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Show SUIILU SMLLIBUS CIRAXTUK. HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ample experience, urn entire success : Simple Sim-ple Pro tui't Lllici en t and Reliable Thoy aro tho only medicines perfectly adaptod to popular use so simple that mistakes can not bo made in using thoni; so harmless as to bo froo from danger, and so efficient as to bo always reliable. Thoy havo raised the high est commondatiorr from all, and will always render sat is. faction. No?. Cents. Cures 1, " l'rvtrs, Congestion, Inflammntions..25 2, " Worms, Worm b'ever. Worm Colic...2o S, " Cryiiii;-Celic or teething of Infants.. .Uo 4, " IMm-rliu-n.uf Children or Adults. 25 5, " llyncutfry, Griping, Bilious Colic. ..ii 0, " lioln n-Ior bun, Vomiting li 7, " ouln, Colds, Bronchitis 2o fi, " urnlijtn, Toothache, Faccacho 2o y, " lUadacht;, Sick lioadacho, Vertigo S"i 10, " Iyspcjlft, liillious Stomach Z'i 11, " Numii-ffcsccl, or Painful Periods 2o 12, " " Hi I en, too Profuse Periods 2t 13, " Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing 'Z'y 14, " Sail Klicuiu, Erysipelas, Eruptions.Ji") 1. j, " ItheumiUKm, Rheumatic Pains 23 Hi. " t'ever nud Ague, Chill Fovor, Agues -i0 17, " 1MU-H, blind or bleeding 15, " Opln lilnuij-, andsoro or weak Kyes 50 10, " Cttlurrii, acutoor chronic lnfluonia..5U M, " W lioopliifj-Cougli, violent coughs SO 21, " Asllmin, oppressed Breathing 30 2, " ilur lHicliai(jei, impaired hearing 50 33, " Scroitila, onlajod glands, Swelling Swell-ing 60 2-1, " General Debility, physical weak iicss M 2-1, " Drop-y and scanty Secretions .iO 21, " fi'i-.Nl cliii ens, sickness from riding.. oO 27, " liiiiiii-y-iUi-n, Gravel 30 2s, " Sctvoiw IK-blUty, Seminal mission, involuntary bi.-c barges 100 Five Iljxta, with ono 52 vial of powder, vorv necessary in ser- wiis cases 5x 2!i, " Sore .11 wut li, Canker oil " 1 rliuiry Wcakncng, wetting bcdL..V) ' 1'iitnliil l'ciloila, with ypu3Uld .V) ;;2, " NullVrliisa at change of lifo 100 it, " riiilepsy, Spasms, St- Vitus' U an co 100 11, " Iiiilierln, ulcerated sore throat 30 FAMILY CASES Of 3.1 o GO Large vials, morocco or rosewood ense, vonlninliiK ttpcclllc for every ordlnnry disease a family Itt subject to, and books of illroeiioii8,...from $10 to $33 Smaller Family and Travel-lnfe' Travel-lnfe' cases, with 20 to 2S viols, from$3 to SB Specific for all I'rivate Il8-bith Il8-bith for Curing and for I'rcvtuilvc treatment, in vials and Pocket cases S'4 to 83 Pond's Extract, Curcfl Darni, Briilscs, Lmitenril, Noi-incsM, .Sore Tlirwat, Sprnlim, Tout line lie, Knraclic, Xeurnlgln, lElieiimnllsm, Iumbntfo, l'lU-H.llol 1 tt, Miiifjji, Swre KyeH, Hlceilliig of (he l.iini;s, Xosv, Moiuaeli, or of Flics) Corns, t Iceri, Old sores. Price, 0 01., 50 cents; Pints, $1, 30 Quarts, St. 73. ;v nirau 1UIUUU103. except ruflP'B tA-TRACT, tA-TRACT, by thocaso or single box, aro sent to any part of tho country, by mail or express, froo of chargo, on receipt of tho prico. Ad-drods, Ad-drods, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office and Depot, JJo. 502 Broadway, Nkw Yuhk. FOK SALE BY ALL DRUUUISTS, And at Z. C. M. I. and Godbo's Drug Storo. Z, C. 3VC. I. WHOLESALE DRYCOODS, TJJISDKI'AKTMKNT WILL BE CLOSED Hith and 17th int. for titocktaking. Will our patrons visit us bei'uro or after. aoD U. B. CLAW SON, SvpL FJOTICE I'm: GHUCFItV DEPARTMENT Z. C. M. I. will bo closed on Monday lOtb, Tuoaday 17th and W'odnesday 18th Boptomber, to take acoouut of BtocK. We recpoctfully invito our ouftomora and friends to ma&o their I urc liases bel'oro, or defer until after tho abovo dates. II. D. CLAWSON, Superintendent. 