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Show MEDICAL. tEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage." For tlie Debilitated Nervous System. Iill JOKDA.V. of the Anuto(rl Mown, 518 ) Mm re -m-rj trot, (u.,r Oliferu'.) BAN I'fiASOMCO, Cmliforol, l poWlhlfc.ororttl r.i.l luiruut ai.'I fmtrncUi I.Kturri, In ert Ti.Imiifl for tlioSe who cannot alUnd Itu) Lecture Hi Ihf Muc'iim. Kxerj noniArrird and married man huiiM rod tod Mndy the Important Lectern Lec-tern lor ihe Kuod of hjnuelf and uliprmg. ,':y ldrriaj; lb aecratery ef tlie Anatomical Mil, ura. &n Francisco, and enelwiloj Twenty-y.vc Twenty-y.vc Cnt In pitiiu italsp Co p7 potgs, the U,,ic will be forwarded U any pert ol the Slates or Territories. Dr. Jordan een be consulted by Utter. jS tV. F. ANMRSQN. M.D. H. i, RICHARDS. M.D. Surgeons and Physicians, OtBcee, for the present, at their respeetlTe residences in the Uth andlith Wudt InS 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. I'HYSIOIAN. 8UKQB0H 4-ND UKUGOIbT, IMtllifUH CITV. UTAH. HOTELS, ETC. TO WNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADIKfl HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWN 8 EN D PROPKIITOK. This House ii centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 1 g-oesu. THE PROPRIETOR ii now preparing o build large additions to hi Hotel, whith whoa finished, will renJ-tr It the Mott Compltl EttaUithmetU In the U0CK MOUNTAIN REGION I mil . WALKER HOUSE, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah.. Open for flic Bccepllon of Guests Monday, Sept. 2d, 1872. II. S. GKEELEY & CO., ritOI'IlIETOnS. a29 TAYLOR'S HOTEL, . Wit Side Main Street. IMPROVEMENTS Constantly being made for the aooommo dation of Quest. HOT AND COLD UATHS. TAYLOR k CUTLER, myll Proprietors. mim hotel, A Select and First-Class House, OHIO BLOCK BAST OF THKATR.H, SALT LAKE OITY. Termita.OO per day. Board without with-out rooms 9111. 00 per -week. Bathe frt to guiiti. J. O. LITTLeG, 'unit Proprietor. Washington House i-'uird Houth Htreet, HALT L A K tt OITY Board and Lodging, per Week ST 00 Uay Board " 00 French Spring Bade " 3 00 Bede, per Might - 00 Menls - JU M Commercial Loipii Rooms, 46, Commercial SL, Salt Lake Olty. 0. W. T AFP AN. Proprietor. O P K N ALL NIGHT. Spring Ue.1t, 98, 37 and SO nte. per (VlK't) S1.S0 to SJ.OO per Week. SI ii Vie Hoomi, SO and 75e.ner Mlghti IJ.UU toll.00 per Week. Do k It I Hoomi, tl.00 to 1.50 per Night. 015 . GRE.1T WESTERN HOTEL, UN TUB KVllOPBAN FLAK. Situated In basin esi part of the city, with ecaouimod&tlon for :iG0 guests. IMRST-CLAW Hooomraodattoa far Families and Travelers, llooins, 00c, 7ftc.,S)I.OO and tl.50 Dining Hull and Reitaurant under the mn:n:ouieut, ef M. 11. Uonrdilor. Uto of the Morn.ioa Uouse. Umtha, and liohnor ilouo, Lincoln, Neb. Board yer week, tT Heale, S0. 8ti(tMi leare dnlly for tho mine. Liiuudrj oo du eo lid with the hotel. SMITH BIOAZH, mj-17 PropHetnr. Right About Face I Co-operative Store Keepers?! AND OTHKRS. Whowish toiuiutn thoa.br wko.0tl.bor T. U.l BUY UP THE WOOL! and hare it mannfmctnred at home, and therclx- !are fout-bflhi of the (noneyyon will have to ray for rround-sp haU. raas, etc., in the ihapeof Cloth, front the eatt. U-K WILL PAY YOU TUB HWUEST MARKET PRIOB FOR WOOL, and ell you Qood for the Lowoet Cash Price, aud ruarantee erary artiola, ai repretented I by us. W8 