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Show MEDICAL. NEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage." J, For the Debilitated Nervous System. 1 IL JORDAN, of the lulmlnl Mai'um, 818 i VoiHnir7trMt,(itr C-.J I thru lJ 8AN I'KANCICO, OJifornlm, ho paMuhsd four of hu SI Mnftiai. Krr-rj QDmsrrird sod mvrltd ainn Lulil rcait nd tlnjj tLone tmportaut Lec-InrM Lec-InrM f'T tlie c&ud of hJBMelf sod uflipriDf;. Ily ovldrrtmiiK th spcn-tAj-y f the Anatomical M'i urn, tin rranciaco, and enclmior Twenty-F Twenty-F 1 if Cent in ptaiKe stamps to pJ ioUk, the Book will be forwtrdod to any part of the Stale or Territories. Dr. Jordan can be consulted bj letter. jS ;) W. F. ANDERSON, M.D. H.J, RICHARDS, M.D. Surgeons and Physicians, Offiees, for the pr stent at their respeetiT. residences in the 13th ud 14U Wards; !o6 0. C. ORMSBV, M.D. PHYSICIAN. SUKGEON AMD DKUGGIHT, HKIU llH OITY. UTAH. HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OV UTAH JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. ' Toll Uouge is centrally and pleasantly lo cated, well furnished, and hu aocomcaoda-.ions aocomcaoda-.ions for 10 ftueaU. THK PROPRIETOR U now prvpuinc 0 build large addition! to hij Hotel. which when finished. wlllrnJ- it the Most Complete Establishment is the ROOKY MOUNTAIN REGION mil WALKER HOUSE, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Open Tor (lie Kcceptlon orGucsls Monday, Sept. 2d, 1872. II. S. GREELEY & CO., IR01ItIETOnS. a29 TAYLOR'S HOTEL, Weit Ride Main Mreet. IMPROVEMENTS Constantly being made for tha aceommo-datlon aceommo-datlon of One it. HOT AND COI.D J1ATHS. TAYLOR & CUTLER, myll Proprietor,. x MERICAJI HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONU BLOCK EAST OFTHEATHB, SALT LAKE OITY. Term t3. 00 pr dy. Board with-nt with-nt roomi 014.00 per week. Dthi frea to guiiti. J. O. LITTLIC, nni Proprietor. Washington House A-'UlrU Hon tit Htreet, HALT LAKE CITY Board and Lodging, par Week $7 00 Day Board ft 00 Vrmch Spring Beds 3 00 Bada, per Night - BO Bleala - ... MB JM New Commercial Lp& Rooms, 45, Oommorcial St., Salt Lako City. 0. W. TAPPAN. Proprietor. O P K M ALL NIGHT. Spring- Bade, an, 3T' and 80 eta. per MlsjUti Sl.SU to J. 00 per Week. Single Room), SO and 7 Sc. per H Ifrhti IJ.OO to I4.BO per Week. Double Roomi, SI. 00 to il.50 per 'B't- 16 GRE1T WESTERN HOTEL, ON TUB SUROPBAH FLAN. Situated In businem part of tha oity, with aooommodatioa for 00 guests. I.MRRT-CLAWlacoommjdation fpminiUM and Travelers. Uooma, SO., JBo , St. 00 and Sl.BO per day. Dining Ull ami Restaurant under the namuoment .of M. 11. ll.ardsley. late of the M-mson llouoo, Oimhe, and Tiohnor iiouie, Ltnooln, Neb. Board per week, S7( Heale, BOe. Statos leave dally for the mine. ' Laundry 00 nn 00 led with the hotel. SMITH BIQAZK, Proprietoir. Right About Face I Co-operative Store Keepers!! AND OTBKRS. WboiwUb. toiuiuin tho. bj wboiEl.bor J. Uv.I BUY UP THE WOOL! and hr. It mmoftcwroj t noma, and will h.io 10 r tor iround up h.u tIkC etc.. m lb. .h.i.ofClolh. from u. VrB WILL PAY YOU THK HIOHKST ioIItob Good, for tho Loweat Ctk Prica! .ndiuuulM T.ry utiol u rprwwiti3 w. wiu o: EXCHANGE CLOTH n. O VI BIONiB, Where we eaa make them available for oar hands, and roooire Umoi ud the Wool at Tour Btorcs. We are mailni, aad hare ob hand. KEADY-MADE CLOTHING, MINERS' SITIJtTSt etc, FULLKD CLOTH, of fir-tlMg Btle and quality; aJo J crtna. Llnaeye, both plain and fa tui r; amteU of all colore; I'ot-tonndrit, I'ot-tonndrit, ilou Covrrit, Table Clotli- Toweling, Ducking, Stocking