OCR Text |
Show Ilc-urmau it Gruuiuc oil I.lvrr Oil ':r C-.I Liver 'u s irvv.I r :ro I-"'"-F"L M'i.A.Nl' 4L. i: ...l, -...o : .-: f r-liL-i .-a ia e.y.-y rar .!,,;.. ,: . ;r i Try Llr -vim -S C j.. L-.-si.-'J a:: 1 L':::-L-, 0T iuri., swd ay aa .'r.u-U. a-1 1 Dr. V. W. Fetterman Will LectnTo lo the Ln lies' nnd Gentlemen at tho 1 1 til Ward Assembly ltonms on Wednesday Wednes-day mid Thursday ereniny, iho inih and 2":b. lie h:'.- over a hundred lino jpreimens of his own li-se-jiinc ividitho arteries, nerves and vessels conne-ted lo them, which howiUltic-tnre howiUltic-tnre upon. Tho tickns an- to be jTocurwl at Bi-hop Taylor's store, i-ricc "".lc. I'o- rs open a: 7 o'clock and commencing at half rait , .-evun. fel'i HSNR Y WACENER, ! Salt Lake City, Cloli, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, I L.IUEB BEE It, ALE AXD POKTEB, I TrilOLTS-VLK AD RETAIL. b'mjND SOUTH .STREET, tbroo doors oas Elcph&ni btora. ocU FLUX FOB SMELTERS. Iho aa,i?r.-n':d, having be?n appointed S.lo Aprents for L tih. of iho celebrated Hem-I Hem-I ziiis ircn Ure o: Wjoming Territory, solicit ! the patronagcc-i tho various furnaces, belieT-I belieT-I inc ihi to bo iho Best Iron iiux ever onere-i : ihi public. j Orders illod a", short notice. Apply to CORDON & MURRAY H. ilf Block South 11. It. Depot, Salt I. ake Uy. ill ,Tr:a! 1mr EjSs! Seeds iii:ii;e I'LAXTS: '.j t.: : f ;D fLCVEa plates Address T. K. 1'IIOEMX. . ELQCMifiGTCH NURSERY, IIiLIXOrfl, i -10 Acres; vcar; 1- ilrecnhoTise? Arilo, i.-a-u i y-.. ;J':.r. i--1: S- . SPECIAL ADVERT1SEMEVIS Ali'K)D i;KI.LbLK WuMAN' Fl'LLY c-i:i:-et"i:t w u:t .-hard ut' a. baby two vc.ks i-M. ai:d -r.oi.-.,-d and caref jt a:tti!ti .-n lo its n."Lhi-r. tiv...i wa.t-s a.ii tdy i-m pi--., lu-.-ut. A r r J y w ith i-.-.rTeu:- ai iiiiJ ui!i-.-e, between 1 ttL:d J 1-. in, . I'jr liiltudja. lciu A'.UKLTo 1 1 1 1 i : K N E R 1. H"USKW'KK. Ai-i.ly to Jlr;. Jhn i. Ca.ue. MU W ar.J-ti- uu V WOMAN W1FD F"U A SMALL faiuily; uiu.-ti,tJ; d .-k, wa,-her s:d ir--r,.-r. A -v I r-m J". f . ' v -.ir- i;.la- i-iid. A euit-ibk. ....m i-i.y call ai W . llcriinnn's Look Ia-j d-.fi tu-'.h ol l'un uiuce. luhl roit kiint! T1K-T CLASS itl'KIi'ESTt" LENT UVKK 1 first atiunal Lauk. j'1' FOB SALE. rpWO STuHES AND 1j TS ON -MAIN A ftrei't. between Oi.dbe's druc sturo and U'lkur liro's: l-i, iil- -.t J . l.y 1'-' ted. TKl E, liLKNS A- MA K TIN, feblS w kiuihaU Block- A liENTLE, FKEStI MILCH COW. A-XV A-XV i-lj to L. 11. ijCllETTLER, loblS -.Vth W aid. LODGINGS- CI HOICK ACCOMMODATIONS FOR A ' low lodgors and buardors. En-iuiro at this Uilice. j-' ' Office, Sacood oath street. Three doors west if Oroat W estern Hotel, half a block east of Eloi-hant Store, bait Lake ri'y. Otlico hours frutn 1) a.m. to 5 p.m. mil Argeiita Lodt'e, Ho. 3, A. P. A. M, STATED Communications of this Lodno hold on tho First and Third Tuesdays ot each month, at -Manonio llall, East Xounilo street- Members of Sister Lodsiea nnd ho-iournityi ho-iournityi hruthron in good standiut' aro cordially cor-dially invited, . W.TT. T1IHD, Sec'y. ' dJt NEW" ADVERTISEMENTS THEATRE. Tuesday, Feb, 18th, 1873. IIE.N'EFIT OF THE POPULAll ACTOR Mr. A, THORNE. Will bo prosontotl tlio thrillins drama, novor bol'oro iilajod horo, by Tom Taylor, entitled THE SERF; OH Love Levels All. . GRAND OLIO. SELECTIONS. ..10ru WARD BRASS BAND BALLAD-" Doliiilitrul," ,,,. LA PETITE .MARIETTA JACOBS BALLAD "Motbor would comfort mo," Miss UEURU1E CLAWSON To oocludo with tho laoghahlo farco outitlud I've