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Show LEGAL. j. K. l ikli L C. C WIUW3 CARTER & WILSON, ' ATTOItNEYS-A T-LAW, Office over 1". Nat, Bank. ortS E-i;l lhili'LE aTREET. cTe. WHITNEY ATTORNEY AT LA W, Cilice orer D. 'irccu'i store, main stheet, kali uue city. BATES & ORM8BEE, f TOrlNtYS ANO COUNSELORS AT LAW, Aicu for parcb" and Sale of Jllnci Lands, flKo.0- BT-S, . Salt Lake Illy, Chables W. OaxaEKa.J Utah. Warner Bar 11. 7. M. Smith. EAHLL A- SMITH, ATT OB. N E Y S AT LAW, ALT kill OITT. first Snath Street. lUomi U and 12, Ho 1'j6. Kimball Ulock. J. B. Kosborough, B. A. Morritt Rosborouyh & Merrill, ATTORJl BY S A. T L A "W , Halt Lake City, L'tah. Office, lit South Street, Ant baildiof east Descrot Hank comer, Oct JOKKl'II UOBUNSKI, OIVIL KNGINKKR. U. S. M IN KKA L AND DEPUTY 8UR-VEVOK-i'UK UTAH, OIBe: Fim Bouth Street, nearly oproit hi. .Mark's L torch. WH. HATIXJ3J. C. K, QILCKaJBT HA Y DON & GILCHRIST, TT0KNEY8 A T L A ff SALT LAKE CITY. Office over lit National Bank of Ut&h. a 12 C. U Henttead, M. Kirapatriok, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorntyi-at-Law, Wain Street, opposite Wells, Fario & Co. BaLT LAI citt. alO BANKERS, SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Bult Luke City Utah Tor. Authorized Capital - $500,000 BnJ 01. DulUU, fretidtnL joicph M. Burkctt, Caahler, UlMPSYIaD Jt KlBtFATRIOI, Attorneys. CORRESPONDENTS I NKW yoKK - j g;.?' KC.. liOSTON ... National Bank of North Amo- CllICAUO. .Third National Bank. Sr. I.J!'IS... Third National Hunk. OM AHA ..Umatm National Bank. SAN FKANCISCO... National tJold Bank DLONUuN..'.Jay Cook, MoCulloch k Co. A. W. WHITE & CO B -A. XsT K IE IR S EAMl TEMPLE STREET, Salt Lake IClty. Dealers la GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION. Exchange on ail trie Prxnetpat (Mi of the United States and EuTopei Partloalar attention iriven to Collootloni and proceeds romitted at Curront rate .of Exchange on day of paymont, UKO. X. WHITNEY, Attorney OOlUlKsPUNDKHTBi Bnk f California Ban franclsee Lt k Waller - N" York Cook Connij NaUonal Dank Chicago lliwkHI Bank Bt- Louis Bute Bank of Nebraska Omaha ayii Wells, fargo &. co., EXPRESS FORWARDER Hankers and Dealers lu Exchange DrafU on Europe. European CoUeoUoni promptly attonded to. m iat Tempi Street, Salt Lake Olty. mia Thbo. V. TiiOT, Agent. First National Bank ot Utah SALT LAKB CITY. f.e Special AdvrHmvnt m Third tuft DESERET National Bank SALT LAKE CITY UTAH j raid up Capital, - $'200,000. Authorized Capital, $1,000,000. Wm. U- ItOOPKK. President, 1 11 S. ELl'tUilHiK. Yioo 1'ros't, I tt, JllNNlNUd. DLrootori. JUI1N till -A 111'. 1 J. T. LI I'l'LKt t L. t. llLLiU Cuhtor. ) dual m uuld nrsT. oix, kxii amuk, um Wahiusts, CCi-LKUK CCi-LKUK st'Kll'i etc. UoUootiooa niado and promptly remitted. re-mitted. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE IKTKKEST PAID ON Bavins Dopolt. M. if, THl'B. W. II Tll'li IIKSHT MORTIS. TRUE, SON & MARTIN, Real Estate, Mining and Loan Brokers, 90 Kli"l'i lllnrk, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAU TKIUUTOKY. Koal KM. to NMicht n.l ..'If: H'n.a. n.i rv-iitcl. rpnL. tvlUvioJ. ami fill bu'inoffl ciuhviM nila rv& MUto uid iulum piomi'lLf .IjtnJeJlo. IKllK- S0N i JIAKTIN. ''IT.UI FIRE-BRICK CO." W. H. C1MSHOUM. 