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Show MEDICAL W. F.ANDERSON. M.D, H. J. RICHARDS, M.D. V, Burgeons and Physicians, OtStee. for the present, at their reapeetire t reeidencea in the Uth udlilb Wudu ir MEDICAL WORK ! "The Philosophy of Marriage," For tbc Dcbilltatad Btrroni RjriUm. 11 II. JOHDAS, of I he IniLtmlcil Hgwam, 318 Moutr.mr7 itreet, (or California,) SAN r'HAN0I -CO, California, W ynb!lbed foarof tin 1 )' important and iciitrutilr Lac 1 are , in a arat T'.Iurn. for those who cm not ttnd the Lecture I the Ma warn, titty unmarried and married man hl.'.aM rA aixl ituiJy Ibw important Leo-lurn Leo-lurn fr-r ilw R'jod of him If and offspring. iij-Klln-nlue the tec re tar; of the Anatomical 2 Muv-urn, San Vraucuco, and eoeloit Twemy-Viif Twemy-Viif C'tiU la pute lamp to pay pottagu, the Bt-.1t will U forwarded to an; part ol the fc La Urn or TrrriUm.. Dr J.,r.Un ran be rrniiott! by letter. ji H0TEL8, ETC. TO WNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL O F D T A R . JAMES TO WNSEND PROPRIETOR. This House U oentrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, wall furnished, and has aooomnoda-tloni aooomnoda-tloni for 1 0 iohU. THE PROPRIETOR If now preparini 0 . build larca addition! to hia HoUl, whih when Onisbed, will reaJ-er It tha Mot Complete EitahliakmeiU in tha ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION I mil TALKER HOUSE, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Open for the Reception of Guests Monday, Sept. 2d, 1872. II. S. GKEELEY & CO., PROPRIETORS. &20 TAYLOE'S HOTEL, Wait Sid Mala atreet. IMPROVEMENTS Constantly being mad for the accommodation accommo-dation of Guests. HOT AND COLD JUATH8. TAYLOR & CUTLER, royll Proprietors. AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OIHJ BLOCK KABT OW THEATRE, SALT LAKE OITY. Term.i3.00 parday. Board with. ontroonie Sia.00 par weak. Batha free to gutiti. J. O. LITTLIC, lunS. Proprlator. Washington House A-'Hlfd Houtli tetti-eet, HALT L A K K CITY Board ami Lodging, par Waak $7 00 Uay Uoa.rl 11 0 00 French Spring Dada 3 00 Haiti, par Night 50 Ueali - m as JH New Commercial LeiM Booms, 46, Oommorcial St., Salt Lako City, 0. W. TAPPAN. Proprlator. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Spring Bed., 3B, 37) and 50 cte. par NlKtl IKSOt lloo prWuk, Slutcle Hooma, 50 and T5o. par NlKhti IJ.UUtolUO prWll. DftulXe lioome, tl.00 to 91.50 par KiRi.t. 015 fiREAT WESTERN HOTEL, Oy THK KUROPBAlf PL AW. flllunted tn business part of tha elty, with accommodation for WO guetu. I M UPT-CLASS accommodation for Families X and Travelers. .looms, OOo.. 75c , St. 00 and tl.BO par day. Dininn Hall ead Restaurant under the miiiii.uoiuant f H. U. llaardalor, late of the Mnrrwon Om. h. d Tiohoor llotKo, Linooln. Neb. Board var waak, T Mania, OOo. FHKK OMXIBVf TO HilTKL. PtnKOs lenve dally for the mine. Lauadry ooaaooted with the hotal. SMITH A. BIOAZB, Proorletort. Right About Face! is Co-operative Store Keepers ! AND OIHKRS, Whol.iih to lustulD thou. 07 Iwkoilabor j. Urol BUY UP THE WOOL! and haTe tt manufactured t homo, and thereby tare foat-tiftbi of the money joa will have to pay for troand ap haU. rai, etc.. in lha ahapeof Cloth, from tha aui. WILL PAY YOU THK R 1(10 EST ' MAKKST PRICK FOR WOOL, and icllrou Uooda for the Lowwt Ch Vriee. and Kuaranlea Try axtiola, aj rapraaaatea by us. Wo wUl alio EXCHANGE CLOTH rot 3F n cz "XT" iaio isr h. Whero wa can make then tradable for onr hari'U. and recaiva Umis and tha Wool at tout titorca. WoaraBaklnnuid hart oa band, READY-MADE CLOTHING, MIXERS' SRIKTS, etc, FULT.KD CLOTtT. of flm-Mui tyto and