OCR Text |
Show K.ifrtl-r Attention. 1 will pay C f.r all kindi of GRAIN at my old stand o i "cond South Ureal. f, r J- S. Brnes. WANTED. Six Apprentice; alo t- voung Ladies capable of attending in t-ro. Mri. Uolebrook, Palace of fashion. Trie FnwoRK of the diy is the NEW ESTABLISHMENT of CoktiB 4 .lAf.iiu, opposite the Theatre, where fvory book from a Dime Son (rater to an Km-vclope-iia ; from the B&ll-Rooro (itiirla to the Dictionary of the Bible, if kepi. Thn reading public and schools should, visit there. 25 For .Mirrors, Large and Small, go to I Harratl'a. jl6 To Ukvt asd Furhitl'be for Sal. A Ave room house, furnished com-plt com-plt for house keoping. A bargain. Enfuireat liocd & King's new auction h .uso. HorrA.L.0 Meat, in can vasi, at Kim- I b ill & Lawrence's. a31 1 Gbkit variety of Fancy Brackets ind Clock Shelves, at H. Dinwaodoy'8. I -ul-i To outfit Your House, go to Bar-ratt's. Bar-ratt's. j!6 Basement to Kkst under t3 Taylor & Cutler's. For complete mining outfit, go to Kimball & Lawrence's. alii Latest Styles, fall good, received ovry second week, at No. 3 Commercial Commer-cial stroflt. : Jus. A. Stromberg, Merchant Mer-chant Tailor. Call and examine. s24 Orrics Chairs and Desks at Bar- I rait' s. jyl6 For Hale, 40 bv 165 feat of a city lot, fi-.h Ward. G. W. Crocheron at Toaa-dul Toaa-dul & Co. 17 Rock Spring Coal. Tho BEST COAL in the market. Wyoming Coal ami Mining Co. Arthur Stayner, ngunt. t24 ' Knives, Forks and Spoona t Bar-rail's. Bar-rail's. jyl8 Dodgers printed cheaply and tastefully taste-fully at tho IIkrald Job Office, f e-21 Herb Mugs, Bar Tumblers, arrived ' at Bnrratt'a. j 16 IIamks and Harness trimmings, at Kimbull fc Lawrence's. aJl Ladies', Misses', and Children's Shoe?, in largo quantities, at Dunford & Son's. sol7 For Fixe Furniture, go to Barrett's. jit- Old (InvitBsuKNT JavaCofleo, at Kii-bll Kii-bll & JjHwronco's, h'-il Bills, Cards, aud Circulars, In lnto.it styles, printed at tko Herald Ottieo. so 16 1), R. Allen's famous XXX and XX FAMILY FLOUR for sale at Z.C.M.I. 1 rod up' Department, H rat door north of Bank of DiworeL my'i Vnr.QuKKK iruitjar, ail glass, at Kim-bail Kim-bail Jc Lawrence'. aU liutT Bbd Out. Tho 'wonderfull WOVEN WIRE MATTRESS for t;ila at Lfonry Uinwooday't, 31 East lumpl and 7i First South stroeu. aij Via New Orlban, China and Crockery at Barratt s. jylo Window ol ass of all sizes at Kimball Kim-ball Oc Lawrence's. 31 THE TlIVTAII INDIAX AGEXCT. ColoDel CriichoIoT, U. 3. Indian agent, in charge of the Uintah valley agency, has written a letter to general Morrow, which, through the courtesy of the writer, wo are enabled to lay before our readers this morning. The : letter speaks for itself, but one or two points in it claim notice. We have the assurance by it that the promisee made by general Morrow to the Indians In-dians will be performed. This is important im-portant ; yet we may state that even had the surmises to which colonel Critcbelow alludes of these promises not being kept, proved correct so far as the representatives here of the Indian bureau are concerned, general Morrow had made arrangements by which his promises to the Indians would have been fulfilled to the letter. But