Yarn, wool and part 00 1 ton. fancy Wool Varn, for Itniltinr. Cot-ton Cot-ton Uuttlng, and Carpet Varn, oto.. etc., eto. You will plcus to objorTB thnt w pride ouirolroe on hitvinr the boat oolored s;..iif.,.b,,jj3:"r'""i work""' JOSEPH BIRCH, ja.. 81. .Km a WubiMlaa. NOTARIES PUBLIC. GIUUriL W. WOODS GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. AcKSowi.KD'iEMENTs taken for tho several StiIKH -U TKRItlTuKIK3. . Office hourf, 9 i, to 'J p. u. Itoon N'o. 5 over First National Uatk. Halt Lake City, Ltah leintory. e5 Jas. Y. Stainoum. Chas. A. Gould. STAIN BURN & GOULD, NOTARIESPUBLIC, Searchers of Records, COSlilliiSIONEaa OF deeds fob New York. Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Uhio. Illinois. low.i, Nebraska. Wyoin-intf, Wyoin-intf, filonl.ina, Nevada. California, OreKon. Tcxaj. Colorado. Diilriot oKJolumtiia and otaer Stuioa and 'Xerriioricd. " Applications for Patents, Minine Deeds, Agreements and Bonds tor Loeds, Mortgaeoa, Puwcrs of Attorney, Levies. Contracts and other instruments of wriiins drawn with wcurar-v and Jispatch. IS In tug nud other (.: oui paa I Iu-lorporiltd Iu-lorporiltd inuir tlie Laws of Utab. Abstract of Titlos to Mining and other proi-crty made in thomo.it complete form. Alining property examined and re- VO0vyici'1t BEID-3 BUILDING. EAST TfiilPLE bX., BALX LAKE CITY. U. T- A Notary1 Public always is the Office from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Transcripts furnished from tho first Mining Records in tho County of Salt Lake, to wit; those of the Mountain Lako Mining District (now Big and Lutie Cottonwood Districts), and rrum there of tho Big Cottonwood Mining Min-ing District. mj21 CHA8. W- STAYNKR, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qaalined and commissioned by the Governor. Uflicolst door south of Savago's Photograph Gallery. Salt l.ako City. m' HEW YORK TRADE. Cocbrau, McLean & Co. Importers and Jobbora of DRY GOODS, Wliiie UoodM, Hosiery, Notions, Woolooa, Linens, Embruidorios and 4G2, -irl and liki BROADWAY, E.B.C. WUIUHT. A'liW lOKK, jui-Jl RICE, GOODWIN, WALKER & CO., Importors and Jobbors of SILK AND FANCY DHY GOODS, 4U)4 17tJ and ilii'j Broadway W.G.liARNKY.NKW YOi" L. M. BATES & CO., 1 . X Broadway, N1CW YOltK, otpoaixai uq jouaaaa in Fancy Dry Goods, HOSISfir, WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE N01I0NS, dc. J. II. BULQKK. jol BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Doaleri in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, one blook oast of Broadwa dH JEHIAL READ &'Co., Manufuoturors and Wholesale Dealers in FUK AJVD WOOL HATS, tStrato Goods, Umbrellas, ifcc, Mo. 408, Broadway, T NEW YOHK. Jo. Jim Hun tor. jtl THOS. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' and Children's CLOT HINQ, AT WHOLKSALIt, 313 . 31K Broadway, New Yorlc. J. I. C0WLK8. f27 HOWLAND & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lako City. Will Advance liberally on consignment, consign-ment, of Or. and Bullion. Bullion imrolin.ed at highest market rate. a7 LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE IS UEKlillY GIVKX. that wo, Ueorgo Uearst. Jacob llc?5, Cyrus U. HawIoF and Hubert C. Chamber, do claim tnenty-two hundred fcot is lonntb, by two hundrod feet in widfb, on the Hnincjtoiid Mining Claim (being a silver bearing vein ot" ro-k in place, 1 and ibo land and premises appertaininn to ,-tid mino, all fituatod in tho Ohio MioinK District, County ot 1'iutc Territory ot I'tab. tho location and eitent thereot being moro fully ducribod as follows, , to wit: CiimmoncinB at a point south stvenly four , degreoj and thirty minutes cast, two thous- and l-iur hundred and .cishty tJ.lMl) t'cot , from U. S. Mineral Monument No. I. Thence north twenty-two hum) rod ( 2,.U)1 feel. Thence ost two hundred viX'1! teet. Thonco nouth twenty two bundrodv.'