qunliiy; also J earn, Llni.j i, 00tn rftin and f-imr: f nneli 0f all folori"- Cot. tonnilra, tVaff.nt Cover. Table Clot ha Toii fllni, Ducking, locking Yarn, all wool and part notion. Knty Wool Yam, for unittinc Potto Pot-to n Uattlni, and Carpet Yaro, oto., cto ato. You will pi ewe to obferro that we prida oureelvofl on having the bct colored Rpoda in the Territory an j workman who cm not be excelled. JOSEPH BIRCH, AffHt of Z. C. RioVirsren Mannractariu Co.. 8W Qaona and WathlMtoo. I WOTARIES PUBLIC. WM. If. oiLLUriC W. w. WOODS GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. AcK)roWLED(jitr?(Ts taken for the several BTaTEB and iKKRUuaiKB. OlBre hf-ur-,0 i. n to 9 p. k. ttno-n Ne. 5 ?TVer..i.L"1 nk, oalt Lko City. 1 Utah Territory. j5 Jas. Vr SUlnDum. Chaa. A. Gould. STAIXBURN & GOULD, NOTARIESPUBLIC, Searchers of Records, OOIVVXlYAlVOBRa, COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS FOR Now York. MafachusetU, PonD'ylTania. I Ohio. Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska. Wyoming, Wyom-ing, Moniana. Nevada. California, Orcttnn. Tea as. Colorado, District of Colombia and oilier States and Territories. t f Applicariona for Patonta, Minint Doods. Aitroeiuenw and Uonds lar Deeds. Mortttarea. Powers of Attorney. Le&fM. Uon tracts and other instrument of writinc drawn with aooaraT and dispatch Mining and other Companlea In-aorporatad In-aorporatad inair the L.aw or Utah, Abmracti of Titles to Mining and other prnncr-y made in the mon complete form. aiming property examined and reported re-ported on. Ofici T REID'8 BUILDINQ, EAST TEMPLE ST.. (SALT LAKJi CITY, U. T. A Notary Pubuc always in the Office from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Transcripts farnishfjd f'om the 11 rit Mining Records in tho County of Salt Lake, to wm those of the Mountain Lake Mining District (now Big and Litiie Cottonwood Distriou). j and from the; of tho Big Cottonwood Min-1 Min-1 ing DUtrlcU my21 CHAH. W. 8TAYNKR, I NOTARY PUBLIC, Qov'7 ln1'fiod and commissioned by tha Office 1st door south of Savage's Photograph Oallary. Quit Lako City. m- ""nwloRK Trade. Cocliran, McLean & Co. Importors and Jobbors of DEY GOODS, White tioodH, lloalery, Notions, Woolens, Linens, Embroidorios and Lucos, w. ioi ana tuu JJHUAIMVAY, t n. c watuuT. SEW YORK. RICE, GOODWIN, WALKER & CO., Importers and Jobbors of SILK AND FANCY IDDRY GOODS, ilt'i, -470 and Broadway W. 0. BARNEY. NKW YOBj- L. M. BATES & CO., il A 453 Broadway, MJCW YOUK, iMpoanaa urn joauu a Fancy Dry Goods,; H081SSY, WHITE OOOD3, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE N01I0NS, &c J. H. BDLQER, jDl BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesala Doalors in BOOTS AND SHOES 134and 130 Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, one block east of Broadwa dU JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Doalara In FUR AND WOOL HATS, Straw Goodt, Umbrellas, &ct Wo. 40 8, Broadway, t T- n . NEW YORK. Jo. Jim Hunter. je THOS. M. ARGALL & Co., Man's. Youths' Boys' and Children's j CLOT H IN O-J AT WHOLES AXE, 313311 Broadway, Mew York. . 