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Show SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. IMPORTANT WORKS ON MINES AND MINING Tl.lo to mining Malm, and Witter Hlt,'ht.. By lite0T7 alo. f.50. Ptui if folif .I Oliver ti- trnctiou, fortlcnrl Uee. By Ql Bulpl'iu'r.l., Wb.t they How A..acil, nd How Worked! By W til H IMt"W 1 Tl0 Ml.tlnfi Me,tall"rBynui Gold ami Silver. By J. Arthur Pbil- T,ol,netnlIiirfcy Of L.eal, Including UcBllvcrliallui, Bixd CupcUallou By J-hn Peri. . , A Manual Practical An'"K- By John Mitchell, K. C. S. Cr.M.ltc'- nd rtoI.rlK'a Tnnt on fllriallurn , la lllrcovol. ol. 1 . .silver and Led. Vol. ! ""P"" nd lion. Vol. HI. Kicel ucl K.cli vol.. -mid ..nratolj at slOlW jer rol. The Jletalluifjy mul .niulng of Cop-prr. Cop-prr. liy A. S. Fiwt. M- II. n A TreMtic on Ore UeuoniU. By Bern-hard Bern-hard V.m Olm. 8J 50. A M'H'iti of Mlueralogj'. By J iimea D. LUnu.M. A. u 1UW. Any ol the aliove works sent by mail on re- coi ii of iirico in cm, or its equivalent in We also have in addition to tho abovo. a lartie arsurtment o: Soiontitic, Standard ond M. sco 11 an oo us Books, Blaul: Books and Stationery. Catalogues furainhod on apiill- ""i'n- A. iiSj . CO., Publldlierit, UooUaellcNa. Importer and Slatlonerl- No. 11 Montgomery St.. Lick House Block, bau .b'ranoisco. California, ao MURPHY.GRANT&CO. Iru potior b of American and European Staple and Faucy DRY GOODS, &AJX JFltWIVOICO, CALIFORNIA, Call the attontion of the Trade to their large and oomplete stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Whloh they are now receiving direct from European Manufacturers, oomprifiinc in part-French. part-French. Bterlnoe, Wool 8atln.es, Wool Flalds, Trenoh end German, Irish tad Frnoh Popllna, Kmpreii Clothe, Timlii, black end colored, Velveteens, Alpaoaa, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Book. Berlin (Ladies', Misses', flonUO 6ents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. H osl cry, complete Id all lta brace tie W lilte Good), Handkerchief, Mhtrtlng Llucni, ttullta, while and colored,; iin.rniki, brown loom and bbached, Towiii, Hock, Diaper, Turkish. Aai'klH! ud Doyllaa, fcu., Etc., EU. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOIL WHOLESALE TKADB, W eaver &, Taylor, IIS Front Street. San Franoisoo. California. s.12 1. CH1KL0V1QH. WAITEa H001. H. U. HCNf. 2-1. CHIEIiOVIOH CO., importers oitd wholesale dealers In KINK WINKS fc LIftUOIlS, bo li ag una roa JESSE, MOORE & CD'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES. oiaioT rioM tonisTiLLa, it. 601 Front St.. SAN FRANCISCO. api L. A. Sanderson, 1. L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and Jobbers of mm id tobacco, (Proprietors cf La Espaaola Cigar Factory,) Sole manufacturers of xhc celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front (Street, Between Washington and Clay, SAN FRANCISCO. SD4 TH IMPROVA-D FRENCH RANGE. Th t most com pie to Cooking Apparatus in use The Eureka Kange, Stands unrivalled by any other Portable Range. Guaranteed to give entire aatlifac-tlon. aatlifac-tlon. Locke & Montague, 112 Jt 111 Battery St.. 0 Sa FaxBoiaoo. ROSENBAUiVl & FRIEDMAN aa . Battery St., San Fran, Importers and WholeaaleDealers in French, English, German and American DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Hosiery, Corsets, Ribbons, AndfuJl Line of emallwares. m6 CRAY, JONES &CO. DiPuT OJf THi - SANTA CRUZ TANNERY, MANUFACTURERS OF OAK SOLE LEATHER, ' No, 418 Battery Street, SAS FKANCISCO. J-.l.,JslCm.. Brroi,00. . apt 11ANJ HOTEL. On Market, Mew Montfomory and beoood bueeu, BAI raanoiiioo, CAl,. o JOHNSON & Co., PsopaisTOBa, A. P. HOTAJJNG ffc CO. BOLE AG1LVT3 FOR TUB J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY, AND IMPORTERS OP K-I.K WISH ASD HO.UORS, 31 Jnck.on San FrincKio. .19 J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY, C. P. MOORMAN & CO., Louucitle, Kentucky, JDislillert. The Tride .nd Con.umer. are notified ta u tbe above u tbe only genuine brand oi timer whHlty. and that the underaimod j.otljo .oloAnenuIortbe.ame. All other brand, claiming ro bo "C'nlter" whuky are olj lioor Imitation,. In rj"u " oilier" s"nuieCT'"iM "'" Ball Lt.d Uuh. ' A"UJ" XO TlIK TRADE. For Sal. in Store and Wareboni.ai k'"!" ,J- H- Cfttor whisky, .