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Show Conumeroil. Salt Lakh Citt. Sift. 6. CJold Buying 110; selling, 113. For Sal. A carload of Fine Uorgof. nt Ben ham South street. tG Old GoTKRNHtNT jRYnCoflee, at Kin-bail Kin-bail A Lawrence'. al I)Avrs' Tkab find Groceries cannot be equalled for quality and price. tel Found. Two mining deed. The owner can have them by applying at ttiia office. se7 OrncE Cqaikh and Desks at Barratt's. Bar-ratt's. jylO Watson's Book Clamps. The nicest tiling in tho world t-i carry books to school. For salo nt Campbell & I'attcr-sun's. I'attcr-sun's. se7 Wanted, Ton Colliers for Coalville ; ah'), four charcoal burners. Apply within three days at 103 Kimball Block. Mi Str.vuAT School Kewakds. A largo variety received at Uwyor'a, si ilAMKJt and Harneis trimming, at Kimball &, Lawrence's. &31 Til eke will be a meetinjr. of D.T. U., No. J 15, to-morrow (Sunday) at Maltese' Mal-tese' Hall, at 12 o'clock. All members are requested to bo present. John Isaac, Sec. Tim Bast and Largest Assortment of FAMILY GROOEKIKS in the city at O. W. Davis. so7 Japanskd Toilet Sots and Trays at Barratt'a. jyl6 Lton's Tooth Tablets are the perfection perfec-tion of neatness, delicatoly flavored, and pleaee the most fastidious. ae7 Charcoal, Charcoal, at the Utah .Kuul Sliedx, near U. C. Dopot, whole-i whole-i tile and retail. al3 New arrival of CHINA and GLASSWARE GLASS-WARE at iiarratt's. jlG For complete mining outfit, go to Kimball fc Lawrence's, a31 Strbkt Cars. Tbo public will please take notico that tho street cars aro now running regularly botwoen the railroad dopot and Third South streot. Tickets $7.00 por 100. Single faro 10 cents. j2 Baskmknt to Rent under i e-1 Taylor Jt Cutler's. Knives, Forks and Spoons at Bar-rail's Bar-rail's jylG OttB Sold. Yesterday a car load of ore from the Osceola and Lucky Boy mine was sold, tho rook assaying 379.57 por too; and threo other car loads from the samo mioo, assaying $131.03. Nice figures these. Bbpcr Muos, Bar Tumblers, arrived at Brtrratt's. j 10 Episcopal I'ratkr Books.- Just roceivod a .splendid assortment of hand-soiruily hand-soiruily bound Episcopal Prayor Books; from $1.25 to $18.00, at Dwyor's. si For tour Family Groceries go to Kimball & Lawrence's. a3l Grkit variktt of Fancy Brackets nd Clock Shelves, at LI. Dinwoodoy's. aull - To outfit Your Houso, go to Bnr-ratt's. Bnr-ratt's. ScnooL Books. All kinds of School Books for tho fall torm, Bubbor corner Slates and Copy Books for sale at Dwyor's. Dwy-or's. el For CnKAr Furnituro, 'go to Barratt' Bar-ratt' s. j 16 Window olaph or all sites at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawronco's. n3I W will issue our Fall stylo of Silk Hats, Wednoaday, Spptombor 4, 1H7'2 s4 Dun ford A boNS. Barratt'fi Stock is now at 40 Main St. Wanted, in a rwpeoUtblo family, a woman, who is a good, Competent Cook. Apply to S. J. Loos, at Walker Bro s. j5 For Matrasses and Curtains go to Barratt i. jig w1?!- v " w 1?