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Show T IIim-Twu j-v-nitbod Kixjiiia, on IW astk . A. k k i J nt alt rpi i n i h k r-r, nKiamsn t-j hsinJU.; crcckory. Apply Im C. K. BaKRATT, ti.t j Mam Street, The ( ki.xiiratkl) Umh. Hut, mock K iitui'Iiy whisky f'-r Kvlo at Morten's -i tuy Li'iuur Slon;, corner foutb aikr iiro,. mLllf I Ta t.s Cutlery and tilverware, at arrtt.li a, inJj Uar tii lures and hotel ware, at Jjarnilt'. mJO (jEo. SuowsLL, bcavonger for the City. o2 L'nk Ghirard.-iii o KAIjLK (JHOCO-LA.1E. (JHOCO-LA.1E. It is the beet. 1 1 will bell, for one month, Tents ai d Wdjf'jn Covors cheaper than they can be Blight anywhere in ttm city. T. Curtis, 2d douth-sL oppoaito Com-inereial. Com-inereial. 8 C-H itARDJLLi's KAGL-E CilOCO-LA'i CilOCO-LA'i K h& bwn awarded the first premium pre-mium wherever exhibited. 2 it att k a kh and I'illows, all kinds, at Linrratt'a. niJ Apr your groctir trr Ghirardelli'i CllUCULA'fK and COCOA. d6 That-Be-loody I'iulit.W tight and Parry, the parties who had tho light with boor tumblors, on Saturday, appeared in court yesterday with court planter stretched in various directions over tho countenance. Tho evidence whs one called tho other hard names, and then the tumblors began to tly. Wright was lined $0 for his part in the transaction, and 1'a.rrr -Jlo. .Mali.oky's Select Oystors in every stylo, or by tho can, at the Uolmonieo. alii . RmiovKD.-ewm.m & Co. 'a "Wood Yard, to center of iirst block south-east of deput, near Salt Lako Cracker Fnc-l..ry. Fnc-l..ry. Call and sen a stock of nice Oiukciia-p, very cheap. Ul A Car Load of California wine and ale just received cheap at Sangio's. n J ExouumobXoau from Kock Sprinjis Hitler Crook. Little waste; Urong heat, yorv Binall traco of Fiilphur. Leave orders with J. W. SKLL, Idaho Sloro. jRl" Ck.t tour good HorsPH shod by Win. Uowliugi t t-ayloa Fralick's Bhol). T-' Vn roR Sewing Maehino pleas fiP e .ivN.'.l v who goes it, being elegant, oa.-y ol 1" iii'.'ii, and has all tho latent in1 vovemi nta C. W. Stays kr, n1- Agent. .U"-T Kkckivku, a Jplrndid lot of beii-r'ni, parlor and bar-room mirrors mir-rors al JooUon , Groesbcck block. Call and .-co IIkui. inaylT-tf I'HUtiKVlIJtK i DECORATION DA Y I May 30llif 1873. Tlio rroeisiin " ill form un Ul .South street r-lit re-line on Muiii it met, at lti a. in., and will bo lunsioil in iho lulkuvint; urilur: 1 ii-Mt Division, A-;iitnnt Marshal Col. J. V. 1'Oh'o, in command. com-mand. Escort Conijiany I'.ii V. S. Cavalry. Lri'MillV Liand. Man-hal ..f tho Ja. :md Aid?. Ulla-or.s ul llio A rui v and X a y. Onitur ul tlio May. Chaplain and foot. Mom burs of ihv iruud Army of tlio Koiviblio. Ullicers and fo!Uiers of tho Uittriet of I' tab, .M minted- Uflkera and i'Mmr, uf tho IMrict of tho I'laiDi, MouDtod. U'ho CiOTcroor und federal Otlicers, in carriiijios. Tcrriloriiil, City m.d County OCi-ci'rs, OCi-ci'rs, in carriuKuj- SALT LAKSFIKE DEl'Alli'.ML'N . Sceoiiil L1Ih1ou. As.'t. Mardinl Cai t. 