OCR Text |
Show MEDICAL. NEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage." for the Debilitated Hcrroni Syatem. I ft. JORDAN, of th. AnWjmlcaJ Mnnmm, SII I M-,nlii-m-ry .tr.(. (QB,r California.) HAN I'rlASOL'iOOi California, baa pnblihi (oar of hlj mt important and Imimcti-a Ltcmrtm, Id a lmI Tulnnio, for thiae who cannot attain Uto Lecture at liiii ilowiim. Krerj nnrnjurled and marrind mQ iti'iald rpad and itudjf tlieao Important Lec-Inrm Lec-Inrm for the ft01"! o( himself ud oftapnng. Hy add mam a: tba tocrelary of the Anatomical Mtueuin, San franclaco, and enclosing Twenty-yirn Twenty-yirn Oqu Id punUm itampi to paj xug, the IV -,k will be torwarded lo UJ pat of the nlales or Territories. Dr. Jordan can be consulted by letter. jS W.F.ANOERSQN.M.D. H.J. RICHARDS, M.O. Surgeons and Physicians, Officer, for the present, at their regpeetiTe residence in the lain and 14th Wudi; to C. C. 0 RMSBT, M. D. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND DBUGGIBT; UltlUllAM CITV. UTAH. HOTELS, ETC. TQWNSEND HOUSE, SALT T.AKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWN8ENO PROPRIETOR. ' TbU Ilouse It centrally and pleasantly lo-oetod, lo-oetod, well furnished, and hu aocomaoda-tiona aocomaoda-tiona for 10 wNti. THB PROPEIETOfli. now preparini o 1 build large addition! to hit Hotel, whlth whoa finished, will ren'-er It the Mott Complete EttablithmaU In the BOCKF MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil WALKER HOUSE, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Open for (lie Reception of Gncsts Monday, Sept. 2d, 1872. II. S. GREELEY & CO., 1'HUl'ltIKTORS. a23 TAYLOR'S HOTEL, Wat Slds mailt street. IMPROVEMENTS Constantly being made for the accommodation accommo-dation of Oaest. HOT AND COLD .BATHS. TAYLOR & CUTLER, myll Proprietors. American HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OMK BLOCK BAIT OV THEATRE, 8ALT LAKE CITY. Ttrmi3.00 pirliy. Board with-out with-out roo ma 0 lie. 00 per week. Batha free to gutiti. J, O.LITTLE, Iun44 Proprietor Washington House i- Uird Houth (Street, H -A. L T Hi -A. K K OIXY Board and Lodging, per Week 7 00 Day Board 00 French Spring Beda 3 00 Beila, par Might - BO Meals - 5 iu M Commercial Liipi; Rooms, 46, Commercial St., Salt Lake City. 0. W. TAFPAN. Proprietor. O P K N ALL, NIGHT. Spring Betla, 90, 37 U and SO eta. par Might 1.90 to f3. 00 per Week. Sin ! lloomi, BO and T5. per Nlghti J.OOtoSe.SO per Week. Pei.hle Uoomi. fl.00 to Si. 50 par Might. ol5 GRB1T WESTERN DOTEL, ON Tlllfl SUHOPJBAJI PL AS. BItuated In busine part of tha olty, with aooommodatloa for HOC luesu. I.IHRT-OLAPSacoomoudalion fer Families and Travelers, iiooma, 00c, 7 Ho , 91.00 and 91.50 per limy, Dinln Hall and Restaurant under the BaiKtcetoatit of M.U. Uaerdsley, Uteofthe M-.rrnon Httuso, Out. ha, and Tiohnor llouno, Lincoln. Neb. Hoard per week, f7 Jlleala, 50o Puree leave daily for the mines. Laundry connected with the hotel. SMITH BIOAZB3, "r17 Proprietor. Right About Face I IE Co-operative Store Keepers?! AND OTHERS, Who:wUli W.uuio lko.,bj wkonEUboi 7. UT.I BUY UP THE WOOL! and hare It mannfajiiirec: t horn and will hftro to par for .round-op hau rft. etc.. Id th. .hftp.of Olola, ftoin th. M.t. ' WE WILL PAY YOU TUB HrOUBST MARKET PRICE FOR WOOL, Md oil rou Oood. for tho LowMt Cur Prict. and .uuutM