.-.Uly leet. 'fboneo I west two hundred i.U1) leet to the placo of brginnini;. Containing ten and ton hun-drodib.H10.UV) hun-drodib.H10.UV) acres as et forth m the dia- f gram; and wo do hereby aivo further notice, tfiat. Having occupied and improved im-proved tho a:d lode and premises, accord in fr to tho local customs and rules of miners in laid Mining District, and havinr expended in actual labor and improvements im-provements ihorcon, an amount not lct tban One Thousand Dollar?, and having at Inks time actual peaceable possession ot said mining property, wo havo applied for a patent for the fatd promise,", under the Act of Congress outulod "An Act granting the Kight of Way to Ditch and Canal Owners over tho Public Lands, and for other Tar-Doiee.-' approved July Itit5, and the amendatory Act, approved Juiy'J, la70, an Act of Congrwi, approved May 10, 1872. I entitlod "An Act to promote the dovolop-i dovolop-i ment of the Mineral rcioarces of ihe United I States." Witnrjj our hands and seals this twonty- fourth day 01 August; ls7i JalOV llhrf. by B. C. Chamber. hi att'r in faat Ctkis 13. Hawl).v. by It. C. Chamber, his att'y in fact, H. C. Cii-ViDtii3. Ann.i Kirk Patrick, AttNi. M j.. Clements. U. S Land OmVc, Salt LakoCity, I tH. Aug. it. lSTi I certify that thoabovo notice and a diagram of tho s..;d Mining Claim was this day tiled in this vtlico. togelhor with a notice inten tion to apply for a paiom thorcior from the Gi'vorniuont of tho I nited 6tatos. a provided pro-vided in an Ad of Cijih-rof. entit.od '"An Act gran; inn tlio Kiubt ci' H :,y to Ditch and Caual 1 twncrs over the l'ublic Lands, and I'er other t'urpo-o.--," .i'pnvcd J uly jj, N;, and as amended by Act of Congrcjs approved July an Act of Congro.-3, appntvel May 10, IS72, entitled "An Act to promote tho Hovoloptnnt ot tho Mining roiourcos of the rnitea State.-." I direct said notico to bo printed In the Salt Lako "Herald, ' a now-pa per published nearest tho location of tho claiui, GEO, ft. MAWKX,L.Koili LEGAL FRANK TILFORD, ATTOBXEY - AT - LA W. Oflieo at present with S. J. Jnnasson, East Tomplo sucet, juit tiouth of call Lake livu-e. a-ii J. B. Roboroot;h, S. A. Mcrritt J. M. Carter. Rosborough, Merritt & Carter, ATTORNEY 8 A T L A W , Salt L.akeClty, Utnlu Ofnco. in South Street, first building east of Dosoret Bunk corner. aug 21 Vil. HiTD05. C. K. CILCHBIST. HAY DON &, GILCHRIST, ATTORNEYS - AT- LAW. SALT LAKE CITY. Oflieo over 1st National Bank of Utah. al2 THOS. MARSHALL. J. C. BOYLE. MARSHALL & ROYLE, ATTORNEYS-AT-L A W. Office over W.U., Forgo Co' Bank, Halt Iake City, Utah. aj A. MINER, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR. Ollico at Iiosidonco, Second South street SALT LAKE C1XY.TJTA1L All kinds of legal bus in oaa promptly t-ended t-ended to. iSi GHOllGK C. HATES, A.TTORNEY-AT-LA W. C. BIYttON 1IAWLKY, Attorney-at-Law, Ckrt of the Supreme Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. II A SKIN S. OfEoo in Kimball's blook, near U.S. Mar-Jll Mar-Jll shal's ouice. CHARLES G. LOEBER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ofiioo Room Ko. 6. over First National Bank, fait Lake City. my!2 0. H. Hempstead, M.Kirkpatriok, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, AttorueyH-at-Law, Main Street, opposite Wolls, Farro Si Co., salt lakh citt. nlO r. i. wii.Luiia, ti obaso Touita WILLIAMS & YOUNG, A T T 0 R N E Y S - A T - L A W , Otnce, half-a-blook south of Theatre, SSn.lt Lalie Citr. jl2 Z. SNO-Vv-. S. p. HOOX. SNOW S, HOGE, Attorneys and. Cotuueion at Law Salt Lake City, Utah, Office ot Snow's comer, 1st East Btrcct Jot TBOB. FITCH. QEO. 1. WHITNEY. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, 36 First South Street, KO SALT LAKE CITY. H . A.. HI A. N N , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 36 First South Street, ft Salt Lake City, Utah: JOHN B. MILNKR, ATIORNEY-AT-LAW, Provo City, Utah. Collootions made is the 1st and2ndJudi-, and2ndJudi-, oial Distriots. Special attontion si von to Mining oases. Oflieo at rosidonce, Coutre St. Provo City, jo Warnor Earll, F. M. Smitlu EARLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LAS B 01TT. First South Stroot. Rooms 11 and 12, No 105. Kimball Block. OANIiSL, S. DANA, ATTORN E Y-A T-L A W, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office west sido of East Temple Street. d27 L). OOOPEKj ATTOKHKY AND COUNSELLOR, East Temple Street, Colelirook'e New Uulldlug, up-atalre. IfSfl SALT I.AKI OITT. A y e r ' s Cherry Pectoral, For DUcai.ce of the Throat and Lung, such aa ConRhs. Colds, W hooping. Cough, Bronchitis, As t limn, and Consumption. V Among tho groat f""" fay',: discoveries of tnod-Mrt'-'i 0rn lcicnoe' fow are Cj'iB of moro real Talne to mankind than this effectual remedy reme-dy for all dlsoases of tho Throat and Lungs. Avasttrial of its virtuos, throughout this and othor countries, has shown that it does surely and otToctually control thorn. The testimony of our best eltiions, of all olaesoe. establishes tho foot, that Chrrrt PkhtoraL will and docs relievo pnd cure the a til ic ting disorders of tho Throat and Lungs beyond any other medicine. Tho most dangerous affection of tho Pulmonary Orgnns yield to Its power; and cases of Consumption, cured by this preparation, are publicly known, so remarkable as hardly to be bo-liovod, bo-liovod, wcro thoy not proven boyond dispute dis-pute Aa a remedy it is adequate, on whioh tho public may rely for full protection. By curing Coughs, the forerunners oi more serious disease, it savefl unnumbered lives and an amount of su Soring not to be computed. com-puted. It challenges trial, and convinces tho most sceptical. Every family should , kcop it on hand as a protection against the oarly and unpcrccivcd attack o: Pulmonary Affections, which are easily mot at tint, but which become incurable, and too oft on tatal, if neglected. Tender lungs need this defenco; and it is unwlso to bo without iL As a safe- , guard ( children, amid the distressing dis-o&sus dis-o&sus which besot tho TUroat and Chest of , childhood, CnnkRT I'kctoral is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multitudes are rescued from promature graves, and saved to the love and affection centered on them. It acu speedily and surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring sleep. Sonne will suffer troublosome Inrtuenia ' and painful U rone lilt Is, when thoy know how easily they can be oured. Originally the product of long, laborious, and succoesful chemical investigation, no cost or toil is spared in making every bottle 1 in the utmost possible perfection- It may be ' confidently rolicd upon as possessing all the virtues it has over exhibited, and capablo o! producing cures as memorable as tho greatest it has evor effected. i Prepared by Dr. J.. AYER & Co., Lowell, Mass. Practical fc Analytical Chemists, Sold by ail DKUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ' ji at Zion's Co-operative. PATENT . T1 NOV 30, g WITH PORCELAI.