1 C. W. BFNNKTT. l'loidpot. I Xree. X ice's. Wm. 1. MATHEWS. Superintendent. Capital Itock, 3O.00O. Wo manufacture l Salt Lake City and Lehi. Mako ("ire-llriok, Fire-Cement, Front vhand-prcMcdl Uuilding Brk-k, t-tv Brick, Craoiblei, RWi'rtJ, Ao, Ao. matorial not nrraJsM Ln any part of the or Id. We use Lehi. limiham and other ""' w' t. M;hoin the 5tip intendoat hat had ovpr tliirtv jo.tr ovi orunce. i I, ... ... ,t in S.lt LreOitr. ooar Ji-bn- ..m" 'aini-Uf it Wrkt .';lie No. W. Mam T.-.-t. iC. Bi'nn.'lf' W'.i.-o.l a ni l urnih t'lro-tiru-s and all fire roa-(Mi.il roa-(Mi.il ,-he.u-er than thay van bo narvrte-L r.i of bi-tier .l.alitv. No invito all mraaoo nn-n to call, firo-liricks made to plan. Ordcn Queued. Ml Oar Mr. MAILIKWS u ajent for S. B, Munson, Jun., & Co.'s Vatort Cinv.jrtei MetaHo Siine'w. !'n Hootinc C-rnu-Ucl Ir-.i P '-- h.;t : "r. (, etc. Manutao tared at Clncww IHiaou-Spooituen IHiaou-Spooituen can bo 'eon at the o3i'"o 11 f the LiCumpany, vfhore oontraoU can be made. C W. BBNbTlT, So SAN FRANCISCO HOTELS' LICK HOuITe, Corner. M -,nirjrary and Sutter Street- SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFOENIA. The "Lick" offers nnrar pawed aeeotnm&da- Bavinn horse cars for sll raru ol the city panics pan-ics ij dovr. in roouid and guites are un-e-iiiaile-J :-,t ecafort. walle is LLa:g llall ij acsn'-wlc-iic-l to be the m'. elegant roum ot" iu kind in Aint-rica, or tLe CoDLect. lis cuisine ia joctti to no institution of m kind; evory luxury of the jeu n, prepared by the afclt-l o: co-jks btinf daily placed no lis tabloj. In fact th.j-Li:f jSri to the Tv iri: a hon.e, wnere every attr.ti .a ij -jarac :wsd fur the j:c:crt of iu Kue:U that the mt careful iuimneot ut cxi -.-riencod men Ln Ueir aereral call id cj, ean acoid. man GRAND IIOTJEL, Oa Market, !few Monte onterr and tieooad Uumu, mAJSt FRA!fCICO, t-. i lr JOHT30N k Co., Paopairroaa MORTON HOUSE, PdST STrter, A30Vc KfcARNlY, HAS IKASCISCO. Iho bet accommodatiens cuarartced. L'cation contraL Teriua, C4.00 to t.5Q per Dmj. W. G. Graham, airC l-r.priW.-.r. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. "macondray & c6T7 Importers of CULM & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING ahd C01VI1Y11SS1QI1 MERCHANTS 204 and 206 SANSOME STREET ' SAN S KAN" CISCO. We are con-tantly in receipt of fresh in ToicesofClllNA and J A? AN TEAS, and alj dittc'riptiun of iiojr Isdia. and STaaJTo Pao duck. d DALTOS & GRAY, Commission Merchants ! And wholojalo doalorain GREtN ANO D.lIcO Ff U S OF ALL KINDS, AM" Produce Xuti.ctc, etc., 4t ntl 4(Jti in U nlrrrt, brlwreu Wuhlnclon and Jnckion, hail FrnncUco. C0-01'KRATIVE MAKBLE WORKS. JOHN DANIEL & CO., (Saccossors to 0. tlori.l Manufacturers of and JJealurs in Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, MANTEL TIECES. TABLE TOPS, Cut'NTKK. TOl'S, PLL'M liEHS' SLAB.S, IMl'USING si'ON ES, Etc., at loroat prices. Particular attention paid to packing goods for ahipmuct Orders rodpoctfully solicited. il Pine St-, between Sfon t Rnmcry and Kenruoy, San Irauolsco. aprlO JOHNSON & BEST, Manuiacturers of OFFICRDESliS. BOOK CASES, WRiTTNU TABLES, 6110 W CASES, and allkiniLiof CABIiVKT WORK. Orders