OCR Text |
Show Salt Lake Daily Herald. Published every morninr. except Monday. T K K M S t ui'itnh - 5 'ij One week .- '2$ Iu variably in advance. JUIIX T. I'AI.VK, K. L.. SLOAN, W. C. Dl'.NBAK, . KMmn and PMiihw. iKtmtviter. DEERE & Co.,( "Viii"- .M wufacturcrs of tho gooulno MOLINE PLOW. Vhc;v V1"T' h iv f'T tho rft qtiitrtor of n i-nt.ity iiuiMoiLvl tho rei-uialion of tho In-1 IMiiiv lit ue. All K.-ii.iinn M-lmo Howf bear Ih brand a. lnnii in ibo abovo cut. dla WATCHES a JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON. p!.f to inWm rS'rAii.Ir-r of 't L-1" l t'i!v a;-.t vioimtv, tint he n.t only u.ir:iii;." t.-- Tim-itIt K-i'.iir, Hoar) A. l.i ;-I V;ltl-!,r. :u:d I'Srx'nr iuotf r. but ho wi I ma -i' tli.Mii .ir ;uiv partol' thorn, lo order, and wiirrunt llu work. .1 lim r-o v.-d n now mrrly of Elfin, 5wis Wat -ho, iir-.l a lino St -ck of first-claa 'eTnlry. t ! u any in tQTTDi Tt BANKERS, A. W. WHITE & CO BANKEES IEHFLK STUKET, S< L,k Cltr. Defers ia GOLD DUST.COIN AND BULLION, Exchange on all the Principal thtuA of t fie L'nited Stata and Kurope. Particular attention Riven to Collectinni and rroceeda remitted at C'urreai rata .of icbango ud day of payment. GEO. . WUlTNJiY, Attorney COItRKSPOMJKSTSi,!; Bank of California - 8an yrancfsoo Ua A Waller . - Sew Yi.rk Count- NatiooAl Bank - CL:c,vt Ilaakcll H.Lik gt. U-nii I liLtte Bank of Nubraaka - - Omaha 1 jpfU WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPJtESS FQRWARDERSt Bankers aud Dealers in Exchauge Draft on Karope. Kurorein Collectiona promptly a i Leaded :o. Kut Temple Street, Sa.lL L.a,ksi Olty, mL2 Thio. P. Tract, Agent. First National Bank of Utah SALT LASS CITY. M Special Advertisement on Third SALT LIKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Salt Lake City, Utah Ter.Z Authorized Capital - $500,000 Ben). M. DuKall, President. Hngb White, Cashier. Himfstiad Jt KiBiriTEiCK, Attorneya. iCOR RESPONDENTS I k vw vnn c J National Park Bank. (Donne",. Lawson i Co, SAS PrfANCIsCO Ca.ifornia Trnat Co. LONDUii Jay Cooks, MoCuUoch Jt Co. lnIS DESERET National Bank or SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Tald up Capital, - $200,000. Authorized Capital :? 1,000,000. BIUHMAM YOUXO. ?rMidont,l IJ. ;. KLbltEUGE, Vico 1'roa't, I Wm. H. liUUi'EK, u. J ENN INtia, Directors. JUIIN BliAHl,1 I J. T. UTILE. I L S. iliLLS, Ca3hior, J deal i.t UULD DIST, COIN', KX4II ABCtlt, LAM WAHKA.tTS, CCi-! CCi-! LEUK ai it II", etc. Collootiona made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE INTEREST PAID ON Bavings Ijoposits. n3 u. u. i urn, jto. u buks, uhbv mart 15 TRUE, BURNS & MARTIN, Real Estate, Mining and Loan Brokers, yj Ulinball's ltlock, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAU TERRITORY. Ron! E?tnto bon eh t and sold; Houses nnd oros rented, renw otdlcctod. and all buMno?s connwiod iviih real citato ;md mtuea iiruuii-tly nll.jnd.il 10. ieblt LEGAL O. F. STRICKLAND, LATB JL'DUB SKCOSD JUllltlAI. C13TBH.T, ATTORNEY-AT-IAW, SALT L;UiK CITY, - VTAll. fl5 D. 8. DAN A, ATT O RNE V-A T-L A W, l'rovo, ICnli. JAMES SI. CARTER, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, Oflico ovor 1st Nat. Bank, octS K-aT TEMPLE STREET. C. E. WHITNEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAWi OlEoo ovor Dunford A Sons' Storo, MAIN STREET, SALT LA Jit CITY. THOMAS FITCH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 010 U Street, M'nihiugton, D. 1. Es'iocial "kVntion gtvon to obtaining Patonta to Aim 0. nov 15 BATES & OR MS BEE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNStLORS AT LAW, AeonLs tor I'nrvtiAse nnd !lc of .lllneu dv Lamls, Uko. 0. B.vTra, ") J- Suit Lnke I'll)", Ch.vri.ksW. Oiuisbkr.J l'i nil. Warner Sari I. F. M. Smith. EAKLL fk SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, IALT LATta 01TT. First South Street. Rooms 11 and Li, Nc lid. Kimball Ulock. TlU OKli. 8. A. MA5H. TILFORD Sl MANN, ATTOKNKYN - A T - 1. A W So, 30 First Soutti Street. 00 J. B. Reb.rou.rh, S. A. .Morritl Rosborough &. Merritt, A T T O K 2i E Y S A T L A W , Suit Lnke City, Vlh. OiT.es. 1st ;oulfi trool, first buildine cwt Dosorct Bank corner. l VI, HtTPOS. C. K. OILCHK18T HA V DON &G1LCURIST, ATTORNKYS - AT- LAW SALT LAKE CITY. Office over Ut National Bonk of I'tnh. 2 0. II. nemi'Stead, il. Kirkpatrick, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attornyi.('LtiT, Maln5trU orrosits Weill, Fario A Co. JUTI r r-TT. nil1 TRIUNE BAKERY Cractsr Mjntory, No UT, Main Street, Knit Lnke HI). Vie bavo now received our CRACKER MACHINE Wifh aM ihe !a;i-t v::: ir..V rt nialvos KU'TY MfrENE.NL" KIM'S Oi GALLAGHER & SGN3. Smd for Pricu Lift m AildrasaP. 0. Bx3H. NOTARIES PUBLIC. 1' HAS- A. GOULD. A, 5. GOULD. A. S. GOULD & SON, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Commissioners of Deetl, Convcjrtui-cers Convcjrtui-cers aad St arc lien of Records, nAVE RE5VMKD BUSINESS AND FOR the iTeicnt will occaiyaa an office, Room No. 4, over First National Bank, EAST TEMPLE STREET. - ArrHcations fr patents, minirir deeds. asroL'taenu and bvnJs for deed, nnrtcef. l-jwers 01' attorney, le.tse.-. cnniriet-i and otiier in-truments ot" writing drawn witil accuracy and 'ii.-i ateh. .Mining and other rompaniea incorporated unlr the law? -f L'tah. Abstracts oi"ti:le? to mininfr and other proi'-erty proi'-erty made in tho most completo lurui. All bn-ino?s entrusted to this firm will bo regarded as strictly private. iebl J CHAS. W. BTAYNKR, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and commissioned by the Governor. OScelst door south of Savage's Photograph Oailery. Salt Lako City. in "H. M. GILLBSrlK. W. W. WOODS GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Acksowlkdgemkxts takss for the leTeral States and Teb&itokiks. Office hours, 9 a. x., to 9 p. if. Roo-u No. 5 over Fint National Bank. &alt Lake City, L'tah Territory. 5 F-4 . I T go I O to .? g 3 I 3 5 P4 g h" . - g 1 & 1 a 5 sa s a s 1 CONFECTIONERY. The aodcrsipned wishes to inforro his numerous Friends and the Public generally, that he has everything every-thing ia the above line, CONSISTING OF THE FINEST ORNAMENTED CAKES COFFEE CAKES, TEA CAKES, AFIES, MACARONIES, LADY FINGERS. KTCu ETC., ITTC, FRUITS, NUTS, A.N'D THE BEST HOME 1" ADE In tho markot. A PULL STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANGY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS AND VARIETIES, Usually kept by him, aro now bold as U'leap as any House in Town. DANIEL CRENIC. EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE ST?SET. Abovo Second Snnth Street. BUC4 Snlt Lnkc City. TUISWELL KSOWNBIUN'D OF JAPAN TEAS - FOR SALE AT t r Tla Mm Grocery Department . a 1 n. CHW;N. -i 1 ; WlTTANAHAN & SON, DISTTLLSliS AND JOBBERS Oa RYE WHISKEYS, -Wnrshoiis So. 30 Light Strsst, BALT1.HOKE. To whom it may concern "K, 'he nn.1rK;cne.1. elaira and rwt twelve hun.i-e.i leet. inclodiat I S. "o U1 and ih-ee . - in the T-.:-.i !. ' ! m Lutle Coi-.en-eod ,-.