11. a. hekh. c. 8. Kisa. REED &, KING, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, rmsT south sth-wkt, of lil 111 ball So Lnwrcncc'V) SALT LAKE CITY. Liberal cash advances mado on consiKn-mcm, consiKn-mcm, an STOCKHOLDER$ETflNG TMII5 FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF 1. the mock-holdord of tho Victoria and Imporiiil Tunnel and Mining Company, for tho election of Trustees for tho ensuing year, and tho transaction of such other bail-uoss bail-uoss as umy proporly come boforo it, will bo bold nt tbeollicoof tho company. Room 5, No, ;iu2 MonlKoaiery ftroet. Him Vrancieco, Californtn, on Thurcday the twelfth (12tn) day of opteinbor. 1H72, at 'I o'clock p.m. Transfer books closed on the luth of September Sep-tember and until alter tho mooting. ; Wy. 11. WATSON. BooroUry. ban Francisoo, August 2Jth. 1872. aJl TRUSTEE'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Til AT THE undiT.i);i)i'd will sell, at public auction, in front of lliu Hanking liuuao of A. W. Wliiio .t Co., on E.iai Tl'iupIu street, in tho city of .Salt Lake. Territory of tub, on Friday, tbo 2uth day of duptuiubur. 17.', at olovon o'clock in thu lorcnuon, tho following doscribod property, prop-erty, tu-ivu: An undivjdud interest oiUno 'tb'juand foot in the mining property located in l'urcuiiino Gulch. Bingham Canon, Woat .Mountain mining district. 6alt Lako county. I tab 'Icrnt-iry, known aa tbo Silver Hill ludo or uiino, containing twenty-four hundred foot lb.' intirct offered fvr snlo and to bo sold at .:nd liuio ajid placo is tho bumo interest envcyed to tlio undur.-iirned by Deed of 'lru.'t, oxecul.'d by Charles U. flforttan as piirly.it' tho tirt part, dalrd tbo fourteenth ! J r.- of i,:cL'i:ilnT. lk71, tu.-ocuro tho payment if ciTt.iin i r'Hiii--ary notoj therein cot uot, fr ii .-aid Ch.irkH U. .M..rKan to Silai It. li.'i'be, ill" pany nf tliu third part in said dcod v! Li u-t, iv 1 1 ii h said lint ''a aro now uvorduo and u ri t : L-1 ; p.iM irn-t died w;u on tbo eauiu Uiiy r-,.jr. i.d in M..i!i;:u-o Record Book C. r;"s U - aijd m 1I10 County ltocord'r'a ":;.:) of ; lid S.'lt Lnko county, llo winch n. ,r,l r.-r-T'-nco u hereby made for further .- .id i-r..nrty will bo a.. Id to tho hu-be-t i.. 1-r..r c.i )i, ((,,, ,iiui.,y ty bo paid and aaaaivorud lunnednnoly ufter tho talc A. W. WHITE, Trustee. fcaHL. l Auguitit lb7i ij SPECIAL ADYEHT1SE51E.MS LOST. OUT OF CARRIAGE. WHILE DRIVING around tho city, a ligbL-eolored walking cane with ivory handle. It is of no intrinsic value, but esteemed by tho owner, being a gift. Tho finder will confer a favor by leaving leav-ing it at this olli co. ! A BAY MARE. BRANDED J. C. OX LEFT : hip; bridle and saddle on. Tbo finder will bo rewarded by leaving her at Levi Garrett's. Gar-rett's. STRAYED. YOUNG RED AND WHITE COW, LINE x buck and brocklo face, straight horns, branded 110 on left shoulder. Tho linder shall bo suitably rowarded by A. ii. Mlsskh. so'i WASTED. A YnrVGMAX TO TAKE CARE OF A IX. Span of Horses. Lntiuiro at tbo American Ameri-can Hotol, Monday. gS A GOOD TENANT FOR OEElC'E ROOM. 1N0. 0, over tho First National Bank of Utah. Apply atthoBank. FOR REST. A HOUSE, CENTRALLY LOCATED, with rooms, suitable for hotel, on reasonable reas-onable tenna. Apply at this olbco. bo A HOUSE Wmi SEVEN ROOMS. IN tho 1 ith Ward, ono and a half UIC-west UIC-west of Winder's corner. Emiuiro of G. Ill Taylor, on tho promises. nt. FOR SALE. A GOOD, WELL-BUOKE SADDLE H.