'L'. U. lintos, in command Mn-onioand lud Fallons" Pm-ictic?. InJei-undi-ni Urdt-r uf Hed Un. rUn-TiTs' As-i'i'i.ition. Cituona and .--iraiiiiL'rs. School Ciiildren and .Societies not roportinn. will bo --icni-d a i-laco in the rreco.-iun, rrlion lurminx. il thoy Jiir to i aiticii Jle, 1. 1 no of Jlnroh, t:t Mnin to South Tomi'lo street; nlotit Sovith Tomiilo io .".tU L.i-t ftruol; donn tlio Imt.-r to :d Suiith st root ; thotico c.-: 1" Catni Mhuh; from t'nini' Moui:l.u to tlio Cc inotery, nburo ibe T"i--'ii'ii "ill 1)0 roci'ivui uy liio troops ol livit. Lorron''; command. Order of K crcl cn nt 1 tic t met try. Ml'-IC CrosalTi Pnnd I'KAVIiH Ut l to Chili-lam ML slC Uy tho bait Lalo Choral L nion PUE.M. Ml SIC Iy tho Choral I niun OH. II Ml SIC - tho Liberal Hand Alter whioh th" Pecniii'ii of lh crrtTiv will tko ..i.o. under tho ?m.orviMvn ol Mr. J. Y. TasK-art. Cliai no an of i U ; I- lor.il Cm-lii Cm-lii it too, ntiun iho itocoioh will ue dimissoJ. Trnts "ill pitohed in tlio neicieoriuv-a ..fiho Co ui ri or), jur tl' .u-t-.'niii.M l'l-n id" I'ionio paiuo.. r. "OAOK, uil-id M.ir.-hal ot liio May. Salt Lark City, 3iy -j-ith, lTS. A Meeting of the "Gevral Commit-' tot" heid linn evening, . tho otlice of General Conner, at the cl.v f llio meeting meet-ing called hv the Grand Any of tho Kepubiic at Independence Halt, to take into consideration the re-lulion pa-'ed at a former meetmsof said assocution, which road a.- foliows: InaMiut.-h a Hio lirnrtd AlMi1.v,,'lli,u'1,(,,i,.I1,J , and Tit ai-i'-' irii th.H tiru-haiu nk-. t!;o Pt,:.lont (ho M :m -:i - h. .ard i)yr "Uii'hu'Iy' bVi..'n;.r:i.; made .a t f.;t... but ; .ub.orxLM'io ii'.t.-n T-ir..--.Tn!. nw ol ;IU,ui1V1,1K-.n.M.!,,,,1 .!; i. ooi i.f u.l cent lie. in. :hiv,-..M i.' .in in ( t. momorofo-.irli.::-vivmr...K'-. luen.oro it 1-'K,.liii1.T:,v.:i.-:-'n.TIC.-u:f:roe "o andarohon-bi or.i.rod r.-: .r.d :o l-.i.-aa e-Brii r.A .ill . tb.T M- rm n k-.. ,.t- a.. Ui.Tior contti'Jlod I'V i ':i '' r t'l.' 1 ho". nation as, on uivuoa, sevndtii ud adopud- The genera', committee, feeing that thev had acted in good faith inrsi'i: funds lrm all tho cili. ons of tail Lako. and receiving ?id fund m the sau-.o ! ov-d foe'iing with whcih they beli-ve iney wore donated, and sU'.l oonsider- soiutioo; ' mi'-.thy'- 1' r j"'"1' "' .ly, i-u. u-'oo'ri- .i j -o i5KV. P- K. 1'"x':':L:in ecrv;ary. "l' Aisr lir..ai uever w u I air Lady," this tvecin-, at tho Theatre, for Mies lnce's bcnclit, with that lady as lha Duchess do Torreoeuev, Ttie New assortment of Parlor and liedroom furniture, at H. Dinwoodey s, is very cheap, and tnose wishing to (jurccase will rind it to uicir interests to give turn a call. mo P'or a nice breakfast or an elegant Frencn Dinner go to the Delmonico. alb For