tTanr artioi M r.prMot DJ 111. IV. will ftljo: EXCHANGE CLOTH rnovisioNn, Whor. w ou mftk. .TftilftbJ. for or oud.l .nd ikuti UMm ftod ta Wool u our btorc. Wo ftro Cftklar, ud bftTt 0. hud, , JiEADY-.MADE CLOTHING, ! MIXERS' SHIRTS, ttc, FULLED CLOTH, or r,t-cl, Mjl, .nd nd I floor: F jn-ol. 0f , eaU lt. Cloth' Toivollns;, Uuckliis:, i ;; ilocklnir Y.rn, M w0, ,nJ8' j Part ootton, 'ancy Wool I Yuru, for Kniuioir. Cot- ( ton Batting, , udGftrpetY.rn, .to., eto .to. t JOSEPH BIRCH. Co. S. olri0 VirF en Manofaomriai 1, MUX " and WMhUctoa, n NOTARIES PUBLIC. vie. ii. ciLtunr.. iv. woods 0ILLK3PIK and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. AcKSowr.r.DotnirTST.s taken for tho several Stat i.su f EmtiruuiKJ. OtSco hoar", 9 m., to 9 r. u. Root. No. 5 OTor First National Jdiink, call Lako City, L'uh Territory. e5 Jas. VT. SUinoum. Chaa. A. Gould. STAINBURN & GOULD, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Searchers of Records, O O IV V n TJ4.lV0351H.an, COMinSSIONERS OF DEEDS POtt New York. MassachoaetLs, Ponn'ylvania, Ohio, Illinoiii, luw.i, Nobraaka. Wyoming. Wyom-ing. Aioniitna, Nevadu. Cdlifornia, OroKoQ. Texas, Colorado, District ol Coluinbi;. and other Statea and Territories. - Applications for Patents, Mining Deeds, AgroeiueDis and Bonds lor Deeds, Morttfag-ea, Powers of Aitornoy. Loasoa. Contracts and other instraments of writing drawn with (iri'iirivv and dispatch. mining a lid other Companlea Incorporated In-corporated D'ir the L-a w a of Utah. Abstract of Title to Minimi and othor proneny made in ihe moat compteto form. Mlulng property examined and re- POrf"ick-.lT SKID'S BUILD IXO, EAST TEMPLE bT.. SALT LAli.il CITY, U. X- A Notary Public always in the Office from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Transcripts famished f'om tho first Mining Rec'irdo in tho Couuty of Salt Lake, to wit; thoBo of the Mtiuniam Lako Mining District nowUigiind Liuio Cottonwood Districts), and from the." a of tho iiig Cottonwood Mining Min-ing District, my 21 CHA8. W. STAYNKR, NOTARY PUBLIC, Dnly qualified and commissioned by the Office 1st door south of Savago's Photograph lallory, ball L.iko City. raI HEW YORK THAUE. Cochran, McLean & Co. Importers and Jobbers of DRY GOODS, WHKc 0odB, Hosiery, Notions, Woolons, Linona, Kmbroidorios and LllOM, -Kit and m BltOADWAY, K. n. r. w bio n r. Miff YORK. juyJ RICE, GOODWIN, WALKER & CO., Importers and Jobbora of SILK A H D FANCY DKY GOODS, 471j, 17ti and i7ii4 Broadway W.O.BAK.NEY."' YOB&- L. M. BATES & CO., 1 413 Broadway, NBW YORK, WPOTIB AHS JOBDiaS 18 Taney Dry Goods, HOSIERY, WHITS GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE KOI IONS, &c J. U. BVLGKR. jnl BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manoaotorors and Wholesale t Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, one block east of Broadwa JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in FUR AiD WOOL HATS, Straw Goods, Umbrellas, Xc, No. 408, Broadway, T NKW YORK. Jo. Jim liantor. j6 THOS. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' and Children's a Xi o t h iisra, AT WUOLKHALB, 313 A 31 Uriiailway, New York. 1. 