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Show SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS LOST. ON THE NORTH SIDE OF FIltST SOUTH Sireet, in tho Hih Ward, a Gold Breast Pin with eight agates. Tho tinder will bo liberally lib-erally rewarded oy leaving at this oilico. I WASTED. A WOMAN TO COOK. Enquire of Mn. Jas. M. Taylor, Hast Sta street, second sec-ond house north vi Inoitro street, etEt aide. sl2 OFFICE ROOM OX MAIN STREET, BE-twoen BE-twoen 1st and 2nd South strocts, a larce, well liiited room on tho first floor suitable tor an oflice. Address Lock Box ki), P. 0. 1 10 TEN GOOD HANDS TO WORK IN THE Canyon. Apply at tho Utah Lumber Yard, Third South Street. J. J. Xiiay.ne. soU TOR REST. FURNISHED ROOMS. OPPOSITE SEV-K.vm:s SEV-K.vm:s 11a li,, hall' block south of Theatre. 013 A HOUSE, CENTRALLY LOCATED, with 2o furnished rooms, suitable for hotel, on reasonable tenm. Apply nt this otlico. se7 Ba-Sa, DR. GROVES, Office, Second South Street, Throo doonPtestof Groat Western Hotel, half a block eat of Elephant store. Salt Lalte City. OBoc Hour tram 9 t.m. W i p.m. mil NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALT LAKE THEATRE Friday Eve., Sept. 13th, 1872. BENEFIT OF IVCfL. Geo. D. Chaplin. Miss Jean Clara WALTERS AS D THE FULL DRAMATIC CO MP ANT. 1'IKST APPEARANCE OF MISS CARRIE SIMONS. Will bo presented a dramatization of Oueda's colubrated novel, by ML-s Addio P. Kun-kel Kun-kel of Ualuiuuro, entitled STRATHMORE, OR WROUGHT BY HIS OWN HAND. To concludo with tho grand tragic oiiero of TXT o r xxx x. GRAND MATINEE NEXT SATURDAY AFTERNOON Tuesday Evening, Sept. 17th, 1872, BENEFIT of Miss JEAN CLARA WALTERS. our amerIcan" cousin, ici: ! ice: icki FIFTY TONS OF ICK, of first rate- quality, at $10 per ton, It. IS. MAKGETTS. Utah Urewory. sol". Salt Lake- City. Third Grand Sale, NnLnrdny, tit 11 o'clock n. in. AUCTION! AUCTIONil AT RI2ED & KING'S NEW AUCTION HOUSE, 1st Somh Street, vroitof Kimball Kim-ball A Lawrence. lac olegnnt eido-board In oak. Furniture of o very liosoription. Bed und UoidinK, Carpote, Oil Clothe, Shades, Laoo Curtains, ic, Consignments Solicited, TRUSTEE'S SALE. VfOTICE ISIIEREUVUIVENTIIATTHE -Ll understood will .-Ml. at utlic auction, in front of tho LankinK liouso of A. W. White i Co., on Eadl Tumi'lc sucot, in tho city of alt Lake, Territory of Utah, un Friday, tho Jjth day of toiilouibor, at cloven o'clock in iho lorcnuon, tho following described irorr-erty, irorr-erty, to-nit: An undivided interest otUno Thousand feet in tha luinniK property located in Porcujdiio tiulch, Uinttluiui Cunun, West .Mountain uiinint; district, salt Luko county, Utah Tcrritury. knoivn us tho Silver Hill lode or mine, containing twenty-four hundred feet in all. The interest ofTcred for sale and to bo sold at duid tiuio and ploco is the sauio interest conveyed to tho undorsignod by Dood of Trust, ejecuted by Char lea II. Morgan as puny of the lirst part, dated tho fourtounth day of December, K71, insecure tho payinout ui" certain promissory nutoj therein set out, from said Charles il. Morgan to fcilas H-iiuche, H-iiuche, tho party of tho third part in said deed of trust, which said notes oro nun- overdue and unpaid; said trust doud was on tho same day recorded in Mortuao Kecord Book C., pages ;,7. ol- and oT.i. in iho County Itecordei's utlico of .-aid -ilt Lako county, tty which record reference u hereby niado for further l-articuliiniyj. .-aid property will bo sold to tho liigheft bidder n-r ca.