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Show n inx!-A Hhioment of th re-1 re-1 nH K'tnv Organs jut receive), C. W. KTAYXER. rvmall A Lawrencei. a-il Wasted. Six bur.dred bushela of g '"i winter app'pi, by W. L. PICK AK D, 3rd South St., cor. 3d West. Who is ioua Hatter? DunfoH ifc Son.". tTi Mkssoes remain at the Dcwret tl"raoh offici for Mr. Carman. J. C. Jtiwlcs, Ilcory Birnea and C L. Dun- j cm. A IJ'iY who want ts learn to be a .Job t'rinlcr ia wanted by Ford, the Printer, y'.i Main street. s'JX The Utau "escaped dud," or late ".ictim of polygamy," is to commence piti?rnine after Edith 0' Gorman on O ::ol)er 1st. tuT A r ki v Kit. Ton ln,n of thoee ci'brntn i " Oil by " Wa-bor'a and Vringra. Kead testimonials of leading lead-ing eitiens in to-day's pupor. M C. W. STAYNER. Fia C'fiSAF J'urnUuro go to Uar-rura. Uar-rura. jlti Lyon's Tooth Tablets are abso-lut'dy abso-lut'dy pure and free from acid, grit, or other hurtful aubilanco. s'i3 Kaos for Sale, at wholesale, at Dp-rant Dp-rant i Cutting' s warehouso, south of lit"h Central Depot. e27 Wnoi3Tooa Olotir? Dunford & Hons. e27 (in-sET var ett of Fancy Brackets and Clock Shelves, at U. tDiowoodoy's. 11 u 1-1 W A XTED. Six Apprentices ; also t vj young Lidies capablo of attending in stnro. Mrs. Colobrook, Palace of Fashion. s25 Who is your Hoot Fitter? Dun-ford Dun-ford & duns. t'Zl For Mirrors, Large and Small, go to Harrtttt'd. jlG Ji.l and8ee Ji. Dinwoodoy'g now atj if. of Bedroom Kurnituro boforo you pLirvti.'Hn elsewhoro. 81 East Tomple iin-1 Firat South streets, auli K"R your Family Grocorics go to Ki in btil I b Lawronco'8. a31 Ovvicx Chairs and Doaka at Bar-ratt's. Bar-ratt's. jviG Wuc is Tour Furrier ? Dunfori & 627 ltiFFAi.0 Meat, in canTiiss, at Kim-Iball Kim-Iball & Lawrence' b. aJl M-okky to Loan. $1,000 to loan for mm yr on unencumbered real ostnte .'.K'uriLy. Apply to J. M. Smith, Ken I iistain Agent, ovor First National Bank. i'2t Kink Chamber and Parlor Setts at IJ AS KM KNT TO ItKNT Ulldor 3 Taylor & Cutler's. F.'H roMPi.KTK mining outtit, go to Kniibdl Sz Lawrcncu't. n3i Ttau Minks in London. From t!u Wall street " Journal," of September Sep-tember iMst, wo quote Utah mines in London, as follows: Emma, 2 ; KldtittiafT, 15 10a; List Chanco, 5 ; Miiiimioth Copperopoilia, 10.10.; Saturn, 312-.0i.; Utah mining com- j pmv, '! 154. To outfit Your Uouso, go to Hurra Hur-ra i'. j 10 Latest Siylks, fli good?, received ov.'ry swur.d week, at No. 3 ConwiuT-riEil ConwiuT-riEil triniU Jan. A. Stromborf, Alor. " elnuit Tailor. ChII and oxaiuino. nl!i Kor Salk, 40 bv PVt fcot of a city lot, Sih Ward. C. W. Croehoron at Teas-dt'l Teas-dt'l A Co. sl7 Knives, Forks and Spoons t Bar- f-'MMMStAND Ulrn trimmings at lv i in tU Lawrence's. aiil w antkd Im mediately, a number of irft-clnM tailors. Apply at Z. C. Al. I. Clothing Department. s'l Via New Crleaxs, China and C rooki.ry at liarrau'a. jyl I'.t .Matrasses and Curtains go to liurratl's. J 10 riiKQuEXX lruttjar, aligia;., at Kimball Kim-ball Ltiwrenco's, aot Bill, Cari, and Circulars, in lat.