wui al,0: EXCHANGE CLOTH I ros I PHOVI8IONB, I Where we can make them available for oar 1 binds, and receive tbem and lbs Wool at I vour ti to ros. 1 Wo are aakiss, and har om hand. JlEADy-MADB CLOTIIIiVG, MINEKS1 SBJKTSt etc, FULLED CLOTH, of first-clan etylo and quality; also J nn, Llimeya, both plum and f.incr: K nnnele of all colorn; t'oi-lotiAiles, t'oi-lotiAiles, (Vnf(i)ii Cover, ThM Clot In Torcllng, Due king, Stocking Yarn, all wool nd part cotton. Funoy Wool Varu, for Rniltinr. Col to 11 Bulling, aad Carpet Varii, etc., eto.. etc b- You will plcue to ohserro that we prulo ourselves on having the boat colored jof.a in tho Territory and workmen who eiaaotbooxcolled. JOSEPH BIRCH, ASeDCofTr S Ri Virion Mannfaetorin .bu Uevno and Wwhuwtga. NOTARIES PUBLIC. II. GILLEJFIt- W. W. WOODS GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Aric jto wlkdg km ks'ts takon for tho BOTeral Stat:s i.fuXKKinouitfl. Office hoar. 9 u., to 9 p. v. llnovt No. 5 ever Kiret Nitional IJiinlt, e alt Lake City, Utah Territory. sS Jaa, W. EtainDum. Chaa. A. Gould. STALNBUEN & GOULD, NOTARIESPUBLIC, Searchers of Records, i.KD COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS FOB New York. Miejachuaetti, Penn'ylvania, Ohio. Illinoi?. lowi, Nebraska. Wyom-iog, Wyom-iog, Moni.ina, Nevada. California, Oreit'in. Texas. Colorado. DistrioL oi Columbia aud otuer States and Territories. AiFlicatlons for Patenta. Mining Deedi, Avrooiuenu and Bond fir Deeds, MortKftires, Powers of Attorney, Lo&eoa, Contract! and other instrument of writing drwn with arraracv and dispatch. Mining aud Other CosipauUi In-lorporKiid In-lorporKiid uunr the Liwi of Utah. Abstracts of TiUos to Minint and other prohoriy made in the moat complete form. Mining property examined aud re. POvyiCB'lr BF.ID'3 BUILD TNQ, EAST TKilPLE ST.. SALT LAKE CITY, U. T- A Notary Public always in the Office from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Transcripts famished from tho first Minine Reoirds in tho County of Salt Lako, to wit; tholo of the Mountain Lake W ininit District (now Big and Littie Cottonwood Districu), and from there of tho Big Cottonwood Mining Min-ing DUirict. my 21 CHAlS. W. 8TAYNKR, NOTARY PUBLIC, Dulr (laalilod and commissioned by the Governor. Offico 1st door south of Savage's Photograph Gallery. Salt Lnko City. mil 1 NEW YUBK TRADE. Coclinui, McLean & Co. Importors and Jobbers of DRY GOODS, White Goods, Hosiery, Notions, Woolons, Linons, Embroideries and Lnctw, m, m and m BROADWAY, K. b. r. wbiuiit. AtW lOBK. Juya RICE, GOODWIN, WALKER & CO., Importer, and Jobbers of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, (JVA, 170 and WA Broadway NiiVV YORK. W. Q. BABNEVT. jao L. M. BATES & CO., 41 . tf J Broadway, . MW YORK, wroaxus mo jonaaaa is Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIERY, WHITB GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE N01I0NS, dec J. II. BVLOKll. nt BENEDICT, HALL & Co. MonuCaoturors and Wholesale Dealeri in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, ono block east of Broadwa dU JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Doalors in FUR AINU WOOL HATS, Straw Goods, Umbrcllis, tc, Hu. -108, Broadway, NEW YORK. Jo Jim U outer. jo THOS. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' and Children's CLOT H iwa, i TVnOLKSALB, 313 3L Broadway, New York. J. I. 0UWLK8. f27 HOWLAND & ftSPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City, Win advance liberally on consignment! consign-ment! or Ore and Bullion. Bullion purchased at highest market rates a2T LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE IS IIRHKMY OIVKN. that we Uoorgo U carat, Jaoob ilw., Cyrus U UawIo? and Hubert C Chambers, do oiaitr twentj-two hunJro.l leot in lonvtb.br twe hundred feot in widtti, on tho Hooicjtcnr Mit) in Cluiiu (bcitiK silver bearing vein o ro"k in place,) and ibu land and promise! anpertahiinK to .id mine, all t Una tod id tf. Ohio Mining Ontriot, County ot 1'iutc. Territory ol Utah, tho location and oitcni thorrot boing mote tally d ascribed as follows to wit: Commencing at a point louth seventy foui degree, and thirty minutes cast, two thour and I'ur hundred and eighty (-.Iw1) feel from U S. Mineral Monument 'o. I. Thenc nortn trtntj-two hundred ( 2,-.W) fect. Thence east two hundred (3Jn teet. Thonct south twmtyt wo hundred iJ.JlOj t'oet. Toenct west two hundred u"n') l'eet to the place o! bcKinnirn;. Con aining ten and ten hundredth! hun-dredth! UO.liX1 acres as ei forth m tho dia-gram dia-gram ; and we do hereby ei?e furthei notice, that, having occupied and im-proTid im-proTid tne a d lode and premises, according to tho local customs and rules of minors in said Mining District, aud having expended in aciusl labor and im DroToments thereon, an amount not lest than Ono Thousand Do.lars, and having ai ttn time actual peaceable possession of said mining property, wo have applied for i patent for ths said premises, under the Aci of Congress entitled "An Act granting th K'ghl ol wy to Uuoh and Canal 0ncri over the Public Lands, and for other l'ur poB,'' approved July 166, and th amendaiory Act. approved July 3, 1870, ac Act of Congroi. approved .May 10. ISTi entitled "An Act to promote the development develop-ment of tho Mineral iosoorcee of the United Sutos," Witofss our hands and seals this twenty fourth day ol AuiuM; 0OR0E HriST, J At OB UtSS. by R. C. Chamber.-, ma u't in faat- Cthis 13. Uaw-ley. by H. C. Chamber-. i.ih att'y in I act. H. C. Cit am BKitd. AttOdt: xF.Cleuents.' V. S Land Office, Sftlt .akodty, I ttn. Auk-. -1, IvJ. I certily that the above notice and a diagram of tho said Milling Claim was thi d.y lileJ in tins . -ili jo, together with a notice ol mtcn ti.in to ai'ply for a patent therefor from tb Oovernmcut of the I'nited State.', as provided pro-vided in an Act of C..ngrc?. entitled "An Act graining the Ri;hi e; W ay to Ditch and Canal I'nrncrs over the Public Lands, and i"u: other l'urpojo.," apirovod July i, 1nV;. and as amended by Act of Confrcs approved July l.s"'', an Act of Congress, approve.) May 10, l!i7i entitltd "An Act to promote the development of tho Mining resources ol the t'niica siatci." I direct said notico to bo rriated in tho Salt J. ako "Herald,'-' a nowipapor publishod noaiut tho location of the claim. GEO, MAAWKIaL, BocUtflr. LEGAL FRANK TILFORD, ATTOB3TET -AT- I. A IV. Offico at present with S. J. Jona.ion, East Tcmplo suoet, just SouUi of Salt L.iko House. aJJ J. B. Rosborough. S. A. Merrill J. II. Carter. Rosborough, Merritt &. Garter, ATTORNEY S AT LAW, Halt Lake City, Utah. Office. 