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Show ComnereUi. al-Lake City. Nov. 20 Gold Buyiofr 111; eelhDjj, ill- IS HOTlira an Orftnn try the KSTKY and judge for yourselves. al Lock out for the Grand Opening: of X.-w U' oks, fancy Gowli, Musical Albums. Al-bums. Toy, Ac, neitweek, at Uwyr'B 'ew Book Store. dl Now is your lime to buy eheap Furniture Fur-niture at H. Dinwoody'l. He is just i v i n g thirteen car loads expressly for (Jiiriatmaa trade. nolU Homkthiko siw for housekeepers at BarraU'8. n20 Wasted. One hundred coal miners can End uteady employment at the K.cky Mountain Coal Mine, Evanston. ' Airily for particulars, &c, to J. Y. Stiedden, Agent, at coal house, U- C 11 H. Depot- 1 'Jij'jgi moDumCQtum pcrcnuius ipre " Thia U the style in which the Ogden "Junction" cusses Horace Greeley, mw that he is dead. las nils, at Taylor & Cutler'a. dl - What othxr okoakb were represented repre-sented at the Kansas Stato Fair whon tho Zstey took three first prizes? All the )ead tig organs of America. dl Children Crt for McLain's Candied Cast r Oil and Candiod Vermifuge Bonbons. Bon-bons. They are delicious medicines, mid warranted harmless, Price 2o cU For sale by Z. (J. AL I. and all othor Druggists. dl Dress Goods in great xariety at tho California ritore. o24 I Tiik K-ty took first prize for BEST I'AKLOH O KUAN over all others at Kiinsas Citato Fair. dl Milch Cow?., for sale by B. F Knowl-ton, Knowl-ton, at W. 11. Hoopor'syard, 10lh ward-dL Tub ukkortokati who hftYO brokon their inirrura can got new glasaoa put in at JI. Dinwoody's. nolO Cuttinq & Co'a California Canned Frui'j, Jollioe, Jams, etc., are far superior supe-rior to all othor brands. For sale by all firBt-claJSKrocors. niyl4 Kiift tiksst orchestral olloct, the E3-TKY E3-TKY organ took first prize over all olhors at Kansas Citato Fair, dl Just ARRtvxD, ono car load of parlor setts. Ladios, call and examine llicm, at JoeUon's. Ladirs Furs and Dross Goods Cheap at Taylor A Culler's. n'JO Boy tiis Imperial Oil 160 firo test, tho purest and sclest oil in the market. noU Wuti'it is tho best Parlor Orgun in tho world ? Tho Kstey. No. 'Jl chal-lui)Ks chal-lui)Ks anything of its aiao and price, dl Handsome Office. General Geo. 0. Kites, U. S. attorney for Utah, has moved his office into tho building formerly for-merly occupied by Secretary Black, as .of tho Herald offijo, which is fitted up in a really handsomo style. It is, in fact, tho most couvenicutly arranged and most tastefully Sited up Uw c IB oo wo havo entered for a long t me, and general Bates is ono of the b-at lawyers and most faithful officers we havo had tho pleasure of meeting in "a month of Sundays,' Arrivsd Two cars Furniture Mid twentv-seven era tea Croakery at Bar-ratt'm. Bar-ratt'm. n Cheat hariai to Saddlers and LUnivos Makers! Wo aro lellmg a job lot of splendid llorso Collars at per dozen; ud all our largo stock of leather m.d collars remarkably cheap. "Big Boot" W Eaat lcmple St. "What ooak took first prize for BEST CHUKCH ORGAN orer all others At Kanaas State Fair? The Ei-TJSY1U Ei-TJSY1U dl Cheap Mbat. Charles B. Taylor, stall 1, at the market will soil meat as cheap and good as auy. Go and see. n8 Eig ht hundred Bedsteads, and 5,000 Chairs, at JoeUon's, Groesbeck's building- , of Esdlxss varikty of Goods at Bar-mi's.