-rso, vrry suitablo for n Lady. Apply to -Mr. E- Cox. NnrthTomplo Street, opposito tho U. C. Railroad doj'ot. ffwN DR. GROVES, 6ffrW JDontist, UJ, i O TLT Qm00i Sooond Sooth Street. Three door wast of Great Western Hotel, half a block cast of Elephant Store, Salt Lako City toS m mii NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. THE PARTNERSHIP HERTOFORE Existing Ex-isting betwixt Roynolds & Miller, u this day dissolved by mutual consent, said Reynolds Rey-nolds assuming all liabilities. W. R. REYNOLDS, U. C. MILLER. Beaver, Sept. 3, li7i sS City Gas Works. WANTED SOME LABORERS AT THE WORKS. Apply to-morrow beforo 11 o'clock, one block directly west of Railroad Depot. eeS P. LALUB SHERRY, Supt. S. L. Joxes & Co., San Francisco, ILL boU at Auction, Wednesday. Sept. lltli, 1S7, At TEN o'clock A.M., FALL TRADE SALE or Fli-st Quality XW Crop CULM AXD JAPAN TEAS. 6,000 Packages, FinoTeaf, importation? of Messrs. C. Anoi.rHK Low & Co., comprising entire invoice Ex. "Clara Bell," and Into steamer arrivals from Yokohama and China, consisting of CHOICEST JAPAX TEAS, In One Pound and Half Pound papers; Five Pound Lacquered and Flowered lJoxes, in Bulk; and 2,000 Packages of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, Consisting of Young Hyson, CujlpQvtfftX' unit TTtrpTtnJ, Congou, Soucliong, Oolong and ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEAS, In assorted Packace3 of every slylo suitablo for tho trado and of XUK HL6T ut AL111". TKRMS LIBERAL, made known at Sale. W. H. WILKINSON,-W. WILKINSON,-W. n. M ILKLXSON, FIRST SOUTH STREET, Between Kliubnll V Lawrence's and tlic Meat Market. FnmiHes will ilo -well to buy nil their CillOCEIUKS Here, and have tli em taken home FREE OF CHARGE. BOOTS, SHOES, PARTICULARLY Ladies' and Children's SHOES, SELLING AT COST. HATH & CAPS AT COST. WALL PAPER, Cheaper than can he Hold anywhere else lu tho Turrltory. Carpet Warp, Woolen Yarn, Etc. DEPOT FOK THE Salt Late City Woolen Factory. ALWAYS ON HAND Uoavj and Light Jeans, White Groy and Plaid Liusica. Flannel Kerseys, Dooekins, Casshucres, Stocking Yarn, Etc., Etc. W. ir. WILKINSON, Bep'-':i AGKNT. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Now Law. MurcliSO, 1SOO. FOR THE MINING AND SCIt NTIFIC PRESS. Victoria and Imperial Tunnel and mining Company, Location of M'orkd Little Cottonwood Mining IMstrict, L'tahTcrrllorry, NOTICE ii hereby piven thnt at a meeting of tho llourd of '1 runocs uf niil Coiuriuiy, holJ on tho 11th tiny of August, INT., an u.-.-os-uiotit uftcn (lu) ci'nU por .-huro wm loviud nit on tho capital dtuch u! said Cuuiiumy. juiyublo iiuuicdiutoly in L"nitcd .Suitos cipKI coin, to tlio Secretary ut tho ollico uf tho (.mnpuny, llouui 3, Nu. s2 ilunlguiucry alroot, fcim x rimcuco, California. Any stock ution which enid osfeidinont thai! romiiirj utiiiuid on Wodnojduy. tho IMli duy of iSoptoiubur, s7J. shall lu doomed dulimmcnt. and will bo duly udvorti.icd for puIo ut jmblic uuctiou. and unload imymont shall bo mado bo-f'To, bo-f'To, will 1)m -uld on Saturday, iho l-'th day of October. 1.'. to iay tho doliri-iuont ;se.-a-lucnt, tOKothor with co.