thk Staff of Life, aUo cakes buna, crackora, and puro home made candy, wholesale and retail, go to the GLOBE JiAKEKY- ja23 Caution to tli Traveling Fubllci Upon your arrival at Ogden City Utah Territory, tho junction of the Union Un-ion Pacilic aod Ceniral Pacitic railroads, you should know whero a tlrst-class hotel can bo found, and where the bustle and noise of the engines may be avoided; avoid-ed; also a comfortable house where the danger of fire, which is apt at any time to occur at tho depots, is avortod. The town of Ogden is half a mile from tho depots, and in the business part of the town and its principal street, travelers will tind one of tho most comfortable hotels in Utah, the Ogden Hoops. It is well known throughout America and Europo, to bo ono of the coziest and cleanest hotels in Utah. Tho Ogden Houso keops carriages which are in attendance at-tendance upon tho arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, to convoy passengers to and from tho depots, froe of charge. U is a two-story brick building, and built oxprossly for the accommodation of guests. Tho Ogdon House employs no runners, but employs a portor to assist as-sist iU patrons and take chargo of their baggage. All visiting Salt Lake City will Und it to thoir adv-mtago on returning re-turning to take tho evening train and eomo to Ogdon, thus saving tho annoy-ancoof annoy-ancoof rising at 4 o'clock in the morning. KtrTom llebltity, "With it gK-Tnv attendant.', low spirits, do proin, in voluntary emmiMins, loss of semen, spertv.ai-irrh.v. ioss of power, di -.-v head, lois o:" memory. nd ih real-en real-en od impo;.-nee an 1 imNvilily, cr.d a ,. oroLtn c.iro ;n li-imphroy s ili-.meo PAltiic' Sp.vifi,- -No. Ter.iy-Eu-i.t-Coiupied of iho most v a. a , r.-.;.u s-. i j.oter.1 C .rat;ve. t'.'.ey sinkeal or..-o a; rii'l of t '.e roMlor, tone up me Svtoin, arrc.-l the dc.-c-S ar.d i-s-(rl vicor and or,. rKy. '..fe a:.d v.U..v o tl.e o"V7f ri.ar.. Vhev nave ci;rrd liioa-.d, of r.-uo. j)'.':r'-V ,c.,;;ivcvvr.! a .ar m, oUi'ctoVorV'v-'r'ici'e box. o'.d by ail U:..:o.. a"-i hy ui 01 re-01 re-01 :-..-. A :. ir.'s?. U :n:pD: s Sv'.viic hon:,vTaihic Me-iicme Co., 6-; Broadway, fw ors. "Wauxut Lcmbxb at H. Dln-woadey's. Dln-woadey's. ma4 Kua-iTUB.B; an immense stock, at Barratl's. m28 itCniSA, crockery and glassware, at Barratl's. m28 Examine C. It. Barratl's slock before purchasinKj m'Jti Babt CARKIAU.K5, for sale by H. Dinwoodey. mari!9 LARGE AUCTION SAldf or llouscliolil Furniture, On Tui..- rit. : Il o'c: c. a: 7 C',:T K .- i Wc-: - .1 7 - v t ii-lor Oil, JlcLala's lornilfu;c Eonhoas it Loll da t utw First National Bank OF UTAH, t AL r CIXY DESKtN ATKH DBPOSITOKT AND FINANCIAL AGHNT OF THS UNI"l"KD ST A TBS. WiMH H'"T. , Prwi Je-;. Ait b qst 'i" Ca 1 1 r. Anthorliffl Cii!I1. - - IO.i'il P A I 1 I P CAPITAL., . IIMI.ODO. eAUM.VliS, - H 3.000. D!v;,:-d in 137!, 53 pr cent. A Gonrral Hanlnnj Itj-.