-at tlyk'a, primed at the JiiSRALD Otlice. fie15 Kui k f- r r i ' a Coal. Tho BEST COAL in the market. Wyoming Coal and Mining Co. Arthur Suyner, UK u lit. 1U illsKK Mios, Bar Tumblors, arrived at Bttrruil'A. j iq Police Court. -The business of this court might be quoted from fair to middling. Operations opened with a couple of "drunks," fioo $5 each the usual amount. Then came a man with'a bloody not hand, but face, a regular "knight of the rueful countenance." who accused another of assault with intent to commit com-mit murder. Grave charge, this; and the police started off to make an arrest. ar-rest. They were successful, when Reuj. F. Dolton and John G. Crocker, the 'saulted and 'saulter, were placed plac-ed face to face, the bloody nose in tho foreground. Evidence was heard, and the court decided that it was a elear case of pugilistic encounter in plain English, a fiht for which the erim of $10 wan demanded from each of the belligerents. Job Printing all sizes and styles iono promptly and cheaply at tho Hkkald Utliue. 8ol5 Cutting & Co' a California Canned PruiU, Jollies, Jams, etc., are far superior supe-rior to ail olh or brands. For sale by all HrBt-claisgrocors. myl4 Window glass or all sizes at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawroneu's. a31 JNewbst Attractions In Job Printing Print-ing at tho Hkkald Ulhce. Kvkrywuxrk. The Evening Star Stovo is ou sale in all the principal towns and cities throughout pho South and West, All respectable dealers have them, mid consider them their most star pie artielo. e27 Dodokrs printed cheaply and tastefully taste-fully at tho Hkrald Job Umco. f o-21 K ark aty's stock is next door" to the IVsiUiliuo. " jyio Tiik i.kst Family Mackorel at Kiru-oall Kiru-oall 0E Lawronuo's. Street Caus. Tho public will ploaio take noL'ee ibnt the -ireut cars Hro now running n-gultirly between the railroad depot and Third S-unh street. Tickela ! 7.00 per 100. Single faro 10 cents. j2 Notice. All persons holding orders or duo lulls Hpninst our firm, must pro-pent pro-pent tliem t.-r payment boforo tho 6th dav ot October. selS DAY & CULMER. Farmers Attention. 1 will pay CASI1 for all kinds of (J HA I N at my old Bland on Second South street. d. S. Bsrnes. Cult for them P. D. Code ftCo'n do-wms do-wms LKMOX and OBAXGE JKL-LIES, JKL-LIES, something unique. ati For Fin Furniture, go to Barralt'a. Bkst Bsu IOi-t. Tho" Twondorfull WO V E N W I K K M A TT H ESS for a.o at Henry Dinw,vly's, :il F.at Temple and To First South "elroots, al4 Oi.t (invfuxMKNT JavaCotVee, at Kim-b0 Kim-b0 i LtwreiuVs. 3l Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Mor-bus, Cholera, tfcc, certain and immediate immedi-ate cure. liegeman's (formerly Val-pau's) Val-pau's) Diarrhea liemedy, used with unfailing un-failing success since the Cholera of 1&52 Sold by druggists generally. Preoared only by Hkgkmak oi Co., New York. m28 ForDiphtheria. SobeThroat, Catarrh, Ca-tarrh, Ca.vker, Bad Breath. Use as a gargle.one part lirumo Chloralum to ten of water, or stronger, according to circumstances. For sale at Z. C. AI. L Drugstore. se28 But the