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Show SPRINGOPENING SASH, DOOKS. BLINDS MOULDINGS PICKETS. SHINGLES, LATH, RKDWOOD, SUflAlt PINE, Tit UUKKK, And all kioju or BUILD1NCM ATERAL IN FULL STOCK AT LATIMER, TAYLOR &CGVS LUMBER YARD AND HASU AND DOOR HACCURY, Uno HI'i-ik East of Dopot. CHICAGO ROCK ISLAND, anl; Pacific Railroad. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE HOW OPEN DIllECHTO CMcago aiulltlie East. VIA DES MOINES, DAVENPORT, AND ROCK ISLAND, Connecting- at Dea Moines with Des Moines Valley R.R, FOR KEOKUK AND BT. LOUIS. At D.Tennort with Boats for all points on tho Upper Mississippi, At La BallowUhth. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. NORTH AND SOUTH. And at Chicago with all the Tut linos East and South TWO FAST EXPRESS TRAINS Leave Council Bluffs Daily. THAIIS II i IICAGfl TIME. This road boinaj thoroughly equlppod with ELEGANT NEW COACHES AND SLEEPING CARS And hftvln tho advantage of a smooth, woll-ballastod woll-ballastod track, offurs to tho traveling public an En-Horn Una unetiualled for RIM? HD, COMPORT. ANT) SAFETY. Through Tickuts via this Lino to all Eastern East-ern Cities can bo had at tho Company's Tickot OtlicM, Intern ntionul llotol, Oniaha, I'a-cifio I'a-cifio House It look, Council Bluffs, and at Lh - Sauuaob checked tti rough to all principal eastern points. JOB PRINTING. The varied wants of the MINER, AKTIZAN ami TRAVELER Of JOB PRINTING CAN B B FILLED AT T11E HERALD JOB OFFICE The unanimous satisfaction given by the work done at our office in the past has justified us iu oootinually importing im-porting all the Newest Attractions with which to please oui patroni in Elegance Style and perforin Job Printing to oomparo favorably with aDy importa-tioD importa-tioD io this line from the East or West. Anything in the nature or PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, BHOW CAKDS, MLNLNQ BLANKS, BUSINESS BLANKS, CERTIFICATES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITCSQ CARDS, BANK CHECKS,' COUNTING HOUSE WORK RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, ETC., ETC., done to order in black, oolort or gold. Quality & Eigures SALT LAKE IRON CO. CHARLES ROOME, Praaident, NEW YORK, IL J. DAVISON, Vloo-Presldant and Ir-"'. NEW YORK, I. F. JONES.Saor.ta,,. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF EBON & BRASS CASTINGS Wo can odor tho boat Indiw.m.n ts to .1 parlies in this country who axo interested in MINING, SMELTING And BUILD INU. Wo can furnish, at tho shortest notice. ORE CARS Oft latest improvement, in either Wood or lion; ORE BUCKETS; CAR WHEELS, of any size; HOISTING WINDLASSES; OAST IRON TUYER8, For Furnaocs ; BLAG CARTS and POTS; BOTTOM AND FRONT PLATES; CORNER BINDERS; BULLION MOULDS; LADLES and 8KIMMERS; WATER JACKETS ; SMOKE STACKS and ! CHARCOAL WAGONS ; PULLEYS of ail Sizes ; COUPLINGS; BOXES ; HANGERS ; SHAFTING ; j PINIONS ; GUDGEONS, and COG WHEELS ; IRON RAILINGS ; I : COLUMNS : r SASH WEIGHTS ; And ORNAMENTAL WORK I For BUILDERS. Works ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF DEPOT. L. S. SUTHERLAND, MANAGER. Pb. Bos, No. 60. r2 SPRING, 1873. FIRST IN1THE MARKET. FOR THE LADIES New and Fashionable Gr O ODS NOW IBELNG RECEIVED BY TEASDEL & CO. Lace Pellerines Laoe Trimmed Barbae, Hamburg Edgiogs and Insertion' Lace Capes and undersleevos. Love and Black Laoe Veils. Silk Ties, Silk Fichup, i .- i: nn. A -Krar GOODS In large varitiee. Ottoman Sashes and Scarfs Ottoman Shawls, Mozambi'iuo Shawls, Lucca Wraps. Ladies will do well; by calling on TEASDEL & CO- atIthk EAGLE HOUSE, Bofore PurchasiDg"oleewhero. Blees Sewing Machines Still oonimaDd.DK.a3rtpid l?lo. 1 twll 25. C 3VX. X. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT,; i NEW ARRIVALS OF ! SIIFLXINrGr GOODS ' IN- i Mens, Youths', and Boys' Clothing,' Iu all the Neweat Fabrics and Styles. J Also all tho popular Styles of SILK. BEAVER, and FELT HAT, ; From tho most oelobratcd makers. M E N ' S AND BOYS' CAPS In great variety. Wo call special attention to our Stook of CENTS' FURNISHING- GOODS, IN Underclothing, Hosiery, gloves, Collars, Neckties, Neck-ties, Scarfs, Shirt Studs, Umbrellas, Valises, &c, &c. AGENTS FOR THE FAMED BUKLOCK DIAMOIVD SHIRTS. Wo are oponing tho most oxtonsivo and best assortedlStook of PIECE GOODS Wo have ever offered, consisting of tho finest qua.itica of French, English, German, Scotch and American Suitings, Vesting-s, Cassimeres, &c, Which oannot fail in suiting tho tostos of all. We have purohaod with a view to Bnpply all tho requirements of our RAPIDI.Y IIVCREASIMG BUSINESS IN MERCHANT TAILORING So that our Patrons can seleot from tho Choicest Stook in Utah. NEW REGULATION MILITARY SUITS Mado to order on the shortest notice. Our very hoavy Sales of WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS Have induced us to make extensive alterations so that this class of Goods ; can now be soon to much bottur pdvantaeo than formerly. A beautiful assortment of GILTS, BRONZE, SATINS, WHITE and BROWN BLANKS, &o now on hand, largo assortment of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S TRUNKS, of our own Manufacture, beautifully got up. MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOEk HOME-MADE AND IMPORTED. Floor Oilcloths and Carpets. H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. DUNFORB & SONS. New Goods, Spring, Styles. Immense assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, The largest Stock ever offered to the trade. ;. i WHOLESALE -AM) ItETAIL DEPARTMENTS. marl7 Uig Inducements Offered. iS T 0 7 S S. ... Z. C. M, I, Grocery and Hardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a great variety of other COOKING and HEATING STOVES, comprising com-prising the largest assortment to bo found iu any stook in Utah; prices very lew, call and see. oq'20 H. B. CLAWSON, Supt GROCERY DEFT Z. O. HUE. X. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, fctoves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a fefl Leading Articles at Low Prices. OUR aOOTS -AE OilEAP DEALERS IN TILE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL I AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. ' l21 K. B. OLAWIOI, BmpriatMfla Z. C. M. I. SHOE FACTORY , DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, BlflN OF THE - i ca- - o o t GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, HUNTS' RHOKS. LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, , LADIES' SLIPPERS, - CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For One wonther or stormy woathor; for walking walk-ing dtinuinf, working, ar.UiKiMQ, cl linking, ridinc, fiflhiflKi niinint, otc-. otc. A largo and choioo assortment of the above, our own inivko and iuiportod, at tlio most roa-uonablo roa-uonablo pricoa. Wc make to order any style and quality do Hi red and liisnr all faction. OLD HOOTS AX BIIOES Mado as good as now almost. SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather I Upper Leather 1 Harness Leather 1 Imported Calf Skine, Amorioan Calf Skins, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, AMD "KIT" OF ALL KINDS I HORSE COLLARS! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Order, by Stall receive special and prompt atlcnllon. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT U. B.10LAWSON, BapU DURANT & CUTTING, CONTRACTORS, Forwarding and Commlssou Merchants, SALT LAKE CITY, SANDY STATION GRANITE, AND LKill, UTAH TERRITORY. DEALERS IN PURE COMNELLSVILLE COKE, Large Supply always on hand.; Agents for the HOWES' U. S. STANDARD SCALES Agents for the LACLEDE FIRE BRICK MANUFACTURING MANU-FACTURING CO. St. Louis. Wo uro prepared to Contract (or any of tho abovo-nainod axtioloa, including tho WYOMING HEMATITE IRON ORE, At tho lowost markot rates FOB. CASH. Wo aro also SOLK Aconts for tho Colobrntod COQIJILLAKD Jj'AHAI AND I'KlilUliT WAUON, manufactured oxprossly for the. Utah Trade. AgontS for tho Tar Weit FrelgHt Co. Cosh Advances mado on Consign monts o Ofi un.l ltiillinn. Through Bills of Lading givon to