-Th wondertoH WOVLN WIHK MATTKKSa for iale at Henry Dinwoodey't, 31 East Tuiuplo and 76 First Eiouth streets, a 14 Cuttino & Co'8 California Canned Fruits, Jollios, Jama, etc, aro far iupe-' rior to all other brands. For sale by all firtt-clau grocers. mjl4 For Fins Furnituro, go to Barratt's. jl t t t For Sup rr Extra Japan Tor, go to Kimball & Luwreucu'a. nlll Kobinhon's Best Weuer Coal, sold by J. 11. Stalling?, nt tho U. C. Depot. Leavo your ordors on tho slate nt G, H, Knowldcn's, Alain street, or F. O. box 762. Delivered in all ; parte of tho city. Auction, Auction at Kood & King's now Auction House, west of Kimball & Lawrence, on First South street, this (Saturday), at 11 a.m.: Stock of groceries, grocer-ies, consisting of smoked salmon, mackerel, mac-kerel, salt horrings, toa, cotfoo, candles, soap, syrups, two kegs, toungs and sounds, can fruits, etc., otc; also one Fairbank's platform scales; one counter scales; one parlor stove, etc, etc so7 Toe ukst Family ilackorol at Kimball Kim-ball JE Lawronco's. il M. B. Callahan has received two car loads of Eureka coal oil, which he odors to dealers at the lowest market rates. THIS OIL has gained a reputation reputa-tion in this city as the safest in use. a8 ' Prof. W. H. Kaoer will ro-opon his School in tho 13th Wurd Assembly rooms, September flth, 1872. Those torcsted in tho advancement of students will do woil to see him. s3 For Mirrors, Large and Smill, go to Barratt's. j 16 Disinfkctant.In ALLDWKLLINU9, tho cellars should be sprinkled with Hromo Vhloratum diluted one part to ten of water ; all drains and finks should bo rinsed out with it diluted one iart to ten or twenty pnrts of water. It has br-en demonstrated demonstra-ted that one gallon in a barrel of forty gallons of water is sufficient to destroy all otVensivo emanation in sowors and drum pipes. For solo at ',. 0. M. . Drug Store. so? Magazines, Pamphlotx, Periodicals, Music Books, Scrap Books, etc., etc., bound in all forms and stylos at tho Herald Bindery. tjj First National Bank HALT LAKK CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGKNT OF THE UNITED STATES. Willi HrnBiT, C L. DiBLifc, PridBcU Vio Prat AvTKorr 0ODH. Caahiar. Authorize Cftplt&l, - - 130 0,06 0 PAID VP CAPITAL, - 1 30,000. KAKKIXQS, - $136,000. ! i Dividend in 1871, 50 per cant. Oldt&t Banking Institution in UtaJu A. General Hanking lluaineni Transacted. AGKNCIE3 IN COLORADO AND -MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. LNIEBEST ALLOWED ON TIMB DEPOSITS, G Th Stomuh wl m.a Artngtr, For every breach of the laws of health that wo commit the stomach inflicts a penally. Headache, biliousness, nervous nerv-ous tremors, constipation, colic, heartburn, heart-burn, nausea, debility and mental depression de-pression are only a few of the punishments punish-ments which an outraged stomach is capable of imposing upon us. To bring back this vengeful organ to its normal condition to placate, invigorate and regulate it there is nothing in the wide world so potent as a course of Hos'.etU-r's Stomach Bitters. Under the operation of this benchcent vegetable corrective and tonic tho gastric Juice becomes a pure and healthful solvent and resumes its natural flow. Tho e fleet is the same on the biliary secretion, and in fuel on all the fluids of the body, and the hnal result ia the removal of every painful or unpleasant sympton occasioned by the rebellious action of the digestive organ. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Sew Law. March 3 G, 1SOO. FOR THE MINING AND SCltNHFIC PRESS. Victoria and Imperial Tunnel aud Mining Company-, Location of Worlta Little Cottonwood Mining District, I'lnhTerrltorrj-, NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of tho Buard of Trustees of said Cumimny. hold on tho 11th day of August, lit-, an assessment assess-ment of ten cents per share was levied upon up-on tho capital stock of said Company, payable immediately in Lnitod States gold coin, to tho Secretary at tho oliice of tho Company, Koom 5, No. Montgomery street, San i'rancLico, Clif(irnia. Any stock unon which snid assessment shall remain unpaid on Wednesday, tho 1Mb day of September, 1S72, shall bo deemed delinquent, and will bo duly advertised lor salo at public auction, and unless payment shall bo mado bo-fore, bo-fore, will bo sold on Saturday, tho 1-La day of October, 1S72, to pay tho delinquent ase?3-ment, ase?3-ment, together with cosu of advertising and expenses of salo. By order of tho Board of Trostoej, Wu, II. WATSON, Secretary, a lb' Office, Hoom 5, ou2 Montgomery street "AdvortiaiiiK ia tho Oil which vriso men put in their Lamps. Moukks Fro thru. r p. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG AGBN T, Rooms 20 & 21 Merchants Exchange CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISO, Solicits Advsrtisemonts and Subscriptions for the Salt Lake Daily and Semi-Weekly Semi-Weekly Herald And for papers published in California, Oro-gon Oro-gon and Nevada; Washington, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Arizona and adjacuot Torritorios; Sandwich Islands, tho llri- h Possessions, Moxican Ports, Nicaragua, Panama, Pana-ma, Valparaiso, Japan and China; Now Zealand Zea-land and tho Australian colonies, tho Atlantic States and Europe ADVERTISING Has croatod many a now business; lias enlarged many an old business; lias rovivod many a dull business; lias roscuod many a lost business; Has saved many a failing business; Has prosorved many a largo businosa; And insures success in any businosa. GTRARD'S SECRET. Stephen Girard used to say in his old ago: "I have, always considered advertising liberally and long to bo tho great medium of success in business, and tho preludo to woalth. And I have mado it an invariable rule to advortiso in tho dullest times as well as tho busiest, lonoxperionco having taugbt me thnt monoy thus spent is well laid out, as by continually keeping my business before the public it lias sutured many sales that 1 otherwise other-wise would havo louL" Advertise your Business. Keep your nnm before the Public. Jndlcloim Advertising will Injure a Fort tine. IfUuilnct) lit Dull, Advertise. I BudIucbi U ilrUk, Advertise. 3Thomnn who didn't boliovo in advertising adver-tising has gono into partnership with tho shorhT, and that ofuuial does the advertising. BUY YOUR OFFICE DESKS From Manufacturers direct," A. H.ANDREWS & Co 110 A 141 Wmt Washington St., t'HIOAtiO, Manufacturers of SCHOOL, CHURCH HALL and FINE OFFICE FURNITURE. Will Bhip SCHOOL DESKS ASD SEATS, SETTEES for Churches, Halls or Hotels, Office Desks and Counter Fittings, from our Stosk, or made to order in tho tnogt olrgant manner. DIRECT TO CUSTOM EHH in Utah. Colorado, or other western Slates and Territories, Terri-tories, soouring the very lowest freights, and SAVING RETAILERS' PROFITS. Wend