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Show (ST TuL'R jrnod Horse rhod by Wm. Duwlitig, at Sayles i'ralick'i Plows cheap al jj Taylor i Cutter's. Salt Liks Hosit at Genr? Min- waring'i, luSvulh &lreet, west Kimta;l & Lawrence. ruyHif BaK fixtures and hotel warn, at i Harratl's. niij and Fillowi, all kinds, al liarrt.lt s. mlii Kiamisk C. K Barratl'i itock before curcriaiirj'. m'ja Mxllory's Select Oysters in every tty'". or by the can, at the Delmonico. &18 Walnut hvuszt at 11. Din-woodcy'a. Din-woodcy'a. ma-4 Tin TlK,ruufhtred Stallion ''Wid-iR," ''Wid-iR," (161 hands biffb; l,30Ulbs.; mahogany ma-hogany bay,) (land at VVillard & Jack-hjD Jack-hjD & stable, tialt Lake City, until J uly let- Tonus reasonable. a24 itiKby & White. China, crockery and glaaswaro, at UarrU'. m28 Arrival of latest spriajr atyle of Hata, Tioa and tiuiu, at ! m21 Seioel Bros. I fija Tine tiTArv u Lifs. alflo cakes buna, crackers, and pure home nuide candy, wholosalfl and retail, go to the ULOliE BAK.KKY- ja23 Scroll Sawing, All kinds of fancy Brack f:U on hand, and made to order, at .Latimer, Taylor & Co's. mylO Frrbii Arrival of M. Keller's celebrated cele-brated Wines and Brandy, at Morton's Old City Li.uor Store, corner Bouth of Walker Kro'a. . my7 Kxckuior Coal, from Kdck Springs Kilter Crook. Littlo waste; strong heat, vory email Lraco of sulphur. Loave orders with J. W. SNKLL, Idaho Store. ju!7 Kuhhiturk; an immense stock, at Barratt's- m2S j Tug Victor Sowing Machino ploaa a everybody who aoos it, boing elegant, easy of operation, and baa all tbo latost itnproveiuonU. C. W. Staynkr, mi-S AjjenL Auktocr grocer tor Ghirardolli's CUuCOLATtt and COCOA. d6 CoNKKCTioyitRS call for G1I1KAR DKLiil'CJ COCOA TASTE. 4 I will kll, for one month. Tents and Wagon Covurs clioapor than they c:m b bought anywboro in this city. T. Curtis, '2d duiilii-al., opposite Commercial. Com-mercial. BlS I). K. Ai. Men's Brand of Flour at. (ieo. iMtuiwiiring's. Warranted aud do-livorud. do-livorud. tf Skr K lure dub Hro's Bear iLako in ml and express notice, in another column. &26 A Car Loap of California wino and ale just received cheap at Sangio'a. in'.' For A men breakfast or an elegant French Pinner go to the IMinonkv. I A Contract to lot for 3,000 ties, Eix inches wide, four inches thick, and six feet long, to bo delivered in tho city. Apply to YVm. W. Riter, SupL S.L.C.lt.K. Oifico, 107 Kimball Block. a24 lloTKL for Kent. Apply at the a2l Colorado Houso. Oni R ARF KLLl's California Kaoxk CnocoLATi is a most nutritious beverage. bever-age. a Lapiks call on ()ro. .Man waring for your Groceries and i'rovisions, you will bo well served. my JO Gas Notiok. lartus wishing (Ja supplied in their buildinc". are hereby notified that the underpinned are pro-i pro-i pared, with a full