1. COTLKS. f27 HOWLAND & ASPINWALL, 54 Sonth Street, NEW YORK. rrtMnun inn irn LUIMUHU HILrLO, Hgeill KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt LiiLe City Will advance lltiernlly on coiialgn-menta coiialgn-menta of Org .ml Uulllon. Oulllon purclinacil .t lilglieat n.rkat rale. LEGAL NQTICE. VrOTtCK 18 nKHKHY QIVRS.thH wo, i. Ucorgo H'arl, Jfb Hew, Cyrus U Uawlov and Uuljcrt C Cham tier.-, d. elai in twentr-two huu ro.l loot ia Icnklti. by two hundred feet in width, on iho llnincMeui-Al llnincMeui-Al in ins Claim (boinjt a suvor bearing vein ot ro-k iu place) ami tho laud and ..remises appertain i uk to aid miuo, all cimatod in Ltio Ohio Alining 1'ntrk-t, Cjuniy .t Piute, Territory ol L" tali, dm location and eitent thoro( boiufc- more laily deajribod as fellows, lo wit: Cominoncinir at a point south seventy four decrcot aud thirty minutes ca.it, tw.) thousand thous-and fnur hundred ami .eighty feet from u o. Mineral Mt-numcnt No. I. thence DiTta twfniy-iwo Imn ircd t ) feet. Thence otn two hun.lrcd rot. Xhcnce south twunty-t wo hun Jred vJ.-Ui) i"oet. Tncnco west two hucdred 0') loot to ihe place of begin bin;, t'onainiiig ten and ton hundredths hun-dredths 1 10. hV' acres as net forth m tho diagram; dia-gram; and wo do hereby give further notice, that, having occupied and lm-proTtd lm-proTtd tno sa d lode and premises, according to tho local customs and rule. of miners in said .Mining District, aud having expended in aciual labor and improvements im-provements thereon, an amount not less than Ono Thousand Dollars, and having at this tiiuo actual peaceable possesion of said mining properly, wo have applied for a patent for tha ?aid pretuiio. unacr the Act of Coocrcjs entitled "An Act granting the Hight of 'y to Ditch and Canal Owners over tho Public Lanji, and fur other Pur-' Po.', approved July l'teY and the amenda'.ory Act, approved July'.1, 1S70, as Act of Congress, approved May li. leTi entitled "An Act to promote the development develop-ment of the Mineral rciourco of ihe I'm tod Biates." WitDtsa oar hands and soals this twenty-fotmh. twenty-fotmh. day of August; UTi. Jaioii IIes, by R. C. Cham if r-. bis "tt'y in fact. t , CTlUs B. HiWLKY. by ii. C. Chamber, h is ati'y in fact. It. C. Onitni-KS. i... . M. Kirttratrick. V. S I.ind Office, $nl I..TkoCily. l'ih, Axis. -I. 17; I certify thai tho above notice and a ui.gram jftho.a-d .Mining Claim w.ts this day iilcd n this ollice. t' set her wuh a notice ot irtten ion to apply for a patent thcretor from the 3tvernincnt of tho I'nitM State, a? pro-ritlcd pro-ritlcd in an Act of Cngrt, ontrJoti "An ict gran'ing (ho Kijtht ct .iy to Ditch and anal Owners over ihe l';.Mic Lands, and ir ' ither l'urposo,"ap.rovc.i July iv, iv;, ami j amended by A-t ot Cuiigro.-a approved uly L'. ISM. an Actnf Conitress, apprei lay ltSi', entitlttl "An Act to j remote ho 4ovolopmnt of tho Mtcing resources of he I'nitoa 6t.itc.-." I direct laid notice to bo printed in the alt Lako "Herald,'' a now ."paper published .eaiost tho location of tho claim. GEO, K. MAXWKLL, Uegiater, LEGAL. FRANK TILFORD, 1TTOBSET AT - LA W. Office at present with S. J. Jonasson, East Tompls street, just tiouth of aalt Lake 1 iluuje. xZi J. B. Rosboronsb, S. A. Merritt J. M. Carter. Ros borough, Merritt & Carter, ATTORNEYS AT L A "V , Salt Lake City, Utah. Office. 