- J barrel, Dniel Boone wbiaky. ! barrel, EJ,de whiakr, i barrels C. A M. Cbioken Cock whiikr -) barrel. Old liourbon ibuk, '' ll'r.t"" 5 M"'hll wbilkr. b"u et'.'. ! branda Kj. " e.. Ciica J. u. Cutter whiaky. Alio la Store and Bonn, i lC"i? "'.'i"' brand. French brandy 'J fife. Holland Oin. oi Porl J1 "rted brand! iil o.u,t; ShV." Win. '. A p in ."" "It.d. B.r-sVo"-:'"-f0-Wk..n TRAVEL GIL1Y1ER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah9 StmtJi -east I I Aevada Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Salt Lake City Dally, running run-ning (sou Ilk to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sovier, St. George, Utah ; and Piooha, Kovada ; Paaslng through Provo, Springville, Spaniah Fork,Pay-Bon, Fork,Pay-Bon, Salt Creek, Cnioken Creek, Bound Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, Beayer, Miners-ville, Miners-ville, and AU the principal towns and mining campi in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Alao lart Corlnnt, Utah, dally, running north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benten, Door Lodge, Cedar Creek miaes, and passing through all the principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OFFJCJE, Wells, Ftfgtva Co. Building Jun4 Salt Laka City Len Winea. fi. P. Kimbal). SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express LINE, RUNNING DAILY FROM SALT LAKE CITY, via LAKE TOWN, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON AND OPHla TO TIMTIC. Tho ronto liaa boon re-stocked with splendid splen-did Concord Coaohes, line Stock, eaiefnl and attentive Drivers, and eTery attention ia paid to the oomfort anl oenvenienoe of passaa-era. passaa-era. Good accommodations on the road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OflUo at Walla, Fargo . Co.'a, Salt Lak City, WINES & KIMBALL, ap!4 Proprietor!. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. -Star - lr-vmx T-D r On and after September S3d, 18T3 MIXED TEAINS TILL " IR XT ZEST DAILY. Going South. Leave the Utah Central R.R. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.20 p.m. Sandy, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 8.10 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., arrive at Lehi at 9.10 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Going 3iorth. Leave Lehi at 9.30 a.m. and 4.50 p.m.; Sandy at 10.50 a.m: and 6,10 p.m; arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. Bait Lake to Cottonwood Station. 60oU Sandy ' $1.00 Draper ' 1.25 Point " " 1.75 Lebi " 2 25 PoMongers will please purohaae tickota at the ollice. M, H. DAVIS, Gen. f reixht and Tioket Agent. FKRAMOHZ LITTLB SUPJUUNTKNSSNT. UTAH CENTRAL ItAILROAD. P10HEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Monday, July IT, 1 ATI Daily Trains Leave Bait Lake City at 5 a-m- and 2t45 r-.ni Arrive at Ogden 7 a. m, and 4:46 p. m. Leave Oedon at 8 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. AniTi at Salt Lake City 10 a,m. and 7:30 r.m In addition to the aboi s TWTTTK Til) THA.I1STS WU1 run DALLY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Laavinj Salt Lake City at 5.30 pja., and Ogden at 5 a.m. will pUaaa Para halt thalr Tlakata at tha Offltn, fifty Cent additional will be charred whan tho fare i oeileoted on Lho train. For all information concern Inr tralaht or paasaae. applj to in. II. DAVIS, Soneral FreLiht and Tiokot A't J0SK SHASP, SUTiajNTlKDSNT J xilixis Bauer cfc? Co., MAmiTACTUKERS OF THE IMPROVED BAUER ORGANS AND ELODEONS. 