1. oowlib. f27 HOWLAND & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Ike City. Wlli.dv.nc, llbernlly on conalgB mnt. of Or. utl Dulllon. Bullion purchased t hlgh.at market r. LEGAL JJOTICE. -OTICE IS HKItUnY OtVF.X.that wa. J." Ueorgo Hrarjt. Jaoob Hwj, Cyrus B Uawley and Kobcrt C. Chamber, do claim twenty-two bunjred loot in length, by two hundred feet in width, on the Homestead Miring Llaiin (being agilvcr bearing vein of ro-k in pliK-e.) and tho land and prenmos apperUiniDK to mid mine, all fit ua tod in the Ohio Mining Diitricl, Cmnty ot Piute, Territory ol Utah, tho Waiir, nnd extent theroi being moro tolly described as follows, to wit: CommencinR: at a r"int south seventy four doarco' and thirty minatea eat, two thousand thous-and f"nr hundred and eiahly foet from U S. Mineral Monument No. I. Ihence ni-rU twnu-iwo hundred iiJW foeU Thence em two hundred 0 teet. Thence south tweniytivo btimlred k2;X0) feet. Thence west two hundred I'-ii') feet to the placo of beginning. Containing ten and ten hon-dtedthslU'.ltX1) hon-dtedthslU'.ltX1) acres a iret fgrth la the diagram; dia-gram; and we do hereby gire further notice, that, having occupied and improved im-proved tha ta d lode and pramitec, according to tho local customs and rules of miners in raid Mining Di.uricL aud having expended in acml labor and improvement!" im-provement!" thereon, an amount not lest than One Thousand Dollars, and having at ttns time actual peaceable pohwjipii of said mining pnncrty. we hvo applied for a patent for the said remises, under tho Act of Coo cross entitled "An Act granting the Right el" "y to Hitch and Canal Owners over tho Publlo Lands, and for other Pur rofU.'' approved July , l-i. and the amendaiory Act, approved Juy$, ls70. as Act of Cungrcji. approved M.y 10, ISTi entitled "An Act ta promote tie development develop-ment of tho Mineral rosooKoa of iha United States." Wim'Si our bands and seals this twenty-fouith twenty-fouith day ol August; ls7i J vCOil Hips, by H. C. Chamber. hi tty in fact, ClIlLS U. LtlWLKY, by It. C. Chamber. li att'y in facL iL C Cj.AMHr.K3. ! ... M. Kirratrick, ! AtCcs. . M f.cictucnti. V. S Land Otlk-c, Salt L;he-ny. I Uh, Aug. .'(. 1C2. I certify th.it the above ntii-e and a diagram of the 5a-.l .M misg Claim ws tbM d;iy tiled in thi5 iMlice. tesether with a notice ot inten ti.in to apply i'or a pa'ent thcrefrr frnm the U.ivornuiout of tho j nited State, as provided pro-vided in an Act .it" Congrn?, entitled "An Aot gram ing the Kishi el' Way to Ditch and Canal Owners over tho Public l.,nd. and fr other I'urpofe.'," avproyed July i, W,;, and aj amended by Aot of Ciintrcs appro v.l July lftTi), an A.;trf Congress, approved May H entitled "An Act to promote tho evclopnunt 01' Iho Mining rtuourcee cf the t nitea States." I direct cud notico to bo printed ia the Salt Lako "Herald," a newspaper published nearest tho location of tho claim. au- GEO. R. MAXWELL, K:iilfd;. ' LEGAL. J. B. Ro bo rough, S. A. Merritt J. M. Carter. Rosborough, Merritt &. Carter, ATTOBNEYS AT L A W , Salt Lake City, ITtah. Office, lrt South Street, first building east of Desaret Bank corner. aug -U. WK. HATDOTI. . C. K. GILCHRIST. HAYDOX & GILCHRIST, ATTORNEYS - AT- LAW. SALT LAKE CITY. Office over 1st National Bank of Utah. al2 TH0& Marshall. j. c sotle. MARSHALL & ROYLE, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W. Office over Wclla, Farffo fc- Co'a Bank, Salt, Lake City, Utah. ai , QEOUOB C. BATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. C. MYROW HAWLEY, Attorney -at-Law, Clerk of the Bapreme Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. HAHKINM. Office in Kimball's blook, near U.S. Mar-ill Mar-ill shal's othoe. CHARLES G. LOEBER, ATTOKNET-AT-LAW. Offi.o Room No. 6, over Fir.t National Bank. Ealc Lake Cltr. m?12 0. H. Hempstead, M.Jtirkpatriok, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorntyi-at-Law, Main Street, opposite Wells. Fargo A Co., SALT LAKK CITT. alO l. In VILLL1HB, LI QKJJfB TOUNO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW, Office, half-a-alock south of Theatre, Salt Lako City. jl2 Z SNOW. X. D. B0Q-. SNOW