-ta of udvertiing and oipoQo3 ol sale. Uy order of tho Board of Xrustooa. Wji, 11. IVAT-SU.Veeri'tary. a IB Office. Room 5, JWJ Montnoiuory street WALKER HOUSE JSnrber Sh -AM)- NOW TXJE3NT. I 'pJIK MOST IMl'linV-;i) M'VI.K X iJiTiid, iv ilti m ory ouiivouiouco attached. at-tached. J. Nl'EL.IAN . Li KllX ti l'roiirlctoit I ST. LOUIS TRADE. SEIYIPLE, BIRGE & Co., SAINT IjOUIS, Maaufaoturera and Agents AGRICULTURAL GOODS, Hardware Specialties, WHITEWATER WAGO.NS Office and Samples: 13 SOUTH MAIN STREET, WarohouiK mylS 1U.116.11SELM STREET. HAYTJEN, WILSONS & iLLEU Manufacturers and Doalors in Sad d lery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BUNT STOCK, LEATHER, Em, So. 514 North main street, BJ19 ST. LOUIS, MO. If yon want tho best, buy Bnok's Brilliant It is the most Perfeot Baker- It ia the most Durable. It burns tho least Wood. It always civos Satisfaction. More of Buck's Stoves hare bcon Bold and are in use than an Btove ovor mado. Every Stove is warrants! SUCK'S Guarantee, For GohI and Wood, Lu only boon in as two years, n is now mo icuuiug oiu Stove. Why. it is a Perfect Baker. It is a Fuel Saver; it ia mado with oar PATENT CHILLED IRON. Fire Linings which will UBt longer than Five Sets of oommon Linings. Lin-ings. It will draw in any good flue, and U tbo only Coal Cooking Stove that gives entire Satisfaction. BUCK u WRIGHT, 730 and IX'A Pf. Main Street, Saint Loitlx. Manufacturers of all varioties of COOKING and UKATIN'G STOVES. Sample Sam-ple CardM ami Irlce Lists furnisbod on upplicntion. mrl8 STOVES! STOVES! THE CHEAPEST STOVES OF THE GREATEST VARIETY AT- W. HARRISON'S I T i I I M I AND- STOVE STORE, OPPOSITE BISHOP HUNTER'S EAST TEMPLE STREET. cs Cull and Examino; you aro suro to bo suited. si SA.VE YOUR LABOR. HAVING HEARD MAN Y EXCOMIU MS COLBY'S LITTLE WASHER -AND- W K I N G EE, By thoso who havo used thorn, as being ex ceedingly easy to handlo, durable, and choap, I havo secured tho Agency for Utah. A shipment has just arrived and may bo soon at niystoro, next to Savage's Photograph Photo-graph Gallory, IVIvixi Street, SALT LAKE CITY, ClIASo W. Stayxer. A large and splendid assortment of goods espeotcd daily, duo notico will bo given of their arrival. so3t SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS -IN- ' DRY GOODS. Wishing to close out our cntiro T 7?V ftOODS DEPARTME 1ST T, Wo will offer our largo stock of Staple and Fancy. dry ooods & notions AT PRIME COST -1'iilt 111 K- Next Sixty Days. KIMBALL & LAWKENCE. WALKER ERO'S. CI NXIXCITOX i CO Walker Bro?s & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, UHALtltS IX WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. ilavo a splendid stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS &c, UEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES, And an itnmcnso quantity of CASIO iQUOUS AND HITTIOllS, AND HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Having opened an EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR HOUSE and keeping THE LARGEST STOCK EVER HELD IN UTAH we offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. Solo Agents in Utah for J. II. CUTTEll and S. T. Suit & Co'a celebrated Kentucky whiskies. WALKER BRO S & CO. au21 Ono door East of Elephant Store. BUM BOORS, STATIONERY, SEWING MCI1LES, MUSIC fpS Hit CALDER & SEARS. Wc aro Agents for the ARION", STEIN WAY & SONS, CEIICKERING & BOXS, DECKER & BAUNS and other leading makers, and respectfully invite our Patrons and tho Public to call and examine our stock of the above named instruments. We arc also General Agents for the MASON &. HAMLIN world-rcnowncd Which we have proved beyond all doubt to be tho best and most suitable organs for this climate; and have also the WOODS, ESTEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. We