OCR Text |
Show U O T! O E . riniE ANNUAL M KETTNO OF :.STOC'K-L :.STOC'K-L bullion! of tho Uluh Contra! Bailrnad, lur tho purio."o of election directors, will lako placo on Monday, Juno 2nd proxium, at 11 o'clock, at I'roiidcnt Young's Utlico, Salt Lako City. HEORCE SWAN, Sc-c'y. Salt Lako City, May lab, 1S73. inl3 ROSS S, COMPANY 1) cal era ia Family Groceries Ay a Flrut Foulh Street, Just West of HI ml) all (V Lawrence1, Fresh Vog elabloa and Fruits rcaoivod Daily Families supi lioi at tho cbeapost ratts. Goods dolivorod free of charge tc all part; ol tho city. murlU NOTICE. Ci II. SWKF.TMAN WILL PLKASE ' talco not icq that labor to tho amount of twonty-;.ix dollars and sixty-six and tivo-lhird c'ltus fiJii-ii',,!,! has bocn dono on llio Ucliof -No.;j Lodo, Little Cut tun wood LJi-trict, Salt Lako County, I'mh Territory, und you aro buruby nutiiioJ to pav fuid sum within ninety .l.ivs Iri'm dato ol thb notice, to E. E. Elliott, BcULako Ciiy. J. A. WADE. JIKNUY I'.UKA. rap I'.ir i'. K. , 1 ) I' t' Att'v. WE GAIT CPFES, To n- limn Mhino nr(iil- inciitn rc li IK' xt: i' pi 1 1. im l.le, unit vi ho-c 1 1 inr can lie litllj k'111 to 11 l('BFiiiul iiml r. ilium rnrlvc t in pli im u l , mi ,irll. nl chum c, n ml ,4 i: luiihy noil.-1 1 t tii-i i pm( m i v 111) t Im-iC only 111 fjldlll MM llll MJ, I, ,11 111,'. Alllr(-S4 ii l, a iv.ii,i,i,k a, ui:i; itoi r, aia21 Lakoaido Building ChicutjOi HI- LST. LOUIS TRADE. Saint Louis Stamping: Cupy, COM KB OP C'AS AVENUE A.ND SECOND ST KELT, ST, LOUIS- M A K UFACTU It H t PLAIN AND TINNED IRON, Siauipcil, HlaninboJ, Japau-ucd Japau-ucd and (jalvauizud i:' I 1ST AV A. 11 K . Also a full aoituiont of Tinners' Stamped Materials Constantly on hand. A full 11 tie of our Mniiiiructurcil Uooil can nhvnyi lc foiiail nt tli IVaroroouu of Z3. O. 2L. I., S vI,T LAKE CITY, UTAH. ni2ti . MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Legalized by Slate Authority aud Drawn in Public iu St, Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,CC3 NUMBERS. Olnaa E, to b Omwn May 31, 1873. 5,880 Frizes, Amounting to $300,000. I f no.iioot aOOnrinesof 100 ,rli.o Of 13.450 Bprlr,OBof 1,000 1 nrlr,o of 10,000 prl.oa of 800 1 prize of 7,500 9 prlof 300 4 prizes ol 5,000 9 prlEOB of 60 1 prliea Of ,600 Sfl prliosof 300 SU prisMot 1,000 VSprlaof 150 ft 0 prliKM or 5 0 0 IHO prizpn ol 100 40 prize b of- '-30 5,(100 priwwof 10 Ticket, SIO. Half Tie tests, Uunrteri, B'i.5 0. , Our lotteries ure cliartoroU Ly the Stoto, nre slwayn drawn ut tlio tlino niinieil, and all drawings uo undor ttrn snporviilon af sworn commlaaiooera. M3 The official drawing will ho polillshod in tho St. Lonl papers, hpiI a oopy o1 irawing wot 10 pnrciiaeors of tiokutV Wu will draw a stmUnr scheme tho lart dnv of ovcrr raontli Ourlim the yenr 1873. ! iUMuit ot our Halt by POST OFFICE MONEY ORUKV.9. REQISTKHKD LE'CTKR, DRAFT, or BXPKKSH flotnl for a circular. Ad-dr-M IfUKllA V. WILMCR Co., fll'oatOflicoBoxa-140. fcX LOJIS, MO. my 17 SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, TO 1 AXILLA, LEMON, ETC., For FlavoriDg Ice Cream, Cakes aud Tastry. "With great cure, by a new process, wccxlrnct from the true, select Fruits nnd Aromatics, caeh characteristic flavor, fla-vor, aud