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Show t I An Unknown Pleasure! To every person who has not used Murray & Lanhan's Florida Water, Wa-ter, there in indeed an equisite pleasure pleas-ure yet unknown; bo delightfully refreshing re-freshing on the handkerchief, so bracing and strengthening in the bath, and so useful and agreeable at' the toilet, is that great perfume. For sale at Z. C. M. I. and Godbe's drug stores. 672 Startling, but True! .The Bilont workings of those great remedies, Bristol's Sarsapabilla and Pills, are truly wonderful. From Portland, Oregon, we have the report of aa extraordinary cure of ulcerous, eating disease, which, after defying all other treatment, succumbed to these two great remedies. For sale by all Druggists. 646 SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS FOUXD. A SLUT TERRIER, BLACK AND TAN; cainc to tho Museum on Sunday evening. : The owner can havehorby paying advertisement. advertise-ment. LOST, ON. SIDEWALK A PAIR GOLD SPEC-tacles SPEC-tacles or Eyeglasses. Tho finder will please leavo at tbis oilice and be rewarded for trouble. sei3 FOB SALE. TTVO CAR LOADS CALIFORNIA WORK Mules, at Willard Jc Orr's stables, i'or particulars apply to 1L R. Jo.ies, or to the man in charge. so23 BOARDERS WANTED. GOOD ACCOMODATION FOR THREE or Four (ioutlomen Boarders, in a small private family on tho Townsond Block. Apply , at tho Fourteenth Ward Store se22 WASTED. BOY WANTED; Whuotos House. bo25 A SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR, AND a Fitter- Apply at tho "Big Hoot," 1W Last Tomplo street. e24 TN FORMATION A3 TO THE WHEREA-X WHEREA-X bouts or addrosa of Robert Low in and John Emorjon, who 10ft England in 1S18 for Australia; and who aro now supposed to bo in Caliiorniaor Utah Address J. A-, boi 474, Post Ullico, sail Lako City. rJO fjsfc DR. GROVES, i CTVg J3entlt, , 1 f Offioe, Second Sooth Street, Threo doors wut of Great Westers Hotel, , half a block east of Elephant Store, Bait 1 Lak City on tram I u, to S p.M. Mil SHEEP. FTJLL-BLOOD KENTUCKY COTSWOLD, Breeding Ruoks and Ewes, fully pedigreed, pedi-greed, rocontly importod, for salo by WlL- : FORD WUUDRUFF and LORLN PARR. . Prices reasonable and torms convenient 1 ; slo j Dissolution of Partnership. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP LATELY Existing Ex-isting botwoon Koisol Jc (iuddard, Bingham Bing-ham Canyon, haa this day boon dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. leadoro Morris having bought out tholtitorost of fcred- J. Koisol in tho late lirm, Tho now tirm of Morris Jt (joddard assumes all liabilities and pays all dabts as woll as collects all outstandings duo tho late firm. KEISEL & GODDARD. MUK1US 4 GUDDAKD. Sopt 18, 1S7. THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is the PIONEER KOUTE betweon OMAHA, and CHICAGO, completed four years; ago, since which time the Company havo spared neither pains nor expense m perfecting its road bod and track, and equipping it with rolling tock.of the most modern improvements; this, togother with tho fact of its being the Shortest Line, otters to the Traveling Travel-ing Public a route unsurpassed in this country for speed, comfort, safety and euro connections. PARTICULAR CAUTION should be taken by passengers in solocting their route, and not bo deceived by false advertisements and representations by interested parties of competing lines in regard to time, distances, ratea, etc This popular route roquiroa no false 1 statements, rolying on its true merits, it needs only to bo known by the traveling travel-ing public to be appreciated. TIME: San Francisco to Omaha, four days and seven hours. Via Chicago and North "Western Railway, Omaha to Chicago, twenty-three twenty-three hours. Omaha tc Novr York, sixty hours. Omaha to Boston, sixly-foux hours. Pullman's