st-Kk of l'tping, Chandelier?, etc., and are enabivl to do work at the lowest rate. All work warranted and full satisfaction KUarao-teed. KUarao-teed. K. Kksi Co, ai3 Lka vk osders for Newman Jc Co.'s Stove Cord and Kindling Wood, with W. W. Funge, at the omceof tho Vandyke Van-dyke Coal company, in the Post Oiiice, or order box sum a place. a24 Just Arrived at Joelson's, Groes-beck's Groes-beck's Dlock, two car loads of splendid Parlor and Bedroom Sets. myti Caution to tha Traveling F.ibllct Upon your arrival at Ogden City Utah Territory, tho junction of the Union Un-ion Pacilic and Central P&citic railroads, you should know whore a rirst-class hotel uan be found, and where tho bustle and noise of tho engines may be avoided; avoid-ed; also a comfortable- houso where the danger of fire, which is apt at any lime to occur at the depots, is avortod. The town of ORden is half a milo frem the depots, and in the business part of the town and its principal street, travelers will rind one of the most comfortable hotols in Utah, the Oqdbh Hodsk. It is well known throughout America and Europe, to be one of the coziest and cleanest hotels in Utah. The Ogdon House keeps carriages which are in attendance at-tendance upon tho arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, to convey passengers to and from tho dopota, free of chargo. It is a two-story brick building, and built expressly for the accommodation of guests. Tho Ogdon Houso employs no runners, but otuploys a porter to assist as-sist its patrons and take chargo of their baggage. All visiting Salt Lake City will find it to their advantage on returning re-turning to lako tho evening train and come io Ogden, thus saving the annoy-anceof annoy-anceof rising at 4 V clock in tho morning. morn-ing. j2-i. Grand Oponing of tho Antelope Kesturant, Old Man Fishor at tho Whool, tho "Bijou " Kesturant of tho city. Choico moats, game, lish, fowl, and oysters always on hand. Tho finest bill of faro over presontod in Salt LaKo city. Oysters in metropolitan style. Second South street, five doors wost of Cunninpton's Klophant Storo. Comn one; como all; and come early. a20 Table Cutlery and silverware, at Barratt's, m2S The INzw assortment of Parlor and Bedroom Furniture.at II. Dinwoodey's, is very cheap, and those wishing lo purchase will lind it to their inleroets to give him a calL m8 Ba.by CARRiiOBs, for sale by H. Dinwoodey. mar"29 Geo. Sdowsll, Scavenger for the City. o2 PES MOIWfcS TRADE. DES MOINES Scale Company I., II. WEST, Preeidont. FpT 6. F. Sl'OFFORD, Vico-P't- GEO. A. JEWETT.Boot'y. J-T'Sfk W. REDIIEAD, Treasurer S. S. I1ITCHCOCK, Sup'U WM.DICKERSON, General Auont. W aro manufacturing, and can fill orders on short notko, tho following Hay, Coal and Stock. Scales KMLROAU, Warehouse & Counter Scales WHEAT OR BUPI'KR SCALES t FLOIR AND BtTCIIKBS BKAMKl Baggage and Warehouse Trncki. Every articl warranted durable and accurate SCALES OF ALL KIND3 REPAIRED. Addrecs. for Circular?. DK8 MO INKS SCALE CO., no39 Dfts Mo inn., Iowa. a7E7R0BERTS 4 CO., MMufcturers of SCHOOL FURNITURE, OFFICE DE.