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Show Old fiovERMMisT Java Coffee, at Ki:n- . ball & Lawrence'. a31 ht (i rk it variett of Fancy Bracket '0C'f l'' nd Clock Bhelvea, at H. D.Qwaodey'i. irtti aul1 Wb wtll iuue our Fall ityle of Silk Hats, Wedneaday, September 4, 1872. r B 83 DcxroaD k Sohs. scul(l Barratt'b itoek is neit door to the --.J" PostOffice. jyl6 Q, Bakir. Take Notici. A good 1 of ' hand can And constant employment by applying to Danixl Geemio. tk Family Mackorol at Kim- ball Lawrenco's. a31 " To outfit Your Homo, go to Bar- J16 There waa a slight frost yesterday morning the rime qnito conspicuous p just before sunrise the first, we be- ! licve, this season in the higher parts of the citv. 'HE; Hamki akd Harness trlmmingg, at tti, Kimball it Lawronc1. a-31 vu', Watson's Book Ulaups. The nicest J- thing in the world to carry books to school. For sale at Campbell fc Patter- " y. flOn' 8. 6e7 O'i The first and tenth wards are push- u; iog along their new brick meeting- fjj; houses, the latter having theirs nearly ten feet aoovo the foundation. The i:L determination is to have each house covered this fall. '0 , Ftsn Chamber and Parlor Setta at rttU'a' iylG Scwdat School Kb wards. A large variety received at Dwyer's.- al ret n .v,y Benefit. Mr. Ueorge D. Chaplin . Bfn, takes his benefit on Friday night, when ttt ho wi" Present "Strathmore," a new ;q( dramatization from the novel of the same name, said to b a powerfully , , constructed and highly interesting jCQ!; piece. Peei Buffalo Meat, in canvas, at Klra- , ball & Lawrence's. a31 Call and bee H. Dinwoodoy'i new st.vlo of Bedroom Furniture before you nr. purchase eiaowhoro. 81 East Temple no, and 76 First South street. auH ' Bkt Bid Oot. Tho wonderfull i WOVEN WIItK MATTKKS3 for ( lo at Henry Uinwoodey't, 31 East Tomplo and 76 First South streoU. a!4 For Fixm Furniture, jo to Barratt'i. J Charcoal, Ciiarcoal, at the Utah Fuel Shoda, near U. C. Depot, whols-jj whols-jj sulo and retail. al3 , For comflbti mining outflt, go to W Kimball A Lawronce's. a31 k Basement to Rent undor 8 Tailor A Cotlkr'i. I D. It. Allkh'b famous XII and XX fc FAMILY FLOUK for sale at Z.U.M.L Produ Department, first door north ot Bank of DosoroL my22 IT I K Knives, Forks and Spoons at Bar- l raits. jylti K PiNcor al Prater Books. Just ;r rcowod a splondid assnrjment of handr 1 CMuoly bound Episcopal tfrayer JJoykal from ,'2b to $1.U0, at Dwyor'i. s For tour Family Grocoriei go to Kimball A Lawreaco'. Jl bcttooL Books. All kinds of School BKks for the fall torm, Kubbor comer Slatea and Copy Books for sale at Dwy-er Dwy-er s. t. V,"'I'ABLEa, Fruit, Fish, Meat and liultor, that havo been lonK expeatd i! ; hot woathoi or climate, can have taair original sweetnow restored by lmmert- ,r mg tboni in one part Bromo CMortium to ton or twonty of water for a short J-or aal at '. Q. Jf. J. Drug Store. Office Chairs and Desks at Bar- rails. jyl6 Via New Urlkans, China nnd Crockery at BurraU's. jyKj Another Triumph by Steam Power FOUR DIPLOMAS awarded to P. D. Code & Co., of San Francisco for J EL-LIES, EL-LIES, PICKLE I) and CANNED FKUITSand VEGETABLES. a!2 For Cusap .Furniture, go to Barratt'i. Bar-ratt'i. jiti CJrka-T Sumksr Tunic, ilffrnrnuu's Cordial Elixir of Cali.iaya Bark. A pleasant Cordial wliifli atruiiglb-'iiM and improve tho Digist;nn, an ex-H-lletit