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Show ST. LOUISJTRADE! If Tun .ant th. bt. bar Bk' Brilli.nl It u'lh. oo.t P.rfcctll.k.r.- II " Durable. It " V"i- " '"" lives Satisfaction. MM nf Duck"! Stare, aavo been .old and are in uo tb tor m,i"- Everf Stove is warrant?! BUCK'S Guarantee, For Coal and Wood, has only been in use two years. It is now tha leading Coal Cook Steve. Why. it ii a Perfect Baker. It i a Fuel Ser; it in made with our PATENT CllILLED IKON. Fire Lining wbioh will laat longer than Five Seta of oommon Linings. Lin-ings. It will draw in any good flue, and Is tho only Coal Cooking Stove, that giv entire Satisfaction. BUCK & WRIGHT, aO ai.d 7ri N. Main Street, Saint Louli, Manufacturers of alt Tarietioa of COOKING and il BATING 3TOVKS. ple Cards nd Price Alsia furnished on application. n14 MISCELLANEOUS. BOILER MAKING T1JE UNDEBSIUNKD is propared to ;do any kind of Boiler or Tank Making: ;OU REPAIRING ; And will BUY OLD BOILKRS OR FLUES, or tako them in pay for work. Ho will alio do any kind of MILLWRIGHT WORK On short notice. Orders loft at tho Heiuld Offios will recoive prompt ailentioD. 031 JOHN SLOAJf. THIS WELL KNOWN BRAND OF JAPAN TEAS - FOR SALE AT -K : m iVJBItt H a Grocery Department all 'I B. CLAWSOX.Sart TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE, TO THE EAST, NORTH AND SOUTHEAST, No. 3. STATIONS. 'raB MAIL. Leave SALT LAKH &00 a.m. 2:45 p.n. " 0MA1IA 6:p.m. 5:30 a. n. t Awi.aBIJRLrKflTOH fcODa.ni. ttOp.m. " Galeaburg(CJ(.JtQ.) 7:00 a.m. 10:50 p.m. " Menaot " Uiloajn. 3:23a.ni. " Chicago " 3.15p.m. TrfWa.m. " Teoria - 9:00 a.m. 12-50 a-m. " Ind'plia(I.B.W. 6:15 p.m. 9-.25a.in, " Cincinnati - UOpjn. 4:15p.m. " LoganBport 555 p tn. 9:20 a.m. T. P. A W.) ' Olamhna 2:45a.m. 5:30p.m. EfThroagh Can from Missouri River to Chii-ago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati. Logant-portand Logant-portand Coltunboj, Connections at those points with lines leading to the Eajt. North and South. This i the Beat. Shortest, tfculckaat and Chaptil Roali. Do pot be deeeiTed, but obtain Tickets Tia theBorlington A Missouri River Railroad. A.K.TOUZALIN. C. B. PERKINS: flenl Paes: Axent. 6nT 6u p t. RAILROADS. G. P. H. R. I ON AXD AFTER SEPTEJfBEB 16th, TRAINS WILL LEAVE OGDEJV DAILY AS FOLLOWS FOL-LOWS I Overland Pfwncfr Train for Toann, Carlin, .nneiuucca. Wad-iwurth, DiHeno, SlaJjivillo, Keddint; (for ..LTeeon), Sacramento, Stockton, Latnrt'p. Merced (fur Yo'eruite1, J'fii tLiO ifur Loa Angoloa), -jan Joje and saa Francisco, - 5.-J0 p.. Overland Freieht and Am-mmoda-tion Train fur San r'ranciico, - 5-2-i p.m. A- N. TOWNF. T. U.nOOI'MAN. .Oon-lSup't 1 (ien. I'd.-s. and Ticket Agent GEO. II- RICE. AoiLsr, Salt Lake City, usee with Marshall & Carter, Over W . F. k Co s Bank. bJJ ciiic.igo & urn R, R, I lie Only First-Class lloi4 In the Wtil, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI. S' Short Koiite from Kansas City to Chicago, Without Change I Via S. L.tui., Kpm city and Northern 'late trih Mi-M.ijrn nn-1 Chirscoand Alton Kilro..!-. cr-.s.ii,,; ihn h..Mupi at Lou-'.iiica. Lou-'.iiica. M".. at, i --v-inc throueh Jackson-viiie. Jackson-viiie. Ulci'ici&fc-ton anJ Jolici. The Short i ami Crst lyUie to die J.a-l, via Chirao! LI.-U AXT r A V CA1CH mummwrn cabs lion tbrci fr-iia Kin- riiy Dr1 Bl L'ui! i -j - h:-AS9. without chaDho 1 mm ma mm boom AND SMOKING CARS On all daily trsin : ths only Unerrunaing tcese can from KamaaCliy and t.Loul lo Chlcaa; No Line makes as Good Time, Or d.,i,rcrnci-lilnj. ha belter aceommo Ll' h''.tT iratk. ujure e'rK.nl Uay cat.. :!'t, "","! 