- D&) Those Bkloium Canarik-, beautiful singers, have just arrived, and will be sold reasonable by Daniel Grcnig. East Tomplo St. n27 Geo. Show kl, Scavangor lor the City. o'2 O. II. Barratt invites tho public to , call. nfl) 1 A Vrry .SorsRtoR Brand of; Flour and Corn Meal, as well as Oats, Corn, Barley, eU'., by Gordon A Murray, half a block south of railroad dopot, Salt Lako Cilv. o'3 Oil i celling at retail at tho Pioneer Lamp Store, ns follows: Common brands Wc. per gallon- Crown slaii lard TOe. per Rllon. Imperial IjO tiro tost 7oc per gaiion. no'J You should see tho now Furniture at Barratt t. Tun woniikrkul Voxjubilant is on Ul other Oran but the holey, which makes it tho sweetest instrument in tho world. dl CoMVi.RTK assortment of CLOTU-j CLOTU-j ;-e opened at L. Cohn s California Califor-nia btore. For Hpproo setts of all sty!.-, call t JooNon's ho denes competition in pric. n The patbst Harmonic Attachment makes the Eatey Organ very powerful, dl All kisds of Tables at Barratt's. l20 "Wm keep constantly in stock a full assortment of all grades of Waltham Watches in gold and silver cases, both key and stem winding, and cheerfully recommend them to our customers and the public as thoroughly reliable timepieces. time-pieces. Carl C. Asmusbk. Z. C. M. I. Enst Temple street, opposite oppo-site the Poatotlice. not) Premium Fruits and Jellies manufactured man-ufactured by STEAM POWER at the establishment of P. D. Cods & Co., 622 and 623 Froat street, San Francisco. alO Tcrs Chxap, at Taylor & Cutler's, dl Thk Circulating Library opens today, to-day, T. W. Curtis, Proprietor, opposite Tacatre, Blue and White Sign. dl Cbas. "W. Stathkr, Agent for the Kstey Organs for Utah, Main f treat, -Salt Lake City. dl ! The Cook-Hoom or Hod-. The food that has boen cooked in tho kitchen must bo ro-cooked i" iho stomach stom-ach before it rn h applied to tile nourishment of the body. As a nieanB of facilitating this second cooking, in cafos where the process is slowly and imoerfectly performed, Uostettor's Stomach Stom-ach Bitters is invaluable. It promotes the generation of heat in tho living laboratory in which tho crude materials for building up and recruiting tho human frame are turaed into convertible converti-ble aliment. But this is not all. It aet3 beneticially upon the cellular membrane which secretes tho gastric juice, upon tho liver, which produces that natural Uxativo, the bile, upon the vessels which roccivo the digested food, and upon the absorbents which connect tho digestive organs with the channels of circulation. If any portion of this complex machinery is out of order the Bitters wiil set it right, thus promoting vigorous digestion, diges-tion, healthy socioiion, and the production produc-tion of puro, rich, life-sustaining blood. T HAVE Reduced my Prices. D6 C. R. Barratt, No. 40. Dodoxr printed cheaply and tastefully taste-fully at Lhe Her.ald Job Office, f c-41 Karratt's Stock is next to Post Ofice, Xervont Debility, With its gloomy attendants, low spirits, depreasisn.involuntary emmiasions, loss of somen, spormatorrha'a, loss of power, dizzy head, loss of memory, and threatened threat-ened