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Show SPRING OPENING HAH If, UUOKS, BLI.N'DH MOULDINGS H1CKKTS, SHINULh'S, ,ATII, HKIJWOOD. HUG Alt i'lNJS, TiiUCKKK, And all kiuil-i oi' BUiLDINCMATERAL IN FULL STUL'K AT LAT1IY1ER, TAYLOR & CO.'S LUMItKR YAKO AND BASH AND POOR r'ACl'Ulli'. Una Hi k tlaJiL of Depot. CIllCACiSO 20GK ISLAND, and; Pacific Railroad. TUB GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE NOW OriSN DIHECTITO Chicago andllke East. VIA UES MOINES, DAVENPORT, AND ROOK ISLAND, Connecting at Dos Moines with Des Moines Valley R,R, FOU KEOKUK AND ST. LOUIS. At Davonport with Boat Tor all point, on tho Upper Mississippi, At La Eallo with the ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. NORTH AND SOUTH. And at Chicago with nil tho fast linos East and South TWO FAST HXPRESS TRAINS Loavo Council Blufls Daily. TEMSS 11 OS CHICAGO Til This ruud buing thoroughly onuippod with KLKGANT NEW COACHES AND SLEEP IN GCAK8i Ami hnvine tho advnntnijo of ft smooth, woll-Ijulliiatuil woll-Ijulliiatuil truck, o flora to tbo traveling public an LuMurn lino uneiunlled for SI'KKP. no M FORT. AND SAFETY. Thniucli TickcM via this Lino to all Eastern East-ern I'itien can be had ut thoCooiimnv's Ticket I Mlii'iis, I nti'r national i lotol, Otuha, Pa-filic Pa-filic Houao illuck, Council liluffs, and at tho 'Jlt. IlAlH 1 Afl R OIlliCKED TllHOUnn TO ALL PU1NC1PAL KAdTEHN POINTS. JOB PRINTING. Tho varied wants of the MLi:;i, .VliTIZAN mill TUAVBLER Of JOB PRINTING CAN H 1-'. FILLED AT ILL' HERALD JOB OFFICE Tho unanimous satisfaction given by tho work done at our office in the put has justified us in continually importing im-porting all the Newest Attractions with which to rleaso oui patrooi in Elegaxce Style and perform Job Printing toompure favorably with any importation importa-tion in this line from the East or West. Anything in tho nature or PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, SHOW CARDS, -MINING BLANKS, BUSINESS BLANKS, CERTIFICATES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, COUNTINGHOUSE WORK RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, ETC., ETC., uono to order in black, colors or gold. Quality 6c Figures SALT LAKE IRON CO. CHARLES B00ME, Pri.id.nt, NEW YORK, II. J. DAVISON, Vioo-1'ruid.nt md Tr.a.urr. NEW YORK, F. F. J0NE3,S.crUrj, NEW YORK. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF IRON & BRASS CASTINGS Wo can offor tha beet induaemen U to el tiarLiea in this country who aro interested in MINING, SMELTING And BUILD INU. Wo can furnish, at the shortest notico. ORE CAES Oft o latest improvements, In either Wood or Iron; ORB BUCKETS; CAR WHEELS, of any sizo; HOISTING WINDLASSES; CAST IRON TUYEKS, For Furnaces ; BLAG CARTS and POTS; BOTTOM AND FRONT PLATES; CORNER BINDERS; BULLION MOULDS; t.ADT.F.a and HKTMMF.RS: WATER JACKETS; SMOKE STACKS and CHARCOAL WAGONS ; PULLEYS of all Bizos ; 0OUPHN J3 ; BOXES; HANGERS ; SHAFTING ; PINIONS ; GUDGEONS, and COG WHEELS ; IRON RAILINGS ; COLUMNS : SASH WEIGHTS ; And ORNAMENTAL WORK For BUILDERS. Works :: ONK BLOCK SOVTI1 OF DEPOT. L. 8. SUTHERLAND, MANAGER. Po. Box, No. 56S. m2 SPRING, 1873. FIRST IN1THE MARKET. FOR THE LADIES New and Fashionable GOODS NOW BEINQ RECEIVED BY TEASDEL & CO. Lace Pellerines Laoe Trimmed Bar baa, Hamburg Edgings and Insertion' Lace Capes and undereleevos. Lovo and Black Lace Veils. Silk Ties, Silk Fichus, Imitation Applique Collars, j. FANCY GOODS In large varities. Ottoman Sashes and Scarfs Ottoman Shawls, Mozambique Shawls, Lucca Wraps. Ladies will do well; by calling on TEASDEL & CO- AT THE EAGLE HOUSE, Before Purchasingelse where. Blees SewingMachines 8 till rmmandinj?.ftjj rapid L?lei au K 13. O. X. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, NEW ARRIVALS OF SIPnilG GOODS IN Men's, Youths', and Boys' Clothing, In all the Newest Fabrics and Styles. Also all tho popular Styles of SILK, BEAVER, and FELT HATS, From tho most celebrated matt ore. MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS In great variety. We call speoial attention to our Stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS IN Underclothing, Hosiery, gloves, Collars, Neckties, Neck-ties, Scarfs, Shirt Studs, Umbrellas, Valises, &c, &c. AGENTS FOR THE FAMED BURLOCK SHIRTS. Wo aro oponing tho most Mtonsivo and best asBortcdjStook of PIECE GOODS Wo have over offorcd, consisting of the finest qua.ities of French, English, German, Scotch and American Suitings, Vestings, Cassimeres, &c, Which cannot fail in suiting the tastes of all. We have purohasod with a view to supply all the requirements of our RAPIDIT INCREASING BUSINESS IN MERCHANT TAILORING1 So that our Patrons oan select from tho Choicest Stook in Utah. NEW REGULATION MILITARY SUITS Made to order on tho shortest notice. Our very heavy Sales of WALL. PAPER DECORATIONS Have induced us to make extensive alterations so that this olass of Goods can now bo socc i to much better f.dvantaee than formerly. A beautiful assortment ot GILTS BRONZB, SATINS, WHITE and BROWN BLANKS, ko , now on hand, large assortment of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S TRUNKS of Our own Manufacture, beautifully got up. ' MEN'S AND BOYS' BO0TSAND SHOEfc, HOME-MADE AND IMPORTED. Floor Oilcloths and Carpets. ' H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. DDNFORD & SONS. New Goods, Spring Styles. Immense assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, The largest Stook ever offorcd to tho trade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEPARTMENTS. Big Inducements Offered. S T 0 V E S, Grocery and Hardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, ' AIbo a great variety of other COOKING and HEATING STOVES, comprising com-prising the largest assortment to bo found in any stook in Utah; prices very low, call and see. 00 20 H. B. CLAWSON, Sujit, GROCERY DEFT z. a. im:. i;. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, htoves, Crockery-Glassware, Crockery-Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices, ALL OUR GOODS A.IRE OMZB-AP DKALEK8 IN THE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL I AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. mSL a. b. ouwio imperii Z. C. M. I. SKOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, , SIGN OF XIIE g ia -j , opt GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' B00T3. CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For flno w oath or or Htoriny wonther; for walk iogj daneiDB. working, spa u kino, olimbing, rioiDg, UshiniCi mining, otc etc. A largo and ohoico assortment of tho above, our own lnaJto and inported, at tho most roa-eona-blo pricos, W mnlce to order any style and quality desired and lnir-i attafuctton. OLD BOOTS AND SUOES Made u good aa now almost SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather! Upper Leather I Harness Leather I Imported Calfskins, American Calf Skins, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, "AJtD "KIT" OP ALL KINDS I UORSE COLLARS ! Ilorse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Order, by Mali receive apecl.l and lirompt attention. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT H, R10LAWS0N, 8mL LIBRARY GIFT COXCERT 90 Days' Postponement. A FULL DRAWING CERTAIN SSOO.OOOInBant to Pay Gifts. 10,000 Cash Gifts Paid In Full. 8100,000 FCR ONLY TEN DOLLARS. f'NOUOir of tho 100,000 UckoU issued for the i Thiku (IraUd Uikt (Ju.icert, in aid ul tlm Villi lie Library of Kentucky, having boon 60 Id lu insure a full lira win if, and tho widh liu sing bcon universally expressed ex-pressed that tho lO.Ouuo ciu-h tifts uflorml should be drnun In full, urnl paid in full without tiny st-alinK down aa horo-toloro, horo-toloro, the luanugoiuont, with the concur run co ut' tho trustoos, h.ivo ilolorminott to alln ninety days inoro fur tho sal a of tho romnnnt of tickoLt left on hand- Tho concert and did-triuution did-triuution advorlisod lor April t. is thoret'uro postponed to Tuesday, July . 1&73, on which dar, and no other, thoy will positively and unoquivocally take placo in l'uhlio Library ilall, Louiavillo, Kentucky. At this crand concert tho following cash Kilts will bo distributed by lot and paid in full to tho tiukot-holdors who draw thorn: LUST OF U1FTS. Onc Grnlid Cnslt Olfl 9100,000 One Ui'iiiitl . attli iilft fi(,O00 Oue J raiid tnttli Hi ft "4 3,001 One (Jrniid t ush Ulri u,UUU One (rirnml LhhU (.lit 10,0011 One UruiKl Civ.li (Jlfi G.OUO 1 Ca.U Uiritt ol SljUHOoncb 34'OOu fiut'iiihtiiriaor out) ar, ooo so catttt uiri or -itio 3i,ooo 100 I'uallGirta of 3U0 30,000 150CaUUiriiol' llltl " 30,000 50(1 Cnali (JlfiK of 100 0 0,000 0,000 (.khI. utrtH.r 10 " 00,000 Total, 10,000 UlfU all asli 500,000 Tho money to pay all thoso gifts in full is now upon deposit in tho Marmora' and Drovora' Hank of Louiavillo, and sot asido for that purpose, pur-pose, and can only bo used for that purpose, as will bo soon by tho following curtilicato of tho Cos hi or. Office of Famikhs.' and Drovers' Bark' 1 Louisville, Ky., Ai.ril 7, lb7i j This Ls to certify that thero is in tho Fiirmors and Uruvors' Hank to tho credit of tho Third Grand Gift Cuncort, for tho borjotit of tho l'ublic Library of Kentucky, livo hundred thotu and dollars, which has boon sot apart by tho managers to pay thoitifU in full, and will bo hold by tho bank and paid out fur this iur-pose iur-pose and this purposo only. It- H. VEECH, Cashier. The paity.tboroloro, who holds tho tickot drawing iho capital gift will got $ilW,uuu in greenbacks, and so of the fcO.wO gilt, the ttij.uOO, tho '2u,iwO, tho Sl(J,UOt), tho frj.uuo, and all ibo othor gifts, lU.OOO in numbor, amount-ioE amount-ioE to UoUU.iHH). Tbo roinnant of unsold tickots will bo farnishod to tboso who first apply (orders accouipaniod by tho monoy always having preloroncoovor agonts) at tho following prices: whole tiukeU, halves, So; and ciuarters. 82.50; 11 wholo tickets for SlUU, 50 for 8."W, iia lor ti ,000, und 575 for 85,000. No discount oa loss than 8100 worth of tickots at a timo. Tho ooncert and distribution of gifts will bo-gin bo-gin at t o'clock on Tuesday morning, July 8, in Public Library Hall, and tho following will bo tho order of proceedings: 1st, Music by orchestral band. 'iod. Placing of togs (one lor oach tickot sold) in largo whooL -'ird. 1' lacing of gifts in small wheel. 4th. Music by orchestral band. 5th. Explanatory remarks re-marks by President, (ith. Drawing of first half of gifts. 7th. Music by orchestral bands Kih, Urawing flosthalf ofgifu. Oth. Placing Plac-ing of largo wheel with tags in bands of committee appointed by audionoo. 