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Show EVERY HOUSF' s this country is p wi.o n. cv.crs. Germany is ( -rT tenuously die- D . .(-Li-I-'-1 J .oD to interfere in ac will of Franco as j . -V iirveromCDt, to main- Q V;; jS that country. Too t :',;3 uarcli, that the Latin Q i fifY Ait and mast of ncccs- j ) ft i l,o hardier races of i ' Pl(o ho in slow but I a V& E i'nt. Northward, f 'Jof onipire takes . '' Vv" V WILL CIIKW'ULLY KECOMFEXD II A LIIIK MOST DIUAMLK, PRACTICAL, SDU'LE.t 1'EliFEC COOKING APPARATUS THEY HAVE EYKRVSED. Adapted to all Localitie AND EVERY KIND OF FUEL. , Sold by EXCELSIOR MMfflW SAINT LOU IS J; ""ircstocon-LIVE ""ircstocon-LIVE STOVE ..Tiers for lifo, rovu e Empire. at homo, MlSCELLANElintorab- ae Bena- BOILER IWC looks onfidonoo in rpHE rxPEKSWXED 8pablic. The Jl any kind uf , , i j ,o havo Btocked Uoiler or l?lblicanismi and OR KEP,pay;ng them in And will RVY OLD n. Their as-or as-or lako them in fo. S' " ITo will al?o dr, MILLVyRICI- Wccossful Republic es- ooi .jughout Europe. THIS WELlily at work, sow-ituong sow-ituong tho different "embly, and endeavor republicanism into oon-Y oon-Y x-ir present object is acoun- V? iJvhieh they accomplished first great French Vajed for the same K .rpetuation of their I n 're striving now as then :rty aut- provoke it to . in order that they may ut; au excuse to manacle and con-tioo con-tioo it. SALT LAKE THEATRE Monday, December 2, 1872. Tho publin nro moH respectfully informed that in eon;eiuonco of tho UNBOUNDED SUOOESS, And tho ronprn! desire or tho Patrons, a Ro- i'dk&ku nit; lit ha boon edi-cted h ilh tho ACCOMPLISHED & l'Ol'L'LAR ARTISTE Mrs. F. M. Bates, l'OR SIX rKRVOHMANCK-S ONLY. Supported by Mr. F. M. BATES, AND TUB IT1.L STRKNCTU OF THE COMPANY. Will bo pre.-outod -Mr-. Batos (trout sreciulty, entitled CAM1LLE OR TIIK Fate of a Coquette. WANTED. THE Wyoming CoaJ and Mining Company want coal mrvEKN nm At Eriin-ton. R"ck Springs, nnd Carbon. Apply to bish"i. Jidin Miarp at tho U. C. Popoi.or to Arthur ttaynox, Acal, nt the otlico. nu27 FURS WANTED. Highest Cash Price Paid for Fiir. AL'-O lJavaDa Ciu&rs Whulosilo ud Hot.il. THOMAS CARTER, Al .Logal Ulv't, unilor S.k L.ko liuiuo. FENCING ACADEMY AND CYfl.VASinr, rfichards' Buildings, 2d South St. Upon lor the Winter Seuon. MONDAY, WKIJNEdbAY, A FRIDAY tVt-MM-N lufiu 7 to 10. Lrtdies Class lur CuliMbunics trum 1 to 8 p m. fru-ttto Us-tuns il dj'-ired. For torms apply lo.S. P. K.churd'. al l uyl-.r & Cutler's Sio- ox at the Academy. Hall to Rent odt SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS i WASTED. DISHWASHER. WASHINGTON HOUSE, del BOl'T TWENTY MORE TEAMS MAY 1 find employment at hauling Ore from J Emma Mine to Sandy Station, at nino dollars per ton. Cash paid for hauling on presenta tiim of receipts. Apply to Superintendent Silas Williams, at the Emma Mine. ncK-0 T-'EN TEAMS TO HAI L CHARCOAL. -L Apply immodiatoly nt 103 Kimball block. now LOST, BETWEEN THE WALKER HOUSE AND Camp Douglas, on Tuesday, a lady's Fur Collar. The fitidor will bo liberally rowarded by leaving same at First National Bank. i no2S WHILE RETURNING FROM WARM Spring Lake, a Lady's Skate. No. 2, Shirley's patent- The finder will confer a favor and bo rewarded by leaving it at Uodbo JtCo'a Wholesale Liquor Store. no'ZJ FOB SALE. O EVENT Y-FIVE WELL BROKE MULES. O Alio Harness eonploto for each Teiun, At tbo Salt Lako S tablo, by Captain Kd. Patrick. del R RENT, A NEWLY-BUILT BRICK House, containing ten good, well-furnished Rooms, two cellars, and convenient Outhouses. Apply at this office; or J. A., Box 174, P. 0. nl'l JFOlt KET. A HOUSE IN LITTLE'S BLOCK. Apply to J. T. Little. noJU A SUIT OF UNFURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board, in a coatral location; loca-tion; ur the wholo of a Cottage Uouio situated in Walker House block. Address Postothce Box lihJ. no,W AN ELIGIBLY SITUATED HOUSE. TWO blocks fromi MoId street Enquire ot Dr. W. F. Anderson, loth Ward. no20 DR. GROVES, Offloe, Second floato Ltreet, Three doors west of Great Western Hotel, half a block eaat of Elephant Store, Salt Lake City. OSI IMItLhlpj. all Delinquent Sale Notice. EMERALD HILL MIXING COMPANY, Location gf Works: Salt Lake county, Utah Territory. - Nqticb. Ihere are delinquent npon tho following described Stock, on account of assessmont levied on the 17th day of October, lt72, the so v oral amounts set opposite the mow of the respective Shareholders as follows: I No. of I I Nam os. Cer- j Share. Ameunt ti6cato j H -B.Hawkins, 16 1357 $678 50 And in accordance with law, and an order of tho Board of Trustees, mado on the 17th day of October, if72, bo many shares of each prcol of faid Stock as may bo necessary, will be sold at public auction, by John Jdiodleton i Son, ut No. 310, Montxoinory-street, San Francisco, Fran-cisco, California, on the 17th day of December. 1ST 2, at tho hour of ono o'clock p.m., of said day, to pay said Delinquent Assessment thereon, there-on, together with, costs of Advertising and expenses ex-penses of sale. F. MADGE, Secretary. Office, No (A Merchants' Exchange. California-street, Son Francisco, California. na W. B. CLAPP & CO., Manufacturing Jewelers, XX D IMPOST OP Watches mud Fancy Goods, 88 WEST WAPniNGION STREET, CHICAGO. Price always the Lowest octl2 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Lindenberger & Burke. COMMISSION A -ID IMPORTING MERCHANTS, SOLE AGENTS OP in Willamette Woolen Mills of Salem, Oregon, Sob. 8 . 30 SANSOME STREET, BAN FRANCISCO, CAI. Blankets, Flannels Cassimeres, REDUCED PRICK LIST. We aro now prepared to furnish to the trade at itreatly reduced prices all the pnds made by the Willamette Mills, of Salem, Oregon. Bfi.inkeu, all prades aud colors; i Flannels, all colors, red. white, srey ; Cassimeres, all grades and styles. Heavy Waterproofs; Heavy rod, white and mj V. S. k Drawers; Teamsters' heavy plaid Flannel OvershirtST Teamsters' heavy prey Flannel Overshiru: Cassimere Oversninj, etc.. etc, etc M Orders for all kinds of Uoods solicited, For sale at Low Katoi by LINDENBERGER A BURKE, Nos, 28 an 4 3u San so me Street, oil &xsi Frakciscq, Cal. A. J. GRIFFITH, pxoxiino a iwnwwn SALMON AND HERRINGS. IMM WashlHgtea Itreat. All kinds of Dried, Brooked and Pickled rtib tonatanUy on band. Jt PARKER, WATTSON & CO.' (Saooeuon to Wail dt Co.,) Importer and HanafKcturen of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 225 Front St., eor. Sacramento, a5 IA5 JTRAMCISOO, CAL. HECHT, BRO'S & Co. BOOTS, SHOES 6l LEATHER 106 Batuon8t.f San Ynmcimo, And 6 A 12 Pearl St Boston. BUCKIhQHjLX ft 11 EC II T, ManufiKtarera of the "IT1A QUAUTr CAIIFOIRU I0QTS ARB IMI1I. oU Harness Saddlery, Leather J. G.JOITNSON & CO., 104 106 Front Street, , SAX FRAXCJSCO. Rrffir bjf permission to Xr. II. B Ctatc-von, Ctatc-von, HuprrttUeiuifnt of the B. O. M. X. 015 ESTABLISHED IK'iO. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, . 'liandrb Front Sireri, San Francisco. o26 S. L. Stanley, 0. C. Chapman, John Spruanoe. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Successors to H. Webster &Oo. aud J. A J. Spruanoe, Importers and Dealers in WINES AND LIQUORS, JO 10 FROM NTHEKT. ; E. A. FARCO A CO., Importer! and Jobber of Brandies, Wines and Liprs, aio Front 81., eor, CommtrclU, 0. 