colonel Critcbelow says the department at Washington has liberally supplied him with funds, and that he has made all the provision necessary to meet the oise. This is satisfactory. Ho also informs the publie that he is tho "onlyproper and responsible person" to whom application should be made in all matters pertaining to the Uintah valley Indians or agency; and that he is prepared toiur-nish toiur-nish information relative to obtaining remuneration for property stolen by , Indians. On this latter point we yes-I yes-I terday published some important infor-I infor-I mat ion under the beading "Claims for Indian Depredations;" yet as oolonel Critchelow knows the Indians of his agency his assistance will be valuable in securing facts rotative to individual oases. The iiest Family Mackerel at Kimball Kim-ball SS Lawrence's. a31 Robinson's Be3t;"Weder CoalJ sold by J. H. otallinga, at tho U. O. Depot. Leave your orders on the slate Jt H. Knowlden's, Main street, or j P. 0. bor 762. Delivered in all parts ! of the city. 66 j Cutting & Co's California Canned Frui'.e, Jellies, Jams, etc., are far superior supe-rior to all other brands. For sale by all flrst-classgrocers. myl4 B arratts stock is next door to the Post Office. jyl6 Money to Loan. Si, 000 to loan for ne year on unencumbered real estate security. Apply to J. M. Smith, Keal Estate Agent, ovor First National Bank. se21 For tour Family Groceries go to Kimball & Lawronce's. a31 Magazines, Pamphlets, Periodicals Musio Books, Scrap Books, etc., etc., bound in all forma and stylos at the Hbrald 13 in dory. 6j Fink Chamber and Parlor Setts at Barralt's. jylti For Super Eitka. Japan Tea, goto Kimball $ Lawrenco'H a31 I For Cubap Furniture go to Bar-ratis. Bar-ratis. jlt But the celebrated ROOKY MOUNTAIN COL$7.50PEB TON 1 at tii k Depot or 58 PER TON DELIVERED DE-LIVERED in main pari of iho city. Lpivo orders at Wwlls, Fargo & Co.'s im'o, or at our coal houso on the U C UU block. solo I For Matrasses and Curtains go to Barralt's. Jlfl Call and skb H. Dinwoodcy's new itjlo of Bedroom Furniture before you purchase olsowhoro, ill .East Temple and 76 First South gtreots. Great Rummkr Tonic. Hogeman's Cordial Elixir of Calisaya Bark. A pleasant Cordial which strengthens and improTM tho Di.irfM.ion, an excellent preventative of Fovers, Fover and Ague, Ac,, and a groat Renovator and Tonic for Invalids and debilitated persons. Hroehan & Co., New York, solo manufacturers. man-ufacturers. Sold by all Druggists. niy29 . I Another Shipment. Gents F'all j Style Dress Hats. selO DusroRD & Sons. Political conspiracies aro tho source Of party corruption, but the SAUCE of P. D. CODE & CO., of San Francisco, Francis-co, preserves health by stimulating the appetite. al4 Job Printing all sizes and styles I 3one promptly and cheaply .t the Herald Office. bo15 Notice. All persons holding orders I or due bills against our firm, must pre- ; sent them for payment before the 6th j day of October. j se!8 DAY & OULMER. 