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Show MISCELLANEOUS. Furimvcuien, Attentiou. A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. Aft! AGIXTS rOE TBI QULDEH CITY '1RI UUICU, Whlc are eqnal If not superior to thi test (T -jrlinb. SpwUI rtn irWn hr th ear IojwI. ootIS MUSIG ! MUSIC! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Of all kinds, including tho BAUER IMPROVED ORGANS, Cheaper than ever. J. DAYNliS & SON, First South Strket, Two duors oast of God bo '3 Drug Store, augll STOCKHOLDER'SIYIEETING rplIE FlltST ANNUAL MEETING OF X TUB "EMMA HILL Consolidated Mining Company," Location of works, "Little Cottonrood, Salt Lako Countv, 'territory ol Utah," lor tho olwr tioo of Trustees lor tho enduing year, mid tho Iran.-act ion ot such other Lumiu-ss il may coiuo boloro tho inoctinB, will bo held ut tho ollicool" tho comi-any, -No- :WJ .Monu-ouiory street. San rraneisoj, California Kooui 11 on Monday, Oclohor 7th, IsTi', ai.o'eloek n. m. L. C FUH'l.kK, Secretary. San Francisco. HovU -1. l&Ti s-1 HersWs Torsion Wapa Spring; Thii ii the best Wagon Spring in aie, and waa awarded tbe FIRST PREMIUM AD MEDAL, er the Elliptic and all other competitors, at tho American Indlituto in tbe city of New Tori, in November, 1870 It is now being applied ap-plied by the WaK UHFAKTMENT to Government Gov-ernment W axons going on Uo .Plains-It .Plains-It U Lighter, It occupies leu Space, It raises tbe Wagon less than any other Spring, ard it utilise the tnoit perfect meaui of elasticity in steel, namely the torei 'n prinoiple. carrying capa-eii capa-eii y from 400, to &,000 10. VVuq a these advantage the Spring is told at a much low r price for tbe same carrying oapaoity than ajiy other Spring in use. For full particulars app'y at D. Uucchln-lon's Uucchln-lon's wagon shop, Una South fitreoL next door west of WiHard Orr's livery stable 8 mil 03 can also be seen at Scott, Dnn-ftam Dnn-ftam fc Co'a and at Kahn Urn's stores. KE.VC II &, UE.VDERSOX, jy 26, Sole ARonts lor Oth. EVANSTON COALI At Depot, $7.00. Delivered, 7.50 WYOMING COAL AND MINING COMPANY. ARTHUR STAYNER, Agent, lorrtcK Next to Savage's Gallery. Ofl rITED STATES OF AMEEICA, DISTRICT OF NEVADA, In the Office of the Clerk of the U. S. District Court, To w 1 1 1 """" Bo itre- s -. v membcrod. - - V That on the j Vw" Seventeenth I i y- ' day of Octo- - '. -L-'llher. Anno ? "ie?T'--0 - "J Domini. Ono x -J v - f ""H? I dred and V"- ??T V.--3y ?. Hammer v-3- ---"" " of tho said Nr ' . Ss District, hath VV deposited in -" this office a label entitled "HAMMER'S COLLAR CJALL OINTMENT," tho right ivheroof ho claims as Proprietor, in conformity with an Act of Congress, Con-gress, entitled "An Act to amend tho several Acts respecting copyrights." W. P. RODGER3. "n, Clerk of said District, U. S. District Court, I by Geo. K..Amiio-l, District of .Nevada. Deputy kPRICE S l.00-C OliyTIVlErJT For Collar Galls. I' if lulled for tin' euccewful euro of CollnrGill-. So lUcks, Kn-t? liltmi-hes, Crickwl II ,!-. Grt.iv. ami all truuW---..m S- rvf . 9i-Th,i Omtmont doe. not n.al. pvtr, litjt tine? up, and lip-ils n -ore Troin (hetvttfm. Irnul cmn-t f..rm vUvro It Is U'-.' I. JVi-artt cuy iy KTNG cfe CO., Proprietors, Carson City, Nevada, ftTaithero.