Palace, Hotel, tnd Sleeping Sleep-ing Cars Are run on all through trains from Omaha to Chicago. How to Secure Bleeping Berths Before Be-fore Reaching Omaha; P&ssengors desirous of securing Sleeping Sleep-ing Berths, Sections or State Booms in the Sloeping Car from Omaha East, can do so by telegraphing from any of the stations on the Union Pacific .Railroad, to W. A. Carpenter, General Agent, 0. & N. W. Kaiiway, Omaha, Biating what they want This is all Lhe.v need to do until they reach the O. & N. W. Railway Rail-way Dopot on tho oast side of tho Missouri Mis-souri River, then go to tho Sleeping Car Conductor, give him their names, as per telegram, and they will find lhat he has their berths lesorved lor them. Passungurs going East will consult their own interest by securii g Through TickoLj via ClilAGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY, which can be procured at all principal tickot o flic en in California and the Woat, and at railroad oflicoa to San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Ugdon, Omaha and Council JJSQ. C. GAULT, General Sup't Chicago. H. P. STAN WOOL, G on oral Tickot Agent, Chicago J8 MISCELLANEOUS. Victoria and Imperial Tunnel and Mining Company. LOCATION OF TVORKSi Little Cottonwood, Cot-tonwood, I tnli Territory. Notice- There aro delinquent, upon the folloiTinR described ;kock, on account of As-scjsment As-scjsment levied on tho 1 Uh day of August. 1W-, tho several amount set Opposite tho names of the respective Shareholders as follows: fol-lows: NAMES. - , ij Ain't . ' ' ' , e Bidleman J. B. 67 100 10 00 Bidlouian J. 13. .68 100 10 00 Bidleman J. B. . I W 50 5 00 llidioinan II. J. 63 2000 200 00 Bidloman U. J. I 64 1000 100 00 Bidloiuan II. J. ' 05 500 SO 00 Bidleman H. J. 66 liO 25 00 Coburn S. A. o . . 50 - 5 00 CoburnS. A. 11 SO 5 00 Coburn S. A. 15 100 10 00 L'oburn S. A. . . . 16 100 10 00 Coburn S. A. ( 17 100 10 00 Coburn S. A. IS 100 10 00 Coburn S. A. ' V 100 10 00 Liver more 11. 0. 41 2,'OU 200 00 Raymond llonry - - 25 00 . Kaymond Honry ; 45 Z1) 00 ! Ravuiond Honry 146 250 00 i Ravmond Henry 47 U50 25 (W Kavinond Honry ' 48 250 25 00 Havmond Henry 49 250 25 00 Kaymond Honry 60 250 25 00 Ravmond Henry 51 250 25 00 Tildon Thomas 52 200 20 00 Tildon Thomas 53 200 20 00 Tildon Thomas 54 200 20 00 Tildon Thomas 55 200 20 00 Tildon Thomas 156 2O0 20 00 Tildon Thomas .57 2O0 20 00 Tildon Thomas ' ' 58 200 20 00 Tildon Thomas : 511 200 20 00 Tildon Thomas , : 60 200 20 00 Tildon Thomas . ' 61 200 20 00 Washburn C. A. t 20 500 50 00 Wishburn C. A. ' 21 500 50 00 i Washburn C. A. 1 22 500 50 00 . Washburn C. A- : 2:1 100 10 00 1 Washburn C. A. ,25 50 5 00 Washburn C. A. 1 27 60 5 00 Washburn C. A. 1 28 50 5 00 Washburn C. A. I 20 15 2 50 Washburn C. A. 30 25 2 50 Washburn C. A. ; 31 1 15 2 50 Washburn C. A. 82 25 2 50 Virgin B. J. (unissued) 1 I 30.50 457 50 And in accordance with law, and an order of tho Board of Trustees, made on tho 14th day of AuRust, 1672, so many sharos of each parcol of said Stock as may bo necessary, will be sold at public auction at the office of the Company, Room 5, No. 302MontKomeryStroet,San Francisco, Fran-cisco, California, on Saturday, tho 12th day of October, lt72, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p.m. of thoroon, toethor with coals of Advertising and expenses ol sale W 31. H. WATSOX, Secretary. Office: Koom 5, No. S02 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California, so22 NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO HAVE CLAIMS aeatnst tho Estate of HEM AN COLT-RIN, COLT-RIN, doceasod, aro required to present the eamo for adjustment according to law. Persons Per-sons knowing thomsolves in dob tod to said Estate aro requested to soltlo immediately. saAaii coltrin, Solo Eiocutrii. Bountiful, Davis County, TJ-T. Soptembor 16th, 1872. se22 JOB