1 1 "iniit itiCtil lfj ' Every Mrniit FULLY WARRANTED, for FIVE YEAES, Upward of 26,000 now, in use. CATALOGUES sent p R to any address upon application. ALSO IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN PIANOS and ALL KIPS of MUSICAL MERCHAMS1. JULIUS BAUER & CO., 650 Broadway, 390, 392, 394 & 396 Wabash Ave NEW YORK. ' i CHICAGO; ILLINOIS. J. DAYN ESi& SON, Agents for Utah, 1st South St., j?19 TWO POORS EAST OF GODBE'S DRUfl STORE DUNFORDXSONS. MAMMOTH BOOT, SHOE AND HAT ST0RE. WHOLESALE & KETAIL. Orders Solicited from Town and Country, and promptly and carefully n lied at the very smallest possible margin over cost. - m7 lg PURE uA WE GUARANTEE THE ABOVE BRAND TO BE PERFECTLY T ' PURE, AND IN FINENESS. WHITENESS AND COVERING PROPERTIES IT IS UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE STANDARD. FAHNESTOCK, HASLETT & SCHWARTZ, 137 First Ave., PITTSBURGH, PA. "POR SALE BY T n TJT T - JU. XX. lYX. X. AND OTHER DEALERS. jo29 GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. JAKES OAI.I.ACEtUU JOHH QAXLACHER WILLXAK OaLLACHKB. TRIUNE BAKERY MAIN STREET, . One door below the Walker Hooaa. - Ice , Cream, Refreshments. GALLAGHER-. SONS. an Pure Bread! PnreCaiy! THB ESTATE CHARD G0LIGHTLY beg to informal e Publio, that thty till carry on the btuiaeai of Bakers and Confectioners, : At tho old itand of Tlio "GLOBE," EAST TEMPLB STRMIBT, Adjoining the Co-operatire Qrooery Department, Depart-ment, where oan be found everything in their hneof baainoss.and they hope, bystriot aitoDtion to tbe wants of their oast omen, to , o on tin no their patronage and support. Pure Home-made Oandlea a . Specialty, ORDERS PILLED WITH DISPATUfl. al6 DUTY OFF TEA S JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF BEST BRAND OF GUNPOWDER AND Japan Teas AT REDUCED DUTY". Our TEAS ior quality are'provorbi-aL are'provorbi-aL Wo make it our special study, so that tho publio can always depend on quality and prices, C.W.DAVIS. W.J. HOOPER & CO. iiconncEOiAt. itekev. Sa3 MISCELLANEOUS. i ' " ! " -J 5 1" P. -.-'u I ts . a. . 2 2 I I i t a s ' O " j s g o - sisi 2-5 o 3 s a h g ? a a 1 x Q i s S X Q IMPERIAL. . Having ooncloded arrangements with the largest Refinery in the east to manufacture man-ufacture for uu a spocial quality of CARBON OIL for our trade We hereby give notice that we now have for salo the I.TORI.1L CARBON OIL, Which is far superior in quality and Bafoty - to any ever offered in this markets It is water white and stands J 50 fire teat. We recommend it to those that want a Good Quality of Illuminating Oil. CALL iND EXAMINE. E. REESE & CO,, 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. EIGKER'S . Little Washer, THE BE T AND CHEAPEST IX THB MARKET, Only $7.00. J, G. COLTRIN, Agent, Epociinenj, 13th Ward Co-oporatiro Store. i! hifheat prlcnln Cu inld for HidoB and lolla. J. u. COL.TKIN fe CO., 2 At P.roKBloy'B Tannery, 19th Ward. JUST RECEIVED Express Wagons, Hobby Horses, &c, &c, &c. A FINE STOCK 0? CIGARS TO BE CLOSED OUT AI WHOLESALE OR BY THE BOX 1 AT OOST- - TEA.SUGAR, COFFEE, SPICES & GR0CEKS SUNDRIES KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. BREAD, , CAKES, PIES and CRACKERS BAKED ONTHE PREMISES. . ia via sr jz j. "sr AND SOLD REASONABLY BY Daniel Grejvig, EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET, Aboro Second South Street augH I NOTICE I Dr. T. P. P. VAN DENBERGH WlXLleavoSaltLakoCity on Sept. 15th' ' for San Francisco,- and will return oo