solicited an 1 satisfaction guaran- Wi'rerttoine 311 lMuc St t Mnnu fncto- j ry 711 SlurkcL St Stnu t'raiiciaco. aprl7 PAPER&STATIONERY WAREHOUSE. JOHN G. HOOGE & CO., Iniiortors, Manufacturers, and Wholesale Stationers. Koopa full lino of STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, SCHnOL BO"KS, PUINTLKS' stock, BOiK B1NDEKS' MATtKlAL, WUA1MMNU, BOOK, and NEWS PAPEllri, Ac, c. Acont for tbo Carow Company's superior Letter andFlul Pa pur. The Trade supplied at loss than Chicago prices. 3MO, and 331 Nnoramciilo St., Ian Francisco, aprlti Einstein Bro s & Co., Manufacturers and Importers of BOOTS & SHOES, And dealers in LEATHER, FINDINGS, Etc., 40 and 3t 11 ATT E It V NTHKKT, dli SAN F KAN CISCO. ESTABLISHED ISM. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 oui '15 Front Street, San Francisco. o26 a. j. uitniTji; IHaler la fT all kinds ol PXOKZjSIO ea BMOKH SALMON AND HERRINGS, IBS Waihlaato Street. All klnJi of Dried, Bmuked and Pickled flib oocuUmUj on hand. H MURPHY.GRANT & GO. Importers of American and Kuropoaa Staple bimI Fancy DRY GOODS, HAN JFltVISCJIHCO, CALIFOKXIA, Call the attention of t'le Trade to theb Urn and oomrdeieiiook of FALL AND WINTER DRESS G00DS WhK-h the? a-c now re-ceirinf direct from European Mac u ur in, compriivni in part rraaoh nrlaoi, Wool 8atla, Wool Plalrie. rreacb and Oertuao, Irlib tad rrtaeh Poplin, Ktapreee Clothe, fanlit, Mack and colored. Velveteen. Alpaeaa, Mack and cdered, SILKS. VELVETS, RIBBONS ALIO GLOVES, Lid. Bu't. Berlin iLfciiM". J(iMM'..a3T Gents' Ij.iciarwjar Aai .11 kinds of Gents' Furnishina Goods. noe.ery.c.'rrr'-: In all It r-.te -Whin ;.m-.1, " Uatxlaercblaft, lrtlnK Mnmi, ttttllt, fcit and rN.v, . p-ma.a.. t-r.-wn aal M.cal fwli, Hc-k, P'fr. T-:rka. .pkilm and tojll, SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. A. W. WHITE & CO., Coiuuiission Merchants, And dealers in all kinds of GREEN AND DRIED FRrTTS, BUTTER, CiiEKSE, E'i'iS, ham-;, ix. Shipping orders solici&i, E. Hit: cr, 1 aua Wuhlerten Bt , J. 0. Mr:.t5, V ban Franclaco. A. W. Wh:tb. ) aprl7 sTp. HOLDEN & CO., COilillSSION MERCHANTS, 33 SAJTSOlB 6TREET, BAN FRANCISCO. a. Ulilft, J nriw. S.w Xort J. BAUM & CO., Imaorten and Manufacturers of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 218 k 220 lniomi It., San Franclaco, Ho 18 W arran SL. Hew Tork. S L. A. Sanderson. T. h. Born. SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, (Proprietors of La Espanola Cigar Factory,) Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 FRONT STREET, Between Washington and Clay. 9e,xi 3Er axloI m o o . apS3 5. A- HABJHlXLt BO BUT HAIOHT. MAK.SU ALL. & HAIG1IT, C0M1IISSI05 JIEKCHANTS, And Wholesale Dealers in EOG?, BUTTER, tHKESE, Ete., 208 and 210 Clay Street, ap3) SAN FRANCISCO. E. A. FAR CO & CO. i Importer! and Jobbers of Branuies, Wines ai Liprs, SI0 Front SU, cor. Commercial, D. B. itti. iK BAN FRANCTPOO I NOTARIES PUBLIC. NOTARY PUBLIC. HENRY M. TRUE, havinp; been legally appointed Notary Public by his Excellency Ex-cellency Governor Ooo. L. Woods, is now pro-parod pro-parod to attend to all bus in 039 connected with 1 tho Office- JliniDR companies incorporated 1 under tho laws of Utah. Searching of Records, Conveyancinir