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Show "Arlrortininft is tho Oil which wiie men ru in their Lanin. Uodkiw 1'hotxrb. Ii P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG Jtoomt M d 21 Merchants xchanye CALIFORNIA STBKKT. SAN FR ANCISO, Polioita AdrerUiemenU and gubscrtrtiona for tho Salt Lake Daily and Seiui-Weekly Seiui-Weekly Herald Ant for parent published in Califcrnia. 0ro-ion 0ro-ion and Nerada: Wa.-hin(rtoo. I tab. Idaho. Montana. Colorado. Aiitona, nd adjHCoot Terr ri: gandw cb l.'licdi. tho Art h in. Miean Tort. NK'.rafi,i. l'ana-LTvali.arai.o.J.ran l'ana-LTvali.arai.o.J.ran "d Chim: N.J-latid N.J-latid and the Australia colonic, he Atlantic Ma toe and Europe. ADVERIISI' Itu created many i new winf: IIa 07.1arsd many an eld bu.'icpsi; tU revived many a dull bujinws; IIoj rojcuod many a lort bn?intwj; tlx saved many a failing oumdom: 1I;ih Tcaorvrd many a larfro buincM: And insure succom in any buiinasa. iHHA Hr'5 SKCRKT. Stephen (iirnrd 'si to fir in his old ako: "1 havealw.iy!n.vnMdtTt?d H.KBrtiMne liberally and long to bo tho rct medium offuccoss in buMD8, and tho prrludo t" w.'ilt!i And 1 have niado it an mvanablo rule to advcrtno in tho duliwl times -is tf" M (ho biiMWt, long ospcriouco havma U.u-l.t me ; that money thus spout s "cll out. as by wntinunlly kecj-m my bu.nc bcf.jro tho imblio it has ured many saloi that I other-wi?o other-wi?o would havo lost." Advertise your Bnalncea. i Ktvp yonmame bfor the Public. Jndlcloua AdvertlaliiR will lusuro Fovtimf. irUuslncsal Dull, Ad ve rt tec. 1 llHslitcsa la Uvtik, Atlerlle. or Tho man who didn't believe in adver-ilsinc adver-ilsinc has b?iio into paruii'rship the ihenll. and uiat offiaai do the adirUiia NOTARIES PUBLIC. Jaa. W. Stain Dum Chax. A. Ooali STA1NBUEN k GOULD, . NOTARIES PUBLIC. Searchers of Records, cozv-vhyaivothi n. as, UD C0M5TISSI0NSBS OP DEEDS FOR New York. Maasachasetti, PennvylTanl, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Wyom-ing, Montana, Nevada- California, Oroir.n. Texas, Colorado, District el Columbia and other State and Xerritories. JUr Applications for Patents, Mining; Deeds, Agreements and Bonds Isr Deeds, Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, Leases, Contract and other instrumentB of writing drawn with a-rara"7 and dispatch. JBIulng and. oilier Compaulsi I m- orporated wader tbe L4WI or Utah, Abetracu of Titles to Mining and other property made in the mon complete form. Mining property ixtmlncd stud reported, re-ported, on. Oi-pici at BEID'S BUILDING. EAST TEMPLE ST., SALT LAXii CITY, U. T. A Notary Public always in the Optics from 9 a-m. to 9 p.m. Transcripts famished from thenrtt Minint Records in the County of Salt Lake, to wit; thode of the Mountain Lake Mining District (now Big and Little Cottonwood Districts), and from there of the Bia Cottonwood Mining Min-ing DietrloU my21 CUAH. W. tt'lA. VJSJfcCIt, NOTARY PUBLIC, Dulyqnalined and oommiisioned by the Governor. Offico 1st door south of SavoKe's Photograph Gallery, bait Lake City. VU. II. 01LLXSPIE. W. W. WOODB GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Acknowledqehbsts taken fur the sot oral States nd iKaitiToaus. Uffico honrs, 9 t, M., to 9 p. u. Iloo-n Ne. 5 ever First Naiional 13unk, fralt Lake City, L't.ih To ritory s5 EW YORK TRADE. Cochran, McLean & Co. importers and Jobbers of DRY GOODS, White Goode, Hosiery, Notions, Woolens, Linens, Embroideries and Laces, 452, VA and 4G6 BROADWAY, titawEioUT. KW IOBK. JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufacturers and W hclesale Dealors