preventative of Fovere, Kovor and Ague, : Ac,, and a groat Renovator anil Tonic for invalids and dcbilitaUjd persona. Hkokuan & Co., Now York, solo manufacturers. man-ufacturers. Sold by all Druggists. my 29 Home Missionaries. Tho following follow-ing list of appointments has been handed in for publication: Sunday, September 15 : Brapcr-villo, Brapcr-villo, N. H. Pelt and M. B. Shipp; Vouog; West jordon, J. Van Cott and I). Oaodland; Sugar House, L. D. young anJ Q. Teasdalo: Big Cottonwood, Cotton-wood, Milo iVudrus au, Iiao Groo; South Cottonwood, Thomas Taylor and J. P. Proeno. Sunday, September 2'J. LraiorvilIc, L. D. Young. K. Miller and W. G. Young; Fort Herriman, Thomas Taylor Tay-lor and D. Candland; West Jordan, Milo Andrus, S. A. Woolloy and W. McMaster; Sugar House, L-taae Groo and J. Van Cott; Big Cottonwood, K. F. Neslen and Cjeo. Tudale; South Cottonwood, G. G. Bywater, M. B. Shipp and 4- Smith. Meetings pommenoo at 10 o'clock a. 1 m. and 2.30 p. m., except Sugar House Ward, which commcnoes at 11 o'clock a, m. J Those eiuVrs are requested to bo punotual in filling these appointments. Due notioo will bo given of city appointments. ap-pointments. L. D. Young. Bsm Mu&s, liar Tumblers, arrived at Barratt's. 1 Street Cars. Tho public will plowo take notice that tho street cars are now running regularly botwoon tho railroad dnpot and Third South street. Tickets $7.00 per 100. Single tare 10 eonu. j2 For Sdpkr Extra Japan Tea, go to Kimball & Lawrence's. n31 1 ro7. W. 11. Raqkr will ro-open his fachool in tho 13th Ward Asserab'y rooms, September 9th, 1872. Those ;j-torested ;j-torested in tho advancement of students will do well to see him. e3 I TueQukkn truitjar, all glass, at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawrence's. a3l Wanted, in a respectable family, a woman, who is a good, Coupktknt Cook. Apply to S. J. Lees, at Walker Bro's. so Kobinson's Best Wsbr Coal sold by J. II. fallings, at tho U. C. uepot. Leave your ordors on tho slate ft O, H. KnowUlen's, Main street, or 1. O. box 762. .Delivered in all parts of the pity. Efi UTArr Yuk'l Co. havo constantly on hand liinton coal, atovo and curd wood. Order bogus at Dyor's Book btoro, Post Office, and Wolls, Fanrc- A Co. Orders promptly attended to Office Ho, JOS Kimbill Block. j2 Wood. --A genial but somewhat chilly friend hands in the following: There is a groat scarcity of this article arti-cle in tho market just now, and the , price is elevated in consequence A day or two ago a wood hauler, perched on about a cord of quaking ap aked '3 for tbo load. This is too much. I ho chilly nights of the past few days havo put wood-burners on the look out for tho wherewith to warm themselves, and these gentle hints of winter's ap 1 proach have caused a demand that a I few enterprising wood-haulers would i mako money at supplying. Oh, would i we wore a wood-hauler I Now, with coal at from six dollars to tea dollars a ton, and with one ton of ooal equal to at least two oordj of wood, it seems that there need be little trouble with wood-haulers. Use coal and the prioe of wood will fall. M B Call a nay has received two car loads of Eureka coal oil, which he oiTors lo dealers at the lowest market rates. TUid OIL has gained a reputa-: reputa-: Hon m this city as the safest in use, ! aS CttttisiO 4 Co's California Canned rniiis. Jellies, Jams, etc, are far superior supe-rior to all otlior brands. For sain y all tirst-clafs grocers. myU For Mirrors, Largo and Small, go to Barratt's. jiQ Win-dow glass of all sizes at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawrenco's. a31 For Matrassoa and Curtains go to Barratt's. 