-.r.jon. adi h.M.i ;br j tame by deed It.-th tie er;i'.n locate 'r,d bave v rh'-d tui the laws 01 tks dir m every rr-ret. A-.d we Sere nr caTsticn fill rerocs set t traJ t. bar r barter ior a-.d cLaiaia, withoat oar reajeaU O H. PKSSETT.! Utivnirtratrs ot the LIVINS, t K-ttts e: Aatheny Ivini deoeajsd. LSKAiL iYlNi HOTELS. ETC. WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UT A IX . THIS IinrSE IS THE LARGEST AND be?t ai-t-i-'inted Houe in I" tab Territory, and has aocuiiimodatk-a ior tiireo hundred acd liity c'Jt.. Street ears andcarriaua conceded conced-ed with the W bite Suli-nar Lata. Reading K'XJin. cor-uir-ic rair5 from all vic--i. Bath?. Rax, Teleerarh. New aud CLjar ttaad au&ched u tho Llvue. M. S. GREELEY. CO., nortl ProiTioiors. AMERICAN HOTEL, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Terms 50 psr dnyi Weekly Board and Koora: Jli,00 to SIj-OO) Tnble Board, s 00. A fow First Class families can Cod pleasant quarters. Salt Lako City, November 21. 1RT2. J. C. UTILE. BoC-i Proprietor. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL OX THE KIROPKA.1 Pi. AM. Situated in business pan of the city, with acoommodation tot iXOkuobU. FIRST-CLAS3 accommodation forFaniili and Travelers, aoomi, 50c, 75c, 31.00 nnd 11.30 per day. Dintna; Hall and Restaurant under the management of M. D- Beardsloy. late of the Morrison House. Um-iha, and Tichnor Eoudo, Lincoln, Neb. Board per -weeli, t7i Meali, 50c. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Stages leave daily for tbo mines. Laundry oonnectod with the hotel. SMITH BIGAZK, my 17 . Proprietors. Washington House Xljii-a ioiitli street, SALT LAK CITY Boaurd and Lodging, par Wk 00 Board and Lodging, per dny, 1 23 Day Board, per week, 5 00 Single French Spring Beds, per week, - 3 50 Bads, psr Night - 50 aals - - 25 Ui TOWNSEKD HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADIXe HOTEL O V UTAH. JAMES TOW NS EH D PROPRIETOR. Thh Houao is oentrallr and pleasantly lo-oated. lo-oated. well furnished, and has accomaioda-tioaefor accomaioda-tioaefor 1 guesu. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing 0 build larse additions to hia llotol, wbih when finished, will ron'-ar it the Mott Complete Establishment in the ROCKY M0FXTA1N REGION mil TAYLOS'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. mvll W.T.REYSOLDS CO., E. B. ZAB1USKIE, Boa Jfrancisco. Salt Lake City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVE TOR SALE A FINE LINK OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call the attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE AUfc'NTS FOR "IIOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. TUB FINEST IB .A. IR, IN THE CITY CONNECTED VITII TUB HOUSE. 