'J ."fTlabl. .leei.ini c. . lr.iiM.oi Kai1.aJ.i'..-iiioaLd allWealern r1 in c r.nr.-t ol sc.jr wnb traioj of till, line. II t siub iJepot. Kaiiw oitj. J AS. 1IAHLTON, JlenetJ r.en..r aoj Tickal Aieat. L- A. It. K. Luicefo. J. Jk.MULLIM, n. Supt.. C. i A. R. K.. Chlcaao. FKANK HKJII, TRAVEL. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. fail Mam rm'-XM tj-j itJ-Way M On iad after Ncptembar H3d, 187 MIXED TRAINS WILL 3B.XT3ST D AIL Clolng South. Lcavo tho Utah Central R.R, Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.20 p. ni. 8arjdy, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 8.10 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., arrive at Lehi at 9.10 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Colig Xorth. Leave Lehi at 9.30 a.m. and 4.50 p.m.; Sandy at 10.50 a.mi and 6.10 p.m; arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. Salt Lake to Cottonwood Station. Wotl " ' Sandy ' 11.00 Draper " 1.25 " " Point " " 1.7S " " Lehi " " 2.-6 Passengers will pleas puxchace tickets at the oilioo. n. n. davib, Qtuu FreUht and Tioket Agent. CBHAaiORZ LITTLB BUPBMMTmNBMNT. GILMER 8 SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES THROUGH Utnli, South - east ievn!a & Montana, Mon-tana, Lfj.T.ag Salt Lake City Dally, raining rai-ning South to Tintio, Amenoan Fork, Mount Nebo, Sovicr, St. George, Utah ; and Pioohe, Nevada ; Faaalnc through Provo, Sprintrville! Spanish Fork.Pay-Bon, Fork.Pay-Bon, Salt Creek, Chicken Creok, Round Valley, Filimore,Corn Creek, Beaver, Minere- viile, and : All the principal town and miniTig camp in louthern Utah and $outh-east Nevada. Alao Wave Cor Inn, Utah, dally. , rnnBing north to , Virginia City, Helena. Fort Benton, Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek mineB, and passing through all the principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OFFICE) " Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building" hinl fcUltLakeC.tr Len Wines. H, P. Kim ball SALT LAKE, OP1I1R And Tintic Stage and Express RUaK I HO SAIL T Fflun I&L1 LAKE C1TT, via LAKE TOWS, TOOELE CITY, 8TOCKTOM AD OFHIH TO TIM TIC. The route has been restock.ed with splendid splen-did Concord Coaches, fine 5 took, eaiefnl and attentive Driven, and every attention is paid to th oomfort an 1 onvenieno of paases-tart. paases-tart. Good accommodation on the road, THROLGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Om at Wella, Fargo - Go.'i, alt Lak City, WINKS i KIMBALL, r14 Proprietors. UTAH CENTRAL 11A1ILKO VI). PiOMEER LINE OF UTAH, Vm aart art.r Moni1ar,Jnly It, tail iallj TriUth Leave H!t Lake City at S a m. and 'i:V p.m Arrivs at Ogdoo 7 a. D. nd H5 p. m. Leave Ogdon at S n. m. and .3(1 p. m. Arrive ai Salt Lake Cilj 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m lo addition to the aboi TRAIN Will ran DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leavlni Bait Lak City at 5.30 p.nu. and Uiden at 5a.m. atgera will pl,u Par base their Tlekau at the UOhi. Fifty Centa additional will be charged when th fax is oelieoud en tae ua. a. For alt Information eonoemln fraliht or piaiiaie. apply to n. ii. da v in, aaral Trliht and Ticket Ant I J0HS SHAEP, BL1XK BOOKJi, STATIONEMV SEWING MiCIILES. TO MISIC Calder & Careless, (LATE CALDER & SEARS.) IE3 JL A'KT O Wear AftODts for tho ARION, STEIWAY & SONS, CUICKKRINQ & SONS, DECKER & BARNS and other leading