impotence and imbecility, hnd a sovereign, euro in Humphrey's Homeopathic Homeo-pathic Specifio No. Twenty-Eight. Composed of the most valuable, mild and potent Curatives, they stnkeat once at tha root of the matter, tone up the aystom, arrest the discharges, and impart im-part vigor and energy, lifo nd vitality to the entiro man- Thoy have cured thousands of cases. Prico, $o per pack-ago pack-ago of live boxes and a large $2 vial, which is very important in obstinate or old cases, or $1 per single box. Sold by all Druggists, and sent oy mail on receipt re-ceipt ot price. Address, Humphrey's Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co., 5ti2 Broadway, iSew York. For Sale at Z. C. M. I. and Godbe's Drugstore. ay Utah Mines in Loneon. The Wall street " Journal" quotes Utah mines : Emma, 22 15s; Flagstaff, 15 10s; Last Chanoo, 5, Mammoth Copperopolis, 10 10j; Utah Mining, 2 7s 6d. HOTEL ARRIVALS. November 30. TOWNSEND HOUSE. J Jones; J O Swan, N Y; Eugene Clifford, K'gin, Ills; T S Loughcry, Provo; C W Kelly, Phila; S H Shortt. Tourist and the aravrlino Pob-lic Pob-lic goinir etvst are rospoetfully sotined that tho Utah Hotel, at Ogden City, is a lirst-clasa house, and by coming to Ogden on tho previous evening, either by Mail or Freight Train, they Rvoid ihe annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to tako the morning train at Salt Lake City. To plo&suro seokers Ogden promises much to interest in its excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout fishing, while tho grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpassed by anything of the kind known in the TJmtod States. Tho Hotel u provided with Barber Shop and Bath Rooms, and runs iu coaoh free of oxpenso to guests. The proprietors, thankful for pwt favors, will spare no pains to plotse guosts, and will provide guns and ammunition, am-munition, with guide and carriages to the shooting or tishmg grounds, by get- j Ung timely notice thereof. Eudey & Williams, Propr . F. & E. JAEGER, 3 Wibain Avtnuf, near Rn4olpbf CHICAGO, XX.L., D,BECI KNlIEbOr il',.v.."0.tl,rv. Bri: ,nni and pln:pd I'.io Lirscn Heme in the Ww. dl iiashixThale & CO., WH01.K3ALK DEALERS DRV GOODS, XOTIOSS, WOOLENS, AND HOSIERY, Mll'I-i'S i FRANKLIN i-f&EGIi. CHICAGO. I.. TJK (B3TAT10K JUWAft rtUJVtl. 1 Jas. J. Walworth, , uc.-"cr to VTI-:rih. Fa.vc A-Maaufacirei A-Maaufacirei ar.i D;alr Ji ITreazU Iron Pips 2:d Fiuir.rs. Lecher acd Rtbr Ee'.iinr, Ac, 443 ad4aJa St,t Chicago, III NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. First National Bank OF UTAIi, SALT LAKE CITY. DESIGN ATSD DEPOSITORY AND j FINA.NCIAJ AGS NT OP T2E UNITED STATES. WAX!tHrysir. C. L. DaitR, Provident. Vie PrWt. Ajtsost &ODU. Cashier. Authorised Capital, - - 300,00'') PAID t'P CAPITAL., - 9190,000. KARJSIXG3, - 9130,000. Dividend in 1371, 50 per cent Oldest Eaikhg Institutun tn UtaJu A. General Bunking Bniiaeat Tranaacted, AGBSi.UES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. C0LLECT13SS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTER "EST ALLOWKD ON TltfB DRPOSITS Clf IEON & STEEL. SCOTT, DCXW3I & CO., DEALERS IN WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AMD ALL KIXDS OF ftPimNC TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE A- AI.I. KIX1S OF FITTIXGS FOB FURXACES Jb Mll.l.S. HARDWABE, BURDEN'S HORSE & MOLE SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER ' BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS, AGENTS ?0K Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, ALL LOW FOR CASH. dol ASSAY APPARATUS FOR SALE, NEW AIVD COMPLETE, COST $14 3, IU l'UILAUELPHIA, FOR8I30. JNO. W, SNELL, oo IBAHO STORE. P. KVAS3. P. STEWART. EVANS & STEWART, PRACTICAL Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, EAST SIDE OF EAST TEMPLE STREET, ltolow Second South, SALT LAKE CITY. Buildlnrs and Stores fitted up with Oas and Watkk l'!ri:5 on reasonablo term,. Al.t. Wphk .i.' a n amtk ki. n2fl A SPLENDID CUAXCE BUY FLOUR rj-IIE U.NDERSIOXED UAS FOR SALE 1,500 Sacks or CHOICE FLOUR. Various Brands, which ho will sell lo FAMILIES and others in lots to suit at WHOLESALE FIGURES. Now is tho timo for Families and others to CLUB TOGETHER and get their year's supply CHEAP. NOTICE. All FLOUR, GUAIN & GROCERIES BOUGHT at m? sl.iro delivered FREE to any part of tho City. WHEAT, Ac. For Sale. GEORGE II. KOTLDEN, Grain Dealer, West side Main Street, Opposite Wells, Fargo & Co's office. More Light! 20,000 GALLONS uf the celibratad, IMPERIAL OIL, 150 Fire Test, C o w InT , 1 10 Standard Fire Test, tX'P. i.ALt;. T.Y THE BARREL OR CASE. ' IN LOTS TO SUIT. PETROLEUM on-E.plohc Fluid, SIXTY CENTS PEP, GALLON. LAMPS 1DL1MP GOODS FOB THE MILLION! Pioneer LampStore Nearly oppose tbc Market. E. REESE & CO. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. MIIRPHY.GRANT&CO. Importers of American European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, HAIV FRAACICO, CALIFORNIA, QUI tho ttMntion of the Trie u tifcir Urj complete j;cck oi FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Which they are now reoeivinx direct from Froach Marlsoa Wool Rtilati, Wottl Fl&lU, rroacb tod Gnma, IrUk Md Fran eta Popliix, Knprtu Clotlia, Xmln, black ul colore. VlVtBO, Alptu, black, fcndoelftrod, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. ALSO C3- Xj O "V E S , Eld, Book, Berlin iLsdioa", MiisM'.GecU') Gents' Underwear And all kiudi of 6ents' Furnishing Goods. BoiUrf,coaplrt In all iu branch. Wlilta Oaodi, Hnda.rchura, flnlrtltig Lluiui, Q.allia, white aad coIeTd,: Dimuki, brown loom tnd bleached, Inw.li, Hn-k, Diaper, Turkish. palmi and Doyltaa, atta.. Etc., KU. E. fVlARTifJ & CO. Wholesale Lip Dealer. Ml rroau Street, Su rranclicn, Proprietors of ILLER'I EXTRA OLD BOCRBOJI Aod sole omenta for . r. CUTTEH'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Co&iUntLr on hand, a fall aa crt meat of ail Lho xd Brand ot Whliklii, rorelw ajad XonaaUo YVlnaa, mS Blttara, CordlKla, aVa GRAND IIOTI. On Market, Kew Montgomery and Scooai Streets. AJt rHANCIBOO, ca JC JOHNSON k Co., PaopiuEToas. a. ceilotioh. wu.ru uooi. a. a. hckt. 1 IO. CIJIBIiOVIOH CO., Importere and whcleaala dealer ! j riRB WINES at Llltllong, sou iOi.Tta rom 1ESSE, MOOUE A CO'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND RYE WHISKKS. BiaiQt FIOM LODIBTILLB, IT. 601 Front St.. BAN FRASCI8CQ. ar4 Established in G. VENARD, Manafaotttrer of tho Original Chartres Coffee, And ail kinds of Spices and Oalifomia Mustard, 62S and 627 Front Street, batwaen Jaokion and Pacific. 