-K5, CHt'RCU. II ALL, AND OulKI EOUSB SEATS. PF.3 MOINFS. IOWA. BlackTeU Li iu:-1 Slating and Black Board j Order ..-tHtc.t-oH fr T!Vistrc-'. Cftlai rif mi'i IVie Lit di FKASK FTLLKR. J A ! K-5 M. SMITU. W. liUKL HARDER. TOE rvrrr".PT'?NKT ASF FRV'PAR D te Huy ,i--.i Poll Real t-:.c ;i.aj tta-n. tta-n. and io ;..te ! at: Kire do-.r- north of Pwt S.-o. i rrn.KR. sixth iiakkkr. c; ' ixlOTICE. -1 M t K rNKvrwv oiryr- of ;vive I U .- ir i r..l i ;V"Trr. "iie'-j!--jr.t Vr i:Ti" li-.rirM V' Vs irj V.;'r.: a-5'r.r-:i;ri : ""l- - ce'u r or t : C-.'ir:?. I'Tii i or-- -?. Arlr. a aj --:. o:' ),-,. irehcrjr ..---i ; i; j a o;"':.-.i nvti.-e, u"a W. v C-v. ; SiH Li City. liENK'i i. S. 6. EVA.Ni StUl4XCl?T.i0.1t. dS First National Bank -ALT JL.AH.Jh: CITY DESlGHATbU DKPoaXTOHY AND FINANCIAL AGBNT OF TUB UNITED STATRS. W ir. Hv"iT. President. Aithoit (loom. Cashier. Anthonteil :pllal, . . t00,009 PAID IVlAI-ITAL, . 1150,000. EAKll.''-, - 1130,000. Dividend in 871, 50 per cant Ohl'tt Birring lutitutOn m Utah A. (nernl llnnkinti HuMdpm Trnniik(-ft. -i ,N dLUKAtJO AND MONTANA. COLLECT. jS -VPTLY ATTENDED TO. lNTZKRST Al.IflWP!) .ON .TIMI ftRP.eIT NOTICE. p H FT"! VAV WM.L I'T-M-E ;--)- -" ..: ; '-..v;;'-:i"r, j -a,-';';' ,r j ! .', i." i. C r-'-'-'l ii.'trje:.'.li " v 1 ltd w.iz.1 j""!U'-:-i v;:-. I HiNRY WACENER, fkn.lt I,t Cltj", Ttab, i CALIFGRM1A EREWESY, i.it.KTt r;".!:n, ai e Asn pobtfr, S D "'rTH 5IRECT, tire io-n wt 1 aN-Mwi. 4 G Eii&itetd j ci ;' lit 1 1 1' i f '.I c hiit maisfhul mm i m ViHLtSLE AGENTS. SA LT t AKE CIY. We have new in Stock s aie vor;- tne OLD Bourbon Whiskies IConsirlinc er old;crow. hekm1tage, g. w. taylor, E. C. BERRV, A FULL I-1NE OF EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE LIQUOR TRADE. Far aale low aud ou liberal terms or It costs nothinfi to investifraio. T Please examine onr Good and Price before purthln ele here. KM ""' HEW" YORK TRADE BENEDICT. HULL & Co.'" Manfiarir nBd Wtio'e5!e Lisr ia SOOTS AND SHOES 1X4 mnd 130 Grand St., w York, Joraer Cresb;, oa block mi uf Broi"r dU THOS. M. ARBALL & Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' and Children's AT WHOLKSALK, III 31 Broad war, .w Vork. m. oon. 2. JEHIAl READ & Co., Mannfectn.-en and W koi"I Dealers la HR AAU VM)L I1AT3S, Straw Gihxto, Umttrell i, dc, Jim 408, Broiitwr. NBW VUKK. L. M. BATES & CO., 1 Braadwar, NICW VOBJt, nrocTXM un iotuu a Fancy Dry Goods. aosiKKir, WHITE GOODS, Voi.ES, SHAWLS, ANKEE NOT 10 NS, c IK. BIJLOKE. jnJ NOTICE. 