1 Wanted Immediately, a number of first-class tailors. Apply at Z. 0. M. I. Clothing Department. s24 , Strbbt Cars. The public will please take notice that the street cars are now running regularly between the railroad depot and Third South street. Tickets $7.00 per 100. Single fare 10 cents. j2 Tourists and the Traveling Public Pub-lic going east are rospoct fully notiflod that the Utah Hotel, at Ogden City, is a first-class house, and by oomiog to Ogden on tho previous evening, either by Mail or Freight Traio, they avoid the annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to take the morning train at Salt Lake City. To pleasure seekers Ogden promises much to interest in its excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout fishing, while the grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpassed, by anything of the kind known in the United States. Tho Hotel is provided with Barber Shop and Bath Booms, and runs its coach free of expense to guests. The proprietors, thankful for past favors, will sparo no pains to please guosts, and will provido guns and ammunition, am-munition, with guides and carriages te the shooting or fishing grounds, by getting get-ting timely notice thereof. JSudev & Williams, Propr's, 6013 NERVOUS DKBIL1TY. "With its gloomy attendants, low spirits, depression, involuntary emissions, emis-sions, loss of semen, spermatorrhea, ! loss of pwor, diz;zy head, loss of memory, mem-ory, and tbroatonod impotenco and ini-bocility, ini-bocility, llnd a sovereign cure in Hum-ruRKir's Hum-ruRKir's Homkopatuic Srscijic Ho. Twenty-Eiqht. Composed of the most valuable mild and potent Curatives, Cura-tives, they strike at once at the root of the mailer tone up the system, arrest the discharges, and impart vigor and energy, life and vitality to the entire man. They have cured theusands of cases. Price, $6 per package of tive boxes and a largo $2 vial, which is very important in obstinate or eld cases, or $1 por single box. Sold by all Druggists, Drug-gists, and sent by mail on receipt of price. Address, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co., 602 Broadway, Broad-way, Now York. For Sale at Z. 0. M. L and Godbo's Drug Storp, " . at) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LAKE THEATRE Wednesday Ev'f, Sept, 2572, GLORIOUS REVIVAL I Miss Jean Clara WALTERS AND THE FULL DRAMATIC COMP'Y, IX Morton's fino Melodrama in Three Acts, WR1TIXC ON THE WILL ; oh the Legend of Elton Hall. KQTICE.-On snd after MOXPAY. September Septem-ber I'lo.K'i. ho LK'ors Till open ar 7 o'clcck. Curtain will hto at 7s oVkvk. CAUTIOA. The rrm.TCTP hkhkhv cattmnkp i:iiTist Imyina any .' ii,y i'rufeny, or any p:.'dj, from my wifo, Elialvtu ilroavo. io' HOHKKT tiHKAVKS. SEEDS k PLANTS, AI.A'IHR AND FINE HisN K1IAL a.'ort-moiu a.'ort-moiu ..r SKhi'S; puro ALKAI.KA. tir.o iJKASS SLKI'S, lireor..u-o I'LAN l. SUHTHS m-A EVERiiKhhNS. Iiui-rlod DriVM Bl'l.ltS, I. I. IKS. iiLALUUl.Lf.4C, CaLuoguo npplii-itson. L - .i"iui;, li) i ishuicton Street, &m i'rafiWMi Ca First National Bank Of UTAH, SALT LARK CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. WllllK HU'BIT, C. L. DiHLl. ProeidanL Vioo Preit. Akthobt 0odbi. Cashtar. Anttaorlxed Capital, - - 500,00') PAID UP CAPITAL, . flBO.OOO. KAJISiaiOS, - ' 136,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Institution in Utah, A. Oonorivl Bnnkinc Baiineu Transacted. AGKXC1RS IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTKhKST ALl.OTKri ON T1MH DRPOSITS. flfi Trees ! Flowers ! Bulbs I Seeds 1 liKiMiR plants: NURSERY STOCK ! FRUIT AND FLOWER PLATES Adrtrt-SB t K. 1'IIOKMX, BLOGMINGTON NURSERY, ILLINOIS. Acres: -ist yenr; 1- Orccnh'.iioa Apnio, l.uuu 1 yr-.S-i'y. S--.'; J y. $W; iy.fc 4 CaUivtUW, 3j cmud MISCELLANEOUS. CHIcIgO & ALTON R. R. The Only Flrat-Claaa Rop4 In the West, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI. Hew Short Route fro a Kansas City to CMcago, 1 Wlthomt Change I n lf onis- KanFas city and Northern JV Aorth AiiJJourij and Chicago and Alton H.iilroad. crossing the Missiwippi at Lon-ulMBn. Lon-ulMBn. " nJ Psin through Jacksonville. Jackson-ville. BlsomioKton and Johet. Tha Shortest and Best ttoute to the East, via Chicago ! ELEGANT LAY CARS AND Ran thronrh from Kansas citr' and 8t. Louis to Chicane, wiihout chance 1 WM FAUCI Bill MM AND SMOKING CARS Oo all daily trains : the only lino running these cars from Kansas City and St.Louls to Chicago No Line makes as &ood Time, Or closer concoctions, has better accommo! dations, better track, more elegant day cars, more laxuriant and comfortable deeping cars. Trains of KansaaPacifia and allWetern roada connect closely with trains of this Line, in Union Depot, Kansas oiiy. JAS. CHARLTON, General Passoneer and Ticket Arent. . C. 4 A. R. K. ChioaBO- -; J. 0. MoMULLLN, Gen. Supt-, 0. A A-R. R Chioago. FRANK. BIG H, Weatern Traveline Agent.C. A A. R-R. - Kansas city. Mo. jl9 BIT YOUR OFFICE DESKS from Manufaeturers direct, A. H. ANDREWS Sc Co." 110 A 131 West Washington St., CHICAGO, Mannfaotorori of SC HOOL. CHURCH HALL and FINE OFFICE FURNITURE. Will ship BCnOOL DESKS AXD SEATS, SETTEES for Charchos, Hallg or Hotels, Office Desks and Counter Fittings, from onr Stoik, or mado to order in the most eleuunt mannor, DIUECT TO CPSTOMEKS in Utah, Colorado, or other western States and Territories, Terri-tories, socunnit the very lowest freights, and SAVING HETAILERS' PROFITS. cend for illustrated Catalogue. Sent free. Address, A. H. ANDREWS A Co.. 119 and 121 West Washington street. 01110 A GO. Jul9 , . If you want the best, buy Back's Brilliant It is the most Perfect Baker. It is the most D arable. It barns tha least Wood. It always giroi Satisfaction. More of Book's Stoves have been sold and are in nse than any stove ever made. Every Stove is warranted. BUG K'S Guarantee, Voi Ooal and Wood, has only been Inns two years. It is now the leading Coal Cook Stove. Why, it ii a Perfect Baker. It is a Fuel Saver; it is made with our PATENT CHILLED IRON. Fire Linings whioh will lst longer than Five Sets of common Linings. Lin-ings. It will draw in any good flue, and is tbe only Coal Choking Stove that gives entire Satisfaction, ' BUCK & WRIGHT, ?ao and 7a Jf, Main Street, Saint Lionls, Manufacturers of all varieties of COOKING and HEATING STOVES. Sample Sam-ple Cards and Price Lists famished on pplioation, mil ANTI-DYSPEPTIC, COMPOUND BONE-SET PILLS Bone-made and purely vegetable. They relieve Jaundice, Dytpepsla, Indigestion, Indiges-tion, Liver Complaint. Headache. Loss ol Appetite and Fonl Stomech, will break up Celds, Fevers, Coughs, and Purify the Blood. They will