-iijf!eLrJ!oii KusluliVtitriiuriwi Eediagton & Co., Wholesale Agents, J. D. LAMB & CO., GENERAL ACENTS. SALT LAKE CITY. 23 tee jews mm, News Agents throughout the West, and all others who contemplate engaging in the business, are respectfully requested re-quested to send lor one of the Price Lists ot tho "WESTERN "WES-TERN SEWS COMPANY," Chicago. Fidl information in relation to tho natiu'e ot the business will be found therein Druggists, Postmasters, and others who have a little spar e room in their stores, will lind that they can add the News Business with ease and profit to themselves. It will pay of itself, beiides being a benefit ben-efit to their other trade. Individuals In-dividuals who wish to procure any Books or Periodicals published pub-lished in this country, can obtain them free of posta-e ly forwarding the retail price as aWe. We refer to any of the "Newspaper Publishers of, Chicago. Address ME IEIHJ Ml IWm TRAVEL. GILMER I SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES Tiutofon Utah, South - cast Nevada & Montana, Mon-tana, LtaTlag Gait Lkt City Dklly, running run-ning boath to Tintio, Amencan Fork, Mount Notw, Sevier, St. Gcorfre, Utah ; and Piocho, Nevada ; Paulnf through Provo, SpriDprillo, Spanish Fork,Pay-Bon, Fork,Pay-Bon, Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, Round Valley, Fillmore, Corn Crock, Beaver, Mincre-ville, Mincre-ville, and AU ths principal town and mining camp in southern Utah and south-tost Alio Iuti Corlnn, Utah, dally, running north to Virginia City, ITeleoa, Fort Benton, Doer Lodge, Cedar Creek miBos, acd passicg through all tho principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Mon tana. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Wells, Fvgo 4 Co. Building' inn Salt Laka City Loo Wines. H. P. KimbaUj SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express LUTE, aUnNlHO DAILT FROM BALV LAKE CITY, via LAKE TOWN, TOOKLB CITY, STOCKTON AND OPHIR TO TIM TIC. The ronte haa been re-stocked with splendid splen-did Concord Coaches, fine Stook, oaiefal and attentive DriTera. and oTery attention is paid to the aomfort an i eenTenieno of passon-ters. Good accom vwdations on the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Offlea at Welle, Fargo . Co.'a, Salt Laka City, WINES & KIMBALL, apU Proprietor!. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On and after September 33d, 1873 MIXED TRAINS TILL n XT 1ST D AIL T. Going South, Leave the Utah Central R.R, Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m, and 2.20 p.m. Sandy, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 8.10 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., arrive at Lehi at 9.10 a.m, and 4.30 p.m. Going Xorlh. Leave Lehi at 9.30 a-m. and 4.50 p.m.; Sandy at 10.50 a.m: and 6.10 P.m; arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.40 a.ra. and 7 p.m. FARKS : Salt Lake to Cottonwood Station, 50ctl ' " Sandj 11.00 " Drarar " l.ffi Point " " 1.75 Lohi " " 2.25 I'asaensors wiU please purchase ItiekeUlat tnooihce. . M. H, DAVIS, Gen. Preif ht acd Ttoket Agent. FEBAHOaZ LITTLB BTTPiaJNTMNDaNT. UTAH CENTRAL ItAlLltOAIi. PIQHEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Monday, July IT, IIT1 Daily Trains Leare Halt Lake City at 6 a.m. and to p.ro Arrive t Osden 7 a. m, and :45 p. m, LeaTQ Ugdcn at 8 a. m. and 5: JO p.m. ArriTaat Bait Lake Ciu 10 o-m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the above MIXSX) TX.j!