64 MAIIf STREET Two doors south, of Wells, Fargo a Go's Bank. my 5 C. H. DASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kin ii of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron nn.l tUeel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH XUULS, a.(rls wl ttara.1 lc-p'-i-.ts Aad iiLulI Tools, At Lowaat Raui. 'PrvSlIE IliE SALI LAKE IivUE. kl INSURANCE. HOME" INSURANCE COMPANY, Columbus, OHIO. CashAsieis. Dec- 31ft, 12, SSOO.130.16. Cah in Bank and Government Ht-'Ods. 7jj So Mi r-L-..l- . t.:ij',i?ral Lvac5, I at: i ! i ii Ko.-rivabio 4'M f1! " Pe-eaibtr Pr,::n:ims XvMtW Ko.il i E.-tite. IVr-.-iil Property, All titht.r ioJuriiio? V. ! So!;Oi IS Thi- Ci'inrany i-.-aes Polii-io inFurmn arainst l.'SS,T I'.AMA.iEhy KIKE or LRiHTNINii ; on noiiint li. '.i-t; and c. ntent?. bams ad 0- atonts, C hurt' he. S,-hvil llou'iis and i'ubiic LaiLdi-iss fur a toruis of years at favorable r-ito-. Lurinojs Eni'.dirj, Mon-handio Stock-. Elov.i-c.r. ruin. ?..re, Milli. and .Macufat.-t"rio .Macufat.-t"rio insured at ratea which will furnish indeinuity to 1 he injured and prelection tothe 1- .iinal osui'k'M-i. .uiall lines a .i oei.ilitv. -M- A. 1'AL'iillEKTV, Tres;.; J. PEKIKEi, I "c b IJ ' H. It. J1AXX JtCo., Agtnu. AMAZON IMR1TE CO. J. B. BEXXETT - - President. B. 1. WtSX - - (secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, JIXE 30, 1873. C&h on hand, in bank, and in course of trac.--uii.iou $I1!,WS 57 United states Bond, markot value IJi.ltiS 09 Mortgages Sa.titd 67 Collateral Loan; 12$,4 06 Accrued Interest.. . 20.r12 5 liillsKeceivtble 15 "state Bonds and Miscellaneous... Ev17 W Duo from Agents . 66 $a))6 70 LIABILITIES. Outstanding Looses 'and other Lia biliuos 477,711 0-i H. R. ffiaiin &Ca, Agents, H UltedrCo, J. o. Box, 554. irCS AGEITGY OF THE Home Mutual mmm mm, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL $650,000. JOHN n. REIH(;TO.V, Pretld.nt., I'lllKLES K. STUHY, Seer.t.ry. B-iiicipal Office, 433 California St., SAXFEAKCISCO. H. R. MANN & Co., Agents Office: Banking Houso, A. VT. White A Co. Prospectus for 1S73. SixthTear. THE ALBINE, An Tlluatrnteu no-.u-i. j.. i. uulversitlly mliiilticd to be the ban d some at .Periodical la tile Vorld. A Ilcpreseiitiitl ve nml Chain ptou of Aiutrl-cau Aiutrl-cau Taste. Not for Sale in Book nr News Stores. TMEALDINE, whilo issued with all tho regularity, hus ni-no of tho temporary or timely interott chaxaeteriatio ol ordinary periodieali- It is ;m okvant miscellany of pure, lulii, and graeeful literature; and a collection col-lection of pictures, tho rarest specimens of artutic skill, in black aiid white. Althouj-h oachsiiccocdiiu number aliords a fresh pleasure pleas-ure to iti lriends, tho real value and beauty of THE ALIH-NE "ill bo most appreciated after it hiis been bound up at tbo eloio of tho year. H tulo other publications luuy claim superior cheapness, as coiupured tyiih rivals of a similar class, THE ALUl.N E ii u uni.iuo and original conception alono aud un appro ached abso-lutolj' abso-lutolj' without competition in price or character. charac-ter. The i'Oi;C;sor oi a cotui'leto volume cannot can-not duplicate tho nuantity of tino paper and eugravincs in any other ?bnpo or number of volumes tor uu ilium lis cost inint tlteu, llicrc urc tlie clirumo besides t AUT DEPARTMEXT. Notirithstandinc tho increase in tho prico of subscription Ja--t tall, when THE ALD1.N E OEsuiued its jtomjiiI noble proportion- andrep-ro.