1st South Street, first building east of Doserot Bank corner. aug 1 Tit. IUTD05. C K. GILCHRIST. HAYDON & GILCHRIST, . ATTORNEYS - AT- LAW. SALT LAKE CITY. Oflieo over 1st National Bank of Utah. al2 THOS. MARSHALL. J. C. BOTLE, MARSHALL & ROYLE, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W. Office over Wclla, Fargo Co'a Banja, Salt Lake Cltv, Utah. al A. MINER, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR. Gffico at Rosidoneo, Second South atreet SALT LAKE CITY, UTAJX AH kinds of legal business promptly at-onded at-onded to. j3i GEOKGK C. BATES, -TTORNEY-AT-LW. C. MYRON HAWLEY, Attorney -at-Law, tJlork of tho Sn promo Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. HAS KINS. Offioa in Kimball's blook. near U.S. Mar-JU Mar-JU sbal'soffioe. CHARLES Q. LOEBER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Offioo Room No. 6, over First National Bank, fait Lake City. my 12 0. H Hompatoad, M.Kirkpatriok, HEMPSTEAD & K1RKPATRICK, Attorueyaat-Law, Main Street, opposite Wolls, Fargo k Co., saltlakk city. alO P. L. WILLIAUB. LK OKAXB YOUHfl WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNE YS-AT-LAW, OfGoe, half-a-blook south of Thoatra, fcsalt I.t3.lss City. jl2 ' Z. SNOW. E. D, H0Q1. SNOW 6l HOttE, 1 attorney! and CoiLxuaiora at Law Salt Lake Oity, Dtah. Office at Snow's comer, 1st East Street. Jo6 THOB. FITOH. OKO. I. WHITKKT. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTOKNKYS-AT-LAW, 36 First South Street, C SALT LAKE CITY. H. A. . MANN, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, No. 36 First South Street, ft Salt Lake City. ptah. JOHN U. MILNER, AT'XORNEY-AT-LAW, Provo City, If tah. Collections made in the 1st and2ndJadi-oial and2ndJadi-oial Districts. Spooial attention given to Mining eases. OHoe at rosidanoo. Centre l Provo City. j6 WaroorBarll, F. M. Smith. KAHLL Av SMITH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALT LAK1 OITY, First South Street. Rooms U and 12, Ko 106, Kimball Blook. DANIEL. S. DANA, ATTORN E Y-A T-L A W, Salt Lake City, Utah. Offioo west side of East Temple Street. d27 I. COOPER; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR, Kaat Temple Street, Colebrook's New Building, up-at air a, j In28 8 ALT LAKI OITT. Sarsaparilla 6 -f-. h a widely known M. ffij. as ono of tno most 'JV m '$m evar discovered ffi't-j'jr j? 3ky4-' or c'eRns'nB t10 t,' 't4 sy8toin puri- dVfying the blood- "SW" It has stood the tost of yoar8,with a constantly grow inft reputation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its remarkable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial bene-ficial lo children, and yot bo searching t ruptiona of tha blood, such as the aero fulous and syphiltic contamination Impurities, or diseases that have Iurkoi in tho systom for voars, soon yield t t this powerful antidote and disappear Henco its wonderful euros, many o which are publicly known, of Scrofula and nil scrofulous diseases, Ulcers Eruptions and omutive disorders of thi skin, Ttmwrs, Blotches, Bnits, Pimples. Pustules, Sores. St. Ant homf s Fire, Rosi or Erysipelas, 'letter. Salt ftheum. Scale Heai, Ringworm and tntemai Ulcerations Ulcera-tions of the Uterus Stomach andlAver, II also cures other complaints, to which ii would not seem especially adapted, such as Dropsy, Dysprjsia. Pits, Aeuralgta, Heart Disease, bemnlt Weakness, Debility De-bility ami Leueorrhaa, when they art manifestations of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer ot healtL. and stronjrth in tho Spring. By renewing renew-ing tho appetite and vigor of the diges-. diges-. livo organs, it dissipates the dopreasion and listings languor of tho season. Even whero no disordor appears, people feoi bttttor and live longer for cleansing the blood. Th system movos on with renewed vigor and a new lease of Ufa. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & Co, Lowell.Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. For 6 ale at Z. C. M. L DRUG STORE. o26 I PATENT IT1 1 NOV 30'- 15SS WITH POUCKLAIN-LIXED CAPi The Bloat IRellabl. FRUIT PRESERVER Known. For Sal. at the Crocery and Hardware DEPARTMENT, 25. C jVT. I. H. B. CLAWSON, Sap't. Jol9 INSURANCE. OF THE Home Mutual IICRIXCE C0MP1W, OP CALIFORNIA. CAPITAI. - - . . $650,000. JOITX ir. RED1.VGTOX, Freeldent., CIUBLES it. STOBT, Secretarf. Principal OjJUx, 433 California St., SAN FRANCISCO. H. R. MAN"N, Agent, Oflieo: Banking Houso, A. W. White k Co. TRIUMPH FIRE IXSURIXCB CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. We ask Fair Rates and Promise to Pay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah VI. R.'MAKN, Agent, SALT LAKE CITY: Office. Dunking Uouae of A. W. White fc Co. P. O. Wor SM. ' 1 FIRE INSURANCE. ilUiiii Ll6ulvAiL'JS UU. Columbus, Ohio. M. A. DAUGBERTY, JACOB PEETRY President. Seorot&ry. Cash Assets - - $S7I,452.S1 Br reason of a heavy oaali capital an a large business, well distributed, we offe to the poblio indemnity that is second t none. Oar Chicago rooord is a c oar an loo o prompt and equitable adjustment and par mont of lontos. H. R. MANN, Agent Office. Banking Uouae of A. W White at Co. Post Offiee Box, No. 5S4- myld mm LTOME CO. J. B.nFXYKTT - - President, B. IV. WKSiT - - Secretary, Cincinnati, Ohio. A.HSETS, Jl'XE 30, 1b73. Cash on hand, in bonk, and in course of transmission.. 8111 ,.108 57 United States Bonds, market trJug 12ii,I'iV 03 Mnrtgaros ... . 3wo,JiJ ffj Collateral Loans ." ; 12S.4S7 OH Accrued Interest. 20.M2 58 Bills Kecoivablo 3U.SM7 15 State Bonds and Miscellaneous 5k,6I7 99 Duo from Agents 3S,l)&7 65 $880,900 70 LIABILITIES. Outstanding Losses and other Lia bUiUos I77.7U W H. R. MANN Agent, Omeei nankliiff House of A. W. White A Co, 1, O. Box, 554. Jy2S I - s s ti I O . I 3 53 3 M M "J fcflS H is 3 u . a afua, Of - s ra g - 11 ED ' C. H. BASSETT, ; HARDWARE STORE All kinds or HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, AfrrUmUmral ImpUmtau And Mining TtvoU, At Low eat Kate a. OPPOSITE SALT LAK.B HODS RAILROAD EXCHANGE, NOW OPEN, Southeast corner of South Temple ud Third Weat street, opposite tho Railroad Depot morning trains. Warm Lunch, frem 11-30 to 2 o'oioot Luok Baakota for trTelen foraished on i few minutes' notice. IOE CREAM ISO HUIMailCll 13R.I-IvS. F. HAMERXZCK, m Proprietor. BOOK-BEfDKG. TN CnyECTTON wrTH THE HERALD L Oficela a Bindarr, whore all work in that line will be attended to xpediUooiij UdiAIQlnjhlUnUlJjUlt..; 1 MILLINERY. NOTICE. Great Reduction In MILLLINERY GOODS ! SELLING OFF! MRS. C0LEBR00K, Palace of Fashion, WUlien to Inform the Lb die a that alio la now offering her choice nsaortment of Hats & Bonnets, Including to favorite DOLLY YARDEN, At coat price to make room for FALL, G-OOIDS. JUST ARRIVED LADIES DRESS CAPS, BLACK ENGLISH CRAPE, BABY II0OD3 & NOTIONS. mxl7 SAN FRflNGSSCO TRADE. Special