and general Notarial business attended to with accuracy and dispatch. Uffico hours lrom Ham. until H p-m. Office of True, Sod Sl Martin, at No. Kimball Blooa. aprJJ CHAS. "W. HTAYNttli, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and commissioned by the Governor. Uffico 1st door sooth of Savage's Photograph Gallery. Salt Lake City. m'g GOOD NEWS AS EASY WAY TO GET A PRINCE PATENT OHGAIV. We will Rcot oar Organs by Iho Month and when tho prioo ia paid id Rent, tho Orpan will becoino tho property of the Renter. This is not only the easiest way to abtain an OrgaD, but you will have tho Best Instrument made which 1 J. U. RIDGES, Organ Builder, C. J. Til O MAS, Conduotor of Theatre Thea-tre Orohestra, Aod many others will testify. Mr. J. J. DAVNK3 will give three month's lessons FREE to any person reotiDg our Organs, as well as those who pay the full price down. No dis-tinotioo. dis-tinotioo. Sond lor illustrated circular and price liat. BaiT Show JIooms UP STAIRS. J. DAYNES & SON. Thk Only Exclusive Musio Storj In tho City. I3 3 doors east of Godbo's drug store. NOTICE. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY GRAIN, PROVISIONS AN tilt ASS, ve(;etablk and BIRD SEEDS. AND A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES. CALL AND EXAMINE j AT Geo. H. Knowlden's j Cri-osite Wells, Farro iCe-. WEST SIDE MAIN STREET, in HOTELS, ETC. AMRICIN HOTEL, First Class Quiet House, ONE BLOCK EAST OF IHEATRE, 5ALI LAZE CITY. Term, f 3.00 per Day. Weekly- and Table Board at Seasonable Season-able Kato. J. C. LUILE, oji Proprietor. WALKER IIOUSK EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UTA 131 . 'pHIS HOUSE IS THE LA Ri 1 EST AND i beat appointed Hooje in L tab Territory, and has accoinrnodatic'3 11 r three hundred acd fifty cuesou Street cars andcarriacas connected connect-ed with theWiiite culpbir liat is. Reading Rooms, containing papers from all points, Bathi, Bar. Telecraj a, News and Cigar Stand attached to theliuiu-e. iL S. GREELEY. A CO., D0v2l Pronriown. TQWNSENDEQUSE, SALT LAKE CITT. THE LEADING HOTEL OV D T A H . JAMES TOW MB E N D PBOPRIETOl. This House Ls oentrally and pleasantly lo sated, well furnished, and has aooommoda-tions aooommoda-tions for a a O raeeta. -rt TBS PROPRIETOR is now preparint ta bnild large additions to his Hotel, whitb when Iniahed, will renJer It the iefoaf Complete EUtabliikmrnt In the ROCKY MOFXTAIN REGION mil Q. fl, IRB. C- 8. KKLLIS UNION DEPOT HOTEL iXD RAILROAD DINING HALL I Situated on Railroad Platform, Junction I VJ.P. and C P. Railroads, OEdcn, 1'iah. marll ERB A N ELLIS, Proprietors Pulaski Hotel, j - Known as tho j Chicago Restaurant, Oppoiito tho TJ. P. and C. P. K. R. Depot, j OGDEN, TTtali. PASSENGERS wj.hing to remain over a few days can obtain pluasant rooms and lirat class accommodation. Terms $4.00 and S'.50 per day. A SAMPLE ROOM attached to the House. Lunch os put up' for paaaenRors. J. IL CKACHEHT. apl9 Proprietor. TAYLOE'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. my 11 Washington House NEW ADDITION, ANOTHER 100 NEW Sl'RiNG BEDS, NEW TAR1F. Xuird Hoxitli Htreet, SALT LAKE CITY Board and Lodging, per Weafc 10 00 to 7 00 Board and Lodging, per day, 1 00 to 1 3j Day Board, per week, 5 00 Bed., per week, - 1 30 to 3 50 Beds, par Might - 5 to 50 SS.al - S5 Thirty copies Eastern, Western and Local Daily Papers. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL Second South Street, Salt Lake City, 1 With acapacity for 3X1 guests. First-class accommodation for families and travelers. Rnnmi per ilay from 50c to tl.no, Roomipcr wefkfromU.OU Iol0.00. Board per waek) $7.00, Jneala, ue, FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Barbor shop and Laundry conneted with tho HotoL Ice Tor ale. For particulars apply to the Othco. 831ITB 4t BIOA7.K, mrlT Proorletors. WHO WANTS Fire Brick? Messrs. MORRIS & EVANS Bog to inform their numerous patrons toat they are preparer) -o till all orders for their Celebrated Fire Brick At (heir yard id rear of Theatre. Office near Savage's photograph gallery. V. 0. Boi 1065. MORRIS & EVANS , Are alro prepared to estimate for tho SKKCTION OF SMELTERS , ROASTERS. CALCINERS. Ac, md find all material, on tho shortest notice- Fire Cement For Tamrtos always on hand. aprlS NOTICE. Drrira Piosker Mivixh asp Ti'NSKLta There will be an anr nl m--::-.K of the jfckhiM ier? of tbo a-xive cm, any h ei I at Lheirota.-o in Kimbail' Blo.-k. on M anj B?a;ne. May l.th. 1-"-. a: Vel f r the purpose of elect intt o'Sceri lor the enimoc v ear. and for the transaction of .-j.-h oLaer b.i'ineiv i m.r c :.:e bs: :c the motUBS- By order ol the b.arl pf I'in-; rs. Iilus. H. SKA arrl t?o.-retarf. NEW GROCERY STORE. ROSS COMPANY TJAVTV-1 rnr-hfl the -V and ft -re S.v..di :rert. : t KrMl;'- r h(L Is, i ,r. a r.enii-i "ph r,.-s el" s:.e and Fancy GROCERIES Which thtv rf to fa-'.ies as AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPnaT. Goods ieuvered lie of :iare w all 7 of ihe eitj aiaii & illl! McLain's Urniirure Bonbon : "ia-e by i C- M. t aid a ( - ''" 1 sr-su- ' MISCELLANEOUS. BAZAR LA PARISIENNE. ! jv5;t ke;e:ved j : Choice Spring Goods ! ; Finest Jiyies of j , LACE SACeLi, FiCiil'S A BIBS, ( 1 Lare rarie of 1 M0.1 fhirmlDf finli ana i MaLViiig toilumti. OPERA GLOVE- OF EVERT ; ! iLLAi'E, . , ELEGAXT rSDERK'EAR ! SUPERIOR HOSIERY. j 1 Superb Cz-'Jars cii 0;ff, j ! FINE LINEN. j rr ileal e Embroider le, j Le Eon Ton HIOU BACK COilBS ' And crery fa.-hi'Table etcetera ' i 01 Lhe U ardrobe at ! MISS CANFIELD'S 107 Kimball B'.ocb. I ' Ladies Bazar la Parisienne if. m I To a ! FOR A GOOD RELIABLE WATCH, A CORRECT TIME KEEPER, CO TO CARL C. ASMUSSEN, Opposite Post-Offlcc. He will refund the mony if any should prove to the oontrary. Call and see his fine selection of 'the most BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY, A COMPLETE NEW STOCK, Constating of Brooches, Ear-rlngi Finger-rings, Studs, Sleeve-buttons, Sleeve-buttons, Chains, Lockets,' Fnll Sets, etc., etc, A splendid assortment of LADIES' AND G NS" GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. American Watches a Specialty. A largo and coraideto stock always on hand-CARL hand-CARL C. A3MUSSEN, Opposito Tost Ollke, Salt Lake City, Tfotlce. All tioods left over one year will bo sold to dofray expensed. dl3 2 TU3 LuLD g sCURESk nOMEOFATHJC arr.ciFics HAV.E PROVED, FROM THE MOST amrloexi'oriunco, an ontirosuccoss: Pimple Pim-ple Prompt Efficient and Reiiablo. They are the only medicines perfectly adapted to popular uso so simple that mistakes can not bo made in using thorn ; so harmless as to be free from danRer, and so offieiont as to be always reliable. They havo raised the highest high-est commendation from all, and will always render satisfactkn-j: Nos. Cents. 