Cleans the Stomach, Renovate the System, and dispel Disease Are Rood in all oases where Physio is needed. Try a box. You will like them, and never want any other sort. They arc Tonio, Cathartic and Kxpeo-torant. Kxpeo-torant. Twaaty-flvecenUper box Twenty -five PLUs. Warranted to give satisfaction. J. K. JOIITTSOH, U Oorsj., Uta And sold at Zion'e Co-operative Storer,d bj other agents throughout the Twite: y. also sold at wholesale or furnished on commission com-mission to responsible wants. If ths medicines med-icines are not kept at your ftoree. atk your eaarabant to orar tb'ro at aq. Herald Binciery. OUR BISDERY IS TRRPARED 10 K.p.ir, is . woTkm.olike m.&av, ilbmnu, Old Book., .(o., etc I And Bind MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS. ) K&APjiljQSB, ,u. PITTSBURGH TRADE. ESTABLISHED 1 Win. McCully i. Co., Manu-'icurer, of tho Stjmdaid Erudl of WINDOW CLASS A.TD DRUGGISTS GLASSWARE. Make a spe--is.'.ty f larce siirs of Window Glass, and all odd shes (rat to order. Office IS and 20 Wood street. Pittsburgh, Penn. P. S. Having the most extensive factories in this country, and making a la.rer line of goods, dealers will 6nd it to their interest to gi -7." ""ntstinn"" be'e- ?-?ha-i-j- i3o ie30 I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DISTRICT OF NEVADA, In tlie umce of. the ClerlE of the TJ. S. Jii'jtrlct Court, To witt yf Wv Be it re- , Jsr-' . . f' membored. f. t-iH'''' day of Octo- I . ' .fVT? -V thousand i r '-'J eight bun- V- -'iv yvTS?- '3? drcd and six--fftnV ty-five. Chas. : ,jr S. Hammer . --Xt-"-T dr or the said i 'y'A District.hath vj-js- doposited in -" this office a label entitled "II MMER'S COLLAR GALL .OINTMENT," tho ripht whereof ho claims as Proprietor, in conformity with on Act of Con-gross, Con-gross, entitled "An Act to amend tho several Acts respecting copyrights.". I W. V. RODGERS, sral I Clork of said District, U. 8. District Court, byUKO. K,jAuuoxD, District of Nevada, Deputy Pntmct f enrrtiiie io Acs nf t Vnsn-jln Ihe Hcrk'i OmocorilioL' JJ.bivMririm.PV-rjrleiol Xevd. OIiyTIVlENT For Collar Galls. Unequalled for tho succpraful euro of Collar OnlN. Soro Bucks, Knee Dlfrnkhe, Cracked lh'rl.a, G reasc, nnd all tronblpsomo Sored. JJS-Tliis Olntmont does not scab over, but (tries up, and benla n soro from tlio bottom, l'rood flesh cannot form whoro It Is usuil. - J'reparai only by . KING & CO., Proprietors, Corson City, Nevada, from the roclpeoracelcbrnlcd KnllnliVetertnariui Bodington & Co., Wholesale Agents, tar BeollinlllienameorrnAS. S. ! LA Mil Kit li wriilrrn IhislnWI In rtd S J. D. LAMB & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. SALT. LAKE CITY. a23 "Advertising is tho Oil which wise men ptt in their Lamps. Mod Kia 1'rotkrb, 1 P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG - A- 3r JBJ IV T, Room 20 & 21 Merchants' Exchange CALIFORNIA STREET. SAN FR ANCISO, Solicits AdrortUemonts and Subscriptions for the Salt Lake Daily and Semi-Weekly Semi-Weekly Herald And for papers publi-hed in Califbrnin, Oro- Sun and N'ovuda: Wasbiturton, Utah, Idaho. Iaotii:i!i. Coluriulo, An.uuu and adjacont Tomtorios: Snndtnch Islands, tho lin.