in FUK AND WOOL HATS, Straw Goods, Umbrella, rc, Ho. 40S, Broadway, NEW YORK. Jo. Jim llan.ir. J BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., New Torsi, Corner Crosby, one blook east of Broadwa d!4 TK03. M. ARGALL &. Co., Moll's, Y oaths' Boys' and Children's GX.OT H IN G, AT WHOLSBA.LB, 313 311 Broadway, New York. J. I. COWI.B8. R!C:, GOODWIN, WALKER & CO., Importers and Jobbers of SILK AND FANCY DBY GOODS, 474, .76 and m Broadway NEW YOK. W. O. BARNKY. JW L. M. BATES & CO., a Broadway, HEW YORK, pfroaixai a?m joaaiai is Fancy Dry Goods, H03IKKY, WHITE GOODS, WOOLKIS'S, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, tc J. II. BUlOKIl. Jol HOWLAND & ASP1NWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Will advance liberally en consignment consign-ment of Ore and Bullion. Unlllon purchased at hlsrheat market rnlea a3T 1 MORE ARRIVALS. agj fa, Different Sizes and A liS? Styles of DOORS. Different Sizes oi WINDOWS. The most complete Stock ever brought to Utah J A T LITIMERJAYLOR SCO'S LUItBERYARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, One block west ol tke Tabornacle. H0TEL8, ETC. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. myU Washington House 'X'lilrcl Mo ii tli Street, IS A LiT LAKE CITY Board and Lodging, per Week T 00 ' Day Board " 00 Vreneh Spring Beds 3 00 Beda.per Might - SO Heals ... - - 5 iM New Commercial IMw Rooms, 45, Commercial St., Salt Lake. City. 0. W. TAPPAN, Preprieter. OPEN A L. i . NIGHT. Iprlng Beds, 95, 3TU and 50 els. per NlgUt ll.S0tel3.00 per Wee la. Single Rooms, 5 0 and TSe.per Night) J.DO to 1.0 per Week. Double B-oome, 91.00 to S)1.60 per aright. oi5 GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ON THE EUROPKAB FLAX. Situated in basinoss part of the olU. with Hsoisinodation fur 200s;uests. FIRST-CLASS accommodation for Families and Travelers. Itoomi, AOc, 75c, 91.00 and 91.50 . per day. Dining Hall and Restaurant under the management ef M. H- Beards ley, late of the Morrison House. Omiha, and Tiohnor House, Lincoln, Neb. Board per we est, 9T Sleals, SOc. KKEE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Btages leave daily for the mines. Laundry oonneoted with tbe hotel. 8SIITI1 sa BIOAZE, my 17 Proprietors. AMERICAN HOTEL, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Terras la. 30 per dsyj 1 We r lily Rnnrdind Hoom; 912,00 to 915. Oe-j Table Board, 18 00. A tew First Class families can find pleasant ' qnnrtors. , Salt Lake City, November 23, 1872. J. C. LiXILE. no2( Proprietor. WALKER HOUSE, ; EAST TEMPLE STREET, , SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. THIS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND . best appointod House in Utah Territory, and has accommodation lor throe hundred and fifty sueits. Sireot cars and carriages connect- I od with the White Sulphur limbs. Reading I Rooms, containing papers from all points. : Baths, Bar, Toloraph, aNows and Cigar btond i attached W tho House. 11. S. GREELEY. & CO.. nov21 Proprietors. ; TO WI. SEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE ClTi. tUB LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PRO PFt I ETOR. This House is oentrallr and pleasantly 10-oated, 10-oated, well furnished, and has aooomaoda-tioasfor aooomaoda-tioasfor X10 ueste. THB PROPRIKTOK is now preparlnt 0 buUd larre additions to his Hotel, whish when finished, will ronJ-er it tho Mott Complete EttahlUhmmt in the ROCKY JHOfNT&IN REGION mU SADDLE ROCK RESTAURANT. Frosb, Shell and Keg Oysters reooived daily, fresh Fieh,Gamo, Fruits and Vegetables l'rom