'IWR ANNUAL MKKTINU OF STOCK-L STOCK-L holders of iho Umh Central Itailr ml, lur tho purpose of decline diroutors. will inko pluoo ud Monday, June 2nd iroximo, at 11 o'click. OKORUB SWAN, goc'y. Salt Lako City, May Kin, 1&7.1. uil Pig-s! Pig-s! Pig-s ! AT THE ELEPHANT CORRAL, 8th WARD, FOR SALE CHEAP, mj-7J THE IMPORTED THOROUGHBRED DEVON BULL Young: Washington, II one of tho finest bred Dor on Bulls in tbo oounlry. rEIUU ItKEi Calved AiiRiirt 1. ll; Si rod by Voann WasQiuut Jn, is", American Uer-1 Uwk; 2d by Honoral Grant, J-, American Herd lkwk; M by t'ayuoa, 802, English UerdJJock; llh tl TocuuiEeh, otft', " DAM EFF1E; 2.1 by Ion Pednj. 200, American Herd Ho-k; 2d" EHio, Enclbh Herd Hook : by Tjum- leh.ARt. tlnsih HorJ Kuok; 3d" IuiHjrted Eveline. Eiittli-h Herd Book, by Karl of Exotor, oo, English Herd Hook; 4th" Ruby. 10-15, EnRlih ilord Bimk, by Favorite, 4G, Lnh-h llord Buk.. Half breed Devon Cows arc epleodid milk era. Half breed Devon Oxoo for work and epecd are uasurposacd. Tbe who wi-ihto imiTove their rtock can ieo this "rlondidanimol at tbo utalHo. (if Mr. 11- 11. Clawson, norlh-Kost ournor of tho l-1h Ward. Torm. ft in advnoo. Enquire of Mr. Smiin at the Sub on- a Wit UNICWf PACIFIC RlILROiD TIME TABLE, DNTIL further notice, Train n will leave and arrive at Ogdon Daily, ae follows: I.HTI. I A R R VI. Daily Epreet.S Ji .m. Dully Kip's, 5 In j-.m MuM. f. ai i..ib. I .Mn el. - 2 p.m Freight. - 10-3j a.m. I Preuht, - 6-lu o.m Dally connect ion p tiinrin nt Ogdn ith Utah Central l'aciiie Jioa-I (rem -all Lake city and all points in Southern South-ern Uuh. At Bryan with stagee for tSwoclwater mines. At Cheyenne with Denvet VaciGe Railroad for Denver, Central cily. G"rg"town and all points 'in Colorado i and New Mexico. At Omaha vfiih (jLi;nijO and North W'oetern, Chicago, K -ck lt-inn d and Pacihc, nuriington and Missouri Kivi-r, Kansw city, tit .loeai,d C--until Hiulff rtailroauf anc JUiRnnm rtivtir Liino ol SU'amurB for all poinU Eai-t and So.itb, Ticket for sale to al i'inl Kct at ofSc of Weils, Fargo A Cs., Kvl Torn pie lrvt. and at ttie ullico of I' Lab Central Cen-tral Railroad, in Salt Lake city; h'.h al Union Pacific Itaiiroad ticket oiii in Ogden, al which office henna on tmp mg can ci.n be iecurM. Arrartgpmunl have lpn mado whereby where-by padoiiErs dofinng to vint D'-nvor on their way KmI can avail thoma'-lvi of an excursion rau from Chfyrine to Denver, and return at greatly roJucod raw. For particular and ail in form at inn in mrard to paaeae, appy at Tick Of-fic. Of-fic. Fatrnr'iJT houM bTare'-.il U- "Curi thir pafsaire tich"t t" ail KruU-rn and Soau.ern p-jir.lM wux OMAil A, and in if avail thomseivne of the advantage of a th-iugh sleeping car, C'-rr.f'.rtab.e a-cooimo.'latir.s a-cooimo.'latir.s a:,d 'j.i'k tnnn. TUob. L. K 1 M H - LIj. Oonerai Ix.v. Agnoi. T, E. Sine axa, C'Lf. i.;.g.nwr and S-j t-o-intn-i i enl To whom it may concern. -Jt, tfci VT-it-t-.tr.!. c:!