-eiitativi) cliaraotcr, the edition -.vnn more Hum duubtctl during tho past year; prov-inn prov-inn that tbo American pubiic appreciate, and will support, a aiiiccro ellort in tho causo of Art. Ibo publishers, aniious to justify tbo ready couiideueo 'hus demonstrated, bavo exerted tLoiu;olvos to tbo utmost to aovolop and improvo tho work; and tho plans for tho coining year, as uDiuldud by tho monthly issues, is-sues, ill ajtoui.-h and uolight oven Lho most sanguiuo tneujsoi lUEALlfl.NE. 1 tio publishers uro authorized 10 announce dcaigns Irum many ol tho most eminent anus it ol America. In aiidiiion. Til E A LI) I NE will produce examples ex-amples of the be.-1 loieign masters, seloctod with a view to tbo buliet artisuo suecu.-s, aud greatest general lutero.-l; avoiding such as have became lamiliar. Lhroutb nhotocrindis or ewpios' ol any Kiud. lho .luartero tinted plate;, for l!-73 will ro-1-ri.ilueo luux oi Ji'ima. Uavies' inimitable c In ill's r.eU'Ut-3, aiijroiTiate to the lour Jeitsons. 1 lioso puitos, ai'pearing in tno issuim fur January, Jan-uary, A pi il, J uly, anil uctuOer, would bo alono worth Uiu jtico oi a y uur 'a subscript itn. ILo i-n'iilar leature-s ol a copiously illutrat-od illutrat-od 'i.hrirliiiai" uumier 11 ill bo ton l in nod. To I'uwuu iuch a valuable epitome 01 lho art world, at a cost so trmiuc, will evimmand tho subscriptions ol inuusiLoda in every suction ol the eouuto i but, a Uio ustlulnuaS and attractions attrac-tions m lilt. A1.U1A t can bu enhanced, in proportion to tbonumorn'iii increase oi iu eup- poitef;, tlio (.uollsuel's proj-'.-e to Iliiio"aS- furaiiL-o aouoiu suroM' by tno lolloa inii un-paraiiuioa un-paraiiuioa oner ot 1'llL.UIl.U CIIIIO.HOS 1-OK 1S73. Every subscriber to THE ALDIXE. ho paja in ad, .unu ior tiie j ear Is. j, will receive, itb ill .iituiLii-u.il etui f.'e. a pair oi bojutnul Ion euro in ., ailci J . J . ii ii 1 . Uio ouiiiioll t-ii-' ii.-b paiiiior. Hie i''t..re.', entitled "iuo 1 uiago L.eil," mid ""t-ro.-.-ing tho .iuur." aro i 11 j. u incties-.iro piinied iruiu y dillereut platos, re;uiriiK mu rc.-i..na a:id tints to Ptr.ect e.iLli pin., re. ihe diuiio chromus aro I Poul ior per p.ur, in tno urt stores. As it iP tbo aeteriuiij.iLiiiii oi its ci-uduttors to kcer 1 lilLA(.Ul.Lua me re.icc o; cv-mpctitiou in bu-o dci ar:,uei,n lao curmioa will bo iouiiu i,,n"i.-'Mi.iitJ.o aiiead ol aiiy that can iiliure oltu . p i 'ii- ln-r.-. twi .n. teeing ta.it I lie im.aod. lho ui.-i: niuini'ii ui piuLuros of tins -r.iiic. tree u-Urn jub.-cnoers to a iivoduiiar .eiiojuai. will in.ir .111 c, ooli m tbu hi.-t.-ry ii .it; aad. C":.-.Lloru.6 tae uujr o.eJui.ted elioai lies--ol the pi i. e lor 1 li L. Al-Ul.N t. lU-oli. mei.;;.i iH-.e;.Li.eW4iiU; and imi n.i i-j'U ca.iiip:al appliance... d ..r i li .;:an,as of tn-.-o carouius, boo iueinber lkuo oi IHE ALULN t-J TUE LITERARY BEPARTMEXTS will c ir.tinuour,.ler the care oi .M r. RICH AH D llt.Sttl i l' 'iJL'A cU. a.-;;eJ ty 'Lo t.c-t w riier-:id p-cts oi taeda.. wdu will -trivo to Sj.ciLi ..:,:.i:..re i: J!!L Al.l'INb aj-waya aj-waya m keepui nti itj artistic attractions. TEK.1IS, A3 per annnm, In itrtvnnce, with Uil lliromoa free. ..