or about tho 5th of October noxL and th on ho will locate horo permanently. Ilo would respectfully re-spectfully inform tho oitiiona of Salt Lako City and Utah Torrilory that ho will continuo to practico his Medical and Surgical Profession in every branch ; as forty-ono years oitonsivo oiporienco in his profession, in Europe and tho Unitod States, ohouid bo a guaxantoo of hu ability. Office, opposite Theatre, Salt Lako City. ; 815 ICE CSfEOVC- ICECREAM ! ICE CREAM. SODA WATER. SODA WATER. SODA WATER. j Ths Beer in Town at II. WALLACE'S. BALTIMORE TRADE. WIYI. LANAHAN & SON, DISTILLERS AND JOBBERS OF RYE WHISKEYS, .WanheuM Mo. MO 1.1 a: lit Btraat, HAL TIM ORB. RAILROADS. G. P. H.. Ra OX AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 10th, 1873, TRAINS WILL LEAVE OtJDEJf DAILY AS JOJL-LOW8 JOJL-LOW8 I Overland Passengor Train for Toano, Corlin, Winnoraucea, Wadsworth, Kctjo, Marysvillo, Redding (for JlUreeon), Sacramento, Stockton, Lathrop, Merced (lor Tosemite), t Tipton (for Los Angolas), San Jose and San r'ranciaco, - - 5. 'JO P.M. Overland Freight and Accommodation Accommoda-tion Train fur San ifrancisoo, - - 5.25 r.a. A. N. T0WNE, T. H. GOODMAN. Ooa'ISup't Gen. Pass, and Tiokot Agent. GEO. H. 1UCE, Aqest, Salt Lake City, OBico with Marshall A Carter, Over W. F. & Co's Bank. bJU UNION PACIFIC RAILR01D TIME TABLE. DNTIL further notioe, Trains will leave and arrive at Ogdon Daily, as follows: . . . ... i , . iLSATa. I Abiivi. Datlr Epreta.6-30 a.m. I Dallj Eip'i, 5-10 p.m. Mixed. - 6-30 p.m. Mixed. - 2 35 p.m. freight, - 10-3J a,m. Freight, - 610 a.m. Daily connection! made at Ogdon with Utah Central Pacifi Road from ' Salt Lake city and all points in South- ' ern Utah. 1 At Bryan with stages for Sweetwater : mines. At Cheyenne with Denver Pacific Railroad for Denver, Central city, Georgetown and all points in Colorado and New Mexico. At Omaha with Chicag-o and North "Western, Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, .Burlington and Missouri Rivor, Kansas city, tit. Joe and Council Bluffs Railroads and Missouri River Line of Steamers for all points East and South Tickets for sale to alt points East at office of Wells, J?argo & Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at the office of Utah Central Cen-tral Railroad, in Salt Lake city; also at Union Pacific Railroad ticket office in Ogden, at which office berths on sleeping sleep-ing cars can be secured. Arrangements haye been made whereby where-by passengers desiring to visit Denver on their way East can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly reduced rates. For particulars and all information in regard to passage, apply at Ticket Offices. Of-fices. Passengers should be careful to secure their passage tickets to all Eastern and Southern points via OMAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of a through sleeping ear. comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and quick time, THOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket Airent T. E. Sickils, Chf. Engineer and Superintendent CfThrongh Oars from Missonii River to Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Logans-port Logans-port ana Colambtu, Connections at those point with lines leadiigto the Kait,North aad South. This is the Baat, Short.it, (fcuUkest and Ch.ap.it Ronta. Do not beeoeivwl, but obtain Tickets via the Burlington k Miuoori River Railroads A.B. TOUZALIN, a S. PBRKINB: Q en 1 Pass: A en U . QnTSnpvt. jao Allen's Celebrated XX & XXX FAMILY FLOUR. Wholesale and Retell, AT GEO. H. EJSWLDEN'S Afent) A Large Supply always on hand; also FRESH CHURNED Butter, ASD NEW LAID EG9S ON HAND FROM THIS DATE. Highest prioes paid in Cash for Butter, Eggs and Grain. GEORGE H. KNOWLDEN, West