-o ar.1 rwj No. I wo i. r,dtr.r-r '. i c U T-,-.2. 1 'c. in Little ('".-,;txtjrt.i:ll fc'..diLe uxr by di f-- -n t.e r,-lf -. al ! urr. hti bave cirrli-d -wiut lh 11 of U.t au ti-t Ic n-B-7 r': e-V And strtry -i-;in H r";if :,-!!'. trj. boy or brtT ;-,r tan wjiit-o! our eouonL- ' C H. ?-.SbaTT.t A1-t'r.!-trai-t r : I l IVISo, Lmu4 -f Ac:'.bt Ivitl I Ifi&A&L. IYI51 EST. LOUIS TRADE. CASS AAT-XI K AND SE.MNP STKKET. ST. 1.0CIS. PLAIN AND TISRED IRON, Pressed, Sra-i, Plv.h., -Uj Dca ar;i tiilvicicd T I X " .V li K . Aliv a ful: assort ar:: Tinners' Stamped Materials C.siii;Uj n tizJ. A full Une of onr Manufactured Goedt can ilwy be fonad at the rroomi of Z. C. 3T. I., SALT LAKE MTV. ITU. SPECIALJLAVORINGS, VVMLU, LEMON. ETC., For Flavoring let Crram. Cakr; and Pastry. "With cre:it c;irx bv m w prwi-s. wo cMnict from the ?v, s. t F ,V. and Aromiitus, null clmnu-u nst le flavor, fla-vor, and pnxinoo cf ;w-(xc-!i-'mx, if piYti sin Ji-iA ro ;v;r;,-,' pun! i. yo is.v,-".-i (.''.. ;-ty f.ir-'r as ri-nnwntt'd. yjd-,Yite,i,-h .'; V r'.'.'i tuei,'trf, hoUlino -hiif taw thnn iV.'.n purporting to uVii ri.'JC (fh a !,:,':;. i'se t-'.iin p;uv, f"".7 v$e no o,'.'..r. 1 ': va-M eU-Ui'jte, dtlu-kovs f.trcrs frvr nun:f. So sujvrior to the cluip cm nets. Ak for Dr. Trice's Sjvcial Fluvoriutrs. Manu facturvd only by STEELE & PRICE, Depots, CHICAGO iind ST. LOl'IS. Manufacturers of 7r. iVi' IVyii MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Legalized by Slate Authority anil Prawn in Public iu St. Louis. Grand Single Number Schema. 50.000 NUMBERS. Olaaa K, to be Drawn May 31, IHTJ. 5,8S0 iVisci, J mounting to $300,000. I price of t.i 0.00(1 ft 00 priiMof 1 00 lpnu ol 13.4.101 llvnwtol l,O0 1 ,ntt ol 10,000, Kl'rirnol 6IH I jirir ot l.ftUlfl V i.rli-aof 3lH 4 jtifm ol 0,000 V pnitoi of USi' 4 pnrteof a.300' 3fij,,'l0' ,it,t 4U miix ol I. OIKl 3rti r.ouf 1)1 ICmii,' 500 ISOprliMol 101' 40pniw,if M 50 ft, OOO .riiiof 1 (J TUkill, 910. Half Ticket, IS. Umrliri, J.50. a. Onr lottriM are chrHrrd l b Sluir r tlinti drawD at Uic t;me tiatihl. m 4 all Jiswingi Thr dtDcial drawlnp will lpnMmlnnl in thf 61 LoriU wets, auJ ly 0! 'irnwing ee.i It pnrrhnvrs of licketa. l will i!rsw ilnilUr olif:nf the tul dn ofexpry oiuoih dnricf: thr vii pT:t. tUmit ai our n-k l I' -.-T OTFICS M-1SKY OHUK rlS, KK-11PTHKK0 I, KIT KR DllAtT, C KXPKKftS P.-H.I lim i-im;l!t' ad-dr., ad-dr., JTHHA V. Ill.l.KIl .. Kst Office box a- VI'. LOolS, MO. Everybody Wants ONE OF TI10SK NICK C H A m P I0F4 v-wns'-wASHr?. H" I ' " " '' MAMi ti Jj Washing Machines 22 00Q SOLD IN ONE YEAR Price -$10.00. Ladies Call nod see them. Chas. W. Stayner, oonoral Asent, Nn ft f aln 4lrrr1,'alt I.a h VUy ' 'AilTerlicinB ! the Oil whih wie id on 't ntheir Lamik Moukhs 1'u iVKHa. L P. FISHER. ADVERTIs'l NG :yv Q BIVT, Roomt dV Ul J'vcw " (i Kjl c'-u CALIFORNIA i-TKLKT, o m n rnAnwiow, F'.liciw AdTertiementJ and 6utfcri(i;l'n for iho Salt Lake Daily and Semi Wockly Herald Anl r- f i-nr-nr .'' 