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Show L Oi.tt (fQVKRvuitsT Java Coffee, it Kim- hl fe Lawrence's. a3L Wavtid, a woman to wash dtshft at Tnylrjr'i Uotel. el3 i U;k. Fifty tODs of ice, of first-rate- q'ulity, are for sale at R. B. Marietta' brewery, in this city, at ten dollars a ton. Sec the advertisement. K-ir Mirrors, Large and Small, jro to lihrratt'a. jl6 Basement to Kist under ? Tatloe & (Jutler'b. . Nf.w Mining Law. Tho new U. S. miQinfrlaw, m pamphlet form for m!c at (he Herald office, price ten en i.i. Gkeit variett of Fancy Brackets t'l'i ("lock Shelves, at H. Din woodey'fl auM U'imjow olahb of all sizes at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawrence's. a31 t'ir Matrasses and Curtains go to ISurrstl's. jI6 Matinee. To-morrow there will be a grand matinee at the theatre, when, we believe, tho "Seven Sisters" will bo rosea ted, thus giving ladies and families an opportunity of seeing this spectacular extravaganza. Barratt's stock ia nejet door to the PostOilice. jylfi j The best Family .Mackerel at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawrence's, abl To outfit Your House, go to Bar-ratt'B. Bar-ratt'B. jl6 "Wis will Issue our i-'all stylo of Silk lints, Wednesday, September i 1872, Dusro&D & Sons. Via New Orleans, China and trickery at Barratt's. jyig l-" VMMS AND HarDes trimmings, at Jviui ball & Lawrnnce'e. , a31 Watsoh's Book Clamps. Tho nicest tlniiff in tlio world to carry books to flL'liool. I-'or sale at Campboll & Patterson's. Patter-son's. 8o7 Fur Cheap Furniture, eo to Barratt's. Bar-ratt's. UP. Fink Chamber and Parlor Holts at JJurruU'd. jy!6 Buffalo Meat, in canvass, at Klm-bnll Klm-bnll & Lawrence's. a31 1). K. Ai.i.ks's (Hinous XXX and XX FAMILY b"L()U R fur aalo at Z. O.M.I, l'rodu o Duparlniont, fir6t door north ol Bunk of Dosurot. my22 Knives, Forka and Spoons at Bar-6 Bar-6 jy!6 Charcoal, Charcoal, at the Utah Fuel Shods, near (J. 0. Dopot, whol-ale whol-ale and retail. && For complete mining outfit, go to Kimball & Lawrence's. a31 Bkt Bed Out. Tho wonderfull WOVEN W1KR MATT HESS for pule at lionry Dinwoodey'i, 31 East Tomplo and 75 First South streoti. al4 .Street Cars. Tho public will ploas tuko notice that tho street cars aro now running regularly betwoon, tho railroad d-'pot and Third South strooL Tickets i.00 per 100. Singlo fare 10 conU. j2 .i1LwAh3s" Diavort now it le of Bedroom Furniture before you purehaso olsowborc, 81 JMt Temple and to JMrstbouth street. 4UH Bekr Mugs, Bar Tumbler, arrived at Barratt n. j 16 For "Wateb Closets and Urinals. Use Bromo CMoraiutn one part to ten sprinkle the floors and basin or vault' or hang up cloths saturated, to absorb' the noiioua gases, and renew when, exhausted. ex-hausted. For sale at 2. O. At. I. Drug Store. sclS It ir0? Extra Japan Tea, go to it JLimoall & Lawrence's. a-Jl Foa Flue Furniture, go to Barratt's. ... Lton's Tooth Tublots aro tho perfection perfec-tion of noatnoss, delicately flavored, and please tho most fastidious. se7 I For tour Family Grocories go to Kimball A Lawrence's. a31 