10th. Ur&ndjurohostrai concert- Tho music on this graodoocasion will bo tho best that can bo procured, and tho gentlemon who count and placo tho tugs and gifts in the whoola and superintend tbo drawing and keep tho record of tho drawn numburs, will be chosen from the bostknonn and most trustworthy trust-worthy citiions of tho State. All will bo so conducted as to be a perfect guaranty against complaint from any just source. Tho payment ot gifts will begin on Saturday. July l'i, at 0 o'clock, a.m. Tiokols drawing gifts must bo prosonted at room Ko. 4, Public .Library Building, whore cash checks upon tho Parmors' and Drovers' Bank of Louisville, or sight drafts upon tho Fourth National Bank ofNew York, at tho option of the holdoi, will be given for the tickets. All gifts not called tor in U months from the drawing will bo turnod overte tho Public Library Fund. For full particulars send for circulars. Th,os . Bramlette. Agent Public Library of kori-apr2fl kori-apr2fl tucky, Louisville, Ky. FOR SALE. FIFTY YOKE OF OXEN, ONE HUNDRED YOKE Of Four and Five Year Old ST EE US', ONE HUNDRED SET OF SECOND 11 AND JJAKNESS, At the Pionoor Stablos. Second South Street, aprft) Wm.SHOWEL-L. , WIYI UNAHAN & SON, DLSTUjLJthS AND JOBBERS OF RYE WHISKEYS, Wuilunii Mo. SO Light Str.et, lAtTinORK. SALT LAKE CITY SAFE DEPOSIT. Fire and Burglar-Proof Vault, In Bosoment of (ho BANKING UOl'SK OF A. W. WUITE & Co- VALUABLE PAPERS. JEWELRY AND Silver Ware received on Special Deposit. Lock Coni'ARTMFjfrs for rent Otlice hours from 7 a. in. to 0 p.m. W. 11. 4JU1SUUL.M 6l Co., .mock and Money Brokers, DEALEKS IN GOLD DlST, Railroad Tickets, etc. Stocks Bought on aplO Margins. T II E GRAND DISCOVERY ! A New Article of Manufacture. P, MARCETTS HASr'OR SALE Sorer Patent Eiijlit for M For Iho Manufacturo of all kinds of MARBLE, GRANITE, Paving aud Building Stouc. sr Call and soo Samplos at his Alo Vaults, 80 Kimball Block. my 2 Xjixinvnii! G. R, Jones' Superior Lime. CERTIFIED TO BY THE BUILDERS and Plastororri of Salt Lako City and vicinity, to bo oqual to any othor Lime in tho Territory. Loavo orders at LIME DEPOT, CITY MARKET SyUAUE. KW Spocial advantag03 to purchaser who do thoir own hauling. SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, (Wostsidoof City Market) All kinds of Stationary. Upright, orLooomo-. orLooomo-. . tive BOILERS, and TANKS, Made or Ropaired. REAPERS AND MOWERS AND THRESHING MACHINES, Repaired and pat in Running Order. Work done on tho Shortest Notice. Boilers and Fluos bought or takon in exchange for work. Orders by Tolegraph or Mail promptly attended at-tended to. d34 JOHN SLOAN A 00., Pro Drie tors. CRACKERS! CRACKERS! Crackers ! SaltLale Steam Cracta Factory NEAR R. R. DEPOTJ T AM MANUFACTURING tho best QUAL-1 QUAL-1 1TY and GREATEST VARIETY of CR&l'KKits, ovor produced in tho Territory, Terri-tory, which I offer to tho Trade and Public generally, at tho lowest possible prices. Merchants and frionds aro requestod to eall and oi amino my goods and prices, before purchasing. Office at Thatchor & Elkins'. K, Y.ANDERSON, Salt Lake City, Jan. 4, 1&7S. Utah Xorritorr. Sewing1 Machine, yy B rcspeotfAiIlyinvito thtj Public to call and aeo oui cxcolleDt varloty o Sowing Machines PIaln,BeaullfuI aud Elaborate Styles of AVorkmanshlp AHD GREATLY IMPROVED WITH TTtB FANTOISr CASTOBS. The lotal Saia of the SINGER MACHINE are rum THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, 3. 8 3. 