for illustrated Catalogue. Sent froo. Address. A. H. ANDREWS k Co.. lid and 121 Weat WMhinaton streot, CHICAGO. Jnria Trees I Flowers 1 Bulbs I Seeds ! HE DUE PLANTS I NURSERY STOCK I FRUIT AND FLOWER PLATES I Addi c F. K. I'HOCMX, BL00MINGTON NURSERY, ftKl Acros; -Jlst year; VI (iroenhou'OF. Apple, 1,000 1 yr., $AI; Jy. $:W; 3 y. S 10; 1 y. 8'fl 1 Catalogues, 30 cont9. Read This ! ON OUR FEET AGAIN AND Ready for Business n A VINO repaired tho damages occasioned by tho Bottling of tho building, we are now in running order again, and will guarantee guaran-tee our patron and tho public in general THE GREATEST BARGAINS . IX OUR LINK OF GOODS. Wo intend to CLOSE OUT our Entiro Stock In SIXTY DAYS, and will cll oui Goodi at The Lowest Margin Possible. YOU WILL DO WELL TO CALL AND EXAMINE before purchasing eliowhor. We baro oi hand a Inrge and well-selected . Slock of Wall Panor anrl riarnratinne ; which wa will sell, wholefato or rotuil, at Al a Splendid Auortment of Ladies' ad Children's SHOES, and Men'i and Boys' BOOTS AND SHOES, which will bo sold at Cost. Hats, Caps aM Straw Goods, Below Cost. A Splendid Strk of GROCERIES and General Merchandise, Cho&por Uiaa e cr. HOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. W. II. WILKlSSO', Flr-tSonth Street, between Kimball 4 La wroncoj and Iho Cos Meat Maxiieu PITTSBURGH TRADE. ESTABLISHED 1S30.J Win. McCuLly & Co., Manufacturers of. the Standard Brands WINDOW CLASS A!r DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE. Make a specialty f larire fires of Window Glasi. and ail udd iiies cut loorder. OlBce IS raid 20 Wood street. PItuburgh, Ptnn. P. S. Having the most extensive factories in thw country, and making a larcer lino of poods, dealers will find it to their interest to gel our quotations before purchasing. j 23 We make only Strictly Pure Goods! Fvrry k-'C of i'iir White lend Ivars Iho Mlowinft warrant, oi.il cusruiicoo ili-grre rt fiaenrn aoj irTHIS PACKAGE CONTAINS j I Pur- While l..i ..!)1 pah, i - Linked vil 9 " , ! I us ItiK r lie ciiniwits vi UiU k' iliflerrnt from the i j U i DAVIS, CHAMBERS Jt CO. I SOLD EI DEALERS EVERYWHERE. je-TO ; m Plttsbiu-gk Union Glaai Worki. STE WART, ES TP & Co., Manufacturers of WINDOW CLASS, All sUos cut to order. No. 8 Smith-field street, j2 PITTSBURGH, PA. H. II. MVKF.S. D. M. ARMOR. ECONOMY WORKS. M VERS & ARMOR, Manufacturers of Mxi.vels, padct. l-rnin Ncoopi, Sole manufacturers of E. W. Moore'b three Riret MiniiiRhovels. No. 108, Water Street, Pittiburg, PENNSYLVANIA, fac'orj, at Boitver Falls, Pa. j21 IRON WORKS. Jones & Laitghlins, Pittabursb.1 Ioii.xia. .Manufacturers of Iron aDd Nails, T. Hails. Fish Bans and Bolts, Patent Cold Rolled Shafting, Patent Cold Rolled Piston Hods, Cmplinra, Hangers and Coliars. Warehouses and Office Second Avenue, Try street and Third Avenue SoutH Can ii I utreet, Chicago, Ills, i'25 TUB NEWS BUSINESS. News Agents throughout tho West, and all others who contemplate engaging in the business, arc respectfully requested re-quested to send for one of the Price Lists of the "WESTERN "WES-TERN NEWS COMPANY," Chicago. Full information in relation to the nature of the business will be found therein. Druggists, Postmasters, and others who have a little spare room in their