produce. Flavorings of rare excellence. Of great strength, and 'perfect purity. No poisonous gits. Every furor as represented Ko tlcrcit--each bottle full measure, holding one-half 'more than outers purporting to hold same quantify. Use them once, will use no other. Ihe most delicate, delicious favors ever made. So superior to the cheap extracts. Ask for Dr. Price's Special Flavorings, Manufactured Manu-factured orlly by STEELE 6c PBICB, Depots, CHICAGO ind T. LOUIS. Bakino Powder. m THE MILD POWEH gf HIMIPIIRFA'S' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAVE PROVED, .FROM TUE MOST amplooxporionoo, an ontlrosuccosa: Simple Sim-ple Prompt EOiciont and Hcliablo. They aro tho only moiiicinoa porfootly adapted to popular us oBO giiupio that mist altos oan Dot bomado in using thorn; bo harmless as to bo froo from daOBor, and ao ofliciont na to bo always roliabio. Thoy havo raisod tho high-oat high-oat commondation from all, and will always rondor aatisfactico. Kos. Conta. Cure , ",Feverii Congostion, Innammationa25 2, ".Worms, Worm Fovor, Worm Colio...2o a, " Crylng-Celioor toothinR of Infanta ...25 1, lHarrhoin, of Childron or Adults 25 6, " DyacnUry, Griping, Biltoua Colio...2o li, " t!halem-Morlu, Vomiting 25 7, " Couglis, Colds, BronchiLia 2o 6, " Neurn-lKln., 'i'oothiicbo, Facoacho.....25 f ' Moadaclies, Sioli lloauaoho, Vortiso 26 10, " lypcisln, Billious Stomach 23 11, " SiiinirenneJi or fainful Poriods 2-i 12, " WliiteB, too Profuse Poriods 2-3 r.t IVoiii). HoiiL-h. Diilir-nlt Itrnaihinp 25 H, " Knit Klieum, Erysipolaa.EruptionS-25 15, " Itheuiiiui Uiu, Khoomiitic Pains...2o Ifl, " Fever aud Ague, Chill fovor, iC'Afruo" 50 17, " JMlett, blind or blooding - 50 18, " Oiltli.lamy, and soro or woali Eyes .50 19, " CntarrH, acutoor chronic Influonza..50 20, " WUoojilg-ougli( violent couKha ,...5fl 21, " Asthma, opproasod Breathing 50 22, " tar lliclaru:M, inipuiraH houring 50 23, " ScroftUa, onlarod glands, Swoll- inea SO 4, " General Dobilily, pbyBioal wo ncss - -50 2.1, " Dropny and scanty Socrotions 50 21, " Stn-Slcltiiaa,eicknos3froin r)ding..50 27, " Htdney-lMhtiue, Gravel 50 28, " ServoiiB Ieblllly, Seminal Woaknosa or involuntary lis- cliark-os 100 20, ' Norc fljoutli, Cankor 50 30, " IJrlmiry Mcakntas, wot ting hod...50 " J'aliiful l'erlotU, with Kiaauis 50 :12, " Kuncrlngn at ohanito of lifo w.100 j, ' Jipileimy, Spasms, St. Vitua' Danoo 100 -H, " IMptlieriu., ulooratod aoro throat 50 35, " Cliroulc toiigcallons aod Eruptions .56 Viols OOqm Oicopt 2i, 32 and 33 100 FAMILY CASES Case, Morocco, with ubovo 35 largo vials and Manual ol' directions 10 00 Cnsc, Morocco, of 2D lartro vials and book 0 UU Singlo iioxos and Viala as abovo. BW Those romodios aro sont by tho oaao or singlo box, to any part of tho country, froo of charso, on roooipt of tho price. Address Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co. ' Oflico and Depot, No. 502 Broauway, Kkw York. FOR SALE BY ALL DKUGGltiTS, And atZ. C. it. I. and God bo's Drug Sloro. l'ioiicer Miniiig & Tuuuelinj; CO. Location of Works, In Littto Cottonwood Mining District. Utah Territory, iinmediatoly south of Wellington Mino. NOTICE IS II ERBP.y HI VKN THAT AT a meoting of tlio Uuai'd of Trnsteoi of said Company, hold on May 1-lii. at tho uflico of the Company, an ac.