-h l'oasiwious, .Moxk-ivq Ruru, Nicaragaft. Panama, Pana-ma, Valparaiso. Japan and China; Now Zealand Zea-land and tlio Australian culonioa, tho Atlantic iStatos and Europe ADVERTISING Das crentod many a now bnsiqoss; Has on I it mod ninny nn old bii-inosaj 11 us rortvod many a dull bunjnix-s; roscuud many lut busjnuss; 11 its snrotl runny a failing business: ' Hits jirusorvod many a Isiro business; And insuros success In any business. OTRARD'S SECRET. -Stephen Girard nsod to say in his old iu;o: "I hsvo always considered advortisinR liberally and Ions; to bo tho groat medium of succoss in bu.'inass, and iho prolndo to wealth. And I have mado it an invariable rule to advertise in tho dullest timos as well as tho busioSt, tons oxperianco bavins taught me that mmioy tha' spont is well laid out, as by continually keeping my business befDro tho public it has socurod many sales that 1 otherwise other-wise would have lost." Advertise your Bailncti. Keep your name before the public. Judicious Advertising wl 1 1 1 li it re Fortune. If utmluc-s Is Dull, Advertise. I Dual n ess la Brlak, Advertise. WT Tho man who didn't believe in advertising adver-tising has Ri'Do into partnership with the sbanif, said that ollicial dues tho advertising. TOE MVS BUSINESS, News Agents' throughout the West, and all others who contemplate engaging in the business, are respectfully requested re-quested to send for one of the Price Lists of the "WESTERN "WES-TERN NEWS COMPANY," Chicago. Full information in relation to the nature of the business will be found therein. Druggists, Postmasters, and others who have a little spare room in their stores, will find that they can add the News Business with ease and profit to themselves. It will pay of itself, besides being a benefit ben-efit to their other trade. Individuals In-dividuals who wish to procure any Books or Periodicals published pub-lished in this country, can obtain them free of postage by forwarding the retail price as alxve. We refer to any of the Newspaper Publishers of Chicago. Address 1SS WESTERS SEWS CDMFAIT. f. W. tor. R&ndolph Jefferson St. LCIUCAUO, LL1JJ. i2b . ANNOUNCEMENT October Conference, 1872 TEASDEL & CO., EAGLE HOUSE. dht qood, NOT TO ARRIVE, jj DKKSS G0OD9' .,... Bnt taiTEi jjjj jj stock, !! SHAW''9, HAKDWARK, THE CHOICEST SELECTION OF j XOT,OXS ac-iBK,i GENERAL MERCHANDISE "" RATI & CAPS, ! EVER BROVliHT TO THIS CITY, GOODS, I ' ! WHICH WE ARE NOW jj BOOTB&8HOK8 ! CARPETS, RAPIDLY DISPOSING OF jj GENTS BOYS VI Til F RL GS' CLOTHING. LOWEST FIGURES. i OILCLOTH, THE BLEES SEWM M4CHINE! UNRIVALLED and UNEXCELLED 33 Y ANT I1NT TIIE MAH.IT. The Best Family Machlite Extant! ADAPTS ITSELF TO ALL BRANCHES OF WORK FROM THE FINEST MUSLIN TO TUB HEAVIEST LEATHER. isr CALL 'AND EXAMINE Teasdel ts Co. . C3. Ed. E. FL BIT AILi DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, October 2nd, 1872. Grand Pall and Winter OPE I! XJ 3r - Seasonable and Fashionable Dress Csroocls, Shawls, Cloaks, Saeques, and other desirable WRAPS. FULL LINE OF COLLARS. CUFFS & L AGE GOODS. SHOE DEPARTMENT "WTLL BE PULLY STOCKED. For more ooraploto enumeration ueo our description circulars to bu ispued in a few days. m29 IIi B. CLAWSON, SuperintcDdenU UTAH PJORTHER """" a0i 02 Trains are now Running Daily, BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R. R. . HAMPTON'S 7or MONTANA. Dls. GOING SOUTU a. m. p.M.':l'nro- Dis.j OOINl NORTH a.m. r. . I t'nro. Los.voHaiuiJton's at Utl Uoavo Rriitlinra Bt 8:15 7:15 j 7 " nowoyvUl' 4:-'i5 130 M " Bon ElJor " 6:10 7:30, 43 j 11 Honey villo " 4:50 1:35 75 " Calls Fort " 0:00 8:00 j 00 . 