all points in tho United States and uxojo. SAMPLERS OF ORE AND BULLION. Contracts made for tho Transportation of ORE, BULLION, and MILL MACHINERY to any point in Utah or Kovada. Wo alfto carry tho largest Stock of Grain in Utah whioh wo Soil Lw for Cosh. Goods Forwarded to nil points in Utah and Nevada with promptness and dispatch. Addross all Communications to DURANT & CUTTING, Bait Lake City, UtaJ. ' . mar 0 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD TIME TABLE. DNTIL further notice, Trains will leave and arrive at Ogden Daily, as follows: LIAVI. I A RBI VI. Daily Eprefli.8-30 a.m. Daily Exp's, 5-1U p.m Mixed. - 6-; p.m. Mixed, - 2-35 p.m FroiiEht. - 10-39 a.m. 1 Freight. - 6-10 a.m Daily connoctions made at Ogden with Utah Central Pacifie Road from Salt Lake city and all points in Southern South-ern Utah. At Bryan with stages for Swoetwater mines. ,At Cheyonne with, Denver "Pacific Railroad for Denver Central city. QoorRotown and all points in Colorado and Now Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North Western, Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, Burlington and Missouri River, Kansas city. St. Joe and Council BluflE RailroadB and Missouri River Line of Steamers for all points Kast and South, Tickets for sale to al coin La East at office of Wells, Fargo & Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at the oUice of Utah Central Cen-tral Railroad, in Salt Lake city; also at Union Pacific Railroad ticket office in Ogden, at which office berths on sloop ing cars can be Becured. Arrangements haye boon made whereby where-by passengers desiring to visit Denver on their way East can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly reduced rates. : For particulars and all information in regard to passago, apply at Tickot Offices. Of-fices. . Passengers Bbould be careful to secure their passage tickets to all Eastern and Southern points via OMAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of a though sleeping car, comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and quick time, i THOS. L. KIMBALL, I General Ticket Agent. T, E. Sicksls, Chf. Engineer and Superintend out 18 i G. R, Jones' Superior Lime. CERTIFIED 'TO BY THE BUILDERS and I'liLstororfl of Salt Lako City and vicinity, to be oiiuul to any othor Limo in tho 'i'trritory. Lmro orders at LIME DEPOT, CITY MARKET SQUARE. db Special uilvanUnjaJ to purchaser who d thoir own hauling. SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, (West sido of City Market.) All kinds of Stationary. Upright, orLocomo-tivo orLocomo-tivo BOILERS, and TANKS, Mado orRopairod. REAPERS AND MOWERS AND THRESHING MACHINES. Repaired and.put in Running Ordor, Work donoon tho Shortost Notice. Builorsand Flues bought or taken in uxohango for work. Ordort by Tolograph or Mail promptly attended at-tended to. d34 JOHN SLOAN A 00.. Protirletors. SALT LAKE CITY SAFE DEPOSIT. Fire and Burglar-Proof Vault, In Boaomont of tho BANKING HOUSE OF A. W. WHITE A Co. VALUABLE PAPERS, JEW ELK Y AND Silvor Ware rocotvod on Special DoposiU Lock Coupakturhts for rent Offioo hours from 7 a-m. to 0 p.m. W. U. CHI81IOL.M . Co., Stock and Money Brokers, DIALERS IN GOLD DUST, Railroad Tickets, otc. Stocks Bought on apia Margins. THE GRAND DISCOVERY ! A Now Article of Manufacture! P, MARCETTS HAS FOR SALE Sorel's Patent Eiglit for Utali For tho Manufacture of all kinds of MARBLE, GRANITE, Paving and Building Stoue R3T Call and soo Samples at his Ale Vaults, 80 Kimball ltiock. iuy2 CRACKERS! CRACKERS! Crackers ! SaltLaie Steam Cracter Factory NEAR R. R. DEPOT, I AM MANUrACTDRKQ tho best QTTAL-1TY QTTAL-1TY and GREATEST VARIETY of CRrVCliEJtS, ovor produced in tho Territory, Terri-tory, whioh I offer to tho Trade and Public gonorally. at tho loivost possible pricos. Morchants and friends aro requested to call and ci amino my goods and prices, bofore p mob as ing. Offioe at Thatcher fc Elkins. R. Y. ANDERSON, Salt Lake City, Jan. i, 1673. Utah lorritory. Sewing1 Machine. rcspootftillyinyite the Public to oall and see our oxocllont varloty o Sewing Machines riai!i,Ifeaiiliful and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship ; AND GREATLY IMPROVED WIIH TUB FANTON CASTOBS. j The lotat Sala of the S1NQER MACHINE are noto THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. j THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, 3. O 3. 