-.r" AGKNCir.3 IN O,W-iU..r0 AND MONTANA. KuICT.iNS P?.:?" A7TS;3 TO INTKliRST ALLCR'J, ,GS .TIKI ; s q J,D V 'j u: utd rc-rffrctir Trt and." of the hhh MA3STIELD. 4MISCI & STEELl Vin;;ts;tc AGENTS, SALT LAKE CITY. WoU vo. T i- 5: . 10 verx fine OLD Bourbon Whiskies On-i-ua.-'or U!.D ("ROW, HKKMITAGK, ; -,. '.V. TAYLOR, K. C. BKRP.Y, 15D A FULL LINE OF EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE LIQOOR TRADE,! tor sale low and on lib e ml Icrmi efl" It costs nothing to inrostiga. " IMrac ewmlM onr oodi nd 1'rlcck 1m: fore yut i lia.lug ctwhere. new vTlsTwEfrri. SALT LAKE THEATRE.. COMFLIMFNTARY BENEFIT Tondorei to the celebrated Trasedienno ' MISS ANNETTE INGE: On the eve of her derarturo, on which occasion she will appear in TWO OF UE1U5REAT IMPERSONATIONS. ' Tuesday Ev'g IVl3y,27thIV73, Will bo rrosonted tho hister'oal TTasedy. in a ocu, eat ill oJ MARY STUART, Marv Stuart, Queen ofScoilnnd, Tho Artist's Studio, (burleuo ; bcO ! 51 r W . l.Jlftrri. To concludo with the sparkling comody in 1 act, entitled FAINT HEART MM WON FAIB X.A-I35?"- DUC1UB3 bs IR11EJS(Ej;'..nclt. Inc., CHARACTERS bj cho COMPANY. suiyimoNS. In tho District Court of tho Third Judicial District of Uio.Iurritory ol L lah, aalt Lako CSroeoweil & Wright, riaintitTs, vs. Owrgo ThoUrpLVloLlof'tlio Torritoo- of I'tah send ltcciuis: to Hearse Forbes. Deter.ilant, lo aro Hereby reiuired to an-oar id an action bivaKht a?aint you by tho abovo n uut-'d l'l tiDtitli in tho District Court ot ttio ilurd Judicial District ot tho Torritory ol i uk nnd to lunwor tho compluiot uledtborw-inwilliia uledtborw-inwilliia ton Uays-osclasivo ef. tho day ol s", vicoraficr tho ?orvko on you ot Uiw suua- aorvod out ui this co.inty, but in tbis district, within nvL'nlvduv;othorwisowuhiii loriy daj'a ur ji.d -uioiil bv ili-Mult ill bo taken npaiiut u iuxirjirm- lo tho pray or vl .-aid complamL " 'l iio -aid atiii'D is broiiyiil to recover tho sum ot Eii'-.'o;oldeoinJaDd i- "-M. allowed to bo 1 lo from Doi'ondant to I'luiiititls lor Iiors and c,,in sold nnddolivcrodby I'LaiDtiftj todeload- , fur uiotu'i-paid io tho t . 1'. K. h. ty. bv Hamuli's for deiundanfs benetit and use. as sot out in tho complaint on Ulo norcin, and C"d yoiliro horobv notiiiod. that if you fail to'anpear and ansor tho Mid complaint aa above required, tho said l'laintill'i will tBko judgment aon-t you for said uui ol 1UN. iruld coin, ar-d i'J'H'.i amlo:U. iluos- tho lion. James B. McKcan, Jo.Ibo, ani iho seal of tho District Court of the Third Judicial Distnct, in and for tho Torritory of I tab. this iMh day ol April, in tho year of our Lord Ono IbuUsand tight iwrod a ".iS-f N-NAN., a,, 1!t Edtv'd IS. McLean, DepuU' Clork. nij'Ji-lt NOTICE. r. Ml I CITIZENS OF Til E TENTH W iTlT). X S'llt LaeCiiv. aro hereby notilied tlinl a moi-linir