Outtino&Co's California Cannod Fruit, Jollies, Jams, etc., aro Car sune-nor sune-nor to all other brands. For sal o by all first-classgrocers. my 14 Orricx Chairs and Desks at Barratt's. Bar-ratt's. j16 Political conspiracies aro the source I of party corruption, but tho SAUCS of P. D. CODE A CO.. of San Francisco, Francis-co, preserves health by stimulating the sd poll to. all Prok. W. JI. IUoer will ro-opon his School in tho W ir& AemKy ! rooms, Seplemb-T 'Jth, lt72. Those terested in tho advancement of ttuieuts will do well to sea him. e3 TnE Quekn Intitjtir, ftll glass, :it Kimball Kim-ball & Lawrence's. uiJl Kobivson's Hkst Wkuer Coal sold by J. JI. rit :tl ling?, nt tho U. C. Depot. Leave your orders on Iho flute t O, H. KtiowhU-n's, Alain street, or P. O. box 762. Delivered in all prts of tho city. t(j Dta.h Fuel Co. havo constantly on hand Hinton coal, iSLovo and cord wood. Order boxea at Dwyer's Hook Store, Post Office, and Wells, Faro & Co. Orders promptly attended t Office flo. 103 Kimball Block. j2 ' Great .Summer Tonic, liegeman's Cordial JShxir of Cali-aya Bark. A pleasant Cordial which strcnthons and improves the Digestion, mi cvellont preventative of Fevers, Keverand Anne &c and a ureal KiTiovnior and Tonic , for invalids and debilitated persons i Ueokkan & Co., ifow 1'ork, sole man- ufacturora. Sold by all Druggists. c mv29 1 Tourists and tub Traveling Piflic Pif-lic going east :.re rt;p,,-Lluiiy nii.-d that the L'tsh Hotol, at Ucden Ciiv is a lirst-elass hiu:.-e, and bv comi:.V to Ogdnnontho previou evumny, either by 11 Mil oe I- ro. ,-;,t Train th.'V av,r, the annoyan.co: nsing t 1 clock io t;iko the morn:rg train at S:Ut Like City. To pleasure s.vkers Otr.i- n promise much lo iiiU'-e.-t 1:1 ,is e. t;;e-!L Mioot-in? Mioot-in? aud Tro;it lisinnc-, w hu if-sn,l-eurot; its oany..; i - un,:;.-pSl j' ,y :y Ts l LhC kinJ ka-'wa in the The Uotei i? provided wi:li Harbor frhopand JI..H, xlKn, ryn. U'iieli troe ol i j.e;,t0 Tlie -r- rio-...r, lL:i" k:.X' for pat favors, Wi:i fp,re no pons to P;0a,e Kw. an., wul pr.-vuie ouis a:il. the shooii;itr or tithing gr.niiut" 1'v' ting timely notice the.-col. ' ' " JSvdey A Williams. Propr'e. soli J Serenade. At an early hour yes-! yes-! terdsy mnrning the Herald had the eomplifuot of a serenade, when some . delijhtf J music was discoursed by the band of Mr. P. Margetta jr., or the " co-operative band " as the "boys" cailed it, all the instrumentalists, except ex-cept Mr. William Foster, being engaged en-gaged in the grocery department of Z. C. M. L Tho gentlemen will pleas accept our blandest and warmest acknowledgments ac-knowledgments for tho compliment which was highly appreciated. M. B. Callahan has received two cr load? of Eureka coal oil, which he oif--rs to dealers at the lowest market ' rnti. Tdl.S OIL has gained a reputa-I reputa-I tion in this city as the safes i in use. aS ' ; NERVOUS DEBILITY, "With iu gloomy attendAnti, low spinLs,."'depression1 involuntary emission emis-sion loss of semen,, spermatorrhea, loss of pawer, dizzy head, loss of memory, mem-ory, and