have the Largest Stock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required by Amateurs, Teachers aud Musioiaus. MUSIGAL INSTRUMENTS. v Our Stook consists in part of 1'IAXOS, ACfORDKONS, COCERTIAS, JHUBLE R.iSSES" 01H;..N, MKI.OIUAXS, VIULKXCKLLON, SSAHE DKlJis, UOI.l.VS, (U ITAUS, FIi(ii:OLLXI.S, U.iss DUl'MN, UAAJOS, l Llll.XAS, riCOLOS, VlULAs,tCi, Etc. MUSICAL MEECHANDISE. l'lnnoSIools, Viollu Strlnss, Guitar Strings, Violin Furu twlitugs, (inltar I'tuulshlnss, Ac cord rou Furulalilug, llnun FurnlsUlnt;,, Tuning Forks aud PJuch, Miuic Pftjitr, Ulimk Music Bonks mid Curds, Slice t Music, Instruction Book (or all Instr uiiicut tie., tic, Ktc, Wo ftavo socurod tho sen-ices of Profoior CaJclcis, so long and Tnvorably known in this cjcq-uiunity, cjcq-uiunity, that our patrons may have the benefit of his proicional sen-ices in lurching their eelecuon of instruments and musical merchandiso. BOOKZS STATIONERY. Our Stock consists in part of The Pntillcntlous of the American Tract Society, Miscellaneous and Subscription Sub-scription Books, Ultnk Books of nil Utscriptlong, Iukslnudt, "Writing Inks, Klcel l'tiis, In Rrcat varlciy, Ieii Holders, l'tnills, English Pocket Jiulvc and St-issors, Jlnun's I'alont l'arcbiiieui topj iug Booksj allqaaliiios and weishts of Not, Letter, Cap, BUI, Legal, Flat Cap, Folio l'ost, French Note, Initial Hole, Envelopes, all sixes and qualities, Card Board, all colors, Foreign Tissue Paper, all colors, lravliig Paper, Drawing Books. SCHOOL F C K M S 11 1 G S OF EVERY DESCttlPTIOS, SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. Wo have a large and splendid assorted stock of Cards and Books from the lareo Publishing llouso of 'X. kelson Jl Sons, which wo uilor at their regular Wholesale and Kciail prices. L. PRANC & COS PUBLICATIONS. llnvingbcen arrointod Solo Agents for Utah, for tho sale of their magnificent Cards nnd Books for Schools and lor tho Parlor, wo are prepared to furnish tho Trade and School Committees Com-mittees l'ruin our stock of choice selections ai tho Publishers Wholesale and Ketail prices. THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Wo respectfully invite the Public to call and examine our Sewing Machines before purchasing elsewhere, which we claim to be the best, cheapest, and most durable in the market. We guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. All are warranted to sew, with perfect ease, Beaver, Ducking, Ticking, Denims, Domestic, Cambric, Linen, Muslin, Lace, &c, and will Tuck, Hem, Fell, Braid, Bind, Cord, Gather, in fact will do all kinds ol I work. A Five Years guarantco given with each machine. Instructions Iree by an expert on the premises. DUNFORDSONS. MAMMOTH BOOT, SHOE AND HAT STORE, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Orders Solicited from Town nnd Country, and promptly nnd carefully tilled nt the very smallest possible margin over cost. O PURE u W. WHITE U-E UtiAUANTKK TI1K AHOYK IlllANO TO ItK l'KKKKCTl.Y J'iiUK. AM) IN KINKNKSS. W111TKNKSS AM) CO klUMl I'HOl'KKTIKS 11' 18 U.N IV lUtS Ai.Ll' ACKNOWiiKUUKl) TO UK l'UE STANDABD. FAHNESTOCK, HASLETT & SCHWARTZ, 137 First Ave.. PlTTSBUJUni, PA. FR 6ALB Blf Z. G. M. I. ANDOIUJ5KDKAU-KS. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. l Michael Kanx. t y" WAND, KANE & Co.. (buocmori to II outer, ma,i c Importers and Wholesale DoiUn i0 WIXES l.D LIQUORS, ProprieU-n of II nn tor's C&lifornt "W llOfVt WlllU.y Also Akcou for Josecb S, t'moij', " oolebruied Pennsiivaci RYE WHISKEY OUT and OUII Front St., nfrJtckl HAN Fit AS CISCO, mv31 ' iiSTAULleUKU 1 S to. C ulAV. ! v o, v , Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries U18 and 'lb Front Street, ' San Francisco, M PARXER, WATTSON & CO, (Suoocaiors to Weil & Co.,) Importers aud Bliiitfnclurcr of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221. 223 and 225 Front sL, cor. tiucrautnio, 5 SAM KltAMCISCO, CAL. E- A. FARGO & C07 Importors and Jobbers ol Braniies, fines aii Linn 310 Front St., car. Commercial p. b.ky. yio SAN FKANCIhQ) JACOB UKUEUIIILL &. CO. IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE SuIeAgauu for E&uiersu Bru'tiCo'i ' OfcS'X' OTEilSXl. -File, Mou Hole Auvlli, CollliifcCo'i C. S. Slcdffc, ricUM, Axe,4Ci IIS Jt 120 UatUry Street, Sun rmnci.. U ' JAU1S A. FOltilfi. .KHIIUiL J. A. FOLCER&CO'S l'luNEKK bTEA.M COFFEE AND SPICE M A i. I, h. So. HXl) f rom Street, Botwoon Coluoraia and SacriUjQ 13 HAS FKAAC1SCI. h" MV!kk. S4U Fuebco. Blum. J. BAUM & CO., Jmpurtara &lU Mmubcinron ut MEN'S BOYS' CLOTHING. aaa Sau.ome ht., San Fraucl.co, NoiaWnrrnnHr Nn.Vn.w Harness- Saddlery, jueather. j. a JonMsox & co., 104 100 Front Street, SAN FJiAXClXCO, lt.:frr by prrinlision to Mr. Ii. It Cla. .on, AujicrtitteitUviit uj Uie Z. CM. 1. gH A. B. ELFELT & CO., IMPoSTlina 1XD JOBBERS OpJ Clothing and Furnishing Goods, lOb 5t 110Kansouie to tree t, SAS PAAA'CISCU. KLFELT, LKVI k CO. 132 Church St.. S. I. all LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St.. SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. Croful aud prompt attention pid t I orJcfi etruatwl Ui uur caru. Established in 1651. J C. VENARD, Manufacturer of the Origiiial Cliartres Coll'ce, And all kinds of Spices and California Mustard, 625 and &ZT Yront Street, botweca laciiu and Paciii:. SA AKA.0iaCU. u HfiCUT, BKO'S k Co. BOOTS, SHOES & LKATHEK ,1 04, 1O0 Sanborn St,, San 'ratcuo. And 6iU Pearl Street, Btc: .BVCKJSQllAJL Jt UMCUI, Uanulaciorert of lh "llfiA (UAlin" CAUFOSHIA BUSTS All OStlf 1 Ul MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 Battery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. HAK5ESS, SADDLES A K D L E -A. T 12 E R. Tta;bcat stock and lowest pried ou tlia Pacific Coat. Special attention given to orders fror. U- A. C. D1ETZ & 007 utrvniu ur PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. 2M JRONT STREBT. Bet. Baaramwito Oaliforaia, ku KranclM A. J. OKIFF1T1I, rxlr In HSSjM all klsdiof XXOK.ZjSS A SALMON AND HERniNGS, IIS WaaUlngtOB Str.u All klndi of Dried, 6 mo ted and I'Kil-jr-ooobLuiUj on hand. ji LAZARD FRERES, Importori and Jobbers of Poreicn mJP' meetio 1'anoy and Suiple DRY GOODS- Depot of Goods Manufactured it l. Mission and Facxjic Muts, Ojumm 4 .67 Uarktt8t., San Fr ; ojl8 ParU: 26 Rue De L'Bfi E.MARTirJ JLC0. Wlotoale Lipr Heales, 408 Front 8irat, S trrawl- Proprietors of BlIlLlCH'll KXTKA OLD BOVW Asd aola axents for , C. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BtKJriBON ComUntly on hand, a fall af (ortmast U all the ard Brtudi of Wbliklt. Via BraU Foreign and Domaatlo Win"! m5 Blttara, Cordlali RICHARDS & HARRISON, Importers of MALT LNHO , OILMAN STORES, 314dtU16 Bat f.ry St., S A.-'-nti let J. J. COLMAN'S MUSTAIO- Nuntloy ifc Palmer's Reading I. S. FRY & SON'S tSKO ATE A fS ARDDKd ISLAt BCOTOO ui'' TIIAI1B 1! MAI'"'' M ALT LIQlU'l' JOULE'S STONE ALE. Tcnnonl'. Sooloh Alf. IH"J' l,w' Ch.mr.un. Al.. 1 1m Sum'. UuiniiWJ I'liM'u n.Dl'.XXXfloul.""'1"' London IVrl. Vorl Uri "' |