-1y rJ -."r'l. '....I; bo 'r- "W V": '." Ml. oi.'l'r.;, 1,1 Mly r: o i- 1 1 . . .1: : e lc-luill( AliEXTS ttixTI D. Ar.y 1 -?r-w- 'r. ,r. ; 1-. act 1 c r.r.rr:W a 1 :- 1 . i iaa i;uuipt m jaVls'siiioxa Co, Pnl,llhrr. 5t HA1DKN LAXE, NEW lUKlk W. H. Harrisotos, Aeent, Lieraid Offioe. B-5 DESMOIDS TRADE- DES MOXNZS Scale Company ! Jc , F. R. WEST. PresiJ-nt. l S. F.SrOFFORI. Vice-r-t. flEO. A. JEWtrrr.SecrV. 5. W. HEDIIEAP. Treasurer. iJiiU S S- UITCUC0CK, Supt W.M. DICKERSON, General Acenu We aro manufacturing, and can fill orders on short notice, the following: Hay, Coal an! Stoct Scales ! RAILROAD, Warehouse & Counter Scales WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES ! FLOUR. AXD BUTCHERS' BEAMS Baggage and Warehouse Trucks. Every article warranted durablo and accurate. SCALES OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Address, for Circular?. DES MOINES SCALE CO., no26 Das Moinos, Iowa. A. E. ROBERTS CO., ' Manufactnreri of SCHOOL FURNITURE, OFFICE DESKS, CHURCH, II ALL, AND COURT HOUSE SEATS. DES M0IXE3, IOWA. Blackwell's Liquid Slating and Black Board Orders solicited. Send for Illustrated Para: nr.. ami Price l.i-t. .IJ" MISCELLANEOUS AT COST! 3P O X. CHRISTMAS SEW YEAR PRESENTS THE MOST DESIRABLE OPPORTUNITY OP-PORTUNITY ! CARL C.lSMUSSEN TILL SELL And wishos to call special attention to his h....t:r.i ....rtinont of lino Ladies' Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelets, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS RINGS, CHAINS, LOCKETS aai CHARMS. Also . BTeat variety of tho bost solcctod GOLD NECLACES. BROOCHES, BROOCH-ES, EAR RINGS AND FULL SETS A complete assortment of the best Erades of AMERICAN WATCHES tho most suitable for Railroad Travolers. Farmers and .Miners. For strength and good going thoy aro unsurpassed, and will koop 1 longer than any other watch. ALL GOODS ARE SOLD VP0N HONOR AND WARRANTED. Tho public are cordially invited to inspect- CARL C. AS1IUSSEN, JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER, OPPOSITE POST 0FF1CK. S. h. CITY. umi CRACKERS! CRACKERS! Crackers ! SalfLaie Steam Cracker Factory NEAR R. R. DEPOT. T AM M ANVFACTT HTXfi thotu-t Ql'AL-1 Ql'AL-1 ITY and UKEATKT VAH1EIY of 'RACK K it, over produced in the Territory, Terri-tory, which 1 oiler to llio Trade and Public generally, at tho lowest pof?iblo priro?. Merchants and friends aro roiiue.-led lo call and 01 amino uiy goods and prices, before t arenas ins. R. y. ANDERSON, Sail Lako City, Jan. 4, 1S73. l'tah Territory. CUICAGO & ALTOX R, R. The Only Flrst-Class Ilopl In tha West, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI Hew Short Route from Kansas City to Chicago, Wlthont Change 1 Via St. Lonl.. KdT-a city n N.rth-rr (M- Nirth Mi-nirii -nd ' h irsi;.. nri.l Alton Kailroa.ls engine tlie M i-m-i-i-i h' L-;u-'n-ana, Mn at., ps't 1 n c 1 !i r . u i- h .Ufk'.'in-rille, .Ufk'.'in-rille, BUomi-jgt'-n a-i Juliet. I'ne Shortfst and Uest U'nilo (o (lie Eat, via Chicago! ELEGANT LAY CARS .KD PILLMiSPALCS CARS Run thmnnh fmm Knnw eiir nn ! ;Ht. u Louu 10 ChiCAjts. witbout chaneo ! P1MI FILMS DUIEB Ml HiO SMOKING CARS Oa all daily train : the onlrilioe runuine these can from Kuiu Cltyjand St. Louis to Chicago : No Line makes as Good Time. ' I Or cnfr enne'! it. . naf r.e"r a-"nr.io dati:-o;. bc::tr trak. n. -re t ci,t;. Jn; a. ; it. 