A, HOGE, Ctttoraey avnd Coonaeiora at Idtw Bait Lake Oity. Utah. OlTloeat Snow's com or, 1st East Btrcet. Je6 I THOB. riTCH. OIO. M. WHIT NET. FITCH A WHITNEY, ATTORN K Y8-A T-L A "W. 36 First South Street, gQ SALT LAKS CITY. . A. . MANN, . . AXTORNE Y-AT-LAW, No. 36 First South Street, ft Salt Lake Citv. ntjih Warn or Karll, F. M. Smith KARLJL. St SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ALT UII OITT. First South Street. Keoms 11 and 12, No 105, Kimball Block. DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y - A T-L A W, . .. Salt Lake City, UtaJa. Office west side of Sait Temple Street, d27 U. COOLER;. ATTORNBY AND COUNSELLOR, Bast Temple St reet, - Colebrook'a Now Building, np-atalra. fn28 "ALT LAH OITT. ! Ayer's Cathartic Pills For tho relief mJTZ and cure of all jdXP" derangomonta in thestomaoh, i rr" frttk liver, and bow- rVktJ.Al els. Thf.Tr nr-r. J amild aperient i'-f and an oxcol- ?S atfai' lDt Purgative. W;t Being purely fear L r vegetable, they J5 Hii contain no m or- "4a, onryor mineral whatever. Much serious sickness and suffering suf-fering is prevontod by thoir timely use; and every family should havo thorn on hand for their protection and relief, when requirod. Long experience bus proved thorn to be the safest, surest, and best of all tho JWla with whioh the market abounds. By their occasional occa-sional use. tho blood is purified, tho corruptions corrup-tions of tho system ex polled, obstructions removod, and tho whole machinery of lifo restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become oloigod and iluggiah are cleansed by Aucr9 iiif, and stimulated stimula-ted into action. Thus incipient disease is changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes multi-tudes who enjoy it, can hardly bo oom puled Their sugar-coating makes thorn ploasant to take, and presorvos their virtues unimpaired far any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although scorching, they are mild, and oporato without with-out disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on tho wrapper to each box. how to use them as a Family Physio, and for tho following oom plaints, which thoHo rapidly cure For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Llst-kiintu.Lmguor Llst-kiintu.Lmguor and t,osa of Appelate, Appe-late, they should be taken moderately to stimulate thostomaoh.andrestoro its hoalLhy tono and action. For 11 ver Complaint and Its various symplnmn, Bllln.n Headache, Sick Headache, Jaundice or Green Slck-', Slck-', Bilious Colic and Bilious Ft-vera, Ft-vera, thoy should boiudioiously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove tbo obstructions which cause it For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but one milddoso is generally required. For KheumatUm, Uout, Gravel, Palpitation of the Heart. Pain In the Side, Back, and Loins, they should be continually taken, as required, to change the diaeasod action of the system, With suoh change those complaints disappear For Dropsy ftDJ Dropsical Swelling!, they should bo taken in laTge and frequent doses to produce tbooffect of a drastic purge. For Suppression, a large dose should bo taken, as it produces the desired offoct by sympathy. As a Wiwnev JFMH, take one or two. Pill to pro mute digestion, and reliara lha itom- ' aoh. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach stom-ach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorate tho system. lienco it it is often ' advantageous where no seriousderangemeat 1 exists. One who feels tolorably well, often I finds that a dose of these makes him feel decidedly bettor, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus ap-paratus PR8PABKD BY Dr.J.O. ATKRtCo,, Practical t Chemists, I XA.SS., U. S. A. For tnle at Z. C. M. I. Drag Dcpt, AND ALL DftUfKltSri KVURTWillCRB. PATENT ; r NOV 30'- : . WITH rORCELAIN-LIXED CAP. The Hoat Rellabl. FRUIT PRESERVER Known. For Sale at tha Crocery and Hardware DEPARTMENT, S3. O. TVT. I. H. R. CI.AWSON, Sup't In 19 W.J. HOOPER & CO. tCOIIIHOUti ilEaal. a) INSURANCE. OF THE Home Mutual rasrmcE company, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL - - - - $650,000. JOirN H. REDIXUTOX, Prcaldent.. 1IARI.HS R. NTOBYi Secretary. Principal OJRce, 433 California St., SAN FRANCISCO. H. R. IVTANN. Agent, Office: Banking House, A. W. White J: Co. TRIUMPH FIRE LSURliCB CO.'S, OINOINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. We ask Fair Bates and Promise to Pay J ust Lossos. Risks taken throughout Utah n. II. MAIN N, Affenf. SALT LAKE CITY: Office! Banking House of A. W. White t Co. p. o. jior ma. i FIRE INSURANCE. HOME INSURANCE CO , Columbus, Ohio. M. A. D AUGHERTY, JACOB PEETRT. Pruidecu Secretary. Cash Assets - - SS7I.452.81. By reason of heavy cswh capital and i largo business, well distributed, we offer o the publie indemnity that Is second to i,l Our Chicago reetrrS it a ruarantoe o I prompt and equitable adjustment and pay ."nentof losses. H. R. MANN, Agent 0B&ci Banking Qomt of A. VP - Wha't A Co. ( Poet Oft a Box. No. fM. mrin ' iiuzOafSS co. J. B. ItESNETT - - President B.W.WEST - - Secretary: Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, JUSTE 30, loT. Cash on band, in bank, and in Tr ?OjI20 ?f tfanj-mission- 3111,808 S7 united states Bonds, market value 12ti itlO 09 Mortgages... 3JtJ,t4ii 87 Collateral Loans I2S.4S7 00 Accrued Interest. ,.' 20 64 2 5B ' Bills Receivable t B&',iH7 15 State Bonds and MisceUancous".""" ' &t'til7 09 Duo from Agents S.s,0o7 ( JfcO06 70 tlABILITIES. Outstanding Losses and other Lia oiliuei $77,711 01 H. R. MANN! Agent, Ofllcci Banking House of A. W. White A to. P.O. Box, 534. . iy28 i j phi" W . . -- 3 g cS ' S 5 g r a r W a-- I q a h ! R g H Lis -I - fH j s g 1 60 e 5 ' 5 n ! S . HI 2 1? o ri 3 g M g S' i "2 -a ! -H 1 C. H. BASSET T, HARDWARE STORE All kind, or HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, A grtavltwral Imptamente Awd fllalac Veals, Ac Lowiit Ratsi, OPPOSITE. SALT LAKK noDlB RAILROAD EXCHANGE, NOW OPEN", Southeast oorrjcr of Sooth Temple and Third West streets, opposite the Railroad Depot, I Early Brockkfiut for morning train i. W arm Laudi ttsm II -30 to 2 o'clock. Lund. Baakets for travelers furnished ou a few minutes' notice, ICE CBEAM tStTISIKK, URIXKS. r. nAMEnicK, i Proprietor. WAGENER'S BOTTLED BEER, A1E A'D PORTER, At the Cheapest Rales anion tha shortest notice. Leave your orders at the Depot of the California Brawwy, No, 54 Commercial tmu U4 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Special Notice. CARD TO THE TRADE. TUB Mission & Pacific Woslen Ills, Depot. Xoa. 517 & 510 Market St., SAN Fli AX CISCO, CAL.. , OfTtr to the trade a Lirge and Well seteetod Assortment of Woo lex Goods, Manufactured at their celebrated Mills, Consisting of BLANKETS ef eve-y description; HORSS BLANKETS and BUGGY KOBES; HOKSE and SLUICE Blanketings, virions widths and qualities; CLOTHS, CASSIMERBS and TWEEDS of every dosoription: GENTS', LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHAWLS in great rariety ; OPERA and FANCY FLANNELS ; SHIRTING FLANNELS ; TWEED, CASSIMERE and FLANNEL SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR, WATER PROOFS and RE-PELLANTS, RE-PELLANTS, various