Written to Brown. ClIKItltV AND FAlUSTAlt. ftSOTSGE- HAVINC, TRANSFERKED iMY UEWS-paiior UEWS-paiior businuss lo Moasra. Cainpboll & l'ttorao I rclur all my sabscribora and natrons to thorn. ftsblS Wa. HEIIHM AN. We Claim That iho PRI1NCE ORGANS are tho best over offered to the Citizens of thio Territory. WE CLAIM The PRINCE ORGANS are superior to all othcrB ia Power and Quality of Tone, Variety of Effects, Beauty of Design, Excellence of Workm anship, And Durability. . PRINCE ORGANS have been in use in utab. lor Iwonty leare, and their tone tc-day ig of better quality than when first purchased. They stand tho climato perfectly and improve im-prove with ape. To convince tho Publio that these Organs arc all we claim for them, WE CHALLENGE All other make of Organs bow offered for sale ia this Territory to a trial, satisfied that tho "judges selected to determine their mcriti will return a Verdict in favor of the Prince Organ. This is no bragRadocia. We mean what wo say, and from and after this ! day we hold ourselves in readiness to i test our $125, $150, $170, $200, and $250 Prince Organs against any and all Organs offered for sale in Utah, at corresponding prices. J. DAYNES & SON, d2 2 doora oaatof liodho's DniR f-toro. CHICAGO ROOK ISLAND, AND Pacific Railroad. Tim GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE ' XOW OPEN DIRECT TC Chicago and tlie Enst. VLi DEX MOINES, DAYEXPORT, AXD ROCK ISLAND, Connecting at Des Moines with Des Moines Valley R,R, FOR KEOKUK AXD ST. LOVIS. At Davenport with Doau for all points on the Upper 3Iis-,issippi. At La galle with tie ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. NORTH AND SOUTH-And SOUTH-And a: Chicago with allrhc fi-;: Ea;; asd A. A. HALL. S. S. STEVENS, AiiUUea' lSap GeESTil Ajftat, PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. FOIl THE SPRINGISTS. lUviog compk'led our cxtrn.-ivu AUeralitius in ibo RETAIL DKY 600D. DEPARTMENT Aud made arra!n." 'iJ-Mi I'.-i i:.vi!ii M'i:i; es 'ejcka$b-, Wo bg to assuro our numerous Paiu-u? w.- .-hj!l Kxhibit fur their Inpoction A CIIOICK SELECTION OK st:ASO.Al!LE DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS, TRiMMINGS, Also Staple Dry Goods, etc. Wo havo added to our variod Stok Ladies' Underwear, etc. And placed this Department under the care ofau accomi lished Lady Clerk. II. B. CLAWSON. Supt. OUFRO S Si!S Oircr to the Public a choice Stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, CAPS, GLOVES, & i.DlF' FU1JS, At a small advance O C5 O S T , To make room for SPEING iPimCHSliiy. Big Inducements OUcrcd. IN THE PRICES OF "Winter Clothing'. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, Will dispose of tho balance of their stock of Winter Clothing, consisting of HEAVY SUITS, PANTS, VESTS, OVEECOATS, AND HATS and CUlFS, At greatly reduced prices, to make room for their spring purchases. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT op SLEIGH and CARRIAGE RUGS, At low Cgurca to close them out. A FINE LOT OF HORSE BLANKETS, To meet the demand created by the prevalence of the Epizootic. French, English and American tin i f i tit.s, J oatingrs mid Cussi meres i i great vuriety anl latest styles. Men's and t. . tilts off the latest fashions, from the first , ?es in New York, Boston, Chicago and Wan Francisco. A FULL STOCK OP HOME MADE CASSIMERKS AND JKANS, 1. WHICH WK INVITK INSPKCTtON, MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY. 6L0VE8, UMBRELLAS, COLLARS AUD GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks, Valisen, R.ugs, Blankets, Capes and, Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOEk, EASTERN AND HOME MADE. ALL THE NEWEST STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER DEGORATIOEIS ah unrjiii ViHilXiJ-i. The preat success which has attended ' Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has induced us to make targe Purchases for crar Tall and Winter Trade, so th.. s..u. r.L""." ,.mi i:',d',r'c'' "nJ im"'" Tailors' Notions and Trfmmingo cf the bst quality always on hand. H. B. CLAWSON, Miiierinlendcnt."' JOSEPH GOHIJ.VSUI, CIVIL KNGINKER, U. S. MDfEP.AL AXD DEPrTY 6UK-VY0 6UK-VY0 I'OK L'lAll, OPi--: First South 8txeet, naajlj oi't'itc at. Jd&rk's Church. cej SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, HVert .ide of City Market-) All kinds of Stationary. Upri;at, or Locomo-tiva Locomo-tiva BOILERS, and TANKS, Made or Reraired. REAPFKS AND VQWKKS AXD TUULHiij MACHINti, Rerai.-ed and pat in Running Order. Work .i-neon th- ihonT N' ti- I Eoilcra itd 1 i'jca bo ign: cr taten in oxchaure i f.,-wo:k. Orders by Tcleerar-h r Mail ir'iuipilj at-cscdoi at-cscdoi to. iU J0LS SLUAi' A CO.. Propriwcr. I 1TII1 IJ il IS & SO AS' IRON AKU EitASS FOUNDRY .VOIVl.N OITKATIOX. All kir.di of O et 3 xx g Dene to ord'-r nn ;'r.,; t-'.c: cv. nctice. ALSO A.iKSIS i'-Jl: the GEIfFITII & "WEDGE VERTiCAL STAM EK6ISE8 SAW riLLS, Sh'nglr and !!-aiin Machir.as Ilifihe;; I'rkeJ'aH fur Old Bra-,, c,; j -r, FIPT WE-T SiI:I.K"r. NFiu vnPTU Why do the People Buy the Bstey RCAFJ! AND Why are all mir OKGANS SOLD Ibr throe shipments ahead ? Because we SELL the best Organ in America, on easy instalments, and Purchasers know where they make the best Bargains. Those who wish to see the "Estey" had better, call today to-day as we shall ship them all out this afternoon. C1IAS. W. STAYNEH, (JICNKItAI, AO K.N'T, No. & Main Stroot, Nost toSnvoKo's Oallory, j t) Knit l.ake.C'lly. EAGLE HOUSE Teasoel & Co. Tho placo for tho publio lo buy. Teasdel & Co. Win tor Shawls and Drcsa Goods, Teasdel & Co. Flanncla, Nubias, and Gloves. Teasdel & Co. Ilomo-tuudc Boota nud Shoos BeJt in tho Territory, TEASDEL & CO. Sugars, Teas and Coffees, Chocso, iJacon and Lard. TEASDEL & CO. Men's Clothing, Half, Shirts and Kurnitjhirjg Goods. TEASDEL & CO. Carpets, IIurs, Mats and Curtains. Cur-tains. TEASDEL & CO. Blcos Sewing Machines. Wear longer and arc less liablo to get out of order. The best in the World. No trouble to Bhow Goods. Careful attention to orders and goods delivered de-livered to all tho trains and any part of the city free of charge. TEASDEL & CO., East Templo StreoU Oppusito Salt Lake House. ARTISTS, ATTENTION! 'PUH BOARD OF JJ HECTORS OV TIW, I befret Aprkultural and M :mitf;icturin; .Sijieiy odor :t tiroiuium 'A lifty d'il Inra to tho Arii.-n of l uL Tcrrit'iry f-.r tho b"l de.-ik-n for a Diploma. Tho lizard of Directirs lr. b.. the aivardin-- omiiiiitt', rt-crTtn tljo riL-lii i'i witbli'ild the award if in tb'-ir judKuic-nt no iviTi auiliicnUy tacntorinus is iT'vomi-d f'.r conn ctition. lJ'.--iirin tnll be r.-oeivy until Ai riJ l.-t. Awjird to bo anjj.juiic'.-d Ai-ril l.'