13j " Culls Fort " 5:00 1:15 00 H " llonoy vilU " 9:10 8:10 75 20 " Box Elder ,- 5:33 2:15 1 25 18 " Dowoy villo" 9i35, 8: 25 1 00 ; i K Arrivoat Brighftm 5:45 2:: 1 50 33,Arrlvo at Hampton's 10:90 0:00 1 50 j I l i , I Sl'KCIAL, RATES TO EXCURSION PARTIES. Passentrers will ploae purchase their ticlccts at tho Company's Offices, or 50 centa additional will bo ohirRcd when tho Faro is oil' ctcd on the. train. Arrangements ha7e bein made with the Central Pacific and Utah Central Railroad Companies whereby paniiers ftQ purchase Tiokets at the U. C. OfBoo in Salt IaIic City or O. P Uico at 0 ln for liji E der or Hampton's on the U. N. R, R., and from Hampton's or liox Elder to Ogden or 8alt Lake City at greatly reduced rates. Through Connection as follows GOING SOUTH A.M.jp. M (ioIN'O NORTH. A. M. 1'. M, Los-vo limpton'Bt .Q) H:l l.onvo Suit Lake City, UCK1L, at 5:00 :I5 Arrive l Brighum, U. N. R. R, 5:15 2:i rrive atOndon. ' 7:W 4:15 LeaTeBrla;hain.C. P.R-R.si 0:10 2:30 l.oavo Oftdon, C. 1'. R R., at 7:15 0:W Arrive at Osden, C. P. R. R. 7:00 3:-j Arrive at BriLatn, " " 8:15 7:JQ Leare Orfen.C. C. R. R, 8:00 5; l-oavo UrlRhatn, U. N. R. It, at B:15 7:15 ArriTB at Salt Lake CUJ i0;(W 7:!' Arrive st Ilamyton's " " 10:00 V;00 T11E TIME TABLES ARE CALCULATED ON SALT LAKE TIME. FARES, Hsmpton'i to Opdsn, C ' Salt Lako City t KMt S ! 25 to Sail Lake City, - 4 v " " " JUini.ton- 4 Box Elder to " " -- '' '- I Op'lon to Haart'in's, " 10 Ojdon 1 ' I " " i,J Lldur 1 't H. G. Miller & Co's Express leaves Hampton'a every morning for IOfran on arrival of the 10 a.m. train, and tri-weckly, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for principal settlements in Cache eminty, returniDK daily from Logan to oonnect with tbe 12:45 p.m. train, and Howe's Express every Tuesday Tues-day morning from Franklin to Soda Springs, roturniDg therefrom every Friday Fri-day morning. JOHN W. YOUNG, Gcn'l Supt. NOTICE. 0fic Salt Lake City Gat Cowpw, 42 Main Street, Jnnel. 1K72. T'lIE pub'ie are hereby notified tbat the Salt Lake City Oas Company will iro-oed iro-oed ferthwitb to ereet their works, nnd will be prepared to famish Oas for sen oral nie aboatlbelst of January Beit- Tbufo de- I lirint to use Gat in their stores, offices or dwell i nes, wonld do well U notify the company, com-pany, at the earliest day possible, that arrangements ar-rangements for metres and isrvice may be maae. The price of Qaa will be four dollars per one thousand cabio feet. DA"LEL H. WELLS, President. 1 LALOR SHERREY, 8apenntendcDti w filDDCHDFFEISUD CD&LOEiLElS TAKB NOTIOH! ALli prTfnf cat in it timber (in t'nifpcl Sut l;r,'l' f.r cnl, will b" vr-v-.n-d rriiHi;ii.llv.ai,d t be f cvr-.-t .friFiUio-mf..((-a 'I bo mai'.ial and ti.iijlary f'-rco will b. i-m-. ,vfl !'i arr"t fill t7"ipn."-'TH on public lands, who cut timber f"r f-ul pun.'t. (,!.';., K fj. .