Notice. CARD TO THE TRADE. TnE Mission &Mctti Ills, Depot, No. 511 fc 510 Market St., SAN FttANCISCO. CAL OlTsr to tho trade h Lr(r0 and Well selected Assortment of Woo lex Goods, ManufaoLured at thoir oolobrated Mills, Cone is L in f of BLANKETS ef ovory description; HORSE BLANKETS and BUGGY ROUES; HORSE and SLUICE Blanketings, various widths and (inalitios; CLOTHS, CASSIMBRBS and TWKED3 cf every description; GENTS', LADIES', MISSES and CHILD KEN'S SHAWLS in grout variety ; OPERA and FANCY FLANNELS; SHIRTING FLANNELS ; TWEED, CASSIMERE 1 and FLANNEL SHIRTS and U.VPKHWK -R. WATER PROOFS and RE-PELL RE-PELL A NTS, various snides and stylos. K.sit .All-Wool and .Morlno Underwear and Hosiery for men, women and children, es-PKfi.u.LY es-PKfi.u.LY adapted for tho Pacific Coast Woolon Vara in all shades by tho package All Goods in our lino manufactured "to ordkr" at short notice, and at tho lowest market price?. 1'ricoLisu son ton application. MISSION axu PACIFIC WOOLEN MILLS Depot, Nob. 51TA510 Market St., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. nu-27 3. L. Stanley, 0. C. Chapman, John Spruanao. - Spruancs, Stanley & Co., Su:cossor to H. Wobjter k Oo. aud J. k 3. Sprit inoo. Importers an! Doalera in WINES AND LIQUORS, alO 410 FRONT STREET. HENDRIEBRO'S .33 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, Mao u facta r; California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for the erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMELTING SMELT-ING FURNACES COM. PLETK in any of tho Mining Districts. wo man a fact are the Vamey Wniitr Pane, Pa.ie.it 1'rei.til slioea and Dlca, Pmut(ein U I (tea, nd the Mcuinery complete for ST-A.MI1 IVTTT.T.S -Ai'D- REDUCTION WORKS. of whica wo maka a specialty and snarantee satisfaction in ail casus. Manufacture BollholT's Jtall Pulverizer, FOR DRY CttUSUIKO, Will do the work of 15 Stamps, Price, 11500" Manufacturers' AeonU for theSaleof Stnrtevanf A. Koot Olowera, Karlt fe Cameron Ht cam Parana. liolHiltig, Portable avnd lallon.rr Knglnea, Wire HoUtlneRope, (put and Round ) yard lr0"' i0' U "d " 'b'' " " Iron Plpa for Gi and Water, Dod;e 4. Blake Ure Cm. her., ? r""'l Iroe Bucket.. Argllle Fire Brick, and mining upplla. ESTIMATES and DRAWINGS furnished MALLOllRW 0 R K . a 10 ! ffaDDCflflFPRSAID CDAIDEALEES 1 T AKB NOTIOH! ALL persons tti-ff tiaber oa United il Mates lands for Coal, will bo pir,sc-Ud erimi.-.a,.y. acd Urn severest pozaiuos ecforcod t oo j Lidicial aid roiiiury frce will be em-piuyod em-piuyod u, arrest all tresspassers on public lacas, who c-i Utor f..r ci p jrposas. r -. j c IjLuKiiE C UAltX L r.itcd States District Attorney, Utah Annul. i,. ia, A Jlf lisTj. STRO.WJERC. 3Icrchanl Tailor, U now rprmr!-Tir'y I'-'a-t-d at No. 3 cmer t,-jajnn.'rnn! .u.J l-ir-l ?..jih Mxcets, and has iu;t rcc.ived a largo ;tvck uf CLOTH?, canim i:Ri:e, UFA KKS, VKJTI?f(i, &.C., for Fall and vrtr,,T rt hirh float le- men w.i-. want a rrn-t i,.s i;iit aro replied .ally invjloa w ulspci:1 ml in-tuira prieer. ARRIVED THIS DAY A BIG STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Conslstlns ofEverjIhins In (lie Staple Line; also LATEST STYLE LIDIES' DRESS GOODS, Which wo are offering at VERY LOW PRICES. OUR GROCERY STOCK IS NOW FULL; AND EITHER Wholesale or Retail WE WILL SELL AS LOW AS ANYONE I.N THE