threatened impotence and imbecility, im-becility, rind a sovereign cure in Hum-puhky's Hum-puhky's HoMtoriTiiic Epkcific .No Twksty-Eiqut. Composed of the most valuable mild ana potent Curatives, Cura-tives, they strike at once at the root of tho matter tone up the system, arrast the discharges, and impart vigor and energy, luo and vitality to the entira man. They have cured thousands of eases. Price, $3 per package of five boxes and a large $2 vial, which is very important in obstinate or old cases, or 31 per single box. Sold by all Druggists, Drug-gists, and sent by mail on receipt of price. Address, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co., 602 Broadway, Broad-way, Jicw York, i'or Sale at Z. C. AI. 1. and Godbe's Drug Store. a9 . "-Ailyortistns is the Oil which wise men nut in their Luaipj. A1od tax l'aovEaa.; L P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG -A. 3r 1 jv T, Rooms 20 & 21 ilfercAaiifc' Exdiange, CALIFOnXIA STREET, SAN FRANCISO, forthoU Adverti30monts and Subscriptions Salt Lake Daily and Semi-Weekly Semi-Weekly Herald And for papers published in California, Oro-t-uii and -Nevada; Wasliington, L'tuh. Idaho, .yuniaim, Coluniclo, Arizona and adjaoont lerntoncs; aandineh Islands, tho liri h 1 oiSLV-iions, Mexican Ports. .Nicaragua, l'nna-mn. l'nna-mn. almiraiso. Japan and China; Now Zealand Zea-land and dia Australian culonios, tho Atlantic Status and Luropo. ADVERTISING lias created many a now business lj;is onlarfjed many an old basinet; 1 Lis revived many a dull business; Jlas rosouud many a lost business J Uu saved many a failiug businoss; ilas prworvod many a largo business; And insures succoas in any business. GIIUUp-S SliCHliT.-Slophon Girard used to ;uy m his old ago: "I have always considered iidvurusirijc liberally and long to bo tho treat iiicduna oi saccess in business, and tho prelude tiio busiest, long oxperionco bavins taught mo that money thus spent is well laid out, as by continually keeping my basinoss boforo tho j.ubhc it biu, secured many sales that I otherwise other-wise would have lost." Advertise your Business. Keep yarn name before the Public, Judicious Advertising villi Insure a Fortune If UuBtnesti Is Dull, Advertise. Business Is Brisk, Advertise. . a- The man who didn't boliovo in advor-lisiiih advor-lisiiih : has Bono into partnership with tho ihcriff, and that official doos tho advcrUsing. PJOTSCE. TUT PTTTiLIC ATtE H10RERY CAUTION-cuajrainst CAUTION-cuajrainst buying inferior Krados of Co.il reprosented by unprinciitled dealer as boiim l.rass Canytm Coal. I'artios wiuiLinu GrnM Lanyon Coal, will pleaso loavo their orders only at liailoy k Bon's, East Toiaplo stroot. and oods i koaton, t'it doutb stroov " s-u n C. J. LEE.Afiont," , Grass Canyon Coal Company. , NOTICE. I 'TMIE PARTN'EMSlIir HERTOVOBE E- I. itinc botwixt Reynolds ,t -Miller, U this i Uny dissulvod by mutual consont, said Hoy- i; nolds assuming all liabilities. E r- W. R. REYNOLDS, C, n 0 , C. MILLER. i ' Boavor, Sopt-3, 187i sS j I BIT VOIR OFFICE DESKS I, Frvm ManufMiturera