stores, will find that they can add the News Business with ease and profit to themselves. It will pay of itself, besides being a benefit ben-efit to their other trade. Individuals In-dividuals who wish to procure any Books or Periodicals published pub-lished in this country, can obtain them free of postage by forwarding the retail price as above. We refer to any of the Newspaper Publishers of Chicago. Address TIE WESTERN IEfi COMPANY. X. W.Cor. IInndolli& Jefferson Kta., CHICAGO, 11,1,4. o28 O. IE3. 1FL. JEL. February 8th, 1HT4. SAN FRANCISCO AND SACRAMENTO Leavo going KL Arrlro from Enit lilim TiWaiu..Baa Frmn.. 8-30pm t'J "O Pm 4 34" 17 35 " .Oakland.. 8.00 " I I &0 " i 10 " I 7 60 - Im Jo 8.30 " I 2 10 " 6 36 " 8 35 flijes I 7.05 12 43 ' 5 48 ' 11 60 " .Biockton. . 4..U7 " i 9 07 " l 46 " I 1 46 pm Stomnooto. I 9 30 pm' 7 l.m Arrive from Wwt ure going Wl SACRAMENTO. COLFAX, RENO AND ObDEN. Leave going Imi Arrive from Ext 2 Ou pm .Sacramento. 2 00 pro 6 16- ...Coliax... 10Xtn '12 46 am ... Boo 2 10 " i 9.10 " Wnncmtiooa 4 16 pm j 12 Oil m tta:eMooni 126 " 4 40 pm . tlko 8 4tm I 6 -JO am ,0g4en 4 2upnr Arrive froro Lamia going West Sundays exoepted. tSundayi only. KxplanH.tlon. For trains running "from" Sn Francisco, tako the loft hand columns and read downwards, down-wards, or "Eastward." Far trains running "towards" San Prnn-ofseo. Prnn-ofseo. toko the ritfht hand oolamus and read upwards or "Westward." A. M. TOW KB, C. H. GOODMAN, a.a. Bapt Geo. H. Rice, Agent, Halt Like City, Office with Marshall A Carter Over W.F. ACo'i Bank. TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE, TO THE FAST. NORTH AND SOUTHEAST. So. 3. STATIONS. imm!! MAIL. I Leave SALT LAKE 5:U?a.m.l 15 p.m. " OMAHA 6:30p.m.! 5;30a.m. I ArriT BURLINGTON 5:00 a.m.: 8:40 p.m. -OaJesbargfC.B.iQ.) 7:00 ,m. 10:50 p.im, " MendoU " 11:15 a.B).j 8:23 m. " Chicago " 3:15p.m. 7:00a.m. " Tooria - - 9:00a.m. 'lfc50ft.ni. I Ind-plu(I.B.4W. &i5p.m.j 9;25ft.m1 " Cincinnati - - ; UO p.m.; 4j 15p.m. " Logan'port 5& p.m. fr-.30ft.Ba. T. P. i W.. " Olntcba 2:15 a. m. I .ri:.f9p.m. ryThroush Can from Missouri Ritot to Chicago, I r. J.anat.olu, Cincinnati. Locani-pcrtacd Locani-pcrtacd Columbus, Cc-nneclione at those points with Iin leadinsto tee East, North andSenth. Ttiis ! tho Bait. Shorlaat, Quickest and Cheapest Route, D nrit be doceiTcd. bat obtain Tickets Tia the BuxliactoB A Miasoori Kiver Railroad. A.B.TOUZALIS. a B. PERKINS; ees.1 Pa; Ai-enU StsT bup't. UTAH NORTHERN Trains are now Kunning Daily, BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R. R. HAMPTON'S 7or MONTANA. Dis. GOING SOnn .. ' p.m. Faro- I Pi-! 0IXt) XORTiT . a. 1 r. m. ' Far- Leave Hampton's at 1:00 .12:11 I Leave llrielism at S:15 j 7:15 , 7i " Deweyrille" 4::11 ! l:3t -10 4?a' " llox Elder - S::i) j 7:.'W , 21 u " Honeyvillo " j 4:10 1:3T, ' . 7.1 WA' " CH Fort " 9rf ! 13J4 " Calk Fort " 5.-00 I : l- , ' W llj " lU-neyviiU" 9:llS:lft ' jT.i ' Box El dor " 5:: 2:15. 