shades and styles. Khit All-Wool and Merino Udkrvkar and Hosiery for men, women and children, ks-feciau-y adapted for the Pacifio Coast. Woolen Yam In ail shades by the package. All Goods in our line manufactured "to ordk&" at short notice, and at the lowest market prices. Price LisU sonton application. MISSION axd PACIFIC WOOLEN MILLS Depot, Xoa. 517 A 510 Harltet St., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. au27 S. L. Stanley, 0. C. Chapman, John Spraanoe. Spruancs, Stanley & Co., J Saooetsors to H. Webster 4 Oo. aud J. k J. Spruanoo, Importers and Dealers in WINES AND LIQUORS, alfi 410 FRONT ST BEET. HENDRIEBRO'S ' 33 HA IN STRkCBT," ) SALT LAKE OITT, 1 ManufaotsreC California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for the erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMELTING SMELT-ING FURNACES COM. PLETE in any of tho Mining Distxiots. wo mannfaotore tha Varney fc Wheeler Pana, Patent Pruicd Slioea and Dlea, "atent Stem Gnlttea, and 'be JUaobluery complete for STAMP MILLS ifD- REDUCTION WORKS. ef whioh wo make a aneoialtr and guar an tea satisfaction in all oases. Manufacture Bolllio.ff's Ball Pulverizer, FOIl DRV ORDSHINO, Will do the work cfl5 Stamps, Price, 11500' Manufacturers' Agents for tha Sale of Stnrtevant fc Root Blowera, Karle (t Cameron Steam Pumps, Holm lutr. Portable and Stationary Wlre'llouVlng Rope, (Flat and Round.) Tunnel Kail Iron, 10, 12 and lti lbs. to tha Iron Pl'pe for Oae and Water, Do tine A Blake Ore Crashers, , Milling Care and Iron Buckets, 1 Argllle Fire Brick, and Bllnlue; uppllea, ESTIMATE3 and DRAWTNA9 furnished FOR ALL OUR WORK. alO IMPERIAL. Having concluded arrangemcnta with the largest Iicfinery in the east to manufacture man-ufacture for its a spocial quality of CARBON OIL for our trado We hereby give notice that we now have forsalo the IMPEML CARBON OIL, Which is far superior in quality and safety to any ever offered in this market It is wntcr white and stands 150 lire tost. VVo rooommond it to those that want a Good Quality of llluminating'.Oil. CALK AM) EXAMIXE. E, REESE & CO,, 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. WanDGHDFFEES AJTD CDALDEALEBS T A.TC NOTIOMJ ALL rerm cutting timber em Tnited state lands for coal, w-.U be rrr-ul4 maucally. and the everet penalties enforced lhe judicial and miliury force will be em-rlovod em-rlovod to.arrwt ail L-&jtpuunr on public lacds, who cut Umber f,,r cal -..un-,. T- -z, i'K..E(ilJATEH. T nited State-District Attorney, Utah. Antrum It., i,x tug u KICKER'S Little Washer, TH; BE T JND CHEAPEST IX Tilt MARKET, Only 87.00. J, G. COLTRIN, Agent, Specimen!, l"th Ward Co-opfratire Store. The hishejt price in C-tt pnld for Hidci sxd 1'clLfl. J. 4i. (.ULTKI.V A. CO., M P .PaeUej's lanaejy, i&ifc Ward, ARRIVED THIS DAY A BIG STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Consisting orEvenlhin? In the Staple Line; also LATEST STYLE LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Which we are offering at VERY LOW PRICES. OUR GROCERY STOCK IS NOW FULL; AND EITHER Wholesale or Retail WE WILL SELL AS LOW AS ANVOXB i.N XHK IKADK. Taylor & Cutler, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. Citv Gas Works. The undersigned is now opening up ha largest and meit complete stock and assortment of Gaa filings over brought to the western country. Store 42 Main street, third door nortb of Deaeret flank. Gilt, Mronae, and all the latest stylos of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop lights of every pattern to suit tha purchaser. Hare now en hand and will continue to keep the largest stook of Gas