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Show EES u.Z::.'cS TRADE. . . ,- - - r - IS MOINES Scale Company F. R. WEST. i'rwidonL Jf'"! S.Jf.KI'UFFOHD. VieoF't- A (1KO. A. J KWKTT. tiect'y. Jff. T W. RKDilEAD,Troaurer tSSL.i 'Af3. S. U1TOUCOCK, Sup'U WM. D'.CKKKdU.N, lioneral Anont. Wo are minnlrliirintt, nn.l i'iin fill orders on iiiiuri uuiico, llio lulluwiDv: Eaj, Ceil aiiJ Stock Scales UAILKOAU, VarehousR & Counter Scales WHEAT OK nOI'i'KR SCALES ! FLOUR ANI MUTCIIKHS' IHCASIM Haggnge Mid Warehouse Truck, Every article warranted durable and j accurate, i SCALES OL" ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Addreai, for Circulars, no'Jfl Dw Muinw, Iowa. A. EJROBERTS& CO., Manufacturers of SCTfEOL FURNITURE, OFFICE DESKS, CHURCII, I1ALL, AiiD.COUBI HOUSE SEATS . DES MOINES, IOWA. WMkmU'a Liwid Slalinu and Bor Ordom ooliMtod.-Sonil for Illustrated Kintal WO and lrio L,8t- d Everybody Wants ONE OF THOSE NICE 'CHAMPION mm Washing Machines 22 600 SOLD IN ONE YEAR Ladica Call and see thorn. Chas. W. Stayner, Ueuoral Agent, Not main Street, gsUIilt CUy IlilXliMIESI! G. R, Jonas' Superior Lime. CEKTIITKD 'TO EY THE IWLDERS nnd lMastorora of Satt Lake- City and vicinitv, to bo cciual to any other L11110 in tho Territory. Loavo orders at LIMK DEPOT, CITY MARKET SQUARE. JtfB- Special advantages to purchaser who do thoir own hauling. JOB FEINTING. The varied wants of the MIJiEIi, ARTIZAX mid TUAVJELER OF JOB PRINTING OANIIiE FILLED AT THE HERALD JOB OFFICE The unanimous satisfaction given by fto work done at our offico in the past has iustitied us in continually importing im-porting all die KWest Attractions with which to pleasa out pationfi in Elegance vnd Style and perforin Job Pr iuting to compare favomLly wuh iwiy im porta tion in this lino from iho Kiwt or Woat SALT LAKE IRON CO. CJUAllLES UOOME, Fro.id.nt, NEW YORK, II. J. DAVISON, Vice-l'residont and 'Ir""U"r' NEW YOHK, f. V. JONE.5,B.r.Ur MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF IR0N& BRaSS CASTINGS M I N I N U, 8MELTINO And B U1I L D INO. Wo can furnbth, at tho shortest notice. ORE CARS Oft o latoat iinprov omenta, in either Wood or Iron ; OIIK BUCKETS; CAR WHEELS, of any size; UOISTING WINDLASSES; OAST IKON TUYERS, For Farnacos ; SLAG CARTS and POTS; BOTTOM AND FRONT PLATES; CORNER BINDERS; . BULLION MOULDS; LADLES and SKIMMERS j WATER JACKETS; SMOKE STACKS and CHARCOAL WAGONS; PULLEYS of all Sizes; COUPLING ; BOXES ; HANGERS ; SHAFTING ; PINIONS ; GUDGEONS, and COG WHEELS ; IRON RAILINGS ; COLUMNS: SASH WEIGHTS ; And ORNAMENTAL WORK ForJJUILDERS. Works :i ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF UKI'OT. L. S. SUTHERLAND, MANAGER. Po. Bos, No. 609. 2 SPRING, 1873. FIRST UN THE MARKET. FOR THE LADIES New and Fashionable GOODS HOW IBEINO RECEIVED, BY TEASDEL & GO. Lace Pellerines Lace Trimmed Barbaa, Hamburg Edgings and InBertiooi ' Laoo Capca and undcreiecvoe. Lovo and Black Laco Veils. Silk Ties Silk Fichus, Imitation Applique Collars, FANOYO GOODS In largo varitiea. Ottoman Sashes and Scarfs': Ottoman Shawls, Mozambique Shawls, Lucca Wraps. jLadics will do woll by calling on TEASDEL & CO- EAGLE HOUSE, Before Purchasing olsowhore. Blees Sewing Machines lill comniaDijinc.a rapid 6lu. urn 225. 