1 11 rh',r rr.ia, f're r n ar.rl hi . n-Jn: S n.f ,t y.-n. I 1N. t'li M'.tr.a. C-.i'-ra.-l'., Arw T. i 'I a'Lr.J(Jl V ' : t j r-.-.w.dvirb J.,:-l-. fie . t. ', ...., ..t... N.. -n l' -r". ' i'Ht'i. I'jj1" ' la-iH Ht-'l it," Au'iraiiaa ciur.iw. A Allaiilic Dialer afcd Lurui-tt. ADVKitTIMN'l IT xr rTostM mar; n"w Vntrr: liurrvi-.'-l H.I.-.II l:. l.-t,r.i;' IU. -n-.r-i rl,y j- . r,.,.,-,t. (. r- !r''i;i:;i.- ri.v '; ' Z' A; , i . .- rj- ' j ,. ;m' 11. nut aiiM ti.allo:Lr-AdTcrtlaa ti.allo:Lr-AdTcrtlaa our Bnln. Hifp ronr nam. l.-fnr. II.- I't Mlt .1 -..II' In... A'l 1 th II I Iti'iitf "fi"n. If Umlaoi II IJ till. Ail v il.. I Ilnalneaa la llilih, A'l r ml it. 4r 1 -. a.ap wb-i i,-r' h'.r ; ? J h" f ia it IruJa;' ii -Jt D U11 kiX Li Uai UitWM iv" U aWTartUlAI. BiTizi-is! Eik-S! Bi.EiikS liddellTbrown GK.NTV CLOTHING, r.LASlvKTS nj NOTIONS, regardlesT'df cost. rtej- have also r.-e:vci a t.'.tsA-.i . iSTAPLE & FANCY- GROCERIES . & PROVISIONS, VViL-i -icy ar fel'.;- CHEAPER tlian tha CHEAPEST- lVr.'i :'r-i ;b -.--. afkw Div;o;;llio:Lii i .-ro; i ui M. T. BURGESS, Civil Eng.neir s;id U. S. WinTl Surveyor, Will -: ar lie tlv.v-stt Ta: cr and Dta-eraia. Dta-eraia. ; i'mtaij ar.ti intiuv ueccrai. jacl BEAR LAKE MIL & EXPRESS LINE Eltireiige Bi-o's Express. pi N1V; :'Ml- 1 KK 1 V TKHMTX L:i' vV'h't'.':,-':' 1',' :i--".i4'::vtii M a-u a Mv.inr..ia., ana ,Uii:-.iv c i:i:tv; witii I. V. Ti. .ir.; arrivoa M. i'h:i,,.. ihur.i.vs and Sunder; K'vo lv.i.U a:.u t nda.M'- Orr;,-K:-B.vih A XL'lWi'.d' Hotel. K ar.j-toa, ar.j-toa, I. ai G. F. CULMER&CO., liUOKSIHLlK BLOCK, GliOCKlllES AT Win, It-Mile hikI It f tail ," u im)ov ;ii Vis OC all Siios. No ehftriTt for ccttinu to any rXULISH AM AMKKU'AN VARNISHES Ol all Kind.. Best Litis -id Oi Puitv. fauiiliai sum-Iiivl wnti (5K0CKK1KS at ro-,ducsl ro-,ducsl I'rioiM. Rod. Winlf, Ulna. Vollow. Oriih-f. Vunda. Violot, liroon u il it.irm-i iilntil l ot lo all r aiu-v DoMKlli, lor Ctiurohw, ou KSTlM AT.HS (.1 I V K N. 1873. 2L Op Lwl. I. Our H',.j; i!,,- S, -.i- ,:(',l,. i,L.M (j-M-UK in il.c N- St. 1.. I I. a-, arnv. i. '! 1- . ti .1 .-.i I'.r I n-jii cliim iiikI .;tli In Ciutli and Cahli Micro. SUITS, hi Linen 11 ud Alj a;. SHAWLS, Iti all .iuv-'i .-(Ick. S I L K B, Untitiriiai'Hed in I 'in llcuc, Q uality and i'nci. GLOVES IN Kll. T1IHH1-.I' 1 ' I luM And Lha Cl.l.KllllA I l.H hALi(L K '.L'f V L-. HOSIERY, LA I'l WJ AK, CHII.I'J'.KN.S Wo ju-.l iy c'aim o-irw vo lyoDd cirri-tih'iti. hF.TM d;.v oooas i7 H. C. Cia"-.V0.':. BopU |