6AM FRAlGItiCO. a6 BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOR WUOL8ALB Til a UK, Weaver & Taylor, US Frost Street, San Franolsoo, California. a!2 L. A. Banderaon, t. i,. Horn, SANDERSON & HORN, Importer and Jobbers of CIGARS m TOBiCCO. (Proprletort of U Bapanole Cluar Faotory,) SoU manufacturer t oj the celtbrcte 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Froat IS t reef, Between Washington and Claw, HAM FRANniiro. aM CHICAGO TRACE. lEstablishod I (so. AVIIliams, Miller & Olmslcad, (Formerly Fitch, W'ilViams k Co.,) Wholojftlo DooJora in Hals, Caps, Furs and BiclGoois, ;i2o and 137 MARKET STREET, aiifH CIIU'AIJO. PAGE, BRO. & Co., porters and Dealers in LEATHER AND FINDINGS 35 A 37 Nnutli Canitl itrrrt, W. W. Piure, Boaton, UIK AOU, C. E. Paa-o, ;ClaO. M. D. WELLS & CO., M.nafMtaTeri ef .nd WholM. De&l.n In Itoots and Slioes, 618 Wihuta A-r. CblcaBo. M. D. Well.. H. J. Mwf.rl.nd. &. BDulicL "it S. I'. BIclLtrrtv. "Tie Old Salamander." RZMOVAX. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, Wholesale DRUGGISTS ad Paint Dealers, FTaTe reiuiTad to lhir New Slnrac, V and 94 LAKK iTRk ItX, r .r:.'r lieafr,-ro Htrttrt, (on lho old tan tU!co, -irr, with builiiinn ertviod aiiiro.iiilj ('r the bniiaeu, Ptia k'.Tilr. etc. thuj bar opened op ti immeno Stock, niuaij aaiad in tba noribwwu Sratial atteotioB iTn te Territ"t-a. bnnLneea. jjl JOHN V. FARWELL 4 Co., WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, AND-. "W OOLENS. Urget Stock West of New York. Monroe ik Franklin Sta", I '.CHICAGO. I STEAM CKACKER FACTOBY, t;ROESrECK.S BLOCK. "E are miauiaeiarin a" trew ruietr of CRACKERS SUPERIOR QUALITY, TViiieh we offer at atcaonnble Irtcr. Tfnoletale and Brtall. Xlenrhiats are re-j t. ff t ?i to call and examine our iSoods. Kirtley & Pitt. p. o. Box sri. bait Lake City. Not. Wa. li nov 15 NOTICE. To the Builders. Painters and Glaziers of Salt Lake, U. T- W K HAVE OPFNEP THE FINEST AND M btvit asKirted stock of Window Glasi of all sires, thai has overcame to thi Trrrnrv. and invite all to axamiue quality asd iticm be lore- purchasing t-lspuhere, as wa have better t'acihties icr clUni; ordor. both large ar.U small, ihiui any other house in the lar.-itorv. I'lateulass and i'latoiilasa .Mirrors, of any Fire, imansi and roiraniod. furnish ol on ihi' shortest no lice and at the loweft price. lila. cut tJ any ute, and ta-htx ol any shnpo ntiod ivith slasj, which we guarantee to give iaUi:uctioo. Mo charge for cutting. Urdcw irora tho country will receive prompt alt on U on. C. F. CULMER & CO, (Formorly of PAY & CULMER.) GttUKBBKCK BLOUK, noT Second kouia itreet. Fire Brick. TH KEE car loads of the celebrated Argillo Work - Illlnnt Manufac-UiitjOf Manufac-UiitjOf Wtdgf nud Square hliajie, Hoi just been received and is offorod to .-tucker. Furnace builders, Ac., as being su-permr su-permr to any othr offered in ihi? market and at lower rales, r or sale in low to suil, by i;i)llD(,ll A- MURRAY, Solo A cents, HHlfblocksouthorR.il. Doiot, Salt L.iVo City, n t,d tfandj- station. MINES FOR SALE. DR. PAUL KEiKRY owns fonr excellent silvor iniuiM witbin one mile ol each uiucr. Wood and and ttuier yluuuful on all of thuin- Ino mi no arc rich. Uroi running lromeHWupto sToo per ton, can be obtained irom osL-h of tliom, in paj ios juiiuiit) . lho crevice oi tboiireory loito is twoniy-soren loot widwja --trejik oi lour ket ill run koim per urn. bciutt dosiroiis ot sending homo a nice prcseui irom Lttth, 1 will sell an inturust in on or ur.