all parts of tho World. LADIES SUPPER RQDMS Fitted up expressly for ladies and rontlomon in a stylouncwolled hv any wtau-lishmenton wtau-lishmenton the Pacific CoasU OPEN INIGHT AIVU DAY. PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES. ONE DtKlll SOl'TH nw WKLLS, KABUO CO'). HENRY WAGNER. Proprietor. IHOiN & COAL.. BED ROCKS OF NATIONAL WEALTH, Iron and Coal. Capitalists call on me. 1 own iL 1 will divide Address, S- M. BI.AIR, 110 I. U Box I 80, Salt Lake fit y. WANTED. f2.fW CASH, FOR ONE Year. Will divide the finest rnining interest in Utah for the use of the money. Addre.. S. M. BLAIR, Salt Lako City .1 P. 0. Dox IS. WM. LANAHAN & SON, BISnLLIM AKB J0BM OF t RYE WHISKEYS, Warehouse Mo. 90 Light Street, BALTIIDUBG. 1 BItSI to mim-:ks. . WE IVILb I'l'RCUASE. OR FVRSBSII L C.nut to J.v.!cr rMlly p-od rrori --:f or mtaw. .ubitfi i.i th. (rn .1 ot ..'d .feci- AdJr.. m CooSdeDC. fnwi Cum- I KICKEB'S Little Was her, , Ul Be T N0 CHEAPEST u MARKET, Only 100. J, G. COLTRIN, Agent 0 tbe bUbtt uteefs C.i r.Ufr , ud l'.lti J- . tOLTBlS ".. k Al P. PoolwHaaJ. IS " MEDICAL. XEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage," sTor the Debilitated Me IT one System. DR. JORDAN, of the Anauuical Moseoni, BIS Montgomery ;trBet, (nr CaJifarum,) SA5 FliASOIiCO, CaMornia, lias pLliahed rear of his most important and instrnctiTa Lsctcrea, m a neat Tolome, for those who cannot attend Uie Lectares at the Museum. Brer 7 n&mamcal and mimed man sbould read and ttaij tttee lapcrtani Lectures Lec-tures for the Jiood of himself and ofiprtnft. By addrnaslnr tho secretary of the Anatomical Museum, Ban Francisco, and ea doling Twenty-Fire Twenty-Fire Ctrits in postage stamps U pay poetags, the iiook wUl be forwarded to any part of the Steles or Territarla. Dr. Jordan can be consulted by letter. jt Dr. J. P. P. YAH DENBKR&H, From Prussia, TEC EI GH.EA.T 7V O 3FL 1SJL EXTERMINATOR, Late of San Francisco, Cel. Itcmarltablc Cure: This is to certify that my wife, Hnlda Park, haa been afflicted iur tho lat eight yuara with chronic Dysentery, with ruin in her Etomuch, hack, siiics, and severe haudacho; in tact she wai never freo from iiatn and uiiiorics- feho doc to rod a great deal with the heat doctors ire ' could hear of, and 1 am sorry to say without any relief. We heard of many euros which i)r. J. P. P. YanDenbergh h;id periormed in and about Salt LaKe City, which inducod us to consult him; and the .Doctor at once told us that all her complaints and miierioi wore caused by worms. So sho commenced taking his medicine on tho 17th of August, and since that time all rains and excessive Chronic Dysentery aro curod, and in lact she considers harsoLl a woll woman onco more. XliuAlAti H. PARK. His i mark. Cextretillk Ward, Utah, boptomber 3d. 1672. Over 1.000 Worms Expelled from aire. JJlsljy . My gTatitudo compels me to make the following fol-lowing etiUcinent: 1 had beon arilicted for many years with a complaint in my stomach. 'i'hinauiB 1 was troubled with worms, 1 consulted con-sulted Dr. J. P.P- Van Doubortu- He confirmed con-firmed my belief, and, strange to say, he gave me only fivo oihis Worm Powders and in live hours i was relieved ol" over l.iwu iieculiar looking worms, and indeod 1 leel like anothor woman onco more. MATILDA M. BISBY. Salt Lako City, Sept. Jd, lo7i Wo, tho undoraigned, will-testify that we were nrosont during the time the above trurms """ MARY BOOTH, Mrs. R. L. DJJARDMAN, H. A. i'KRUUtlUN. Five Hundred Worms Expelled from a Child only two years old by lr. J. 1. P. Van Denbergli'i Worm Syrup. I think