and Steam pipes to be found in Utah or on the Pacific Pa-cific Coast, and am now prepared to contract for the piping of housos, offices, buildings and dwellings gonerally at rates that will defy competition. Over 60,000 foet of gas piping now on hand and am receiving it daily. My Gas Fittings and Fixture will bo supplied to the inhabitant., of Salt Lake Uity at the lowest possible rates. I alse keep on band a full and complete com-plete assortment of tho latest improved piunps for mining and domestic use. The Celebrated Knowles Steam Pump with boiler connections complete always on hand. All work connected with Pumps and Plumbing of every description, and with Gai, Water andr Steam Fittings will be done with dispatch. B. LYONS, 42 Main Street, Throo Doors North of Deseret Bank, Office of Salt Lake I Oity Gas Company. jn5 SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN IRON & STEEL, WRICHT'8 PICKS, I IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL KINDS OF - MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PirEAAI.1, K1.1M OF riTTINliN FOR rVKSACKH M I HARD-WAEE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND OTHER - BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE F1TTLNOS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBERPAUK1.N0. ASENTS f OH Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, . Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOB CASH. 3A To whom it may concern, I VB, the nnder-fit-sad. ela'm and on twelve hundred (liri) feet, inelndina Sos- two (2 and three (?.). io the Titus lo'ie, to Little CottoEwood canjon, and hold the same by deeds from tha eritinal locators; laud hare eomplied with the laws of Ua dtr trirt is arerr reipeet, Aui wa herebj caution all r-Toiis aott trade, bay er barter for said claims, without oar oo&ient. CH. BASSETT, 1 Administrators ol the I-IVLSS, J estate of Anthony Itidi deceased. IS&ABL IVIK& Salt Ufca.Cltj. Jut Hit. 127. m Z. C. M. I. Shoe Factory-99 Factory-99 East Temple Street, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. We respectfully invite the att ntion of the Public to tlie DISPLAY OF BOOTS and SHOES, All our own make in our HANDSOME NEW SHOW WINDOW Having established a reputation for j EXOHLrriaxon In Style, Quality and Fit, We intend to maintain it by continuing to manufacture goods that wo can G TJ -A.R AISr T E E. BOOT and SHOE MAKERS, You will find hore EVERYTHING Required by the trade, in the shape of LEATHER, FINDINGS ANQIKtT, At the lowest rates, WHOLESALE and RETAIL SA DDLK KS 11 1 RN KSS; M A K K R S Romombor wo make a siocialtyof Horse Collars. Of whioh wo aln-ays koop a Inrso asjortuiont ofthe bostjand choapost; HARNESS LEATHER, and all othor kinds, nt Lowest Prices, Jwholo-sale Jwholo-sale and retail. lTE aro soiling tttoaburo c lassos of goods Remarkably Cheap, at present, preparatory to renewing oar Block, for An turn it nntl Winter Trade. Orders by mail rooolve oajoful andjpron-pt attention from Mr. CHOMPTON,: whoso lengthy experience in tho trado end bios him to aoloot goods that will satisfy our patrons. REPAIRING DONE. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. a B. CLAWSON, Sup't. 2. G. Urn Clothing Department Having secured tho exclusive Bale for Utah Territory, of tho CKLKBHATKD BUELOCK DIAMOND SHIRTS, Now offer to the trade WHOLESALE & RETAIL, A full stock, til Bizcs and qualities, for MEN & BOYS, Of tho latest stylos and bent mako. The Superior..)' and Unrivalled Excellence of these SHIRTS arc Established by the following reasons: a? Tho materials arc tho best standard Irish lincnB, and first class, highest coat moslinn onlyNew York Milts, Wamsutta, Willianisvillc, Bates, tbo. AW" The count of linen and rjual- , ity of moslin in each respective Bhirt arc always uniform, and the standard is neTcr deteriorated or varied. HaT Theworkmanshipia the finest td best, and such as a class of labor better than usually employed, and the most careful inspection, can only produce. pro-duce. tttti" The Lauadry work is unequalled un-equalled in beauty ; bodies soft finish, not deccptivo, heavy and BtifT with starch. tM" In the important particular ui jtviiuuu vi paiicma anu ut, unequalled un-equalled excellence U claimed for these shirts. Cut on scientific principles at taincd by experience, their correct proportions pro-portions are warranted to be evident on examination, and guaranteed to give Batbfaction on trial. BurlockMan'g Co., Bridgeport Conn. 23. O. IVX. I., Sole Agents for Utah. H. B, CLAWSON, Sup't, " BANKERS. First National Bank of Utah SALT LAKE CITY. A SixrUU Adetistvneit OH Third 2'o. raS A. W. WHITE & CO, B -A 1ST 1. E S i EAST TKMPL.K STRX1CT, Sa.lt Laka City. I Dealers ia GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION. Exchange pn nil tne Principal (ttt of l he United States and Europe. Particular attention Riven to Collections, and proceeds retuittt-vl at Current rate of KxchanEo on day of raiment. 5 GEO. K. "WHITS IS Y, Attorney CORRKSPOXDlCMSl Bank ofCUlifoniie San Franc tie jpv A Waller - Xtw Yor Co.k Count v National Bank - - Chicn' lU.ktn Ru.k 8uUqIi S'alo Baak o! SoLranta - - Omaha ayH BANK DESERET Salt Lake City, Utah' Tm ilank has omaniied a SAVINGS DEPARTMLN r. and will receive deposits of one dollar r ad upwards, on which interest will be allowed at the rate of oieht per cent, per annuo, corn pounded semi-annnallr, fja L. 8. niLL.S Caihler. SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK s;vlt Lake City, Utuh Tor. Authorized Capital - $500,000 BetvJ. 91. Uuacll, Fret.dcnt. Ilnglt Wliltc, Caaliler. HmparnD A KiRiriTBicx, Attorneys. CORRESPONDENTS t 'Viv Vfiit it jNiitional Park Bank. ii AN FRANCISCO-Clifornia Trust Co LONDON Jay Coolto, MoCullooh k Oo. WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FOR WARDERS, Bankers aud Dealers iu Exchange Dr arts on Kuroe. Kuropenn Oolleotioni liroui.illy attended to. E ,at Temple h treat, Sail Lak Oity , mil Thio. V. Tbot, ABent. Bank of Deseret Bnooeasor h HOOPER, ELDREDGE i Co., Oornar Bait Teniijle and Tint Booth B treats, 8AI.T LAKE OITY. OTAH, PAID VP CAPITAL, - tl45,0OO: QU1GH AM TOUNQ, President. 1 H. H. ELDItKnOK, V ioe lrS. WM. H. IHKiPKU. WM.JHNNINOS. I Direotora, JOHN HHAKP. f J,- HILL8. CacUier.' J Deal n OOI.D DUbi, COI3I, KXCIIAIVOS IjASO WARUANTH, COL-LEOIC COL-LEOIC HCRIP, c. Oollcotiorjs made and promptly remitted. re-mitted. FOR El C ft EXCHANGE FOR SALE. 3I0RE ARRIVALS. Different Sizes and Styles of ID Q (O TTS Difforont Sizes of WINDOWS. The most foiiinlt'le Slock ever liroiiKlit Io Kali, A T L1TI.UER.T.1VL0R & CO'S LUMBERYARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, Tabefe1. WCSt f tho T. LATIMKK. -W fo,m TAYLlJll, V HljftJfJ (y FAR WEST FREIGHT CO: Ilefifl Unrltn, St. Lnuli, no. DUKiNT &CUTTLG, KORWARUI.MS AHO COMMISSION MERCIIIMS AOKNTS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. .r. prepared U contract tnr ,bip-T ,bip-T mcr.t. ir..;o .11 p:irU of tbo Karl, our bin. o.rinr ma-io .pocinl arrBtirnraoDU for u . -i and .i.ee-lj tran'pnrt.tioa of atl Fr...ht from New York. lWWn. Halt i Wo are offerin, .itra Inoacetnonbj for th. Jo'iE" ! Uullion t. all Kaitora Ornci ... Tr.nnotJBii-irir.t block onth or Depot, Bait Lake city. DUUAST CUTTISQ: |