5. JVZ. S. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, NliVV ARRIVALS OK S3JE3EZ?:iSrGr GOODS us-Men us-Men s, Youths', and Boys' Clothing, In all the Newost Fabrics aud Styles. Also all tho popular Styles nf SILK, SEAVEH, and FELT HATS, l'rom tho most celebrated mukoru. M S 1 AND BOYS' CAPS In great variety. Wc oall Bpocial attention to our Stook of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, - IN ' Underclothing, Hosiery, gloves, Collars, Neckties, Neck-ties, Scarfs, Shirt Studs, Umbrellas, Valises, &c, &c. AGENTS FOR THE FAMED EURLOOK DIAMOND .$niRT$. Wo aro oponing the most estonsivc and beat assor tod Stook of PIECE-.. .GOODS' Wo havo over offered, consisting of tho finest qua.itiee of French, English, German, Scotch and American Suitings, Vesting-s, Cassimeres, &c, Which cannot fail in suiting tho tastes of Ml. Wo havo purohaEod with a viow to supply all tho roquircmonta of our RAPIDITY XaCREASING BUSINESS IIV MERCHANT T A ILOBI 3ST O So that our Patrons can aclcot from tho Choiocst Stook in Utah. NEW REGULATION MILITARY SUITS Made to order on the shortest notice. Our very heavy Sales of WALL PAPER & BEGORATIOriS jfiHave induced us to make extensive alterations so that this class of Goods can now be seen to nmoh hotter pdvaotaco than formerly. A beautiful jjaortment of GILTS, BKONZB, SATINS, WHITii and BROWN BLANKS, &0 , now on hand, large assortment of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S TRUNKS, of our own Manufacture, beautifully got up. MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOEk HOME-MADE AND IMPORTED. Floor Oilcloths and Carpets. H. B. CLAWSON, Supeiiu(encleit. DDNFORD & SONS.1 New Goods, Spring1. Styles. Immense assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, Tho largest Stock ever offered to tho trade. WHOLESALE AJSD RETAIL DEPARTMENTS. Big Inducements Offered. GROCERY DEP'l Z. O. IMI. 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a tew Leading Articles at Low Prices, A.TX. OUE GOODS .A. RE OiiEAP DEALERS IN THE SETTLEMENTS AND MININQ TOWNS WILL KIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL !AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. B3) U. I, CLAWgDI, Uptrli "S-T 0 V E S, j.n.' Grocery andHHardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a prcat variety of oilier COOKING and HEATING STOVES, com-prisin? com-prisin? tho tarfst aortmi-tit fr bq 'band in any Btoolc in Utah; priccc vei) l(.'W, fall a-d cc. oo-ao H. 8 CLAWSON, Supt. Z. O. El. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, S1QN OF THE JglO - OPT GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS. CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For flno woathor or stormy wonther; for wnlk-inff; wnlk-inff; dancing, working, BI'AKKiKa, climbing, riding, finning, mining, oto., etc A largo and cboico assortment 9C tho abovo, our own m&ko and iinnortod, at tho most roa-Bonablo roa-Bonablo prices. W. mnke to onler nny style and quality desired nnd ln.'ir, aatlsfaotlon. OX.U IJOOTS AXD 8U0ES Made as good as doit almost SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! ' Sole Leather! Uppor Leather! Harness Leather! Imported Calf Skins, Amorioan Call Sluos, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, "KIT" OF ALL KINDS I UOESE COLLARS ! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT 10WEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Order, by Mnll rcrclrc ,,ccl.l .ail liromxtt attention. HI2ES AND VVOQL BOUGHT H. H,if!LA.W80lS Snot (AY ' . , . , 1 fji ) H:is been lirfcro tuo American luiulic OVHR THIHi Y vcars. H ln mmt yet fnilod to f;ive perfect stitisf:icue.i. nml li;i justly been ntvleil tlio piiTiacea for all external ex-ternal Wmm.lfl. fuis, Barns, SwollinK. Bpiains, l!nii:u-s. lsic., f:c., for Jl in anil Beasli. v" f"iilv slninl-1 la: a Kindle ilay I HAfiAH'S j - smM Magnolia Balm I A FEW APPLICATIONS HAKE A Pure Blooming Complexion. It ia Purely Vegetable, nnd its opomHon ifl Bptin nnd Mt at onco. It does away wiUi tbo lqiishcd Appcnranco caueod Iy Heat. l nUiruo irad ExclU'Uiout. UcalaaiidrcmovcsallClotcbca nnd riiup.ea, dlspcLLtiis dark nnd UDBlfibUy Bpota. Drives away Tan, FreckloB Aod Sun-barn, Sun-barn, and byitH Bentlo but powcrM ioU"eac ! jnanUcs tho taded check witli SoUTKFUL TiLOOtf AM) BEAUTY. Sold by all BnidiTifllB and Fiocy Blorea. & ot. rll I'arl; I'lii'-c w Yuri; MEDICAL. Thelluman Eye. DC. WILbON, M. D,, Oculist and Aurist, Offico noar Oodbo'a cornor ovor Dun-ford's Dun-ford's Stioo Sioi'6, w2Y IE H. L FM3TES. if Uradiiato or tho Poon. Jlodieal Uni-vori-ity, of Pbiladohihia, Pa., ripsiroB to in to rm tier frioDda and tho public ibat Bbo ia rrnj'iircd to roliovo tbo sick and ulfliutod of bor gos, alao children. From ovor TWLNTY YE A PS OF SUCCESSFUL L'RACTICB, Sbo is (.uiilifiod to treat ohronio casoa of long EtandinE-Obstutorlo EtandinE-Obstutorlo casoB promptly ottondod, DyHpoisia, tumors, obslinato ulcors, totter, Optlialuiiu, rliuuiatisui, o'c, oto. Office oipo3ito.now Tubornaclo, SoutU Temple Street, Halt Lake City. anrlO IWTBjAL WORK ! VThe Philosophy of Marriage," DR. JORDAN, of the Anatomical Museum, 818 Montgomery Btreo;, (tw (WifcralB.) SAN TRANOItiOO Califoruia, ha pnbliBlH!u.rouroi lila most Iciportatlt anJ .DHtructivo Lecturoa, m a niwit TOlunw, for llioee who cannot sltenil tbo Loclurea at tho Museum. Bvory nnrnwriwl oud nmrriud man should road and study those important Loo-turea Loo-turea for the good of hlnwolfaDd oQaprmg. By addrefolu): llio Hecrutary of ibo Anatomical Musoam. 