it my duty to state tho following fHcts: My child, only twouty uionins old, hud but-n sick lor some time and wasted away 10 a more sKolotun. trying many romodies without any reliol- Thinking tlie child nad worms lod mo to ouy a buiuo ui Dr. J- 1', 1- Van Duobergh's Worm riyruii, and attor giving the tiyruu, ovor ' joo worms uataod away iroci tho child, riinco then ihe Chronic Diarrhica anu thootber cum-nlamta cum-nlamta are cured- 'J.hank HoavonI my dear child is well once more. CUUU Airs. M. A. O'FARRELL, Socoad South Stroot, hall-a-block Irom Itho Court Uous, bait Lake City, U. T. Letter irom W. . Horner, Jlcber City, Wasatch, Utah, September 0, Da. J- P- P. Tah Dbhbrrgh: I think it to be a public benefit and gratitude grati-tude toivards you compels mo to mcko tho lol- 1 lowing statement: i have beon sunering tor ! many years with a constant growing iin and a nuivoring sonsation in my chest and heart; ! tuy loud would not digeai, and a constant nasty, tough and ropy phlegm in my mouth and throat. I was so norvous that with dnh-culty dnh-culty 1 could got around; in met. irom tho con-stunt con-stunt pain and misery I had wasted away to a maro skeleton. 1 hod beon doctoring a great doiil without any beneht, and behoved hat do'ith only could release mo irumall my suttur-irirs suttur-irirs bouing soino frieuds who had rocoived ir5at beneiit from Dr. J . P. P. Van Denbergh's medical treutmunt, inducod mo 10 consult him. Uoitated that 1 was troublod with worms, and said I was curable I took. his modieuio tor a month, and 1 must say all my pains and misorios havo loll mo. My bowcU are rugu-1 rugu-1 lor and 1 tool onco moro as it I could live twenty or thirty years longer in tho enjoyment of tho greatest ol blosainss, which is good health, i would further say my ago is 1 sixty-live sixty-live years. ' HuRiNLK. M Card from Judge Frier, of JPollt C.unty. Dr. J. P. P. Vah DasaERiin: Dkb Sin: r tako pleasure in thanking vou publicly for the restoration ot my health alter ninotoen years of groat sutforing mentally men-tally and bodily. I doctorod a great deal; was afflicted with almost evory imapinublo nain, and despaired ol sooing a well day aiiain. Whon 1 camo to see ypu at oalom, you said you would remove, the. cause ot ninotoen years' sullenng in five hours. 1 cuuld hardly believe it, but after taking tho five tasteless powders you gavo no, about WM worms passed irom mo, and now, iourteon days afterwards, 1 teel liko anothor man, and aui ablo to lollovr my business without pain or inconvenience. 1 remain, Yours lespoccfully. A. 11. FRIER. Bethel, Polk oounty, October lu, 167L . out)'. JOSEl'U (JOKLlNSlal, OIVIL KNGINKKK. U. S. MINERAL AND PEPUTY SUR- VL1UKFOR UTAH, Office: First South Street, marly opposite St Mark's Church. HENRY WACENER, Halt Lake City, Ttah, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, ! LAUEIl DKEB, ALE AND POBTKB, WHOLESALE A50 BKTArL, SKCONDSOUTU STREET, throo doors oast Elephant Sloro wood: wood:: WE kcop constantly on band seasoned, coid and stove wood, RED PINE, MAPLE, QUAE. EN ASP, AND COTTONWOOD, For in!o cheaper than the cheapest Office and wowd yard near V. C- R- K- dei.U jut wtvtof saiupling work.. Special ratosto purchasers pur-chasers of car lots- Wood delivered in any part if tho city on short nolico We will rent a part of our office on liberal loSll NEWMAN CO.. Box 77. IHI- A. REED, Auction A Commission Merchant FIHBT SOUTH STnEET, West of Kimball A Lawrence's, SALT LAKE CITY. Liberal cash adTaacos made on con si rumen ru-men