're lui irur.i arid f'.ri.'t r-Ie 1 1 T ;r.g : car?. Trinn ol K ar,a.. P.-i fio an 1 allU ,-.crc road? Ct'T.nr-l c1-.jc.j with trv.tii of Lh ii line, ii ft 10a Dept-t, Kansas eur. 1 JAS. HARLTON, Gi-neral PaeTr-r anJ Ticket Arestt C, k A. R. H. Caicaso. J. 1 M:MtTLUN. P-SB.SopU, C. Jt A- K. E., Chicai-o. FRANK HIGH, Western Trmrslin A"ant,0 A A. R-R Kiuil oiu, Wo. Jl j WISCELLANEOUS. j SELLING AT COS I'. Creat Sstcrlnee! Ktd-icwn's Coalrslle Coal. rer ton at the I". C R. li- Deivt. , CoaJ delive.-tvi in all pan.-: of the C:i.v at K' -.0 1 l-er ton. Order? receive.! at Tea.-d--l A Co"? j Dunfonl A .ioi-'.Sm;;h,s Boo: acd Shoe St, ro. j and b,x in ihe Pot t'f?c fet- FOR SALE. ROR-J-VFR "l.'TTl.K lilAN T" Ercine and li;t" Cvaiple:e, in fan v o.k- GORDON &, MUfiHAY. lUlf bK-ck MMth K. R. Dcivt. talt Lake JJ1 M. T. BURGESS, Civil Engmepr end U. S. Mineral Surveor, Will prepare the n-e.ary Pa per and Diagrams Dia-grams .or Patents and I'rote-Lv Offco in BuiUing occupied by Survevor LtencraL ianl TO THE TRADE, Join Russell SaMictnriflu Co.. (TttAPK iUKK.) J. RUSSELL & CO., QKi:EN k;vi:r wokks, Works ami Warehmisos, Turner's Falls, Mass., Manufacture tho nne?t and lar.-a.-t variety TABLE CUTLERY In the World. Their flood can now be found upon the Lists ol all A I Jobbing House:-. Office nn it Sample Knomi SO Chnm-bcra Chnm-bcra Si rci t . X KM VtlKK. Jno.Kussell M Vs Co. janl9 oi b I r? x M 0 I , S - s w : S cq i R g a 1 '1 ffl g 3 s 2 1 b g s '- GO S s I H ' n fcS H z r , ' is w s : i 2 ! 1 . 0 5 S S W Is Q3 J S g CORN, OATS, BiRUY, FUHMt.CORN'-.MEAl.. Bl'CKWIl KAT- KLOl'lt AND Pit 1 M K lu TTL'R. For sale cboaiier than any other houso in tho city, by UORM, A nt'KKAT, Halfblock oiuhorK.K. Uotiol , Salt Lake ClU-. 4 nil mid m c! IUOx cUHIAL. BED ROCKS OF NATIONAL WEALTH. Iron and Coal. Capitalists call on mo! I own it, 1 will divide Address, . SI. O I. A lit, S19 1. O. llox 10, Salt Lake City. IT ANTED. P2.W!0 CASH. FOR ONE Tf 1 ear. "ill divide the Gno't mining interest in l'tah for tho uo of the uionov. Addrosa, S, il. BLAlK.Sall Lako City, P. 0. Box Ibd. NOTICE. rllE UNKNOWN OWNF.HS OP FIVE Hundred and Kiftv t vVi) u-et in tho Uu on .t OardiuT Lido, and four Hun irl H-n f.-et in thoUrpli:in liny knio. will uko 11 tic; that wo havo done labor on lho above nil 111 ed damn to lho amount 01 Uno Hundred I r Wj 1 lolli.rs eacli. The .-iimo beinn si.ien ami one-Feveiith I I I- -) rents rer foot on the tin-on A Uiminer. and oielit und one-third t 1 -. t J cent. i-cr loot on tin un ban Hoy. .-aid claims Loins citii-atfd citii-atfd in Litilo C..tlnroud I't-Lnot. .--hU l.nko County, I tab Territory. And jou and each o you are hereby noti'dod to iiiy jour portion ns abovo jilutcj, ivuhin ninelv :! ila Irom dnto of this notioo, to A. vV. V hi to A- Co., ut Salt Lako City. IIENM uWEN, S- S. EVANS. SaltLakk Citt. Doc. 7, lt-Ti dS READ This Advcrtifoiucnt AND WRITE For our Manual of Evergreong AND SAVE i buying and planting your tree, 50 PER GENT. Prioo l'J cent worth S to nj tree-planter ris.ir.v a co., IT NtiirKrnn Ky, . TI1VCE TABL5. BURLINGTON ROUTE. '0 IHt EAST. NOR I H AND SJUTHtHc.T. No. 3. STATIONS. li'rkt' MAIL. 1 .7.. Learc HALT LAKE fvWa.m.l 2Ah P.a. - OMAHA ! 