PRINTING I The varied wants of Zthe MINER, ARTIZAN and TRAVELER FOB JOB PRINTING CAN BE FILLED AT THE ' HERALD JOB OFFICE. The unanimous satisfaction- given by the work dona at oar offioe in the past has justified MS in continually importing im-porting all the Newest Attractions with whioh to please our patroni in Elegance and Style, &nd perforin Job Printing to compare favorably with any importation importa-tion in tbis line from tbe East or West. AuytbiDg in the nature of PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, SHOW CARDS, MINING BLANKS, BUSINESS BLANKS, CERTIFICATES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDSt . VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, CODNTLNGHOUSE WORK, RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, ETC., ETC, done to order in black, colors or goldj OUR REPUTATION FOR PUNCTUALITY & DISPATCH is proverbial; and these points of business bus-iness Bhall ever bo sustained by us. Wo do not profess to work below ooet, dot work for the sake of working, or give baits of aoy nature, but by a system of calculating prioofl, make a rule to compote with outaide Quality & Figures 1 and offer every inducement in Letter Press Joi PrMii to retain the work at home. ST. LOUIS TRADE. SEMPLE, BIRGE & Co., SAINT LOUI8, Manufactoreri and AgentA AGRICULTUR1L GOODS, Hardware Specialties, V HIT K WATER W A G S. Office tA Sample: 13 SOOTH MAIN STREET. Warehouse: myl8 1 H. H6. 118 ELM STREET. - HAYDEN, WILSONS & ALLEN ' Mnafrotarn nd Dealer In Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BENT STOCK, LEATHER, Etc., . No. 513 North BlHln street, mile ' ST. LOUIS. MO. ABB UNDOUBTEDLY TUB Cheapest to Buy, Best to Use, Easiest to Sell, and never fail to give entire satisfaction. SAvmo A FULL STOCK OF COOKING & HEATING STOVES l-OR THS USE OF BOTH WOOD AND SOFT COAL, AND ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO TUB WAXT8 OF THE WESTERN PEOPLE We are prepared to fill orders promptly at prleea that will be mat-i mat-i factory to the trade- Onr stock, and assortment of STAMPED, JA-PA-VJiED and FRENCH WARE, and TINNERS' Stock Is one of the largest larg-est In the West, and tre GUARANTEE GUARAN-TEE OUR PRICES as low as the same class of goods can be purchased anywhere. any-where. New Price-lists now ready. Addrassi EXCELSIOR CO., 612 & 614 Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. GO LO o : P3 PQ ' 1-3 E-i m i &3 s 1 H s I A. BKKD. C S. KING. REED & KING. AUCTION AND COMMISSlUN MERCHANTS, rrRST SOtTTH S'TimiT. West of Kimball Lawrence's, SALT LAKE CITY. Liberal cub advances mado on consignments. consign-ments. aJl TAKEN UP. TWO HErfERS CAMK INTO MY GAR-l GAR-l don on Wednesday night One dark brin-dle brin-dle with it hi to face, branded with cirolo on riht hip, brand on horn not d stinct- Iho other a brindle and white hoifor, branded brand-ed with a circlo on right hip, brand on horn not distinct. Tho owners are requested to call, pay expanses, ex-panses, and tako them airay. WM, JENNINGS. Sixteenth Ward, Salt Lake City, Sept. 13th, 1873. noil GKOUND TO RENT. TWO HUNDRED FEKT FRONT BY tnronty-six fest dsep, in lota to suit, on tho now stroot just opened out to Edward i ,ln'5 "ou". opposite tho southorn wing of tbe lownsend House. Enquire od tho promises of flolS ROJJKRT L. CAMPBELL. ASSIGNEES SALE. T1IE ADJOURNED SALE OF LOT SEVEN Ulock 101, Plot A, Salt Lako City survov; as also of South Half of Lot 4, Ulock 117, Plot A; and tho South Half of North Half of Lot 4, Block 117, Plot A, will tako nluco Saturday, Soptembor 2ttth, 1S72, at '2 o'clock p.m. Boi JO. GO R DEN, Assignee. Rock Springs COAL! AVyoming Coal and Mining Company. ARTHUR STAYNER, AGENT, . One door south of Savage's Gallery. au37 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Mule and Ox Teams TO MAI L FREIGHT TO PIOCHE, from LEHI. (Terminus Utah Southern Railroad.) , Ai'i-LV To CORDON & MURRAY, xa xx x . ' I ,EE3-!LJ THIS ! We, the undersigned citizeus of Salt Lako City hereby cortify that onr families are using the COLBY -..WASHER, CHAS. W. STAYNER, that it gives entire satisfaction. IT WASHES CLEAN; NEVER BREAKS BUTTONS; DOES NOT INJURE IN-JURE THE CLOTHES; CAN BE HANDLED BY A CHILD, and is certainly the best we have seen, H. K. WHITNEY, President's Office. 