dirwt.; K A. H.ANDREWS fc Co.' 1 1IOAMI H.t W..lH,.gtSt., f' J Manufaoluren f SCHOOL. CHUKCB n 1 HALL Hud , FIXE OFFICE FCRNITCRE. Win ship h SCHOOL DESKS AXD SEATS J ' ri - O.lico Uwtti and Canter Fitting, from our m . t'-k. or made to order in tho milt eluant , manner. DI UECT TO Ct'STOM KH in L' tab. to k Lot.ira.1o. orotnor weFtern States and Terri- tv i Send forilluftrteiCiUTo(tue. Sent fVee iiiviu "hinloo itTMt, CUICAGO. V WAGENERS ! BOTTLED BEER, ALE AD PORTER, Dot'ee Chear'at ad n Ui. ihorteit ri,7i!'0i "ri" "i"" "Sfo. lhfoni Br.w.rr. Ho. 5. Conua.reul tr'"t- ilo STOVES! STOVES I TEE CHEAPEST STOVES op ms-CREATEST ms-CREATEST VARIETY -AT- W. HARRISON'S I T I X I TXT I -A.D- STOVE STORE, OPPOSITE BISHOP IU'XTER'S EAST TEMPLE STREET. I frCaUaadEiaaino; you are ;aro to bo suitod m . NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. c-w Law. Snrchas. 1SCG. FDR THE MINING AND SCitNNFIC PRESS. Victoria and Imperial Tunnel and Mining Cnnipany, Location of Works Lllllc Cottonwood Mining District, L'lab Terrttorry, OTICE L- herctyjivcn that at. a mcc:; hoMca Kih d.iy ol .i:i-t.'l-: ai'-i'-'e-i-m.-n: often c.r.;.- j or -:...ro w.u' u'vid ontht!c.it:.il:!-s..: -...i ( , v. in;:iip hatcly in I r.'.:.?d .-ui.- .,n, So. iij iluntguiutry sixcct, tan' 1 raaci.-cy! Ar.y M--k una wh;-h a5--.vm.--1t hr.'I rcin.iin uai.i.J yn earuy, .: iay . ar.d .Tiii bc-'.luly'aijveni-ea .'siio 'at" " ;yj.-Lion. ar.il .ay;,nr.' La!l :,c 11:. 1 il- bi LK.-t.ibcr. 1STJ, to l ay ho .l. iin.Mirnt " 'nw.. mci;i, t.vtiicr ,, ajl(r.;-. .. cxr.-n.-.-s ol ;a;o. l;y ord-r he V, .irj ui Iruitcc. W, 11. WA 1 .-'JN.-cr-j;.iry. First National Bank S V I , r LAKS CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY iSD FISAXC1AL AGE5I OP THS TKITED STATES. TixHr.-n, C. L. Dihlil Pr.ii li. Vic. Prut. STiiOffT OODBS, CvhlBt. inlUorlitiCuplul, - - 9300,001 PAID t'P CAPITAL, - $150,000. EARNINGS, - 136,000, Dividend in 1371, 50 per cent. Ol.hst Bix.-'ng Institution in Utah A. Geneal I l:i.nltinc Business Tra unacted. AGEN0IG3 IN COLOSADO AND MONTANA. ; :0LLECTI2VS r'Sr.rTlY AI i t.NfJ-D TO. INTXItF.T ALI.OT-D ON T1MH PITTSBURGH TRADE. ESTABLISIIED 1&30 J Win. McCully & Co., .Mamiacturors of tho Standard Brand! of WINDOW CLASS AN!) DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE. Mako a sjiocialty of Inreo siios of Window blas, and all odd sizes cut to order. OfllcelS nnil itO Wood afreet. lMLisburgUj Penoi . P. S. llni-ing tho most oxtonive fnotorios in this country, and making a larcor lino of goods, dealers will find it to their in tor est to got our isolations boforo purchasing. jj PUtsburgli L'nlon Glass Works, STEWART, ESTEF & Co., Manufacturers of WINDOW GLASS, All siiea cut to order. o. 8 Smituneid sircet, ji I'irrsuttitGli, pa. H. II. II Y G 33, D.M. AKMOB. ECONOMY WORKS. MYEEiS & ARMOR, MatinfriciiircrJ of Shovels, Aptdeit. Urnla Scoops, Soto niaom'icturtTi of E. W. Mjore'n three Kii-et Mming Shorels. Ko. IDS, Water street, Pltlsuurg, ' 1'bsssylvavi., Faotory. at Bnvcr Falls. Pa. yZl A.MEmc-AJsr IROH WORKS. Jones & LaiighliaSj