6:Ki,.m. 5:itLia. Arrive BUKLINCJTON ! rJa.iJ a j I " JalctfburgfC.B.AQ. 7:'da.m. f:.rnj p.m. " Mscaoia 1115 , a.m. " Chicago " Sil.'ip.io. 7:lf a.m. " Peoria - - j .'tj.m. l2iV 1 it. - Ir.I-pH.-'I.B.AW.' r-i.-.p.n,.1 r-a.tr. Cis:i--;ti - - : 13;'0 p.m. Ll.'-p-na. " LoiBn..ir I Vnii, t-.aih.tD. . T. P. kW. I 1 " Cuirhtu -J ''!' "k- rr-ThTNorh r.-t u-a, M f..D-i Ki-rr to C'-'-.t". I' ii- iip'-lia. Cir.niiLati. L'-eftiF-, p rtanJ C- i;ahs.i l r.ni-'ui- : ttii -e f i r. wifi liir. Je1 i' t1 '-.--. ' - K r.' i T-.j. - tr iorlil, liUlck.tl SlB(I C'hititn limits. Di !)' I ' '"l. ia nh'ain T--f-'-' r the Burlioston ft Miuoarl Kitm Pilroad. A..Tf)l ZALIN. 0. jtPKKKIHN et'l Pa: ABU jr't ST. LOUIS TRUDE. Filey's Famous I .-i'N-- - ARE MAlE Sv'l.i:i.Y FY THE EX-flSLSiliMACrJI CO. sr. LtU'is, :o. Are doine mfi-e and ciiai-tevBETTtfi COOKING, Oak n KK;; ANL) cheaper Than any Move of !ame cotl. A HE ALWAYS Charter Lowpr;cec( rceliable. Oak And 0iatoJ Tor feet ly. Vi ILL DO VOI R CharterC00K1NG CHEAP Oak Kd eiis-v' yuUk anil Clean. Always arraQtcd Charter Oak Nniii iiv LIVE STOVE DEALERS. DOTll MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. l-rffalizrd by St tit- Authority and Drawu in I'uhlir hi Sl. I.tnil, Grand Sinylo Nun'.bRr Scheme. 50.0UO NUMBERS ClnttO, to b Uru Feb. HI-, 1813. 5.SS0 Pri:s, Atnmt'itniy to f300.000. 1 prite Ol t.Ht .mill' i-ll prlmnll 11)0 1 pn.i' ol l.i. U, i l I.IM'O 1 iir ir ol IU, li l' j V,.!!,-.,.! iilU t i.nrt- ol l.ti V . hi ... ai'll t-nt.1 5. mill W,ru.-ot H-0 iiiir.-.( H..MIU 31 pt r ol liiHI Mil , rif ot 1 U" .l. t"l I AO IP .i 11,- . f S m I "ii ,, u, . ! 10 0 4U int.. jf , V.tUMi i,r.of 10 Tickets, o. H-ir 1. k.n, (t, Uutrltri l.ail. tt. Our L.ltr-f r- ti- ir-l b- Hip St-t ar Joii. tlntwli ' llir timp ..-iu-I ,11 ilrBinfc- 1 Jvi' -irt-i K t '-"-li-l m ilis 81 l--nl- im, - J xv ol dr -l"g 10 Ptls- "ill a ' a i..-iu tl i.t dr.. .! pvpr, u,.-iiili n.r-. 1 l'Ti t. lift" 1 1 "t.t -i-k l.s P..-T ortl'TI MI.1NKV OllUKiA, KK-.K-lk-vKl- I.KllKa, I'ltAfT. or KM'IU-? -fii.l lot .-IrenlM U-dieM U-dieM MlKtAl, M 1 1 . L. k. 11 v . o., Pot Onw Bni Q44S. UT. LOUIS. Mo. rotIT SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, i - t'f if'' . I V.VMLLV, !.i:.iI0, ETC, For Klaioriiij; Iff ileum. Cakes mid Fnstrr. "With ifTf::1 run-, liy n doiv procnfi'i', WfcMi'iK't from Ilir f;-'"-, f-rlcrt Viii' inn) Aroinnti . culi lnir;u In isllc flt. vor, nnd inilui 0 " m , -1;; " rare (xc. Ufiax. Of !'-it fit', i,.jth 'nutf yr'f.rt purity. X oi.-fU.i'iR oi-'.. J7 - n ft.nvr ts rrprenc'itfi. A 0 it tnrh li-lib- full Vtf-iMivf, hjltinrj niir -hif vwre fmn vlJfrs pin rtiurj to ! frntir tnuiiti'v. 16 tl.rm oner, iriU tw vn othtr. ''' ttt"-iiJir.ifr, ttt"-iiJir.ifr, d''.in-u Jt'iim ri,-r nni-'f. lv Miifri'T to 1 he cli'-;ii ctr:n is. A-k f'T I'r. I'rioe's Spi- ml J'hi ui Miunr fiictliri'd unly hy STEELE tHc PKICE, DojhUb, (,'HICAiiU nnd ST. L 'CIS. V.,n-.if.,rfurer nf 7r J'nv' Cnnni Ji thlH'J J'-;rdrr. Everybody Wants ONK OF TIIOSi: NICE GHAMPIOH fc-'..-',x " . " ' u - .1 i . i 1.1 -.".t Washing -Machines 22 000 S?LD K C N E YEAR. Pricti OO. Ui.lv , ll mi Chaij. W. St?yner, d'ciieriil Acnl, Ko a JrlalaMtr.ct, ..it l..k. City Liill |