1. KT1. ' BAN FBANCI8O0 J. BAUM & CO., Importers and MaBataclaren ot MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. HS4 l.moine it., 8n Francisco. No 18 Warren SL, New York. fa WHY IS itT 'TMIKMAN WIWdOES ARni'Xn IM'NT-A IM'NT-A ing bargains found out yesterday that LEVI G A It RETT, At his slnnil. nty Meat M.irkM. sell, Meat dn'!.er than thol Uh Cattle Association SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! FALL & M INTER SEASON, 1872. Coods Suitable at Teasdel & Co's. Rubbers & Cioth Overshoes at Teasdel & Co's. Flannels.Linsevsa Blankets at Teasdel & Co's. Ladies & Children's Furs at Teasdel Go's. BREAKFAST SUAWLS, NUBIAS AND HOODS AT Teasdel & Go's. SHAWLS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE, SIN-GLE, AND SCARFS AT Teasdel & Go's. GENTS' OVERCOATS, OVER-SACKS OVER-SACKS AND TRAVELING SHAWLS, AT TEASDEL & CO'S. A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL CLASSES OF GENERAL GENE-RAL MERCHANDISE AT TEASDEL & CO'S. AT PRICES TO ENSURE SATISFACTION. SAT-ISFACTION. THE BLEES Sewing Machine AT TEASDEL & CO'S, EAGLEHOUSE, OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE. m TOYS ! TOYS I! THE FINEST STOCK Ever Brought to this City, Can be found at D. GEENIG'S BAKERY Grocery Store, At WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Also tho Finest Stock of Groceries, Spices, Nuts, Candies, Canned Coods, Etc., Etc., Al as LOW FIGURES AS In any House . In II lie Clly. CALL KIKST UN, AND YOU'LL EE TO Bl'Y OK, .Daniel Ghemu, ' EAST SIDE EAST) TEMl'LK STUEETJl Abov. Second Switfc Street, .at HI COGSWELL & CO. JOBDEHS OF WATCHES, JEWELRY! And every thing in the waytof JEWELERS' SUITLLES, 300 West Madison St., HUAOO. ,,10 IKSTADLISUED 1S.10.I Win. iMcCully .V I n., .Mimur.clottn of the Slnnd.rtl IlrunU of WINDOW CLASS DRUGGISTS GLASSWARE. M.k. . ,W,HT or , window UlM,, ind aH odd mios out toordor. omc.I8 .ndKOWond ,,ri. IM(,aburKl, tei,n. ln'',M."1"" th?""",' t""lv ftrlorli" In thU country, .nd ui.ikinit . lAIKor line ot l.do.lcr, lll r,nd It to their .nl.rcot to MWIMlIku bor NKbuui, iii TOYS ! TOYS ! The Largest and Best Variety Ib'vor brought to Salt Lsko City Is to bo found it WILLIAM SHIRES' M JED East Temple Street, Oo door north of Campbell & Pattoraoo'a Book Storo. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. now UTAH NORTHERN On and after Oct. 28th, Trains will run BET WE EN BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R. R. HAMPTON'S lor. MONTANA. DiflJ GOING SOUTH p.m. 'Vara DU. GOING KORTII a.m. I Van iLearo II amp ton's at 1 12:4-3 1 I-eavo Drigbam at 8; 15 I 1 t . i 7 DowoyviLU 1:2U 50 4Jj " Box Eldor 6:30 . 25 11! IleneyriUa " j 1:35, .75 UH! " Calls Fort " flrQO , 80 13kI ' Calla Fort "I 1:15 j '00 U " Iloneyrille " 0:10 ( 75 201 ' Box Elder " j 2:15 j 125 18 ' Dcn-oyvillo" 9:25 f ' ,11100 25 Arrive at Brigham 2:30 ' l'oO 25 Arrive at Uamiton" 10:00 J J ijoO SPECIAL KATES TO EXCURSION PARTIES. Passonirers will please purchase their tickets at tho Company's Offices, or 50 cents additional will be charged when ton Fare is cilli cted on the train. Arrangements hare been made with the Central Pacific ad Utah Central Railroad Companies whereby passengers cn purchio Tickets at tho U. C. Office in 3alt J-ake City or O. P. Office at OgdQ for Boi Elder or Hampton's on the U. N. U. R., and from Hampton's or Boi Elder to Ogdeo or Salt Lake CUy at greatly reduced rates. Through Connection as follows GOING SOUTH P.M. GOING NORTH. A. M. 1 Lcaro Hampton's at 12:15 Leave Salt Lake City, UCKR., at 5t Arrive at Brigham, U. N. R. R. 2:30 Arrive it Ogden, , " 7a Leavo Brigham. C P. IL R. at 2:30 Leave Ogden, C.P.H It, at : 7:15 Arrive at Ogden, C. P. R. R. 3:50 Arrive at Brigham, " " 8:15 Leave OgdeD.U.C. K. R, 5:30 Leave Brigham, U. N. R. B., at 8:15 Arrive at Salt Lake City 7:30 ArriTe at Hampton'i " 10330 a THE TUiii TABLES ARE CALCULATED ON SALT LAKE TIME. FARES, Hampton's to Ocden $2 50 1 Salt Lako City to Box Elder -,5.1 25 u Salt Lako City, - . i 50 I " " " Hampton's, M Box Elder to ' " 3 25 I Ogden to Hampton'j, mm 2 50 " to Ogden, 1 25 I " " Box Elder. 