-LI.ED CAP, The Moat (R.IIabl. FRUIT PRESERVER Known. For Sale at the Crocery and Hardware DEPARTMENT, SZS. O. I. H, B. CLAWSOX, Snp'fc i I INSURANCE. OF TIIE Home Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL $650,000. JOHN II. REDINGTON, Fre.ldcnt., CUARLEN R. HTORY, Secretary. Principal Office, 433 California St-, SANFRANCISCO. H. R. MANN, Agent, Office: Banking House, A. W. White & Co. " TRIUMPH FIRE LSIR1CB CO.'S, CINCINNATL Capital - - $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. We ask Fair Rates aad Promise to Pay Just Losses. Bisks taken throughout Utah 11. R. MAIN N j Agent, SALT LAKE CITY: Officet Banking House of A. W. White dt Co. P. O. Box SM. 1 FIRE INSURANCE. - HUME INSURANCE CO., o ColumbTis, Ohio. M. A.DAUQUERTY, JACOB PL'ETRY, ' President- Secrotary. . Casl Assets - - $87M52.SI. By reason of a heavy cash capital and a large business, well distributed, we offer r to the publio indemnity that is second to none. S Onr Chicago record is a guarantee of prompt and equitable adjustment aud payment pay-ment of lossos. H. R. MANN, Agent. OfScet Banking Hone of A. W, White A Co. Post Offiee Box, No. 5Si. my 10 mm MINCE co. J. B. BKXXETT - - President. B. 1. WEST - - Secretary. Cinoiiuiati, Oxiio. ASSETS, JUNE 30, IS 73, Cash on hand, in bank, and in courso of transmi.-'Sion. $111,308 57 United StntosUonds, market valuo llW.ltW 09 Stortgaffos 3iU,W(i ffi Collateral Loans V2S,Abl U Accrued Intorost aJ,612 5H iiillsKocoivublo 0i,W7 15 Suto Bonds and iliacolla-ncous b,nn 99 Duo from Agonta SS,tW7 96 5S60.906 70 LIABILITIES. Outstanding Lossoa and othor Lie biUuoa . 877,711 W H. R. MANN Agent, Omcet Rauklng lloiiae of A. W. WUlteoVCo, I', O. llox, 554. ir2S l - So I -a I - ! f3 g g- -a ': l K n w H l C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Mtol, Stoves and Tin Ware OLACKglHlTIl TOOLS, Affrle taltaral Implimi aim And Hlalaf Toole, At Loweat KaUl, OPPOSITE SALT LAKE IIOUSB ! RAILROAD EXCHANGE, NOW OPEN, Southeast oorner of South Temple and Third West streets, opposite tho Railroad Depot, Early Bro&kfaat for morning trains. Warm Loach frtm 11-30 to 2 o'clock. Lnnok B&aketa for traveler! furnished on a few minntes' notice. IGE CREAM AX O SUMMER DRINKS, F. MAMERXICK, Jl1 Proprietor. B00K-BLDLG. TN CONNECTION WTTH THE HERALD 1 Officeis a Bindary. where all work in hat line will be attended to ftxpediliooLy LBd 10 COOd, lOjjsUaUalitjjt, By TV. U. Telegraph. ' INDIAN FIGHT. St, Louis, Mo., 7. Major Gunther, 1 a revenue agent, arrived here from Arkanfas, via the Indian territory, reports re-ports that whon at Muskogee he heard that two factions of the Creek Indians had a fight in which seven were killed and a number wounded. He could aot learn when or where the fight occorred but it was stated that the affair grew out of the election ot a full-blood negro as chief of the Creeks by the opposi-. opposi-. tion to the Chicoto factioo, which has been in power some time, and against which there has been much hostility on the part of tho other faction. rBy W. U. Telegraph. HORRIBLE MURDER. Chicago, 7. A horrible wife murder mur-der occurred at Milwaukee yesterday. Louis Fetkc, a baker, becoming ec-raged ec-raged at his wife because she was about to apply for a divorce on the ground of ill treatment, rushed oat of doors seized an ax and returned, knocking knock-ing her down with