XHADE. Taylor & Cutler, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. NEW OATS, BARLEY AND WHEAT, CRACKED CORN, : STATES OATS AND CORN1 Extra Family & Common Flour, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED, BY TIIE Car Load, Wagon Load, CUEAPER TITAN EVER AT KN OWL DEN'S, Where nil wanting cheap grain go, as he makei It a point not to he luidcreold In the market) and attend peraoually to shipping ship-ping to all points of the Railroad, mining camp, and olty FREE OF CHARGE. Drillers should nlvrays learn his prices before purchnrilug. Heaps of grain ate-, always oil hand. Nee hint. -O.U. KtXOWLDEiV, OPPOSITE M EI.IA, FARCIO a CO'i ! Express Ollice, Main Street, SALT LAKH CITY. alS BUL.LI01V. Hilest Price paid for Bullion, OfKvery Grade, by W. T. .RICHMOND A CO. Office, 16 KimbnU's Block . Summer Eesort. m THE PARK HOUSE. TWENTY-FIVE MILES EAST OF SALT Lako City, is now opon for Guests. Mr. Wm. II. Kimball has perfected his r now stage lino to tho PARLEY'S PARK MINES, Dine Ledg-o, McHenry. Uintah and Ilowland ; Diatriois; alio to Maj. Gordon's Military A ooaoh will leave Wolls, Fargo k Co's office dally, at '0 a.m . oominoncing on Woi-nosdav, Woi-nosdav, July 21th. A Hack will oonnoot at himbali'a Park Ilause. the following moroinn, with tho daily o.iaoh to the mines, baddla animals furnished to ordor, Fishinc and Hunting abound. Wk. H. KlMOALLi JU Proprietor. SCOTT, DUJVIIAM &CO., WHOLESALE nd RETAIL DEALERS IN IEON & STEEL, WRICHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL IUNDS OF - WINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE ALL K1SIM OF FtTTIJiCiS FOR Fl'RXACES MILUS. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - ASD OTIIKR- BLACKSMITn TOOLS, CRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, C. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOB CASH. To whom it may concern 7E. th. onder.lrn.'l. claim and o-wn t'.lTB hunirod (la.i) faau incladin, No two (2, and three ( i,. in tho Tunj lode, in Little Cottonwood oan,on, and hold the ame hj deed, from the onalnal lo-ator.' and ha, oomptiwl with th. law. of tae dia-triot dia-triot in e err roie. And we b.rehr caatios all penon, sot to trade, bnj er barwr lor laid claim., wilhoat oar oonaoQU C.H. DASSKTT.lAdntniFtratrrfs of the I.IVINij, auu of Anthonj irin. deceaiod. IBRAKL IVINS. Salt LUrati.Joj, Hit. 1JT1 SO Z. C. M. I. Shoe Factory DEP ARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. Wc rto'iwtfully invite Uio att ntion of tile Public t the DISPLAY OF 300T3 and SHOES, All our own make in our HAXDSOME NKW SHOW WINDOW llavine ostabliahod a reputation for ElXOlIjIjjVOEI In Style, quality aud;nt, Wo intend to maintain It by continuing to manuTaoturo goods that wo can GUAEANTEE. BOOT and SHOE MAKERS, You wilt (find hero EVERYTHING Roquirod by tho trade, in tho shape of LEATHER, FINDINGS AND KIT, At tho lowest rates, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. SADDLERSA 1LIRXESS MAKERS I Remember wo make a specialty of Horse Collars, Of which wo always koop a largo assortment of tho bost'and chonpost; 1IARXKS.S XaKATIIKlt, and all othor kinds, at Lowest Prices, wholo-salo wholo-salo and retail. E oro soiling tho abovo classes of goods Remarkably Cheap, at prosont, preparatory to renewing onr stock for Aulumu and Winter Trade. Orders by mail rocoiro careful and prompt attention from Mr. CltO.IIPTOX. whoso lengthy oxiorienco in tho trado enables him to aoloot goods that will satisfy our patrons. REPAIRING jDOXE. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. H. B. OLAWSOX.lSup't. JUST RECEIVED BY TEASDEL & CO., EAGLE HOUSE, 65, ST &c 69 East Temple Street, A LARGE AND WiLL SELECTED STOCK OF . STOVES, STOVES, STOVES, WHim WE ARE SOW M I.I IXJ AT THE VERY l,( MARKET I'HUtS. We brg to crl Ihealt'cullon of the I'nbllc to ouramorimcnt, THE LOYAL COOK STOVE. THE CARDEN CITY COOK STOVE. THE FAVORITE COOK STOVE. THE ARTIZAN COOK STOVE. The Peri Parlor Stove. The Opal Parlor Stove. The G3m Parlor Stove. The Orion Parlor Stove. Complcto with all descriptions of Stove Furnishings at Teasdel & Co's. BANKERS. First National Bank of Utah SALT LAKE CITY. 8c Special Jdiwfiw. m Third A. W. WHITE & CO, BASl TKMPLK STHJEBT, Salt Lake City. Dealers in GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION. Exchange t.. all tut Principal Cti4 of the United States and Europe. Particular attention giTon to Collection! and proceed, remitted at Current rale ot tAoaaage on day of payment. N GKO. K. "WHITNKY, Attornay. CORaKSPOSUBT8i Bank ofCilifoniia San Fran el U i Waller .... Mew Yo 0.k Oouuiy National Bank - - Chicago H-kell Hank BuInU Stale Bank ot 'Xabraaka - Omaha nyli BANK 5 DESERETF Salt Lake City, Utah' Tm iSank ha organised a SAVINGS DEPARTIYItNT, and will receive depeslts of one dollar r od upward, on whioh interest will be allow t the rate ef eight per eenC per annum compounded semi-annually, ft9 8. HILLS, Caahtar. SALT LAKE CIT? NATIONAL BASK S5ii.lt Lake Oity. Uta.k Ter. Authorized Capital - $500,000 UenJ. M. Duttll, Crti.dcDU IIuhH Willie, ('ashler. Ucvfaretu A KiRKfarxios. tturneys. CORRESPONDENTS I NKW YORK -3,' uJXsoa Co SA." PKANOI-iCO -Calif .irnia :,-mi o. iK DOS Jay C-ka, McOullooh AO,,. hslb WELLS, FAKGO CO., EX PR ESS FO R WA RD ERS, Biiiiktrs ami Dfalfrs in Kicliauf Draiu ud Kure. ur-. . ,n 0nioiiuni U-uini'tly 4in .'lotl 'o. i. id T.uipi Mrtri, vU 1 .1 k . if , nilJ Thi.i. K i RA.iv. A i on u Bank of Deseret Baoceaeor te HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Ooroer Kaat Temple and Flrat Bo nth Itrweta, SALT LAKH CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - l5,00OS BH1QHAM YOtTNO, President. H.S K-LDUROGK. VioePrea. WM. R. KOOPEKT JOHN oUAkP, lTrfc FEHA MOKZ LTTTLB, . t ttlLLo. Cashier. Deal n GOLD DVB-; OOIM, BXCIIAHQS LAND WARtlAKTB, COL. I.aCQaC SCRIP, -o. CollootioriB mado and promptly ro-mittod, ro-mittod, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE, MORE ARRIVALS. IO Different Sizes and Stylos of DOOR8I. 27 Different Sizes of WINDOWS. Tlie most complete Stock ever brought to Itahj L iTI.MER, T.iVLOR & CO'S LUMBER YARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, labile1. WOSt f tie zSoryz FAR WEST FREIGHT CO: H.ad ..rt,N t. Loul., DCRAXT&CUTTIXG, FORWARDING AID COMMISSION MERCHim AOKNTSI SALT LAKE CITY, CTA&. WB nra rrerarei to contract for ,hln. menu Iron, all Pru of the Kaat. oar Line bavina made -pedal arranaemenu for vXilh.'r, "'P-I'ortatlon of all Kroihtf,m New lork. Ilo.ton. lialtlm.ra. We are efferin. eitra IndnoamonU for tn. po'i!u" Bu"i'"' " il ImiSS Oypici a WaaEnoDBi: Flrat block .ottth or Depot, Malt La.k. city. UtRANT a CtlTf Ufa |