1 25 H. G. Miller & Co's Express leaves Hampton's every morning for Logan on axriTal ol the 10 a.m. train, and tri-wcekly, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for prinoipal settlements in Cache county, rerurnicg daily from Logan to connect with the 12:45 p.m. train, and Howe's Express erery Toes-day Toes-day morning from Franklin to Soda SpriDgs, returning therefrom every P'ri-day P'ri-day morning. ns JOHN W. YQUNS, Gen'ISupt. HOUSE TO LET ffl MMH M SALE ! THE subsiber offers to lease tho premises now occurred by him, and to sell all tho furniture fur-niture therein if applied Tor within one week. Otherwise the furniture will bo sold at auction. The house is n two story biick, containing ten rooms, with a Eod cellar, stabling for four horses, carriage house, cow shed, and eood chicken house, coal and wood shod, and good well of water on the rremiej. Apply to THEO. F. TRACY. AtWclU, Fargo i Cp's. m21 H- CLAY SCOTT, T. T. 0VI0T05. W. H. OVLNUIOS, K- J. OVIMiTON. Scott & Ovington Bro s, Importers. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Eafltmi cam glass. PARIAN, BRONZE, PLATED -WARE. LAMPS, CUTLERY, MIRUOKS, &c No. 21! West Madison St., Chicago. III. Wt ddtng and Holiday (Jlfta. Ulaaa and Clilna Mado to Order. OVINOTON B110THERS.2t8.24S, 250 A 252 Fulton St root. Brooklyn, S. V. Kuo Do 1'arudis 54, Paris. South Side Office with Samples for Wht-Ic-saleUnLy-lNS -Madi.-on Street. Corner Filth Avenuo-Rooms-Il.II. SAYAGB, Manngor. noJl S e3 IMMENSE CBIFICE ! CARL C. ASMUSSEN UllX BI.U- B13 WTIRE STCt'K or VALUABLE JEWELRY Ladies' Diamond am onttR W j. T C I I 10 S , French & American Clocks, Etc., Etc., FOR TWO MONTHS ONLY. STREET, NKAKLY OITOSITK l'OST OKK1CK. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DISTHJtT OF JiETADA, In the Office of tbe Clerk of the V. 8. District Court, . Towlli jfs .- -.i ! membered. f: - That on th & - p?-" "" - 4 Seventeenth . 3"-. A day of Octo- i: V' r " 4 tcr- Anno b .. . Dumini, One b '),a"T-v-Ts.' f (thousand I J:'r.fj; " -.' - Jeipht hun-;0r. hun-;0r. - - - "7 dredacdsix- n1- v7 ty-nve.Chas. v v -ij -;"o, . j1 S. Hammer V'l. V i- of the said XV-V jf Distriet.hath . this office a label entitled "HAMMER'S COLLAR GALL OINTMENT," the right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in conformity with an Act of Congress, Con-gress, entitled "An Act to amend the several Acts respecting copyrights." W. P. RODGERS. skl Clerk of said District, V. 6. District Conrt, byGw. R..Axno5D. District of Nevada. I .Deputy FSh-rriiir.-v,t,n.- r, Act.-f f n-r-sin ibt 0.-rV it I" S.l-fHrtC.xin.VT-irwi.J oU. OINTIVIEWT For Collar Galls. Vaiviillc( for tli ni.xTwfiil cur of CollnrliilK Son Kjwks. Kivv Ht.imshe. t'ro. ked lWUflrfiw, Kihl.tll trnl'l-pnn fkircj. Ci Thm Ointment .W not m ritr, litt it rim up, Brid hls a s-irf fn'iu tlifN'ltom. rrvu! flih runiiot irtim lierc It is il. 9 J'rrpdrtd im.'y hy KING ok CO., Proprietors, Carson City, Nevada, firm hr rrvirf ceWmird Knclbh Vrto 1 urran Eodington ft Co., Wholesale Agents, J. D. LAMB & CO., CENERAL AGENTS. SALT LAKE OITr. JOHN S. BARNES, FI.OIK, ; MUAl.N AIM) FEED, WHOLE3ALB AX1 KKTAIL, 'o. 18 NKCO D NOl'TH HTIIKLT. CASH 1'AID KOR FLO UK, WHEAT, OATS, BAULKY. TRIUNtT BAKERY ASP Cracler Manufactory, ltr trtoT Wolkrr Mor,; Mali j(ic(, Knit JLakc Hi) . We havo now revolted our CRACKER MACHINE GALLAGHER & SONS. r Soud fr Prico List- u |