8nn Francisco, and enclosing TwoDty-Iflvo TwoDty-Iflvo Couta In poitage BtampB to ptiy postage, tho Book will bo forwardwl to auy ptrt of tho 8tat or TorrltorleP. Dr. Jordau can bfl coiiBiiltwi by liwr. u7 without thiii Linimnit. H.c money ro-fuiidrd ro-fuiidrd unicKS tuc Limmont 13 ns rcpro-srntprl. rcpro-srntprl. snrft nni, r--t tlio pennino MKXH.IAN MUSTANti LINIMENT. Sold by nil JJrnujlists mul Coimtrv (Stores, (it 3.. fide. ii. 1 SI. 00 per Bcltlc. Notice hlvk;. size oj h-ittlit. ftc. DURANT & CUTTING, CONTRACTORS, Forward'iug aud CouiUlLssou Mcrcliallls, salt lakk; city,; bandy station GRANITE, AND LKlil, UTAH TERRITORY. DEALERS IN .PURE COMELLSVILLE CORE, Large rjnVl'ly aliv.jt oil liand. Agentsfor the HOWES' I). 8. STANDARD -. SCALKSi Agcnta for the LACLEDE FIR10 B1UCK MANO-IfAOl'UKINU- CO. Si Loots. Wo nro prepared to Contract for any of tho above-named artioloa, including tbo WYOMING HEMATITE IKON OKE, Attbolowost inarkotralos FOR CASU, "Wo nro also SOLE A cents fortiioColobratod C0QU1LLAKD FA KM AND FltEIUllT WAUUN, uiunufucturod Oijirossly for tbo Utah Trudo. Agonts for tho Far West Freight to. Cnsb Advances inado on Consignmonta 0 Oro andliulljen. Throur-b Bills of Ltidins given to all points in tbo United States and Europe. SAMPLERS OF OKE AND BULLION. Contracts mado for tho Transportation of OKE, BULLlUN, and MILL MACHINERY to any point in Utah or Nevada. Wo also carry tho largest Stock of Grain in Utah which wo Soil Low for Cash. Goods Forwardod to all point? in Utaa and Nevada with prouipLuoas and dispatch. Address all Communications tc DURANT & CUTTING, Salt JLake fli.j-, Utah. JPLUNAHAN & SON, , DISTILLERS AND JOBBERS 07 EYE WHISKEYS, Wjrhouaa Ho. 90 Llfrht Strtt BALTIfflOKR. SIMGEB Sewing Machine. yy E rcspcctftiilyZinYito thu Publio to oall and SCO our oxoollcnt vsrlotv 01 Sewing Macliines riain,Beautiful and Elaborate Style3 of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITfl Til B F ANTON" CASTOBS. TU lotal Satet of the SINGER MACHINE are now THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, s. & a, si & o An oridoiiae that it u fast wiorjiDK suprone favor ill tho household, Tho Sinoeh Comnany sold over tho other Coniiaoio8, &2,7J4. ioT The Cliicago Belief Cominittoo furnished sufferers by Llio Fire to Maruh is, 1S72, 3,9W; 3.151 SiiiRer Jlacliines, all other ruakos, 793. Applicants rnado thoir sclcotion, with same discount on all. 01)11 SALES IN UTAH EXCEED ANY THE 11 HOUSE IN TUB HEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDIi Oh" CHICAGO. Wo courtootuly invito tho Ladioa to suo our XDxxx fc3i"olc3Loxy Attaolamont, It attracts gonoral ttttcntioo and admiration. Wo olao dcairo you to sob our I TUCKERS, CO RDERS, RUFFLE R5, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SilUTTLlS SEWING MACHINES. WE GUARANTEE EVER? MACHrNB WE SELL TO GIVE ENTIRE 8ATISPA0 tion, aa cachono ia tborouKhly adjustod, triod and tostod by exrribncod Mocbanioi said all aro war ran tod to sew with oiute all kinds of goods, from tbo coarsodt to tho fin oat, Lace, MuHlin, C'aiubric, Domestic, Ucuiuie, Tickings. Due kin g Beaver, Buckskia and Leather. tfdF Instruction given frco of ohrvrgo by compctcDt attondanta, and torms of sale to suit all circumstances. OTHER SEWEC ACHSES REPAIRED ON REA 80NAELE TERMS. Wc cstonJ a cordial invitation to nil to GOME AMD 32E OUK MACHINES Whether Llioy wlch to purohae or not, it tub singer mm mm mnmm, fZ, C. M. T. General Agents, Two door .oath of Eaitlo Emporium BaltILarj OiW. RAILROADS. C. P. R. R. On nnd after ISuudny, May l,1STJ, Trntits wll leave Oilcu as fullovat 6:10 p.ni., dLiilv,) Pii&ionur Train for Reno (for Ciirxm ami Virc'ininl Siutu- iiionti. iMaryavillo, Hoddiim-. U'or 1'iTtlnml, 0..) ytooktim, Mori'od, (Sir Yus'iiuito) Tiptuu (h.r L"S Ancolos,) iMiu Juao and bail Friwicinco. 