-b, tho money to bo paid mid dd dvlivored imiuediatMy after tho iulo. A. W. AVU1TK, Tru.lce. Salt L y, Auttuiti'tja lb'2. a'U U. x. II' P ''. C. S. KLIO. REED & KING, AUCTION AND CGMM'SS'UN MtHL'HANTS, Went of Kimball Lnivrcuct't, S.VIr LAKE MTV. l.i'eral cu;h odviuicua made on con-Ok-n-uicnu. Uji MISCELLANEOUS. SAVE YOUR T-jABOR. f.TAVIXU IIEARD-MANY ENCOMIUMS COLBY'S LITTLE WASHER -AND- WBINGEB, By thoso who have usod them, us being oi-coodingly oi-coodingly eaiy to hnndlo, durable, and cheap, I havo secured tho Agency for Utah. A shipment has just arrived nnd may bo soon nt my store, next to Savago's Photograph Photo-graph Gallery, Main Street. I SALT LAKE CITY, j ClIAS W. Stayner. A large and splendid assortment of goodn expeotcd daily, due notice will be given of their arrival. ac28 W. U. MILRLNSON, . f . H. WILKINSON, FIRST SOUTH STREET, Between Kim ball & Lawrtnce'i and tle .Heat Mftrkct. Families will do well to liuy nil tlielr CHOCEBIES here, and have tliem taken boine FREE OF CHARGE. BOOTS, SHOES, PARTICULARLY Ladies' a.vd Children's SHOES, SELLING AT COST: HATS & CAPS AT COST. WALL PAPEE, CUcnper than can be sold Rii)u-hcre clae In tno Territory. Carpet Warp, Woolen Yarn, Etc. DEPOT FOR THE Salt Late City foolea Factory. ALWAtS ON HAND Heavy and Light Jeans, White Grey and Plaid Linsies. Flannel Kerseys, Doeskins, Cassimercs, Stocking Yarn, Etc., Etc. W. II. WILKINSON, ior.23 AGENT. JUST RECEIVED Perambulators, Express Wagons, Hobby Horses, &c, &c, &c. A FIXE STOCK OF TO BE CLOSED OUT AT WHO Hi E S -A. Xj E OR BY THE BOX AT COST- TEA.SU GAR, COFFEE, SPICES & GROCERS SUNDRIES KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. BREAD, CAKES, PIES and CRACKERS BAKED ON THE PREMISES E VEII.Y XJ J. "X" AND SOLD REASONABLY BY Damel Gremg, EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET, Above Socood South Street augll SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN DRY GOODS. WishiDg to oloae out our entiro DRY aOODS DEPABTME 1ST T, " Wo will offer our large stock of Staple and Fascy dry goods & notions -AT- PRIME COST run Tim Next Sixty Days. KIMBALL it LAWRENCE. ST. LOUIS TRADE. SEMPLE, BIRGE&Co., S-A-XTNTT LOUIS, Manufacturers and Agents ACRICLLTLRAL GOODS, Hardware Specialties, WHITEWATER VAGOiS. Office and Samploe. 13 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Warehouse: tnylS 114. 116. US ELM STKEET. HAYTJEN. WILSONS & ALLEN Maaufaoturor! and Dealers in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BENT STOCK, LEATHER, Etc., No. Slfl North JUnlu street, mil9 ST. LODI3. MO. If you want tho best, buy Back's Brilliant It is the most Perfect Tinker. It is the most Durable. It bums the least Wood. It always fives Satisfaction. Hore of Buck's Stoves have boon sold and are in ase tbnn anj stove ovor mado. Evsry Stove is warrant?! BUCK'S Guarantee, For Coal and Wood, haa only boon in nso two years. It is now tho leading Goal Cook Stove. Why, it ii a Porfect Baker. It is a Fnel Saver; it is made with our PATENT CHILLED IRON. Fire Linings which will last longer than Five Seta of common Linings. Lin-ings. It will draw in any good flue, and is the only Coal Cooking Stove that gives entire Satisfaction. BUGK a WBSOHT, 730 and 723 X. Jttalu Street, Saint Louli) Manufacturers of all varieties of COOKING and HEATISG STOVES. Sample Sam-ple Cards and Price i-Uts furnished on application. mylS $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Legalized by Stale Authority and Drawn iu Public iu St. Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50.000 NUMBERS. Class I, to be Drawn Sept. 30, 1S73. 