celebrated KOOKY MOUNTAIN COAL $7.60 PEB TON I at the Dktotor$8 PEK TOX DELIVERED DE-LIVERED in main part of the city Leave orders at Walla, Fargo & Co.'s office, or at our coal house on the U O K H block. sei6 D. K. Allen's famous XXX and XX FAMILY FLOUR for sale at Z.C.M.I. Produce Department, first door north ot Bank of Doseret. my22 Bodikson's .Best.Wkbkr Coal sold by J. H. Stalling?, at the U. C. Depot. Leave your orders on the slate wt (j, H. Knowlden's, Main street, or P. O. bor 762. Delivered in all parts of the city. 6g Trateliso Fuji lic leaving Salt Lake City going east, will find it to their advantage ad-vantage to take the evening train and oome to Ogden. Yuii will avoid getting up at o'clock in the morning. At Ogden Og-den city, half a milo from tke depot, you will find on coxy, comforlablo Hotel, the Ogden Houbo, where you wfll have plenty of time to rise nt 7, tako a good breakfast, and you will always find a carriage roady to convoy you to and from the depot, free of charge e28 JOHN MAHON, Proprietor. Tourists and the Traveling Public Pub-lic going east are rospoctfutly notillod that the Utah liotol, at Ogden City, is a firat-class house, and by coming to Ogden on tho previous evening, either by Mail or roight Train, they avoid tho annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to lake the morning train at Salt Lake Cilv. lo pleasure seokers Ogden promises much to interest in its excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout fishing, while the grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpassed by anything of the kind known in tho United Spates. The Hotel is provided with Barber Shop and Bath Booms, and runs its coach frco of expense to guests. Tho proprietors, thankful for past favors, will spare no pains to please guests, and will provido euns aud ammunition, am-munition, with guides aud carriages to Lho shuoting or fishing grounds, by getting get-ting timely notice thereof. Kodky fc Williams, Propr's. sel8 TW Courage, luvailds, Pain and weakness produce despondency, despond-ency, and tho invalid who is laboring under bodily torture, debility and menial men-ial depression, at tho same time, is indeed in-deed in a pitiable condition. But lei all who aro thus situated tako heart. A balm is provided both for their physical and mental infirmities in Hot letter's Stomach. Bitters. Among the common sources of pain, uneasiness and melancholy melan-choly are tho diseases which affect ibo stomach, the liver, the alimentary canal, the nerves and tho muscles, such as dyspepsia, dys-pepsia, bilious disorders, constipation, headache, hysteria and rheumatism, all of which yield radily to the regulating, invigorating aad purifying influence ot this peerless vegetable tonic, stimulant and restorative. Take courage, sorrowful sorrow-ful invalids; you will find the help you need in Hosteller's Bilters. sel0 Wbolal Prcdnct Jlarkti, Bui Uu Bmu Orrrn Sntmbr -1 IfCZ Flour. Vcwt i iot 2 73 M heat. (or bushel T'T SO 1 Barley, 'l " 7' Una. " " ,2 Potatoes lbu Onioni, ' ' , J 00 Com. thell'd cwt 1 30 Cora ileal, " . 