2 O An ovidonoo that it is fast wlnnine supromo favor In the household, Tho Singer Comoaoy sold ovor tho othor Comparjica. 52,734. iatr Tho Chicago Relief Committee furnished suficrora by tho Fire to Maroh 18, 1872, 8,944; 3.151 Sillier MacllillCS, all other makes, 793. Applicants mado their selection, with same discount on alL OUR SALES IN UTAH EXCEED AN If OTHER HOUSE IN THB, HEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. Wo coortoouiily invite the Ladies to see oar ttyi broidery Attaolimont, It attraots general attention and admiration. Wo also desiro you to see our TUCKERS, CO RDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-B ASTERS, SEAM-R!PPERSk NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR AIJ. KINU.9 0? aUUTH,K SEWING MA0U1NBS. WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE BELL TO OIVE ENTIRE SATISFAO tion. a. eaoh ono is thorou.blr adjustod, triod and twted by oxwiu.ced Mocnuiios ud all aro warrantod to sow with oasa ail kinds or goods, from the ooarsost to tho finost, Lace, Muslin, Cambric, Domestic, Dcuims, Tickings-Ducking, Tickings-Ducking, Bearer, Buckskin and Leather. t& Instniotion given fVce of ohargo by oompotoat al UDdantd, aod terms of sale to suit all (Arcumstanoca. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REA SON ABLE TERMS. Wc extend a cordial invitation to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether they wish to purchaM or not. IT TUG SINGER SEWING MICMXE DEPARTMENT Z. C. M. I. General Agents, Two doors south of Eaclo. Emporium, Ualt3Laki Orrr, RAILROADS. C. F R. R. On nti d after Sunday, May 1, 1873, Tral us will leave Ogden ua follo'.vsi 5il0 p.m., (daily,) Passeniror Trftin for Reno (fur 0&mD and Viryioia) Sacramento, Sacra-mento, jMiixyBvillo, RoddirtK, (fr Portland, O-,) Stockton. Merced, (for Yusomito) Tirton (lor Los Anttolos.) Sun Juse and Sud Iruiioiaoo. 5iU0 p.m.. daily, Through Emiarant Train for ucraiuonto and San Francisco. Fran-cisco. T. n. GOODMAN, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent A. N. TOWNS, (Jon'l Sup't GEO. II. RICE, Aami, Salt Lako Oily, Uffico with Marshall i. Roylo, "or W. F. & Co's Rank. UTAH NORTHERN RAILROAD. Trains run between Brisham Junction with CP. R.R., AND LOGAN. Dn and aflor Fobruary 1st, 1S73, Daily Trains, Loavo Brigham Junction at 7:(K) v-m. Loaro Logan 8:30 a.m. to conn oo t with trains for Ogden and Salt Lako. Trains Run on Salt Lake Time, W Stagos connect with Trains to and from North orn Sottlomonts in Cache County tri-WBKKLY. tri-WBKKLY. FA H F.St Between Logan and Pftlt Lake 95 00 Ojcdon 8 00 Mondon and Bull Lako 4 75 i. Oydon 75 tteduoed Rates to Exoursion Parties, PasseDura will please purchase thoir rickets at the Offices. For all Information concerning Froight or assago, api.W to CUAS. NITsLEY.t Genwol Freight and Ticket Agent !JMO. W. YOUNO, dll Gon'l Sui-'t UTAH CENTRAL UAlLilOAIJ. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Mny 1873.': Dally Trains Leave SaltLake Citr at 6 :50 a.m. and 3 46 Arrive at Oirden 7:.r0 a. m. and 5:45 p. m. Leave Ogdcs at 8:10 a. m. and (1:30 p. m. AmveatclaitLakeCitjlOMO a.m. an-i 80 Is addition to the above WU1 run DALLY, BUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lako City at 8 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.. and Ogden at 5 a.m. and 6.50 p.m. Puia(in will pleaaa Fartltast their Tltktti at ttaa Offlaaa ntj Cents additional will be charted when the fare is collected on tie train. For all information oonoerntnc freight oi passace. apply to JAS. SHARP, Qeneral Traleht and Ticket Act JOHN SHARP, HTFFBJNTJND1NT UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD On and .ftti D.c.mb.r aotb, 1ST!. DAILY TRAINS Leave the Utah Central U.K. Depot, Salt Lako City, at 7 a.m. and 2.30 p.m; Arrive at Lehi at 9 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Leave Lehi at 0.