iPittsloiii-glx, Peuua.) Manufaoturora of Iron and Nails. T. Kails, Fish H its and Bolts, I'atent Cold Rolled Shafting, Patent Cold Rolled Piston Hods, Couplings, Pulleys, llaneers and Collars. Warehouses and OiEoe Second Avenao, Iry stroot and Third Avonuo. Branch 1Ioj3o Sa. 100 to 198 Souih Caaat street, Chicago, I Us. We make only Strictly Pure Goods! White leal, f WlSiS, Sod Ud, Wi T.vrry ;,.; cf our lVMti. T w b-xn thf folltrwing fnriiuit. ;ni cnnr.uitefii rttgiew tf flin-n ani nil. u. .-s mi9uri.;isf.fJ: 1 THIS PACKAGE" CONTAINS" I ! I'urt- Vlilio Lfnd ei ynrts. Ltiiiucd Uil 9 1 I fJ'. IN fiOT.n ,,111 lo loanyflBd- abVivo uir.ih '' " B "-'ferent from tho DAVIS, CHAMBERS CO. 'OLD EI DEALERS LVBIiYTHriL ! NOTICE yilKGKOCEhYDEPAIlTMFNTZ.C. M I. I will hn c-lo-ed on vi onday 16th, Tuosd'aj lith mid Wodocsdij ISth Oeineuib-r, to take MOJount of flue:;. Wo re'pocttully invi'o our eusl'iiners and friomh to uiako their i urch isea boloro, or dufer un'il after tho abovndutts. ii. B. OLAWtjuN, Eauormiendeat. m iTO CLSLXESS. News Agents throughout the West, and all others who contemplate engaging in the business, tire respeetl'ully requested re-quested to send lor one of the Price Lists of the "WESTERN "WES-TERN NEWS COMPANY," Chicago. Full information in relation to the nature of the business will be lbund therein. Druggists, Postmasters, and others who have a little spare room in their stores, will find that they can add the News Business with ease and profit to themselves. It will pay of itself, besides being a benefit ben-efit to their other trade. Individuals In-dividuals who wish to procure any Books or Periodicals published pub-lished in this country, can obtain them free of postage i, c.. i:..,. n: uj. iujinuujii- Liie renin price as above. We refer to any of the Newspaper Publishers of Chicago. Address TIE WESTERS Ml MM. X. W.Cor. Randolph Jefferson Ht., ( iu A(;o, ill. aa COMPOUND BONE-SET PILLS Home-aia 'e tal rarely tccUL1, They re:iTe Ji-rH-f. Pr.f.H. Iclicw ti"Ti. Lirtr O.rni.-t. Heaw,. of V...c'-i J I 'nl .-:-rr.-t-h. 0. S- la- ' C",,ch'- Inty tbe li.-M. I Clca-it the M'TEMh, Renorn' ypie-n m. Mii rl Dieafc. irf mod id fat". :m- '''''l' newrd. Try a tK,z. ort. Thoy are Io&ic, Cathartiif aiiYipeo Twenty-five cert jrcrhfjxTweTjty.e re Pill, " arrmted to giro laU faction. J. K. JOIIXgnX, St. G.or.;., tlta Ar, J -!d at Zi'oV C-rj crative ?lort ud by oth.-r ater.'- thr-ucfi'.-jt 'ha Tomi-y. a.i--o .".-id : ,'.i!t'ie r.r 'trxl.-hed tin com-pi.ir,a com-pi.ir,a to re. infioleasenu. If tbua med-ic-.re reno; kept at y&ar itorai, aK lotii BejiiAai m ordi thea at o&o. O. I&Z. 2L. m. E3 T I DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, October 1st, 1872. Grand Pall and Winter O S M" S oj Seasonable and Fashionable j Shawls, Gloaks, Sacques, and othei desirable WRAPS. I " 'FULL LIXE CF COLt A8S, CUFFS & L ACEGOODS. SHOE DEPARTMENT Y LL BE FULLY STOCKED. "F or more complete enumoratiuQ our Uosoription ciroular--to be is.-u-:d in B few days. m29 II U. CLAWSON, 8uperiDWnd.