-.-iuont of (."jOc.) titty cents -por shuro un tho cupiial stock of .Hiiid Cumpany wua m.ido payable imraodiatoly in United Stutei local enrronev, tu tho Secretary Secre-tary at tlie ollico ul'ilolcumb Si Co., at Salt Lako City, U. T. Aay Etock iihon which anid aiscMmont shall roiuain unpaid on tho -rd day ol June, a.u lS7.i, shall bo ileeuicd delinquent and will bo duly advertised lur fulo'at public auction, and, unless payment shall be iiiado boiuro, will bo j l.s, to pay tho deliniiuont assoramont to-I to-I (tether with costs of advortiiing and oiponscs uf mlo. By ordor of tho Board of Tnutcos. I ti. C. iMUNKO, Secretary. I OHico: Salt Lnko City, Kimball's Block, op- linsilo Townwond Uihihl'. mUi SALT LAKE CITY SAFE DEPOSIT. Firs and Burglar-Proof Vault, In Bapcmont of tho BANKING IIOt'SE OF A. W. TYJilTE A Co. VALUABLE I'AI'EK, JEWELRY AND i iulvor Ware rocoii cd on special DopudiU Lei K C01I1-AKTJIK5T3 for runt Office hours from 7 o-in. to 'i p.m. W. II. CE11MIIUL..1I Co., ftock unci Money .Brokers, SIALEIES IN iX'Ui IH'ST, Railroad i'k'kot.i. . Stckn Jlouht on apl'J .Mark'inj. CHICAGO TRADE. mTd. WELLS & CCT, Mnalfltarri ornd WheleealDol In Boots and Elioea, SiH WlbMll Ati, CllleKO. M. D. Wells, B. J. Ma.;farlml. K. BonodioL uM a. P. Molntyro. Coaswell, Weber &, Co.( . JOBBERS 01; "Watcllea, Jewelry AND Jewelers' Supplies. Wo give prompt attention lo Orders by Mail, l'rico Lists sont on application. 105 and 107 STATU STIUCET, CHICAGO. m'.t HEBKINQ'S PATENT CHAMPION Flltli and BIJKGLAR PROOKi Tha Best Safes in the World I HERRING & CO., 46 Slate strcot, and corner 14Lh Blrco aad Indiana Avcnuo, o h i o a. g o. 07 'The Old Salamander.' REMOVAL. VAN'SCHAACK, STEVEI4SON & REID Wholofla DRUGGISTS and HavoromoTod to thoir New Stores, 9'i and L Ait K s ritKlCT, enrnor Dearborn Street, (on tho old silo) CUICaGO, whore, with bnildinirs erected expressly for the budiootiK, Steam Elevators, etc. thoy have ononod ni an immonae Stook, unBuriiaaaod in tho norlhwost. Spooial attontion kivob to Territorial businosa. jyl PAGE, BRO. & Co., Importers and Dealers in LEATUEK AMD FINDINGS), " OLD CITY HOTEL COHNER," Corner of Stats and Lako BtrooU. W. W. Paso, Doston.D CIIK'AOO, Orvillo Paso, l1" N. MATSON & CO., Importers and Wbolosalo Dealers in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, j Jewelry and Silverware, I Con MADISON dtv MOMROE STS., O 1 1 1 CACOijJLLC., 0)iosito Palmer's Grand UotoL d2J F. & E. JAEGER, 73 Wabnsli Avenue, near Randoliin. CHICAGO, ILL., DIKKCT IMP0KTER3 OF CrocltoiT. China, Glassware, Lamps, Looking Glasses, Cutlory, Britannia and Silvor pliftod Goods. Tho largest Uouso in tho Voat. di 1 IL ANDREWS & (10. IOC, 108 & liO State Street, Opposite Talmor's Grand Hotol, a n i a J a- o , ' Bl'aniifaoturors of SCHOOL, CHURCH AKD E FURNITURE, GLOBES, CHAIRS of all stylos. School Outliuo Maps, Charts, etc. EvorythinK in tho way of School, Co I logo or Church Fixtures at Lowest Cash Trices. Send for illustrated Cutaloiio and Prico Listfo A. II. ANDREWS & 00. di9 THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. TS THE ITOXEER'ROUTE botwoonO.MA-X botwoonO.MA-X DA and ClliCMiO, completed four yeara a (io, ttinco which timo