-, t'r.ifd Pta'oslJWtrict Attorn oy, I'tnh. AoirKt I'.. I11I a"E W IEIOX&COAL,. Ti;n ROCKS f'V NATIONAL WEALTH. I )rn nu' Csi-ilulisis call on luo, 1 uhh iL 1 will divide Address, S. Jf. BLAIR, &13 r, O. Box ISO, Sail lke City. CHICAGO TRADE. PAGE, BRO. & Co., Importers nd Dealers in LEATI1ER AND FIXDIXfiS1 W. TV. l'Ae. Rostoo, Orvillel,e.ctlil.lsA C. jajl . COGSWELL i CO. joh'.;i:ks ov WATCHES, JEWELRY, And flvcry tbing in the way of JEWELERS' SUPrLIES, 30fi AVest Madison SI.. t-llH'AGO- 56Hn aKU FACTURE Rs WHITE LEAD 170 i 172 RANDOLPH STREET. OtTtr ?j'csrial inducement." te Urpo huyors and ibo Jobbing Trade of Utah Territory. iyld ; . ElrtMi?hed lVv- AVilliams, Miller & Olmstcad, (Formerly Kiloh, William? A Co.,) IWholosalo Dealers in Hats, Caps, Furs and Bnct GodlIs, 125 and J1T7 MAKKICT STKEEI, uSU IIK.41. H. M. KNICKERBOCKER, (Fermorly otG. U, A L. Laflin) Wholefalc PAPER DEALER, SO, 8 '4 W. Hnndolib St., ClUCACiO, ILL. 9 rAcont for the fnlo O OWEN PAl'KH CVs PAI'KKS. Bund !'i-er, "tho bt in tho ivorld." Print Paper, whito and L-olorcd, Fbu Piu'ors of nil do.-,-rii.i ions., Envobi.cj, Curd Hoard, Bill, Lottor and Not llouds, StatomenU, etc. A Most Coiitlktk Phistkbs' Stocs. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED; A. U. Meeker A Co., PIG IRON AND COAL At Lowest Market llatea, S76 Wabash Avenue, j-T OHTOAOO, SEEBERGER & BREAKEY, Wliolesnle Dealers In MMVM & CUTLERY, 38 and 40 Lnko street, CHICAGO, B&. Orders by mail solicited an6 satistaotion guaranteed. jy 7 Diiiuon, Temj)Io & Co., Iinportors, Manufactiirorsujid Jobbors of NECK-TIES And allOooda Tor QKNT'S NHOK WE All, LDiKN AND PAPER COLLARS AMD CUFFS, 111 and 113 Wabaeh Avo. jy3 CII1CAOO, 111.. "The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. VAN SCHAACE, STEVENSON & REID, Wholesale DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Hfivo remnvod l thnir Now Btoros, 1M nnd U4 JL,All.t: BTIIKKT, enmor Dearborn Htreot, (on tlio old xiioj UI11UAUO, where, with buildttiKS creeiod exprofsly for tho buiiness, Hioum Elovutorx. ote., they havo oponott ui an imtnoaso block, unsuriiassod in tho northwest. Bj'ixiial attontion given to Territorial business. jyi M. D. WELLS &, CO., ManufMtnrtrj of and Wholesale Dealers Id Hoots and Shoos, Old Whmh An, CliieKtjo, M D. Wells, U. J. Macrnrlan. R, lioni iioU m'J B, P, Mclntyra. KIRK, COLEMAN & COH j Manuracturon and deal ore in IHON, 3STIX.SV Ilesivjr llHrdwure, Wk.oii aud CrrlaKe Wood 8iockr And W os torn bondiuartert for BURDEN'S HUR5E AND MULE SHOtS And Northwestern Uor Nulls, eto. SI and :W South Canal Street, W OMICA()L PIONEER MANUFACTURINQ CO., Manufncturom of I'crriniiril Toilet atid . 8 II A V I I li s ( A t'S, 61 and .V. South Canal flroot, CUIckko. Tim:-,. K. Sw.l'rM"i,L llL'tiH (J. Wilson, hecruiary. j mum Finn eulifhi FIRE and Bl KULAK I'ROOK Tha Best Safes In tha World HERRING & CO., 46 Slilo Blred, ami oonicr lllh Btroet Indiana Avenue, c 11 1 a a o . n,17 . No. 715. 717, 711 and In, INDIANA AVE, CmtAGO. Atlantic mill 1'nciflc TOBACCO WORKS. Ut of a few oflour loading brands; FINE CUT CHEWING, FINE 'CUT 5M0KINB .Swoft mo, Atlantic 1'i.lBce Hall,; J'Hi-i'jr Sild Kojo. Chaisji.jon. Uobart,;uweIle&Co., tropriotortt |