makers, and respcctlully invito our Patrons and tho Public to call and examine our stock of tho abovo named instruments. Wo are also General Agents for tho MASON & HAMLIN world-renowned CABINET ORGANS, Whiob wo havo proved beyond all doubt to be tho best and most suitable organs for this olimate; and havo also tho WOODS, ESTEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. We have the Largest Stock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required by Amateurs, Teachers and Musioians. MUSI GAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stock consists in part of SM-Vtll l,S!.!;!.,!2's cektias, not m k kissh. i I.lV. VI' JJ..V.1!.18' -wolkx KI.LOS, KAKF. 1)111. us, ni'risik rKriSi a?.... MUSICAL MEECHANDISE. IMnnoStoolf, Violin fitringi, Guitar Strings, Tlolln Furnishings, CJultar tnrnlHl.lncrs, Accordcon FuriilHlilngs, Drum Furnishing. Tuning orks anl Pines, Jlu.lc Paper, Blauk Mulc llooks and Car.U, Khet Slualc, Inatructlou Book for all Instruments, tic., Ktc, Kit books axt:d stationery. Our Stock consists in part of The Publications of the American Tract Society, Miscellaneous and Sub-acrlutlon Sub-acrlutlon Book., Blmik Bookn of all rtrxcrlptlonB, Inkunndi, Wrltluff Inks, .Ntct-I I'rui, In crent variety, Pen Holders, Pencils, Kngllih 1 oeket Knives and Scissors, Maun's Patent Parchment Copying Bookst allaualitiosand weight of ote, Letter, Cap, Bill, Legal, Flat Tap, Folio Post, French Note, Initial ole' ,nveloRcs' 1,11 d Hialilfcs.Card Board, all colors, Foreign Tissue Pnper, all colors, Drawing Paper, Drawing Books SCHOOL FURNISHINGS OF EVERT DtSCKI PTIOX, SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. L. PRANG & GO'S PUBLICATIONS. itSf Jif?TrtI,iPP0i,lt?d f;0'6118 for ttan. for tho ;ale of their mugnificont Cards and Books for Acuoold and lurto Parlor , we are yrearcd to furnish tho Trad and School Committees Com-mittees from oux stock of choice selections at tho Publishers Wholesale and Retail prices. THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Wo respectful? invite the Public to call and examine our Sewing Machines before purchasing elsewhere, which we claim to be the best, cheapest, and most durable in the market, "c guarantee every Machine wo soli to give entire satisfaction. All are warranted to sew, with perfect easo, Beaver, Ducking, Ticking, Dcnima, Domestic, Cambric, Linen. Muslin, Laco, &c, and will Tuck, Hem, Fell, Braid, Bind, Cord, Gather, in fact will do all kinds of work. A Five Tears guarantee given with each machine. Instructions free by an expert on the premises. 83 Cold Weather Strips TO SAVE FUEL HAVE YOUR WIADOWS 1D DOORS MADE OlTflER-PROOF BY OUR BLACK WALNUT AND RUBBER STRIPS, A new Invention, both I'sefut aurf Ornamental. Manufactured Especially for us, tho Finest Assortment of ' WINDOW SHADES Evor Urousht to till is City. THOSE HEMP AND ECONOMICAL COTTAGE CARPETS Have Arrived. We t-hall always have our order ahead so as not to be out of those desirable good. Coonoissours in Pictures arc invited to sco our BKAUTH'UL 0II11OMOS "-9 II, B. CLAWSON, Superintendent Julius Bauer c? Oo., MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED BAUER ORHIHS AND IXC ELODEON J3. Every iEstrwit FULLY WARRANTED for FIVE YEARS-Upward YEARS-Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATAXOGUES sent FREE "y address upon application. AJSO IMI'ORTKKS AND PKALKHS IN PIANOS M ALL KINDS Of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. JTTLIXJS BAUEB Sz CO., 650 Broadway, 390, 392, 394 & 396 Wabash Ave NEW YORK. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS J. DAYNES & SON Agents for Utah, 1st South St., Jyl. TWO DOOJI3 EAST OV OUDIilO a DKUG bTOlUS MISCELLANEOUS. Z. C. M. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SIUX OF TI1E QIG - OPT GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS. CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For fino w iithor or vtormy weather; for walk-ink-, dune inn, working, spahiviu, climbing, riding, fishing, imams, ok., etc. A larBO Btid choice a??ortuiont of tho ubove, ourimn in alio and iuij-ortod, at tho moat roa-iooabl roa-iooabl prices. We make to order any atyl and quality ilealrcd and Insure satisfaction. OLD I300TJ3 AXD SHOES Made as good at new almuiL SELLING OFF OUIl OLD STOCK JJELOW COST! Sole Leathor! Upper Leather! Harness Leather! Imported Calf Skins, American Calf Skins, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, at l "KIT" OF ALL KINDS!! HOUSE C0LLA11S! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail t Order. l,y .Hnll r. reive apeui.l an. prompt attention. HIDES AND WOOL D0UGHT. a B. CLAWSON, Svaj.'. $300000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Ujalized by Slate Authority and Drawn in Public in St. Louis, Grand Single Number Scheme. 50.000 NUMBERS. Olaaa M , to b Drawn Dee, 31, 1819. 5,880 Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. T prtee of 0O. OOO I 0 0 O prixes of 100 priio of 13,430 Oprttesof 1,000 1 price of 10,1)00 Sprltwof 600 I priie of 7,aoO 0 pHe-eof 300 4prli.of , 000 Qprir.esof 3ft 0 J4 prizos of la.SOO1 38 prlioaof J00 SO priT.s ot 1,0001 Saprineeof loo SO pnr.etof SOO lBOprtteso! 100 40pr!neof H&O , 8,000 priieaof 10 Tickets, SIO. Half Ticket a, 95. a U ax t era, ,60. Our lotteries are chartered by the State, are alwuya drawn at tie time named, and all dm wing are tiuilor the mperritioo af aworn ceratnUalonera. 4ba- The offlcial drawing will bepnbliahed In the Bt-Lonla papers, and a copy f drawing iat lo : purchaser of ticket. 1 T- We will draw a similar scheme the laat day of rvprj month during tii yur HT2. e- Rcaiit at our risk J.y POST OTFTtTB MONKV ORDSltS, RKUlSTfeBJiD LKTTBE, DRAFT, or EXI'RKM 8 ad for acirtmUr. address ad-dress MUKHAV, UlL,JL,aCH A Co., Post Offloe Box a0. ST. LOUIS. Mo. myl7. DUD LIT K. BTKELI. H.HL K. JQH1TBOS STEELE li JOUNSON, Wholesale dealers hi Staple ami Fancy GROCERIES LIQUORS, FLOUR AND BACON, .JSaitj. CouncilIBIu.fs.ila. Bole AgoDta for the Oriental aod Dapoot my 28 Powder Oompanief SHIIUA SIMILIBCS CCRANTER. HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC 8PC1FX1S. HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ample experience, an entire success; Sim-pie Sim-pie Prompt ElHciont and Reliable. They ore tho only wodioinea perfectly adapted to jiupular uao so simple that mistake! can not bo made in using thorn; so harm leas aj to be free from danger, and io efficient as to be always roliable. They have raised tho highest high-est cummendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. Nos. Cents, Cures 1, " Fereri, CongestioB, InflammaUons-25 2, " Worms, Worm i'ever. Worm Colie...a5 S, " 'r-lug-Celic or teething of lnfants...5 4, " Diarrlicea,0f Children or Adults 5 5, ' Dysentery, Griping. Bilious Colic.lS 6, CtoleraMorbus, Vomiting..... 