5,880 Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. 1 prize of 350.0001 SOOprisesofS 100 1 pnxo qC 13,30 OpriiMof 1,000 1 prim of 10,1)00 p rues or 500 1 prize of 7,500 Oprizsof 300 1 It prize! of 5,000 1 9 prizes of 230 4 prizoa of J,5O0' 36 priraof 200 aOprizoaot I.OOO' 36 prizi'aof 150 aOpnzesof 5001 lSOprizyaoi JOO 40 prirM of 250 ,5,000 pnresof 10 Tlclcets, 910. IlaJr Tickets. S3, (tuaxtcra, 92.50. Onr lotteries are chartered by the State, arc alwuya drawn nt the lime named, and ail drawings ire under the gupemsiun Af sworn commissioner a. The official drawl eg will he pnliliKbed in the St. Looia papers, and a copy itnl to purchaaori of tickfU. Mj- We will draw a similar scheme the last day of every month durtur the year lbTi Remit at our rf-k by POoT OFFICE MOIsKY OBDE113, EEGISTKRKD LETTKK, PEA FT, or KPil?3 Send for a circular. Ad-dreu Ad-dreu Ml'KttAY, HllL.L.rl A. Co., Post Office Box 24-i6. ST. LOUIS, Mo. my 17 ARK UNDOUBTEDLY THE Cheapest to Buy, Best to Use, Easiest to Sell, and never fail to give entire satisfaction. A FULL STOCK OF COOKING & HEATING STOVES FOR Tin: USE OF EOTU WOOD AND SOFT COAL, AND ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO Tit K WASTSOnilE WESTERN PEOPLE TVc are prepared to fill or-ltrs promptly nt prices Hint will be tmi-isfnetory tmi-isfnetory to tlie trade. Our slock, and assortment of &T AM l'KI), JA-PAX-NKD and FKENt'II WAKE, and TINSEKS' Stock la one of the largest larg-est in tlie West, and wc (ilAKAS-TEE (ilAKAS-TEE OIR 111 ICES an low n the ttaiue elais of goods can lie purchased anywhere. any-where. Sew lrlco-Jibts now ready. Addrsosi EXCELSIOR MF. CO., 612 &. 614 Main Street, st. louis, mo. COGSWELL & CO., JOBBERS OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, And every thing in the way of JEWELEES' SUTrLIES, 300 West Madison St.. I'HICAUO. aoio LOGAN DAILY STAGE LINE CO.NWECTI.N'li WITH UTAH K0RTI1EKN31. B. AT Hampton's Station. ROUTE TO SODA SPRINGS. Daily Staee li'av.v Hniniitntr. Station f-r L-v.ni on urrn al u! i ho I1' a. ui. tt .iin ; (VmuvtiiiH "n .M..nd:v, W ..hu-lnv and Fridnv .vult Stun.' t Ir-iiiLhii. , oll-wlli; an.l nil iiiti.Ttur.il it" t.Mvn- in Cik'Iio; aild CvniticctiiiB "ilh ft two lor Soda s p u i n c s , Which Inivq3 Frnnklin every Tm.'-duy. II. O. MILLER .V CO., gui"J l'roprletori. tt'ALKKK UnO'S. CUNNIXOTON & CO Walker Bro's & Cov llOLKS VLE AXI KET.VIL, 1EA1.EIIS IS WIHES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. 1 o Uavo a spleodid stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS ic, 15 EST KENTUCKY WHISKIES, And an immense quantity of CASI lQUORS AND 15 ITT U US, j AND HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CICARS. '. Having opened an EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR HOUSE and keeping TIIE LARGEST STOCK EVER HELD IX UTAH we offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. Solo Agents in ULah for J. II. CUTTER and S. T. Suit & Co'a celebrated Kentucky whiskies. WALKER BRO S & CO. au21 One door East of Elephant Store. BUM ROOKS, STATIONERY, SKWIXG MACHINES. IK flfi Kit CALDER 2:, SEARS. We arc Aponta for the ARION, STEIN WAY & SONS, CUICKERING & SONS, DECKER & BARNS and other leading makers, and j rcspecttuily invite our Patrons and the Public to call and examine our stock of the above named instruments. Wc are also General Agents for the MASON & HAMLIN world-renowned CAH1MIET RGAM, Which we have proved beyond all doubt to be tho best and most suitable organs for this climate; and have also the WOODS, ESTEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. Wc