la. Furnaccmen, Atteution. A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM i CO. AGSirrs roi tbi OOLUlv.1 CITV KIRK BHICK, Whk-a are equal if sot superior te tai hest F nlih. Sre'iii rate br the riar loa-e. oetll j Herald Bindery. OUR BINDERY I5 PKITARKD JTC Kfr-nr. in a orks..in.ie sut, , Album, OIH Bonk(,tU tic- A-.i Bind . XAiAZIn. PERXODlCALfiJ DES MOINES Scale Company ! . F. R. WEST, Pprosident- S. . SPOFFORD, Vioe-P't- j GEO. A. JE WETT. Secr'y Afjjjgjfc W. REDHEAD, Treasurer. wjfc-1. S. S. HITCHCOCK, Sup't. , WM. DICKERSON, General Agent- ; We aro manufacturing, and can fill orders on short notice, tho following: Hay, Coal ail Stoct Scales ! RAILROAD, Warehousp & Counter Scales. WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES ! HOia ASD BUTCHERS' B KAMI. Baggage and Wn.rel.ouse Trucks. Every article warranted durableod accurate. SCALES OF ALL K IX D.SJREP AIRED. Address, lor Circulars, DES MOINES SCALE CO., rjoM Dos Moines, Iowa. ( a H ID 1 - cj ri is 3 & IP 2 OS J LUMBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, T. R. JONES Ralf-hloxk eeth if U. 0. Depot. IMPERIAL. Having concluded arrangements wth the lareest Refinery in the east to man ufacture for us a special quality of CARBON OIL for our trade We hereby give notice that wa now have for sale the DIPERUL CARBON OIL, Which is far superior in quality and safety to any ever offered in tbi" market. It is water white and stands lo'J' fire tesL H'e reoommend it to those that want Good Quality of Illuminating Oil. CALL A.D EXAMINE. E. REESE & CO,, 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. HT-JC OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! OBEY 6c Co. ' Tr::.-'T Til .TkE"T. -t c? Kim- r '-. ! A I-.x.-.-r. ;,.b M ire;. ' m r. ---- t '-hri'-d -.-. K-.- ar, . ,. iST'i.-.J K j : r. ar. u- i in ar.y pan oi Lti . I B. Pd-si-'i'.iJ .n r-a:d v.vzxri Ti--. Ad asi 'jnej A Lo-, Loca boi 7(7. MISCELLANEOUS. ! W.T.RKTTfOkDS k CO.. E. B- ZABR1SK1B, San fxueuce. Salt Lake WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. Z1BRISK1E i CO. HATX fOR SALI A FIXE LI XI O? WINES AND LIQUORS, To whioh they call th attention of DEALERS. OrdBts Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE Atf JNTS FOKI "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST IB -A. IRj IN THE CITY 00NNS0TSD WITH THB HOUSE. 64 MAIN STREET' Two doors south of Well. Fargo City Gas Works. The undersigned is now opening op ho largest and meet complete stock and assortment or Gas filing ever brought to tho western conn try. Store 42 Main street, third door north of Deseret Bank. Gilt, BroflBe, and all the latest styles of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop lights of every pattern to suit tho purchaaor. ' Have now en hand and will continue to keep the largest stock of Gas and Steam i pipes to be found in Utah or on the Pacific Pa-cific Coast, and am now prepared to ' contract for the piping of houaoa, offices, buildings and dwellings generally at rates that will defy competition. Over fiO.000 feet of gas pipir.f now on hand and am receiving it d'X tC Aij Importers aadjIi'iiturGS will bo supplied to the inhabitants of Salt Lake City at tae lowest possible rates. I alae keep on band a full and complete com-plete assortment of the latest improved pumps for mining and domestic upo. Tho Celebrated Knowlos Steam Pump with boiler connections com plots always on band. All work connected with Pumps and Plumbing of every description, and with Gaa, Water and Steam Fittinge will bo done with dispatch. B. LYONS, 42 Main Street, Throe Doors North of Deieret Bank, Office of Salt Lako City Gas Company. jn6 To whom it may concern, WE, the Tjndernl(Tied, claim and own twelve hundred (lam) feel. Including Nos- two (2) and three (3). In the Titui lode. In Little Cottonwood oanyon, and bold the same br deeds from the onsinal loealorr; and have oom plied with the laws of 111 district dis-trict Id everr repeoU And we herabr aaatlon all persons aolte trade, boy er barter for said claims, without oar oensent. 