12-1 ( " Diweyvillo-' j i':2-' 1 lW 21 Arrire at Brighain : .1:11 2: !0 ! l'-l'J 21 Arrive at Hampton's 10:00 , 9h 1 SPECIAL RATES TO EXCURSION PARTIES. Passengers will please purchase their tickets at the Company'6 Offices, or 50 cents additional will be charged when tho Faro is onll cted od the train. ArraDcemeuts have been made with the Central Pacific ad Utah Cential Railroad Companies whereby pa-soncers can purchase Tickets at the U- 0. Office in Salt Uke Ciiy or 0. P. Office at Ogden for Box Elder or Hampton s on the U. N. R. R., and from Hampton's or Bos Elder to Ogdenor Salt Lake City at greatly reduced rates. Through Connection as follows : GOING SOUTH A.M. P.M. GOING NORTH. A. M, 1'. M. Leavo Hampton's at 4:00 12; 15 Leavo Salt Lake City, UCRR-, at S:W 2:1.1 Arrivo at Brigham, U. X. R. R. 5:11 2:30 .Irrivo at Ogdon, " 1'' Learo Brighant.C. P.R- B. at 0:10 2:30 Leavo Ogden, C. V. R. R,, at 7:15 6;iK) Arrivo atOgden, C. P. R. R, 7:00 3:10 Arrive at Brigham, " ' S:I5 7:(X) Loavo Ogden, U. C. R. E. 8:0J 5:30 Loavo Brigham, U. X. R. It., nt o:15 T:M Arrive at Salt Lake City 10W 7: a Arrive it Hampton's " . " 10:00 9:00 THE TIME TABLES ARE CALCULATED OX SALT LAKE TIME. FARES, Hampton's to Opdon .$2 ,10 I Salt Lake City to Eox Elder 21 10 Salt Lako City, 1 .HI " " " HampLon's 4 Box Eldor to " " 3 2-1 I Osdon to lUiton's, 'i :' to Ogdon, 1 2-1 1 " " Box lildcr 1 2- H. G. Miller & Co's Esjiress leaves Hampton's every morning for Lok'an on arrival ot the 10 a.m. train, and tri-woukly, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, for principal settlements in Cache ounty, and weekly on Monday morning for Soda Springs, rcturntDg d Lilly from Lou an at 10 a m., to connect with the 12:45 p.m. train, and leaving Soda Springs every Friday morning. jl8 JOHX W. YOUNG, Gon'l Supt. J" xxliTJis Bauer Oo., MANUFACTURERS OF TrlE IMPROVED BilUEB. OMAMS AND It 3Li O.X3 B O KT S. Even Instrnmeiit FULLY fARBAHTED for FITS YEAES. Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATALOGUES sent FREE ll,y address 'upon application. ALSO IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN PIANOS ana. ALL KINDS of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, JULIUS BAUER & CO., 650 Broadway, 390, 392, 394 & 396 Wabash Ave. NEW YORK. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. J. DAYNES & SON, Agents for Utah, 1st South St., jyl9 TWO DOORS EAST OF POST OF1-10H. zs. o. m. j:. RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, For the Month, of August. Having determined to closo )ut our Fancy G o o cl , Wo offer ioduocmcnta unparalleled in tho history of Merchandising. PEHCALES, L.VWA'S, PIQUES At such Figures as must demand Attention. H MARSEILLES AXI) CIIIXESE OltASSCLOTH Ve have no Competitors, IN C3- HIE 1ST A 3D 1 1TES Wc hold ourselves inferior to nono. I Md y. M i3 f J M rM7 ffW Our immense stock has dwindled to a fuw now offered at New York priocBi LADIES' LACE SACQUES AMD SHAWLS, See Style, Variety aad Price. Barsaina im 1 lio Ordor or t li o Xayi m29 . H. B. CLAWSON, Sapcrintondent. NOTICE The Genuine OJU Salt Lake dly Go, Cmpai,,,, ROt R SPRINGS COIL, 42 Min Street, June 1. S72. ' HE pnbtio bereb, notified that U.. Fft0M UI C,lRKK- SaltLake Citj Gu CompD7 will pro- VOW K"H A LF t thr 1". C. R. BJDerot, otcd forthwith U ereet tbelr worke. and will l 1 u I,er to"t iio be prepared to fnrnifb Qu for tenerl ai A WCTflM fr A T aboot the lit of November next. Those de- 31UW LUAL firing to n8 Qu in their itortw. officet or At 97 per ton, by the dwelling, would do well to notify tbe com- , , , ... , , Ki.utb,wii.uu p..ibi,. th.r- W)omiisC(mlAMInln?.lomp). raaf emenU for metree and lerrice may be nM6- The price of Uu will be four dollari p o thou..nd .