-INm WIU ran DALLY, SUNDAYS EXCKPTED Loarim Salt Lake City at 5.30 p.m, and Oiden at 5 a.m. Will pltaii Parthui tnalr Tlekata at the OfBoae, Kfty Cents additional will be oharrod whoc the tare is oolleotad on tho train. lor all Information ooneemlni freight or paaiaae, appLj to "1. II. DAVIS, flaneral Traiaht and Ticket A't JOHS SHARP, soriBlirrutDiHI ANNOUNCEMENT October, 1873. TEASDEL St CO., EAGLEI SEOUBB. DHY GOOD?, I fJOT TO ARRIVE UniCSJ COODi, OKOOH.. J RgcVg1 ,.,.U, HAUDWAKK, . THE CllOlCKST SELECTION OF XWIOX W,DW GENERAL MERCHANDISE FANOY HATS i CATS, EVER BR0U01IT TO THIS CITY, GOODS, SOOTS &SHOICS WHICH WE ARE .NOW cab PETS, RAPIDLY DISPOSING OF UENTS&BOVS KUGS, AT THE cLoiHiiio. LOWEST FIGURES. o"- cloths, THE BLEES SEWING MACHINE ! UNRIVALLED and UNEXCELLED UY VIST'S" IIST THE! ax.2tl IST. The Best Family Machine Extant! ADAPTS ITSELF TO ALL BRANCHES OF WOBK FltOl THE FINEST MUSLIN TO THE HKAVIKST LEATHER. HaT O AT,1 A "NTT) TP.C A ATT iSTTT! "W JuliU-S JESevLa-Oir cS? Oo., JLVNUFACTUBERS OF THE DIPROVED AND I 3ZE EL.ODEOKTS.' Every Instrnmeiit FULLY WARRANTED for FIYE YEARS, llnwarrl nf 2fi.S100 nnw in iikr. -r 5 CATALOGUES sent FREE ALSO IMPORTERS PIANOS ana ALL KINB3 JULIUS 1?V 650 Broadway, 390, 392, NEW YOHK. J.DAYNES&SON flgenl jyl9 TWO DOOM J Z. C. EL I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SIGN OF THE - I I G -J-) OPT GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For fine weather or stormy wcalher; fir trnlk-inir, trnlk-inir, daneint;, wyrking, siuikiti, climbing, ridins, liahing, mining, etc-, etc. A largo nnd choico adortinont of tho above, our nn-n oiiiko and imported, at tho mut rca-eonablo rca-eonablo pneos. We make to order any style and quality deulred and insure BalUfoctlou. OLD BOOTS Made as good as now aliuusU SELLING -OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather! Upper Leather! Harness Leather! Imported Calf Skin.-, American Calf Skins, Morocco and Kid Pkinf, Shoe Findings, "KIT" OF ALL KINDS I HOUSE COLLARS ! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Rotail ! Ortler. liy Slitll rcrrlrc npcclnl nml prompt ntlciMlou. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. yyANTKI) A fKM-IM! .M AL'U IN E in-- H. O. CLAWSON, Sup't. to any address upon application. AND DEALERS IN of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. UEB & CO., 394 & 396 Wabash Ave CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. :s for Utah, 1st South vSt., iAST 01' GODBE S DRUG STORE, The varied wants of the MIXK, ARTIZAi nnd TRAVELER FOR JOB PRINTING O A N BE FILLED AT THE HERALD JOB OFFICE. Tho unanimous satisfaction given by the work done at our offico in the past has justified U3 in continually importing im-porting all tho Newest Attractions with which to pleaso our patrons in Elegace CHICAGO 1TAV.I. PAGE, BRO. & Co., -.aiportcrfl and Dealers in; LEATHER AND FINDINGS- 33 37 South Cminl street, W. W. Iiro, nostoa, CJIU