1st South Stroot, first building ea3t of Dos ere c Bank corner, aug Jl WU. BiTDO.T. C. K. GILCHRIST. HAYDON & GILCHRIST, ATTORNEYS - AT- LAW. SALT LAKE CITT. Offico over 1st National Bank of Utah. al2 tiios. Marshall. j. c. eoylk. MARSHALL & ROYLE, ATTORXEYS AT-LA It'. Ufllce over Wells, Forgo Co' Bank, ialt Lake City, Utah. al A. MINER, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR. Office at Residence, Second South atreet SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. All kinds of legal business promptly at-ended at-ended to. iiW GKOKtiK C. BATES, ATTORNEY -AT-LA W. C. MYttON HAWLEY, Attorney -at-Law, Clork of tho Smrcmo Court and Territorial Librarian, J. W. II ASItlA S. OfBoo in Kimball's blooti, near O.S. ilar-ili ilar-ili Biiul'd office.. CHARLES 0. LOEBER, ATTORNEY -AT-LA AV. Offioe Room No. 6, ovor First National Bank, to.lt Lake City. myl2 0. H Hempstead, M. Kirkpatrick. HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorueys-nt-Law, Main Street, opposite W oil?, Fargo k Co., SALT IfMV. CITT. alO P. L. WILLIAMS. LB OBAKB TOUNO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Omoe, half-a-blook south of Theatre, Walt J-ialie City. jl2 Z. SNOW. E. S. HOOK. SNOW S. HOGE, &ttornoye and Counselors at X-aw Salt Lake City, Utah. Office at Snow's comer, 1st Unst. Street. JnG THOB, FITPH. OKO. K. WH1TKEY. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTORNK Y8-AT-L AW, 36 First South Street. m SALT LAKE CITY. . A. MANI-J, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 36 First South Btreet. ft Salt Lake City, Utah: JOHN ii. MILNKR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i Frovo City, Utah. Collections made in the 1st and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Districts. Special attention givon to Mining coses. Ofnuo at roaidanoo. Coutro St. Provo City, j5 Warner Earll, T. M. Smith. EARLL & ! ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LA II a CITY. First South Street. Room? 11 and 12, No! 1U5, Kimball Block. DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y-A T-L A W, Salt Lake City, Utah. Offico west sido of East Temple Street, d27 1 . O O O P K K ; ATTOKNEY AND COUNSELLOR, j East Tcninle Street, Coltbrook's I Now Building, up-etaire. o2S salt mki niTT. Sarsaparilla n a Is widely known Aj frt as ono of tno most 4fV f t ' offectUfllrcnictl'cs P 'A w '' ovar discovorod ttS'V'lC' v '4 vVp'- i-l syBtem und puri-sHvt puri-sHvt ivWit--O'ing tho blood. rV6r&ft a constantly grow ing reputation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its romarkablo euros. So mild as to bo safe and beneficial bene-ficial to children, and yot so ecarchins as to effectual y iiurRO out tlio frrat corruptions cor-ruptions of tha blood, such as tho scrofulous scro-fulous and Byphiltic contamination, impurities, or disoasea that have lurked in tho system for yuars, soon yiold to this poworful antidoto and disappoar. Honco its wonderful euros, many of which are publicly known, of Scrvjuta, and all scrofulous diseases. Ulcers, Eruptions and eruptive, disorders of tho ' skin. Tumors, Blotches, ii-tts, 1'imptts, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's Fire, Hose Or Erysjtlns,'ietter, Salt Hheum, Scald Head, Ringworm and Internal Ulcerations Ulcera-tions of the Uterus Stomach andlAver. It also euros other complaints, to which it would not soora especially adaptoil.such as Dropsy, Dyspepsia. Fits, Xeuratgta, Heart Disease, FemiU Weakness, Debility De-bility awi Leucorrhaia, when they are manifestations ol" tho scrofulous pmsonu. It is an oxcollont restoror of hoaltL and stronRth in tho Spring. By renow-' renow-' ing tho appotito and vigor of tho digee-!