9 2 5 O An ovidonoe that it is fast winning supremo favor in tho household. The Sjnger Comuany sold over tho othor Compauies, 52,734. The Chicago Relief Committeo furniahod sufferers by tho Fire to March 18, 1872, 8,944; 3.151 Singer Machines, all other makes, 793. Applicants made their selootion, with same discount on all. OUR SALES IN UTAH EXCEED AW OTHER HOUSE LN THE, SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OE CHICAGO. Wo courteously invite the Ladies to see our T-nrt broidery Attaolamont, It attracts gonoral attontion and admiration. We also desire you to see our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTE RS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS. SUITABLE JfOR ALL Kin US OE BliUTIIJi SEWIfla MAOMINBe. WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO GIVE ENTrKE 6ATISFA0 ud 1 aU j wsjtmimI lo nw with .u. kind! of goods, from lis nmal lo tho lint, Lace, Muslin, Cambric, Domestic, Denims, Tickings. Ducking, BeaTcr, Buckskin and Leather. t& Instniotion fiiven free of charge by oompotont ftltcndaota, aod lorma of salo to suit all taroumstanocs. OTHER 8EWINC MACHINES REPAIRED ON REA 8QN ABLE TERMS. We cxteod a cordial invitatioD to all to GOME AND SEE OTJR MACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or not. IT TUB SINGER SEWLG M1C1ILB DBPIRTMXT 2. G. XVI. I. General Agents, Two doors south of Eafilo .Emporium, fcJALriLAKi Omt RAILROADS. C. P. K. R. I On and after Bund ay, May 1, 1873, Tralni will leave Ogilen as follovn 3il0 p.m., (daily.l PaMenger Train for Rono (for Carson and Virginia! Sacra-ment', Sacra-ment', Marysville, KoddinR, (for Portland, 0.,) Stockton, Alercod, (for Yosemite) Tifton (for Los AngeloA.) tian Jose and Son 1'ronoboo. 5i00 p.iu,, daily. Through Emigrant Tritin for tjacramonto aud ban iron-cisoo. iron-cisoo. T. U. GOODMAN, Gen. Pass, and Tickot AgonU A. N. TOWNE, Uon'l Sup't GEO. II. RICE, AOlUT, Salt Lako City, OHico with Marshall A Roylo, 'vor W. F. A Co's Bank. UTAH NORTHERN RAILROAD. Trains run between Bridiam Junction with CP. R.R., AHD LOGAN. On and aftor February 1st, 1&7J, Daily Trains, Loavo IS riff h am Junction aL 7:00 p.m. Loare Logon 8:30 a-m. fn rr.nnu.1 !rK train, tnr nD,lnn ar,A Rail Lako. Trains Run on Salt Lake Time. vw Stages connect with Trains to and from Northern Settlements in Cache County tbi- VKEKLT. FARES) Botwoon Logon and 'alt Lako $5 00 I, Ogden 8 00 Mondon and Salt Lako 4 75 Ogden 2 75 deduced Rates to Exoursion Parties, Passeiifc,ers will please purchase their rickets at the Offices. For all information concerning Freight ot fassago, appl tc ' CHAS. NIBLEY.I Gonoral Freight and Tioket AgenL IJltO. W. TOUNO, dll Gen'l Sun't UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and nfU-r Mny 12, 1873.'; Dally Train Lost Bait Lake City at 5:50 a. ra, and 3 46 Arrive at Ogden 7:50 a. m. and 5.-45 p. m. Leave Ogd n at 8: 10 a. m. and 0.30 p. m. 4mnil Bait Lake City 10:10 a.m. and 830 In addition tofthe aboT WU1 ran DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 6,30 p.m., and Ogden at 5 a.m. and 6.50 p.m. Fajengra will pliua Parsban tfcelr Tlaketi at tha Offlaee. fifty Cents additional will be oharged when the tare ls collected on the tra'n, tut all Information concerning freight OT passage, apply to JAS. SHARP, General f ralght and Tioket Aft JOHK 8HARP, UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD On and after December 90th, 187J DAILY TRAINS Leave tho Utah Central B.R. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.30 p.m; Arrive at Lchi at 9 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. Leave Lehi at 9.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Arrive at Salt Lako City at 11.