6i00 ii,ia.,Jdnily.l Throunh KmiL-rnnl 'I'm in for Bacrniuoiito and Siiu Frun- J'. II. GOODMAN, Oon. l'asa. and Tiei-ot AtonL A. N.TOWNK, Uon'l Sup't GEO. II. KICK, Aukht, Salt Lako Oily, OHico with Marnhall & Hoylo, Jvor W. F. Jc Co'b Bank. 3-D S NORTHERN RAILROAD. Trains run between Uriaham Junction with CP. R.R., LOGAN. On and artor February lFt, 1873, Daily Trains, Loavo Lrinhnia Junction at 7 :'Hi p.m. Loavo LoKan 8:31) u;m. to connect with trains for Ogdoa and bait Lako. Trains Run on Salt Lake Time. BfV Stages connoct with Trains to nnd from Northorn tjottloinonta in Caoho County Titi- FARES: Cotiroen Logan and ''nit Lako !o 00 Odon 3 00 Mondon and Salt Lako -I 75 Osdon 2 7& rXcducod RatcR to Exoursion Parties, Pasacucrs will ploase purohasp their Pioketa at tho Officoa. For nil information ooncornins; Froicht or faasago, aiii-iw tc CHAS. NIBLEY,' General Freight and Ticket Agent. dll Uon'l tiup't. UTAH CEITRAL flaw -USf jg V HJT Mf-Ng PiOHEER LINE GF UTAH. On and after May 1, 1873.; lially TraJlus Leavo Bait Lake City nt6:o(U-m. and 3 45 I -QJ Arrive at Oardon 7:0 n. m. nnd !:45 p. m. Laave Ukuo& at EMU a. m. and b it) p. m. ArnvofcLBaatLakoOiLy 10:IU fc,m. 8 30 r.ta In addltioD to tho abov THAIN11 Will run ' DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 6.30 p.m., and Ogden at 5 a.m. and 6.50 p.m. Psiffn will plas ParthtM tntr TUkttt at th Offli. ftftj Cents additional frill be charted when tbo fare ia oolleoted on the train. oi aU information oonoernlnr (reliht or padiaze, apply to JAS. N1TAKP, General Frtjicht and Ticket A" JOHK SHAEP, IV T 1 B I N? X m r a wt UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD On nnd after December SOlh, 1873 DAJULY TitAINS Leave the Utah Central R.R.. Depot, 8alt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. Arrivo at Lehi at 9 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Leave Lchi at 9.30 o.m. and 5 p.m. Arrivo at Salt Lake City at 11.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. In addition to the abovo MIXED TRAINS Will run daily, Sunday excepted, Leaving the Utah Central It. It. depot, Salt Lako City, at 1 p.m. and Lchi at 6 a.m. Passengers will please purchase their rickets at the Offices. JAity ocnta additional ad-ditional will be charged when tho fare ia collected on the train. For all information concerning freight or passage, apply to JAS. 8J1ARP, Gen. Freitht and lioket Aeont. JOHN SHARP, BOPXBJHTiNDirrr. THIS WELL KNOWN Bit AND -or- JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT Ke TVJL Jh Grocery Department 4 1 II. D. OLAW80N