-nt. UTAH NORTHERN SSISiiS Trains are now Eunning- Daily, BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R. R. HAMPTON'S for MONTANA. Dis. 001X0 SOUTH a.m. I p. si. 1 Taro Dis. GOING NORTH a. n. p. x. 'iFnre. Learo Hamilton's at 4:00 V2Ai j I Loavo Brigham at 8:15 j 7:Ij . j 7 " Dowoyvilio'" 4:35 1:20 j j0 " Boi Eldor " 8:30 7:30 .'1 lt " Honoyrillo " 4:50 1:35 i j"5 HJI " Cnlb Fort " 9:00 S:W j 0 1SJ-S " Calls Fort " 5:00 1:45 j0 14 " Honoyvillo" 0:10 ( 6:10 "j 20! " Box Eldor " 5:30 2:15 lji5 18 " Dowoyvilio" 0:25 ! 8:25 , 1 uJ 25jArrivo at Briglmm 5:15 2:30 j ljoO 25 Arrivo at Hampton's 10:00 J 0:00 j 1 SPECIAL RATE3 TO EXCURSION PARTIES. Passeaijers will please purolmse their tickets at the Company's Offices, oi 50 cents additional will be oliarscd when the Fare ia oil- cted on the train. Arramrements ha7e been made with the Ceotral Paoifio and Utah Ce"fri' Railroad Companies whereby patenters oan purchase Tickets ar the U. V Offioe in Salt Lke City or O. P. Offitio at Oioo for Bjt K:dcr or riamp'on'-on riamp'on'-on the U. N. R. R., and from Hampl0n's or Bjx Elder to Oidcu or Salt Lik? Ciy at greatly reduced rates. Through. Connection as follovy3 : OOtNil SQCTir ' A.M. !P.M. GOING NuiM.l. M. : Loavo Hamilton' at 4:00 U:l5 Loavo Salt Lako Oitj', VJkTlTT 7'j7iT Arrivo at Brigham, U. N. K. R. 5:4-5 2.-JU Arrivo at Ojrdon. " t:j-j i :, Loavo Brigham. C. P. It P. at ti:10 2:3 Loavo Ogdon, C. P. lt. R. , at 7;,j :.o Arrivo at 03don, C. P. R. R. 7:00 3:50 Arrivo at Brigham, " " S:l', : ) Loavo Ogdon, U. C. R, U, 8:00 5: Loavo Driglmm, U. N. lt. It., at 8:1 j 7:15 Arrivo at Snlt Lako City 10:00 7::X) Arriro at Hamilton's " ic.y THE TIME XA3LSi ARE CALCULATED ON SALT LAKU TIME. PARES, Hampton's Wpcden 3 M I Salt Lako City to Box Elder . . M " L'taaltLako City, ;) - - i ,.. ,..,.; , Box bldor to " d & ogdon to Uatpion-i" I V to op--"-. - i I - Box iiidw.. i - H. O. Wilier & Co s Kxprs l.-wea Hampton's every moroinir f.r L tfnn on arrival of the 10 a in mm, .n,i tri-weekly, Monday, Wedm-i.v inday .for pnoo.pal M-,tk-oi-..M in Cache county, returoiD d.tly from Logan to connect with t U:4 p.:.. .ram, aod Howe's Kx press cvtv Vw". day morning from tranklm to riuda SprinSs, icturninK (herefrom ev.-ry J u-day u-day morniDg. - J ) JOHN AY. YOUNG, Gcn'l Sii.t. MANUFACTUltEKS OF THE DIPROVED BAUEE OECJANS AND TSL ELODEO INT 3 . Every Instrnment FOLLY WARRANTED for FIVE YFA"5S. Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATALOGUES sent FREE to any nJ.lrem ujon apj.liiaUon. ALSO IMI'ORTERS AND DEALERS IN PIANOS and ALL KINDS or MUSICAL MERCHAMSE. JULIUS 13VUK3t & CO., 650 Broadwav. 390, 392, 394 & 396 Wabaf h Ave NEW TO. K. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. J. DAYNES.S SON, Agents for Utah, 1st South St., ? 1 WO I)OOH,3 EAST OF POST OfFKE. NOTICE. Office Sail Lake Cit G Crmj-tnTIVt 2 Main !M,en. Jnnel, ln72. TilK pnb.io art borebr n-' i .. d tfa at ti.e fialt Lake City t Cr tni..i.y will pro-cd pro-cd forthwith to oret thcr w . k' and will pr-r-arei to furniih G' lor ,-.