- live organs, it dissipates tho depression and listless languor of tho season. Even , where, no disorder appears, people feci , botlor and live longer for cleansing tho blood. Tha system moves on with ronowod vigor aud a now lease of life. PREPARED BY ! Dr.J.C.AYER&Co.Lowoll.Mass., !. Practical and Analytical ChomUts. For Sale at Z. C. M. L DRUG STORE. o26 fe PATENT NOV 30i- WITH PORCKIAIX-Lt.NKD CAP, Tti, BloU Kcll.blc i FRUIT PRESERVER Kaowa, For Sile at the Grocery and Hardware DEPARTMENT, S3. C, IW Z. II. 13. CIANVSON, Sup'u INSURANCE. AGEKTCY OF IDE Home Mutual IMRIXCE C0.1IP1M, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL $650,000. JOHN II. REDINGTON, President., CHARLES K. STOItY, decretory. Principal Office, 433 California St., SAN FRANCISCO. H. R. MANN, Agent, Offico: Banking Houao, A. W. White A Co. &2 TRIUMPH FIRE iXSURlME CO.'S, cinci:;sati. Capita! - - $3,000,000 Hellable UntlenTrl ting. Perfect Indemnity. Wc ask Fair Ratea and Promise to Pay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah II. R. MAINIV, Acnt, SALT LAKK CITY: Odice: Banking Home of A. "V. White Co. P. U. J,x SW. 1 FIRE INSURANCE. HOME INSURAKCE CO., Columbus, Ohio. JI.A.DAUOHEKTY. JACOB PEETR1 . President- tjooretary. Cash Assets - - $871,452.81. By reason of a heavy cash capital and a largo business, well distributed, we offer to the public indemnity that is second to none Oar Chicago reoord is a suaranteo of prompt and equitable adjustmont and payment pay-ment of losses. H. R. MANN, Agent. Offlcet Banking House of A. W, White A. Co. Post Office Box. Sr.. W4. mW mm mum co, J.B.BEXXETT - - President. B. X. WEST - - Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, JUNE 30, 1673. Cash on hand, in bonk, and in course of traniuiiiion- SlllVS 57 United tftatcsBonds, market valuo JM 09 Mortges IWu.Wii (!7 ' Collateral Lo.tns J. l.iT CXI Accrued Interest - 'AMilS as BiUsltccoivablo 30,1'17 IS Stnto Bonds and iliscclkinoous W,til7 1W Due from AgonLa Ssfibl to SSS0,9U8 70 LIABILITIES. Out-atnnding Losses and other Lia bailies 577,711 01 H. R. MANN Agent, O (lie ci Banking Ilonse of A. W. WhltcdCi), 1. O. Itox, 554. U-28 2 g " S ti Jig 3a K" ' en ri i 1 bo s 8 U S M w S NI 2 e 8. 0. BASSETT. HARDWARE STORE Ml kind, ef HEAVY HARDWARE, Stoves and Tin Ware UL.ACItS.HlTH TOOLS, Asrrlenltural ImpUmtati Aad ainlag Tools, At Lowest BaUas. OPFOS1TK SALT LAKK HOCSK BlS RAILROAD EXCHANGE, NOW OPEN, Southeast corner of South Temple and Third West streets, opposite the Railroad Depot, Early Bre&kfast for morning trains. Warm Limcli from U-30 to 2 o'clock. Lunch B&shnta lor traveler! furnished on a few minntos' notice. ICE CREAM A 5 1) f. n.LMEr.yicK, ill Proprietor. BOOK-BIXDIXG. TN C-"-NNi;CTION WITH THE HERALD JL OCiceis a Bindery, where all w.irk in that line will be attended to expsdilioajiy aad in a-ood, snUuaualitjlc MILLINERY. NOTICE. Great Reduction In MILLLINERY GOODS ! SELLING OFF! MRS. C0LEBR0OK, Palace of Fashion. Wlslics to Inform the Ladlea that le is now offering her choice assortment of Hats vL Bonnets, Including tne favorite DOLLY YARDEN, At cost price to make room for FALl, goods. JUST ARRIVED LADIE3 DRESS CAPS, BLACK