-ulluiUl lair ngurei. Lacti lode i-ociama l,iXU loot, and the ucogory lode is down loo loci and looks lino, ibis lodo is directly up Uio gulch irom lho Ontario onirlial ; 11.1I0. and lho sumo distance below Uie Hob land lode, in iJluo L,ojkm .Mining distru t. Va;atcn '"n'mty. 1 huvojust uiovod ou' oauip to tho . - .11 cabin, ivhoro 1 shall bo plumed to eo.t My minus, ihoy aro each sow claims and but hi Lie knoivn, and tho jeuloiuiy, 1 regrul lo taj-, oi-lsting oi-lsting aiuoon;l those oiTiiing claiuiit hure, to a yroul extoiil, Lino kept tliosu eouking aucb proportj- from calling on iuo. I ask capitalist to come and see. 1 Kill ishuw you all 1 pronine 10 do. PAUL GREGORY, M. D.e FourmilM irom anydorivill FAR WEST FREIGHT CO: llaad Cuavrtera, Bt. Lul, Slo DURANT&CUTTING, KOR WARD1KU AFD COMMISSION MERCHANTS agents alt lakk city, utah. WE nre prepared to oon tract for ihip-ment ihip-ment trnm o.Jl pnrU of the Bast, our Line baring made ipecial arrangomeDU for the enfe and cpoedj tranportaU& of all Freight from New York, Brnrton. Ilaltlmore, Chicago, Bt. LoirU and all Kastern Oitioa, to Ball Lako City. We are offering extra tndaeemenU for the ib i pin out of Ore and Bullion to all JCaJtetn poin-M. Orriot ins Wiimoitni-Klrtt bloon louth of Depot, Salt JLa.k City. Dl'RAWT CUTTING' LIDBELL &. ACCTION AND COM.aIS510N MEK CHANTS !.:- c: 1-1 k.sdi ci JlTithand;f. Ranaehold 0Mxl,3 Stock, etc., ALo for tiraln, Friu. Batter, rlts,c. Bondi ItepoallcU With tltj-Troainrtr tltj-Troainrtr t o arc tire Conalgnex-a. WNSWN3IKXT5 SOUCITED And Liberal CASH ADVAXCFS MADE. STOKAuK AJaTli Oo'dltt Aucdon Sale rrmr-tly uteoded fc. t! reajxnable rates. tt Temple Strfet. fowdcen BCTtt .( r,?t ofif a, W. GEE, Auctioneer, Corn Kali Lakf Cll . Tavlor & Cutler. Hat ejun got in uexhei bif lot oi Charter Oak STOVES; A K keep a Full Mock of DRY COODS. GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, ETC. Under Taylor's Hotel, EAST TEMPLE STREET. GRAVES & CO., Wholesale and Retail GROCERY And Provision Dealers, CROESBECK BLOCK, Sooond Soutb 8 (root, Salt Lakk City. MANUFACTURer.A WHITE LEAD 170 a 172 RAXDOLPU STREET. Offer Hoeclal IndtirnmenUi In Urte bnyefl and the Jobbing Trade of Utah Tern lory. Irio Damon, Templo & Co., Importer, Manufaoturereud Jobber of NEOK-TIE9 ,'And all Uoodifor GKNT'S NECK WEAR, LIN KM AND Ml'tHC ICXJLLiKi) AKU OUFFB. Ill ud 113 W.bMh At& IrS OII10AUU, IIU. DUIIFODSOrSS. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S AT COST! DURING THE HOLIDAYS. T-jargo A-seortment. Now is your, lime! in 17 GROCERY DEP'l, z. c. im:. i". WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Flows, Sinvrs Crockery Glassware, Tinware, AIiners' Supplies. Ve do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices, ALL OUR GOODS ARE OHEAPI DKAUJld O THK tH-miAKMENTB AD MINING TOWNS WIJaL KIND IT TO THEIR INTKREBT TO HAUL, AND KKQUUIK " I'l'.IC'KSa'.BKFORK PURCHASING. |