1 W. 0. DUNBAR, Herald Office. WILLIAM FULLER, Herald Office. B. H. YOUNG, Uih Ward. J. NICHOLSON, Des. News Offioe. JOHN E. EVANS, Herald Offioo. Clias. "W- Stayner, NEXT TO SAVAGE'S GALLERY, MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. WALKER BKO'S. COSNINQTON 4 CO Walker Bro's & Co., WHOLESALE A"D RETAIL DEALERS IX WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. Have a splendid stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS 4c, BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES, And sn immense quantity of CASE LIQUORS AND BITTERS, AND HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Having opened an EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR HOUSE and keeping THE LARGEST STOCK .EVER HELD IN UTAH we offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. Sole Agents in Utah for J. H. CUTTER and S. Suit & Co'a celebrated Kentucky wbiskiee. WALKER BRO S & CO. n21 : One door East of Elephant Store. BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, SEWING MACHINES, CALDER & SEARS. IE E 3J O S, Wo ar Acents for the ARION, STEINWAY k SONS, CHICKEEIN6 & SONS, DECKER & BARNS and other leading makers, and respectfully invite our Patrons and the Public to call and examine our stock of the above named instruments. We are also General Agents for the MASON it HAMLIN world-renowned ORGANS, Whioh we have proved beyood all doubt to be tho best and most suitable organs for this olimate; and have also tho WOODS, ESTEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. We have the Largest Stock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required hy Amateurs, Teachers and Musicians. MUSI GAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stock oonsists in part of PIANOS, ACORDEOSS) fOXCERTIXAS, DOt'Rf.E BASSES. OKAXS, ?1K1,()1UASS, VIOLKXt E U.ILS. S.Vtltt; lHtl .Ms, V IUI. INS, Ut'ITAKS, FL (iKOLEf X'S, U AS IMi I .US, BASJOS, FLIIIXAS, I'ltOLOS, VIOLAs, Etc, Etc MUSICAL MEECHANDISE. PirtnoSlools, Violin Strings, Oultnr Klrlnga, Violin FtirnUhlngi, Guitar FuniUUlnpi, Accoritcou luruUliiui;, Drum Furnishings, Tuning Forks kiicI pipes, .Miitlc Pnpcr, Blank .Music IIooIib nad Cards, Micol iMuslc, Instruction Books for all Instruments, Etc., Etc., Kit, We aavo seourod tho services of Profossor Careless, so long and favorably known in this com-munity, com-munity, that our patrons may have tho bonelit of his iroi'oiotial services in making their (election of instruments and musical merchandise, BOOKS -A. 1ST ID STATIONERY. Our Stock constats in part of The Publications of the Amrrlcnn Trsict Society, Miscellaneous and Sub-icrlnlion Sub-icrlnlion Booki, lilnnk llookt of all drxcrlptloim, Iukannl, Writing Inks, Steel J'cns, In ureal variety, leu Holder, lencila, English Pocket Knives and ScUaora, ninnn's Pntrut Parchment Cojij ing Booksf ail rjualitios and weights of m rnrn iw m.wh mm m t3 asjti: Bfote, Letter, Cup, Bill, Lrgnl, Flat Cap, Folio Post, French 3Tote, Initial Sole, Envelopes, all sixes uud q unlit les, nrri llnnrd, nil colors, Foreign Tissue Paper, all colors, llrniviug paper, llratvlug Books. SCHOOL FURSIIUISGS OF EVERY ltSCIUl'I10., SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. Wa have a large and splendid assorted stock of Cards and Itook from tho largo Publishing House of 1, .Nelson A Sons, whienwo offer at ihcir regular Whulwato and lie tail prices. L. PRANG & GO'S