aide Main Street, SALT LAKE CITY. alS c5 o-SL- nn S XiM CZ I If -T1 'j&yL j s" I I ST CO Z. C. HS. I. The largeet, the ohaapait aad the best A 19 OHT IKE XT OT Watches. Clocks AND MIJB JEWELRY to bo found .in the West, by CARL C ASMU8SEN, East Temple Street, 13alf-a-bIock north of the Kagle Emporium. WA large Pfgn : 1 iolid MahoganT Dc-oro. nd a One Silver ahow Cose, plate gl". for salo. augl7 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. MlOHULKiKl. X. H WiJ WAND, KANE & CO., (taoc.iion to Hunter, Wand Oo.) Importers and Wholesale Dealers In WINES JLXD LIQUORS. Proprietors of Hanter's California w neat 'WlilBali.ey, Also Agenu fbr Joseph 8. Finch's oalobrated Pennsylvania L R Y E WHISKEY OT and 60Q FrontSL, mar Jacavoa, SAM FRANCISCO. my33 SBTABLIflHED I860; Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 ond 216 Front Street, San Francisco, api PARKER, WATTSON & CO. Successors to Well k Co.J Importers and Btanufaoturera of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 225 Front sU, Oct. Sacramento, a6 SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. i E. A. FARCO&CO., Importers and Jobbers of Brandies, Wines anil Lipors, 310 Front St., oor. Commercial, D. B. kti. i25 SAN FRANCISCO JACOB UNDBEH1LL at CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, Sole AgnU fer Bantlerson Bro'a k Go's O-ST 8TEHL. JaTilea, House Hole Anvil a, Colllnt ACo'i O. S. Sledges, Picks, Axea, Ac. 118 A ISO Battery Street, San FrancUee. all 1AMES A. fDtQEI. I. SCHOtMAHI. J. A. FOLGER & CO'S PIONEER BTEAJtl COFFEE AND SPICE M I ij lj S , Mo. 330 Front Street, Between Calliornia and Sacramento, al3 SAN FRANCISCO. i. '.i0,?;,, " "".w'i.rt J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Maaufaoturen of - MEN S 4 BOYS' CLOTHING. Saa B.n.ome St., Ban Francl.oo. Ho 18 Warren St, New York. S Harness Saddlery, Leatlier. j. a johniTon tco.,' 104 106 Fro Street, SAN FRANCISCO. TStftr by permission to Mr. IT. B CUite-von, CUite-von, SuporinteiidoiU of Out Z. CM. I. al3 A. B. ELFELT & CO., UtFOfclgU ASQ JOBBEES OT Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 108 & HO Sansome Street, SAM FRANCISCO. EJBLT, LEVI k OO. 182 Church SU. S. Y. all LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery Si.. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Careful and prompt attention paid t 1 orders ntniatd to our care. 2 Established in 1851. C. VENARD, . Manufacturer of the Original Cliartres Coffee, And all kinds of Spices and California Mustard, ' 625 and 627 Front Street, between Jackion and Pacific SAM RAA CISCO. a5 HECHT, BRO'S & Co. BOOTS, SHOES & LEATHER W 106 8anom 8L, Son FrancUeo, And 6 12 Pearl Street, Boater, B UCKUiGHAJX i HECHT, Manolaoturers of tbe "EXTU lOALin" CAtlFOlllA I00TI ARB SHOfl. all MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 Battery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. HARNESS, SADDLES -AHD- 3L. E -A. T H E B. . The,bst stock and lowest prices on the Pacific Coast.; Special attention given to orders from Utah-al3 Utah-al3 A. C. DIETZ & CO. ixroiTiM or PAINTS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps, Ho. S24 FRONT BTKBET, Bat, Baorameato A California, BaaFraaol.lt m A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer In sVati all Uodi of pzohiaXO vMouirj SALMON AND HERRINGS, ZSS WahlngtoM Street. All ldnda of Dried, Smoked and Pick led Fish eonatanU j on hand. J LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers ef Foreign and Domestic Do-mestic Fancy aad Swple DEY GOODS. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Missum and Pacific Mills, Consolidated. aa 3T Market St., San Fra nyl8 Paris : 28 Rue De L'Eohlqn " " E. MARTifJ &. CO. WloWe Lipor Dealers, 4.08 Front Street, San Franolaea. Proprietors of U.LIH'1 EXTRA OLD BOURBOR And sole agents for if. CUTTER'S EXTPA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a fall assortment of ail the ard Brands of Whiskies, " Fine Brandt Foreign and Dome tie Wines, j5 Blttera, Cordials, 4 RICHARDS & HARRISON, ' Importers of ' MALT L1QUOUS ASD ' OILMAN STORES, 814 at 316 Battery St., San Franclseo Agonts for Grossed BlackvieWs English Groceries, J. J. COLMAN'S MUSTARD, Huntley & Palmer's Roading Biscuit)? i. S. FRY & SON'S CHOCOLATE A COCOA. ARDBEQ IS LAY SCOTCH WHISKEY. JOHLK'8 T RADIO Bl ARKnJ MALT LIQUOKS; JOULE'S STONE AU. Tennent'n Pootoh Ale, Blood's Ind'a Pile Ale. Bass A Co'f llurton Ale, Hyaig' OhanipaaTie Ale, Blood'i XXX Dublin Dub-lin tiou'. Gain ilea Dublin htou-ilyaa' htou-ilyaa' Lnndon Portor. Tnn-neat'i Tnn-neat'i XXX Ktoat, Bridge's London Porter. Fore I fn alqnere In Case a. aft GROCERY DEP"I Z. O. IsL. I. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Moves, Crockery. Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices, ALL OUR GOODS -A. HE OHEAP: DEALERS M THE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. m31 n. B. CLAW on, .uiMrlH..d.B Sewing1. Machine. yTE respeotfully invito tha Publio to oall andsee our exoellest variety 0i Sewing Machines, IN riain, Beautiful aud Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH TUB The Total Sata of the SINGER MACHINE are now THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, 1 8 1,2 6 O An eridonoa that it La fast Tinning anprom. faror in the hoosahold. The Singer Company Bold over the other Companies, 52,734, ,Ojr The Chicago Belief Committee famished sufferers hy the Fire to March 18, 1S72, 3,9-M; 3.151 Sinster Machines, all other makes, 793. Applicants made their selection, with same discount on all. OUB SALES IN UTAH EXCEED ANJ OTHER HOUSE IN THE SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. We courteously inrite the Ladios to see oor in-r-k-k hroiderv Attaolimeut, It attracts general attention and admiration. Wo also desire yon to see our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS, QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-- NEEDLE-- SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES. WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFAC Lion, &s each one is thorougtilj' adjusted, tried and tested by expeneaoed Mecnaaiai and all are warrantod to sow with ease all tindi of goods, from the coarsest to the finest, i Lace MuUm, Cambric, Domestic. Denima, Ticltings, Ducking, Beaver, Buckskin and Leather. I" Instruction given free of charge by competent attendants, aod tenni ef sale to suit all circumstances. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASON REA-SON A BLESTER MS. We extend a cordial invitation to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or not. AT THE SINGER SEWING MiClllXE DEPARTMBAT Z, G. IYI. I. General Agents, Two doors south of Eagle Emporium, Salt Laici CnT- EVER BROUGHT TO UTAH. HAVING JUST RETURNED FROM THE EASTERN . STAT&j where I solcotod with great oaro and a knowlcdgo of the requirem"'" this region, an immense Stook of Furniture, I am now prepared to oneru11 induoement8 to purohasors in the following articles : BEDROOM SETS IN GREAT VARIETY, PAPLOR SETTS. U12 PATENT BED-LOUNGES. TURKISH SPRING-BACh. CHAIRS, SIDEBOARDS, BUREAUS. HAIR, PULU and SPRING MATTRESSES . PATENT BED-SPRINGS. The bait Block trv introducd in t&la market I am alio prepared to . SHADES, VALANCES, DBAPERIES, and lo LAY CARPETS AT TEN CENTS PER YARD. I have a oemslote line of G1XPS 1ASSLS,JiElS,TZRRr.CL0TIlS BK0CATLlS Which I will sell in quantities te salt purchasers, Call aud examine my Slock before purchasing - elsewhere. J. M. JOELSOiV. . Qroesbeol's Buildina Main SL v |