113 7, " Couglis, Colds, Bronchitis J 8, " Neuralgia, Xoothac ho, 'aceaehe....5 , " lloaiiacaca, Sick iloadacha, Vertim 25 10, " Dyspepnia, Biilious Stomach -26 11, " Koppreased, or Painful Periods Si 12, " White a, too Profuse Poriods la, " Croup, Cough, JJiiliault Breathing So 14, " tinli Khtum, Erysipelas, i.ruptiuns.5 15, " ltlieumatlsm, Rheumatie Pains 2a lo, " e ver aud Ague, Clull lfT, Agues 50 17, " riles, blind or bleeding 50 lo, " OplilUlamy, andaore er weak Eyes 50 19, Catarrli, aoutoor chronic InfiuentaoO 20, " Wliooplng-Cougu. violent coughs - -50 21, " Aiiiiui, oppressed BrtMithing ..-60 2i, " tr Dischargee, imp air od hearing 50 23, " Scrofula, onlared glands, Swell ings BO 4, " General DebJity, physical weak ness 50 25, " Dropny and scanty Eiecretions oU 31, " Se-Wckiu, sickness from riding-oO IT, ' Kidacy-Di.caie, Gravel ,60 28, ,,lcrvoiia Debility, tSeuilnal KiutaUiioni, involuntary Discharges 100 Five H-iea, with one fii rial of powdor, verv nocoss&ry in serious ser-ious cases. 500 29, " Sore Mouth, Canker 60 ;(U, " Vrlnary W eakum, wetting bodoO 31, ' PatiifiU Periods, with Suasins 50 S--, NafTrrings at change of life -100 33, " Kpilepay, Spasms, 6t- Vitus' Danco - 100 SI. " Dlplherla, ulcerated sore throat.-50 FAMILY CAStS Of 35 to 60 Large vials, morocco or rosewood caet containing a specific- tor every ordinary disease a family Is subject to, and bo oka of dlroctlons....from 10 tn Ans Smaller Family and Traveling Travel-ing coses, with 20 to 2S vials, from 1 5 to 98 Specific for all Private Diseases, Dis-eases, both for Curing and for Preventive treatment, in Tials and Pocket casoa.- $1 to S3 Pond's Extract, Cures Dtirj") Drniace, Lamtncn, Nncriiei-, Sore Throat. Sprains, Toothache, Kartell, Nenralgla, ltltenuintletm, Lumbago, Piles, Dolls, stings, Sore Eye, Bleeding of the Lung fi, Nose, tttoinach, or of Piles) Co run, Ulcers, Old sores. Price, 0 ox., 50 cents) Pints, St.00 Quarts, 91.134 r These remedies, oxcopt POND'S EX-TKACT, EX-TKACT, by tho case ur single box, are sent to any part of the country, by mail or express, freo of charge, on rocoipt of tho price. Ad-dross, Ad-dross, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office and Depot, No. 562 Broadway, Nst lo&K. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, And at Z. C M. I- and Godbe'a Drug Store. aS AHEAD DF TIE 1CI1DE! HOLIDAY NOTICE. II. WALLACE, First South Street II aa tho best and most complete stock of TOY CAIN' DIES. ALSO, PIntu and Fancy Candles, Corn Balls, Prize Candy and Chewing Gum, ever offered to the people of this city. H. WALLACK, CONFECTIONER, 8nlt L.tac City. Mince Pies Fresh every Day. Notice of Assessment. WELLINGTON nintng and Smelt Ing Conipnny. ciitiun of Works, Litllo Cuttunwood Ciuiyon. Uluh. Nolioi' is lioroby nivon, thul at a mootinc of tho Board ol'Tru'tees ot said Company, hold on tho 1-th duy of Novomhor, 172, an a.soiis-uiont a.soiis-uiont Xu. 1. often cents por oharo whs loviod uiHin tho cni'ital stock of snid company, pnyn-blo pnyn-blo immcdiatolv in Vnitcil Statos roIiI coin, to the Sevreury, It. Wosoner, No. til Calilvrnia Stroct, San francisco, California. Any stock upon which said amassment ."hall reiniiin unpaid on tho 17th dny of December, 1S7J, shall bo deoiuetl delinUnU and will bo duly iidvcrti.'ixl lorsalo.at iniblic auction, and unless nyuiiU fhall bo made boforo will bo sold on Tutv-tlay, tho Ttli dny of January, IS7.1, to pay the dolinueut n-'soNiuont, together with aonts of iidvertiain ,' and cxpon."os ol solo-By solo-By ordor of tho Bourd of Trustoen, R. EtiENEK, Secretary. Oftico 111 Csliforr.a Street, San r'ranci!co, Culil'ornia. nlti BUY MR OFFICE DESKS Krom Manufaotureri dlreoU A. H. ANDREWS fc Co. 110 A 1AI West ITaahlngton St.. llU AtiO, Manufaoturen of SCHOOL, CHURCH UALL and FINK OFFICK FlKMTl BK "Will ship Si lroOL UENHH AND SKATS, 8KTTKKH for Chun-hos, nails or Bnteli. Oft. ie Desks and Counter Pillinirs, from our Hlo-k. or ini.il e to iirilrr in the mom elesnnt manner. D I It KI T Ti Cl'yn ) M Kits in I (nh. Colorado, or other wcntorn States ami Terrl-loripc. Terrl-loripc. ne-iurd'is the very l.iwm.1 Iroights, and SAVINO KKTAlLKR.