PUBLICATIONS. Having het-n appointed Soto AcenLi for Vtnh. for the .ntc r (heir magnificent Cards and Books fur .chool.i and lurtlio 1 Vrlr. ro are prupareil ti funu-h ilio Tr-tdi' and Solu't'l Com-miltoos Com-miltoos irom oux alook ol'choico sclocUuns iu llio Publishers U iK-kvalo and lie tail prices. THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Wo respectfully invito tho Public to call uud oxumino our Sowing Machines before purchasing elacwhero, which wo claim to ho the host, eiicnw-t, nrni most duraUo in tho market. Wo suarantco every Machino wo sell to Kivo entire i satistnollon. All nro warranted to sew, with perfect ease, lieavor UuckinR, Jiokins . Denims, Domestic, Uauibrio, Linen, Muslin, Lace, Ac, and mllTuok, llciu, hell, Braid, Hind, Cord, Ualhor, iu fact will do all kinds of work. A tee 1 cart uuarameo siven with each luachino. Instruoliona froo 5y an ciport on tho promitjos. ' MISCELLANEOUS. L DLCT M. ST 1 ELK. ' lk'L . lrVtl, STKIXK k JOIINMJX, 'A IxOmuI- doalers In Staple aai Jaacy dRQCERits, '.. UOUjUS, FLOUR AND BACON, .Sails.) Council Bluffs, la, TUIS WELL KNOWN BUAAlT OF JAPAN TEAS - FOR SALE AT -5Ka Ma B w Grocery Department. " n. B. CLAffSOS s, W.T.REYNOnDSiCO., E.B.ZABRIi. San Franoiaeo. Salt Lai. ciy ' WHOLESALE LIQUOR EOUS! ZABRISKIE S CO. ttAVK TftR SAT. I A VI UK MNR ftf WINES AND LIQUORS, To whioh they call the attention of DEALERS, Orders Solicited and Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. BOH AGISTS POB "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. ..' . THE FINEST IB A IR IN THE OITT CONNECTED WTTH THE HOU81 64 MAIN STREET' Two doan toath. of Well, Farg Co'i Bink. Furnacemen, Attention. A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO, 111 J.SIVT8 FOB THB OOLDEfl CITV niLB BILlOBi Whlck ar equal if not aperior to ft SreniftJ r.tea riTa hj tbe or Inad. oeC MUSIC! MUSIC! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Of all kinds, includinc the BAUEK IMPROVED ORGASS, Cheaper than ever. J. DAYXES & SON, First South Street, Two doors east of Godbe's Dni; Etcn. angU STOCKHOLDER SMEETING THE FIRST AXXUAL MEETING Of THE "EMMA HIIX Consolidated Mining Com pan j-," Location of works,' "Little CottocooJ, Si!: Lake County, Territory of I'tah," for tie (" tion of Trust eee for tho en$uinr rear, ted transaction of such other business as m boioro the meeting, wi 11 bo held at tie o-:t the company. No. Montgomery stre;.-'u yrancisco, California Koom H on ilo-m-October 7ti, 1T2, at 2 o'clock p. m- L- C F0VLEK,SrearT-San F0VLEK,SrearT-San Francisco, Sept- 21, l&Ti t' I Serslej's TorsioflfaioaSpriii This i the beat Wacon Sprini in Wfc was awarJeJ the FIRST PREMIUM 1XD MEDAL, ever th Blliptio and all other eotnprtit? mt ihe American lnstiiut in the city tf" York, in November. 1870 It is no - bem" plied by the WaK UKf AKT.MK'.VT eminent Wagoni foio on U Plain-It Plain-It U Hgbter, It occupies leai Space It ralaestlie Wagon lew than any other Sprim, and it. ntijii most perfect means of elasticity w namely the torsion principle, crrjiai'J' city from 400. to 20-tWO lbs- Willi " '-.7 advantaBes the Spring is sold at a ni: er price for the same carryiu capac" ' any other Sprint in use. H,Jir For full partiaulars app'y at ft ion's wagon shop, 2nd Soma "'""i,,. door west of Wihard A Orr's Simples can alio be imb - ' ham ACo's. and at Kaha Or " ki: u , utaDtw0"' St as. soxswHiEii" LUMBER Y0 AU Kinds of tmub" I DOORS, WIWO BLINDS, MOULDING SHINGLES, LATHS, T. R. JONES a.lf-Ho.-k ..att ofC. 0. Pr. Pure Manilla Rope. WTt nAVEbeen srrinte brTy1 k" V acenW for the sale ot their t -j. 1 To miners it is parlu-ularly "vviu being all ! nH'- and not Sisal or other inferior inalenaL Kiieclal price given to tbe T STURTEVANT BLOWEji S.v.r.l on hand. Sii ' ' ' d.roJ at loMt r.l O)' U"' "" Golden City Fire Bri A Stk .f Arv'a a4 Suu. i " al |