the back and then literally chopping her head to pieces, lie was arrested and was with difficulty saved from the mob who gathered 1 determined to lynch him, I MILLINERY. NOTICE. Great Reduction In MILLLINERY GOODS ! SELLING OFF! MRS. C0LEBR00K, Palace of Fashion, 1VI sited to inform the Ladle that she Is now offering her choice assortment of Hats & Bonnets. Including the favorlto DOLLY VAEDEN, At cost price to ninke room for FALL OOODS. JUST ARRIVED LADIES DRESS CAPS, BLACK ENGLISH CRAPE, BABY HOODS & NOTIONS. rarl7 SAN FPJ5NGSSC0 TRADE. Special Notice. CARD TO THE TRADE. ! THE Mission & Pacific ffojlsn Mills, Depot, Sos. 517 A 310 Market Nl., SAN i'UANCISCO, CAL.; Offar to tho trado a Lvgo and Well selected AsaoriuiBUt of W oolex Goods, Manufactured at thoir celebrated Mills, CoOMStlDg of BLANKETS of evo-y description; HOUSE BLAXKUT8 ad BUGGY HUltES; BOH SB and SLUICE Blanketings, various widths and qualit os: CLOTUS, CASSIMERES and TWHEDS of ovcry description; GENTS', LADIES', MISSED and CHILDREN'S SHAWLS in great varioty ; Ol'EKA and FANCY FLANNELS; SUIKTINQ FLANNELS ; TWEED, CASSIMEKK and FLANNEL SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR, WATER PROOFS and KE-: I'ELLANTS, various shadei and stylos. Ksit All-Wool and Marino Usukrwrar and Hosiery for mon, women and children, ra-pkciai.lt ra-pkciai.lt ndaptud for (ho Pacific Coast. Woolen Yarn in all shiides by the pnckiiRo. Alt, Goods in our lino manufactured "to oRPKit" at short notico, and at tho loitkst innrkoL prices. i'rico Li d U sent on applicntiun. MISSION asd PACIFIC WOOLEN MILLS Depot, Jfos. 517 A .HO Market St., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. nii27 S. L. Stanley. 0. C. Chapman, John Sp-uanoo. Spruance, Stanley & Co., tiuccocsors to H. Webitor k Co. aud J. k J. Spruanoo, Importers and DoaleM in WINES AND LIQUORS, alO 410 I ROXT STREET. HENDRIEBRO'S k33 .UA1N STRKKT, SALT LAKE CITY, Haaufaotura California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for the erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMELTING SMELT-ING FURNACES COM- PLETE in any of tho Mining Districts. wc manufacture tha Varnep tfc Wheeler Pnnn, Patent Preseil il.oea uU Dies. Patent Stem Unities, an a the JUacitlnsry complete for reduction" WORKS. of which wani-a a specialty ani raaraaWe satisLwlion inal. uuies. Manufacture IiolthofTs iialll'ulvcrizer, FOR DIIY CRUSHING, WLU do the work of 15 Stamps, Price, $150Cf Manufacturers' Agents for tho Sale ot Scnrtevant A Root Blowers, Karle &. Cameron Steam Pumps, UolMlnc Portable aud Nlailouarv Kngli.ra, T.,'i!..,'V.ri5Ilnp,e,CF,at ni Round.) Tunnel Kail Iron, JU, Li and 1 lbs. lo the yard. Iron Pi pa for Gaa and Water, Dode i. lllakc Ore Cm. hero, Milling Cnrannd Iron Uuckete. Artjille Fire Urlek. and ' Alining ujipllci, ESTIMATES ,nd DRAWINGS rari.hi fOK ALL UUH WOKK. .10 WQDDCfiOPFflSMD CDALDEALEflS TA-K.H NOTIOB! ALL poins cittinsr timber on United f Matt-a l.md f,r coal, will bo i-rwecutcd criminally, and tho sorcrct pennl tics cnf-.rccd i ho j udicial acd military forco will tm em- jiloyed to nrr&st nil tre3pasflcm on public lands, who cut Umber f..r cal j-uri'oe ...... i;iMr.';E c. iiat4. I nit-d States iiiuici Attorney, Utah. August It., la: 2. aUjt 17 JAS. J. STR031BERG, Merchant Tailor, Is now pTmartTMr at No. 3 conx-r UimmoiTiiil .