-i' 1'HuKl I'H. Hon.l for llluitrato.t L'U,1rue. t0nt free. A.l.lrei. A. H. ANIIUKWS A Ce., Itn and Ul West Washington itrtet, CU ICAOO, INSURANCE. AMAZON imRAXCB CO. J. B. BFNNETT - - President. B. D. W12ST - - Becretay. Cinoinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, Jl'KE 30, 187. Cash on hand, in bank, and in course of tran?mlflsion fill, SOS 57 United StutesBonds, market vaiuo 12e.ltt) o5 Morg-aRM X.iM6 67 ColiaturaJ Loans 12Mo7 Oft Accrued InterosL.. JJ.Wi 56 Bills Rocsivtblo Sti.017 15 State Bonds and Miscellaneous...... 6f.til 09 Due from Agonts 3S,0o7 66 f-OaSOd 70 lalABILITIF-H. Outstanding Losaos and other Lta bilidce - I77.7U W H. R. MANNi Agent, Ofllcei Banking House of A. W. i Whiter Co, P. O. Box, 534. iy28 OF THE Home Mutual INSIRANCE COMPANY, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL .... $650,000. JOU.V II. 11EDIXUTOX, Prcaldcnt., C1IAKI.ES R. NTORT, Sccret.rr. Principal Office, 433 California St., SAN FRANCISCO. H. R. MANN, Agent, Office: Banking House, A. W. White Co. TRIUMPH FIRE INSURANCE CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. We ask Fair Rates and Promise to Pay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah M. R. MA IN IV, Agent, SALT LA.EE CITY: Offleei Banking House of A. W. White dt Co. P. O. Box 1 I " 3 o ' fci g S i in H ca U t rj o - I g a .ii a i s s - i Shi g 2 h a H s IS S T 3 1 el SI 2 : . a rs Ml n Prospectus for 1873. Sixth Year. THE ALDINK, An Illustrated Monthly Journal, universally admitted to be the handsomest Periodical In. the World. A Representative and Champion of American Ameri-can Taate. Not for Sale in Book or News Stores. THE ALDINE, while issued with all the regularity, has nono of tho temporary or timely interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an elegant miscellany of pure, light, and gracoful literature; and a collection col-lection of pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill, in black and white. Although each succeeding number aJTurdy a frcti pleasure pleas-ure to it friends, the real Taiue and beauty of THE ALDI.NE will bo most appreciated after it has boon bound up at tho close of the year. While other publications may claim superior chcueneis, as compared with rivals of a similar class, THE ALDiNE is a unique and original concertion alono and un approached absolutely abso-lutely without competition in price or character- The possessor of a complete volumo cannot can-not duplicate tho quantity of fine paper and engraving-! in any other snape or number of Yolumes lortentimesitacodt land then, there arc the chroiuoa besides I ART DEPARTMENT. Notwithstanding the increase in the price of subicription lost .tall, when THE ALDI.NE ifjuiui'd its present nublo proportions and rep-i rep-i roseniativo character, tho edition was more than doubled durini; tho past year; proving prov-ing that tho American public appreciate, and will support, asiscero effort in tho cause of ArL 1'tie pubhihers, anxious to ju.