Sapt. TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE. GUlOU LINK LE'llVKEN New Vink, Uiicensttiwn, ant) Liverpool. Ciui-iiiK tbo United States Mails- Idaho, nf:vada i! IN N liSfrTA. .1 CifeM-:iIllASliA M AN 1 1 A'lT'A IN 1'UMl NO, WISCONSIN, hrafflJtewi SAILING FltoM N HW YOitlC FVliltX W KDNLSDAY. CA1HN 1'iwaso from Now York SS0 nnt-3iki nnt-3iki Kld. Suturoouid on tbo sauio deck at SaloiiD. STlifcJllAGH: 8-7J from Now York; J-'Mfroic Liverpool ur tjuoonstoivn, pnynblo in current;) Piuwiigo from or to Uormanv, l-'ranao, Nor way, Swodon, etc-, at Lmvo.-U Katoa. Itomittaucoa to Groat liritain, Ireland aud tho CuntinonL Apply to WILLIAMS A I1UI0N,15) Broadway; Broad-way; ur 11 S. L'LDltKDdU. di!l Salt Lako City. GILMER i SALISBURY'S STAGE LINES TIHIOUQR f JtaBi, ontli - vast Leavlwg Ha.ll LaiU Ctty Dllf, r mtufjc Uoulli to Tintio, Amorioan Fork, Mount Nobo, Sevier, St. tieorgo, Utah ; and riooho, Nevada j . Pftalaz thrown h Provo, Sprii)ville, SpoDish J'ork.Paj' son, Halt Crook, Chicken Crook-Kound Crook-Kound Valley, Fillmore, Corn Croek, Beaver, Minera-vilio, Minera-vilio, and All the principal towns and naming camps in iouthcrn Utah and toxith-tfui Nevada. Alpo loave Go-Uu, Ut&, dally, running worth to Virginia City, Holena, Fort Benton Door Lodge, Cedar Crock minou, and passim; through all the prinoipaJ Iowds and mining min-ing camps in Montana, Mon-tana, piUKciPAi. urricE, Wells, Frgo X Co. Building SAiiT lake, OPH1K And Tintic Stage and Express LINE, RUJEf NlJf Q DAILI FKOM SAX, LAKK CITY, Tie, LAKK TOWN, TOOELX CITY, STOCKTON AMD OPHIA TO TIJITIO. The ronte has been re-stocked with splendid splen-did Concord Coaehos, fine Stock, oaiefnl and attentive Drivora. and every attention is paid to the oo ni fort nni oonvonisnoe of paea angers. an-gers. Qood accommodation on the rood THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OM at Welle, Fargo Co.'f, Salt Lake City, LEN WINES, nll Proprieten TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO THE EAST. NORTH AND SOUTHEAST, Ho. 3. STATIONS. ilptiBB? MAIL. Leave SALT LAKE 5:00 a.m. fctip.n. " OMAHA 6:30p.m. 5:30a.m. Arrive BURLINGTON &:00a.3i. :0.P.m. "aaleaburKtC.B.AQ.) 7.-00 a.m. 10:50 p.a H Uenaoia " U:15a.m. 32? a.m. " Chioago " 3:15 p.m. 7Ka.m. " Peoria - 9X)a.m. 12Ca.m. " Ind'plIsd.B.AW. 6:15p.m. 9;25a.m, " Cincinnati - - ll.-O0p.rn. 4:15p.m. " Logansport 555 p. m. 9:20a.m. T. P. W.) " Columbng 2:-a.m. 5:1p.BD. CJ"Throuh Cars from Miss tirl River to Chicaco. In dianapolis. CinolD r ati. Lnrans- ortand Colmnhun, Now iorii, Lojton.rhlla-delphia, Lojton.rhlla-delphia, and Va.-hiiiKton. Connootions at tnose poll it with linos learlinu to the Kant, North and South. This h tho Ut. Hhorttit, ulckeet ail Cha)iatl ltout. Do not bo docoivd, but obtain Tickets via the Burlington 4 Missouri Kivex Railroad. SAM. 1'OWKLL, R0BT. HARRIS, n-n'lXkt. Ant 0n'lNoi''t Gen. Woitonl'iu. AgL D. W. UIXOUCOClv HEAD This Advertisement AND WRITE For our Manual of Kvernroons AND SAVE 50 PER GENT. 10 oents-north.Sj to any troo-plantw. PINNKY CO., Sturgeou Ilay ,Wii |