2 OO M,ran- " 1. 1 35 Miorts. " 1 30 Beani.. V lb t bmer, "' frojh :t2 thewe. ' .V.V.Z- lis V.0"- - - 153 Jl bacoc, US 0,- " - 1' s " m 10 Mutton. " i- v.agf. y doi ";; a. Chickens, each .. .. ,) llaj-,ton in O.i-X il S'i -i- - 8 tX'10 00 ood. Vcord lO"0 liidoj. each ) yuckj. 4" 5.1 v.l 1 T.:rke-!." " W Ud Ouck?, rer pair " o GORDON & MURRAY, GENERAL Freight Forwarders, TO t'AMI FLOVP. TIXTir.ST.nt PTT!ttiT. I'lo.'HK n. .ill l.,r.:.i in S..mh-Ka.tprn L' ADA and A KI .USA, hav e oi-cr.yd an Orril-G AM W.VRF.HJISF A T L K HI, iTeruiinu.- I tab, yuthcrn liailrvad.l And will give nrvnipt nttontin and dirpatch tg all goods jualt:d. iu Uitiir ewe. a :i 1 First National Bank OF UTAH, SAL r LAKE CIT V. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. WlUM HfTlfllT, C. L. DlHLIK, President. Vio Prwt. Ajtthoi-t Oodbb, Cashier. Ant nor 1 sad Capital, - - 930 0,090 PAID DP CAPITAL,, - 150,000. KAJLHINOS, - tl36,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Institution in Utah., A. General Bankins BuMneM Transacted. AGBN01R8 IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTKHKST ALLOWED ON TIME hrpostts. nn GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. JAUKfl OALLACHKl- JOIIS OALLACHKS WILLUM OALLACHBB. TRIUML BAKERY - MAIN STREET, On. door b.low the Walker Home. Ice Cream, Refreshments. GALLACHER & SONS. Pare Bread I Pare Canfly! 'TlIS ESTATE CHARD Q0LIQHTLT Bakers and Confectioners, Atth old stand of BAST TK5IPLK STRUET, Adjoining lho On-oporativo Grocery Deportment, Deport-ment, where 0an bo found everything in aTiH?fl7'ul8,,",ithoPe'btrit attention to tbo want qf their auto men. to oontinue thrpatronag and support. Pure Home-made Candlea m Specialty. ORDERS FILLED WITH DISPATOfl. DUTY OFF TEAS JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF BEST BRAND OF GUNPOWDER AND Japan Teas AT REDUCED DUTY. Our TEA.S for quality are "proverbial. "proverbi-al. We make it our special study, so that the public oan always depend on quality and prioes. G.W.DAVIS. ANTI-DYSPEPTI C, COMPOUND BONE SET PILLS Hone-Bade and purely varetahlt Theyreltere Jaasftlce, Druper-fla. Indlref-Qon, Indlref-Qon, LiTer Complaint, Beaaache, Low oi Appetite and FnnI Stomach, will break up Colda, FaTern, Combe, and Pnrify tba Blood Thar will Cleans the Stomach, Renovate the Syitenj. and dinptij Dieae. Are food in all OMoa where Phytic ii needed. Try a box Yon will like them, anil nerer want any other tort. They an Tonie, Cathartic aad Ki pea-toraoL pea-toraoL Twemtj-fiT ceo ti per bx Twenty -fve PiLU. Warraatad to cit utubction. J. B. JOBMIOI, u Qorg; Vtm. And aold atZion'i Co-operattTe 5traf( by other aenu thronhont the Terrify. alM aold at holml or fnrnished on oom-miwion oom-miwion to wrOFibiawenU, If thM, mej. lavne are not kepi at your ttorea. aak your Barehaat t nrtimr tB"ri at nna. Herald Bindery. rUR BINDERY IS PREPARED 10 H.r.ir. ta . workm&nlike miuiaer. Album,, Old Books, ,te .tcu And B:sd MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, PITTSBURGH TRADE. " tESTAELISnED 1S30 J Wm. McCully & Co., .Manufacturers of