ENGLISH CRAPE, BABY HOODS & NOTIONS. rail- SAH FRANCISCO TRADE. Special Notice. CARD TO THE TRADE. THE Mission & Pacific foil Mills, Depot. Xoa. .117 A 510 Market St., SAN FitANCISCO. CAL,) 3fTar to tho trade n Lirgo and Well selected Assortment of Woo lex Goods, Manufactured at their celebrated Mills, Consisting of BLANKETS of evecy dtscription; HOUSE 3LANKETS nnd UUGGV HOllES; HOUSE ind SLUICE Blunketings, various widths nd quftlit'BSi CLOTHS, CASSIMfclKES and rWKKDS (f every description: ..GENTS'. UAUiEd', MISSES' and GUI FKEX'S 511 AWLS in great vnrioty ; OPERA and FANCY FLANNELS; SUIUTING FLANNELS ; TWEED, CASSLM.KKE ind FLANNEL SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR, WATER PROOFS and RE-PELLAN'fS, RE-PELLAN'fS, various sh idna and stylos. KsirAll-Wool and Morino Usderwrr and Uosikry for men, women and children, KS-'ecially KS-'ecially adiiitod for tlio I'acitic Coast. Woolen Yarn in all shudys by the puck ago. All Uuodn in our lino manufactured "to )RUKR" a-t short notico, and at tho Lowkst nurket rico. Prico Lists sonton npi'lictilion. MISSION" .lid PACIFIC WOOLEN MILLS Depot, Xos. 517 A 519 Market St., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. uu"J7 i. L. Stanloy, - 0, C. Chapman, - - John Spruanco. Spruancs, Stanley & Co., Suicasaor? to FI. Wobjtor St Oo. nud J. 4 J. Spru'inco, Importers an! Doalcrs in WINES AND LIQUORS, nlO 410 ritOM STREET. HENDRIEBRO'S 33 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITV, Manufacture California anil Eastern STAMP MILLS.1 Contracts taken for the erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMKLT-LNU SMKLT-LNU FURNACES COM; FLETE in any of tho Mining Districts. wo manufacture tha Veruty Wheeler Pans, j P incut l'rfitU sliuci ud Dleit I'nlc.il Sleut liultlcK, and Hie Alnclilucry complete for STAMP MILLS At' D - REDUCTION WORKS. f which wo make a specialty uJ suaran le satisfaction in all c uses. Manufacture Bolthoff's 1UU Pulverizer, FOR DUY CRUSHING, Will do the work of 15 Stamps, Price, I15O0 Manufacturers' Agents for the S&lo of Klurttvnnt A, Hoot Dloivera, Enrle & tamrrim olcnm fninpn, Uoltinir( Porta 1)1 aud MiMUonrp KnKlne, Wire lioUtinu;Kope,(F:at and Round.) Tunuel nll Irou, 12 and lli lbs. to tho yard. Iron I'lpa for Oai Knit W liter, Dodxe . Blake Ore Cmalier, M I n 1 1 k Con and Iron Uuckcli, Arglllt Ktrc Ui Ick, and Itllnlug upptlea. BSTIMATK and DRAWINGS rurniihed FOR A..L OUR WuKK. alu WQODCHOFFiRS ASH COALDEALEES T O WOTIOB! ALL perroni cuitine timber on United Malta lrtiis fur cal.will ho proSPCUtcd criiniLailj-.anU Iboaovpret penal tie enforced lao judicial acd n.ilii.iry furco wiU bv tin-pluyed tin-pluyed to arrest all irciajjeri on public lands, who cuiauiUir for cma! t-ur l.L'HtULC. LA1E-, United Statos Uiitrict Attorney, Ltah. AngTiat lo, lo i. aug 17 J1S. J, STR0.1IMG, Merchant Tailor, Is tiw jraaneE:ly locH'ed at No. 3 cornar Ua;ai-rc;:i; .d I ir-t .'uJih sirccis, aid hu )u; rec.ivcd a Ur slck vl CLOTH?, CAS.S1.M i;ri.s, HEW KR5, t)STlSUS, c., frr F:Ilar.Mv;r..,r tr.,le. w),i-h GnnMe- n-.."n ;i w.inr 1 rt- ..i'; r is it are r-j.c;;-f..i.y ir.-.ii'M i i ir.-p(-:i a,-.J ::. ,uirc j.;,; .