'jig NERVOUS DKBIHTY. With its gloomy attendants, low spirits, depression, involuntary emission?, emis-sion?, loss of semen, sperinaiorrhuja loss of pwer, dizzy head, luss of memory, mem-ory, and threatened impotonco and imbecility, im-becility, find a sovereign cure in Hum- PHRKY's HoM KOPATHIC til'KCIKlC Nn Twmtv JiiauT. O-fuoxa uf iL most VHluablo mild ana potent Curatives, Cura-tives, they strike at onco at tho root of tho matter tone up the system, arrest the discharges, and impart vigor and energy, life and vitality to the entire man. They have cured thousand of cases. Price, -5 per package of live boxes and a largo fevial, winch is very important in obstinato or old cases, or $1 per singlo box. Bold by all Druggists, Drug-gists, and sent by mail on receipt of Srico. Address, Humphreys' Specific homeopathic iledieine Co., 6(32 Broadway, Broad-way, Now York. For Sale at Z. C. M. 1. and (iodbe's Drug titoro. a9 SAIC LAKE THEATRE Wednesday Eve., Sept. 1 1 1 h ENGAGEMENT of the populnr young actor Mr, Geo. D. Chaplin. Miss Jean Clara WALTERS ns TAltTAIMff K. A goncrnl ramrst linrtns boon mniio fur tho rojioiitiuo of tho cront extravaganza, entitled tbo SEVEN SISTERS It will bo ro-prgilueed FOR THIS KIGUTOXLY. Friday Evening, Sept. 13th, 1872, BENEFIT of Mr. CEO. D. CHAPLIN, Will bo presented tho t;.t nw sensation (traoia, onLidod STRATH MO HE, OH WROUGHT BY HIS OWN HAND, and tho great burlesuo of Norma. GRAND MATINEE NEXT SATURDAY AFIEIUNOON THE iEl'S BUSKESS, News Agents throughout tho West, and all others who contemplate engaging hi the business, are respectfully requested re-quested to send tor one of the Price Lists of the "WESTERN "WES-TERN NEWS COMPANY," Chicago. Full information in relation to the nature of the business will be. fnunr) f-Vioi-ni,-, Druggists, Postmasters, and others who have a little spare room in their stores, will find that they can add the News Business -with easa.and profit to themselves. It will pay of itself, besides being a benefit ben-efit to thoir other trade. Individuals In-dividuals who wish to procure any Books or Periodicals published pub-lished in this country, can obtain them free of postage by forwarding the retail price as above. Wo refer to any of the Newspaper Publishers of Chicago. Address m Minn mi mm. X. W.Cor. Randolph JL Jc fieri on Si,, W.J. HOOPER & CO. J7GOM JHKnCJAL STKKUT. Mountain Braves of '62. VT my own xpor.se I worVM up ynnr Claim;, cntr.ijtJ Ju.irps .MrlMrdv an.l ! r--:in t'j c-t iii. ai..U-a:i.,ns, tLiuiigii iny ai:.rr..T In H aiMr-.pl ..n cily . Call.it N'i. o,,X;i'lor'a;iJaildiiig, Main st.. Salt Lai.o city. ) 8. 24 ELAIiU First National Bank OIF TXT-A-H, ss.A.L.1" JLi li K CIT V. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY A2TD FINANCIAL. AGENT OP THE UNITED STATES. Wrbit ariT, C. L. DiHLia, fresiieuL Vic Prat. Asthoht Oodbi. Cuhier. Authorized CapUaJ, - - 9300,000 PAID CP CAPITAL, - ttSO.OOO. KAK.M.VGS, - 136,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Institution in Utah A. Ciuneral ii iinliine Business Transacted. AGENCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIMB nRPOSTTS. f PITTSBURGH TRADE. ESTABLISHED 1S30 J I Win. McCulIy & Co., Manufacturers of tho Standard Brand of WINDOW CLASS DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE. Mako a specialty of large sizes of Window Gliiid, and all odd sues cut to order. Offlco18 RlldaOWond afreet, Pltigburgtt, Peiin. P. S. Having tho most ortonsivo factories in this country, nnd making a lurgor lino of goods, donlers will find it to thoir intorost to tot our (luotations bofuro purchasing. Pittsburgh Uulon Glait Works. STE VART, EST El di Co., Manufacturers of WINDOW CLASS, All sizes cut to order. So. 8 SuiKbflelri street, j PITTSBURGH, PA. H. y. MYRRS, D. II. ARMOR. ECONOMY WORKS. M VERS At ARMOR, Mimiifaoturar' of Shovels, pntlca, i.rnln Scoopt, Sole luanuficiurerd of E. W. Moore's throe Ri-ot Mining Shnvda. No. 10a, Water Street, Pltisbnrg, Pknksylvama, Faotory, at Braver Fulls. Pa. yz AMEKIOAN XRQPJ WORKS. Jones & Laughlins, r-ittsiDixi-ga,, Penna.i Manufacturers of Iron and Nails, T. Hails. Fish Brs and Rdts, Patent Cold Holled Shafting, Patent Cold Holled Piston Hods, Couplings, Pulleys, Hangers and Collars. Warehouses and Offioe Second Avonuo, Try atroet and Third Avonuo. Drao'ih iiou30 Jloi. 100 to 198 Sou tli Canal street, Chicago, Ills. it) We make only Strictly Pure Goods! Tln i v ki-i; ..r ton Whii.. T.rnd hentu tho folloidnji iirr.uK, ;ui,l u k'iiHi'ch di'gr.0 til flncacsi aq4 "IHtOlU'M UUsllHi..;.., , ; ! THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS r,, j i,i. ,...,, l-iiisi-od cm 0 tn IN M .ill I ,. lo.T0nJ. I UAVIS. CnASIBEHS ft CO. ) SOLD BY DEALErTeVISWHEBE. wotTceT" Tuepuhlic arghkeigby cautiqx-odftemnst cautiqx-odftemnst buj-ing infurior Rradoj qft'oal roprosonliid by umiriuciiilod (iciilor.1 as boinp (inii'f tnuyon Coal, 1'urtios wanting (jross Canyon Coal, iviil )ojwo loaro thuir ordors only at ll.iiloy i Sun's. K.u-l Touitilo street and Woods Jc Koatun, first riouth struoi all) O. J. LEli, Agent, Uras.1 Ounyuii (Jal Couiiiany. NOTICE pUK PAUTXKKSIUP UERTOK0RE E-L E-L i-'tiriB uutwixt Koynolds A .Millor, u this day dissokod by miitunl eonsont. said Koynolds Koy-nolds assuming all liauiJitios. AV.ii. ltKYNdLDS, Boaver, Sapk. a, lc;J. s8 WAGENERS BOTTLED Fl F PD ALE AXD PORTER, ottiaCbRPOSt RatM and on bort"t Leave yonr erder. at the D.iiot of the Lnuronii. Br.norj. Mo. H CommeromJ .treo jg STOVESTSTOVESI THE CHEAPEST STOVES -OF THE GREATEST VARIETY AT W. HARRISON'S I T I I N I AND STOVE STORE, OPPOSITE BISHOP BCXTER-3 EAST TEMPLE STREET. BT!" Call and Examine; you aro iwo to be suited. ,i ANTI-UYSPEPTIC, COMPOUND BONE-SET PILLS Home-made and pnrelj reetabl, They rlieTa Jftnndie, DrTcr-ia, Indiref- tion. i.iver t.;, it.-Uiat, Ueaaahe, Low ol AiTcnte and ,.q1 atomnrh. wil rfak up C-U. Fevers. Unea. and Purify the Biocd. In-y will Cleans the Mnmnch, Kenovat the TFlcm. aci dii.cl Diea.'e. Are good id all wot wScre Phyfieu needed. Try a boz. Y'lu will Iiko then-., ami ncvcrwiaur.v other sort, Tney are Iodio, Cauiartic and ti pee-to pee-to ran L rweaty-fivereca per box Twenty-nTePillj. Warranted Ui giTe mu:cuoh. J. K. JOH5SON, St, Ocorir., Lt And sold at Zinn'r Co-operative 5tnrv( ui by o:h"T aaps: thmTgh iot the Terrier, al.'o eoii at wbola.aio or fnrnibrd on com-oii5sion com-oii5sion to responsihieaeenu. If theet