will bo hold in th selnnjl houso, on oi'X'-iincNrooc Trustees lor iho Tenth uoU,j'r.iiNrKOcTon, i A)y si'Jllll. -Trustees. ml7 JONATHAN EAHLE.) L1DDELL & BROri, North of th9 Post Office, Aro now rocoivine a largo Block of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, Etc. Etc Etc., Which thoj aro DETERMINED TO SELL CHEAPER than any oilier House CITl" AND COUNTRY DEALERS, HOTEL, KKSTAURAST, AND HOL'SE-lCKKl'KKS, IF Y'OL" WANT BARGAINS CO.MK AND SEK US, AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK 4 PRICES A' A Q O N 8 , ' i--fct it-1 the L"-;e',Tt(d STAR WAGON GO,, CEI A r.APil'.-, I')WA. THE C-'MTANV GUARANTEE BEST WAGON ' ti. C. MATTHIESON. Af.l.T KOB UTAH. vr-..sr - xrA l-:r r Yr.-'. Xi:)' 1 r.. Vi -. r.tr,n axv ii- all.& UU. SPECUL IDYEBTISEMEMS WlNTOl jgY A TU.'F. "'F 1IT..T C M-'iTXNT EN- ic EVfr--r.1" C:-- "Tiv Y t r.L Adroiiiii.4.e iiackA... -t l-u 1 O. g-Ajq EOll SALE. QNE SPANF I-AS'-F 17E' 'V'.'K OR d V:e hirt-.- ir, : i'r. .'- i V- t-i.vts f iiiL!: at j t--' ON ACO'TNT 01" K':'M' VAL. A 1"IT"T-i:ao 1"IT"T-i:ao .c..t f -v.A - i-ric .m. ETii:tiifr.-:icfeo:"KeT. T. W. lias- s: u Mi.- , .--.vl. .:" !;.-.:;. Lci-, ilaao i t". il ua: FINE S uthea.--: cvrrrr 1?:. if r,s b:,.ik S.Tti o: Ncj .-.. f-':i. w.-jl x p;r.,v: v:.w o: Lite &i -; ad Wrr. X, :j. Ab-sii: s;;o-- :" Ei LLER, Siir S HA SK.KR, al Jisuia AiCti, miS 6 doors 05 FOR KENT. Fl'r.NI-UKD K.-0!. WITH OV. wnH-o..t wnH-o..t t.,.ard. A; : at N K1 C.: l'..-o. West Ivirn ie. near raer S..u;h I ourth EOUND. V'ESTniDA Y. NEAT, Tl! E EOrKTl-TNTH 1 Ward ;s.-li.- ! hv.--.a rv.A ?Itwe bt;..a. mots a-rji; 1 he ohjit ca have i: ;.y a; ; ir.v t; ii? oCco ind pay is B- lur thw ai c:; i-e- BOARDERS WANTED. EEW EOAKDEKS CAN" EE ACCM-rce-aatod i:h Eoarvl and llii :, in a :'"0 at this oicol uiiu-T I DK. li ROVES, " ' Offic. Stoond South StroU Thre doors west af Grest Westers Hotel, balf block oast of Kiephaui Sloro, Sfclt 06oe hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. mil BERLIN BAZAAR, First Sonth St., near the Theatre. Mm. Boc kcrt.aealer in every variety of Ladies 2nd Children's Clothing. The rublic aro respectfully invited to es-amino es-amino the stocit. mayi. AUCTION S1LE OF TEAS BY S. L. JONES & CO., SIS FEA.XCIt'CO. CALIFORNIA. Thursday , May a)(h, "TS, AT TEX O'CLOCK, A.M., FIFIY-TWO Ul'XDRKD 1'ACKAliliS FIXE JAPAN AND CHINA TEAS. Includes fino Co mot Oolong, FIXE JArAN TEAS, In aborted Paciacos, comprising bulk. One l'ound and Half 1'ound J'apois. Lacquered lioxo in Tbree. Four and a half, I ivo and Ton Euunds Tackagos. FINE SHANGHAI GREENS, Consisting of dunpowdor, lYouns llyson, nnd Imperial ; al-o fincit Amoy and Formosa Tea, In Bulk nnd Enpers, TER.HI I. 1BHUL S. L. JONES & CO., AUCTIONEER-", maji) Sun Frnnclaco. STAMl'KU "J. Vv'RICHT, Extra." scott, mm & co., Having born appointed Solo A gen La for WRIGHT'S WASHOE