-. m 21 W.J. HOOPER & CO. u3 ARRIVED THIS DAY A BIG STOCK OP DRY GOODS, ConMstinz of Everythins In the Staple lluc; also LATEST STYLE LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Which we aro offering at VERY LOW PRICES. OUR GROCERY STOCK IS NOW FULL; AND EITHER Wholesale or Retail "WE WILL SELL AS LOW AS ANYONE IN THE TRADE. Taylor & Cutler, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. GOODS DELIVERED TREE OF CHARGE. ot iEW OATS, BARLEY AND WHEAT, CRACKED CORN, STATES OATS AND CORN' Extra Family & Common Flour, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED, BY THE Car Load, Wagon Load, CUEAPER THAN EVER AT KNOWLDEN'S, Where all wanting ohnp grain go, m he makes It a point not to lie undersold In tlie market) aud attends personally to shipping ship-ping to all polnta of the Railroad, mining camps and city FREE OF CHARGE. Dcalcm flhonltt always learn his prices before purchasing. Heaps of grain ifcc-, nhvnyien hand. See hint GEO. II. KNOWLDElV, OPPOSITE WELLS, FARUO M. 1'O's Express Office, Main Street, SALT LAKE OITY. a!6 BULLION. Hutbest Price paid for BoIUoh, Of Brery Grade, hy W. T. .RICHMOND St CO. Inyl7 Offic, 10 Kim b nil's Ulook Summer Resort. THE PARK HOUSE. TWKNTT-FIVE MILES EAST Oi? SALT Lake City, is now onon for Guests. Mr. Wm. H. Kimball bu porfeotoi his new stage lino to the PARLEY'S PARK MINES, Bluo Ledge, MaHenry, Uintah and Ilowland Districts; also io Maj. Gordon's Military A ooaoh will leave Wells, Farfto k Co's office dailr. at 10 a.m., ooininencinR on Woi-noadar, Woi-noadar, July 2Ub. A llaok will oonneot at Kimball's Park IIou.se. tho followine morninir. with tho daily oonch to tho mines. bad ile animals furnished to order. Fishing and Hunting abound. W. U. Kimball, J 11 Proprietor. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IX IEON & STEEL, WRICHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL KINDS OF - MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIFE A ALL KIXttN OF FITTIXUPi FOB FURNACES MI I.l-S. HABDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - ASD OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOB Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. To whom it may concern IT'E, the underpin ad. o!ahn and own V twelve iiaLired iU) feeu including Sos- two ad thre !,. in the Titm lode, in Little Coivonw,-,od canyon. ar,d hold the lame by deeds from toe onsinal locat'Ti: and hare complied with the laws of Ut dit Lrict in every rr-r-ect. And we hereby cantion all perionB not to trade, bny or barter Itr said claims, without oar oonienL C.H. BASSETT, 1 AdnlnUtrat.-.r of tbe I-IVLN6, j ettaie of Anthony Itidi deceased. ISRAEL IVINB. SaltLUt.OItr. Jane 21it. In71 W Z. C M. I. Shoe Factory DEP -A.-;- 99 East Temple Street, SIGN OF THE BIO BOOT. e respectfully inrite the att ntion of the Public to tho DISPLAY OF BOOTS and SHOES, All our own make in our 11ASDSOME NEW SHOW WINDOW Having osu,blUhod , repetition for EXOELLHUOEI In Style, Quality nnu;nt, Wo intend to maintain It by continuing to manufacture goods that wo can GUAK.iNTEK i BOOT and SHOE MAKERS, You will tfind boro EVERYTHING Required by tho trade, in tho shape of LEATHER, FINDINGS AND KiT, At tho lowest ratos, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. SADDLF.KS A IIAKXKSS MAKERS lie mo in be r we make a specialty of Horse Collars. Of which we always koon a largo (assortment of tho best! and cheapest; HARNESS LEATHER, and all othor kinds, at Lowoat Prices, wholo-salo wholo-salo and retail. YTE aro soiling thoabovo classes of ffoods Hemaxkably Clioap, at present, preparatory to renewing our stock for Autumn and Winter Trade. Orders by mail roooire careful and prompt attention from Mr. C'ROMPTOX, whoso lengthy experience in tho trado enablos him to nolect roods that will satisfy our patrons. REPAIRING DONE. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. II. B. CLAWSON, Sup't. JUST RECEIVED BY TEASDEL & CO., EAXxLK HOUSE. 65, 6? St 69 East Temple Street, URGt AND WUL SELEC7E0 STOCK OF STOVES, STOVES, STOVES, WHICH WK ARK NOW HELLING AT THE VERY LOWEST MARKET I'RUEtt. We beg lo call the attention of 1 lie I'abllc to onr assortment, THE LOYAL COOK STOVE. THE CARDEN CITY COOK STOVE. THE FAVORITE COOK STOVE. THE ARTIZAN COOK STOVE. The Perl Parlor Stove. The Opal Parlor Stove. The G3m Parlor Stove. The Orion Parlor Stove. Complete with all descriptions of Stove Furnish idrs at Teasdel & Co's. BANKERS. First National Bank of Utah fSALT LAKK CUT. aTw. white A CO, S -A- 3ST E R 3 , KABV TIIPLI STKKKT, SAlt City. Dlera in GOLD DUST.COIN AND BULLION, Exchange on all Me Principal Ctie oj'th United States and, Kurope, Particular attention riven to Collections, and proceeds remitted at Current rate of bxonanre -n day of payment. GEO. K. WllITN K Y, Attorney. CORBPOSUISlii fUnt of CMlfcmia - - Lee. Waller - - '".V Cook CouniT NaUonal Bank - Lhic?o UiLikell BiuJk 8l-L.oU BtawBaakot'Sel.rwta - Otu-ha ayli BANK. DESERET Salt LakeCity. Utah' Tol jSank has orranited m SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, and will receive deposiu of one dollar 1 nd upwards, on whioh interest U1 be allowed at the rato ef eight per oenU per annum compounded semi-annually. 2d L. B HILLS, Cashier, SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Salt Llio City. UUk Tor. Authorized Capital - $500,000 BenJ. DuKell, Pronrtent. Uugh White, Cashier. nxursTiiD k KiKKTATaiCK, Attorneys. CORRESPONDENTS I whw vnrnr rNationaI Park BanVt. SAN FRANCIaCO-California Trust Co. L0KDON Jay Cooke, MoOullooh k Oo. . telB WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Baukcrsaud Dealers iu Exchange DraitsonKurone. Kuropaan Col lections promptly aitoiidod to. it ist Temple b tree l, Salt Lake Oltr. ml2 Tmo. ?. Tiaot, Agent. Bank of Deseret, Biooessor te HOOPER, ELDREDGE &. Co., Oorner lut Teuiple and rtril South Streets, 8ALT LAKK CITV, DTAH, PAID VV CAPITAL, - tl45,000; Bit tQ HAM TOrNO, President, ' B. 8 KLDKKnOB, VioePre. WM. H. HUOl'KK. WM. JESNINQS, tfatoUttu JOHN UHAHP, FKKAMUUZ LITTLU, ,.1. H1LL3. 0shisr. Deal n GOLD IUS'i, COIEH. EIOIUNOR LAND WAliriANTH, OUL-LEOB OUL-LEOB 8U11P, e, Collootioas mado and promptly FOREIGN EXCHANQE FOR SALE. MORE ARRIVALS. Bifforout Sizes and W Stylos of DOORS. 2 Uifforout Sizes of WINDOWS. Tlie most complete Stock ever brought lo Kali, A T LiTIMR,T.lYLOR&CO'S LUMBERYARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, T. LATIMKR. w Q T'VUm " " ""'M'l FAS VEST FREIGHT CO. Head Quarters, St. Louis, Mo, DURANT&CUTTING, FORWARDING COMMISSIO.MERCniXT0 AGENTS) SALT LAKK CITY, UTAH, yE ars prerared t oontraet for shin-T shin-T menu, from all carta of tbe Kaat. oar Line havtoB ma-le pecjl arranBeu, enU for tne safe and noted; iran'tt'Tlaliou of all Fr.iht from N.. Y-rk. B-.loo. IWiia. aii'.k.ai!"' " K-t-"' .1,7" "VW1" ",'r wmmii rr tb, poiou!11 .ntiBuilion to ,u Sutm Omci ... wBocgl:pir,t bl.ch Math of Depot, hait Ltk, city. DURAHT CUTT1KO- |