tlio Company buvo spared noithor pains nor ox pontic in porfoct-inir porfoct-inir its rund bod and track, and eiuipjinir it iTitb rolling stuck, of the most niudorn iui-irovoiuenlH; iui-irovoiuenlH; thii, tujretber with tho fact of it.i boini: tho aiiiiu r kst lim:, offors to the Travel iiiit Tublic a Route uiminmsaed in this country fur speed, comfort, safety und snro PARTICULAR CAVTIONrtould bo taen by pasaonors in solo-Jting thoir route, ami not bo deccivod by tal.io advorliaouionU and roir&-.unlationa liy lntorosfd purlins of compoliiiK limn, io rocard to timo, diatmcca, rates, etc. This pnpular routo lu-iuiroi nn ful so stntomcnta. relvinc on itd true inuritu, it needs only to bo kuoivn by tho traveling public lo bo appreciated. TIME: San Franciico to Omaha, four days on scvun liuurs. Via Chicaco and Northwoatern Railway, Omaha to ubieayu, twtnty-throo hours. Omaha t. Now lork. sixty hours. Uinaha to Boston, eixty-juur hoars. Pl'LLMAN PALACE, HOTEL AND SLLLT'INtj CAHft aro run on all through train;) from Omaha to Chicago. How to Sri't'itB Si-Kfrprao Bkktiis Bfiroiu: Ri Ai iiinii Uaiah.i: I'li'senirors dus irons ot fucuiini! r'luopinK Benin, Sections or Slato Itijuui ; in tho ijltrpins Car frutn thuuha ea-t, can do no by t u 1 1 r n i li i n - frum any ot the ."latiuntj on tho I nicn 1'acilio Itailruiid. lo W, A. Carpenter, li.-neral Ah-unt, C. St N. V. Haihv.ij-, uniaha, fH'tinc what lin-y want. This is nil ibuy nuud tu do until tbi-y roach llioC. ,V N. W. Itiihvav Dopt, ..n tho cast f i' lo ol tlio .Misuari river, tlion kj tu tlio Moopinx Car Cwi'luctur, and jive him thoir naiui's, iut per t leu ntiu, und thoy ill tind thul bo bai their hn i Im re -on I lr tbi-in. li-'onfc'vti a i"iii;; va ,t will cuiuii k thoir own intrre.nt ly ivLiiink- Tlir.-iiitli T rkvti via ClllCACn A ,NuKTIlVI.i'i;ii.N KAIL-WAV, KAIL-WAV, which .:au l,u pi-unured at all principal ticket ollicoj in Calilurnia :;nd tlio -t, imil nt ruilr.iiid ullieua tu San I'miK-i co, Salt Lake City, Uuden, Umulia and Council BlulU JNU. C. cu ir, Li or nl yup't, Chicuo. D.P. STANWOiiD, Uuoural Ticket A tout, Chicagi.'. SMITHSON&WARD ezf importers jr..9 ;a ih,A Lui W,. lt't f V ji OF .iESI.Bur.Kc'CJ ZNG1ISH, IRISH AND SCOTCH ALES & PORTERS AND FOREIGN WINES ANDiLIQUORS For Salo in liond or Duty l'aid, nt SMITHSOTJ & WARD'S, 509 Sicramto 8ireet,Nni Jb'i-niiolaco, ESTABLISUED 1M0. ESTABLISHED 18SU. WALKER BROS. Bait Lalte Oitv- JOBBHllS IN GROCKRIKS.. CANNED CiOOUS, HAMS, JlACON, TOliACCOEH, CANDIES, elc, elc. We keep tho Largest Stook of tlio abovo Goods ia tho Territory. TO THE TRADE. Wo nro prepared to fill Orders for all kinda of S T A. 1j S S , At Easlcrn Pricoi, Freight added. Give us a Call andExaniinc our Goods and Prices. TO MINERS. Wo keep a full assortment of Etc., etc. a iill JUST OPENED, BLANK BOOKS & STATIONERY A LAUUK AND WELL SELECTED STOCK COJIPIUSINO EVERY TU1NU IN THE LINE. Itlauk Itooks, liU.w :md Coiuiucrcial -Stalionci'y OUR SPECIALITIE ALSO CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL THE LATEST NiiWS PAPE118 AND PERIODICALS. PHILIPS LORD, Apr 27 Now Brick Buildine, First Soulh St-, Cornor Cotnmorcial. FOR A 000D RELIABLE WATCH , A CORRECT TIME KEEPER, 00 TO CARL C. ASMUSSEN, Opposite