-tily tho ready contidenco 'hus demonstrated, hare oxertod themselves to tho utmost to aovolop and improve tho work; and tho plans for the coming year, aa untoldod by the monthly issues, is-sues, will astonish and uclisht oven tho most sanguine friends of XHE ALt'lN E- The publishers aro authorized to announce designs t rom many of tho modt euiiuent artists ot Amorii-a. In addition, THE ALDTXE will produce examples ex-amples ef the best fore-un master, soloctod with a view to tho hit-hust artistic succors, and rreutest general intorcst; uvoiding Mich aa have become lamiliar, throush photographs or copies ol any kind. Tho quarterly tinted platw, for 1ST3 will reproduce re-produce lour oi JohnS. Davies' inimitable child-skotchos, appropriate to tho four seasons. Thoso pi ut as, aiipcuriut; in the issued for .1 an-uary, an-uary, April, July, and Uctober, would bo ajono worth tho price of a year's subscription. The popular features of a copiously illustrated illustrat-ed "Christmas" number will be continued. To possess such a taluablc opitoino ol tho art world, at a cost so txitluiK, will command tho subscriptions of thousands in very section of tho country; but. as ttjo usefulness and attractions attrac-tions of Til K ALUl.NE can bo enhanced, in proportion to the numerical increase ol iu suii-portors, suii-portors, tho publistiors propose to make "os-suraiK'O "os-suraiK'O double turo' by tho lolluiving unparalleled un-paralleled otlex of PRE.Ull'M tllltOMOS FOU IS? 3, Evory subscriber to THE ALDTXE, who pays id advance for the your IST.i, will receive, without additional chm'te, u pair ol boautilul oil chromes, alter J.J. liill, tho otuinout Eiik-lih Eiik-lih painters. Tho pictures, entitled "Tho VillDKfi Doll." and "Crossiug tho .Moor."' are U x M int hes aro nnted lrom J.i dilferenl plates, requiring impre?ioiis tuid tints to pericct each picture. The suiuo chromes are sold tor i-M ier pair, ui tho art uteres. As it is tho determination of its conductors to keep i'HE ALDI.N E out of tho reach ol compel ition in every department, tho cure hum will bo found correspondingly uhoad ot any that e&n be offered by other periodicals. Every subscriber sub-scriber will receive a cortitnato. over tho signature sig-nature ol the publishers, gusramceiiu; that the cliromos delivered sball beciuul to tho mi tuples lurniihcd the agent, or thu money iviU bo refunded- Tho distribution ol pictures of this grade, lroo lo the nutwcnbcrs to a nvc dollar periodical, will murk an epoch in tho history of Art; and. considering tho unprecedented cheapness ol (ho price lor THE ALDI.N L iu-elt. the mar vol Jails httlo short ol a miracle, oven to those be.1 acquainted with the achieve-menia achieve-menia i t invciitiro genius uad improvoii mechanical me-chanical appliances. ( for illustrations ,,f iheoe cliromuj, eoo November i.-ouo ol I'HE ALDl E.J TUE UTEnAltY DH'AltT.tlENT r,ilV'"X,.iDuouutiertlj0 care ct -Mr. KICIIAKD lib Hi' M't'DDA KD, -aisisteo by tho be'i w mors and pacts ol tho day. who will Mrn e to he tho ineraluro of HIE ALl'INE always al-ways in keeping with its ait ii tic attractions. TERMS, 95 rr aiinuiu, in advance, with OH Cltiomos free. THE ALPINE will, hereafter, be obtained only 1-y siik-cni'lion 'llu-ro mil lo no i e-iluced e-iluced oreluO rate; cash fur subscription-: must be fcul to the publi-liei-diioct. or handuj i the local acent. ttlii.oiit irnpon.i bl lit y tolbo iMibllf.lu.r-. incept in .