. Auihonzcd Capital Jl.OOtt.tKW. Illlh.llAM Vul'NO, I'n-Md.-nl, 1 II. .-. l.l, IM, I'. I n. I., icu IU. i, I , , U. II. Illlt'l'l'.U, i m . .i .s I ii.-, Dirooltin ,nH.N .-HAitl1, Kl'.ii.iM"!.. l.il'l l.i;, L. e. 1I11.1.S, CiL.-bt-'r, I ri-KAi. i ' t.ttl." HI NT, IM, K4'llANJEa I l. V.N It A It It -N I S, tC'a- it 1 1", iic. v Oolloo tiuu .t mailt.! and promptly re- ' mittcd, I FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. .! INTKIliT TAll) ON ;( i i LEliAL, I r. L. VH.I.IAMn, LI ORANB TOUKt) , WILLIAMS & YOUNO, A '1' ' 0 H .N K V S - A T - L A W , Oflk'O. Iiall a-liluck aauih of Theatra, a Wult l.iiUo C'lly. j 13 C. E. WHITNEY, A T T O K N K V - A T - L A W , Ullico uvor Uiiiilurd A Sum' btor, MAIN M KIJ;i', KALI la A li 1, l l IV. THOMAS FITCH. A T 1' O ll N H I A T L A W , 4110 IJ Nlf-t if, WkkIiIiikK'Hi ! j' Iv-pc-cial iitlcnlii'ii nit I" iiMiun.ni. 1'alanta i m nov ia UATfcS & ORMSBEE, AHU:N:YS ANJ t'JUNStlO.tS AI lAW, Atfi'iiw ltr 1'iin I ni i- and Suit- ol .llliiratV I.ftiiria, ' i '.,s.ti-l. .liunn-v, t l.xhr CllAlil.l.l, . UlLMIH i J I il. uiier trll. F. H. bmitt. l.AKI.I, S. bAHTIi, AITUKNU'H AT LAW, m,t Lit UITV. Kiil B"utb Mrci. ix.. in- 1) a.ud Ui, K t J.V M KS M. CAR Ir, li , ATIUILNKV- AT -LAW, Olll-urn-l l-l NtM. I'.iuilt, 1 Iv.u. i.k nl ltl',KT. TILFORD & MANN A T 'I O It IN I, )' N . A I - I. A TT", .u. ;i i uti itoniii mtn. uu J. iS. IWbti,ijli. B. A. Mtirfitt Kobbjruuyti &. Murnlt. A T i' J li N h. V H - A T - I, A W , NhII i.mUr t ll J, I I n ll. 'ifli-o. M.'iih -it'wl, f r il bmldine ""( IIAVI'UN ',MA'llKlh'l,1 A 1 T It N K V H - A T - L A W BALI' lAKK I rrv. Ofli-ro ...-t li- : hjk.iihI l:.t,k .,r I nit. a)2 HEMPSTEAD & KIHKPATRICK, Alliiiii'j-il-Uit, Main HiraeL op.nila Vi elU. larco k Co iJh.-J.IU.T fiTf.AM (JI'.ACKKR ! FACTUHY, ',K..i,L.K'.i IL'j'.H.. yyi'. nr ri,t.Ml.'Mr,r,r il, yT)r ft CRACKERS SUPERIOR QUALITyT" hi. li wo "H-r at It n i i, i ,!,... iiiitt.nie mnd !( i.ll, M' .1, M, I- ,. '. l r,l BN,j pn.miB, Kirtley & Pitt. ! iSaltLatoClly :.'.. 1 lUi, lfii, SbTlfi |