medicines med-icines are not kept at your (torm, aak joui njarciaat to ordai Uem at obm, RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, October 1st, 1872. Grand Fall and Winter W S 3M" GS- - Seasonable and Fashionable Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaks, Sacques, and other desirable WRAPS. FULL LINE OF COLLARS, CUFFS & LACE GOODS. SHOE DEPARTMENT WILL EE FULLY STOCKED. Fnrmnrmli. ., J u. : J :.. a few dnyg. Hi B. CLAWSON, .Superinlpinlcnt. UTAH NORTHERN Trains are now Running Daily, BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R. R. a sr i HAMPTON'S for MONTANA. Dil. OOraq SOUTH I a. ii. I r. ir. 1 Wo. GOIN'd NORTH a.m. r. . I Kui. Levo Hampton's at j 4:W I2:l.i Loavo llriKbam at S:lo 7:16 . 7 " Doworvill." J:35 1:20; . m Bos Eldor " 8:30 7:30 i', 11 " Honoyvillo " J:.30 i;X 7o " c.ilb Fort " 0:00 8:00 O0 13S " Calls Fort ' j:00 1:1", ( Joo llj Honoyvillo" 9:10 S:U 75 " BoxEldor " o:: ;!.-, i.o.-, is' Uoivoyvillo" 0:i3 8:i'i ' 1 00 25 Arrive at Brishnin 5:15 2:30 ! 150 o'llArrivo at Hampton's 10:00 9:00 j 1.50 SPECIAL RATES TO EXCURSION PARTIES. Fasscncors will please purohase thoir tickets at tho Company's Offices or 50 cents additional will be olurnod when the Faro is oil!' clod on the train. Arrangements ha70 been ninda with tho Central Pacific Bad Utah Central Railroad Companies whereby pi'soni-ers can purohase Tickets at the U C Office in ojlt I Jik-e City or O. 1'. Otfijo at 0den fir B3I E Jer or Hampton's on the U. JN R R , and from Hampton's or Boi Elder to Ogdcn or Salt Lake City at greatly reduoed rates. Through Connection as follows : OOIXn SOUTH rl-jP. M; UOI.S.1 MOUTH. A. M. I'. M. Loayo Hampton's at im mo l.oavo Salt Lako City-, UCRIt.. at Me"" 7" Arrlvo at Brlgham, V. N. R. R. .5:15 2:30 Arriyo at Omlon, !:oo Loavo Brik'hnm. C. I'. II. R. at 0:10 2:30 l.oavo Ogdon, 0. 1 R. It., at 7:15 0:00. Arrivo at Ogdon, C. P. It. 11, 7:00 3:50 Arrivo at Brigham, " 8:15 7:0o' Loavo Ogdon, U. C. R. It. 8:00 5:30 l.oavo Brigham, U. H. R. R., at 6:15 1?? Arrivo at Salt Lako City 10:00 7:30 Arrivo at Hampton's " 10:00 9:00 ' THE TIME TABLES ARE CALCULATED ON SALT LAKE TIME. J 6FARES, HamptontoOgdon . .... ,; 50 Salt Lako City , Bo, Kl,, 25 i" qp.- 1 is 1 boa kuM...:r;.;: I H. G. Miller & Co's Express leaves Hampton'g evory mornine for Lotan S.M.X f 10 i m- Y""' ""d lri-ly. Monday, Wednesday nd Saturday for prine.pal settlements in Cache county, and weekly on Monday with ho r4amS,!r'"g8' rCSU,rniDg I'J rSm Lo" " 10 to connect with the 12.45 p.m. train, and leaving Soda Springs every Friday morning. JOHN VT. YOUNG, Gen'l Supt. J xxlixavi Bauer tib Oo., MANUFACTURERS OF THE LM PROVED BAUER ORGANS AND IMC ELODEO IV IS 1 . Every Instrnmsnt FULLY WARRANTED for FIYE YEARS. Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATALOGUES sent FREE to ""7 address upon application. ALSO IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN PIANOS anl ALL KINDS of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. JULIUS 13AU1CII ct CO., 650 Broadwav, 390, 392, 394 & 396 Wabash Ave NEW YORK. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. J. DAYNES & SON, Agents for Utah, 1st South St., TJVODOOUS EAST OF POST OFFICE. NOTICE. Offict Salt Lake City Gas Company, 42 M.iD Street, June. 1872. 