PICK, "Will keep n lnrco n!ortnirnt on linnd f Rt nil timss; thor nro iiindo aHor tho old Sllo WriK'il's r:ttern-andnre , M pointed with mo-o thn llio usual ; M quantity ol bet Enclish Slotd. I 13 Minors and druler." ?o that you buy I thoso Ctampod " J. Wrifhl, Eilr." Kj Alio Dealers in Iron, Steel, SLuvrSjTiiiwa re rj) .VA7.YC? TOOLS, WROUGHT TITERS, Hi Pipe and ll kinds of AMIngs M for Fnrnncei ml MI1U, W K A . TZ "W A I, . DI'R DEN'S HOUSE AND Ml'LE l SHOES, BLACKSMITH TOO La, BRASS finns. RUBBER tiUUDS. AQKNTS FOR Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Hercules Powder, AIJ, LOW FOR CASH. Have a well appointed Klmp, and arc prepared U do all klmli of Sheet Iron & Tin Work, Promptly and at ron-onablo rato. B3 KAST TEMl'LE ; or MAIN STREET. docj CHICAGO & ALTON R. R The Onlr Klrat-Claa K4 In -th Wtit, LOUISIANA, lYIISSOURP. Hw Short B.OM1 frna Kansas City to Chicago WHhoat Change I Via St. L"uK Kn ri:y nl Northern (Ute Nnrth .Mi-. '.urn ti'l ' 'ti i n! Alt-O Railrnml. orofine tris ,V , ppi tt L-.o- intan. .V ' un J pwint i-ut', Jack-CD-Till, Bloom initon rd JoheL 'I'd Shorlfst and Best Kotile (0 Ihf East, via (hiraro! E LEG AST LAY CARS PHLLYAIPALACE SLEE-PI55 CAES Kan thrr-nrb fr-m K,n-.. citt -A ."t. L-oij to Chie. ,itvB'. i.kim 1 mm mm im m ANO SMOKING CARS On J1 daily UaT-n : '".Ij l.a "raun'itf U.si can fru H,nu C((7d II.Lol,laChltft No Line make3 as Good Time, : ti f r ---. - i -. :r- 'f-" ..ta.il fi.is ItfiUkii'-U JAS. H AiiLTON, ?anTaJ Pa-T,rT and Ticket AlU . A A. K. i. Ltuoa,B( KEW YORK TRADE. BENEDICT. HALL & Cs. K an niacts !-! aai Wool at ale .L'aa-ers ta 300TS AND SHOES 131 ud 13S Uraad Su, Saw York, Crvsby. oae bJock nit of Brciaawy dU THOS. M. ARSALL &. Co., It-'i, Youthf' Boys' and ChUirea'ai OLot HING, AT irfiOlRlil, HI 1 BraaWVi R,w E. 'x-t: r". r JEHIAL READ & Co., Hannractarw asd WiclesaJe Dea-ew iB FUR ASD AVOOL HATs, MailSS, Broadway, NEW YORK. J. Jim Bca .ir- jc L. M. BATES & rO., Ml 41 Broadway, M K W 1 ncroBTaaa ass masau ia Fancy Dry Goo - . HOSISBY, WU1TK GOODS, 1V'10LE'S, SHAWLS, 1J.XKEE XO liOXS, ic in. n ovk. WASATCHCOAL I.KO. .NEBtKKa has leA-ed th W& atch coal mino, and is prepared to lursih the n f r- r- a BEST WEBER COAL At ST.50 per Ton AT THK DEPOT. Leave erdorf at tho Popet with Junes Latham La-tham or it in tMlk-u at the t in and I it-tituTf it-tituTf itoreoi"MiT:m.n- A iv:is, l irs t S.mb street iEU SLiiEKEii. icty:! GOOD NEWS AN EASY WAV TO OKI A PRINCE PATENT ORG AM . Wc will Root our Organs by the Month and wlion the priuc is paid in Kent, the Orcara will become iho property of the Renter. J This ia not only tho easiest way to obtain an Organ, but you will have the Best Instrument made which J. 11. RIDGES, Organ Builder, 0. J. THOMAS. Conductor of Tln-a-tre Orchestra, And maoy others will testify. Mr. J.J. DAYNKS will givo throe month's lessons FRKK to any person , renting our Organs, as well as ilioe who pay the lull price down. IS'o die-dnotion. Send for illustrated circular and 'jrioe iibt. S$T SlIOW'KoO.MS L'P BTAJRjs. J. DAYNES & SON. The Onlv Kxclusivk Mrsic Store In the Cily. 113 2 doon oaM of OoJho'i drus Mora. 7 C. IL BASSETT, WWW BARDWARE STORE All Itlndi of HEAVY HARDWARE Iron nnd SI eel, Stoves and Tin Ware I. AC It SMITH TOO LB, A(rlltaral Inaplanaata Ad Mialif Wools, At Lewnt ILata. I OPP051TK TllK SALT LAkK JJOlia ' alt NOTICE. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY C R A I N, PROVISIONS. Al-i (iKASS, Vt(;KTAIILK mill unto SEEDS. AND A IT'LL LINK 01' GROCERIES. CAXZ. AND EXAMINE AT Geo.H. Knovlden's Opp'.! J'arni k y-. WKcT SLDE MAIN EH'.KCT, I FKASK n"LLF-;. JA:ES M. SllTHS . iL EL R A Ka. Eh mHE TNPlNVP ARE rRE?ARED ! X t.' ----i -; E.'i! fc.-tite on Coaatis- 'nta,v-5 scrta o; i'asi OS?. I FrLLB, sniTIl A HA KB. K R- ; s'- GEORGE MASWAR1HG j j EAiA) '.'Ll. USI 01" GROCERIES t AND PKOVISIONS, FIRST somi STKKET. ESTE3T THE FAVORITE The folMwir.c is the opinion of 1'roe. C J. Thomas, wlioh:i thirty-one thirty-one years' exponen.'s as a Musician, a L:der ot (.rclK,-iras.atid Choir iQ b".uni- ai.d Amorioa ; Salt Lake tirv, V, T., April 5,1ST3. Mr, C. V. Stay neb. Having an exirience of thirty-one thirty-one years ad a MuMi-un, a groat share of whiiih tiiuo 1 have been Leader of Oreher-iras ard I'lioiis in Kuropo and America, a no tvic.g eo.icit'Hi by you to pa- uiy jiidirtiu'ui on iho " Kstoy Organs," lor winch you are agent, and having tried and examined them thoroughly, thor-oughly, 1 ootitidentiy recommend thtm to i he oiuiMii ol tins Territory. tor ihetr i VRiuoR Tosk the ox Ji uUAsn twiog a tin'1 mutation of the l'ipo Or-caq Or-caq their nieo Smooth Action and IH.L10ATE TOL'CH, KXOKLLKNCS of OKKMANSllll'iu lluurCONSTRfi'TlON aud their Gk.nekal Kki.iaiuli rv, making mak-ing them ALL THAT can UB desired IQ Organs either for Churoh or f'arlor. Yours re.-poeiiullv, U J. THOMAS, Conductor of Theatrioai Oroliesira. A. Call and Sc tho Organ t rou ill no ur tO lillj ouo. C11AS. . STAYAER, UENEKAL AiiENT KOK ETAll. No. 5 Main trool. Not lo Mivn-o'B Uall arj, S hH l.nkf rny M. T. BURGESS, Civil Engineer and U. S. Mineral Surveyor, Will urepare (lie ne-warj- Par orf and Dla-ariLiub Dla-ariLiub tor l'utuiiu wid 1'roiottA, Oftieo in Building occupied by Surveyor General. ianl 1873. Z. C. Bl. I. Oar Stuck of the rM-nsnntiblo Jlroiw G..i1m iu the X. iv Shades han in rived, and i-t olh'ied for luNpcction and Sale. In Cloth uud Caahmore. SUITS, Iu Linen and A'paoa. SHAWLS, In all approvod Ktylo. .and J'ru-e., GLOVES IS KIP. THl:l.Alp.K'fJlf'.r A i. l ll.fl J Mil: A'J I.I' b A lil LA li E?1 1 LO T Z HOSIERY LAliII'.-. MIS VM, AN!' Cfll I VKKXJt ' Wc ju-'iy c aim .it-v!vc" I cyond 0"inrf t;lr n. RETAIL DRY G00OS DEPART L" Z Ti T. 7 IL B. tXAWBOH, Eopk. |