-wi wln.r-the wln.r-the cert Hiciito i- si . en. bear in t lie lac -al mile sigualuruol J aui-s St i ' io. A Co. AtJEM'S IVAN 1 Kit. Any piiHn. wi-liinir l- a-t pormaiienllv a local acciit. Mill recede lull uad prompt M-I'ormatiuii M-I'ormatiuii by applyiUK lo JAMES SITIO.X cV Co., I'ul.ll.u.r., Pall and Winter Notice! ARRIVAL ET Pall & Winter Goods. 2. O. TV1. I. CLOTHING DEPARTWiEMT, HAVE BOUGHT A LARGE AND WELL SELECTEf STOCK OF CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHING FURNISH-ING GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE 8EASO AND WHICH IS NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. French, English mid American Suif in-, Coalings and Cassinieres in great variety mid Inlett ..ylr.8. Men's nnd Bays suits of the littrat rnsliiou. from 'he fli-sf Houses in New York, Boston, Chicago and ."an Francico. A FULL STOCK OV HOME MADK CASSlMERES AND JEAN 3, 1-'. WHICH WE INVITE INSPECTION. MEN'S UNDEIICLOTIIING, HOSIERY, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks, Valises. Rugs, Blankets, Capes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SBOik, EASTERN AND HOME MADF. GRANT, GREELEY, AND ALL THE NEWEST STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER t DECORATIOWS IN GREAT VARIETY. The great success which has attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has induced ns to make .Large Purchases for our rail and Winter Trade, So that gentlemen may choose from the most Varied and Kxte naive Stock we have ever offered. Tailors' Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always on hand. M H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. Sewing Machine. respectfWly invitA the Public to call and see our excellent variety o. Sewing Machines, IN Plain.Beautlful and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH THB F ANTON G .A- S T O 3Ft S . The Total &ua of the SINGER MACHINE art imo THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, 181.260 Ad eridence that it la fast winning aupreme favor la the household. The SiNOKR Company sold over tho other Companies, 52,734. !-" Tho Chicago Relief Couiiuittoo furuiahed sufferers by the Fire to M&ivdi 18, 1S72, 3.151 Mimer Machines, aU other makes, Ti. Applicants made their selection, with same discount on all. OUK JUN UTAU EXCEED AN3f OTUEK UOUSK IN THK bKWINO MACHINE LINK THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. We court3Uilj invite the Ladies to see our IDixi. broiaory Lttaoliraou It aitraota k on oral attention and admiration. Wo also desire yoa to pee our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLER3, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS. SUITABLE FOR ALL KLNDS 0 SUUTTLE SKH'LSU MACHIKES. TK (H'AHANTKB EVERY MAI'HISK WE SKLL TO (1IVK KNTIKE SKTISFAC 'J ., Hon. a., tacb on. u th.'rju.bljt n.tuxtrj, l,M anil tostti by cuv-riiacrj Mcelluk-l and all ax. warriat&d t Bew wili paso all kiada uf iw.bi, fr.ui (bo ooarr t to tho finwt. Lace, Musllu, Cauiuiic, Duutettlic, Ovniuia, Tickiupiv Ducktrn, nearer, Buckukiu nnd Leatlirr. ,4" Instruction piTOn free of charge by oooipotcnt attendants, and terma ef salo to suit all circumstances. OTHER SEWINC MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASON REA-SON ABLE JTER MS. Wo oxtcDd a cor.liaI invitltion to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether thtv wif-h to piiriliajo or not, IT TUB SINGER SEH'IXG M1CIIIXB DEP1RT.1IK.T! 2- G. IYI. I. General Agents. Two doors iouUi of Kajjlo Kniporium, Salt LiKijUinr, |