'I'lIB vvb'io we hereby noti6ed tlil tbe Salt Like Cit7 Ou Company will pro-oeed pro-oeed forthwith to ereet their works, and will be prepared t fnminh 8u for seneral use about the In of January next- Thoe de-lirinit de-lirinit to life Qae in their stores, offipee or dweUinirs, wonld do well to notify tho company, com-pany, at the earlien day poerible, that ar-1 raiwemenu for metres and nervie may be maoe. The price of Cia will be foar dollan per one thousand cubic feet. DANIEL H. WELLS, President. 1 LALOR sderrev, Sapenntendcotj The Genuine ROCK SPRIXCS COIL, FKOM BITTEIt CJ(KKK, J X ati(l pr Iod aliw EVANSTON COAL, At 97 per ton, by tho WjomlntrrnjiUMlnlncICoinp'j. Delivered to any Br nf tho rity mt WererrreiTod by ARTBHR fit AVNFR. Atcnt, ofi at u W, Stayner'i Btore, one door tooth ol Sarue'i Phoiotraphio Hen. CHICAGO TRADE. JOHN V. FARWELL & Co., WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS. -AN'D- W OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sta , CHICAGO. nW -$VKUfACTURERrA WHITE LEAD 170 k 112 RANDOLPH STREET. Offer Sj'Pci.nl inducotiifnts to lflrpe buyeri and tho Jobbins I'rado of L tAh Territory. Jlii Williams, Millor & Olmslead, i Formerly Fitch, Williams i Co.,) holosalo Dealers in Hats, Caps, JTurs anl Enck GoolIs, 125 and i:T MA UK i;T STREET, augH (IIHAiJO. PAGE, BRO. & Co., LEATIIF.K AXD FINDINGS, ';3. 37 South CkiimI mrfft, W. W. Phsc, Boston, t il 1 1 ' A;0, Orville I'aee, r. - C. K. Pase, 'tMOKO. juyly H. M. KNICKERBOCKER, (Formerly fQ li.iL Lafi.ik) Wholesale PAPER DEALER, SO, 8'J W. lUmlolph Ht.t CHICAGO, IL.L.9 I A (ion t for the "a!o o OWEN' PAT'hK I'AI-KH.s. Hund i'ai'cr, "the best in tli world, " l'rint i'nicr, wluto and I'olnrnd, Flm I'ni'ors nf till iitvicriiniLii.8, Knveldpos, t'nrd Board, Bill. Lettorand Note Heads, StatomenLs, otc A Most Comi-lkti: I'bintkrs' Stock. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Juj-4 SEEBERGER & BREAKEY, Wlinleeale Detxlera In iriDnirin f. mmi vnv 3S aod 40 Lako street, CHICAGO. 8f9u Orders by mil solicited an& aatiplaction guaranteed. jy7 Damon, Temple & (Jo., .Importors, .Manufacturers and Jobbor of And all Goods for GENT'S NEUlv WE All, LINEN AND PAl'KR COLLARS AND CUFFS. 1U and 113 Wabaeh Ave. JyS Chicago, nie. "Tho Old Salamander." REMOVAL. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID. Wholeitle "HU u I O 1 O and Paint Dealers, Sir... I,, ,., old S.iilTu.l bub.'TJ,l' U0",I " TTritorW . Iji M. D. WELLS &, CO.. M.DDfMttirw, of nd WIioIm.1. )Nj.n In Boots and Shoes, KIRK, COLEIYiANTco7 ilanufacturere and dealen In IRON, NAILS, Heavy Harlwar. WKon kimI Crrl null tuckt And M'utorn headmartoru for BURDEN'S HUHit AND MuLfc SHOES nd wee tern llorae rtftlle, etc 3 and t South Canal Street, -JfL UHJCAGQ. PIONEER MANUFACTURING CO., Aliuinractureri of Prru,., Toll.i .nd S H A V I I G KiO A P 8 SI n.niUlSo.,.1, Canal .tr.t. Cl.lc.o. ' y- " 'J"i..iocieury, hurniuio'barr'1" BiVn JboniMd '- Vl A. IJ. Meeker .V: Co., PIG IRON AND COAL At Low.., n.rk.t U.i, W.buh Avenue. JWCIAOO, iiUS'S FATEir CfliS FIRE and BI KGLAR PROOF Th. Be.t .re. 1 ,h. worl.1. HERRING & CO., id 8UU Btrecl, n4 comer Nth stroot nd Indiana Avenue, .CHICAGO. So. 715, 717, 71B uitl 721, INDIANA AVK, CHICAGO. Arlunlic and Pacific TOBACCO WORKS. 1" or .faw ofr,o,l,.illn, brands. IN- CUT CHEWING FINc rUT SIUOKIM! ?wr)f-t Tl'imn, Ai...',;' i Pftltve Hull, P.ri i 1 w," chiiSom : Hobart, Deile & To., Proprietor. l |