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Arrive at Salt Like City at 11.30 a.m, and 7 p.m. In addition to tho abovo MIXED TRAINS Will run daily, Sunday excepted, Leaving tho Utah Contral R.R. depot, Salt Lako City, at 1 p.m. and Lehi at 6 a.m. PaBsengcrs will please purchase thoir Tickets at the Offices, k itty cents additional ad-ditional will bo charged when tho fare is oollccted on tho train. For all information concern iog freight or passage, apply to JAS. 8 11 A It V, 9 en. Freight and Tiokat AienU JOHN BIT Alt P, BTJPaBJ2fTXMDMKTi TUTS WELL KNOWN BRAND -OF- JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT - z. ! Grocery Separtmexit, .11 11. B. OlAWaON Barl. TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE, UUI0N LINK BKTWEBN New York, Queenstoffu, and Liverpool, Curryini. tho Unitod States Moils, IDAHO. tfj NEVADA, M AN II , IT A N jlJS Vf VOM1N U? WlSCOiNiiUN, ir.rriBl SAILING FROM NKW YORK EVER) WEDNEriDAY. CABIN Pcissnno IYoiu Now York 10 one SCtu gold, ibtutoroonis on tho auino dock ai Saloon. STEERAGE: tm from Now York; fnifroK Livorpoolor ljuoonatown, imyable in curronoj l'ojsnso from or to Germany, Fruaoo, Nor way, S odon, otc., nt Low out lttilos. Roiuiiiiiucos to Groat Britain, Ireland and tho Continent Apidyto WILLIAMS A OliroN,30 Broadway; Broad-way; or il S. ELDKEDU K, d2ri Salt Lako City. GILMER I SALISBURY'S DA1LV STAGE LINES riiRouon Utah, South -vast Nevada & Montana. Mon-tana. L.vlwff Salt Lake City Dally, ran-alai ran-alai Bout), to Tuitio, Amorioan Fork, Mount No bo, Sevier, St. Goorgo, Utah ; and Piocho, Nevada ; Paaalm( throMfh Provo, 8pringviJlo, Spanitih Fork,Paj son, Salt Crock, Cniokon Crook Round Valley, Fillmore, Corn Crock , Boavor, Minsra-villo, Minsra-villo, and All the principal town and nntng campi inMouthern Utah and touth-eait Nevada. AJao laava Oorlnna, Utah, dally, raaalni; aorth to Virginia City, Holona, Fort Bonton Door Lodge, Cedar Greek minos, and passing through aO this pnnoipal towns and mining min-ing oamps in Mon-v tana, FIUJfUIPAl. owrcK, Wells, Fvgo i Co. Building Jun bait Lake Oiu SAlT lake, '-OPJDULR iAnd Tintic Stage and Express , XiiaSTE,'. U.UHHIJIO UAILT FHOM MAMW LAKE CITV, Via LAKH TOWM, '. TOOKLJC CITY, STOCK TO II AMD OP HIK TO TIHTIO. The route haa been re-itoohed with splendid splen-did Concord Coaches, fine Stock, oaieful and attentive Drivers, and or err attention Is paid to the comfort nn 1 oonvenienoo of passengers,, passen-gers,, ' Good accommodalumt on the road, THROUGH BY DAVT.TfJFTT Cheap Fare and Quick Time. omm at Walla, rarfto Co.'t, ait Laki City, LEN WINEff, ! Prooriaten TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. , TO THE fcAST, NORTH AND SOUTHEAST. Ho. 3. STATIONS. alpaias0 MAIL. Leave SALT LAKE 5:00a.m. 2:15 p.m. " OMAHA 6:30 p.m. 6:30 am. Arrive BURLINGTON 6:00 a.m. :l0;p,in. " Galesburg(O.B.AQ-) 7rfMa.m. 10:50 p.m. Henaota " 11:15 a.m. 3:23 a.m. " Chicago 3.15 p.m. 7.-00 a.m. " Peoria - - 9:00 a.m. 12Ca.m. " lnd'pIistl.B.AW. 6:15 p.m. 9;25ajn. " Cincinnati - lljO p.m. i: 15p.au H Lotraniiort 555p.m. 9-.a0a.rn. T. F. A W.) " Coin m bus 2: 45 m. 5:30p.m. ITThronith Cars from Misi nrl River te ChicaBO, Indianapnlia, Cinoo riti. Lf--ani-ortand Colnmbos. Now York, L'oatun.l'hlla dolphia, and Wa.-hiijarton. Connections at tnoae poI. n with lines lending to the Etut, North and South. This ii the Uast, tthortaat, tiMlskaet amil Cliaapeai Houle. Do not be deceived, but obtain Tickets via theBarlinitOD A Missouri River Railroad. SAM. POWELL, ROBT. II A KRIS, 0?'lTkt Aunt. O.ti'1 Mon't, Goa. W oaten i'a. At D. W. HITCUCOCK READ This Advertisement AND WRITE For our Manual of Kvergroena AND SAVE in kuyina and plan tine tout txtei, 50 PER GENT. 10 conta -worth. "j to any troo-plaator. PIHNKV A CO., Htarseou Ilaf, Wt |