AliO, iu19 WHITE LEAD 170 & 172 RANDOLPH STREET. Offer Special inducements to larj;o buyers and tho Jobbing Iriulo of Utah 'lerritury. iylo Establi-hod 1S.V5. AVHllams, Miller A- Olmstead, (Formorlj- Fitch, Williams & Co.,) "iVholosalo Dealers in Hats, Caps, Fore aniBnctGooils. Ii5 and W -M A RK KT STHEET, augU CIIIi'AliO. Damon, Temple & Co., Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbors of NECK-TIBS And allUoodsfor GENT'S NECK. WEAR, LLNEN Ai'D l'Al'KK) COLLARS AND CUFFS 111 and 113 Wabaso Ava. jy3 CHICAGO, Ilia. "The Old Salamandor." REMOVAL. VAN SCEAACS, STEVENSON & RSID AA'D Wholeittia Stylk' druggists and Job Printing Paint Dealers, . ITavo romovod 10 thnir N'ow Storoa, ti'4 and 04 LAUK STRKKT, corner Uoiirburn to comparo favorably with any importa- Hwoot ?n ihooiJ sito) uhiuauu, , wuopo. . . , J v wub bmldiQKS ercctod osprossly for tho ttOU 111 this lino from the East or West, business, Stoam ElovUorH, otc. thoy luivo otiouod ai hq iuimoako iitook, uaeuria-ided in (bo northwest- . ... - SinoiRl atloution givon to Territorial bueiuosa. jyi Anythi-g in tho nature of M. D. WELLS IL CO., PaMPHLET3, Uaaufaotorors of and WboleaaJa Doalers POSTERS, , in snow cards, ' Boot3 and' Shoes, ..,..,, ... ...r,T 18Whmh A, Chicago. MINING BLANKS, m.d.w.u,. n. j. M.Vf.,t.nd. BUSINESS BLANKS, " """ " - r. MaUurr- : ':aLs,f BEHBIISB'S FATEI3T .CHAMP10S BUSINESS CARDS, FIRE aud Gl'RGLAR I'ROOF VISITING CARDS, 313 O ! HANK CHECKS, COUNTING HOUSE WORK .,, ut Br,. , ,. WorlJ, KECEII'TS, BALL TICKKT3, CIRCULARS, HERRING 4 CO., BILLHEADS, strcci MlJ Mrncr ( Uh CARDS, and Indiana Avenuo, ETC. , ETC., O II I C dunu to ordur in black, colors' or gold ojl7 RAILROADS. G. P. B. R. OX A.XD A FT KB NtPTEMBER lOlli, 1S73, TBA1JIK WILL LKAVE OtiIES DAILY AS FOLLOWS FOL-LOWS I Ovorlnnd Pa.onper Train for Tonno, Carl in, Winnemucca, Wndsworth, liono, IMarysvillo, Ked.lins (lor On-onl, SiuTiimonto, Slookton, Lathrop, Merced tfor Yiomiie, Til-ton (lor Loa .-ngeles), iian JoaO and San Francisco, - 5.0 p.m. Overland Freight and .Accommodation .Accommoda-tion Train fur dan Francisco, - - 5-2o v-u. A. N- TOW NR. T. II. f!OOTMA. Uoa'l dup't lion. riL-s. and Ticket Agent GEO. 11. K ICE, AutCNT, Salt Lake Citv, urlico with ilnrshall i Carter, Over W- V- & Co's Dank. sJj UMOi PACIFIC RAILROAD TIME TABLE, UNTIL furtuor notice. Trains will ten v c and arrive at Ogdon Daily, as follows: ri.K-ivi. t Arrive. Daily EprofF.S -M a.m. Daily Exp's, 5-10 p.m. Mistd. - fj-li .m. 1 Mixod. - 2 3Sp.m. KreiKbt, - 10-3-' a-m. I Froig bt, - ti 10 a.m. Daily connections mado at Ofidon withljtah Central Pacitic Koad lruui alt Lake city and all points in SoutU-orn SoutU-orn Utah. At Uryan with stages for Sweetwater mines. At Cheyonno with Denvci Pacific Ktulroad lor Denver, Central city, GuorKotown and all pointa in Colorado ami New Mexiro. At Omaha with Chicago nnd North Western, Chicago, Koek Island and Tacitic, Burlington and Missouri Kivor, Kansas city. cit. .loo und Council Biutl's Ksilroads and Missouri Kiver Lino of 6tonuniT6 for all pomts East and South Tickets for sale to all points East at office of Wells, fargo & Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at tho office of Utah Central