1, " Fever. Congestion, Inflammations-M 2, " Worm, Worm Fever, Worm Colic...2,i 3, " CVylnit-Celicor toothing of lnfanU...Sj 4, " llarriuKii,of Childrun or Adults 5 5, " l-eitery, Griping, Uilious Colio...2-i 6, " Cliotera-Aarbui, VomitinB 2i 7, " ('outfht, Colds, Rronchilis -ii S, " Jfetii-nlsliv, Toothache, Facoacho...25 9, ' llemlRt'lie, Sick lloadache, Vertiiro .25 10, " Pyiiepula, Rillious Stomach i5 11, " Sui)iircetl. or Painful I'oduds 25 12, Willie, too Frofu.io Periods 35 $ ' Cruup, Coush, Dillicult llreathin(t...-2" H " Salt Klieum, Erysipelas. Erupt ions. Ji5 15, " Blimlliim, Rheumatic Pains 35 16, " Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, 17, " Pllrs, lilmii or bleedinc 50 IS, " 0ilit tilumy, and sore er woalt tytv 50 19, Cl nrrli, ncutocr chronic Influonsa-oO Jj, " W uooping-iaugu, violent cuuh-tia ."0 21, " At lima. oppros.od Uroathins .50 22, " fcar III hc liar gc, impairoU hearing 50 23, " Scrofula, enlarod (lands, Swell- 4, 11 General Debility, physical we nos-... W Si, " Drii-j' Kid scanty Secretions 50 hi, " Nrn-Mr . sioknesi from ridintfJjO VT7, " Kliliirj -IHnrat, Uravol. .50 2&, " Servoii. I'tbillt)-, Sriuliial Woaknoss or involuntary Dis- thiir-o." 1U3 29, ' Sorr ,loulti. Canker 50 .HI, " I 'rlnmry Wenkucut, wottiiic bed.50 ;;i " I'nliil'iil Period, wi:b Spaauis 5l ;t, " Siiirerliig at chanire of life.... .11XI ii, " tilleiy, Siiaauis, SL Vitus' Dance JOO ,'W, " llplnrla, ulcerateil sure thriat5o ,15. " t'Uroiilr. luligiilluui nd Eruptions - - 5 Vials O'Jo., ejLCCit - and Si .1W FAMILY CAStS Case, Moni-co, with above 35 large vials und Y :no:i ( directions 1(1 W Case, Mi. roc.-o. ii .' larfc-o vials and book ti 00 Mn;0 H.'e and Vial a' i;tove. er 'litvo reuicilioa aro fonl by the cue 1 ct rmcle bix, to any part of tbo country, free of charge, on receipt of the price. Address Humphrey.' Homeopathic Medicine Co. 1 Office and Depot, No. Ml BmoaI'Wat, Naw Yots. FOR SALE EY ALL DRUGUiSTS, And atZ. C. M. I and Kvdbe's DrnH Store. GEORGE MANWARING HAS A 1 I'LL LINE OK GROCERIES PROVISIOINTS, FIRST Hi IT II STREET, Half I,l:k r--. of Kin.ball A La wren ee. i; i's LELIVEiiEl) FREE OF CliAil'jL. myiu - ! u. E- x i.b Kflt BoJ '.H. R. MANN & GO., .General Ia'ji'aaca Agents, I FIRE and LIFE. iCa.'IIal re: i.i..-.n";i;:' t.:vOi. ' 'f -e : i ? ti-e - ( A. . V Cite k Co. J r VJN z'li-LZ. Lais C.s. W1SCELLANECUS. II WALLACE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CONFECTION E R,, Fir. l Konth Street, Sail IMe;Cltr. j i FRESH! PIES. j CAKES, ! CRACKERS, And CREAMICAKES. EVERY DAY. W E DID INC CAKES Made to Order. THE HEAVIEST AND EESI ASSORTED STOCK OF PURE C A N D I E S iy THE TERRITORY. Country dealoxs should call and examine. ORANGES AND LEMONS. Special Attention Paid to Orders. SAVE MONEY By lttrchaatnff tlie WILSD5 HEW IDEM SEWHB MACHINE. It will do mil kinds of work, runs easier, ia more durable and costs fronj EIGHTEEN TO THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS LESS than any other FIRST-CLASS .MACHINE. Calder & Careless, General Agents, 31 EAST TEMPLE ST. Where you will also find the LARQKST.BEST AND.CHEAFEST j Stock of Musical Instruments in the Territory. WATCHES a JEWELRY I O. L. ELIASON. BEOS to inform tho residents of Salt Lake City and vicinity, that ho not only ruaranteos to properly Ropnir, Clean and Adjust Watches and Chronometers, but ho wi.l mako them or any part of thorn to onlor, and warrant the work. Just received a now (apply ol E 'gin. Swiss Watches, and a fine 6t ck of tirst-clas lewelry. Prices a Ivw as any In town. Two door baft of the Dasorot Una k. d4 t EL BASSET T, HARDWARE STORE AU kinds of HEAVY HA.RDWARK Iron n1 Wteel, Stoves and Tin Ware l.ArKHBITH TUOLI, SfriHrl Implvmeat Avd Hlaiat Wool, At owet Rata. OPPOSITE THE SALT LAK B HOI K MEDICAL. The Human Eye.1, DC. WILfeON. M. D-, Oculist and Aurit. Office Dear Godbe'f c rner over I'un-ford's I'un-ford's Shoe Store. apr-7 mis. h. i. mm. 1 1 Graduate "f the P-nn. Medi-l 1 rd- ve.-Mtv. of Philadelt Mi. Pa-. :-'lT' 10 ir-l-.rm 6T (mt i an 1 !: r-ii- -t-at shr i' pri-r"d t" reliev ttie -tea and a.Tn d tf ir sex, a.o chiiortn. iFruiu over TWENTY YKUS r,y L"CClvFUL . PRAi.TICK. Ehe is qnalineH :i tr-a: pfironio cases of iu&g SLaodw'ia- Obstoterie eaaes prt-ini-tly attended. IiTti-er-ia, t ;mrT, ottiDate ulcer, totter, oi LajLja, rhuina4-uu, eiL., iic , Ofec opr-osite new Tberaaf is floatli Temple Street, lalt Ukt CHy. aprl XEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage." For tb Debilitated aarvaw SriHi. T" JOP.D."f th Amn-im'.ai y-.":. n-rsAc;.-'r.'c.V: i;;1 y' UiXI:" I'-rj ct.mfc.-rii a:.i n.-r - us raj at.; ; u.r '.r.r -J.' -i -i !.!' : ni "; Hwca.eu fr;r;.-;, r,1 fM,.-.j " mj rf:--J "i !-- !.;- u. 1-.) 1,-t-r. L b lorwari U. pan ot r.ai ! er Trri-. 1 Be. JertaaesBibeBoanlMS ky "r- 7 MISCELLftNEOUS. j COAL AND MINING COY.! a: Ev: r. r.,' Sprlr.c. j The Best Coal for Smelters, Smiths and Household Purposes, 1 VEST Of TiiK U1SS01 :U. I K K I I t E 1 It A T r. . 0ce and Yard. JNTofar- tUo GflsWorlts A- L. MORSE. t;f"s' '"t-dl6 '"t-dl6 Us. 60,t:-o-. Oi-o- f5 at B. Lyons', two doevs svuth o: t e ; i e hi ?H r 1 I i JJ SZ- S r H 3 I .1 O rn ill b-h i illl sift H 0 fili l a . c o a c w li 1 IRON, STEEL, HARGWAR", . STOVES & TINWARE. SCOTr, DUM1.UI & to., DEALERS IN WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL KINDS OF - Ni.Ninc TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE ALL K1M.S fl.' ,'l l l l.M.N F.K .'I B.A A SIll.l.S. HARDWABE, BUllDEN'S HOUSE St iMULK SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS. - AND OTNKH - BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS. liUBUKIi I'ACIvlNij. AQKNTS FOK Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales.. Fireproof Safs, G. S. Lubricating CM, Hercules Powder. ALT, LOW KOIt CASH lave a well appnl 11 1 ril Nliop, mid are prepared lu ilu all kind uf Sheet Iron & Tin Vork, Promptly and at rea.