Foit-Ofllce. Ho will rofund tho moriey if any should provs to tho contrary. Call nndsoo his Cdo solcction of ;tho most BEAUTIFUL. JEWELRY, A COMPLETE NEW STOCK, Consisting or Brooclics, Kar-rlnga rinfrcr-rlnffit, Kim) a, Sleeve- j biittoiiM, Ciiklna, Iockcte, Full Keti, etc., etc, A fplondid aa3ortmont of UDIES' AND GENTS' GOLD AND SILVER WATCHfS. American Watches a Specialty. A largo and comploto stock always on hand CAUL C. A85IUSSEN, Opposito l'ost Offico, Salt Lako City, Nol Ico. All Goods loft over ono year will bosuld to (I of ray oxpodkus. d'.i THE IWSPOTRED THOROUGHBRED DEVON BULL Young "Washington, la ono of the finest brod Dovon Bulla in tho country. Ciih-wi ,ijTU.t l. Tii; Sired by Ymins Waahiuslon, Amurican llcrd liwk; 2d by Uouoral Urant. 22i, American Herd Book; .1.1 hv r:.vn.-ii ft- Kn,r!;A llr,l n,.i mi oy uayiica. ri-.'. t.nKltsn llcrd Hook; llh " Tocuiusoh, M, ' " " DAM El'FIli; 2d by Dim Podro. OJO, American Herd Hook; 2d" Kilio, Knsli.di Herd Jiouk; by I'ccuui- hoU, 5i'J. KnKli-h llord Huol; .'id " Imports! Evulino. Kjik'U.ili JlcrdBook. by Earl of Exeter, oo, EiikIuL Herd Look; llh" Huuy, 10r, Ktiirlih Herd Hook, by Eavohto, i:i, EiiKli.-h Herd Luuk.. Half breed Devon Cows arc splendid milkers. Half breed Devon Oxen for work and Bpccd aro unsurpassed. ThoFo who wish to iinirovo tbeir Flock can aoo tbiM aplundid anitinil at tlio stabloi nf Mr. 11. L. t'lawcon, nurlb-ivast corner of tho 12th Ward- Term?, ?1 in advance. Emjuiro of Mr. Smita at thn Stublm. To whom it may concern. , "It- Iho nndor.ilBiicd, claim and own twelvo hundre-1 (U--) tact, including Noi. two Vi) and throe in the Tttu.i lode, in Little Cottonwooc canyon, and hold the im by duu.m fruui tlio orirfiual Iuc.ai.'-; and have coiu idiid witli iho U'.t s f the dm-trio dm-trio t in ovory rnrpoat- And wo hfrcbv I'nution nil 1'nrnonn not to trade, buy or barlor lur said claiuja. without our content. 0. H. lUSaKTT.l Administrator ot trie I.I V INN, P lit it W '.ii. droruod. 18KAKL IV1N-. M U SIC SCHO O L. iUetidniiica JIct'ARTHER A SHOWN n A VINO ononod a Music School, will Bivo . Jwasfuns un iJiuiiu. Organ, Harp and liuitar. 1'aiLlnular attention will bo aid to tbo cultivBiion of the voiuo, and singiug 1q 1 till in nnd En-lisb. Kosidoneo at the houso of John W. Young, Esi., onroaito City IlalL av'H STOVES AT COST! ilavuiK bought out a Stovo Store wc aro no SELLING Hotel STOVES, A FULL SET 01' Tinners' Tools, MEETING HOUSE AND PARLOR STOVES. AT EASTER! COST AND FUKIG1IT. A SlJondidiStock uf DRY GOODS AND Groceries ON HAND. GOODS DELIVERED FItEE Ok' CHAIUiE. TAYLOR &- CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. THE GRAND DISCOVERY ! A Ktw Article of Manufacture! P, MARCETTS HAS FOlt SALE Ms Patent Ri&M for Utah For tho Manufacture of all kinds of M ARBLE, GRANITE, Paving ami Bulling Slouc. ! TO- Call and foo Sample at lib Alo VaulU, ! bO Kluiliall IJlock. TO THE TBADE, Join UnssGll SannTacturinc Co., (mtim make,) J. RUSSELL & CO., Worku atiil Warehouses, Ti hnku's Fai-i-S Mass., .Manulaolaro tho llno-'t and Urnost variety TABLE CUTLERY jn tho World. Tludr (lend' pun now bo fVuiid upon tho l.bu of nil A 1 .JobbinK lloiuva. ifHi " ami Snmiik lloomi iu-licr- Sd ect, KtW VOHK. Juu. HusscIIMTkCo. lanlU |