-.ral na 'oarhtl(t of Januurr t,. x . T na d-fi-ij t -o oa Om in their ..tTinoa or del.in. w n'H d0 wtil to n-Ty tl. company, com-pany, it ibe eif i --t day p."-it. a. b ar-ranemetu ar-ranemetu for melr t and .r,jl Thopriceoi -aa be four ;r; per one thousand cnbio fte . DANIKL H. WELL?, 'rc,-iJcu:. l LALOR SUEIUIKV. SnpcnntenlLLt. JJ12- The Gennino ROfK SPRLCS fOIL, ! rRf'M DITTKH CllKrK. i X"W, m 'r- C- R KIB'rot EVANSTON COAI, Al S7 per ton, br tb, AVj ominoal i Mining tctnp,j. Ornv.r.tl m.nr ,,ri cr th. H.a.uu.Mc lti.r,i. .Order. ..cirwl bj ARTHUR bTAYNrR ...nt. ofBc at I'. W. Pt.ynor', B p... one door oolh ol S1W1 l'holoir.i.bi, li.l CHICAGO TRADE. PACE, BRO. & Co., Importf ra aD-1 Dealtrti ia LEATHER AND FINDINGS, ir. '. . Pats, liouon. t,t ' -: v. p.r-Cbicc0- iji . JOHN V. FARWELL S Co., WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DI1Y GOODS, AND "W OOLEN3. largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. mj 7- IfWHITE LEAD J !70 Si 172 RAXDOLPH STREKT. Orpr Si'oci.il iniiuooiiiPnts to Inriro buyers uril lup Jobbing Trado of Ulab Territory. JJT' Establi-hod lSVv 0 Williams, Miller A Olmsto-ad, (Formerly Fitch, Williams & Co.,) holualo l)ak'n in ' Hats, Caps, JTnrs ana Bnck Goods, .,125 and 1LT MARKET SIKKET, 1 H M. KNICKERBOCKER, r ormerly ftf Q B, AL. LFXlfc) AVhfoftB PAPER DEALER,' hO, SJ V. Ilantlolph ot., CHICAGO, ILLS Ater.t l"'.r the !bIo o tU KN' PAI .... J-iMl'KKij, muni i h,.bi, ti. l liu.-: in tho world." (mm i'n(.cr.wh:i..Hi,d jWred, i Ut i ii, tr- uf nil .Io.m.1 ti'tion, tun olui,, Canl i:.m..l. ..ill. LottM and Mota licadf, oialvtuvul. ulc. A il.WT CoMI'LCTh I'KISTKRS' STOCK. a A T I S I- A C T 1 u X liL'ARANTEKD SEEBEP.GER & BREAKEY, Wholeiale Dcn.lra In wmwm & CUTLERY, 38 and 40 Lako street, CHIGAQO, lA- Orders by mail solioitod and -atibiiictiou KuarBDtt-ed. jy7 iXuuon, Temple & (Jo., .lmrnrten, Manufacturora and Job bore of And all Goods for GENT'S NKCK WEAK, HN'KN AND PAPER C0LLAH3 AND CUFFS. .nd i:a Waba.li Ave. CHlrAOO, 111.. 3 "The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. TAN SCEAACK, bTE:VENSON & REID, Wholaiala DKUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, -. n Du I Ii'.ks orooid oxirees y .ir u,l i-..iB..,. r,,, El.v.i,.,,. ho, h.l'S a! nor'IbSrJ"'"" St"" U"'""J M. D. WELLS & CO., Manufactnrars of and Wholasala Dm art In Boot3 and Slxoes, 818 Wtabmah Ara, Chlcmffo KIRK, COLEMAN & CoT A'anufiujturors and doalors ia nails, UeV) Ilai ;,r,ut, " on mi Ctrrtan Wood Stock, And U astorn bondyuartors for WWtN'S HlHit iSQ MULE SHOES tc. 3ajid UScutb Canal .Street, HJXMKx P.ONLEH MANUFACTURING CO., Manitfactureni of l'erru,ne, Tolet Hnil H JI A V I JN G NOAI'S JltJouthCMal.trwi.Ch, P""rinl lndur(,,UBgU , . , , . a. a. muTT, PIS IRON AND COAL AlLow.tlIrktKiei Wftbub Avonuo ' ( 1 14 lnA,, niafiiiB. Finn auirioi HRE aud BIRGLAR proof Q-A.FES j Th. Bc.t .,.. Ia th, Wor,a HERRING 4. CO., If. Sit Btrcot, Dd Hlh tree and lDlin Avcdiio. C ,11 I G A G O . No. 715,717, Tlttajia 721. 1NWANA AVE. CHICAGO. Ailnntic anil Purine T03ACCO WORKS. it or. f,w oriour leadlnj br.ud: W CHtWING' flNI rUT SMOKING ud Hw. Cb.,n,,iori. Uobarl, Dwelleifo.. |