.th Ry order ol tiif Roard, jati 'Ji K'Jbl. h. CAMPRKU,. btrclarv. IMPROVE VOIR STOCK. THE IMPORTED THOROUGHBRED DEVON BULL Young Washington, Is ono of the finest brM Devon Bull) in tho co on in". Pedigree full and Complete. Half breed Devon Cows are splendid milKcrs. Half breed Devon Oxen for work and speed arc unsurpassed. Th" who in improve their tr..k r,-io '' "Id-nriidanirual at thaMabloyf Mr. nam at tiu Slablcs. (,b7 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Einstein Bro's & Co., Manufacturer and ImiKirlyr of BOOTS & SHOES, And doalvri in LKATUKR, FINMlN(iS, Ktc, HI mid 31 llA'l l'KItV KT"1:kT, dlJ is AN MIANL'ISCO. a. P. HOLDER & CO., I Wl MISSION MKIiCIIANTS, 3 SANSOMB STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. " MACON DRAY & Co7, lini'iirtorM of CHINA Sl JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING an COMMISSION MERCHANTS an and aw RANSOMK STKKKT SAN l-'KANClSUO. W'e aro conslnntlj' in rwulpt of frosh in. vt'ii-Mol CHINA ond .IAI'aN T1CAS, nnd al, luvncnptiun of Kast Ihiiia and Stkaith UOK. dH E. A. FARCO & CO., Importers and Jobber of Branflics, Wines ani Lipn, VIA Front St., cor. t'nmin.rol.l, n. B. XYl- IS SAN F1IAN0ISC0 H. biihikb, I Nw York. J. BAUM & CO., MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. ilH k Bnnaonie 't., " Krnnolico. No IH Wnrren Si.. Nuw York. nt ilKOUT, BUG'S A Co. BOOTS, SHOKS Al MCATIIKK 1 04 it 10H HantMtne St., Sun J-ytmcUeo, And il it 12 I'oarl tit,, Host on. UUCKI(1IIAM .C ltKCUT, Mnctifnrttirt'ra of "tITIA qUALITT" CAilfOftKIA BOOTS A 119 IMOIl. 01 . J. UK I W IT II, llr lu JjSi 411 Uaill0t 1'IOMLlj f ll iv MOXIill) SkLWm m HERRINGS, 19 WoanluHlna Htrut. All klTirlB i( OHol, B-unKwl r,l PkiWn.B eolisUtitljr.ii hand. PARSER, wattsonTco;, (Suoodssurs to Wall & Co.,) Importer ami Dlaitufnuiurari of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 225 Front Bt.,oor. Boor urn onto, aS BAH KHAftUISUO, CAt. IKflUblishod in m. C. VENARD, Manufacturer of the Original Chartrcs Coil'eo, And'all kinds of Spices atul California Mustard, 62S and fi27 Front Street, botwoon Jaekion and Paoifio. SAN FltA.SCIbCO. afi E.STA11L1SUED IK'jO. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 atul 215 Front Street, San Francisco. o2fl ;iSA.0 HOTEL On Market Mow Wonttromerr and Heoond ttlreuU, srv vjaAjsciaoo, oajl. JOHNSON & Co., raoPttinoBa, ft E. MARTIN Sl CO. fliclcsale Lienor Dealers, tOI rroat Street, Baa Vraalie, Proprietors of HILLEtt'll EITttA OLUBOUHBOI And sole agent for . r. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a full assortment of all the Stand ard Brands of WhUklei, Vine Uraadln, rorelfin and Domtitlo WIdii, n.f, Uittara. Cardial!. L. A. EUuderson, T. L. Hon. SANDERSON & HORN Importers and Jobber! of CIGARS AM TOBACCO, (Proprietors of La Kpauol Oifcar I actor;,) SoU manufacturers oj i ulebrcMi 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front Htroo. Ritwtin Waihlngton and Cl7, SAM PKANCISCO. M MURPHY.GRANT & CO. ImporterB of Amorican and BoropW Staple and Fancy DBY GOODS, HAN ITilAIMCI.SCO, CALIfOilSIA, Call the attontionof lis TraJe to ihcb uti and compieteatook of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS! Which they are now reoeivinr dire fro" Karopean Manafaciurert, cfcinKUiM in rirt rrtnen ratriaoi Wool Satlnaa, Wool Plalde, rrencb and 0rmi, Irian and French Pojillai, Kopreii Clothe, fimlM, Llack and ccltrcd, Val ralaeni, Alpacaa, bickef to"' JILKS, VELVETS, RI3B0KJ. GLOVES, Kid, Back. Berlin (Ladiei', Mlie'.aMU Gents' Underwear And all kindJ of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hoalerr.eorDpkteio .'1 IU fcraech Whin GnoI, Ilanrlktrclil'f't HhlrflitK i.lnni . . Q.U1II., wbita aa4-tls0ciM. KtM ICta- SPRUANCE, STANLEY 4 Co. Fine Old Bourbon RYE WHISKIES, Brandies, Gins Wines, etc., 410 FRONT STREET 410 . SAN 1'IUNCKCO. |