the StudArd Brud of WINDOW CLASS AI DRUG GISTS' GLASSWARE. Vake a 5pecis!tj' of larte aiiea of T"indoi Glass, and all odd fiies cut to order. Office 18 mad 30 Wood afreet. PlMaburgb., Fcnn. P- S- Hnving the mot extenrive factorio. in thii country, and raakinn a laiper lice oi poods, dealers will find it to their interest U c' ' ntatinn bo'a r- chn.ein "3: '.i ?m paly Sirictly Pore Eaods ! wnrrani, mid no gv umii im Jcgrw pf Bdpd noi wIi1''Upss iitJrurjmsn-J : THIS PACKAGE CONTACTS Pure Whitp Lead .9l part, i I LiaMcd Oil a 1 f21 IN' Ctn.O will 1... t.-nnj-.m-dnd- 1 I dip Itic i-ontfrii of uu ki'K Jiflcrent from the li.WIP. CHAMBERS CO. !0LD BY DEALERS EVEEYWHEEE. joSO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 1HSTRICT OF XEVADA, In tlie Office of the Clerk of the U. S. District Court, To wlti j5v b 'l ""d" Z. -f r -V Ihat on the - -- :.ii& So vonteonth H'-.-.-rCTi: : A day of Octo- -,- er'-'- '"'-- per . A n n 0 " f lKnnd f Ss J o 8ht han- V.tr.. -CrVr -j-- I dred and air- XWv . -yj tr-flve.CoM. v.- -s J-f -s. Jlammer "TJSf of tho said , r 'jFyf Imtrict.hath thia office a label entitled "IlAM.VEIt'S COLLAR UALL Proprietor, in conformity with an Act of Congress, Con-gress, entitled "An Act to amend tho sovoral Acts rospooling copyrik-htd." W. P. R0DGERS. tt c ?PIL , CIorkofBaidDistrict, IT. S. Distriot Conrt, by Qto- R. Ammosd, District of 'Nevada. Doputy gWPRICE l.00-d ijCrOijiilTij Ortlceor itJSllistrir M oun.Ili.iririol XevmU. OIPJTIVIENT For Collar Galls. UneqiKlIcd for tho suecwurul euro of Cnllnr Gulls, Saro Bi.rk.. Khi-p Blrmi.hw, Cracked H-.-I-. OrciUL". nn.l all troublceomo Sorcn. 9-Tlna Otntmrnt dew not Bcab over. l)Ht dries up. and hcnl n Fore from Ihe bottom. Pruurt flesh cnniiot form where it is ueoil. fl- I'rrjMred only tiy KING & CO., Proprietor, Carson City, Nevada, fmmlhorocipcornctlclrrnlcl lmlishVrlrHmirlan Eedington & Co., Wholesale Aeenu S.in franciitco, Cul. J. D. LAMS & CO., GENERAL ACENT8. .8 ALT LAKE OtTV. I 23 . , "Adyortiinc is (ho Oil which iso men nil IB their Laiur-a. iloDKiw I'.nr,,. " Z. P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG : -A G- 3Q IV T, j. Rooms 20 tfc 21 Merchant? Echange CALIFORNIA STREET, C SAN FRANCISO, 1 Solicits Advertisements and Subicriptions Tor the Salt Lake Daily and Semi-Weekly Semi-Weekly Herald E And for nnpers publLobcd In Catlfornla, Oro- c Bon and Nevada; ashinnton, ltuh, Idaho, .Montitnn, Culuradu. Arizona and adjacent Territories; bundxvich islands, tho lin...h c Pwsscssiuns, Mesicao Ports, Nicaragua, Panama, Pana-ma, Vahmraiso. Japan and Chiaa: NowZob- land and the Australian colonies, ho Atlantic btutos and Europe ADVERTISING Has cronted many a now Iniineas: lias onlarged many an old business: J Una revived mayu dull biincss; Has ro.cued many a lust business; Has saved maiiy n fuilinn business: 1 lhu prcsurvod many a largo busino;i; ' And insuros success in any businoaa. OIRARD'S SECRET. Sler-hon Hlrnrd iifed tosay in bis old age: "1 havo alivaj-s considered n adverli.