have the Largest Stock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, ISSTKUJIENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everjtUng required by Amateurs, Teaohcrs and Musioians. MUSI GAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stock consists in part of , PI VOS, ACfORDKOSS, (OXCFRTIAS, DOURLE BASSKS, I OKii.tXS, IUKI.01lASt, YIOL4'KI.I,OSt MAKE mtl MS, I V10I,1S, Ci I IT Alts, FLii;oUtTA"ai, U Ass Kill I AJOS, mmAJi, ritOLOS, VIOLAS, Etc., Etc. ' MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. 0 PlnnoStools, Violin Strings, Gnltnr Strlugs, Violin Fnriitslilngs, Gnltar 1 ruriiisbtmrs. Accordion Famlsutiign, Drum FnruUliliis, Tuning Forks aud 1'lpcs, Jliisic Paper, lllnnk M u s I c Boolu and Cni-dn, Nlicct b Music, Instruction llookj for all Imitruuicnta, Ftc., Etc., Klc. f Wo anve scoured tho services of Professor Carclc??, so long and favorably known in thi? com- uiUDity, that our patrons may have the beneiit of his prolciiiocal services in making 1 their selection of instruments and musical merchandise. BOOZERS -A.3STI5 STATIONERY. Our Stock consists in part of Tno Publications of the American Tract Society, Miscellaneous aud Sub -script lou Itooks, Bin nit Boo Its of all descriptions, Inkstaudk, Writing Ink, Slcrl Pens, In crcal variety, Pen Holders, Pencils, English Pocket liulvca aud Scissors, Mnun'i Patcut Parobment Copying Bookss all qualities and weights of - iXotc, Lfllrr, Cap, BUI, Legal, Flat Cnp, Folio Post, French ote, Initial ote, Euvtlopis, nil sizes nnd qualllieii, Card Uonril, all colors, Foreigu 1 Tisaue f u per, all colors, Drawing Paper, Drawing Books. - SCHOOL. K UK X IS II IS US OF EVERY DESCRIPTIO.V, SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. Wo havo a large and sjilendid aborted stock of Cards and Hooks from tho lartto Publishing House of T. Nelson i dona, which wo offer at their reguiar Wholcsalo and Ketait pricei. , L. PRANC & COS PUBLICATIONS. Havingbpcn appointed Solo Apents for Utah, for tho sal of thoir magnificent Cards and Books fur ."Schools and lur tho I'arlur. wo aro prepared to furni?h tho Trado and School Com uiitlcos lrom our stock oj choice selections ut tho l'ubliihers 'hulesalo and ltctail iirices. . THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Wo respectfully invite the Public to call and examine our Sewing Machines before purchasing elsewhere, which we claim to be the best, cheapest, and most durable in tho market. We guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. All are warranted to sew, with perfect ease, Beaver, Ducking, Ticking, Douims, Domestic, Cambric, Linen, Muslin, Lace, &c, and will Tuck, Hem, Eell, Braid, Bind, Cord, Gather, in fact will do all kinds ot '' work. A Ftve Tars guarantee given with each machine. Instructions freo by an expert on the premises. s3 DOiJFORDESOES. MAMMOTH BOOT, SHOE AND HAT ST08E. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Orders iSoliciieil from Town nurt Country, aud promptly and ciirtfnlly filled it the very -mallest possible mursiu over cost. m7 ZrVtECA. A ttA white S LEAD IVK UI AltAXTKK TUB AUOVK BUANO TO UK I'Klll; KOT1.Y i',.K. AXI IX I'lNKNKSS, WIlirK.NESS AMI ClU KK1.NO I'UOl'KKTIKS U' Id UNIVKHSAI.LY ACKNOWLKUOhl) 10 Hh, l'llH Sl'A.NUAKH. FAHNESTOCK, HASLETT & SCHWARTZ, i:7 First Ave.. 1'ITTSBUHUII, l'A. FOH BAI.K Bl- Z Q M t AND OTHKR PKALK11S. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. VAND, KANE. 4 CO.. Huceiiiori to Ilumr, V na Lu Importer nd Wboloaal Uelri lB mn 1D L1QU0UN. pToprleiort of Hooter's California X7D"lao,t WbJ.MU.oy, Alio Akoqu for Joseph S. 