-uiiu!iio rate. Wt EAST TEMPLE; orilAUN bl'KLi;'. H3JS5 T TU T6T !'r:!f THE FAVORITE to II AS The I'.'l'owine is t"r 1 e n.iD;fn of PaiK. C. J. TtifDias, who thirty-fnfl thirty-fnfl yenr- rjtirri'n: an a M-iMrun, a Lvit'Jtr of Orchc-'ra3 and Choira in Europe America : PM,T I-AKK f'lTT, Ii. T., April Ma. C. W. Staynfk, Ilaritip an pTprienoc of th'r'y-onc th'r'y-onc yarn a- a Munpian, a pr'ai (dure d wl(i"t tini? I have h"cn T a It ' ( ( (rflif-tra ai-f Choir" in Eurfjr: arnj Atu'rn, an! h'-me ,jii'-:t'"i hy '"J to tib jny judrmf-nt on the " E-t-'y Orrann," iT which yu are ar' nt, ard 'having trier and examined tlum thor-'o'Jfhiy, thor-'o'Jfhiy, I ctnfrjrni'y r'Tnmmrnd thrrn I rn i ,f ci'iv. n 'd tin T,,rnt''irj',ffir tin tr ' flTilTT. T'F, the Vox .Ifi!'1.A'."7f r,t r a fn" lrrj-fi'.n rf V " l'''" ' 1 i -arj tl '-ir n-i rwrn A'TT't at-'l i 'f rr . f 'I n'-f-n, w ' f. ' I I S 'v.ry. v in cm 'hrir '.v-ir.'-'TT'-i ; ar.fj thrir if.s f.fim. iii;.u':nrv r - 1 in? lh' m ALL THAT rr.n HE 'l'-:f'd ill Orrao Th"r f"T rh-irrh or I'pi or. Vr.urf rt""'"' iH' . I Cc-'juci -r ol Ihcatricai rc.l"-i'. a CH Tl ' lie Orrn juv wi.l tart 1 1 ri'As. w. hTAi'M::1., I 1, E KF.Ai. A 1 , i. I t ,Rt 'I Ail. I NO. b UU StrMt. .It tO MriO 'J .11,1 lYllSCELLAnEOUS. Pacific Assay Oiliee. tin, copfSTsShtisos GatiUiiii;a:;driiiuiltir.s:, M1TC11KLT. - .1 A.MKS, 53. O 1. X. GRANDOPENING .'F Paiis, London and Nsiv Yo.k FASH I OlS , Ladies Ja(s ami lidiiuots 1A0 OlUkki Ret'lieri'he Goods. AT MBS. COLEBiflOa'S TEMPLE FASHION, OPPOSITE UlSllOl' 111 MTK'8. LUimRYAm All Kinds r I iinlii r DOORS, WINDOWS BLINDS, MOULDINGS. SHlNlJLKS, LATHS, JONES & FORIvXl. HtwO.ilE B.:CIHES, 03 IVIntii -ioot. Salt X.ako City, Cnlriicl fr li,,' ynvtii.ii f IS.MELT1NU Kl KNAfl.-. CUMI'LITK In any .tho tuimn; ,1, tn i- ,.f 1 ,li. -U-IH. lurtln. h.ll.nuiii; .Man.U.rUuoi.-: Jv'Ut'e lv.li v tt..i-t li -New Vo-k no i; ..... K Co! Tiui.M-1 K.n 1.,, !':,, iinA, a.,d iiiiiiiu m j j j 11 . t mi.w.v t.t iduiiu-hich-ty j.no , J,. ,,.M, ,1. .i.lo .Ki.in..i..r tho Cdl'Nrih isi.n k r I K ON Uiilv.i, liiiinuhirtun 1 1 wl' uli kiiiiiri ul .Mai-lmiciy iii.d (.miiii h t,( yidt-r. ATLAS illUN (MiK, n.Hni'an. tui i-r.i ul llit .in l.u.-,i I- uriiauus uud liuihti; .Jiil Maclnucij. UI'lUV h i i.A'U JiMJI.Nh CO.. wl- tL-iuud I'oitihi,. hu, Jlu,!. crb and 13..W .Mm,-. V.O'iu Hurt' 111 uo, fcttn:k uti hand lor iiijiiicdliilt; dc-livcry. dc-livcry. Ti It, ri:i,l,16 ,v itlio , .-u L-miH, itimjuia'jiuuiH ot li uu l1 run if, Jap, k'l LuiiuiuK", Uiid UiliuiiirijUl iioiliioil' i,;iU rcihcrizt'i- 1 .r . n. Iiii.r 1 ..1. - ,1, .. ill iu-h lit UI.HII il- i" 1 . ..-t, i,.., I1 1 tm,i,ii.K. (.... . 1'IIA Ul J IM : S ' Ix ,1, t I , 4 . 1 1 ,1 I .)... h.I.,. . u... 11 l, ,11. , ai-Me ri.MMllLlilltl'yiilllOA Cuiar (Jrt n t.: I h . 1-rsri" liri Avfiiue, NT. I.tM IS, flit. CAPITAL, I5r()0.00. LIMIT. II ,"i'i , 1. 41) H I K i j; 1 '. i;v v. i mm' !. 1... 1. .1 H'.l.l it 1 , . , , , IVk.V. I t:1- L. ', 1 T- n-iiin. Ti.n .-A 1 1: j VI -1 ; i u 1 1 N U in Il'-nd -r i,.hn. ..t. I.. i.-i .... h,...,,,tT .-r Mi MH 1 - ., it,,- 1 . , .,,. 1 ,. f 1 v:ial our pruri. j t Ki.d .-ai. In. fLut -.. ('nr..',,! vr, 1 t tl,- I 1 0mrr I-m.t I' r.,.,.. i,. i..ir.,. allwwl A ir.w. V-.r t.i.'i.,"- ia it,.- r.t, ; oIjc,;ei. !- r, 1 hr l''.ir.i- ,! :v J fil t:i t : ti 1: . ''...,-.'' i J - "T ,.', , , , .k., L .1 I ' ' L UI i . ' J-iriKS j .r:. a: . . , . 1 :.a. W. I . v ;-' ' r : .. . i,.,.,; " ' .' '''- J, ji 1 ai-ii : |