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. In addition to the abovo MIXED TRAINS Will run daily, Sunday oxocptcd, Leaving the Utah Central R.R, depot, Salt Lake City, at 1 p.m. and Lchi at 6 a. m. Passengers will please purchase their Pickota at the Offices, h illy cents additional ad-ditional will be charged when tho fare is oollected on the train. For all in forma tion'ooncerniog freight or passage, apply to JA9. 81IAKI, Gen. Freight and Tioket AgenL joiin niiarp, i euPamwTaNDlWT. T1IIS WELL KNOWN Bit AND -01- JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT - smmm m Grocery Department, ut 11. B. OjaWBOK UapU TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE. OUION LLNB ULTWUEN New York, Queenstowii, aud Liverpool. Carrying tho Unitod Slates Malls. IDAHO, i-- NRVAD MINN tlyOTA. As KUUASivA M A Nil. ATT AN L 31.1? VV I'UMliiGT WLSCWS1N, BxXfll sailing from nrwyouk kvkry W KDNEtiDA Y. CABIN PassaKo from Now York SSO an E'U gold. Sutoruoiua on the samo dook w buloon. STKlillAOIS: r from Now York; tTOfroic Livorpuolor LiuoonstoiTn, payable in ourrono Passage (Voua or to Germany, Franoo, Nor way, bedon, otc, at Lowosl Katos. Hoiuittancos to Groat Uritain, Ireland and tbo Continent. Api.lyw WILLIAMS k QUtON,29 Broadway; Broad-way; or H S. KLDKMlXlli, Salt Lako Citr. GILMER & SALISBURY'S tAILY STAGE LINES lUlUUOll tllsih, Soutd - cast Nevada & Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Salt Lake City Daily, ran- lixfi South te Tintic, American Fork, Mount Ncbo, Sevier. St. Qoorge, Utah ; and riooho, Nevada ; Paaelna; throMgh Provo, Springville, 8panish Fork,Paj son, Salt Crock, Chicken Creok Round Valley, Fillmoro,Corn Oreok, Beaver, Minsrs-villo, Minsrs-villo, and AU the principal town and naming camps in southern Utah and touth-tatt Nevada. Alio leave Corlnne, Utah, dally, rnnnlng north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Doer Lodgo, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the pnaoipal towns and min-ing min-ing eamps in Moo-tana. Moo-tana. PRIMCIPAL OFFICE, Wells, Firgo & Co. Building Jnn4 Salt Lake Citi '' sIlFlake, opniR And Tintic ! Stage and Express XjI2NTE, ! kur5inq da1lf fuon bax-vj LAltK CITY, Tla LAKK TOW", TOOELE CITY, I TOG U. TOM j AMD OPniR TO TIVTIC. I The route has been re-stooged with splendid splen-did Oonoord Couohes, fine Stook, oaieful and tttontive Drivers, and every attention is paid to the oomfort nl oonvenienoe of passen-gars. passen-gars. Good accommodations on the road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Ue at Welle, Fargo Oo.'i, alt. Lane CHyi LEN WINES, Proprietors TIME TABLE. ' , BURLINGTON ROUTE, j TO THE EAST. NORTH AND SOUTHEAST, ! i fi Mo. 3. 1 STATIONS. ilrtala0 MAIL. ! Leave SALT LAKE 6:00a.m. 145p.m. " OMAHA 6:30 p.m. 5:30 am, Arrive BURLINGTON 5:00a.m. S:tO;p.m. " Galeeburg(C.B.JtQ.) 7;00a.m. 10-.50p.ni. ) " Men acta " 11:15 a.m. fk23a.in. ; ' Chicago " 3:15 p.m. 7.-O0ajn. " Peoria 9:00 a.m. li5C.m. " Ind'plUtl.B.AW. 6:15p.m. 9:25a.m. CinoLnnati - - lLDp.m. 4:16pjn, " Logansi'ort 5'Kp.m. 90 a-m. T. P. A W.l " Coin mb us 2:5ta,m. 5:30 p.ni. rjThronh Cars from Miss nrl River te Chicago. Indianapolis. Hinnln rati. Loaa-ortned Loaa-ortned Columbns. New York, Eostoa. Philadelphia, Phila-delphia, and Wachington. Connections at tnose pol it with lines leadingto the East, North and South. This m the Uaat, Hhoritt, (ulekeat iMd Cheapest Route. Do not be deceived, but obtain Tickets via the Borliniton A Muioari Kiver Hailreaa. 3AM. POWELL, RODT. HARMS, n1 TkL Ant O.n'l haf'i. Son. W oaten Pu. Agt. D. W. UITCUCOCh. HEAD This Advertisement AND WRITE For our Manual of Evergroons AND SAVE in buying and iiantingyvur trooK 50 PER GENT. 10 cents worth. " to any trao-plaottr. 1'INNEY CO., Sturgeon liar, WH |