-iiig liberally and Ions tu be the groat J medium of success in businosa, and tho prelude to wealth. And 1 havo made it an invariable rulo to advertise in tho dullest limes as well u tho busioot, long oxperionco having taught ine thnt money thus spent is well laid out, aa by continually keeping my businoss before the public it tins secured many lalos thatlother-wiao thatlother-wiao would havo losL" Advcrllie your Builnea. Keep yoar name befora the Public Judlclona AdvertUtn will 1 it k urc a Fortune. IfUutlncatla Dull, Advertise. I Bnalnesa la DrUk, Advertise. aw The man who didn't believe In advertising adver-tising has gono into partnership with the ihcriff, and that oSiciai doos tho advertising. THE iEWS BUSINESS, News Agents throughout the AVest, and all others who contemplate engaging in the uusmess, are respectlully requested re-quested to send for one of the Price Lists of the "WESTERN "WES-TERN NEWS COMPANY," Chicago. Full information in relation to the nature of the business will be found therein. Druggists, Postmasters, and others who have a little spare room m their stores, will find that they can add the News Business with ease and profit to themselves. It will pay of itself, besides being a benefit ben-efit to their other trade. Individuals In-dividuals who wish to procure any Books or Periodicals published pub-lished in this country, can obtain them free of postage by forwarding the retail price as above. We refer to any of the Newspaper Publishers of Chicago. Address m mm mi mmi X. W.Cor. Randolph. JcnTcrion Sta., CHICAGO, ILLS, a Special Conference Mice! aBanniiiiiaiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiasaikaaBBBBBiiikaiBiBBH ARRIVAL.! - r ! Fall & Winter Goods. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, HAVE BOUGHT A I-AKOE AiVD WELL SELECTED STOCK OF CLOTHI.vti AM) MEN'S FI RMSH-ING RMSH-ING GOODS, SUITABLE EOIt THE SEASON AND WHICH IS NOW oiE FOR INSPECTION. French, English and American Hiiltinirs, Contiuirs and Cassimeres in grent viti-iely and latet l j les. Men's and Boys suts olT th? latest fashion, ri-om the first Houses in New York, Boston, Chlcagii and San Fraucisco. A FULL STOCK OF HOME MADE CASSI.MERES AND JEAN'S, TO WHICH WE INVITE INSPECTION. MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY", GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS. Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Gapes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOKS, EASTERN AND HOME MADE. GRANT, GREELEY", AND ALL THE NEWEST styles of HATS AND CAPS. WALL. PAPER DEGORATIOIJS IN GREAT VARIETY". Tho ureal sncceaa whioh has ntfeodei! Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has induced us to .make Large Purchases for our Fall and Winter Trade, S that gmtlcmen may- clioone from tlic mot Varirrt and Kxtenslve . Ktock we have ver olftrril. Tailors' Notions and Trimmings of tnz best quality always on hand. ,07 H. B. CLAWSON, superintendent. ANNOUNCEMENT October Conference, 1872 TEASDEL & CO., dktooodj,- j NOT TO ARRIVE, m, OKO Bnt Eeceived anil in-Stock, S"VWL" HARDWARE, TIIEOUOICKSTSlELECTIOXni' XOTIOSS, ,DtroWA"s' GENERAL MERCHANDISE HATS