Cen-tral Kailruad. in Salt Lake citv: also at Union facilic liailroad lickul office in Ogden, at which offico berths on Bleeping Bleep-ing cars can bo secured. Arrangements haye been mado whereby where-by passengers desiring to visit Denver ; on their way Eat can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly reduced rates. Eor particulars and all information in regard to passage, apply at Ticket Of-Hcra. Of-Hcra. l'assongors should be careful to secure their passage tickets to all Eastern and Southern points via OMAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of a through sleeping car comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. TUOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket Agent. T. E. Sickslb, Chf. Engineer and Superintendent i8 TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO THc EAST. NORTH AND SOUTHEAST, Kq. q. STATIONS. I'm0 MAIL. Leave PLT LAKE 5.0oa.m. il5p.ni. " OMAHA 6:a0p.m. 5:30 a.m. Arrive BURLINGTON 6:00a,m. 8:40p.m. " GaJosburgtC-B.AQ.) 7:00a.m. '10:50 p.m. " Monaota " 11:15 a.m. 3:23 a.m. " Chicago " 3:15 p.m. 7:00 a.m. " Pooria - - - 9:00 a.m. 12:50 a.m. " Ind'plUlLB.AW. 6:15p.im. 9;25ajn, " Cincinnati - - UrO p.m. 4: 15pjn, " Logans port 555 p.m. I 9:30 a-m. T. P. W.) Columbus 2:45a.m.1 5:30p.m. r9Throngh Cars from Missouri River to Chicago, IndinnapoLu, Cincinnati, Logans-port Logans-port and Columbus. Connections at those point with line loading to the East, North and South. This U the Ucat, Shortest, (Quickest and Cheapest Route, Do not be deceived, but obtain Tickets via the Burlington k Musouri Kivex Railroad. A.K. TOUZALIN. C. S. PERKINS; Gen'l Pass: Agent. Genl Sup't. : 1 q " I H life 10,000 PEBSONS WANT E 3D 10 BUY TUE IMMENSE STOCK OF American & Foreign Watches CouiDrisinfr Knco and Stop Watcho. Split Seci.nd Watchc, Itonenter?, 1'iwket Chronota-elcrs, Chronota-elcrs, Aitrnnomical "'aicbes, Ladies Diamond U'liti'lies, toni-Windera and otbor Wntches, both id gold and silver, in great variety; also A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF TUG MOST FASHIONABLE JEWELRY OF THE BEST QUALITY. ier Tho publlo may bo assured that tho KihhIb uro offered for Pnlo attho mort indnciuR prinoa. Cmuo und satisfy yuursolvos, and bo sure wo will bo glad to see you. auglT JUST RECEIVED Express Wagons, Hobby Horses, ' &c, &c, &c. , .A FIXB STOCK OF TO BE CLOSED Ol'X AT WU O L E S -A- X-i E ORUV TllEUOX AT COST TEA, SUGAR, COFFEE, Srit'ESA GKOCliKS StNDUlliS KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. i c, " . BREAD, CAKES, PIES and CRACKERS I1AKKU ONTHK lMlE.MlSES EVEljaY JO V. Y AXD SOI.DIKEASONAIILY LY D.1MEL fiiillMli, IEAST SIKK EA.-.T TKMPl.E jSTHKKTJI A buva Socond Si'uUi SlrooL auxlll, SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Special Notice. CARD TO THE TRADE. TUB Mission & Pacific Woolen Mills, lciot, Sos. OIT A 510 Market St., SAN FIIAN01SCO. OAL Offer to tho trade n Liriro and Well-Beleoted Asaortmont of Woolen Goods, Manufactured at their cole bra tod Mills, Coniistiog of BLANKETS of ovoTy description; HOUSE BLANKETS and BUGGY KOUES; HOK8K I and SLUICE Blankotingp, various widths and qualities: CLOTHS, CASSIMKRES and TWEEDS of every