0- H. BABSBlT.k sntnlFtratorf ol toe MVINS, I ite of Aoihony Ivins deo eased. I8RAKL IVIN8. Bait La l.i. I ri iW HENDRIEBRO'S 13 MKim ITRKKT, ALT LA Kit CITV, Mannfaotiiral California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for the erection of STAJVJP MILLS AND SMKLT LNQ FUHNACL3 COM PLETK in any of the Mining District. wo nanefaetnre the Virnt; St. Wbnltr Pans, Patrnt Prvaart) Shnri and Dtea. and the JlKbiasrr e.tmplete lot STAMP 3sirr-.x.s -1 1 D- REDUCTION WORKS, f whi.B we laake a rree,elt7 an 4 roarantes uttisfaeliea is all easea. Manulaetare Bollhoff's Ball Pulverizer, FOR DRY CHUHniltO, WR1 do the work ef U 8Un pe. Pnee. fl Yfl Jsanulaetarsri' AxesU for tbeBaleof LliirCTantsinnnt Blnwtri, Rarlf ss. Carnrrnn am Pnmpi, j Uolitlnf, Portable asd Ht aiionsir j I Wire l5rlHn Rnpe, Tla! a't R.or.d. Tsnl sLsUl Iron, 10, 12 acid ii ,bs. to ih ' ! ra-i. ' Irna PI p fnr Ou and Wtr. I Drtv k. Blast Ore Crn.h.n, Hlnlns; Cats and Iron B nek eta, ' Artilli Fir Brick, and I' aialD nppllca. ETIKATE'l and DRAWIV? furaiiHe I0& ALL OLA Wv.I. aiii x. I MISCELLANEOUS. i MONEY! The best and cheapest a&ruiient oi CONCERTINAS. ACCOBDEONS ' AND OTHKR Musical instruments JUST 1! E C E I V E D. Which will b ld CHEArER THAN EVER. A few line VIOLINS 1'K UALL KOOM TLAVEKS HAKMONICANS, JEWS HA UPS, EVERYTHING FOR THE BOYS, CHEAP AND GOOD, Wholesale aud Retail. Chas.W. Staynsr, SO. 5, MAIX STREET, AMI Opposite Z.C.M.L Offi. IslSoulh St SALT LAKE CITY. Dl'2 UiIO?i 1'ACIFIC RIILROIDMB TABLE, DiJTIL furthor notice, Trains will leave and arrive at Ogden Daily, as fol lows : LRva. I Aaairt. Daily Kprei-B,S-S)a.ni. Dnily Kip's, 4-10 p.m. Mixed. - tJ-e.ip.iii. Mixed. - 2 ft p a. Freishu - 10-3. a-tn. I FrouhU - 6 10 a.m. 0ai!v connections made at Ogdon with Utah Central Pact lie Road irom Mill Lake city and all points in Southern South-ern Utah. At Bryan with stages for Sweetwater mines. At Cheyenne with Denvot Pacific Railroad lor Denver, Central city, Georgetown and all points iu Colorado and Now Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North Western. Chicago, Koi-k Island and I'Mcilic, Iturlington and Missouri Jtivor, Kansas city. dL Joe and Council ii lulls Railroads and Missouri Hirer Lino of Stoaimrg for all points Kail aud South Tickets for sale to all points KH at oiiico ot Woiis, f argo tK uo., Jvast lfm-plo lfm-plo strcot, and at tho office of Utah Central Cen-tral Railroad, in iSalt Lake city; also at Union Pacific Railroad ticket offico in Ogdon, at which office berths on sleeping sleep-ing cars can bo secured. Arrangements havo boon made whereby where-by passengers desiring to visit Denver on their way East can avail themelves of an excursion rule from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly roduced rates. i-'or particulars and all information in regard Lo passage, apply at Ticket Offices. Of-fices. Passengers should boearofiil to secure their parage tickets u all Ktiurn and Southern points via OMAliA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of a through sleeping car, cumforuble accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. TUOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket Agent. T. E. Sick els, Chf. Knginoer and Superintendent. C. H MSSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kinds .1 BEAVY HARDWARE, Iron nnd Hieel Stoves and Tin Ware LACHiniTU TOOLS, AsrrlenllwrsLl ImpUmsati And Allnfnsj Toelff, At Lowest LCals. tlPPONITH SALT LAH HUDII all WE GUARANTEE THAT EVERY HOUSEKEEPER Who has ever hail onr tit the iCK L.K.1 iltATEDi OAK 2 : ' ' v ; v v v x WII.i."