A-CAP.', EVICU DHOUUIIT T). TII18 CITV, nooDja, boot.siiok8 which we aki; sow cahpKT j RAPIDLY DISPOSING OF ' ' OKNTS 4 BOYS ! , AT TUB KIM, j LOWEST riqURSS- h.clot,,., THE BLEES SETOHMhIe! UXRIVALLED and UNEXCELLED ANTIBTTnE MARS.HT. The Best Faintly Machine Extant! ADAPTS ITSELF TO ALL BRANCHES OF WORK FROM THE i FINEST MUSLIM TO THE HEAVIEST LEATHER. " - OVTLL AND EXAMINE "& Teaadel Co. KI , O PURE J M WHITE lyE GUARANTEK THE ABOVE BRAND TO BE J'KRKKCTI V Pure, and in fineness, w uitkx ks-i a n i , vkk no IHKPSTKANlDARD. M V VEKSaL" ACKXOwikl' OKD TO BE FAHNESTOCK, HASLETT & SCHWARTZ, 137 First Ave.. PITTSBURGH, PA. pOR SALE BY p Tyr - ipM J- 1. AND OTHER DEALERS. WANTED NIHEDI1TEL1, Mule and Ox Teams book-BLNBLN G. TO HAI L FRKIU IT TO PIOCHE, from LEHI. (Term Inn I'tRh, Snuthern Kallroatl.) ArrLr To CORDON i MURRAY, ISmOT,11!!1,? GHICAO TRACE. -'PAGE, BRQ. Co., Imrorlrs ani I'c:iirr ia LEATUER AM) FINDINGS 1 .1 37 Sonlh Cairn' eirrrt. w wsr'avt. '',"'' iJS JOHN V. FARWELL 8 Co., WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS. AND- W OOLENS. Largest Stock Wast of Now York. Monroe &; Fraulilin Sts . CHICAGO. 170 & 1T2 RANDOLPH STRIMT. OtTor S,.o,-i:U imUipfmpnt to I.irco buyers arni tlio Jiibbiiig irado ul" I t:ili lirriturv. i y lii " r.-tablMu'J Williams. Killer A Oluistoad, ti'oruierb" I'ltoh, Williams .t Ca,) i bolosalo Deak'rsi in Eats, Caps, Furs an! Back G033s, lii and 127 MA KKK l .SlliKKT, aucH t 11UAIJ. H. M. KNICKERBOCKER, (Foriuorlj of li.U.iL Laflin PAPER DEALER, SO, W. Kandnlph m-, CUICAUO, ILLS F. iron t for tlio sulo o OWKX I'AI'l.;; O-.-s I'ATKHS, n.nnl Purer, "tlio bo-t in ilu- world," Hut Piii'i'rV all .lu.ni-iuin'-, A Most Cou ii. k tk Pmsn:Ka Stoi-k. S jij SFACTItS U AKAXTKEb seebergerTIreakey VVlioleinlo Dealer Lit IL1RDWARB & miW, .IS and 40 Lake street, CHICAGO. fif- Oi'ilors by mail solicited ai 4, Baiiblauiitio guurauteod, jy 7 Biunon, Teni)Ic & Co., Importers, Miumfaciurorsiuid Jubbora of KTEG 15: - TIES And all Goods for GENT'S NEUK WEAR, L1'KN AND PAl'LK COLLARS AWDCUFW. Ill inj m Wabitfh Avo. Chicago, 111.. "The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. VAN SGSucx, STEVENSON L REID DKUGGiiJTS fin j ' !ivviv, 1 i.) UllMuSffi "lib buiMuif.-, oro.-loi r,,ru-sy ' !.. K-.Vt.r.. nlV ih.'i h'.;I bu-'i'Sul' "","on tivo 1" Torrilori.1 .J jy M. D. WELLtJ & CO?. Is Boots and Slioea. GIM WaiaU Are, CUItaRa KM1K ami III l!Cil,A!t I'liutlF Tha Ut 8re. 1,1 the World. HERRING & CO., 40 State street, a-.-l coru.-r 1 UIi hUcU aud iDdiaua Avuuuo, j11 1 c -a. o o . No. 716. 717, 71'Jnud lii, INDIANA AVE. ''I ICAi.i). Aliunde mill !'ac,., TOBACCO WO.T ICS. i.i..f.ror;M,.j;B b,aj,: flN-cur CH-.WOT, HNc (Ur SMW:r;r, fir " AiV Wild Kwo. C'il.i,;,.',.,,, Ilulhlrt. Ilu r-Ui. A. f 'i , ::,., . rt,iii WnnufacturoM dirccl A. H. ANDREWS 6c Co 1101X1 .t ..,..K,NI. " I II I ;o, M.Luf.du,.,. ;irAiWii..Mi. tiinn-u FINK OFFICE Ftltxm'Ku. Will M Kl lim.I. I.siis A.M SKATH -t"-k. (,r Tr,n r , r I ' 'ifC frfim (iur s:s;,;vik'''T',crS''i"i'i;'"h' V 1 "; ' A I l.'l'.Hs' I-'lT.'lh'lTs"11'1- iul3 1 " "i'0" . C'llCAui.;"', |