description; GENTS', LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHAWLS in groat varioty ; OPERA and FANCY FLANNELS ; SHIRTING FLANNELS ; TWEED, CASS IM ERE and FLANNEL SHIRTS said UNDERWEAR, WATER PROOFS and RE-PELLANTS, RE-PELLANTS, various shades and styles. Ksit All-Wool andMorino Usdkrwbar and Uobikrt for moo, women and children, especially es-pecially adaptod for tho Pacific Coast. Woolen Yarn in all shades by the package. All Goods in our lino manufactured "to ordkb" art short notico, and at tho lowest market prices. Price ioats son ton application. MISSION iwd PACIFIC WOOLEN MILLS. Depot, Nos. 517 fc 51S Market St., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. au27 Lindenberger Sl Burke. COMMISSION ASD IMPORTLC MERCHANTS, SOLE AGENTS OF THE Willamette Woolen Mills of Salem, Oregon, Nos. 28 JL 30 SAXSOME ST BEET, SAX FRAXC1SCO, CAL. BMeis, Flannels, Cassimeres, KEDICED PRICE LIST. "WoaronoTv proparod to furniah to the trade at greatly reduced priced all tbe goods mado by tho illauiotte Mills, of c-alom, Urogon. lilnnketa, all graded aud colors; Flannels, all colors, red, ivhito, erey; Cai-iuierT, all gnidea and ay les; Heavy Wivtur,. routs; iKavy ruU, wniio and grey U. S. & Drawers; Teamsters' heavy plaid Flannel Over.-htrts; Teamsters' heavy grey Flannel OvorshirLs; Caiiimero UvershiriS, etc, etc, etc iU Uniers lor all kinds of Goods solicited, For sale at Luw Kate.- by LIN DEN BE KG ER Jfc BURKE, Nos, 2S and oU Sansomo Street, oil S.un Frascisc, Cal. PARKER, WATTSON & CO. (Suooessors to WeU 4 Co..) Importers and Manufacturers of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 221, 223 and 225 Front St., oor. Sacramento, a5 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. E. A.FARCO&CO., Importers and Jobbers of Branlies, Wines anil Liprc, 316 Front St., oor. Comnterclal, P. B. TI. j35 SAN PRANCIPCO J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Uannfitctnreri of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. J3 Saiisome St., San Francisco. No 18 Warren St., New York. f9 Established in 1851. C. VENARD, Manufacturer of the Original Chartres Coffee, And all kind of Spice and ' California Mustard, 625 and 627 Front Street, between Jackson and Paoifio, SAN FRAiCliOO. 5 HECHT, BRO'S & Co. BOOTS, SHOES & LEATHER 104A106 SansotneSt., Amfranoiioo, And e A Pearl Street, Boatcr B UCKI2, G HAJX A RECHT, Mannfucturen of tb "UTIA ftDAtm" UUFOIHIA MOTS A HQ IHltS. ail A. J. OKIFFIT1I, IWler In 4f8&j3& all kinds of SALMON AND HERRINGS, 11 W aa bin g torn 8 treat. All kind ot Dried, Bmoked and Pickled Tlah eonstanUyon band. LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Do-mestic Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. Depot of Good Manufactured at th Mission and Pacific Mills, Consolidated, 4 ft . 097 Market St., San Fra ojt8 Paris : 3S Rue De L'EohiQU S. L, Stanley, 0, C. Chapman, John Spruanoe. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Successors to H. Webitor A0o. aud J. A J. Spruanoo, Importers and Dealers ia WINES AND LIQUORS, 10 410 l'RO.M-STBEKT. E. rViARTI! & CO. "Wholesale Lipr Healers, Oi rront Street, San Francisco, Proprietors or UILLsCH'S 1CXT11A OLD BOUUBOI And sole acents for t r, CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOUflBON WHISKIES Constantly oo. hand, a fall assortment of all the ard Brands of WbUkltt, Fln Brandt. Foreign and Domestic Wines, mK Blttara. Cord lata, a tOASSETX HARDWARE STORE All ilD.J. of HEAVY HARD WARE, Iron I Steol, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACK.fl.niTU TOOL, AfrlanltMral lutlma(a Apd tllal.i Tools, At Lowest Hates. OPPOSITIO SALT LAK UOUII Fall and Winter Notice! Pall & Winter Goods. CLOTHING DEPARTWetlT, 1IAVE UOUG1IT A !,AKH AM) WELL SBLECTEU STOCK OK CLOTHl.Xi AM ME'S FUBH1SH-I FUBH1SH-I Jf( WOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASOX AM) WHICH IS NOW Ol'EN FOR INSPECT ! ON. French, Eiig;lMi miil Ainciieiui Muiliii,'-, :'uliiifs nnd Cassimeres In srat viiriety and latest styles. Men's ml ltiys suits of lic latest rasinons. iram i lie first Houses in New Vovk, l -ton, Cliicno uuil an Fruncisco. A FULL STOCK OF HOME MADE CASSIMERES AND JEANS, TO W'niCH WE INVITE INSPECTION. MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS. Trunks, iValises, Rugs, Blankets, Capes and Overcoats. MEN'S . AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES, EASTERN AND; HOME MADE. GRANT, GREELEY, AND ALL THE NEWEST STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS. WALLPAPER sS DECORATIOrjS IN GREAT VARIETY. The great success which has attended Our Mprrhant Tailnrinor Fipnartmpnt lias induced us to mako X.arge Purchases for our Fall and Winter Trade, So that fTtntle men may cliooae from the mnsl Varied and Ex tensive Stock we have ever offered. Tailors' Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always on hand. se27 H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. Sewing1 Machine. respectfully invite tha Publio to call and see our excellent variety 01 Sewing Machines, IN Plaiu,Beautiful and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WnU TUB FANTON a A STOBS. The Total Saiaotht SIXGIi MACShXE arena THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST" YEAR, a. Q 2., 2 6 o An oviduico that it u fut wiuning suproiu. favor in th. household. The Sinokr Compaoy sold over tho other Compuiio. 52,734. S- Tho Chicago Relief Committee furnished sufferers by tho Fire to March is, 1872, 3,9-H; 3.151 Singer Machines, all other niaios, T S3. OUR SALES IN UTAH EXCEED ANY OTHER HOUP P IV THE SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OF CIHJAG0 We courteously invito tho Ladies to too oor yilxxx broiciory- AttaoUrraont It Mtnwta ceooral attention and admiration. 1 1 Wo also desirw you to ace our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS. BINDERS, QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS. PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS SEAM-RIPPERS. N'cEDLE- ' SETTERS. 6UIIAJLK TOR AJJ. KINDS OF SUUTTLK SKW1KQ MACHINES. W fSJSKAWS T "tR SAT1SFAC bace, Mu,i, C.,,,lc, l).er' l'.h;;CT;kiu, Ducking, Bearer, Buckskiu and leather. OTHER 8EW1NC MACHINESREPAIRED ON REASONABLE REA-SONABLE TERMS. Wo esteod cordial invitation to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whothor they wish to rurolaso or not. lTTHBS!i;ERSKriG Mll!lll.B DEP1RTJ1ET Z. C. M. I. General Agents, Two doors south of Eagle Emporium, Salt Lak Oirr. |