( lirilCL Ll.V I'. tC'J.M I'UM'JIT A J11R NO.-T. ' UUKADI.K, VHACTICAJ, hIMI'I.i; k Kill EOT COOKING APPARATUS liiLV iiavi; v. ),: l ,-i;l. Adiipk'd toIalliLocslltlcs AND EVERY KINO OF FUEL. SAINT LOUIS, Ai.i M LIVE STOVE DEALERS. 'j CO., ' W. J. HOOPER & CO. d 1 GOSKBiLCIAa ITRUT; 1 si BANKERS. WELLS,FARGO & C' Biuiktrs nd Dealers In 1'llfm Dru OB KaM. Kur.pe.nC ylii "& Cutler, Ua.ejuft ttv't is anether bt lot oi Charter Oak AutL STOVES; KKW TOR- kew a Full Mw.-V of SN jaaS- LONDON vaJ DESEkv National SALT L&RE HOES, Paid up Capital, Autboriiod Capiul ETC mtKSIIAM Y.M-S.., Vr.i..i' H S. l.Ll'lU'.Piili. N i I tt'M. 11 lUHM'KK. , .JBXXIX,iS. - Holfl. fttiAMOli. l.lTTl.h, L. S.111LLS. Collier. I'LiL OOMl mT, !-!. X,,''EBT. J.K.JK a. Kir, .tc mM CollootioDa mftile Tro1, mittcd. "n FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR UM INTEREST PAID ON Bavlnft. 13 opo.lt. p8 A. w. white a Ml IMFLI STKICKT. alt l..k. City. Uulitl In GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION. Exchange on all Me Principal (XiUt of the United States and Europe. Particular attentioo tien to Collections and proceeds remittod at l-nrrenl rate of Kichane on day of payuiepl. GKO. K. WUlTMtV, Attorney! IHUl H K 9 1 U N L K H T I Bank t OallfornlB - Ban franrlsoo U-w 1 WallM K V.k 0-ia 0.noty Nallnnal liana UliloaRO IIkll Haa BL l-ois Biate llauk ol Nebraeka OuiaJia LEGAL. r. l. wiLLiAMB. i.ioame too! WILLIAMS A YOUNG, ATT0KNKX8-AT-L.AW, . Offlo. bf-.-hlook .onth or Th..lr. Mult L.al.e CHly. Ill C. E. WHITNEY, A T T O R N K V - A T - L A W . OOice over DunlWl A Sims' Mure, WAIN SI ItKr.T, HALT LAUiS (H I. THOMAS FITCH, A X T 0 II N E Y - A T - L A W , UI9U Mlrrct, Wnhli.Elo, 1), (', Efpecial all on Lion aivrn t'i ntjUlnlnn Vufnl BATES &ORM8BEE, ATTORNLYS AN3 CUUNStlOftS AT LAW, A Kent fnr l'nrchaat- null ISnlc of .11 hps t Lands, j Urn. C. llATKS, ") U.M.l'1-.l- Atmrnev, Hlt l-kf t Ity, CHiai.ih W. (Jhitr-iiKr, J t '' j Warner Barll. F. M. bin i lb, KAHLL h. bMITH, ATTORN KY 8 AT LAW, SALT LAI OITT, First BfBtb Street- Keomt It and 12. No IU, Kimball jilure. jam km m. carter, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, OOiceever ll Nat Hank, wl J.AM IKMI'I,- rifHKHT. r. TurosB. a- a- maji.i. TILFORD & MANN, ATTOHHEYK AT-LAW, Ho. 36 Flral rloiitli Uriel. A J. Ii. itonboroudi. B. A. Wi-rrill Roftborough & Mernlt, ATTOKN E Y H A T LAW, Knit Lake City, I tall. 'itrW. l"t Suih Hlroet, firsl building- t Deneret lJanh cvrimi. '"I WM. Hi Tlxv. i . . mi,1 ur'fi. II A Y DUN a- GUClUUhT, A T T J K N E Y S A.-!' -LAW. HALT LAHK tJlTV. Oiri'f'fT-r Ul Ns'i'.nal !nk -r Isli. li 0. fl Heni-ftea4. M . K irk ialrick, HLMPSTEAO & KIRKPATRICK, Aitnrn)i-si-Lsw, Main rttrset, n.TOfite Wellr. Fsr0 A Cn .m..nnr. alt) It SHOW. - D. HOOf. 8NOW h. HOOK, Attorsere o,dA Oonnjaeiore at Law Bail LkU1l7. tltah. Offat Dmrw'ii 11 Bt Btr 1. Jot BOOKBINDING. WE r rri sr-1 ' ir. fybr'sut'il ; nu'l t" k rr.sr 1;i.'j luariti", in tue . itji'ierj C'yfcLec;d .Ui our wiati.i'htLeKt. HOOKb. PERIODICALS, -.MACAZINE8, A .. A'... Ac -' i.l.-l. r , h-!i n. t'i l'ri.5i .nl 'Jualii. i I'LUUUlLi'j l-'j. 4 |