'moa't oet'jbratod Ponnrijlvacia RYE WHISKEY a OT and 000 Vront-St. uar JackM sam fuam cisco- ' ltM " EflTAOLianiSD I86 0; Importers of Teas, Kut India goods and general groceries 213 and 216 Front .Street, ' San Francisco. pi PARKER, WATTSON & Co! (Suooeson to Well Co..) lmportcri and manufacturer of rOBACCO AND CIGARS, E21, 223 and a Front su. oor. Baorunaoto. 45 8 AN KKASC1SCO, CAL. E. A. FARCO &CoT7 Importers and Jobbord of Brands. Wines and Um, 310 front St., cor. Commercial, 0. B, Kti. (25 SAN FIlANCI.CO JACOB VNDE1UIILL A. CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, BoleAgfDU for Sanderson Uro'i ACu's OA8T File,, Motiie Hole Anvlli, Collluk&Co' C. S. Sledgos, PlcU, Axes, c. IIS 120 Uattory Street, Stn trnndico. aU I AMIS A. rOLQII. 0. 5CH0IHAU. J. A. FOLCER & CO'S PIUMifcR 6TEA.U COFFEE AND SPICE M 1 1. 1. .-s , .o. 14X0 K'roikt Street, BetKoun Hftliiortiia and Sivcmmonto, al3 SAX b tLAAClSCL. J. BACH, I Frantuoo M. BHBIH, J. BAUM & CO., I m purler utd Mutuiaciiireri of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 44a DtDi...t.,9u KrKncl.co. No 18 Warren St.. Now York, fo Harness Saddlery, Leather. J. C. J0UNSSON& CO., 104 106 Front Street, SAX FKAXC1SC0. Hrfrr by prrmUaion to Mr. II. 11 Clav woit, HujirmtKJuieiU oj r lA Z. CJI. i. 13 A. B. ELFELT & CO., IMPOST EE3 A.HD J0BUKB3 Oil Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 105 Ac J IO rSitrvsouae IStreeL, ' SAM FRANCISCO. KLFELT, LKVI A CO. moharebfit NY all ' LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St.. SAX FRANUSCO, IAL, Careful and prompt alUuiiun Mid i order ntrnald lo our tre. tri Esublishedin 1861. G. VENARD, Uanafaotnrer of the Original Cliartres Coll'ee, And all kindt of Spices and California Mustard, 625 and 627 Froiit Street, between Jackioo and Paoine. BaW fRA.sCUCu. ti HE CUT, BKO'S & Co. BOOTS, SHOES & LEATHER And 6 A li Pearl Street, Basic BUCKIXGHAU JIECBT, MDnciureri of lb "utm DoALirr1 cAUfomiA wars ah mois.f all MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 A 216 Battery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. UAltSESS, SADDLES A X D Xj E -A. T H E 14 . 1 lie. bcit stock aud lowest prices ou tlie Pacific Coait, Special attention given to orders iroir. I'ui-Hi I'ui-Hi A, C, DIETZ & CO. IMTOKTUS or PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. 821 J EONT STKKKT. Bel. BMiuitfa. lUilomu, FruellM A. J. GSIFFITH) Ielar In all Unds of PICKtiBD b SMOXBS SALMON AND HERRINGS, IMS Wuhlatoa8trL All klodi of Dried, Bmoked and Pickled M oouUnUy on hand. H LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreien and D-m6Uo D-m6Uo Vanoj and Staple DRY GOODS. Depoi of Good Manufactured at Msnon and Facyic MUis, CbMC'" . 64T Uarfcet St., Su fr ojts Paria: tti Kae De L'ficaff E. MARTIfJ d.C0. WloIeiaJe Li'por Mr, AO 8 Front Strt, Sam Friaelw Proprieton of BILLEU'S KITHA OLD BOCKBO And sole uenta for . r. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHIS-1 OoniLantLy on band, a foil auortmut ef all the ard Brands of Whliklit, Win Braadl rorlfta sad DomaaUo Wlnw, n) Hltun. CordlaU RICHARDS & HARRISON, Importers of j MALT LIQIOKJ 1 aNB OILMAN STORES, 314 . 316 Umll.rr Akonti tbr Oojjt 4 BlaclxM ) E-iiMt Cnxri J. J. COLMAN'S MUSTARD. J Huntley Jk Ptlmor's Kcjdinj Biseuit-' J, S. FRY & SON'S CHOCOUTE COM. AKUBBH 1SLAY SCOTCH WUISKBf. JUtri.B'8 THAUK CVJ ; IJ M ALT LlQtK'"s-JOULE'S LlQtK'"s-JOULE'S STONE ALE. T.nn.nf, Scou.h Al Blfod'; I AU Ibu t'"'' J?"',' vv flub London I'ortB. Vor.l( 1.1, l |