-bio t..t. L'".LX"l,tgl'.' '"" DANIEL H. WELLS, President. I'. LALOR SHERREJf, 5V "nDR.8t.AVSKR. 1 Axent, offiu. .t U vr. Siayner Btoro, ODD ES,1Penl't!0(';Ilt' Jom .oath ol d.ru.'l Fb.olor.phio Oal M1 I tWf. ,m!j Chicago r JOHN V. FARWELL & Co., WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, W' OOLEKTS. Largest Stockt of Km York. Monroe &. FraiikUn Sts , CHICAGO. ni WHITE LEAD no k 1T2 RANDtii.i'ii snti:i:T. wi,t t'ho'JobOius iraao ,t I u,h t vrrit..ry. jylS IMi.Mi.bnl l.v..l AVilliiims, Uilli'i' A tllinU';uI, Eats, ftiifiaiMt Goods, i;-,ai.a lSMAKKKTSl'llKKl', auKtl PAGE, BRO. &. Co., Import its our! OchWs ia LEATUKU AM) FINDINGS, '35 V 37 Sou(l i'niil '",',t. W. W. I'.lki-. Hostoii, 4 IIH -o, OrTillele.tCBiM0. t. h. 1'hbc i ju.ia H. M. KNICKERBOCKER, (Formerlj-of G 11. i L. Laklis) PAPER DEALER, SO, W. linnclnlplt !-, run aco, ii.l.s. Apont fr tho "1J o OWKX PAl'l.K CV I'Al'KliS. Uoml l;ir. "llu bwi in ih" vrld." I'rinl Piil'tT, whiio im.l o.'lor.-.l, flat Viwer of nil J-Ti.U..t,, Envolopos, Curd Hi'ttrd. bill. Lot tor an.l Ni-to llmids, StatouioHU-. otc. A Most Coui-i.ktk ruiviiKf' S.... k. SATIS f ACTION i! V A ii A N 1" KK I. juyl SEEBERGER & BREAKEY, Wlioleialt Dm'pi- tit IllRDWUlEcUITLLIil, 3S ...ul 4" 1.. . CHICAGO. 0- Orders by ui nl MiiKiUil aini Biitihiuotiou urHiit. it(i j7 Damon, Temple & Co., Importers, Mtuiuf.ieLurersai.il Jubbora of NECK-TIE S Aud all lh)(.idsfor GENT'S NECK. WEAK, LINEN AND PAl'Klt;, IC0I.LAH5 AND 01 TfS. Ill and lit Wiibn'b Ave. 3y3; CIIICAtiO, 111. "The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & R!b, Wholesale DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Ilnve removed to iliir Wow tr-j. Vt nuil L A Iv K ( HIKE I', Tii it MuurbirQ Street, ti.n Ino old sit.-) f 1 1; , wihtc, with lunl'liiics crcotuJ cxpruir. y lur Uio liniines.', Siphui K ovtklr.if, ,(.. Ui,.y h-n o oi'otied uj. mi imiuo-aHo tiliick, uutfuniaBod id Iho niTllnvi'M. Brecial aUoaiioii given to Territorial buine.is. jy4 M. D. WELLS &, COT, Mauufaalnrera of and Wholesaie Dealers la Boots and SIiogk, 018 Wibih Ave, Clilr.BHo. M. D. Wells. U.J. MRlarlnnd. K. Uontdtou ma b. 1J. AUiuiyie. KIRK, COLEIYIAN & CO. Manufaolurors and doulwa in IRON, KTILS, IleKvy IHiriluire, Wg(in mid ( nrrlK W.m1 Mock, ,"And V.'oalorn hoaduartor for BURDEN'S HUHSt NO mil iHJLS And Korlhn-etttrn llnrr Wwlli, M and 1 South Canal Stroi.t, PIONEER MAN JFACTUriINQ CO., MnmifMr(iiit.T uf Pcrruinol Tdlict mid SUA V I ; no a s, 61 and VtS.,ut!i Cnnnl Flrr.ni, ;i.l u. T-. F.S.-.,.-r l.,. llr-i.H U. n'i1s..I.Ucr0iary. Si.ri.l inj.,,.,.,,,0 ,,, j,,, j .U'.rt liiuojjuj-er. ,J7 A. II. Mrrki i' ,v '., PIG IRON AND COAL At Lowcil Mnrkrt Hntea, 370 Wabash Avenue, yi1 ;LL1 SEEEIIS'S MESnEiEi I'lItE and 111'lttl.Alt I'ltdllF Th. Be 8. re. In (.,. World. HERRING & CO., 40 State Btroct, and corner Mth Btrcot and Indiana Avenue, Oil ICAGO. No. 715. 717,7111 and 721, INDIANA AVK. Alltinlic untl J'licilic TOBACCO WORKS. 1st of a few cf. our leading brand.: FINf CUT CHEWING. FINE I UT SMOKING . it V V.T ", Alluniic. M tld ltosp. Cli.iui.'ion. Uoliart, Dwelleiit'o., H l'foiiriolora. |