-tr.d h."t S.uth SirocU, and has lust rcciivcd a larsc stuck of CLOTH?, CAHSIMKRiS, BEAVERS, VESTINGS, dfce., for F:ill and Winter t ride, to which Gontle-u-.ct, w:ii . wani a 1 r-t-i i.y uii aro r-r-oct-iu.iy miia .0 iL.;;ct iuu m-miro price?. mU W.J. HOOPER & CO. tOOlIUClAl ITUKffi s) ARRIVED THIS DAY A BIG STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Consisting of Everything In Hie Staple Line; also LATEST STYLE LiDIES' DRESS GOODS, Which wo aro offering at VERY LOW PRICES. OUR GROCERY STOCK IS NOW FULL; AXD EITHER Wholesale or Retail WE WILL SKLL AS LOW AS ANYONE IN TIIE TRADE. Taylor & Cutler, ast temple street, Under Taylor's Hotel. QOOD3 DKUVKRKD FREE OF CHARGE. N E W OATS, BARLEY AND WHEAT, CRACKED CORN, STATES OATS AND CORN' ' Extra Family & Common Flour, AND ALL KINDS OK FEED, ' . BY THE ( Car Load, Wagon Load, CHEAPER THAN EVER AT j KNOWLDEN'S, ' Where all wanting cllenp grain go, 1 a he makes It a point not to be undersold In the market) and attends personally to shipping ship-ping to all points of the Railroad, mining camps and city FREE OF CHARGE. Dealers should always learn his prices before purchnnlng. Heaps of grain di-c-, always on hand. GEO. H. KLXOWLDEX, OPPOSITE WKM.5, FAKOO SCO's Express Office, Main Street, SALT LAKE OITY. al6 BULLION. Hi&liest Price paid for Bullion, Of Every Grade, by W. T..RICII.MOND A CO. JoyI7 Office, 16 Kimball's Blook Summer Resort. THE PARK HOUSE- TWRNTT-PIVR M1LE3 HAST OF SALT Lake City, is now opou lor UuosU; Mr. Win. II. Kimball h.ia perfected his now bUko line to tho PARLEY'S PARK MINES, Blue Ledfre, McHenrr, Uintah and Uowland Distriois; alio to Maj. Gordon's Military A coach wiU'leave Well, Fnriro A Co's ntTioe daily, at 10 a.m . conimouciinit on WoJ- I nos.lar, July S4ih. A Hott ill connoct at Kimbai 's Park H uso. tho f-lloin,c mornibic, with the daily c ah to tho minos. tiad lis animals furnished to order. Fishing and Hunting nb un 1. M. U. Kij.b,li Jll 1'roprielor. I SCOTT, DUMIAiI & CO., WHOLESALE ud RETAIL DEALERS IN IEON & STEEL, WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL KINDS OP - WINING TOOLS, , Wrought Tuyers, pirr. am, kinds, of fittimjk FOK FURSAl'ES & MII.L.H. HARDWARE, I BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND OTHER BLACKSMITH. TOOLS, EBON PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. A0ENT3 FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, C. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOB CASH. To whom it may concern i YTB. nndm'.mtd. claim and" own V twslve hundred ('JO fset. including So, two iiand three (.';,, in the Titus h-de, in Little Cottonwood canyon, and hold iLe same by deed from tho oncinai lorat'Ts: and have complied with the lawe of the dis trict tn every re- poot- And wo hereby oantinn all per. obi not to trade, buy or barter for said claimi, without oox oonsenL 1 C.H. BA8SETT, Admfnistraton ol the UVLNB, nuuo! Aniiony Inns deoeancd. ISRAKL ivisa ftalt Lakr City. June 21st. 1873. W Z. C. M. I. Shoe Factory-iD Factory-iD EP ARTME1TT, 99 East Temple Street, SIGN" OF THE BIG BOOT. Wo respectfully inrito tho att ntion of the Public to tho DISPLAY OF BOOTS and SHOES, All onr own mako in our HANDSOME X E W SHOW WINDOW Havinfi established a reputation for EXOHLLHUiTOE) In Style, Qnallty auaiFll, Wo Intond to maintain it by continuing to manufacture goods that wo can GUABANTEE. I BOOT and SHOE MAKKUS, You will ffind horo EVERYTHING KoQuLrod by tho trado, in the shapoof LEATHER, FINDINGS ANO KiT, At tho lowest rates, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. SADDLERS HAUNESS JIAliEltf I Romombor wo make a specialty of Horse Collars. Of which n oalirays kooii a largo (assortment of tho bost'and cheapest; HARM-iSS I. EAT HE 11, and all other kinds , at Iiowost Prices, wholesale whole-sale and retail. Y"E aro soiling tho orbovo classes of goods Remarkably Cheap, at prosont, preparatory to renewing onr stock, for Autumn and Winter Trade. Orders by mnil rocoiro caroful and prompt attontion from Mr. CnOMIT., whoso lengthy oxporienco ra tho trado on a bias him to select goods thnt will saliify our patrons. KEI'AIKIIVG DOXE. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. U. B. OLAWSON, Sup't. JUST RECEIVED -BY- TEASDEL & CO., EAGLE HOUSE. 65, 67 cSc 89 East Temple Street, A LARGi AND Will SSIECTED STOCK OF STOVES, STJYS, STilVES, nilK'H WE A 11 K NOW SIM.lM, AT THK VKIty .OWlsr iiiihir 1'iiiru. Wc t,.-g to call the attention of tli. THE LOYAL COOK STOVE. THE CARDEN CITY i COOK STOVE. THE FAVORITE COOK STOVE. THE ARTIZAN COOK STOVE. The Peri Parlor Stove. The Opal Parlor Stove. , The Gm Parlor Stove. The Orion Parlor Stove. - Complete with all dencriptions of Store FaraiHhinfls at Teasdel & Co's. BANKERS. First National Bank of Utah SALT LAKE CITY. a Special MrrrHtM on Third A. W. WHITE & CO, BANKERS, KASl TKfflPLK STHKKT, Bait Lake City. Dealers in GOLD DU3T.CQ1N AND BULLION. Exchange on all tn? Frincivnl ttif of the United States and Kit rope. Particular attention civen to Collections, and proceed remitted at Current rate of .Lxctnuiso in day of payment. GKO. K. WH1TNKV, AUorney. COKBKSPOXUlCMSi ILmk orr.ilifomis - - - Sa KrM.,-Lc O L.-.-A Wslkr .... S Yot-v Cook County SUonl llAiik - - Cluoitpj lU-kfll lUuk Si- I-""'" 6lte aanlt uO'ebrsaka - - Ouialia jiyli bankdeseret; Salt Lake City, Utah' Tni jJank has organised a SAVINGS DEPARTMtNT, und will receive depoaiu n( one tK.'Iar t J upwards, on which in'r.vt will lie slewed l ttto rate f encbt per cent., per .utiuiti compounded semi-annu ll. fj9 I.. . MIL. GMliUr, SALT LAKE U1TV NATIONAL BANK Halt Lake Cily, TJlnfa Tor. Authorized Capital - $500,000 enj. M. D (lite 11, 1'res.dent. Uugti While, Cashier. UikpaTi.D A KiRKPiTKics. Attorneys. CORRESPONDENTS I NBffTORF-fJ;1 L,roniVCo dAN FRANCIsCO Cjli'for'riU0?ruct (''o. LONDON Jay Cooko, McCullocU i . it 18 WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Hankers and Dealers iu I'A(iiaii?f Drain on Europe. Puropetin Colloctioni Iirouiplly aUoiideJ to. K .at Tcmpla Street, Salt Laki Olty. iul3 Thio. P. Tkaot. Agent. Bank of Deseret B accessor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Oorner Kast Teaipls and yirat South StreU, 8 ALT LAKR CITT, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - las.OOO 8KIGHAM TOTTNQ, Pre.ident, 1 8. S. BLDItRdOE, VlcePrsa WM. H. HO.iPF.lC WM. JKNNINOS, . Director JOHN 8HAUP, "irectorf. PKRAM0U2 LTTTLB. ULLLS, Cashier. Deal In GOLD DUBs, COIN, KICIIANGJO LAND WAKftAMTB, COL-LKOE COL-LKOE SCUIP, c. Collcolionfl iiiado and promptly ro-mittod, ro-mittod, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. MORE ARRIVALS. If C Different Sizos and AJp Stylos of DOORS. 27 Differ eut Sizos of WINDOWS. The most comiilcie Slock ever Ijroiinht lo Hah,; A T WTI.MR.TiVLOR SCO'S LUMBER YARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, rSfieriocfS WSt f tho T. 1.ATTMKH O.TAYIjit. W" " fpOM FAR VEST FREIGHT CO: II.., 1 Hn.rt.,,, gu Mo- D URANT &C UTTI XG, FORWARDING-. AID COMMISSION MERt'IIim AQKNTK! BjLLT X.AKK C1TV, UTAH. TB are rrai.nrp! to rnntrict for sbin-, sbin-, ' . '""0 l'ru ot It. K.t. our Pr...l from Now York. uil.,.Lim. ltLk. Ciu!U1 " i-"l"D a'u-- " Wo.r.offorinf tit,. iLdaeement. for tho SoiES. "dB"1' H'HtorD Orrioi i W.aKCil.irit block oath of Depot, .alt Lake Cily. M DURANT CliTTISCl' |